ll LEGAL NOTICES IN THE MATTER OF THE closing of part oi Queen Street as it crosses Lot l7 on the North Side of Pene tang Street AND IN THE MATTER OF THE closing of Dyment Road at the end of John Street AND IN THE MATTER OF THE closing at part at Well ington Street formerly Craig Street AND IN THE MATTER OF THE closing 01 part of the Penetang Road deviation TAKE NOTICE that the Coun cil 0f the Corporation of the City of Barrio will after the publication of this notice lit least once week for four successive weeks in The Barrie Examiner consider and if deemed expedient pass by law to close and stop up Queen Street contained in that part of Lot 17 on the North side of Penetnng Road according to Registered Plan 108 described as follows COMMENCING at point on the East limit of said Lot 17 distant 26509 feet Northwester ly from the intersection ol the said Easterly limit of Lot 17 with tho Northerly limit of Pen etang Street THENCE North 40 degrees 46 minutes 30 sec onds West 7034 feet to point THENCE South 70 degrees 81 minutes 10 seconds West dis tance of 8006 feet to point THENCE South 36 degrees 10 minutes East distance of 6890 feet to point THENCE North 70ldegrees 31 minutes 10 sec onds East distance of 860 feet to the point of commence menl consider and if deemed ex pedient pass bylaw to close and stop up that part of Dy ment Hood described as follA ows ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and promises situate lyA ing and being in the City at Barrie in the County of Sim coe in the Province of Ontario and being composed of part at the west half of Lot 25 in Con cession in the Township of Vespra in the said City of Barrie the boundaries of the said parcel being described as follows PREMISING that the norther ly limit of the allowance for road between Lots 25 and 15 in the said Concession has an assumed bearing of north fiftyeight degrees four min utes fifteen seconds east 58 04 15 and relating all bearings herein thereto COM MENCING at the point oI inter section of the production west Your Guide to FINE WINE JtALL MARK CREAM SHERRY the perfect choice CHATEAU iCCARTIER THE STILL WINE FOR ALL OCCASIONS THE PARKDAlE WINES lie erly of the southerly ltmlt oi the extension of John Street with the easterly limit of High way too the said point of com mencement being distant an arc measurement of three hundred and fortyeight and seventy onehundredths feet 34870 mtnsured northwdlerly along curve to the right having radius of two thousand four hundred and ninetyiour and forty oarhundredths feet sum from point distant an arc measurement of sixtyseven and eightyfour onehundrcdths feet l678ti measured North westerly nlonl the said easterly limit of Highway 400 from point or tnngency distant six hundred and sixtyfive and fifty onehundredths leet 66550 measured north thirtynine de grees fiftytour minutes twen ty seconds west 1N 39 st 20 along the said easterly limit of Highway 400 from point in the northerly limit of the allowance for road between Lots 15 and 75 distant three hundred and forty and forty eight one hundredth feet 34048 measured south fifty eight degrees four minutes fifteen seconds west 50 15 along the said norgt thcrly limit from the south easterly angle of the said west hall of hit 25 THENCE continuing north westerly along the said easterly limit of Highway 400 an arc distance of thirtytwo and nine tynine onehundredths feet 3239 measured along in curve to the rigntrhaving radius oi two thousand four hundred and ninetyfour and fortytwo onc hundredths feet 249442 THENCE south sixtyseven degrees fifty minutes ten sec onds east 15 67 50 10 forty and sixtyfour onehund redths feet 401W to point in the said production westerly oi the southerly limit of the John Street extension distant twentyiive feet 250 meas ured north tittyseven degrees filty seven minutes cast 57 57 13 from the point of commencement THENCE south fiftyseven de Erecs fiftyseven minutes west 57 57 twentyfive feat t25 more or less to the point of commencement consider and if deemed exv pedient pass bylaw to close and stop up that part of Well ington Street described as lollt lows COMMENCING at point in the westerly limit of Wellington Street which is also the easterly limit at Lot Three according to Registered Plan Number 1204 distant Southerly therenlong 211 feet from the Northwest angle of Lot Three THENCE Northerly along the westerly limit of Wellington Street and the easterly limits at LoLs Three Two and One according to said Plan to the Northwest angle of the said Lot One THENCE North 20 degrees 30 minutes and 111 seconds East 3775 feet THENCE southerly along the arc of circle hav ing radius of 261 feet and cord bearing South 45 degrees and 26 minutes East 14760 feet to the point oteommencement Ht consider and if deemed ex pedient pass bylaw to close and stop up that part of devia tion of Penelang Road describ Ed as follows COMMENCING at point in the North limit of Davis Street now Shanty Bay Road distant 34058 feet from the Southeast angle of Lot 12 according to Registered Plan Number One for tile City of Barrie in the County of Simone THENCE Noer 53 degrees 56 minutes and 30 seconds East 46952 feet to point in the westerly limit of the original road allowance for Penetanguishene Road shown on said Plan Number One THENCE South ssde grees 51 minutes and 15 see onds West to point in line drawn through the point of commencement parallel with the westerly limit of the said Penetanguishene Road allow anoE THENCE South de grees no minutes 30 seconds West along the said lina paral lel with the said westerly limit or Penetangnishene Road to the point of commencement AND FURTHER TAKE NOlt TfCE that any person who claims that his land will be prejudicially affected by the said laylaws and who applies to he heard shall He heard by the Council either in person or by his counsel solicitor or agent This notice is first published on the 17th day of November AD 1961 STRAUGHAN Clerk of the City of Barrie By City Solicitors BOYS SEAGBAM AND ROWE 13 Owen Street Barrie Ontario Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 82414 HOLLY Congratulations to Miss Donna Elliott and John McQuay who wer marreid in Holly United Church Nov 10 Mrs Levi Srisley returned home on Monday after bolt day in Quebec City with her daughter and sonlnlaw She has as guest Mrs Charles Loco oi Scarboro and Mrs Dor othy Yost of Califo Otto Sringy is visiting his sister in Pittsburgh for two weeks number of local boys are playing in the kgionhockey league in Barrie LITTLES HILL WI Littles Hill Womens institute will meet in the Sunday School Room of Holly Church on Nov 23 There will be film and speaker on the subject of Canc er Convener is hlrs Dyk stra Motto mmunilation is as important for adults as for children Roll call gilt for the children at Orillia Hospital Lun ch committee Mrs Longhecd llirs Huitema llrs Gracoy Mrs Lackie and Mrs Leighton UNITED CHURCH WA November meeting of My United Womens Association was in the Sunday School room with 20 embers present Mrs Don Sriglcy was hostess it being the missionary meeting Mrs Joe Cochrnne presided Mrs McCorriston told of tho bus trip to the United Church publishing house in Toronto that some of the indies enjoyed along with the Thornton indies Mrs Dnl TELEVISION PROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE rum11 NOVEMBER 24 400 The Womens Show 430 Kim Fraser 500 Home Daxlla 530 600 001 mo 615 655 700 730 000 810 900 930 1030 1100 1115 News Weather Sooru Pierre Berton Fathel Know NC Donna and Show Country Hocdown Car 51 Tommy Ambrose Perry Mason The Detectives Cnc TV New The weatherman Today in art community ow 1135 Movie The End at the Earth SATURDAY Nnvmmnn 25 Test Pattern News and Weather The Hearing Gama Bosnian ordinntlon Bowling Living World Bugs Bunny Countrytlmo anr leather iim Coleman 2582225 Sports CETO CHANNEL TORONTO FRIDAY NOVEMBER 40 Professora Hideaway Whirlyblrds Sports Weather By elem Eerton News Lou Agase Show West Coast Wagon roln Have Gun Will Country Style Law Ind Mr Jones News Weather sports Iiottet Lalo Elgln Playhouse Path or Glory SATURDAY NOVEMEEIL 25 1010 Professors Party Sport Couege News Weather Sports 1215 Movie 110 Playoff Preview Blg Four Football Wrestling Lcam To nnw 515 Cnrtoon Tinls 550 Hi Time 500 Within Four Walla 030 sports Weather New 045 Outdoor Sportsman 700 The Flintstones Travel ton Draper sang very beautifully Beyond the Sunset ltin ï¬sher introduced her aunt Mrs Galbraith of Stayner who in most interesting and educational told other sons medical missionary work among the In dians in Northern British Col umbin Mra Dyer gave very favorable report on the recent ten and bake sale KNOW YOUR NEIGHBOR There were seven tables of euehre at Holly School sponsor ed by the sports committee of Holly School for Know Your Neighbor Night Priles wen wonnsfollows Mrs Orma leighton high men Bob Holliogsworth low Mr and Mrs Don Srigley door prize Mrs Morrow lucky dr aws Mrs Rose Knicely Mrs Srigley and Mrs Haul Campbell autograph contest Mrs Betty Hood IILLISTON TORONTO TRIP The Cub and Scout Mothers Auxiliary of Alliston will spon sor trip to Toronto for th cubs and acouu Sunday The group will visit Maple Leaf Gardens to see an excitlng Jun lor Hockey team game They will travel by Hughsona Bun Line service and will be under the supervision of leaders Mr and Mrs Dronnan were in Ottawa this week where they attended the funeral at Mr Drennana sister Mrs Rose The sympathy ol the A1 liston community in extended to the family LARRY BRANNON momiii JULIET JONES 700 Dennis the Menlu 710 Robin Hood Havn Gun Will rrml Peter Gunn NHL Hockey luuetu Klnx Whytn one at News Weather Newl Movie HUK SUNDAY NOVEMBER as 1115 Test Pattern 1200 Popeye and Pull 1215 New nan Weather socking French Goad Lila Theatre Country Celcndlr NFL Football News Citixenl rerun Movln Duffy or sun Quentin News 35 Movie cont 700 Hazel Parade an suulvno 810w nonnu Sportl 1100 1110 Weather Now 1115 Movln Tn Third Man 710 al0 030 Route on Naked city roelr Bonny snow 1000 Fight at the Week 1050 Johnny lsnw Show 1100 Cross Cnnndn aun nnneo 1200 Suturdny lent Movie The Lon Gray Line sonnnr acumen as 1030 Youth non immon Stories for Sunday Around the world Bravo Theatre Things We See NFL Football Camera Room Trick or the Trade Hart of the Matter Great Hymn Far Away Places TBA Revue 01 The Douna need show Academy Performanc tword Ind Music intermission Aendomy Performanc Pm Andy Grtlfithl snow Roaring 20s ana Weather Sports as assess rm sash sum 99 DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS Ii lide Gardeners ayiiahle we Tag are hern 11 space Molding Fragrance edge 13 Leave out 8Wild pig 14 Frightened 15 End at neck as Tolerany 17 Kill 19 Rial Tennis stroke Stop aauh 28 ligela claw 23 Childrens game 29 Fedora ribbon l0 MyFab distance 18 Maan Luthm roilowers 41 Ambulance signal 42 Academy at Annapolis Show vehicles 44 Cutkln DOWN Presently Cougar Anpme Abdian WEEHEWEEEE IIENIIHN Mans name 21 Father 21 Baxass Wing like part Peruse 24 Con duskm at the tIiIllt x1 are Established 1890 REEVES DIAMOND MERCHANTS 26 DUNLOP sf it JEVELLERS LTD Poisons PROMPT SERVICE AUTOMATIC OF BA HEATING OILS 21 AGNES sr FRANK BEMROSE AND DELIVERY CALL nSCALLED SHRINKING INDIAN HDNEI 141112 BARR EXAMINER FRIDAY NOVDIIEfl mDIEXIUSI BOUGHTA MOST LABORATORY vltmse INPIRMARY won rum mass DONALD DUCK Imka NOWJFWUWED ARELIGHTlsNf CADDI WANTED HELP WHRIDO LT HM MDTRYING SHOOI MISS JON3 WANTiD KNOW ABOUTMEAND MYEAMILY SORWNO HAVE DATETHAT NlGllCn AND THAT ONE TOOn SDBRY lie HAS sour PERSONALITY THAT CREEPJ IF Ha EVER PHONES AGAIN lM OUT HIS DATE TO PAY HALF sq SHE 45 TELLING you CORRECILY VOUR WELL EBYEE THINK $0 so or Mat is MAKINA aim LIST allow my AN50 more or muss some mitt GOTTA TAK OR aaulluuafeiiimér no ON LI5TOF iliPEtfi TH cu airline AIM THOALWSQNOT MOI Mariana EACH tN GRANDMA JG CARRVINA BIG RED APPLE SCHOOL FOR TN TEACHER Mil EVERY VOUNGSTER IVE PASSED THIS MORNING ll BUZ SAWYER thm THIS HEAR flFotflYW flï¬AlNSt THE NAVYNK sinnon aloest 4w WHY NWWNW FATHER NEWMAN 101 wwou Moumvlusr aired 11w memoir wueu r0 antennas one 70mm 10 ms momma may sum me HAD NO IDEA THAT EXAMINATION TIME WAS 60 CLOSE noun WfleLY mums 1thle on You mono on YANKEES 5N THEYRE TRYINETB ka You MUGGS AND SKEETER THAT BOX OF MUSIN it BROUGHT THIS AFTERNOON l5 EMPlMlM GOING TO MAKE your BElTER coliclifetimes my SKEETERS PORTIONSAISQ THEY wees ONTHE RAIP Tool