m3 BARRIE EXAMINER tamer savanna 1m gUnblanced Budget Is Home VIleA CP Debt will destroy marriage quicker than liquor or the other women say marriage counsellors Gwen Luody and Gerald Lortie oi the Victoria Family and Childrens Service Alter two years during which they have ministered to more lthan zoo tottering montages they say no other single tsctor ean equal debt We hear the some and little story repeated over and over again like litany says Mrs Lundy After the wedding everything looks great both are working and the time purchases are made on the basis of two soiarla When the first baby arrives the young husbands nay cheque soon vanishes beiore the on slaught of creditors she says Bill collectors begin beating path to the door waving docu meats at the young mother and she unloads her anxiety on her husband The groundwork is laid for family row LXQUOR SECOND When the situation becomes so bad that the couple heads Breaker tor divorce lawyer the only hope lies in providing working plan that will consolidate the debts and ease the prusure on husband and wile llrs Lundy says liquor is next as homewrrcker tcmily with an alcohol problem didnt come to colmsellor unbtildmany weary unhappy years gone by Alcoholics usually were able to smooth over their turgid out bursts with salt soap vows oi abstinence and an occasional dry spell it the drinker admits he or she has problem then there is some hope oi saviul the marriage hlr Lortle says he is con vinced theres one special thing missing from the marriages that come into his allies for re pairs What most oi these poor people tell to realize Is that marriage is working relation ship which nourishes only when its kept alive and carefully tended by both parties To make go at marriage man and wile must work at the re lntionship in the living room the kitchen the dining room and the bedroom BOWEN SHAKELL Bride Chooses Peau de Soie For Autumn Wedding Nuptials Miss Joan Elizabeth Shokell became the bride of Harold Ge oiiray Bowen in Parkslde Tab ernacle Newmorket Rev Ray mond Running performed the siternoon ceremony Nov 15 The bride is the daughter oi Mr and Mrs Alexander Russel Shakeli Letroy The bridegroom is the son of Mr and Mrs Harold Bowen Minesing Given in marriage by her lather the bride wore tradib ional lull length gown oi peau desoie The bodice ot the gown was fashioned with sweetheart neckline and lily point sleeves panel of drastilly lace en hanced the rout of the billow Ing skirt which extended to chapel train large bow of peaudesole added interest to the back of the gown head dress of rhinestone and seed pearls held the linger tip veil oi tulle illusion The bride car ried heart shaped bouquet oi salmon pink roses and white mums The bride was attended by Miss Sonia Kobclyh Toronto as maid ot honor Miss Judy Sha bridesmaids The brides niece Mlsa Barbara Shakell Orillia was flower girl The attendants were gowned alike in street length dresses of penudesoie in tones of sapp hirc orange and copper spice Their headdresses were of mat ching material with tiny veils IThe groomsman was Floyd Gonnesu oi New Lowell Glen Shokell Kenneth Shakeli leiroy and Richard Dennis Barrie were the ush ers The reception was held at Churchill hall The brides mother received wearing pur ple dress and hat and black accessories Her corsage was yellow and bronze mums Assisting the bridegroom mother was attired in track of brown flowered peaudesoio with brown accessories cor sage of yellow murns completed her ensemble For travelling the bride wore suit ot brown wool boucle with fur trimming and gold and brown accessorleo On return from the wedding trip to Winnipeg Manitoba the kell sister of the brid nnd Miss Shirley Tordiif Oro niece couple will raidsst Leiroy Homework Panel Alliston HS ALLISTON Special lteg ular meeting of the Home and School Association of Alliston Public School was held at the school with good attendance Nov 20 Business was attend ed to in the usual manner by the president Henry Golden beiï¬ ghlight of the eve ning was spanel discussion on Should There Be More Home work Acting as moderator was Dr Charters Speaking in favor of more homework for students were Mrs Kidnie and Mr Collins and against more homework were Mr Bsgnoll and Mrs Ellis FOR HOMEWORK Points brought forward by Ihe two in favour were Children will be required Ito undertake long hours of homework when they reach high school and should be pro lpaled gradually for this There is no better way to spend leisure time Time and amount of home jwork should vary from grade no grade increasing as stu dents get older giving them Jsense of achievement acnmsr nomswonx Points presented by the two lagainst were Schooling is only part of Ian education Children must have more me to develop personalities and cultural activities and they should have time to read fifor pleasure The findings as summarized some homework was neces sary and that learning should not stop at pm Parents teachers and children should work together forthe better ment of the student Parents can help great deal by pro viding the proper home en vironment and assisting chil dren with their homework when necessary PRESENTING HEADY WINTER BEAUTY THE ANIMAL kingdom is really ahesdss the line iur hat is seen everywhere We spot the leopard as the win oer as We count the number of handsome leopard hats we have seen so far including this beauty lrene oi New York has isshioned hesu tifully marked Somali leo pard skin into hlghcrown ad toque that should be wonlt derfuliy becoming to the right We EVERPOPULAR pillbox is shown here made at needlepoint and decorated with grosgrain ribbon tabs It comes in choice of twen ty colors and can be select ed to match almost any cost or suit The hat is worn tilted back on the head and tits neatly over all the new coliiures AILISTON Special More than 120 young people gathered to rock and roll at the Alliston Memorial Arena Sat urday evening This was new endeavour in Alliston planned to serve the teenagers and young people who some times say they have nothing to do on weekends They were all pleasantly surprised and found it real thrill to dance to the welltinstalled and welllt operated $5000 recording out flt brou to them from To onto rm the program director who comes from Stouifvilleygoes to the States every two weeks in order to purchase the very latest re cordings for his young patrons The dances are kept on high level of entertainment and good behaviour is must from the young people Who at tend It rs only in this manner that Norm and his partners by Dr Charters stated that Ieveryone seemed to agree that numerous 30 DUNLOP ST feel that their special type 01 dance can succeed Hank Wil 25 roux srnns pa H055 Saturday Evening Dance Party Held For illliston Young People son who is well known in the Aliliston district and who is partner in this endeavour states he is well pleased with the response in the town oi Alliston and surrounding areas and they hope to see an even larger crowd at the next rock and roll session Mr Wilson says that if young people have way of rising their energies in good fun they will be less in clined to get into trouble The dances will be held every ï¬rst and third Saturday of each month in the Allister Arena Ail young people are welcome and the admission is No need for seven league mu with transportation prob lems is only small we help you part oi our free service we give strict attention to all details 15 cents per person It is felt that this charge is within the budget of any teenager SALLYS SALLIES What are yoreally looking lot marriage certificate Allez vuyu geh inguny Hawaii romantic and exotic paradise BARRIE TRAVEL SERVICE 102 Dunlap 51 PA 474 Itle IN step with the new trend toward sideslant ing hats is this one designed by Paulette it II head buulng clocba that shows the hairline on one side and completely cover it on the other blade or important evenings on the town the hat Is at glided velllng draped and held by towel pin TODAYS RECIPE manna enuresis hit rhubarb in inch ple ces in casserole sprinkle with sugar Mix as tor shortbread cup brown sugar cup flour and tbsp butter Crumble and sprinkle on top of rhubarb and bake in mod erate oven tiiirhubarb is tend er Sunniwood WJ New LoWElI HOT TUNA SUNS tin tuna solid pack Vi tsp salt hard boiled eggs Vr cup cream cheese in small pieces tbsp chopped onion tsp mustard PEPPU salad dressing dozen wiener buns Method Mix ingredients with enough salad dressing to hold together Split and butter buns and fill with mixture Wrap each separately in foil and heat for 20 minutes at 300 degrees Serve with olives and celery HQ Sgts Mess LA HEATING FUELS Phone FA 66531 Guide Leader Leads Course Kempenielt Division train lira Grscey travelled to Dril lia on Nov is where she gave broun training for guiders from Oriliia Midland Penetang and Goldwater The training an all day ses sion 10 am to pmtook place at the Ontario hospital and hire Graccy taught her group Brownie ceremonials First Allandsle Brownies hon or Jane Belts on Nov 15 when District Commissioner Mrs Dyer joined the meeting to present Jane with her Gold en Hand badge Thousands of little girls acr oss Canada today want to be Brownies on many at them cant because there arent enough women volunteering to lead Guide leaders are needed too Why not iind out how you can help turn these walling lLsts into membership lists by invest ing low hours is week Phone RA M76 or PA 84535 goiter YOUR HEALTH Proper Diet Aids Thyroid Condition By BURTON FERN MD Goiter always means an en larged thyroid gland Gaiters are overactive thy roid glands Strawberries may cause goi ter Surgery is the only cure tor Sailing your food can pre vent goiter True Goiter refers to any enlarged thyroid glandusqu ly just below the Adams apple False Goltcrs may be in flamed overactive or exhausted thyroid glands The pituitary gland beneath the brain can whip up thyroid activity As extra thyroid hor mone floods your system your Build Room Decor Around Art Work Collecting art isnt just prov ince oi the wealthy now Much as we admire and treasure won derIul reproductions of great paintings or sculpture theres nothing like an original which we selected because it appealed to us or because we sensed that the artist had future Msny oi us are building room around painting or re arranging everything to show off piece of sculpture or group of prints or etchings to the best advantage This isnt easy for unless work of art is placed properly much of its appeal can be minimized Color schemes and scale of the room shouldbe kept in mind when hanging picture oolorlui painting will shine in room done in neutrals or toneddown colors wanna TO HANG The painting or grouping of prints or etchings should be placed to be seen by people sit ting in the room which is why so many paintings are hung on the wall opposite rather than above solo or grouping of chairs mirror above the solo does wonderful job of reflecting colorful painting and thus doub ling its decorative quality Groups oi prints should be contained within an imBElllBrY rectangle the pictures neither crowded our regularly spaced And it is good idea to extend one top picture little above or beyond the imaginary boundary Contemporary non represen tational works of art should be tramed as simply as possible Representational and paintings lend themselves to more elaborate treatment ONE STYLE FRAMES series at prints onetchlngs at identical size or subject mat DESEWI PEST The gilamonster the poison ous lizard oi the American southwest is about 18 inches long with scaly skin Before You Buy Furs Compare As To country can wonmwmsnn AND Anovrs ALI some an Selection To lull some saw our rm No obussuun assumo REPAIRING com sTDnAGn Satisfaction Guaranteed WIEGINS IlIIIS Barries Exclusive Farrier who makes and sells turn only Barrio Toronto Dunlap st PA 84858 YOU own YOUR DIAMONDS THE NEW BEAUTY or OUR MODERN SETTINGS MODERN SETTING will free your diamond of its deep unflattering setting It allows your dia mond to float delicately on your finger so its beauty may be seen from every angle Your diamond wul look bigger and brighter than you ever dreamed possible We will be pleased to assist you inchoos ing new excitineg different design to suit your personal choice Free Estimates aAnRIE 76 Dunlop St Established 1890 szsusas no ONTAltld Phone PA 3745 tors are usually framed in one style and that fairly simple one study of mats and frames in art galleries and museums soon gives one lairly good idea of what is aesthetic and suit able The Museum of Modem Art in New York suggests sim le inexpensive method oi molt It is suggested that paper in subdued shades purchased from an art store should be used or experimenting As for sculpture it should be carefully placed not Just on mantlepiece because that has always been the resting place or ornaments Maybe it looks good in corner at the room Well then what with all the wonderful shell units available it should be easy to place piece of sculpture to the best advantage and to light it bonu tiiully With such an adornment any room will take on new di mensions of aesthetic appeal and true beauty GIFTS FOR THE HANDYMAN Mun fifty mo roons rownn moss and anacmnrs WORK anucrms BALL PLANING MILL LTD 48 Anne St PA 82496 body shuts into high gear Food burns taster sweat pours out the heart pounds and you quiv er and shake nervously Toxic Golter The extra hormone works like poison or toxin and so the swollen thyroid Is called toxic goiter Without iodineits most eslt sential raw material thyroid glands cant manufacture nor mal hormone Instead they turn out sticky substance alle colloid Colloid never leaves the gland Sensing thyroid hormone shortage the pituitary whips up the thyroid unmercitnlly The thyroid gland strains swells and finallyouhausta itch man iizricturing globe extra col Ol Colloid goiters exhausted swollen thyroid glands some times grow as Isrge as small uatcrmclous True Strawberries peanuts and cabbage sometimes keep normal thyroid glands from us ing available iodine The iodine ought just as well be lacking The same chain of events br ings on colloid goiter False Both iodine and thylt raid hormone pills can shrink now colloid goiters iodine can also melt toxic goiter So can medicines like thiouracil The surgeon operates to remove unsightly goiters to relieve pressure on the neck to remove enough toxic goiter to stop extra hormone production if theres any question at cancer True Since iodized aalthas rained and poured throughout the iodinevlacklng Midwest th to rm oi colloid goiter slowed to drizzlel FOR THE HOLIDAYS Theres glamor look to our Holiday hat selection expressed in smart shapes lush textures and glider EVELYN TUCK REGINA CURL SHOPPE 58 Dunlop St WRIIP UP YOUR CHRISTMAS LIST Plan to mail outoftown cards FIRST CLASS Praterential handling sorts them ilrstgt ssnds ihemby air even corrects wrong addresses Buy stamps now Ask forthem In sanitary cellophane wrapped dollar packs Check address list Include Postal Zone Numbers and return address Tle out ottown and local mall In separate bundles Attach Post Office iabeis Wrap parcels well Put return address outside and inside Welgh at Remember December 17 is the last date for local delivery Post Office Mali Early elm lr egs