OUR TELEPHONES Ior Examiner Want Ads Tale hone PA S2414 The telephone number to call for the Business or Editorial Dept is PA 55517 97th You rNo 277 PM MEETS MI Prime Minister John Dicf mill workers outside Bowatcrs Newfoundland Pulp and Paper Mills Ltd Corner Brook llbflkel chats with newsprint LWORKERS Nfld Mr Diefenbaker was completing visit to Carrie Brook before leaving for tour of Central Newfoundlant soars Sunlight In Communion NEW DELHI AWSide by sideChristions of nearly every kind and place knelt Sunday in communion Above thcm was tall white cross set up at the altar in big sagging tent with jasmine tree growing through hole in the top Outside the beggars extended their talks Bare not peddlch chattercd and birds sang in the morning sunlight It was globally integrated celebration of tho Lords Supper described as the most denomi national and comprehensive in Christian history it was held as part of the general assembly of the World Council of Churches Bowed in common worship werc Pentecostals Presbyteri ans Baptists Old Catholics Disciples Copts Methodists Episcopalians Lutherans Evan gelicals Congregationalists and Orthodox bishops in blackveiled klobuh hats Orthodox churchmen gener ally did not partake of the com munioni But they filled the front row and joined in prayers and litanies Strange music came from the Indian instrumental choir the tinkle of the zaldrang the soft string tones of the Iongnecked sitar the beat of debla drums IN UTSHELL the piping of the bansrl Hub and the silver tone of bells It wasa curious setting in this land of many dlvlnlties of Hindu scers and Buddhist sages where the llfoslem name of Al lah redounds from the minarets and Siva and Vishnu sit en shrined The words of the service came in many languages in Polish Greek Bantu Hungar ian Dutch Finnish Spanish Russian English Hindustani and hundred dialects NPD Promise Irresponsible OTTAWA CP Liberal Leader Pearson said Saturday the New Democratic Party has been not very responsible in pledging s75amonth old age pension That would be fine if we could do it he told small informal meeting at Manitowan ing tiny Manitoulin Island vil lage in his Algoma East riding But Mr Pearson said $ZOlt amonth increase in the present $55 pension along with the NDPs proposal to make it pay able to all those 55 and over instead of at age 70wouid cost an extra $400000000 RCMP Find Bodies In Yukon WHITEHORSE YT CP been found that seven bodies have RCMP confirmed Saturday in the wreckage of United Authors Artists Decry CBC Move OTTAWA CPiThe Canadian Council of Authors and Ar tists charged Sunday night that the Broadcasting Corporation television pendent Televi effective strik to its members purchase of two Canadian series by Britains Indc ish Equity the association said the sale of grams Playdate and Parade to deliberate act of strikebreaking the CBC pro ITV during the strike was PM Catches Fish Without Rod Line LEWISPORTE Nfld CPiPrime Minister Diefenbaker caught salmon here Saturday night The zopounder didnt get away from the prime minister an ardent fisherman but it did manage to slip away from Mayor Harold Starks of Lewisporte It was being presented to him by Mr Starks when it and Mr Diefenbaker caught it MERAUKE Dutch Rockefell hing Australian nopes at search headquarters ut Dutch officials said tigation proved to be wild goose chase slipped from the mayors hands before it could hit the floor Rockefeller Seach Wild Goose Chase New Guinea APiHope for Michael Air Force plane an inves Pinned Under Truck Man Dies was killed Sunday when he PORT ARTHUR CWAlfred Guerrieri 36 of Port Arthur was pinned under panel truck that overturned so miles north of here Dead Hitchhiker Unidentified PERTH Ont CPiProvincial police said today they still are unable to identify hitchhiker killed Saturday when the car in which he was riding overturned on Highway The man transient is believed to be from the Hamilton area do Gaulie May Ease Berlin Stand LONDON APl Weekend talks between President to Gnulle and Prime Minister Macmillan apparently eased but did not eliminate the French lenders tiations on Berlin with the Soviet Union opposition to Western nego No communique was issued but this was the impression that filtered from the prime ministers country estate where the two leaders met the AngloCommonwealth tgade Barrie Ontario ad Monday November 27 I961 119 Titanic its amino gKatcinga Again Repells UN Assault Threatens ToScorch The Earth ELISABETHVILLE Kn tonga province forces repelled an attack by central Congo government troops in the border area between northern Katanga and south Kasai stntc Radio Katanga said todayn day after President Moisc Tshombc told Katangn people to stand by for war Tshombe said he would invoke scorchedearth war to fight any attempt to end Kotangos self proclaimed independence from the Congo He warned the United States it is playing into Soviet hands in the Congo crisis by congeui tal stupidity in diplomacy Addressing public rally he told cheering crowd of 5000 Africans and handful of whites Tomorrow or the day after there will be another trial of strength Kntanga fighters Radioactive Pellet host in Toronto Defence Exercise TORONTO CPtThe direc tor of Metropolitan Torontos Emergency Measures Organiza tion said Sunday night evidence collected during the weekend in dicates radioactivepellct lost two weeks ago islyingunde tected in one of two buildings Earlier EMO officials feared the tiny pellet only onetenth of an inch long was loose on the city streets The pellet it kept close to persons skin for six hours would cause burn If swallowed it might have fa tal effects EMO Director John Pollard said the pellet probably was left somewhere on the second floor of police station in sub urba Etobicoke where EMO and Metro police officers par ticlpated in training exercise Nov 13 using geiger counters will appear in the streets the roads and the villages when necessary shall give the Ka tangcsc people the signal when the time is ripe Speaking in French and Swa hili Tshombc said You cant all have automatic weapons but you still have poisoned arrows spears axes and your hearts to beat with courage Not single road will be passable Not one lUnited Nations mercenary will feel safe wherever he is Hunters Find Of Human Torch In Field ROCHESTER NY CP The second ganglandstyle slay ing of defendant in 5150000 smuggling trial was disclosed Saturday when authorities iden ltified the charred body of torch murder victim as that of Albert Agucci 39year4ild Tor onto fugitive Agueci had jumped 520000 bail in the trial of 12 men in New Yorknow in recess until Wednesday All were charged with conspiring to violate the narcotics lows Two hunters had found BROAD BACKS OF RCMP BARYUKON COUNCILLOR WHITEHORSE YI CP on territorial council made horse Saturday to take his declared the doors audible within the chamber Open the door of this House in the name of the elected mem ber of Whitehorse East Three times he knocked and called out through the spectators entrance as the council was in com mittee 0n orders from Chairman George Shaw who had been acting as masteratarrns barred the way to the their backs The councillors seat was declared Vacant following Speak ers ruling that Mri Chamberlist could not hold the seat while interest accepted subcontract on chamber area with firm in which he had an council works project Ari ousted member of the Yuk third dramatic attempt in White seat in the council chamber Again Norman Chamberlist was prevented from doing so when his way was blocked by two RCMP officers Mr Chamberlist whose seat of Whitehorse East had been vacant hiesday by the council Speaker knocked on of the council chamber Then he declared in voice Charred Body Aguecis body in field near suburban Penficld last Thurs day US Thanksgiving Day Identification was made by the Federal Bureau of Investigation from fingerprints The government charged that iAgucci his brother Vito ii and another Torontonian Rocco Scopeliitti 26 had for lo years recruited emigrants from Italy to Canada Before the migrants left Italy the gang would give them Isteamer trunks with false bot toms containing heroin Then he entered two RCMP officers 4TH CANDIDATE FOR WARD TWO Ernie Petrimoulx announc ed today that he will run for alderman in ward two This ward has new four contestants Gerry Roberts Charles Newton Norran Stewart and Mr Petrim ouix Mr Petrimuulx produc tion manager of DcVilhiss was ward two alderman in 1958 and an unsuccess ful candidate in the last municipal election Sitting alderman Wilson has not announced his decision yet The late Di Williams was an old ermanic incumbent in the ward Ethiopian Force Take Control Of Murder Town LEOPOLDVILLE AWThe UN today announced its Ethio pian troops have taken control of the town of Kindu where 13 ftalian UN airmen were slaughtered more than two weeks ago No details of the takeover were released except that the European population number ing an estimated iii voswcll and safe The only signal received at UN headquarters here said the LOCAL WEATHER Winter should arrive Colder with soowflurries Low tonight is High Tuesday 25f For full surrunary turn to page two Not Mar Than par Copyl4 Page SOVIET SEEKS TREATY BAN NING MOSCOW APt The Soviet Union proposed today banning all nuclear tests in the air un derground and under the sea The proposal was made in draft agreement distributed to correspondents in the Soviet foreign office on the eve of re opening talks in Genevaifor treaty to end testing of nuclear weapons The agreement proposed by the Soviet lnion contained four articles cach dealing with separate kind of testing Article Three contained di rect reply to the American an nounccment that it was going to continue underground tests rc gardlcss of the reopening of talks It said The states participating in this agreement assume the commitment not to carry out lony underground tests of nu clear weapons before they reacli agreement among them sclves on system of control for such tests as component part of international control for carrying out the agreement on general and complete disarmn merit Article One bans atmospheric tests such as were carried out by the Soviet Union in Septem ber October and early Novem ber it says The states participating in the agreement solemnly com mit themselves not to carry out tests of any kind of nuclear and thermonuclear weapons in the atmosphere in cosmic space and under water Article No provides that all countries use detection system to assure observance of the agreement This article said With the aim of carrying out mutual observance for fulfill ment of commitments contained in article one of this agreement the states participating in the agreement will use their na tional systems of detecting nu clear and thermonuclear explo sionsi The fourth article proposes to include not only the atomic club members but all other states as well It said This agreement goes into force immediately after it is signed by the governments of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics the United States of America the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the French Repubé lic and is open for joining to all states Bonn Will Soon Rule Nates Navy entier Kindu civilian population gave the Ethiopians warm welcome as they entered the town Ever since the massacre the UN has been confined to the airport with only occasional re connaiasance forays into the town controlled by the Congo lese troops We consider the conditions are now right for an investiga tion of the massacre said UN spokesman George Smith Smith said the brief report from Kinda did not say how many Congolese soldiers were left in the town but that UN officials believe many of the garrison are still there Some reports from Kindu said most of the troops guilty of the massacre bad headed south into the bush BRUSSELS Reuters Brit ain told members of the Euro pean Common Market last month that she wants to be full member of the trade group but would not be able to join if the move meant grave loss or ruin for Commonwealth members it was disclosed to day Reuters obtained through pri vate sources copy of the text of hitherto secret speech which British Deputy Foreign Secretary Edward Heath deliv ered Oct 10 in Paris before Common Market ministers Heath is the minister in charge of Britains In discussing British motives for membership in the market formally called the European Economic Community Heath declared In saying that we wish to join the EEC we mean that we desire to become full whole beartdd and active members of the European community in its widest sense and to go forward with you in the building of new Europe However Heath said he was sure Britain could not join under conditions in which eonncctlon wascï¬t with grave loss and even flllri for some of the Commonwealth coun tries NEEDS DEEP THOUGHT Heath said Britain had to think deeply about the effect on the Commonwealth of any fu ture British membership in the Common Market We believcthat it is lathe interest of all of us around this table that nothing should be ings successful done which yould be likely to damage the essential interests of its the Commonwealths member countries Reports last week said the Heath statement had been leaked to the United States The British government announced Saturday that it would give all Commonwealth governments the textof his speech Haatb said Britain is confi dent that solutions can be found Canada Scores Moral Viciory Over Speech OTTAWA CPBritains de cision to give Commonwealth governments copies of its sec ret presentation tonEoropean Common Market negotiators is being boiled in government cir cles here as moral victory for Canada The announcement in London Saturday came less than week after Finance Minister Flem If to obtain copy of the secret Oct 10 state ment by Edward Heath Brit ains lord privy sea at the opening of Paris talks on the British bid to enter the Com mon Market London reports said Prime Minister Macmillan decided to release the secret document be cause of the pallamentary storm over persistent reports last week that it had already been leaked to other govern merits Secret Speech Is Cut Sees New Europe to wealth problems fully compatible with the sub stance and the spirit of tool Treaty of Rome In 1957 the Rome treaty linked West Ger many France ltaly Belgium the Netherlands and Luxem bourg in the Common Market Britain accepts without qual ifications the treaty objectives laid down in provision for elirrr inatiog internal tariffs between the partner nations for the es tablishment of common tariff against imports from outside the Market and for common commercial and agricultural policies Mead said ble to deal with our special problems by means of proto cols to the treaty WANTS ADJUSTMENTS He said there was need for some adjustments in the Markets common external tar iff If the tariff of tbeenlarged community was to be accepta ble to the General Agreement on Tariffs and frade=and to third countries it cannot re main nt precisely the level of the existing one He proposed what he called lc toaccept sï¬ucture of the present EEC tariff as the basis of the common tariff of the enlarged community He also suggested supercent linear cut in the commum ys present tariff Heath said the British fully share the aims and objectives politlcal and otherwise of those who drew up the July 18 Bonn Declaration in which six Common Market members pledged they would seek close political unity We shall be anxious once positive spirit to reinforce the we are members of the com muoity to work with you in unity which you have already LONDON Reuters Russia charged today that West Ger many soon will rule the waves of NATO as it now rules its land forces The Soviet Communist party newspaper Pravda quoted by the Russian news agency Tass made the claim in commenting on talks Friday between Fin nish President Urho Kekkonen and Soviet Premier Khrushchev at Novosibirsk Siberia Pravda voiced new Soviet at tacks ori recent Western discus sions on setting up NATO Baltic command It declared some Scandinavian leaders do not see or do not wish to see that Baltic command will be nothing but screen for the accelerated restoration of Ger man militarism on the sea Kekkooen arrived in Helsinki from Russia Saturday and went on the air Sunday night to urge his countrymen to tread softly for fear of shaking Soviet con fidence in Finlands neutrality The KhrushchevKekkonen talks loosened tension between the two nations whioh devel oped after the Soviets sent Fin land note Oct 30 demanding defence consultations with Fin land because of an alleged war threat posed by West Germany and its NATO allies In the Siberian talksKhrush chev agreed to drop the de mand for the time being but achieved made it clear he wanted Kek Reds Claim konen to consult him on any tlirenteriiog developments in Scandinavia The Russian de mand for talks had been made under the 1948 SovietFinnish mutual assistance pact Kekkonen said Sunday night that if Russian leaders could be sure of Finnish neutrality and friendship it would not be ne cessary to start military consul tations Commenting on what the Bus sians called the postponement of the military consultations Pravda declared that the Soviet government went along with this but not because it had bev Iieved the assurances of some Scandinavian statesmen who are trying to prove that the German militarist wolf had he come gentle lamb To Publicize Highway 11 COCHRANE CP Repre sentativcs from Northern Onta rio communities Saturday set up the Highway 11 Northern Route Association to publicize and promote use of the highway as an alternative to the hans Canada Highway George Knowles of Kapuskas ing was elected president We think it should be possi HOPEIUl nocxrcoNTiNusssriiiicii New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller centre corn rooms at hotel in Merauke Dutch NewrGuinea on search for missing son Michael With him are his daughter Mrs Mary Strawbridgc and Eibrink Jansen Dutch com missioner for Southern yew Guinea Todays sighting of smoke spiral from the jun1 gle has revived hopes and Mr Rockefeller has askedground parties to cover tbaarea