Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Nov 1961, p. 10

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loTIIE BARIIIE EXAMINER SATURDAY NOVEMBER 25 I56 REAL ESTATE ANNOUNCEMENTS REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE FARMS FOR SALE BIRTHS PROPERTY POI SALE TUztKAt the Royal Victoria Hahptlll narrit on Thursday Nmembu 1961 to Mr and Mn Michael mitt la Pcnetanl Slml uarrir son GOOD new small RnenJuu announce the birth nl vout cbil The name aminel CIIDDinLt al the notice are available Eitbyl nooa tamliy lree Records and in mi your means and Mill ID those tar any places cc announcement alter birth or rt mlati Clonibed PA um DEATH NELSON At liamllton on sat urday November 25 1961 slervyn Nelson 57 Tuxedo Avenue iiamillon in his stall year be loved tlllsln Dorothy Peatao and dear broliltr or rrcd at par ric finely ct Iergur Mrs cm risen lIlckling at Eden New York htls Enllc Turin or liarrie Rests ing at the iruscoll brothers itln eral name my King Street Elsi lirmilton until Sunday at Iuitenl service on Tuesday Nov ember 2b in Sunbury WILLIAMS Suddenly at his home it oven Street name on Friday November Ii toot Olro Drury lDoc Williams beloved husband ot Jean Alcxandu dear lather or liarie or name and Arthur or liramntoa loved brother or lltona iltirs Ray Carl Ion Vera Mrs hiclntyrel lrma Mrs George noigl Nor man biotic and Dorothy lilrs lI linusemral all or Saskatchewan and Ina lilirs rt nrousseaui or Alhcrln In his 72nd year Resting at the lehnett runeral llama nar ric Puneral service Inndly Nov ember 21 at pm Interment narrlc Union Cemetery Masonic service Sundtly evening at eight oclock aurnitci Corinthian Lodge IN MEMORIAM DUNCANIII loving memory ol Joseph Duncan who passed away November 25 1956 Within our store or memorlel He holds it place apart Par no one else can ever be More cherished In our hearts Layer remembered by wire and tamily COMING EVENTS DANCE TONIGHT Western Music with Don Grey GUTHRIE COMMUNITY HALL CANADIAN CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION presents THE BIBLE AND MODERN THOUGHT SUNDAY NOVEMBER 26 2130 RM at THE MEETING PLACE On Little Lake Road just past 400 Bridge REV GEO LEWINGTON number or arms and District and For complete moving service Member at the name it Est itioonr POUR IIEDIIOD Iiome all at log Availablc December payment alter pm ROGERS PA unset RD CARSON EAi To It 45A DUNLQP ST Nut dent in lmvtlhl Theatr PA 6648l Member at Barn and nlrtrlct neni catat abard MOVING Dont target to trunsler your INSURANCE and it you need extra cnverage any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA 95m 113 Duniop SL IN THORNTON Village room house to settle estate 000 or best alien Tclrphene or write burns RRi Mrplr Thornhlll liV 5145 or burns ivy IRzI TlIIlIlTY THINKING be your own landlord with tho aame mane tth payments Only $750 down and you per month to own we room Irame house with double garage rightoIway to beach at when Point Cali Norm Hu keth PA S645 representing lur old Forster Rc tor LARGE three bedroom brick bun gliow Lshapcd living and dining room with Iireplace buIlHn china cabinet Prlgidalre builtin stave and liven units Hanover kitchen HENDERSON REALIOR it COLLIER srum PHONE PA 92678 IchNINGs CALI RITA SCANan PA Haas DOROTHY viwox PA use PERCY FORD PA 57930 LtIstrts slVAiN PA woos MOVING safer and easier Call COOKE CARTAGE STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT 43 Essa Rd Barrie PArkw pm ROSE REAL BIATZ BROKER TIPPIN STREET nARRle CALL DAY on EVENING PA 82379 Dlatrlct Keith Marsha In ESTATE nitottER Is CLAPPEIITON ST BARRIE PA 82532 DAYS 0R EVENINGS cupboards lulltrlil vanity in bath raom Hardwood floors Attached garage on large lot at In hiarion Crescent Telephone Spring PA Mow PROPERTY FOR SALET on RENT riLnToN AVENUE Private sale ll room brick home built Ior Ilm Iiy living on landscaped lot Icsl It deep Two roam apartment on main Iiaor Telephone PA b5191 FDII SALE alt RENT Ilodern bedroom vtlnterlrea cottage near SIlOud All conveniences PhiIn IA Lml Its ZONE overlooking the buy rooms and bath uttnltcd garage walkout basement cold room storm and screens and many LX lras Telephone PA social event lngs PA Sinai Gordon PA Misti FRANK NELLES PA sheen biembel ionic and District tteal Estate Board attached garage good to Hon Central Lease or sell No reasonable otter rclusea rtie phohc PA teiov evenings Port SALE 12 Shannon Stree Three bedroom bungalow iully lrhdseapcd three yenrs aid NliA interior decorated fireplace Low dotvn Telephone PA 65754 ROGERS CONNELL ONE DUNLOP STREET EAST First in Barrie Home SalesForemost In Quality at Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENlNGS CALL MR MOOREPA esm FOSTER PA carts in CONNTLL PA ultras liilbiBERS tIARItliz 6t DISTRICT REAI ESTATE BOARD Reconciling Christs Teaching to Life Today Speaks of the Latent Power Within You BINGO CLIFF BROWN REALI UR IGUT KDOMID tam hour with acres or good Iarm land close to camp Borden lnnsinuta strive Irons Ainston on th line or Pan Townahip Only 000 with 000 down plyan Eu terms tor tun iniormation SMOKE aIIuP excellent downtown Ideal couple reasonably as owner has other the luck Apply Gllg Smoke shop to Iiapla Avenue Darrie Amt Built for this work private rooms kind nursing care good load rv rooms station was gon tor outings stroud APTS IIOLSES TO RENT LOWER two bedroom apartment end Telephone PA livSBISvdIter prn UNPURNISIIEI three miles north at iiarrie oh Highvlay church Telephone PA nssis UPPnlt DUPLEX ior rent bedrooms roam hath Phone PA 83573 SPACIOUS sellcontained Idcal Ior bachelor or couple Park ing rucilitics stove and rctrigera tor supplied Telephone PA fully modern Phoaa III c1490 LOTS FOR SALE Suitable or lower BUS OPPORTUNITIES Iundry store in locruon or retired gentleman or Good income Selling MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE lST AND 2ND MORTGAGE LOANS Unlimited private funds aval llble or any type or dwelling or construction anywhere Free consultation No Obligntioll CALL PA 60981 MORTGAGE FUNDING 129 Dunlap St East over SllIlPSONSSEARS MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE NO BONUS Payments insured against accident sickness death CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOI ST WEST BARRIE PA 60203 km MOdRTGAGESIIt and 2nd baught an and residential existing mortgages gage nrukers RENTALS an CO Clean modern buildings Suitable Ior commercial or light industrial Telephone PA 65575 and Arranged commercial honeys loaned on name iibrt pA Moot IACE tor rent NESING minus EDEN was NO HOME semi llnd Telephone 59m sellicontnlntle heth In WEST tour room house 11 Near school and Two dinlnn pleco now living room kitchen and tour Heated Available apartment cutrnrlcc modem private 9050 RENTALS ARTICLES for SALE TIME FOR Cs WANT AD BRINGS YOU CASH PA 82414 ARTICLES Ior SALE ms HOUSES Iv BRNIA l2 RENTALS PT5 HOUSES TO RENT RESIDENTIAL Level lot slight beckdrop apartment Telephooc PA was December Apply Apartment bath Pullman taro room apartment oil heated Moderan rent Phatit PA 39140 111m R003 unlurntshed BOO tar rehl Conveniences up per month Apply to ridgeblll Driv ior runner particulars Poun noon Apartment to rent naturalsaed neat and hydro Dunlap Street writ Telephone PA 17159 Tonsil seven room brick bans on good residential rtreei lmmo dlaia possesslan Rtllnncgl Call Coutll and Co PA Miss POUR Roost Apartment to rent unIurnirbed heated IeIIconutn ed ltrtrigrrator It datum Teis phone PA M717 LARGE nicely decorated two ed roona heated trucoatalaed art ment Central Iortied Chudren welcome TIIrpIInnI PA soul Two R00 Apartment Iuralah ed retrigcrator Parking space Adults only Telephone PA 017 or ply airy street NEW APART we tor rent one and two bedroom rulrrL launch on Queen street stove and lrtgerator supplied PA 6003 Six ROOM modern untumlshcd home or rent Lovely back yard automatic In heater Close to downtown no monthly Telephone PA 55210 THREE KOO rent unlumlahea Reasonable rent Available alter December Telephone 17 Strand tor runner latarmatlaa APARTMENT Central Ileaiad Partially lurnished Paur rooms and bath 55 per month Over Steeles china Shop Collier St Telephone PA Miss or PA 85B95 FURNISHED live room house lull basement oil heated modern can vcnicnces garage Immediate pose session $75 monthly For lurther Intornlatloh rail 57m stroud ONE nnnROOIl Iumishcd belie ed apartment aclt contained Lots or parking space Tile tloora and large closed in verandab Tcic phone days PA 21o evenings PA tInoi PoUIt ROOM unrurnishcd apart ment tor rent Private bath hulls ea bus stop at door Availbid It it II It Apartment tor ulicontaincd It in Gunn street VERY CENTRAL one bedroom apartment In new buildinlt Ans lomailc washer and dryer rup plied Available December Telephane PA Mali NEI MODERN tour room but water heated apartment in Angus tIcat hydro water and range supplied Telephone Camp Dorden collect UPPER DUPLEX ilvc roams and aelreontained private ent rance lieatcd Na obiectlon to one child Available December Telephone PA 55611 tor further intormation TORONTO STRL locatlo Un Iurnisilcd three room apartment with bath stircontained com plctaly private bright and attrac live Telephone PA H555 new AND Modern one and two bedroom anartmonu overlooking rtcnic tternpllnIeil nay neat wa ter parking and ianitor sarvica included Automatic washing cillties PA ozeoz LARGE modern unturnlshcd apartment three raomr four piece bath hot water heated Iauna dry room with dryer Available immediately Telephone PA oszzi Irt It mm apartment or rent stove and re Innnlor Adults only Avlihblo now Telephone PA new coirAGs Ior rent tarnished Iicavy duty stove oil heathL Ap Ply Little Lake Cedar Park or telephone PA on nvti nxnuooti House with age and garden inside Convent ces lulled on lughvvay live miter irora Dlrrlr Availhie nary PA 64127 amt girl or xrnlirbaah tartable mom Apply at all San Iord street or telephone PA sates tor turtbtr Information or two people Telephone PA Soul PA rcierred or turther detail tor stave Suitable PA obm lhigo Noni tarnished Apply vs Innistil street winterized inside conveniences monthly Telepbo VROOM Ar BOARD OOSI AND noIiRn available close to downtown Apply II Der czy Street or turther lnlarnnuan 00 AND BOARD lar one or two persons fluircd Parking space ackecl tl elephone bsata Ior Iurther details Lunchra own man noAitn with mother carc given tor babies and children in my own home by In eelt Apply touox 7v prrri Ex Ooni AND BOARD available or cook man in private home Dun op and landlord dlItricL phone PA wuss Tele Ont AND DOARD available tar Warm com 00 AND bomb in prtvhla home close to lnduilrill area on Em Road Near bus stop Will pack lunches Parking ilomo pri vUegca Telephone PA mm AST END nur rio rt door oom and board In pr vato home unches packed Suitable or one Parking rprce URNISIIED Front nedroom loch ted on Essa Road noard final as stop at the door Te aphone we UR ISIIED iiedroarn Ior rent In private home located two hiaoks from downtown business man Tolcptiono PA Hts OMILBTEIJ Purnlshcd Roam rent with retrigerator and also bulllrin cupboards Ior one or two girls elephone PA smn IIOUSEKEDPING Room in widows ante Reasonable to business wo mrh or lady pensioner Near bus Telephone PA lizovi rtIGliT IurnlshedbLdronm or rent in modern home board at tional Parking Iaclllties available cntleman prererred Telephone ICE cLIJIN Iurnisbcd roonl Ior rcnt Located in east end district zvnllphlt Tclc arkihx space phone PA Misti Ior nirther intor motion RIGIIT Iurnlshcd housckcepihg room Ior rent stove and rolllg erutor supplied Located between the hospital and shopping plua Parking moi Ior iurthel intarraa on space Telephone PA v0 LARGE unturnlshed rooms rent in rivatc home Located Tose to doIIthown would make an phone PA 60479 lllcai small apartment rele WANTED TO RENT ARAGE or storage space wanted Ior car tor winter months icle Russell Iran Used TV from 4900 Used Refrigerators from 8900 Used Ranges from 2900 All unconditionally Guaranteed MCFADDEN Appliance 123 PENETANG STREET PA Em NEWSPAPER MATS Sizes tlea Ideal tor lining lien houses attics garages etc perfect insulator 25 PER DOZEN Apply The Barrie Brominer Harri Ontario USED vAanht cleaner tor sale in good condition 955 ct phone PA Sitar PIANO ACCORDION Ior salt Ti trbo to bus like new Selling ior 3100 Telephone PA 561 urrlcc turnltare one modem executive desk two small desks Typewriter While leather otll couch Apply to siesley Sire wiraga nesrh Telephone No iv rar Bench LR REPRIGRRATOR Servei propani rat also two double ceillng light and reven wait lithtl These items may also be used Milli natural gal aphlha gas burner rlove All in coed condition Telephone PA adios BENTAIJ storer Licctrtc Port ahle aiachulcs tor rent by the week or the month Singer seve ing Centre Dunlap street West zTrlvcphane PA 57960 or Elrnvllir FRUIT 8c VEGETABLES NO POTATOES Ior sal ti per bag or 75 lbs Free delivery on rive bags or more Tclzphnnc PA will Hh APPLE CIDER lresh or lresh Iro ren also apple butter Ior break Ia snack or anytime We buy Iir gallon jugs Tcloo phone PA New DOGSsl PETS TELEVISION Iilncb RCA Victor Ior aalc complete with stand Telephoaa Camp Borden nu CASII LOANS$600 at uz maalh Telephone Crescent rlnaaee west WASHING MACHINE for Split Easy automatic in Al Cnndllloli Selling reasonably Telephone PA olsot mu pin CHESTERFIELD Suite top shape 35 swivel Chair goes along or tree iron Double Bed spring and rharp mattress zls See at me Olake Street troati TRLKVISION or sale ziinch Phiico blondc sharp picture on and 99 Glls Smoke shop to Maple Avenue or telephone PA 99176 FURNACES two Ilrize hot air tor coal or wood with automatic circulating tans Also three large space heaters will last valves Ior remote tanks chrap PA eIIII PIANO Gerhard Heloiunrn can inet Grand with bench beauiitul immaculate conditio also dauillt barrel I2 gauge ham merless shaman Apply Agnes Street Rarrie wonn FOR SALE root cord SID pel curd Also 9000 Iect or lumber and lnohes Apply Rohcrt Aconlcy shanty tele phone PA 66653 er PA MM 15 nuniop SL NEW Tlvo RUGS i2 it IS oval shaped Chinesc colors bcig pink and green one l2 colarr red diih rust allover pattern Owner mint sell returning to England Apply Box nanlo Exsminer Iz PISII SIIANTIES wcll cone structcd prtccd $15 each also 700 gallon and 500 gnllan minnow tanks Apply Vic Palmer l9 Kemnentelt Drive Telephone PA 60497 WINTER coAT mah miliurrl lined site Two mens sports jackets site 40 Lady ear coat sire Ladys Ixurv skates size All in exccllcnt condition Telephone PA cIiRisTMis tor sale choice pruned Christmas trees pine or spruce any site Vholc sale or retail Reasonably priced telephone iiiinesing tat nLACIt slionT IlAln Puppies it weeks old lVIll grow to about If high Telephone hlsso PUPPY IVANrun would prelcr Beagle or spaniel Telephone PA um GOLDEN IlEfltlEVElI Puppies Ior rate Ilest champion stuck ppen Available now till Christmat Cen Iic temperament Ideal hild reh Telephone PA Milli ARTICLES WANTED WANTED Uscd Wpcwrltrr Tele phone PA 66155 WANTED Used Drill Press Apply nristow Lid 34 Dunlop st West or telephone PA 6d546 we WILL PAY Chen ior good used iumiture or any Road used article individual or content In Phone PA um ARTICLES FOR RENT SANTA CLAUS sutrs tor rtnt Reasonable rnlcs Proceed Ior VIIIYWCA Telephone rm 59631 or PA 64727 In rcscrvallons and inionnatloh via lilcnoltcs Club 5FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Highest prices paid Ior dead or crippled cattle and horses Smnli animals removed free For Inst service phone BARRLE PA bnsl collect or ask for ZENITH 91130 NO CHARGE II hours day7 days week NICKS DEAD STOCK RR Foxmeud Ontario License No meal LIVESTOCK iiEREroltD DULL eight months old dark red mottled Apply to Carson Elmvale Telephone 737R Six SHORTRESP tlv yearold Heretord Steers ior sale Apply Campbell shanty Day Telc phane Orn 921 phone PA Saris evenings ARTICLES for SALE mm FORCED AIR OIL OR GAS NEW $1le FINANCE RATE Phone Collect Stroud 41R5 Woodward and Sons or PA esnzs tor detans Tu LI ROOM furnished sci can alned apartment ground floor available now Also second floor three room iumlrhcd apart merit Telephone PA Hist bctore aka or alter pm MODERN tree ream uniumlshe ed seit contained sIrggt level apartment Laundry room suit able lot couple One blockram post orrlce For iarormatioh tele phone PA izzns HOUSE ror rent Living room dine lng room kitchen three bedrooms and garage on heated ltiodera conveniences Three miles north oi Borne on Highway Phone PA angle UPPER DUPLEX Ior rent two bedrooms living room and kitch en Iully tiled iour piece bathe room Oil heated Laundry hull tier Vacant December Tele phone PA 83209 THREE ROOMSv self contained with sink and modern cupboards on heated tiled tloors kitchen plenty or closet space stove and retrigerator Supplied suit couple Phone PA eases SELF CONTAINED two room Iurnished heated apnrttnent three piece bath trout roll back entraa ccs suitable Ior bachelor or cone pie Available December Apply ial annelrl St PA 4715 FURNISHED Apartment Central STROUD HALL 32 HIGH STREET BARRIE TUESDAY NIGHTS PHONES FA 0241 PA 60243 iiiomberr at tho Enrrlts Real Estate Board 174 Sinth CampbeliPA adobe Ioaa LeapPA $578 Jackpot SlOOFull card Fergus GarveyPA 57952 57 numbers called an it CORBY REAL ESTATE FOR TURKEYS SATURDAY DEC BROKER At the farm of Lynn Russell MIDHURST Shotguns OnlyShells supplied FILMAVOND Hollandsc nlmavond voor het gelleic gerin mct spec iale verrassirlg aangebndeh door de New Canadian Cultural soci cty on Zaterdag 25 November ll he DstscnaeritCh Va BEST BUY EVER me This three bedroom brick home located close to CGE and the vi $¥ yup MT£Igggg shopping district and priced to sell is perhaps the best value for your money that it has been our pleasure to show Terms et kinderoh 25 ct FOR RENT Tam bedroom cootltafe with liNvilig rosogn tdining room en garage urnace apler ree ADVERTISING IF TELEPHONE You are looking for change in housescall or see in as we PA 824l4 have line selection of good homes now MABEL MARSHALLPA 54450 COREYPA Estes Condensed and classifiet adver tisements are inserted at the IIIURIEL JHFERYPA com rate of it per word per insertion for one and two times 3c per word for three four or five times and zinc per word tor or more insertions 10 addi tional charge if not paid within In days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT IS 9dr FUR 2A WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS OR $106 FOR 24 WORDS IF CHARGED PER SINGLE IN SERTION ERRORS ort CORRECTIONS Advertisers are reminded that all phone Insertion orders are accept id as convenience to you IRE advertiser Iberetore the classleed Advertising Department rectum su advertisers to kindly recheck their advertuealent immediately utter llrrt Insertion in order that any errors or omissions may be reported More arr la ordea that share may be recuaed tor the rollowiag days insertion order We wish to point out that The name thranaiacr is responsible tor only one incorrectly printed insertoa on any advertisement all tIICII only to the XtCnl or portion at all that involves the mlspriat Error which do not lessen the value of the advertise meat are not eligible rec correc tions by make goods Coming Events 5c per word minimum charge $150 Birth and Death Nntices for up to 25 words lover 25 words so per word extra in Memnrlam Noe tiees $150 it verso used do per word extra tilan LETTER REPLIES titlilrmutlan regarding advertisers Elton Letter nor Numbers ncpiies ts held strictly conild hl Replies to Letter Boxes be held only to day aster IPt day or publicauaa Classified advertisements and notices for these pages must be received by pm day pre ceding publication with the ar ceptlnn of Classified Display advertisements hlctl must be In by 1200 noonwpreceding duy UNPURNISIIED modern heated apartment Ior rent immediately suit couple with one small child Apply at Hosklns Bakery Elm valc or telcpbonc an Elmvalc MODERN unfurnished one be room basement apartment Kite en dinette living room and three piece buttl Heat water and hy dro supplied Laundry iacilitics Available immediately PA e79lz UNPURNISIIED Timer Rooltt apartment tor rent on North street Iieated Plenty or cup board Space Telephone meal time or evening at PA 84510 LARGE twa room unturnished apartment ior lcnt Living roam kitchonetic bedroom rangette and rctrigcrator Ground floor Central Suitable Ior one or two Tclcnhone PA Idols Two BEDROOM unturnisbed apartment in modern apartment building Stave urid rcirigeratar Heat water storage parking space and laundry lacilltles Tciev phone PA 51167 Available Dec ember LARGE nRtGIIT furnished alx ronm apartment with heat and wa ter private entrance Reasonable rent mlnutos walk tram bus terminal Immediate possession Telephone PA 54702 srx R00 House on heat tile and oak floors plenty or cup hoards central Sorry not sult able Ior small chlldrcrl Reabon game room and imp iin able eh Availlhle new PA tallied private entrance Heat 35140 hydro and water supplied Perk av le month Tole trNPtiitmstlen Apartment tour 35 fixqu Vronms and bath ground floor Helitgd clean modern Selfcom wpmmsnn pm tained Central location PnrkIIIE ment three rooms private 1th Steve and relrlgerator it required cm mm on hemp Teleehoee PA HEEL XII hot water tank pgvaho omeaa other china va NEW RANCH Style 051 Left able now Telephone PA 39751 living morn dining room kitchen three bedrooms tour piece bath Form 300er Amnmnv Divided basement with laundry huh Mumphpd Sim mg tubs tails and harm Apply irigeratar ruppue Centrally ll person7t DundouaId street eated No children Available im mediately Par rurther Informv non telephone PA Him UNPURNTSDED Upstairs Apart merit three rooms private bath Central location all treated Pri vate hot water tank in private home No other tenants Icles pbona PA 89757 Available now BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Month Or Year Telephone PA 82414 Phone PA szilv MASONRY If it can be built with BLOCK BRICK nr STONE CALL SPROULE MASONRY CONTRACTOR For guaranteed workmanship at reasonable prices PA 60966 PLASTERING STUCCO STONE QUIKBRICK AND PLASTERING CEILINGS ROOMS AECHWAYS PATCHES FREE ESTIMATES TERMS No DOWN PAYMENT SIMCOE QUIKBRICKV LEFROY 60M PHONE COLLECT REFRIGERATION STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE 33 Clappertol St PHONE PA 84562 SANITARY DISPOSAL DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT we have been licensed to te move your dead and crippled fram animals under the abch FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLECT BARRIE FAIRWAY 83617 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE LICENFE escor REFRIGERATION 93 punlop St FARMS We have large variety of good Iaims listed with us or sale Beer and stock iarms dairy farms mink farms market gardens and tobacco farms all in the Barrie area See them now before the snow comes laree idl $75 per month Norman ShelsweII REAL ESTATE BROKER DUNLOP ST PA 89961 PA 68742 FIRST MORTGAGE FUNDS AVAILABLE7 INTEREST 6W7 OF VALUENo FEES CHARGE Evening Call loe Longtlu PA some Jack Willson PA 34511 Everett shelsweli Ora 291i Norman Shelsvreli PA 59961 Howard Norris PA 85463 OPENHOUSE I44 Rose SI Open All Wéekerch LARGE HEATED Aprrtment Liv ing room dining room kitchen bedrooms and bath Sell contained Very central Plenty or storage space Available now 95 monthly Telephone PA Halt AVAILABLE November Ian bedroom bungalow all canvealea ces on heat Reasonable Tale pboaa Oakville Valley menu or write box 51 burllo Examiner Two BEDROOM winterized loko Iront cottage at Minets Point In side conveniences heavy wirin $50 per month Immediate posses slon Telephone PA 83455 or rurther dDIaIIs Two BEDROOMS living room kitchen and bath separate eRtA rance Central location Waml and eomiortable Available December Telephone PA lizvol pm pm New THREE Bedroom house and garage for rent on the lath C0114 ceaslou or Vespra Fully insulated Oil iurnacc City conveniences Telephone Hilladaio 2131114 UNUURNISIIED one and two bed room apartments heated central ly located Kitchens with builtIn cupboards Adulta only TclOpIInnn 0N3 BEDROOM Apartment Owen and Grove streets urea Ample storage parking laundry room with dryer Available December Telephone PA Heal or PA Mid or PA Mill EENTBAL Modeln heated Apnrte meat living room and largo bedroom dinette modeln kit chen Refrigerator and heavy duty stove Parking facilities Business couple prcialred Tel phonl PA 68575 UPPER DUPLEX one bedroom largo living mom and kitchenette Stircontained Private entrance Dominion store area Heated wa ter and electric paid $55 per month Available December Telephone PA Mona MAIN PLOOII Apartment unturn ished seircontained Heat and hydro in small child welcome Available immediately Also three room apartment unfumlnhe PA ion and utter no pm aPA ed mum Adm Telephone PA can FIVE Roots uniurnlshecl apart meat Living room with nreplaee NEW MODERN centrally located modem mm Wm two bedroom apartment for rent Itetrigemtor stove and laundry bedmm um tacilitles Available immediately robin Immediate pnssusslnn or Janitor aervtce Tcle hona PA wll arrange to suit tenants Tel 091 or amber in mum phone PA mill alter pan MODERN heated unrurhished two bedroom apartment itetrlger ator and stove supplied Laundry Iacllltlcs Parking Overlooking park and bay Apply it St VIII csnt street or telephone PA NEED NEW STOVE 0R FRIDGEI Buy em with Inwvcost lifeinsured SCOTIA PLAN LOAN The Bunk of Nova Scolla Barrio FREE coffee being served Saturday Afternoon This house is completely furnisIhéoI by Smith LUMBER used Lumber or aalc Best quality sheeting 2x4a Ix Bsronl tramci window rrurnea large garage doors etc very mo Sonnhle Telephone PA 571 CEMENT Laundry Tubs and stand so in good condition Also boys skates size $2 childa Record Player Ind several records Telephone PA battle ATTENTION PLEASE Gllb Smoke shop In Maple Avo PA 841195 in addition to lresh atatk at bmnkua needs we now carry for your convenience bread but ter muk calico etc etc Open datlly l7 141 pm sunda noon to Dm Drapes by Youngs Drapery Appliances by Robinsons Hardware AD CARSON Real Estate TIIREE ROOM ground finer apart inant separate entrance and bath heat aupplled Close to rcho Alao three roorn modelnly de corated apartment with nursery Erch available December Talelt plinrle PA S9215 APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE KEZIIIIIE Contractors Service to an makes 5m 147 DUNLOP ST STORE OWNERS PA 51 I42 Assorted qltianlgity of old CARPENTRY DC NEW HOMES Remodelling Shingling porches SALES BOOKS WISE Tmming to SINGLE CARBON housos and garages AUTOMATIC BRUCEPV SMRON These books are in per fect condition but have DIAPER SERVICE IgsaéflfiRitdlééicéne Em DIAPER SERVICE FROM I26 I0 205 theu weekly pickup in delivery Clearing at 9c ea Wiseiiilm plus Less than punch or cigarette PROVDICIAL SALES Commercial Printing DRIVING SCHOOL Dept ORILLIA SCHOOL OF Barrie Examiner SAP DRllg56ING IDCE Phone 66537 FOR APPOINTMENT CALL PA 66551 HAVE YOU TRIED Barrie Auction Rooms EXCAVATING and Second Hand Store SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED 55 DUNLOP 51 WEST Excavating and Grading Water PHONE PA 82427 Delivery Crushed stone Halt yard Backhoe or hire DENNIS MORAN 29 Anne Street PA 2907 INSULATION INSULATION with No Rockwuol HOOD ALUMINUM CLAPBOARD sm ma COLOURS METAL Do REFRIGERATION SERVICE ORS WINDOWS AWNINGS BY Domestic Commercial ALSCO FREE ESTIMATES Airconditioning GUARANTEED WORK al PRATT STREET SCOTémMéJIZRH PHONE PA slatll AmiiTE INSULATION REP WELL DIGGNG PAINTING AND WELLSS DRILLED PUMP INST LLED PAPERHANGING BY LICENSED DRILLERS EPDIVARD Slivlgifl rig SON FREE ESTIMATES II II girl ping C°l€ilii£9 an mill PA Host PA 87646

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