SFARMERS MARKET coon worm Honor or all 1500 lbs Hauirin tteilrr ores lwo monrni Telephone llrroia Switzer PA um xlolsfilï¬rflenlnrdr lor ulr chm unh nil mo open no mo Minn Apply to An erlhl is canmnon ll Wu Grub imbury mun out lor ule one to couple or ueeks Alla Ilulslrln Cows our in December Apply to Btnoendu Orv station Teirpnooe oro lain LOST FOUND waLer hm lenloer ion to toe lltcinltyiol Com SIFuilatua lltnu me mm In my Moder please ieiroaoo PA was lieurd LIFER biarr wt star on In lookornrirhltn elfr sienna llama Lac hr arm it November is rheleoaoon iin Henry unit Ivy FARM MACHINERY FARM SUPPLIES SERVICE can New itoiina David Rrgwn Sein rum oulnmrni 173 oumnh AVE FA Man WINTER SNOW EQUIPMENT FOR YOUR TRACTOR loaders buckets blades li we havent eat it well get it CASH TRADE TERMS IVDAU MOTORS LTD Rambler Hlliman 10 DOWN 17 GOWAN ST PA 6488 Choice Cars 1959 VOLKSWAGEN DELUXE Very clean Venetian Red 1953 VOLKSWAGEN DELUXE Black with radio Very sound 1958 FORD FAIRLANE HARDTOP automatic Radio While 1956 CHEVROLET BEL AIR CONVERTIBLE Excellent condition litany exe tras 1955 PONTIAC LAUREN TIAN 2DR SEDAN Runs like new This Weeks Special Coral and nearly new tires Chrome discs Clean sound car $494 Auto Brokers Ferndale Road Hwy 90 At Hobsons Bar CASH TRADE TERMS 195 METEOR twoooor good run ning condition Tcleh 5490 mo MERCEDES uaxz ion diesel PHILct cundillon 150Iifl lllllcs Cash or own payment secures Camp Borden am 1955 Donor tor stle Clean throulhhllt new tires alter one RH 1955 NA Metropolitan tor mo excellent body reconditioned en sine Used as second car out Telephone PA olsis 1954 DELUXE Aortln sodn tor late our door In excellent time dltioo llsht green color interior in good ronntion Telephone PA £41565 alter 5m pm 1955 PLYMOUTH hv public anc tion Wednesday November 29 100 port at arevu Brothers Cundles Notice with articular osted in sherlrrs ottee court ouse Blrrle TRUCKS do TRAILERS rsso lilanctlmt Pickup excellent condition new battery and lnot tires $150 For lurther informi lion toiepnona PA B44667 TWOTON Stoke Truck 1959 Mer cury arm Al condition Low mile IE and good tires Write or sea In person Vcio Drugs co RCAF clover Farm Store camp Borden 1953 Damn IATON Truck dual tour door nsoio rotir Telephone on wheels tenrloot platform with high rocks Apply to Nelson Browning Churchill Ont Tele yllone 193m Letrny 1955 nonon MIDN mick 31191 conlit For Dancing lt mde ntly Mathis Frank Sin tra Saginaw l7 Ann Street gullih LA DE BONNAIRE SI Jane Morgan Connie Fréimis Perry Como Pat Boone Bing MOBILE HOMES Hair styuhg Stud BU Him Crosby Mailhlia Jackson war Momma IIDltlE for me 163 News St seabrégeimcnrd we and acct or as bflggï¬ndeouï¬ï¬gd rag CHRISTMAS SPECIALS CatalogUe for gecorii gzcksdalédï¬CSsesm wse ey uy nor eriuie tasterolnotnstlist mm Chrsimas of on um um picnics 1o JACKSONS sis Poth moo gt gt ransouots TEENAGERS am Good Album DEPT STORE Silitftiii iaiiitsfifsahhim VPA 82693 rialHrs Molt Pinion rfagreroten gr dmgillï¬eozulmlezfly 11am BLL LEBOEUE STAMPS COINS IIoilse or Eargains gï¬mghtim wlthtclir dblIv hto MACKTS MENS WEAR MONO IS tomorrows No5 JEWELLERS as WNW rm WEST Solomon be lt giivliglï¬ï¬‚gnéxflyï¬ggiy Apply aox DIAMoNDS IA MIMI CASH MONEY REFUNDED izlmgivmiiilwewflm ca Layaway sweaiersrmgs 9p svosiï¬tï¬ï¬iiiftiiiooy gigglï¬asgmgoï¬vl $th 5356 No interest or carrying charges G°°d lemon or Viyeua ca Limited 5355 Yonga street Toronto BA 577 WOULII ANv NE ltn IR mitten on tligiiwlvy riftiintl conceston Toccmrihho hi Sunday Novrmher cis iotltnsartil please phone cailoet Mr ell Barrie runway 225597 WOMENS COLUMN EAUTY almp Coldwnvos elm eertiiiea jhairdresser In your name Plano Bernice at PA it or aossz 9LOST6FOUND nimble lion mole Inst Tuesday vicinity or new Lowell color whithon mt nlar Snswcrs to name or Spn Reward MOTOR CARS FOR SALE 1536 Plymouth Sedan twotime MostAnything FEMALE HELP AVON AvoN COSMETICS Needs nonliiied women interi esied in good earnings at once Incrcased Christmas huxinesr means more openings in Dal ston Craighurst innislil Ves pra and 0m Townships Good opportunity or mothers or school age children Cor necesse ary For interviews TELEPHONE PA 6655l UALDIID Hate Stylit required or nation in Curio lioroeo Peh manort oouiloo or right paran Telephhne Damp Borden ll hulL nen houni lor lurthrr detlltn anoonArnnk ulna Short hlhd Quentlll AN by lulu xtnlinl rite ouiilicIionr and ex perience to Simon Medlul Group 11 Collier street Attention ltllsr liarn stswoonarnnn required Burl ollice MALE HELP LIFETI ME OPPORTUNITY IF YOU CAN QUALIFY Well rnierl manufacturer re quires an experienced salesman with car for the Barrie Owen Sound Sornia area Mall selected will have excellent op portunity Ior Advancement and will be encouraged and helped to earn more money year after year lie will sell items necessary or daily maintenance to all com mercial industrial and institu tional accounts Ilc will sell only top quality merchandise to Ctilv toniers who buy or more times year lle will enjoy llntlsurll commission earnings with weekly advance mratine ments We will train in the factory and in the lield For personal interview coil MR LIVINGSTONEI Royal Hotel Guelph Monday to Wednesday nwoomooomoflMSNomosoowo ADDING MACHINES Typewriters For Christmas gifts Good sei ection oi rcecunditionod stand ards from $3450 New Portables from $4995 year guarantee Easy terms ADDING MACHINES Good selection now from $3950 STAR Business Machines 24 Bradford st PA 66595 CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS AND CHRISTMAS TREES BEZZANT NURSERIES 6i Johnson St PA 80247 GIFTS FOR HER 52 DUNLOP ST WEST PA 83343 IO tor crimes in short hind Ind die stint marhines PHONE VA 28492 Ideal vlroirinrA cnndigoigu sold gorgnnnxgmuw MORE INFORMATION hg HELP WANTED MALI HELP Career Planned For You MEN General entryto enter the Navy as on ordinary Seaman young man must be 17 to year age have Grad cdu cation or better and be physio ally lit kchnical apprenticeship an excellent opportunity to earn while you learn is skilled tech nical trade Candidate mustbe to to in years of use with Grade in education or better WOMEN WRENS Ari excellent career for young women with speciol ited training and ouential work at the some pay as man Candi dates must be single is to so years of age Oracle to educae tion or better IIIE NAVAL RECRUITING OFFICER 37 ST CLAIR AVE EAST TORDNN ONTARIO Please send me full detaill Name Age Address CityTown Province Phone Last school grade successfully completed Royal Canadian Navy sALas REPnEskNtAnvk we on Innkinx tor the butt Allnlltldn wilh wslimrtshillllcd contacts in his retail contortlontry srocery rrrtsilranti irooo to sell popular Ilid wailextooin to hover product in the or lliaerrIEMils kora am starting salary 96000 nei year and onwards Tram or tatlon provided All replies wii ho irutea in continence Applicants will wait at the Barrie Lntll oil ice of the National Employment Service ti Owen Street Pnritwny Borrlo lo HELP WANTED MALE our CAREERS tor YOUNG MEN in tho CANADIAN ARMY It you are between the axon of 11 and as and single get hill inlorrnation on exciting career opportunities with the CANADIAN ARMY Visit your Army Recruit at Armory bemoan to and it lrn on Monday Nov lmber 27 or write ARMY RECRUITING OFFICE LARRY BRANNON THE BARRIE EXAMINER SATURDAY NOVEMBER 25 IBGIII 07115 WIT MEN DOWN THE RIVER FED MSG DTIIE FISH AT THE PLACE WHERE mm TD BillLD THEIR FAR AND Tiltst MILD BE too 01me In NH MAM AFTER THIS DESSERT IS CALLED aLUESERRv SIRPRISE 27 ST CLAIR AVE EAST TORONTO ONT EXCEL INCOME or full of put mu lelllnl loll Click om Ind Advertising Specilltlel lllie line with top commission Karly Kodca Productl aroer vile oat RSI IS YOUR Opportunity Good Rawieinh llullnul now open in Barrie also townships Medonio and 0m write for Inlomullon llwieignt ncpi Roma 4005 Richelieu hlnnlnli TEACHERS WANTED TEACHER WANTED for King George School for Re Lsrdcd Children Full days or halt days Applicants should state qualiï¬cations and my ex pcricnce with teaching retard ed diildren Salary according to qualiï¬cations Apply belore November so to MISS ELSIE RAIKES co Simcoe County Health Unit Barrie Ontario EMPLOYMENT WANTED HIGH SCHOOL girl will inn III weekends Telephone IA coals TODAY IS GOOD DAY TO PLACE YOUR WANT AD in the BARRIE EXAMINER JULIET JONES IIENRY BLONDIE 192mb cuaious 7b KNOW wrta TmE SURPRISE is CAN you FiND OUT PHONE PA 82414 ohms Interviews will he lilllll GIFTS FOR HIM Smith Rutter FURNITURE 137 Doiilop 60245 PA 60246 rnArroRM ROCKERS NYLON mama $2995 SERVICE SAVINGS SATISFACTION BARRIE Stamp Coin socks $150 GIFTS For FAMiLY Want Ads SELL PHONE IA 824 Telephone HEmlock 93737 Also Misc Gifts STENNICKS 59buNt0P ST JEWELLERY BARRIE ONT 127 nUNLor ST INQUIRE ABOUT OUR 17 Jewel watches $1495 coNVENIENT an up ECONOMICAL assacaonoootlordï¬ï¬hoohfloso Rust Craft Greeting Cards Boxed Christmas Cards Family Christmas Cards Morris Boxed chocolates Best Quality Billloldr Tree Lights and Decorations Visit our Toyiand Timex Watches AT our RECORD BAR All the Christmas or Holiday Sing Along With Mitch All Christmas selections with Mitch Miller Sing longs Top Qilaiity Rock Bottom GIFTS FOR FAMILY Dixies Smoke Shop And Record Bar loo Dunlap St GIFT IDEAS ipes and Smokers Supplies 90GB arty jokes and novelties the best recordiii stars DONALD DUCK ETTA KETT You KNOW How NONI Tos GAQBAGE You mom ov Salamivalng DAD HATED cawonto DISPOSAL ANVrClIANCE mliiitl51 FLAGS GANT no you 11431 9M HES THE SlNlC is sewn UP ionAs AN loan FINDMVFEI i3 PECORDI sas mm our wtt Iqaluit W74 MOLE 5AYBGU NNngEENT MAGIEIINN HURT Hi5 edition 51L Norma Hi we mm we wgcaiirmrm Eiï¬iiieetiiltt mitt Sign when WATER VEAGL Prices DIAL PA sms WEEKLY RATE SPRIIIE sxtm oilstidlliz lit i5 normal Titflipteoéillrgv If MAGNIFVIY mesm homé WIrritw Iuitiuwswe 53 oiéï¬i n23 lillsrtkstiie Ike iiievzraasisir on aznArétYPtAIl gt momens loin martian 1D memos rr YEAHa MINUTES