CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Effie Christmas trees and bright red Christmas stockings hold special meaning for little girls It means that jolly old St Nick will be soon making his yearly jaunt This spark ing tree attracted the atten tion of fourAyearofd Maureen Watt and Louise Rooks at St Andrews Church annual tea and bazaar The event was sponsored by the womens group of the church Exam iner Photo Marina Rich Weds William Maguire COLLINGWOOD staff nurse of the Soldiers Memorial Hospital Elsie Marina Rich RN was married in Coiling wood Saturday Miss Rich who lived in Orily fill at 66 Peter St is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Wil Ilam Rich of Collingwood She was wed to William Theodore Maguire of Barrie son at Mr and Mrs Fredric Mnguire of Stayner in the Fellowship Baplt tist Church The candlelight cereiiiony was conducted by the Rev Eric Penny and the solos The Life In Christ and will Walk With God were sung by Theda Walma of Orillia Miss Shiela Gould of Owen Sound was the organist Given in marriage by her father the bride wore gown of pure silk organza over silk styled with picture neckline bordered with silk rose applique The full floorlength skirt with scattered rose applique was gathered to fitted bodice pearl tiara held her nylon net fingertip veil and she carried talisman and gold roses entwin ed around satin how Miss Sadie Johnston classmate of the brides from Soldiers Memorial Hospital School of Nursing now living in Weston was her maid of honor gowned in moss green peau de soie dress with picture neckline tight bodice and bell skirt and tiny hows around the hem The bridesmaids Miss Sharon Johnston and Mrs Pat Goodland of Toronto honey gold dresses of the same material and style niece of the groom Ann Marie Fryer of North Bay was flower girl in honey gold peau do soie pr incess style dress All were matching bows in their hair and held baskets oi gold and white mums Ke1 Smith of Collingwood nephew of the groom was the ring bearer John Plowright of Stayner was best man and Don Rich the brides brother of Barrie and Don Donor of Stay ner ushered At the reception held in the All Saints parish hall guests were received from Weston Stayner Collingwood Port Carling Kirkland Lake Welland Oakville and other points The brides mother wore blue matt jersey dress with matching jacket winter white accessories and Corsage of pink and white roses The grooms mother was in blue crepe dress with grey accessor Ies and pink roses The newlyweds left for how eymoon trip to the Northern United States the bride travel ling in mass green mohair stroller suit with winter white accessories and corsage of baby yellow orchids The couple will make their home at 173 Collier St in Barrie Les Cowper Photo COUPLE WED AT MINESING Minesing United Church was the setting fun the wedding of Miss Phyllis Elizabeth Bow en and Ray Jack Sehaefer Rev Bernard officiated at the ailernoon rites The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Harold Bowen RE MlneEing The bridegroom is the son of Mr and Mrs Gor don Schaefer Embro Mr and Mrs Scheafl erwill reside at 438 Downie Street Stratford CANADIAN REnxcRoss SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING COLLIER ST UNITED CHURCH HALL MONDAYDEC not TICKETS $175 630 pm Nothing New Here Says Visiting Nurse HALIFAX CBMrs Ruby physiotherapist from India who came here to learn about new methods and equipment in her profession says she hasnt found any From what she has seen since arriving in Halifax in Septem ber physiotherapy patients here are given the same treatment as those in Bombay and with similar equipment Mrs Reporter has learned one thing here she wants to see in India Thats free treatment in the home such as the Cana dian Arthritis and Rheumatism Society offers In India there are few arth ritis patients but there is tie mood for trmtrnent and reha bilitation work Physiotherapy is available free only in hospital wards The zeyeamld native of Bom bay will work with the society here for two years then travel across Canada before returning to India Central United WA Meeting The November meeting of the WA of Central United Church opened with the theme and prayer Mrs Vernon Cameron presided Mrs Slessor gave report of the jointyfall rally held at Guthrie Plans were made for the WA Christmas tea and bazaar to be held Dec The call to worship was giv en by Mrs llalden Mrs Knupp read The scripture from Peter first chapter verses two to five and gave the medita tion Mrs Fanning closed with prayer Mrs Cook introduced Miss Jern Keith who gave an illus trated talk on war memorials using slides thatshe had taken while7 travelling overseas Mrs Hines thanked Miss Keith for very interesting talk special time followed with refreshments served by Mrs Walden and her grou iocm garrick nAm STYLISTS announce cairn ms for sensuous EVERY wan FROM 415 Pm special Student Rates By appointment only PA E4551 as Maple Avenue improperly taken protect you should we Amth DA 53 rd DRUG fed YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US when you need medicine Pick up your prescription if shopping nearby or we will deliver promptly without extra charge great many people entrust us with their prescriptions May we compound yours CALDWELLS Cor Owen and Dunlap Sts SPEAKING OF PEOPLE AND PLACES GOLDEN WEDDING Mr and Mrs Edward Howard of Grenfel will be at home to friends and relatives Dec on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary Open house willbc held from to and to pm CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Mrs Ross Adams Mrs Gor don Watt and Mrs Fred ChurcA hill received guests at the an nal Christmas tea and bazaar held at St Andrews Presby terian Church Wednesday at ternoon Pouring lea were Mrs Dobson Mrs Currie Mrs Morley and Miss Ritchards Decora tions were in charge of Mrs Cameron Mrs Gates and Mrs Morley Tea conveners were Mrs liugh Gib son and Mrs Cecil Pringfc Tea hostesses included Mrs Allison Mrs Gundry Mrs Cameron Mrs Hocy Mrs mmourcux Mrs McCaw Mrs McClure Mrs McDonald Mls McKin non Mrs Frank Perkinsand Mrs Graham Kitchen con veners were Mrs Ayers Mrs Daugherty Mrs FOLLOWS Regular meet ing of Hollows Womens Inst itute was held in the commun ity hall on Nov is more members in attendance Mrs Ernest Dales pres ident was in the chair Iloll call was an exchange of cook ing recipes Thank you letters were read for cards and gifts received baby spoon was presented to Mrs Smith for her baby daughter Mrs Rumble and Mrs Evans codelegstes to the re cent area Wl convention in Alliston each gave most in teresting report It was decided to have euchre on Wednesday Nov 22 in the hall The meeting was turned over to Mrs Button Agri culture and Canadian In dustries convener The motto was Make the most of your timE it Is God given Mrs Button vho had work ed in the famous Chiclets plant in Toronto for 21 years gave resume of how the pro duct was made when she startl ed work at the plant in 1916 as compared to present day methods HOW GUM MADE In 1916 the chick gum ob tained from Mexican tree was shipped in large sacks containing 150 to 200 lbs Five elderly Indies 65 to 70 years and one man were given the job of breaking it up into small pieces with axes These were shovelled into tubs and crushed with small hand Crushers then well picked over to ensure all was clean Today it is put into large automatic Crushers then through series of filters all electrically operated instead of going through six pairs of hands Now one man dumps the bag presses button purify BACKACHE May beWorning Brchcbe in often earned by In kidneyroan When kidney get out at order esten adds and wastes remain in the ryrlem Then brelurhe dis lurbed rest or Ilut Lindour not heavy hudzd feeling my man follow Thrll the time to take Dodds Kidney Pillr Dodds stimulate the kidney Io normal um Thur you feel bettersleep hollerwork better Get Doddr Kidney Pills rum so RVVRVDRERERDJERERDR WE orTEN REFUSE To MAKE PROFIT Sometimes we are asked to sell medicines that should only be dispensed on physicians prescrip tion or that we consider potentially harmful if We will never let the loss of profit influence our decision It our moral and legal duty to ever refuse to sell you something and advise visit to your physician please follow our advice We do have the profes sional knowledge to make such decisions STORE rGeo Caldwell th Doug flare Phil PA 329 the guests wmur and Mrs field Quebec Misses Mildred Cameron Mrs Gates hlrs Knapp Mrs McCaw Mrs Paul Meger Mrs Gordon Spencer Mrs Woods Mrs Charles Christie Mrs Hutton Mrs McA Henderson Apron table llomehaking Hamilton airs Ella Gauthier lunnun Susan and Roger of Barrie Mrs Prince alrs II Graham Mrs Sutherland Mrs Smith Mrs lvan Jory is Warn ica Mrs Rowat Burridgc Hooper Mrs and Mrs essen table Mrs Marshall Mrs Eur bidge Mrs Wilson Mrs Schlahl Touch and take tabIE Mrs Cunningham and Mrs checking Mrs Cowan Mrs Kerr anad uIs III McKee LEAVES FOR FRANCE and Mrs Quade of Burton Avenue en tertained at family reunion Sunday in honor of their dou ghtcr FLt Roberta McQuade who has been transferred to No Fighter Wing at Grotes FLt McQuado will be the matron of the sta Among TIIE narran nxuiiNnIr FRIDAY NOVEMBER 241931 Hollows WI Enjoy Talk About Modem Process Of Chewing Gum Gift table Mrs Hooper Mr Delica Swan Watson Cotton Parcel William squin France hospitl ing rs muchln an hour as used to be done by hand in two days ADD GLUCOSE To the purified gum is added glucose flavoring etc and put into copper bins now op erated electrically lo bins be ing controlled by one man in stead of one man to each bin After going through various other processes the Chlclets are ready for packaging In 1916 there were 50 girls making and filling the pack ages by hand and producing 50 boxes of packets each day Todays output from six ma chines operated by six men and 12 packers is 12000 boxes day MODERN OPERATION Such is modcrn operation friend of Mrs Buttons start ed at the plant when she was 13 is nowivoa and drag two more years to go before re ceiving her pension DISEASE PREVENTION Mrs Smith gave paper on the importance of preven tion ofdisease on the farm and keeping records There is growing custom of making contract with the vet to have all animals checked over once month also to supervise such opera tions or boot trimming and dehorning Such precautions pay dividends in having all animals in tip top condition and production CHRISTMAS MEETING Arrangements were made for the Christmas meeting to he held at Mrs Buttons home each convener being re sponsible for one item on the pro am Hymn of All Nations was sung followed by the WI Grace Lunch and social half hour were enjoyed when you call stat McQuade of Beacons nd Bea sitQuads of Toronto Mrs Scott and family of ENGAGEMENT Mr and Mrs Horncr Curless Ilmbassadors Wile Hosts Reception OTTAWA CPIFifty of 0t tawas socially prominent omen sat entranced by an an ciect Asian love story for over an hour at the Ilussian Em bassy Thursday Mrs asasp Aroutunian wife of the Russian ambase dor invited the ladies to sip wine and witnus the screening of the latest Soviet ballet film Leili and Medjnoun which she described as an Oriental Romeo and Juliet Tea and little cakes Mere served alleruards The film was dramatic and colorful interpretation of the le gend of inrstratcd lovc set to music of the Armenian compo ser Balasanian Guests included wives of ca binet ministers and diplomats McMann oi Allistnn have an nounred the engagement of their daughter Miss Sandra Carolyn llclllann to Alan Fran cis Powell son of Mr and Mrs George Edward Powell of Cookslnwn The wedding will take place at St Johns United Church Alliston Dec 22 at pm ENROUTE TO BRAZIL Mr and Mrsw Beaver of Donald Street have received word from their soninlaw and daughter lllrunnd Mrs Lloyd Strachan who sailed from New York Saturday The con ple are enmute to Campinas Brazil where they will study languages for one year TINSEL TEA CONVENERS Womens groups of St Giles Church sponsored the Tinsel Tea held this week Among those who helped Imake the annual event success were Mrs Johnston and Mrs Allan Farquharson conveners Mrs Hutchlngs and Mrs Dcm berline bnkc table convoners the Chancel Guild assisted Mrs Frank Bourne in the bazaar section White elephant and touch and take table was in charge of Mrs Caldwell Mrs Moodie and Mlle Raina Shopofl Mrs Gior giannl was in charge of Christ mas cards Assisting in the Laws The Girls Auxil lary was convened by Mrs Eo bert Delaney kitchen were Mrs Leonard Stranaghan Mrs Tom linson Tea hostesses were Mrs Jack McKee Mrs John Mitchinson Jr Mrs Edward Flower Mrs Robert George Mrs Ray Mosley Mrs Sonic Mrs Charles Knapp Mrs Wauthier and Mrs This Christmas GIVE GIFT THAT KEEPS ONIGIVINGI See The Wonderful RCA PORTABLE Conveniently Priced at 9935 SEE OUR FULL cmrprwynv no TRANSISTOR RADIOS AND PORTABLE nacorm mavens small deposit will hold the gift of your choicetill Christmas MONARCH REFRIGERATION TIE Dunlap at PA Moss Years ago Adams distilled 29 great whiskies each with its own distinctive char acteristics and then aged them in special oak casks Now Adams has married these 29 rare whiskios to create the superb flavour of Adams Private Stock This custom blend is presented in its crystal decanter at popular pm Adams Private Stock CUSTOM BLENDED CANADIAN RYE WHISKX 10 MINUTES FOR THE PRICE OF 36 ionToslalon after IIIII Heres how Bell Telephones NEW NIGHTECONOMYVPLAN gives you donbleivalue on stationtostation calls of 10 minutes or more The ï¬rst ï¬ve minutes are charged at low night rates theres no extra charge for the second five minutes After that every two additional minutes are only charged as one And heres why you save Increased automation enables us to pass on to you the economies of rtanonIo station callsgiving you the lowestcost Long Distance Plan ever offered to Bell Telephone customers CALL LONG DISTANCETAKE YOUR TIME ANv EVENING AFTER NINE This plan applies to stationtostation culls within Ontario and Quebec between telephones served by WI um