Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Nov 1961, p. 12

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TIME FOR Cs WANT AD 1pm BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY NOVEMBER I961 ANNOUNCEMENTS REAL ESTATE BIRTHS PROPERTY FOR SALE Moadar Child is lrir at lau ruudara child ta til oi grace Wedneidbyl Child LI tall of woe rburadaya Child on in to Pndlyl Child ll losing and riv tn Solumlyl child tom bard lot in Ullnl And child that la horn on the Sabbath Day la lair and wire and Cod and Sly Children hllflnl RI It by Connie Cullen IIOIIYI want In know which day of week on their arm dale Imp rbu um other no onlol lnlorrnllon 01 7on1 cbll mum omi as another Birth Announcemebl WLLI Includo ta name of your child tho da ot the month and ytll birth the weight and OLD el vital ialormauoa printed mung canbccome permanent record In Inns Bank or Flmll Albums Ine rare for nanla examiner Birth Nollto only Ilsa To place notice phono PA HIM DEATHS CLENDEN INC Suddcnl on Saturday November Incl Nor mln Edgar Clendennlng ol illn cla point beloved husband or Susan lrem slecorry dear other at Norma ilrr Anbur Moore at Hillels Iolnt loved brother or Iessle I1rs Clifford Yen oi Or ilIia Nellie Mrs William Me Mcckln of Toronto neatrlee Mrs Thomas Purkis or Call Ralph or Niagara Falls Ontario and John at Orlllll In his 60th year Resting at the Jennclt Fun erul llome narrle Funeral rer vlre Tuesday November p771 Interment St Pauls Cemn Iery Innlsnl CARDS OF THANKS COLEWe wish to extend our heartlelt thanks and appreciation lor the many acre or kindness monach ul sympathy beautllul iloral tributes and contribution tram Mllllvcs lrlends and neigh bors In our recent bereavement loving husband lather and crnndrnthnr Special thanks to Dr Litilc Dr Zomy nurses and sialt ol the Royal Victoria Hos pital nho Rev Orenn Rcv Banllcrman and Sieckley Funcral lronie lra Cole and iaml COMING EVENTS BINGO STROUD HALL TUESDAY NIGHTS pm Jackpot $100le card 57 numbers called CRYSTAL CHAPTER CHRISTMAS BAZAAR AND AFTERNOON TEA AND BAKE SALE Wednesday Nov 29 P1d PM Orange Hall AIIandaIe CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classifier adver tisements are inserted at the rate of do per word per insertion for one and two times do per wordfor three four or live limes and mac per word or or more insertions 10 addi tiooal marge if not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT IS 960 FOR WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS 0R $106 FOR 24 WORDS CHARGED PER SINGLE LN SERTION ERRORS Orl CORRECTIONS Advertisers are reminded that all phone Insertion order are acce ed as convenience to you advertiser Therelore the Classilled Advertising Department reouiras au advertisers to kindly rteCheck their advertisement immediath after first Insertion In order that any errors or omission may be reported below ur in order that same may be rceitficd lor the Ioliowiug days insertion Order We wish to point out that Tim EarIla Examiner is responsible for only one incorrectly printed insertion on any advertisement and then only to tho extent or portion of ad that involves tba mlsprlnt Errors which do not lessen the value at tha advertise maat are not eligible for corree lions by mnko goods Coming Events 5c per word minimum charge $150 Birth and Death Notices for up to 25 words over 25 words 5c per word extra In Memoriam No tices $150 if verse used do per Word extra BLIND LLiTER REPLIES Information regarding advertisers using Bllnd Letter Box Number or Replies is held strictly connd ential Replies to Letter Boxes will ba held only In day alter last day or Dubllcntton Classified advertisements and notices for these pages must be received by pm day pre ceding publication with the ex ception of Classified Display advertisements which must be in by 1200 noon preceding day Rates and type style for aeml display elasslllods may be ob tained through The Examiner Id vertislng department Damage $15000 Worth Oi Glass TRAFALGAR CPiAir rifle pellets caused more than $15000 damage to plate glass windows at shopping centre here early Saturday Police said 26 win dows in 25 stores and foul houses were broken Trafalgar is midway between Toronto and Hamilton FIRST FOR INDIA NEW DELHI AP Prime Minister Nehru Sunday form ally named the first Indianbuilt turboprop Avro 740 It was named after the first Indian air force chlel the late Suhroto Mu kherji who died last year HENDERSON REALTOR is COLLIER mm PHONE PA 02678 EVLILNGS CALL RITA SCANDRm PA Hats nonorllll IICOX PA cam Pmcl FORD Pit More ESTERst SWAIN Pn Moon Member ol Barrie and Dllnlcl and Onurio Erma Honda Keith Marshall our psalms BROKER CLAPPERTON sr BARRIB PA 82592 DAYS 0R EVENINGS aloonn PA auto PA Lasso Dirtrict Estate Board HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR 98 BAYFIELD ST PA 66453 ANYTIME THE SECLUSION you have looked for THE SECURITY you have longed for 50 acres with wonderful stream or you can buy the house and lot 150 150 All Ihe latest in modern styling Its terrilic deal Call PA 56453 right now HILLSDALE $500 down Full price only $4000 9room frame home ideal for duplex ing for added income Gar age large lot and town wotcr Immediate possession Call Joe Palmer PA 60853 now LOIS 7th Conn Vespra south of Edgehill Dr 00 200 $1000 acre lot Shanty Bay $1000 Puget St 90 150 $4500 Minesing next to school $650 and up 100 ACRES plus 25 acres Christ mas Trees and well kept room insul brick home Barn and implement shed all In good condition Neor Anton Mills overlooking Hondrie Forest Full price $15000 Call Norah Raiks MINETS POINT $750 down and $60 per month for room frame home double garage and rightofway to bench Call Norm Iiiskew PA 117016 Member of Barrie and District Real Estate Board Evenings Call Emory Miller PA 60170 Joe Palmer PA 60853 Karl Marshall PA 09917 Norah Raikes Dro 4023 Doris Nuttycombe PA 87957 Norm Heskoth PA 07015 Maryann Smith PA 84028 CARRSON 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to the Imperial Theatre PA 66481 Member or Barrie and District Real mote Board MOVING Dont forget to transfer your INSURANCE and if you need extra coverage of any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA 05201 113 Dunlap st LA 512 three bedroom brick bun galow Lshaped living and dining room with Rreplace builtIn china cabinet Frigidaire builtin stove and oven units Hanover kitchen cupboards auiltin vanity in bath room Hardwood floors Attached garage 0n large lot at so Marion Crescent Telephvnc Gordon Spring PA nsos7 cxcellcnt downtown REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE BRINGS YOU CASH PA 82414 RENTALS PROPERTY FOR SALE Sioull Agencies Lid CENTRAL ONTARlOS LARGEST REALTORS COLLIER STREET PA 85901 EUGENIA STREET bedroom bungalow Finished rec room Central location Close to schools Asking $11 500 553 mortgage PRICED TO SELL bedroom bungalow on lovely landscaped lot Living room dirling area kitchen Located on Vanco close to schools and shopping centre Asking $13500 and carries for $90 PIT See this for value IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Lovely older room home on Hayfield Street No bath rooms fireplaces double gar age large lot Must be sold Make olfcr Member ol the ionic and Dillrict Real Estate noard EVENINGS CALL llEIIV GOULD one 2516 EDIE GOULD out and HARRY erSsOR pa com ORCA PROWN PA 37255 LLOYD IIOCKLEIY PA ml ROSE REAL nlAIE BROKER llFFIN STREET BARRlls NAPIER ST $8900 lull asking price hed rooms living room and kitchen bathroom full basement forced air oil heating large garage paved drive large lot 50 190 Carries for about $77 monthly interest and principal Taxes only $15112 Act now on this one by phoning for an appoint ment to inspect TIFFIN ST $7500 and could be bed room home living room kitch en and bath large lot 130 300 sék morlgagc Low down pay ment Taxes only about $13 FOR RENT Apartments some with reIrig craturs and stores $75 month ly and up CALL Day on EVENING PA 82379 llfcmbcr the Barrie and Diatriei Real Estate Board Foil sun 22 Shannon Street Three bedroom bungalow rally landscpcd threo yonn old NlIA Interior decorated fireplace Available Dccombcr Low down payment Telephone PA 59754 alter PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT BURTON AVENUE Private salt room brick home built for tam lly llvlng on landscaped lot 155 ft deep Two room apartment on maln floor Telephone PA oszov MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE IST AND 2ND MORTGAGE LOANS Unlimited private funds avail able or any type of dwelling or construction anywhere Free consultation No Obligation CALL PA 50981 MORTGAGE FUNDING 129 Dunlop St East over SIMPSONSSEARS FINANCIAL $5000 ONLY 47c FOR WEEKS ASK FOR MINI LOAN CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST ASK FOR BUD DALEY PA 60203 MORTGAGESIn and 2nd bought acid and arranged commercial and raidsnml pool loaned on existing mortgages ania arm raga Broken PA HIM RENTALS Low cost SPACE lol rent Clean modern bulldlnrs Sultablo for commcrclal or light industrial Telephone PA 66575 NURSING HOMES nrtl EDEN NURSING HOME Built lor Ihir work 5ch and private rooms kind nursing care good food TV room station wa Icon for outings Telephone soul Slrdud APTS HOUSES TO RENT uNPuansllnn modern hoatud apartment for rent immediately Suit couple with one small child Apply at Hosklna nakery Elm vale or telephone on Elmvalc luonnnN unmmlahcd one bed room basement apartment Ruch on dinette lIvlnc room and three plcco bath licat water and by dro supplied Laundry facilities Available Immediately PA on LARGE two room not Ishcd nrtmcnt or rent Living room ktchcnetto bcclroom rangetta and relrigerator Ground lloor Central Suitable for one or two Telephone PA aclols Two nannooll unlumlshed apartment in modern apartment building stove and rerrigerator Heat water storage parklne space and laundry laclliiler rela phone PA 61107 Avaliiabla nae embar 15 UNFURleIlIzo Apartment four rooms and bath ground lioor Heated clean modern solocon talnod Central location Parking stove and ratripcratol it required Telephone PA 34581 NEW RANCH Siylo Home living room dining room three bedrooms four place both Divided basement with laundry urns toilet and basin Apply in person 73 Duhdonalu street LnnGB HEATED Apartment Liv ing room dining room kitchen bedrooms and bath Sou contained very central Plenty of storage space Available now $95 monthly Tclophonn PA 113324 nl zolvl overlooking the bay rooms and bath attached colace waIkout basement cold room storms and screens and many ex tras Telephone PA 60931 even inga PA 51032 LOTS FOR SALE RESIDENTIAL Level Lot slight backdrop Suitable or lower apartment Telephone PA 68383 PROPERTY WANTED THREE BEDROOM modern brick bungalow Central or on bus line Stale location age and price to Box on Barrie Examiner BUS OPPORTUNITIES SMOKE snOP sundry store in location lol retired gcnlleman or Good income Selling reasonably as owner har other in terest Apply Gils Smoke shop do Maple Avenue Barrie Ideal couple Want Ad Section accepted now run Day beloro publication ROGERS CONNELL ONE DUNLOP STREET EAST First in Barrie Home SalesForemost in Quality of Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENINGS CALL MRS MOOREPA Bslal ROGERSPA Nam FOSTERPA 3524 CONNELLPA M760 MEMPHIS BARRIE as DISTRICT REAL STATE EUABD CLIFF BROWN REALTOR 32 HIGH STREET BARRE PHONES PA 60241 PA 50242 Members or the Balril Real Estate Board Emlth CampbellPA o7al39 Fergus Carve CORBY Phone PA 02419 MARI2L MARSHALLPA r4450 BRO KER Joan LangPA Itsm PA E7951 REAL ESTATE 93 Dunlop St COREYFA 05438 MURIEL JEFFERYPA 68283 Norman REAL ESTATE EROKER DUNLOP an FIRST MORTGAGE FUNDS AVAILABLE7 ShelsweII PA 89961 PA 678742 ma any OF VALUENO Flaps CHARGED Evenings coll loo Longtln PA 60748 Everett shelcwell Ora 2010 Howard Norm pa Jack thlaon PA 84511 Norman Snelrwoll PA easel bolas AVAILABLE November two bcdroom bungalow all cnnyorlchI ccs 01 heat Reasonable Tele phono Oakvtlle Valley 73300 or write Box barrio Examiner TWO IIEDROOM winterized Iako lront cottage at Mlnota Point in side conveniences heavy wiring 560 per month immediate posses slon Tclcpliono PA 33155 lor lurlher details suLF CONTAINED two room lumlshad heated apartment three piece bath irnnt and back entran ces Suitable for bachelor or cou ple Available December Apply Isl Bayrreld 5t PA 66716 Two BEDROOMS living room kitchen and bath separate cnt rance Central location Warm and comlortable Availablo December Telephone PA Mom pm pm UNFurtmsnEo one and two bed room apartments heated control ly located Kitchens wltn bulltrin cupboards adults only Telephone PA scale and ofler sso pan PA to UNFURNISIIED upstairs apart ment three rooms private bath Central location Oil heated Pri van hot water tank in private homeno other tenants Avail able no Telephone PA 757 Form ROOM Apartment tll bath unfurnished Stove and re irlgerator supplied Centrally lo cated No children Available lrn mcdlhtely For lurther inlorma Ilon telephone PA 641741 FIVE ROOM unfurnished apart ment Living room with lireplaee modern kitchen with dining area three bedrooms Uso or laundry room Immediate possession or will arrange to suit tenants Tele phone PA 66581 alter pan MODERN heated unfurnished two bedroom apartment Rerrlger ator and stove supplied Laundry iaeilltles Parking Overlooking park and hay Apply 11 St vln cent street or telephone PA Mass APTS HOUSES TO RENT Rxnllln two min apartment oil healed ModerIa rent Phone PA an smnzt seven room brick home on good ruldznual street imme dIaIe possession Relerenees call Courts and Co PA aiud LARGE niler decorated two bed room heated cellltonulaed apart nan Central location cnudrua welcome Telephone PA bout TWO BOOM Apartment furnlm ed relriaerator ParkLBl apaco Adana only Telephone PA M011 or apply 117 Street RENTALS ARTICLES for SALE 5FARMERS MARKET ROOMS TO LET Putnam Front Bedroom Ioea led on Dru Road Board uooal Bu lion It In door To cphon PA wall unraln tarnished bedroom for rent in modern home Board op LinnL Parking laeiiiliu available Gentleman prelerred Telephone PA 55160 NICE CLEAN luroiabed room for not Localed In can end dIrIritL Parking space lullhie rele phone PA no for runner ialon manna WANTED TO RENT LOWER acllcoatalncd located two bedroom apartment in west end Telephom PA oasis alter pm erlv APARTMENTS for not one and two bedroom roller Located on QueenSlreet Store and re lrlceralor auppiied PA basal srx ROOM modern unlurniabed houla lor rent Lover back yard automatic beater Close to downtown sso monthly Telephon PA c5220 Iiuull nooM Apartment or real unfurnished ulrcontalncd Reasonahlo rant Available alter December Telephone 17R stroud lor funhzr information APARTMENT Central Heated Partially luInlahed Four rooms and 55 per month Over steelea China shop Collier St Telephone PA 195 or PA 65695 FURNISHED live room house lull basement oll heated modern con vealcncu lral immediate pea aesllon 75 monthly For lurtber lntormallon call 57er Stroud ONE BEDROOM mmlshed hut eo apartment mt contained Lou ol parvlng space nla noon and lame closed in verandan rela hone days PA 33170 evening anon FOUR n00 unlumlrhed apart ment for re Private bath heat ed bus flop at door Available December Apply Apartment 117 Conn street VERY CENTRAL Ono bedroom apartment in new building Au tomallc washer and dryer aup plien Avalllblo December lat Telephone Pn ozsoo NEW MODERN four room hot water heated apartment in Angux lreai hydro water and range Iuppllcd Telephone Camp horden llll collect UPPER DUPLEX live rooms and bath sellcontained private enl rancc Pleated Na oblectlon to one child Available December Telephone PA 5664 Inc lurthcr intormailon TORONTO smEET locallnn Uri lumlshed three room apartment with both selfcontained com leiely private bright and trcw Ive Telephone PA 66055 ONE AND Two bedroom apart meats stove refrigerator lanltor service and laundry laeuitica Rent in from $8000 monthly Telephone Lcceh PA 670 TllnEE ROOMS and bath basa rnent apartment Hot water heated with oil Private entrance Ccntrn1 1y located Partly Iurnlahed Tole phono PA azvarl or PA aslod SPACIOUS modem apartment sellcontained Dllvlto entrance Ideal for bachelor or couple park ing raellltler stovo and rclrlpera ior supplied Telephone PA ososo sMnLL nnsEhrENT Apartment private entrance stove and re lrlgeraior vory central Heated Very reasonable rcnt Telephone PA M717 HEATED Ulreo room iurnlsbed apartment or rent stove and re lrigerator Adults only Available now Apply 93 lnnlanl street Tclcphonu PA Moan CorrICE for rent Winterized furnished inside conveniences Heavy duty stove all heating Ap ply thtla lec Cedar Park or telephone PA sands Frvl nEDROoM House with gall age and garden Insldo convenien ces Located on Highway five mlles from Barrie Available lan uary 45 monthly Telcphond PA 60427 FIVE ROOM unr mlshed house with rarage oh 90 Highway Available December 15 on heat lng About five miles Ier Barrie Telephone PA Menl aiter pm NEW AND blooem one end two bedroom apartments overlooking reenle Kcmpenrelt Bay Heat wa ter parking and Janitor aervico Included Automatic washing la clllties PA 02002 Lnrth modEm unluralshcd apartment three rooms four place both hot water heated laun dry room with dryer Available Immediately Telephone PA onzzl or PA basis for demos moonnrv three room unfurnish ed sell eantalned street lech aphllment Laundry room suit able tor couple One block from post orrlce For Inlormatlon tale phone PA ozcos HOUSE for rent Living room din ing room kitchen three bedrooms and garage on healed Modern conveniences Three miles north grrgzlsarrie on Highway Phone PA on THREE ROOMS aell contained with link and modern cupboards oll heated tiled floors kitchen plenty or closet rpaee stove and retrigerator supplied Suit couple Phone PA 66355 ROOM do BOARD canoe or storage space wlaled for car tor winter months Tclav phone PA was cvenlnu NEWSPAPER MATS Sizes 32km Ideal for lining hen houses attics garages etc perfect Insulator 25c PER DOZEN Apply The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario Electrohoma TV Stereo Hear the New FM Stereo The Best In Sound McFADDEN Appliance 1Z3 PENETANG ST PA 139238 Ample Free Parking Terms to suit your Budget FURNACES FOR SALE FORCED AIR OIL On Gas NEW $110 FINANCE RATE Phono Collect Siroud 41115 Woodward and Sons Alieoting Contractors RR Strand STORE OWNERS Assorted quantity of old stock COUNTER SALES BOOKS SINGLE CARBON AUTOMATIC These books are in per fecl condition but have 195 on the date line REGULAR PRICE FROM 12c to 20¢ Clearing al 9c ea plus PROVINCIAL SALES TAX Commercial Printing Dept Barrie Examiner Phone 66537 HAVE YOU TRIED Barrie Auction Rooms and Second Hand Store 55 DUNLOP sr WEST PHONE PA 32427 USED VACUUIII Cleaner for sale In good condition 51995 Tele phone PA 84402 TELEVISION Zllnch RCA victor lor sale complete with stand Telephone Camp Borden 1344 CASE LOANS$500 at on per month Telephone PA com glreséant Finance 26 Dunlop St er RADIATORS cleaned rc aired re eored Plow points rcbII It llarnil ton Radiator Services telephone PA 04170 or 14 Frederick street LUMBE Used Lumber tor aale best quality sheeting has Esmt frames window frames large garage doors etc Very rea sonable Telephone PA Milli CHESTERFIELD Suite top shape 35 swivel Chair goes along for tree iron Double Bed spring nrld sharp mattress $15 sea at 279 Blake Strcel ilront TELEVISION for role 21inch Pbllen blonde sharp picture on and $99 Gils Smoke Shop so yogi Avenue or telepboaa PA FURNACES two large hot air for coal or wood with automatic circulating fans Also three large space heaters wlh lloat valves lor remote tanks Cheap PA 371 mom VEGETABLES APPLE BARN McIntosh Snow Courlland and other varietils Windialls $115 per bushel Fresh cider Phone PA 39291 No Poramu lol aalz per bag or 75 lbs PR delivery on are ban or more Telepbona PA 59m APPLE CIDER fruh or treat in ren aiao npplo butter lor break laat mark or anytime We buy gallon and hail gallon inn reic pboca PA balsa nowans PLANTS Chlhlmu Trees ror Immediat Will Icll wholenlc Tela Roy luckling PA 09 DOGS 8r PETS WILLETTS PETS 41 GOWAN STREET Complete lines by HARTZ MOUNTAIN and LONGLHE Lovely song birds budgiua and Finches Tropical and Gold Fish Turtles and all pets OPEN To am PM DAILY PHONE PA 68036 BLACK snout Ilnln Pupplu wetb old Will row to about it high Telephone PA D7550 GOLDEN REanlEvEn Purple for le Beat champion flock papers liable now till Christmas Gen Ilo temperament Ideal Ivsla child no Telephone PA Mm ARTICLES WANTED WANTED Uaod Typewriter rale phone PA was wn WILL PAY Cnsn for good taxed Iurnlturo or any good uacd articla individual or content lotlt Phone PA um 5FARM ERS MARKET vDEAD STOCK Highest prices paid for dead or crippled cattle and horses Small animals removed free For fast service phono BARRJE PA 84151 collect Or ask for ZENITH 91130 NO CHARGE hour day1 days buck ICKS DEAD STOCK RR Foxrnead Ontario Licenso No 139061 POULTRY CHICKS DEKALB PULLETS More and more poultrymen are choosing DEKALB PULLETS Started ready today and day old chicks Order now for early order discount For service or help on your poultry problems call Craig Hunter HUNTERS POULTRY FARMS STROUD PHONE 71 FARM MACHINERY DELAVAL SALES AND SERVICE Mllkers Vacuum Pumps Wash Tanks Separators Parts for any milker HANK BROWN RR EARRIE HOLLY PA 6033s ATTENTION FARMERS LINCOLN ARC WELDERS loo AMP $15500 COMPLETE HANDY HARDWARE STROUD New Management PHONE STROUD 10R14h sale you Try An Examiner Want Ad BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY FARM MACHINERY MINESING MOTORS Ford Tractor and Equipment SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 103 IIIINESING CHARLES CHURCH FARM SUPPLIES SERVICE Cul New Holland David Brown Bealty Farm Doulpmcnl 178 auntle AVE PA 3237 WlNTER SNOW ARTICLESfOp SALE APPROXIMATELY 7000 pruned EQUIPMENT FOR YOUR TRACTOR loaders buckets blades If we havent got lt well get ll CASH TRADE TERMS AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE MOTORS LTD Rambler Hillman 10 DOWN l7 GOWAN ST PA 66488 HAROLD JORY MOTORS TRIUMPH and STANDARD DEALERS Repairs to All Makes 0ML and NAL Towln 7S BAYFIELD ST PA 841 WHO ELSE WANTS NEW CAR Buy It Now With LowCost LifeInsured SCOIIA PLAN DAN THE BANK 01 NOVA SCOTIA less METEOR twodnor good run nlar 84000 1960 MERCEDES BENZ 190 diesel periect condition 18000 miles Cash or down virulent accuroa Camp Borden n00 loss DODGE lor cale Inur door Clean throughout Radio Four new tires TcIcptho on nftcr pm Norm CASHSec seaboard Fin aaca Your Lendng Neighbor 31ml lnl no monthly all male street Barrio relepboaa com 19M DELUXE Austin Sedan Inlc tour door in exeeuent can dillon light green color interlot In good condition Telephone PA 60365 atler 530 pm CARS WTD TO BUY ORV HARDY MOTORS BARRIES NEWEST CAR LOT URGENTLY REQUIRES USED CARS TRADE UP 0R DOWN WE WILL LEND YOU MONEY ON YOUR PRSENT CAR 176 BRADFORD STREET PHONE PA 34272 TRUCKS 8c TRAILERS isso MERCURY Pickup excellent condition new battery and snow tires $150 For rurther inlorroa tion telephone PA 84651 TwoTON stake Truck 1959 Men cury son Al condition Low mile age and good tires write or sea in perrnn veto nraga co RCAF Clover Farm store Camp Dorden candltlan Telephone PA Ask About Low Rates By Month or YBar Telephone PA 82414 APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE Service to all makes I47 DUNLOP ST PA 61 I42 CARPENTRY ROOM AND ROAR available Close to downtown Apply ls Bert czy Street for further information ROOM AND BOARD available or young man In private home Dun iop and Bradlord dlstrlet Tele phone PA condo UNFUrtNrslrED Upstairs Apart ment three rooms private bath Central location on heated Pcl vate not Water tank In private home No other tenantr Tele phone PA 09751 Available now ONE DEDROOM Apartment Owen and Grove Streets area Ample storage parking laundry room with dryer Available December Telephone PA Nazi or PA M46 or pa ss7ll CENTRAL Modem heated apartv merit living room bedroom dinette chem Rerrlgerator and heavy duty stove Parking facilities Business couple prelerred Tele phona PA 60576 UPPER DUPLEX one bedroom large living room and kitchenette Selfcontained private entrance Dominion Store area Heated wa ter and electric paid $55 per month Avallable December Telephone PA cool NEW MODERN centrally located two bedroom apartment tar rent Refrigerator stove and laundry iaclllliea Available immediately Janitor lervlcc Telephone PA 60092 or further information THREE ItooM ground flopr apart rncnt separate entrance arid both heat supplied Close to school Also three rooIII modernly dc caratcd artmcnt with nursery Each avalablo Deccmbcr Tole phone PA aIma Brid largo modern klt ROOM AND BOARD lor one or two persons Lunches packed is desired Parking space Telephone PA basis for lurthcr details NEW TWO BUGS is oval shaped Chinese colors beige pink and green one 12 colors red dlsb rust allover pattern Owner must sell returning to England Apply box so Barrie Examln 12 F151 sBAN ES well co atructed priced as each also zoo gallon and 500 gallon minnow tanlu Apply vie Palmer 194 Kempenreit Drive Telephone PA 60497 ROOM AND BOARD wlth mother ly cnro glven for babies and children in my own home by the week Apply to Box 19 Barrio Ex aminer EAST END Bus stop at door Room and board In private home Lunches packed unable for one or two people arising space Telephone PA 60112 ROOMS TO LET TWO LARGE unfurnished room to rent In private home Located close to downtown would make an ideal small apartment rele phone PA sum FUansrlBD Bedroom lor rent in private home located two blocks rum downtown Business man pretencd Telephone PA 04403 or lurther detnlu WINTER COAT mans mllium lined size to Two mens sports jackets size In Ladys car out size 14 Ladys figure skates size All in excellent eondltlnn Telephone PA 83340 CHRISTMAS mulls or sale choice pruned Christmas trees pine or spruce any size Whole sale or retail Reasonably priced fiuascll Maw telephone Mincsins TYPBWIIImS bought sold rent ad re aired student rental rates Ask out our Rent Try then Buy Plan star Iypawrlter C0 24 Bradlord st PA 66505 RENTALS Singer Electric Port able Machines for rent by the week or the month Singer Sew ing Centre Dunlop Street West giaiphona PA $7950 or Elmvnlo NEW HOMES Remodelling shingling porches recreation rooms Complete trimming lo houses and garages BRUCE CAMERON PA 66071 msumnon INSULATION with No Rockwool ALUMINUM CLAPBOARD SID ING 1N COLOURS METAL DO ORS WINDOWS AWNINGS BY ALSCO FREE ESTIMATES GUARANTEED WORK SCOTT MUIR lVflINESING 211 AIRTITE INSULATION REP PAINTING AND PAPERHAIIGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper Hanging Spray Painting Service Since 1920 RR Barrie PA 66953 DIAPER SERVICE BARRIES FINEST DIAPER SERVICE Twice weekly pickup at deuvary 11 Mills 51 REAR PA 68551 Less than pack or dialalter day DRIVING SCHOOL ORILLIA SCHOOL OF SAFE DRIVING Since 1950 FOR APPOINTMENT CALL PA 66551 EXCAVATING COMPLETELY Punished Room for rent with reirlperatoc and atovc nlsn builtIn cupboards suitable for one or two llrll Telephone PA 61210 Boronr tarnished housekeeping room for rent stove and refrig oratur supplied Located between the hospital and shopping plaza Parking dpacc Telephone PA Omar lor lurthel lnlormatlou ATTENTION PLEASE Glla smoka shop 40 Maple Ave FA hnioo in addition to freak stock at smokera needr we now carry for your convenience bread but ter milk collcc etc etc Open daily It am11 pm Sundays noon to ll pm Try An Examiner Want All PHONE PA 82414 FILL GRAVEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Grading Water Delivery Crushed stone Half yard Backhoe for hire DENNIS MORAN 29 Anne Street PA 4907 Barrio MASONRY REFRIGERATION STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE 33 Clappertor St PHONE PA 04562 SANITARY DISPOSAL1 DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT We have been licensed to to move your dead and crippled gator animals under the abovt FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLECT VBARRIE PArkway 68617 GORDON YOUN LIMITED BARRI LICENSE Ilacol Try An Examiner WOotM

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