STBE BAï¬m EXAMINER SATURDAY NOVEMBER 15 Present School Diplomas Prizes The following awards diplo mas and prizes were awarded at last nights wmmeooemazt exercises at Barrie Central Collegiate SPECIAL COMMERCIAL Maryanne Charpeoticr JoAnn Faddcn Carol Ferguson Robert Flcwciling Donna Foil Patricia French Donna Kendall Muri lyn McLean Shirley Mitchell Audrey Money Nancy Rowell Jim Sheardown Joan Watson HONOR DlILOMAS Jacqueline Anderson Janet Ayerst Wayne Barr Eli zabeth Beatty Richard Bowman James Bruce Charles Cnnciila Margaret Carr Ronald Columbus Beverley Crowe Karen Ember son Sheila Forstfl William George Ronald Greaves Kathryn italf Douglas Ilickling Wanda Hutchinson Michael lnnes Eleanor Jennell Anne Kearsey Iinm Law Robert Lines Dclna Marrin Ean Maxwell Marion Memdltll Carol Morrrison nlc elson Con ï¬e VanDalcn Michael Nyko wk Robert flied Rot ort Rumble Charles Sass or Shannon Joanne lcpparll Anita Smith Rita Smith LindaLee Sturgess sun Taylor Susan Tsch éhart Ellen Kathleen Wail all Wilson We Thomas Wolf olden GRADUATION DIPLOMAS nEric Adams Beverley Adams Barbara Baker Helen Baxter Carolyn Bealty Carol Bimie James Bo dis Leslie Boswell Paul mpbell Marilyn Cnsseh roan Beatrice Chappel Karol nn Coulis Doreen Coulis hn Duval Carol Edmunds dwald Elliotson Bertha Fisher Leslie Fitz Stephen Ford Patricia French Peggy bson Ruth Gib son Norma Gllhooly llamld reen Mary Louise Griffin rian Gurnhlli Carl Hamilton Patricia Hoare Gail gamer Craig Hunter Aina aunzemis Sandra Kas perski Stuart King Anthony Knowles Yvonne Lamont Mary Lnndreville Lloyd Lang Phillip Lauzon LomaMac Bee Andre Lesage Ann Lindsay Graham Longmire Robert Lougheed Douglas wry Carol McKeen Mary McQuay Ronald Madigan Shirley Mitchell John Moore John Murdock Andrea Neathwny Joyce Nettleton Jean ODrane Stephoni 0gden Nancy Orser Reta Rainey HaileyLee Reid Mary Rix Brian Robinson Peter Rout tghlbelg Pamela Rubery Patri JB Scott Robert Scruton Douglas Spears Jennelt Sprouie William Stewart Paul Slundcn Colin Sutherland Sandra nirner Joy Twiss ale Webb Mary Webster endrika Valerie Vostmsn Dianne Wiggins ichael Wilson Elaine Withers 3er Young GENERAL BUSINESS iPaLricis Berry Gail Brown argaret Haslett Barbara Lee Gail Paddison Ray Robert sbn Norma Shaw Beyerley Smith Eileen Sweezie Lynn Wells Donne Yantha GRADE 13 AWARDS lSusan Taylor Dominion Pro vmcial Bursary $500 Victoria College Alumni Residence SchoA larship $309 Ontario Scholar ship and Certificate$400 Univ versity Womens Club held over to 196263 $200 Barrie District Central Collegiate Cen tennial Award by revérsion to Robert Rumble Canadian Le gion Award by reversion Karen Emberson Lions Club of Bari rie Award by reversion Susan Tschirhartl Andrew Hay Award for Upper School Mathematics 525 Complimentary Subscrlpr tron and Certiï¬cate MacLeana Magazine Complimentary Sub scriptinn to Readers Digest HonourSociety Certificate Fifth Award 3rd Carter Scholarsth Simccc County $40 Jarret Ayerst Dominion Pro vrncial Bursary $500 The Har old White Trophy Head Girl Complimentary Subscription and Certificate MacLeans Maga zine Danfortlr Foundation com plimentary copy Dare You Earl Shannon Atkinson Foun dation Bursary 5400 Canadian Legion Grade Xlll Chemistry 325 Kiwanis Club of Barrie Award for student in second place for Centennial Award$10 Eleanor Jennett Dominion Provincial Bursary $500 Robert Lines Dominion Pro vincial Bursary $500 Marion Meredith Atkinson Foundation Bursary 3400 Robert Rumble Barrie Dia trici Central Collegiate Centen nial Award $800 Karen Emberson Canadian Legion of Barrie Award Grade XIII History $25 The Leighton Clark Memorial Award $50 The John Riccl Trophy to the member who has contributed most to the band Susan Tschlrtmrt on Club of Barrie Award 8100 The Dr Brereton Award Gr XIII Biology Eliznbdh Benny The Major Hersey Award leading Citizen ns adjudged by the Staff Slot LindaLee Slurgcss The Lei ghton Clark Memorial Award 50 Jean Robinson The Rodgers Memorial Award $25 ATHLETIC AWARDS Mary Lou Bishop The Lions Club Trophy for Senior Chum plan Irene Rawn The Phyllis Johnson Trophy for intermedi ate Champion Nanci While The Pauline Robinson Trophy for Junior Champion Linda Fleming The Ruth Aarson Trophy for Midget Champion Arthur Grafton Champion Donald Crowe The Barrie Examiner Trophy for Interme diate Champion Dave Gosney The George McConkey Trophy for Junior Champion Barrie Norman The Recren Urinal Trophy for Juvenile Champion Engraved silver spoons are presented to the above winners Ray Thompson The Bill Lalo ing Memorial Trophy for out standing boy athlete Elizabeth Realty The John stonCnrruthers Tr for most valuable player in girls senior basketball team MISCELLANEOUS AWARDS Kenneth Bowman Agricul tural Home Project Construc tion farm fence Pamela Carroll Agricultural Home Plvject Vegetabis Gar den urban Elizabeth Jamieson Iural Home Project Garden rural Sheryl MacKenzie Iural Home Project Crop Strawberries David Mcnlrk Agricultural Home Project Collection in sects Monly Elliott Agricultural Home Project Livestock Show manship Ross Campbell Klwonll Jun ior Fair Trophy Ross Campbell Skip Hamil too and District Schoolboys Eon spiel Trophy BAND HONOURS THE KIWANIS FESTIVAL First Award Class AHigh School $100 First Award Canadian composers class Second Award Class 240 CNE First Award Class Bod dington Trophy $500 Christine Romkcna Moira grfat Trophy and Certificate in Carolyn File and David Dycke Frank Dobson Memor ial Trophy for Public Speaking John Goflon Grade IX Li brary Club prize for proficiency in Junior English Lynn Dollis Student Council prize for general roflclenc In Grade 1X Lois Kelly and Rosemary As quith Grade xlerary Club prize for proficiency in Junior English Fred Heutink Staff Prize for general proficiency in Grade Margaret Weay mouths prize folgeneral pro ficiency in Grade X1 GRADE 12 PROFICIENCY AWARDS Carl Hamilton Andrew Ilay Award in Middle School Mathe matics $1250 Cockburn Trophy Head Boy Danforth Foundation complimentary copy Dare You Patricia Scott Womens Aux iliary to the Kiwanis Club pro ficiency in Middle School Latin and French $1250 Andrew Hay Award Middle School Mathematics 51250 Anne Lindsay IODE of Bar rie Award and Certificate Gr X1 History 15 Nancy Howell Soioptlmlat Club Prize proficiency in Spec ial Commercial Year 25 Lynn Wells Business and Pro fesslomil Womens Club pro ficiency in Senior Commercial Year $25 Andrea Neatbway The George Firmnn Memorial Award proficiency in Middle School English 5L5 Patricia Berry Ladiéi Aux lllary to the Lions Club Barrio proficiency in Typing Senior Commercial $1250 Carol Ferguson Ladles Alix lllarry to the Lions Club Barrio proficiency In Typing Special Commercial 31250 11th Trophy The Hartley for Senior Agricul Vegetable Agricul Special Redulres Financing For Inventions Two in ventiims Protected by haunt wnl séll inur est Enormous potential Please send replied to box 92 rue eAnizte EXAMINER plaer CEQUE lIcidi Doberman Pinsch er owned by llarold Butler presents cheque on 14 Humnio Obedience Club to Mrs Jean Gable Mrs Cable is the president of the Bar rle and District Association GROUP FOR no for Retarded Children The presentation was made at the Sieltered Vorkshopl Dpcn llousc last night Ex aminer Photo behalf of the Barrie and Discuss Plans For Public School In Essa District ALLISTON Special Allis ton Union Public School Board met to discuss further planning for the new Public School to be built in Essa Township adjoin ing Allislon Victor Scott chairman advis ed he had met with the Alliston Planning Board regarding the specific location of the school and roads required to gain en try to the site Contractors Will Fight Licensing TORONTO CPlThe presi dent of the Ontario General Contractors Association Thurs day predicted strong opposition from all organized groups in the nstructlonindusliy it the On ario government imposes lic ensing on contractors without similar regulations on trade un Ions Paulln said that In private meeting on the subject attended by officers of some 30 organizations in the industry all representatives opposed government intervention indi cating concern that in the hands of the government licensing could become purely political issue Government 11 lng has been suggested several times in lubmissions to Ontarios royal commission on labor relations in the construction industry headed by Montreal lawyer Carl Goldenberg It was agreed that there would be close cooperation between both boards to utilize and lo the best advantage and have an attractive orderly and efficient plan for the development of this new area After discussion the board agreed that all members would meet with the surveyor the fol lowing day as to the exact po sition on which the school should be built Then soil test will be carried out before construc tion starts letter was received fmm Nesbltt and Davies architects Barrie offering their services and requesting meeting with the board No decision has been made pertaining to construction as the basic organization work is just getting underway After some lively discussion on fallout shelters the members decided that letter should go to the Department fo Education inquiring if any thought had been given as to whether new school should consider the pos slbllity of providing some pro tection for children in case of Greek Freighter Aground lit Sault SAULT STE MARIE Mich APA Greek freighter loaded with SCIap Iron went aground Thursday in 24 feet of water in Lake Superior about 10 miles oft Whitefish Point 40 miles northwest of here The Anvrakikos went aground during heavy fog and drizzle in an area known Pancake Shoal RATHER ronrcnsr Official forecasts Issued in Toronto at 430 am Synopsis Only sinnal patches of cloud will mar clear skies in Southern Ontario dur ing the weekend while skies will continue cloudy in North ern Ontario with sllgbtchance of some snow today and better chances of anowflurrles Sunday Lake St Clair Lake Erie Lake Huron Niagara Latte On tario Haliburion Georgian Bay regions Windsor London Ha milton Toronto Mainly sunny today and Sunday little change in temperature Winds light to dlay southerly 15 to 20 on Sun Algoma IImagaml regions sauli Ste Marie North Bay Sudbury Partlyoloudy today cloudy with few anowflurries sunday little change In tempe rature Wlnds light becoming southerly 15 today WhiteRlver Cochrane re gions Cloudy with occasional light snow today and Sunday little change in temperature Winds light today southerly 15 on Sunday Forecast Temperatures Low tonight High Sunday Windsor St Thomas London Kitchener Wingham Hamilton st Catharines Toronto Peterboiough Trenton Killaloe Muskoka North Bay Sudbury Earlton Kapuskasing White River Moosonee 88 Marie sneeassessssssss For Family Needs PLAN THROUGH SUN LIFE CANADA ortoaoe Protection for your Home Sun Lifes Mortgage Protection Policy at srrldll additional Coat to the nomial carrying charges can take care of your home for your family if you die prematurely To discuss thlaiand other needs call TOM ANDERSON msznier woodman CLAPPERTON sr SUN LIFE ASSURANCE PA sent COMPANYOFCANADA dlsnsler and if any grant ls available for this purpose The board passed motion at lowing the exchange of Christ mas gifts In the school between students under the teachers su pervision with maximum of 25 cents set as the amount to be spent on each gift it was felt that in fairness to those fami lies with several children at tending school the price should be kept as low as pos sible The principals report advised that enrolment at the end of October was 572 pupils Grades seven and eight students have been participating in physical education classes at the Alllston Memorial Arena as planned due to shortage of space in the school and during the past four weeks spent 26 hours on this subject The next regular meeting of the school board will be on Dec 13 vhentheb and will wind up its business for 1961 Swedish Tale Of Mata Harit Brings Smiles OTTAWA lCP Swedish magazines tale of beautiful but nithless Russian spy who worked out of downtown Ot tawa lingerie shop was greeted Thursday with smiles in official circles The modernday Mata Hari tale is reported in the Swedish magazine Aret Runt Yeor Round Police and federal gov ernment officials said they had no record of the woman According to Arct Runl 87 yenrold professional spy named Tania Morkovna Radjnnsko op erated an espionage ring hce for about two years using lingerie store as her front The story says she was re called by Soviet aulhoritiea in March of this year after she Poisoned German born electronics engineer who re fused to hand over secret data making it Ioolr liken suicide Arranged the kidnapping on main street of Czechos lovak immigrant working as draftsman in an atrcraft fac tory The draftsman who had threatened to go to the police rather than E0opernte with the spy was drugged and subse quently ptit aboard Russian ahiP Become engaged to high ranking member of the police APPOINTMENT New FUR ritAr SPECIAL CHRISTMAS ronrnArr Secvsior PERSONALIZED CHRISTMAS CARDS FAVERO riioroonacnsn as Dunlap PA soul Authorizes Emergency Measures County Plan Authority to set up system of emergency measures through out Slmcoc County was granted at the final session of the lost Cormty Council yesterday The report on which the come clla resolution was posed said it will bewï¬skentlal tclilat each mnalcrpail no va part In helping to organize this The rt urged that every munlcl iy should support county this organization by passing motions to establish motto committees and plan nlng organizations thus en couraging employees and volun teen to take more active ln terest ln EMO services in any emergency the rt port added the responsibility of council is the Kama as in nor mal times that of providing sec Two Men Vie For Mayors Chair In Stayner Municipal Election STAYNER all Mayor Jack Carroll wl be opposed by Reeve Elmer Doer in the doc tion for the top post In the town of Stoyner Nominations were held last night Three candidates will contest the rECVtLQIlP Bill Moore Cass ker Grant and Perry Six candidates were nominal Blaze Destroys Service Station Near Waverley service station near Waver ley at the iunctlon of Highways 27 and 03 was completely des troyed by fire early yesterday evening The station owned and oper ated by Gordon Tauet also con tained in restaurant store and living queries Mr Touet and his family ware in Oriilla at the time of the fire The alarm was given by passing motorist and Midland Fire Department sent pumper unit and six men to the scene but the fire was beyond control Ken Truax who has incogni lon tank and water truck on his property opposite the service siniipn assisted the fire depart lllfll WilliErect Box For Santa Claus Barrie Jayeces will be erect ing their Santa Claus mail box in Fred Grant SltIuare at the be ginning of next week The box was started lastycar and to tal of 2000 letters were mailed Re lies are sent if the children the tide their correct addresses Santa will be on duty at the mailbox every Saturday from Dec to 18 DEATHS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Stockholm Axel Wanner Gran at Swedish financier who was one of the worlds richest men of cancer New York James Hag erty 85 former political ies porter for the New York Times and father of James Eagerly former press secretary to Pres tdent Eisenhower of heart ali merit Norwalk terton 67 stage and actress of cerebral hemorrhage BarrieOtto Drury Williams 71 member of Barrie council since 1948 BARRIE COOP HEATING FUELS Phone PA $6531 pasr THls nonmax SEASON new and ohsoflotterlng hairdo by one of our ex Pells ll Your first and most Important step to film direc tion Phoné for all up pointment and com in wont REGINA CURL adores 55 Dunlap st ConnRuth Chnt vices ascoual In the municipal ity and the necessary personnel to dispense and maintain these semces Some of these Ira po lice flu health welfare co gineers nod arch additional sen vices as wardens and rucue APPOINTED Floyd Grlesbach former tamer of Sunnldale wanship was engaged to replace Mrs Florence Fish as assistant di rector of the Recreation Com mllloe motion by sunnldale Town ship to be allowed to drop out of the County Health Unit was filed Councillor Downer Sun nldalc said proval of sub division bad delayed by the Unit without justification when It ruled that the area in ed for six seals on council mey are Donald McIntyre Bill Knox Allisiair MacDonald Cul ham Ken Kerr and Gordon Flook All candidates for coun cil have qualified except Mr Flook Deadline for quallllco lion Is pm tonight Publlc school board members returned by occlamoliun wrce Cnrl Carruthers Mrs Edith Phillips Mrs Olive Cole Candidates nominated for Public es Commission were Blackburn and Perry Mr Perry is also con testing the rocvcship and it un successful there will still be eligible for PUC seat Tcd Finn was the only can didate nominated for the ceme tery board Will Be Vote For All Posts In Nottawasaga full slulo of candidates was nominated last night for Nolta wnsaga Township posts at the nomination meeting In Dunlroon Community Holl incumbent Reeve Mc Queen will be opposed for the rccvcship by councillor Clarence mc Deputy lteevc Arnold Vancise will he opposed for reelectlun by Cliipchose Six candidates are contesting the three seats on council They are Fred Hewsou and Edgar Currie incumbents and George Synuott Bern Swanson Har ry Lucas and Fred Lebleck Runningvfor the two seats for public school trustees are Wil liam Voncise Dalton Middle brook nndArthur Robinson All candldotes have qualified Election will be held December Commentator In llllisfon ALLISTON Special The wellknown commentator Larry Henderson will speak in limb ing Memorial High School at oclock tonight under the aus pices of the Stevenson Memorial Hospital Auxiliary He will deal with the topic Countdown in Asia HARRY MURDOCH Let UI Check Your Car Now WHEEL ALIGNMENT wnssr BALANCING SHOCK ABSORBER SERVICE COMPLETE FRONT sun snapsnsron ovennxuo PA 8220 27 TORONTO sr NOTICE TO All The following additional April 13th 19625 zéiva ooinlnloii stm Leave rm Points 805 pm 815 pm 905 pm 915 pm 1005 pm 10i15 p111 cluded in the plan should have water and sewers The owner had put nearly $70000 inlo dovelo meat of his property the noun or said Mr Downer claimed that the attitude of the Planning Board had been prompted by the County Medial Health Officer He said there was no iustlflca tion in the claim that allowing septic tanks and wells on 1500 sounrefool lots would cause possible menace to health COUNCIL AHED 11w Councll adloumed at noon with the matter unsettled When sufficient number of member convened at 10 letter was read from firm of engineers which stated that the soil we sandy and therewas no reason why septic tanks would not give satisfaction It was suggested that wells should be of sufficient depth to ensure that there would be no likelihood of contamination However this did not cause the Council to vote against the resolution of the Health Com mittee The matter was put over until Ille January session Councillor Downer told Coun cil that the subdilidcr would be glad to pay the costs of an en gineers report on the matter and that unless the plan was adopted the township would an thorlro the sole of lots by motes and bounds as the delay was preventing the erection of some fine homes Home the request to allow the township of Sunni dale to get out of the County Health Unit This was also left over to the January session OBITUABY SHARON ELLIOTT Funernl services were held at Jennetts Funeral Home for Sharon Elizabeth Elliott daughter of Mr and Mrs James Elliott at Midhursl Sharon Eli zabeth died suddenly at the Hos pital for sick Children Toronto ov Burial was at Mineslng Cemetery Surviving are her parents and brothers John oer ald Ronald and Edwin of Care rte and Orval of Brampton and sister Pe gy Pallbearera were cousins van and Bill El liott of Mnllon and Murray and Don Bowser oi Barrie SHOVELINO SNOW NOT MEI Im tending For Sl Petersburg Florida All Your Arrangemenll Marlo FREE at SARRIE TRAVEL SERVICE lo Dtlnlop si on taut Free Parking at near Hearing Glasses lmpiovo your appearance look 10 years younger Slail enloylni lite again MAICO HEARING SERVICE 850 Yonge St Toronto VAlnut 42317 elem send his booklet ITY PROV ncMwlwzill hmu BUS PATRONSI EAST AND AllANDAtE ROUTES evening service will be effective for the East and Allondnle Bus Routes étfective Monday November 27 196i to Friday Additional Daily Service Except Saturday sunday and Holidays Leave Mllburo and Burton 845 pm 945 pm 10345 pm Leave Five Points 830 pm 930 pm 1030 p111 STRAUGHAN cuy Clark