ltTHE BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY NOVEMBER 21 1961 ll LEGAL NOTICES ONTARIO NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING riii Liouua LICENCE ACT Licensing District Number TAKE NOTICE that the Annual Meeting of The Liquor Licence DeniII nl Umallt Ior Licensin the Counties of Dulieriii Pnel District Number comprising imcoe and the Districts of Mus kokn and Parry Sound willibe held at Council Chambers Court House ir thx City of Barrie in the County of Simone on Wednes day the 10m day oI December 1961 commencing at the hour of Milo oclock in Ihc Ioreooon at whichtime it will hear and de termine applications for the renewal of licences in accordance with The Liquor Licence Act and Regulations thereunder AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any person in lht said licensing district objecting to any such application shall Ille his grounds of objection with the Deputy Registrar at least ten days before the meeting HLJ BROWNE Acting Deputy Registrar Like Shore Blvd TORONTO Onturio I3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE WEDNESDAY NOV 29 FItI Auction sale of farm stock and implements hay and straw for MRS JAMES WRIGHT Lot Concession Is West Gwillimbury one mile east of Cookstoivn on Broken Front Terms cash FRANK WEBB Clerk GREG OLEARY Auctioneer Tottenham 9364905 Boy Hit By Train Is Only Injured TORONTO CPI Eleven yearold Fred Spring hit by lIEight train grabbed the rail of moving box car Sunday and hung on for 100 yards to avoid being thrown undcr thei wheels He suffered ZIHZIIICII cut in his hip lie his brother and another boy had gone to play among crates stacked near the track Fred explained ns he sat up in bed Sunday night Fred standing alongside the motionless train was hit by the front corner of boxcar when it began to move and pitched forward between two cars As he tell he grabbed the Car lad der hadnt realized what hit me My side was paining The train was starting to go taster If had fallen the wheels would have gone over me Then he managed to swing around to another ladder on the side of the car and dropped to the ground clear of the train I962 MODELS AVAILABLE STARTING Urges ILS Stop Playing Chicken CIIARLOTIETOWN CF New Democratic Party Leader Douglas said Saturday the time has come for the United States to stop playing chicken with the peace of the world over the Berlin crisis Mr Douglas said the New Democratic Party would back struggle to preserve the right of access to West Berlin How ever he suggested that this is not now the primary issue over Berlin He said it is over who should Stamp passports Mr Douglas was addressing the founding convention of the new party in Prince Edward Is land The prime minister he said stated that an attack on West Berlin would be an attack on Canada Why he asked the convention This attitude was vrong because Were not on of the our great powers that carved up Germany Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 82411 ulluliznlwumeszisrewzlw GIFTING SLIPPERS FOR CHRISTMAS PACKARD FOAM mean II he ht 37 ODMIIIIES MOCCASIN GIFT CERTIFICATES WIIlItWEI suon scone 58 Dunlap St PA $2391 Vania zanmmhmnmhmrmria ONLY I962 RCA VICTOR CAN BRING YOU THESE TREMENDOUS FEATURES Haamhmzzmmnmmmhmaizznmh SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS LEF ROY Recent visitors with Mrs Kcnney have been Mrs Cryo erman Mrs Hill Mr and Mrs Railings of Newrnsrket Mrs Harry Cousin of Orlllia Mr and Mrs Bennett of Wsltoo Mr and Mrs Camplln and Mrs Wiggins oI Beeton and Mr and Mrs Cummings of Newmarket INSTITUTE EUCHRES Grand prize winners in the fourth game of series played Monday evening were Mrs King Houston and Les Brown High scores for the night were Mrs King Houston ltlrs Maurice Reid and Mrs II Stephens Mens went to Atkinson Lonny Davis and IIarkIey Allan The Womens Institute will hold two more cuchrcs before winding up on Monday night Nov 27 and Monday Dec The community extends sympathy to the wife and Iain ily of the late Mr Longson and also to Mr Bonney ot Churchill in the loss of his TOTTENHIIM Tim Tottcnham Ladies Aux iliary to the Canadian Legion Branch 329 entertained the Alliston and Beeton auxiliaries at social The program consisted of euehre bingo action games and jigsaw singing contest under the direction of Mrs Audrey Carlton and Mrs Gladys Lcmire Mrs Ida Magloughlen was in charge of the penny sale salad plate was served by Mrs Bradley Mrs Bolton and Mrs Barnett Door prize was won by Mrs Spurr of Alliston Mrs Spurr Alliston and Mrs Jean Hurst Bccton ex pressed thanks for very en joysble meeting Mrs Laura Magloiighlcn president re spondcd The euehre held Francis was well Winners Ladies at St attended Mrs Ab RESCRIPTIONS We Prompt service Ask your doctor about our pharmacy next time he writes prescription for you Prescriptions picked and dellvcrcd frco of charge CUSDENS PHARMACY Dunlap on ssass ts Collier st riwsyr givr cl courteous Ill Hm war Drury sud Mrs McKenna men John Msher and Mrs George Hsnlsn Drsw win ners Patricia Elnke and Alvin Austin door prizes Mrs Campbell OLesry Ind Vince Bergin Mr and Mrs Harry Rim of Creemore visited Mr and Mrs Wilmer Palmer Reeve Jose Belford Tot tenhmp an Leonard Ab ernethy of Tecumseth were In Barrie Inst week sttendlog county council Mrs James Henderson spent couple of days in Cookstown with her granddaughter Mrs Don McFarland SUNNIDIILE CBS Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Ed Culham and Mr and Mrs Harry Ploey on the birth of sons Fred Moore and Gordon Buie arrived home after deer hunting in the north country Seven tables of euehre were to play at the hall Election of officers for the euehre club follows Mrs Gor don Buie president Mel Bates secretarytreasurer First prises went to Mrs Lemon and Alex McMurray second prizes to June Bates and Bill Bates Winners of the prizes for the low scores were Mrs Schell and Willard Everton PYPS The slate of officers for the PYPS was presented by the nominating committee The new officers are honorary president Rev James Ritchie president Peter Nell president Ann Buie secre tary Raymond Buie treasur er Dill Morgan pianist Cath erine Sage convencrs Shirley Buie Francesltlunro Cather ine Sage and Linda Culhsni WI MEETING Mrs Arnott Carruthers was hostcss for the WI meeting Mrs Carrutliers read ON ELLERS EASY CREDIT PLAN ZELLERS LTD 60 DIJNLOF ST PA 2439 vice report on the ares convention prepared by Mrs Rumble Mrs Ed icher donated cake on ch tickets were sold with the proceeds going to the Sunshine Fund Mrs Lemon commented on the motto you dont h2 lleve in cooperation just watch the wsgon when the wheel falls elf Congratulstions to the eight girls of the 4H Club who did so well at the recent Achieve ment Day Also congratula tions to Ann Buie who received county honors Mrs Mchuley Mrs Perry and Mrs Sharpe were visitors with their sister glrs Walter Splchcr of Tottcn am Mr nnd Mrs Archie Cul bani Freddie and Susan were visitors with Mr and Mrs Wilfred Morby of Glencnirn Visitors with the McGuuleys were Mr and Mrs Robert Bauer and boys of Alliston and Earle hchauley ct Col lingwood WAVERLEY The Waverley district had number of accidents the past few weeks The daughters of Mr and Mrs Ellis Booth and Mr and Mrs Clarence Mertz while riding wagon on the hlll were hit by truck both girls were taken to Penetang General Hospital or treat ment Ruth Marts received broken leg Only the quick mnoms isosr oochruxm 900 rooms Ind miles with tub shower radio and TV rim of the Canadian Rump RoomDancing in cover no minimum Ample free overnight parking Fine Convention umvrum AVENUE ii KING Inrn Illlphcnl nipiu IlltlIlltx mm in MONIlEAI telephonic lemiry 668 In OrrAwA MW crmmi 5333 TORONTO gain RCA VICTOR THE canv cup thinking of the driver the truck prevented more ser ious accident The WA of the United Church bald its November meeting It the home of Mrs Rey Whetbsm with good at tendloce Mrs Reg Drinkill presided The devotion was taken by Mrs Robert Jamie son and the study book by Cal Ellery hale was to be sent to Fred Victor Mission Lunch was served by Mrs George Booth and Mrs Royce French Mr and Mrs Herb Hornsby spent week in the North Mr and Mrs Elmer French spent the weekend in Toronto and attended the Royal Winter Fslr Mrs Wallace Vood visited her sister Mrs Ernest Miller In Barrie for few days ltlr and Mrs Reg Drinkill visited for few days In Brsntford Mrs Bert French hss re turned from St Andrews Hospital Midland after sev ersl weeks as patient French fell and cut her head severely and injured her face Roy Truax had the misforlt tune to receive kick from cow which broke his nose and cut his free Mrs William Searl is pl tient in Penetsng Genenl Hospital Mr and Mrs Paul Eplett and son Mark of Leaside vis ited Mrs Epletts parents Mr and Mrs James Trusx The November meeting of the Guild of SL Jdins Anz licsn Church was held It the home of Mrs Gordon McAuIey Elmvnle The president Mrs Moms Darby Presided total of $436 was cleared from the turkey supper minus Achcy Lro nLNLOI is BRITON sunnumens SAO Paulo Brazil AP Peter Smith Watson 30 of Be chin Scotland accused of be ing involved in shortage of more than 31000300 from the Royal Bank of Canada branch in nearby Santos surrendered to police Saturday Costume Jewellery Glfts Galore Prom STENNICK JEWELLERS Dunlap St LAST FIVE DAYS IT EATON CL 0F SUNSHINE SPECIAL Big Value Automatic Dryers VIKING Automatic fully variable heat control Special cool down cycle mini mizes wrinkles Large smooth drum and bak edenamel ï¬nish Model 6003 Quality Double Bed size Electric Blan ket at NO EXTRA CHARGE 14388 PA 60291 OST TRUSTED NAME IN TElEVISION SPE Ml let RCA VICTOR Show You All The Sights and sounds of TIINIIDIIS GBEIITEST SPDIIIS SEE THIS SPECIAl AND CHECK ITS OUTSTANDING FEATURES FOR ONlY 95 2500 DOWN 1100 PER MONTH FOR 24 MONTHS cLIissN 23 FULL picture sereeri to corner VJSTATUNER better flops WINNIPEII WIFII WINNERS Winnipeg Blue Bombers 29Leo Lewis SISRay Ash litDick Thornton tilRon Latourelle SlRoger Hamlin nKen Ploen 32Henry Jnnzen tilRoger Snvole lZHnl iLedynrd ItsRoger Hngberg 63Steve Patrick 14thk Potter 43Genrge Druxmnn fitCornet Piper ZlChnrlle Shepard IiiGar Warren ï¬SMIke Wright 23inch Delvenux Hack Bruzell flFrank ngney ZdNIek Miller 52Dnve Burkholder 70Norm Bauhaus ZSRny Jnuch SitHerb Grey 71Fnrrel Fuston 26331 Nagle 54Rml Humeniulr 13Cec LIIInIng 27Gord Rowland 55Ted Milkllcchuk 7lErnie Pitts ZSGerry James Sï¬Ed Kotowleh 78Rtm Meadmoro more picture corner TVs steadiest picture balanced fidelity FM sound from two speakers copper bonded circuits with year guarantee SIMCOE DISTRICT 00 259 INNISFIL sT THE AT $21595 1962 ENSGIN reception for distantsta TELEVISION HAMILTON Bin ltllllt WINNERS Hamilton Tiger Cats sTom Dnbllnskt Ionernie Faloncy 11FrnltIr Cosenllno uAl Rogers ISZeno nrcz lsKen Kitsen 11Grant McKee litTom Grout EHarvcr Shh ZIRalph Goldston 22Don Sutherln IRSMilan Wall I24P8III Palmer 25Gerry MeDougnll ItsGurney Henley ZaRoll Howell 30an Hickman diDnn Caraway tiltChet Mlkszn EliWillle Taylor slJohn Barrow iiZGlno DeNoblle MBoh MIIIIIInne ssnon Roy TitTorn Moron 7lCflln Fraser 7LTom Moulton 147mb Neumann ISLPnuIDekher StElllsun Kelly WHn Pntterso 55Georgc Laliciclb