Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Nov 1961, p. 13

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hRENIALs Rotfis TO LET YULVHHED mm Bed In LuaRgddBulldTa Kigali In no we on PA wars in ion iuxsuliep Bedroom or rent in Print home loeIteo to nloehI rum doiliiown amines mIn reinred Telephone PA Hm or lurther detIili COMPLETELY Punished lloom or rent with reiriremor Ind Itove IiIo builtIn cupoouee suliIbie tor one or turn Iiiu Telephone PA 6117p Two until uniurnislien room to not In pnvnie home Loolee clean to downtown Would make In ldui rmIIl IpIrtmeut Tel phone PA pom rUansnap Houiekeeplng uoom suitole or one or two rim or Bullpen couple No objection to My on penion At bus stop Thirphone vA arm WANTED TO BENT million or IIonro ipIee wInIed tor on or winter months Tele phone PA Ems IvIniugI FAMILY or mini would liltI to rent llx room home modern ell heated in out on oi city Three bedrooms prelorred Telephone PA some =3 ARTICLES for SALE FURNACES FOR SALE FORCED AIR OIL OR GAS NEW $110 FINANCE RATE Phone Collect Stroud 4le Woodward and Sons Healing Contractors RR Strnud STORE OWNERS Assorted quantity of old stock COUNTER SALES BOOKS SINGLE CARBON AUTOMATIC These books are in per fect condition but have 195 on the date line REGULAR PRICE FROM 12 to 20¢ Clearing at 9c ea plus PROVINCIAL SALES TAX Commercial Printing Dept Barrie Examiner Phone 66537 HAVE YOU TRIED Barrie Auction Rooms and Second Hand Store 55 DUNLOF ST WEST PHONE PA 92421 HOME FREEZERS Food Plan Available 1E General Factory Trained Service LOWEST PRICES MCFADDEN Appliance 125 PENETANG STREET PA some TERMS WASHING MACHINE ior eels Easy automatic In condition Selling reasonably Telephone PA uses alter pm LUMBER Used Lumber or IIlI hut quality Shectlnl 2x05 2x an moi trImeI window irImeI 1Irge Inge coon etc Very ren sonIhls Telephone PA 57m LEGAL BOYS SEAGRAM ROWE Blmflell Sanction Notnu Public Conveymem etc Dulcela Owen st hIriie PA 66511 ranch oiqltcceEElinVsIIe OuL own IInIm Gordon Telhay CONDER SUGG autumn suucirous Tat NoTAIms PUBLIC CONDER BA 81166 AA mini Dunlap at tut PA 497 COWAN C7 COWAN BAREISIERS 11055 cowANt 58 COLLIER 51 PA 04521 LIVINGSTON MYERS Barrister Ila GOUCIIOII ll Collier St Bgrrln Pb PA mm WILSON MOORBY Mumslim SOLICITOR LAW OFFICE AT the DUNLOP ST PA sous SMITH McLEAN Haber smith On Arthur McLean times Owen Barristers souclton Ito lo Owen st ethane PA liva GLADSTONE CURRIE QC Ilnrrlstu Ina Soucilm Lew Ollicu II quon Building and Grant smut aard outno Telephnuu PArkwe been Mg FUNERAL HOMES STECKLEY FUNERAL HOME iiwfiithwlgh CONVENIENT TERMS i9 wurlley st BIrrtI PA asap PROFESSIONII Teacher at Piano ARTICLES for SALE ARTICLES for SALE AUTOMOTIVE NEWSPAPER MATS Sizes 3210 Ideal for lining bell houses attiu garages etc perfect insulator 25c PER DOZEZN Apply The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario ushn VACUUH Cleaner or IIII in good eondtllnn us To Phone PA in KITCHEN TAIILI Ind tun chain 20 child iIblo Iud two chain Telephone PA H1 TELEVISION Illinen RCA Vietor er nle complete with Inns Telephone CImp Borden su PIANO AcconnioN tor le 11 two so our likI new selling or 3100 Telephone PA 111 cull marrow It ta month Telephone PA as anxent nnInre so Dunlap at Taco sPAca HlATBB or one area or only turn monthh Ap ply Korchuk telephone cooln town TELEVISION Id llle lunch Phllco blond Ihup picture on Ind tillI Smut Shop on Maple Avenue or triephuhu PA 031 Wow mes In IIlI has 750 14 in load eondition or no pIir Apply AledI street Telphon nice FURNACES two Ill not III tor coal or wood with IutaniIuI circulntuis lens Alie three lIrro IpIro heIIerI wih IloIt wives or reason tIukI Chep PA Mm cussrean Suite top IhIpo us Swivel Chair goes an or tree Iron Double lied Iprtnl Ind shIrp mIiIress 315 See It 19 EIIhesuIet trout TYlean bought told rent od ro Iiied student renti ntIs Ash out our Real Try then buy PlIn stIr Typewriter Co Brndlord st PA 355 omc nimituro One modem executive duh Iwo ImIli deslu Weewrtter vhlte leIther oltlee couch Apply 15 Mosley street WIsIgn neIeh Telephone 50 WI sen neIeh REFRIGERATOR Servel propInI gas Ilro two double ecillng lights um en wall lights These Ilene may so be used with nstuni gas NIpIIilIn gas burner have All in nod condition Telephone PA Hips HLIIALS Sluler Electric Port Ibie whine or rent by the week or iho month sinner Sun In Centre Duniop Street West Telephone PA Mm or mmvnio law such HEATER Nous hery duty tour hunter electric stove three piers bedroom Iet lncludlnl mIitrcss Ind Drlnn All in good condition Apply Ed Belle Furni ture 12 niyfleid Street Telephone PA Moos ATTENTION PLEASE smoke shopulu hIIple 09136 in addition to lresh oi smohon nerdi we now our for your convenience brand but ter milk ooiiee etc etc Open only Imil PJn Sundlyl noon to 11 pm mum to VEGETABLES APPLE BARN McIntosh Spnw Courtluhd and other varieties WindIhIIS $125 per bushel Fresh cider Phone PA 849201 No POTATOES tor ale per bag or 75 lbs Free delivery on padsg1 or more Telephone PA APPLE CIDER fresh or lruh Iro Ien also Ipple butter ior or tut Inaok or Inytime We gIllon Ind lieu gnilon Jugs phonu PA 55190 DOGS 8n PETS WILLETTS PETS 41 GOWAN STREET Complete lines by HARTZ MOUNTAIN and LONGLIFE Lovely song birds budgies and Finches Tropical and Gold Fish Turtles and all pets OPEN TO 930 PM DAEY PHONE PA 09036 PA DIRECTORY ACCOUNTANTS HARRISNEEDHAM WRIGHT combed Puoue AccountInI Toronto Ino Barrie nerrte OmenWilson Bid Peed Gnnt sour PHONE PA H89 Nerdhhm CPA Underhtll CPA Heddlnt Partner ROSE E7 HARRISON Chartered Accountants Trustee in Bankruptcy Samuel Rose CA 00 Collier St Phone PA 84040 =a MUSIC LESSONS JESSIE BRYSON EliIll Ill Pupils prelpared tor unmetTE the IIan Conservatory nl Mull Toronto AI llldu Auci Modern 27 linqu EL gang1171 and THE DAVIES OF CANADA VOICE PIANO DRAMA 217 NAPIER 5T BARN Registered ituilo Teach tion Piano Theory egiinlihlrmieu rrene Latin other when Inh lectl 91 Ross St Burma PA 775 OPTOMETRY ROBERT SMITH RO Optometrln to 589 Cloud Walla menu or VDuulugAEtbszslasL Harrie NOEL STEPHENSON RC has Phage PA wfilm DOGS PETS Luci laun ruin Punter weeks old Will not In Ihout 1r nun hhbbnnr PA use PUPPY walslln would prom burn or spIniel Telephone PA GOLDEN mil heelI lor Isle but enIm ion nook papers Avalhbla new cnmtnm Gear tie tempIrImenL ieIIl mt eaud no nlehonI PA ale ARTICLES WANTED warren Ueed Typewriter Tel phat PA was WANTED Delilah Rldlhl llddll in flood condition Telephono an 37 men on xAnlAl out van unit eui Iecunteiy With or the out motor Telephone PA 60069 Amp no Drill Prue Apply Burton Ltd Is nunlo It wIIt or telephone PA on WILL rAr use or land used rumiiun or no um um Article Individual or content MA Phone PA um == SFARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Highest prices paid or dead or crippled cattle and homes Small animals removed rec For last service phone BARRIE PA 31751 collect or ask or ZENITH 91130 NO CHARGE hours tiny7 onI Ink ICKS DEAD STOCK BR Formead Ontario Licenm No 130001 LIVESTOCK noon wonx uousz lor Iain isoo lhI Holstein Heller bnd two months Telephone uniold Swiuer PA neon CATTLE you sALI Cl II your two Ir oldi and com bound mues eIIt nd concession Mr REGISIEIgh genllordl tor Mild Cows no open In bred heilen ply to Art Wright Lot is comes on ii Wei Gwiil imhury lIoLsmN cows tor IIle rilling Ilso Holstein IIclIun brcd Poul sown toi couple ot weeks Holstein Com due in December ply Blunendyk Oro stItion TI ephone on 15111 FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH FARM SUPPLIES SERVICE Cue New Holtus David brown aeItty FInn Equipment 17s BURTOL AVE PA H313 WINTER SNOW uue EQUIPMENT FOR YOUR TRACTOR loaders buckets blades we havent got it well Eel it CASH TRADE TERMS MINESING MOTORS Ford Tractor and Equipment SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 103 MINESING DELAVAL SALES AND SERVICE Milken Vacuum Pumps Wash Tanlls Separators Paris for any milker HANK BROWN RR BARRIE HOLLY PA 00338 squARE Aluminum Rooting like new unit new price on Ianre Stelcu nery gouge nlvn lzed rooting like new hlil new Price nutty steel ouil pen and several cell and all pens about hall new price Stable Cleaner in good running condition com plate with electric wiring tht cues and steel LuTet plItes 37 Coher Gormley On Telephone Gorinin one IAle rouurmz CHICKS DEKALB PULLETS More and more poultrymen are choosing DEKALB PULLETS Started ready to lay and day old chicks Order now for early order discount For service or help on your poultry problems call Craig Hunter HUNTERS POULTRY FARMS smotm PHONE 77 AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR opus FOR SALE MIDTOWN MOTORS CLEARANCE SALE 1961 Pontiac Parisienne $2725 1961 Ford Fairlalie $1990 1961 Pontiac Laurentian $2550 1960 Chev Biscayne $1725 1959 Buick Hardtop $1830 1958 Chev Dellay $1195 1956 090 ANGUS ROSS BA om 1956 Chev Sedan 1956 Ford Custom 1955 Chev Sedan $610 All cars reconditioned and guaranteed Same with automa tic transmission radio and snow tires 41 ESSA ROAD ROYHAWKINS HAROLD JORY MOTORS TRIUMPH and STANDARD DEALERS Repairs to All Make OMI and NAL Towing $690 $595 75 BAYFIELD ST PA 94109 iris none or Iour door Clon new throu Iou in Four tires elephono on an alter pun MOTOR CARS FOR SALE VIAU MONRS LTD Rembler Hillman 10 DOWN Dont Be Gambler GO Rambler 1959 RAMBLER SUPER 4DOOR SEDAN Finished in Frontenac Grey Equipped with reclining seen clean one owner car 1959 VOLKSWAGEN DELUXE Fihlrhed in Capri Blue Equipped with radio little beauty 1959 FORD CONSUL Finidied In Rougcmcnt and Citrus While two lone The ideal second car 1957 PONTIAC SAFARI 4DR STATION WAGON FlnLIhed in Bronze and Beige twotone Equipped with Vs engine Priced toeell 1955 DODGE CRUSADER 4DOOB SEDAN Finished in Frost white Equlp ped with radio and wheel discs This car is in perlect condition 1954 FORD 2DOOR Metallic green and white two tone Equipped with radio Very good running condition 1954 PLYMOUTH 4DOOR Finished in light blue with high drive transmission Going for low low price You Get Finer Used Car Where the Finest New Cars are Sold 17 COWAN ST PA 88488 ChOice Cars 1959 VOLKSWAGEN DELUXE Very clean Venetian Red 1956 VOLKSWAGEN DELUXE Black with radio Very sound 1956 FORD IIARDTOP automatic Coral and Radic White 1956 CHEVROLET BEL AIR CONVERTIBLE lExcellent condition Many ex Ill 1955 PONTIAC LAUREN TIAN 2DR SEDAN Runs like new This Weeks Special 19 Plymouth Sedan twovtonc nearly new tires Chroma discs Clean sound car $494 Auto Brokers Ferndale Road dz Hwy 90 At Hobsons Bar CASH TRADE TERMS WHO ELSE WANTS ANEw can Buy It Now With LowCast LilaInsured SCOTIA PLAN DAN TIE BANK OI NOVA SCOTIA mu METEOR twodoor and run nlhg condition Telephone PA use MERCEDES an no dielll gram DOdndIuolh 191109 mller or own hymen It cImp Borden AUTOMOTIVE use Dona 103 Track II Illa Imqu condition tame amcnu in Allan sum soon MOBILE HOMES ion isoniu hour or IIII General Northienou three and roonu eompioieu furninod II eiudtnl minute be level nun nlrigc full the bathroom lunch Telplan ==== PERSONALS ARCH roam MNR lame wiu not be responsible Ar my new Innma In all It 1M filll November Ill GKNTLIMAN with on driving to nufldl IpproxlmItety December ideava autumn Ale lIhfinro at we on or Barrie Mr Home wzm Drtva our new and late model can to Vancou ver Cellllyt Edmonton finial Inning In mid Tannin DrtvoAwa Slrvtcu United axes Youe Street Toronto BA snu WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAIRDRESSING Government Chartered School Through training in all branv chcs of beauty culture DERWIN HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL ll WORSLEY ST PA 98962 LOST FOUND WEIR black white an on top al rflht Itnytd mm Lochhute Poult Form about November is when Jim Henry will ivy two I0 HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP AVON AVON COSMETICS Needs qualified women inter ested in good earnings at once Increased Christmas business means more openings in Del ston Cruighurst Inhlslil Vea prn and Ora Townships Good opportunity ior mothers of school age children Car necess cry For interviews TELEPHONE PA 66951 llousnullsn vunted to live in Cieln modern home on shill under school In Tllcphon PA H750 Itter pin neuoonnenm hind snort lnud essential Apply by IIIIIr stating quellflcnionl Ina ex periem to Slmcoe iiedlul Group 41 Collier Street Attention M11 noun armocunr an resultIo or Barrie oltice crime In short nImi mo lasting mlrhlnu Ideal worhiur conditions Ind good may Apply to Box Ii Barrie Examiner MALE HELP CANADIAN ARMY fTRADE OPPORTUNITIES Immediate vacancies or lim ited number at applicants for training in the lollowiiig trades ELECTRICIANS TELETYPE OPERATORS RADIO AND TELEGRAPH OPERATORS TRANSPORT OPERATORS VEHICLE MECHANICS Il you are 11 to 23 and mingle you can obtain lull details by calling or mailing this coupon to your local Army Recruiting station CANADIAN ARMED FORCES RECRUITING CENTRE TI ST CLAIR AVE EAST WIH FLOOR TORONTO ONTARIO TELEPHONE WA 47345 Please lend the lull details on vacaucles lor tradesmen Province Phone Last school grade Iucceesiuliy completed Edi62 1m 0113mm or IIle in good running condluon Tole one PA giggnlnytlmo or ungui inlan ISM DELUXE Austin Bldln Io rule our door in excellent com dluun Ulht all color Interior in nod Bond tion Telphone PA com um 510 pun nus NASH nImhiel or said two tone with windshield wIIherl backup Uihts directional KilnII and 1110 Ben tth tiller accept ed Telephone PA H912 CARS WTD TO BUY ORV HARDY MOTORS BARRIES NEWEST CAR LOT URGENTLY REQUIRES USED CARS WE WILL LEND YOU MONEY ON YOUR PRSENT CAR 17h BRADFORD STREET PHONE PA 94272 our son your car Liens vlfl LibNita Sign It oo rie PA serif TRUCKS alumnus MERCURY Fiskllm excellent condition new battery Ind snow um silo For mum interma tlpll tispnone all Most moron Stlke Truch mp oury Ito condition Lorng In no load Lieu Write or us In palIan veto Dun oo IICAF Clover Farm Stare Camp 1111111011 lost none lToN Truck dual wheIlI tenvloot pintiom with high rIekI Apply to Neinn phone lash balmy Brownlrll Churchill out TII OPENING Ton Truck Driver Salesman Contact McEIchIin IIId Flynn ll Plnutlnl Strut Daniel Mus REPRESENTATIVE we are looking or the belt II In with wellestlblhhed contcl ill the ntnii confectionery sroceIy nItIurInt twin to Ian populnr Ind walleltlbllphcd beverage product In the OrllllaBprflrMul oils Iron Startlnl mom Ins or tItlon provided All rep wil oI treated in confidence Aprilsnu will Ipply It the Barrie LacI on Ice of the National EmDIOYmant Service 40 Owen Street PArkway 944 Interviews will be strung ed TEACHERS WANTED TEACHER WANTED TRADEUPOR DOWN lorKiiigGeorgc Schoqur Relt tnrded Children Full days or half days Applicants should state qualifications and any ex perience with teaching retard ed siildren Salary according to qualifications Apply before November 30 to MISS ELSIE RAIKES eo Slrncoe County Health Unit Barrie Ontario EMPLOYMENT WANTED man school girl will weekends Telephone PA CW Inr Want Ad Section acchIBd Ilnlu 511111 Day belora publication beryl III 13 AUCTION SALES ONTARIO AUCTION SALE OF BUILDWGS FOR REMOVAL OR DEMOLITION PROPERTY SALE ND T431509 Wt storey eight roani log con structed houss 30 20 also Innis ham 25 Iiluated on part lot concession Township of Tocumscth County Ill Sirnooe being on the north side of Highway No approx imeleiy mile west at Schem bcrg immediately west and ad joining the CNR rightolwny Sale to be held on the premises at 1100 All EST WEDNESDAY DEC 60 1961 TERMS Cub or Cheque plus 810000 perturmarice bond to guarantee that work will be completed Iccording to DHO regulations Cheques to be made payable to the Treasurer cl Ontario For further information please contact The Auctioneers Ken and Clarke Prentice Markham Ontario Telephone 340 OR Department of Highways Regional Ollice Downsview Ontario Telephone CHerry 12571 Local DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ONTARIO AUCTION SALE Saturday December PM SHARP lor the estate at the late DEMPSTER Lot 15 Concession Ease Township two miles south Essa Station and VI mile east Auction sale ol term stock im plements hay grain straw and household Iurniture Terms cash No reserve the estaie must be settled JERRY COUGHLIN auctioneer TODAY IS GOOD DAY TO PLACE YOUR WANT AD in the BARRIE EXAMINER PHONE PA Mm TEE BAR mm FRIDAY NOVEMBER 24 Iill II LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF PROPOSED QUESTIONS TAKE NOTICE that the loll owmg questions ii Are you In favour of public games and sports for gain alter 150 oclock in the alternoon oi the Lords Day to be regulated by municipal bylIw under the authority of The lords Day Ontario Act 1960611 and Are you in lnvour o1 mov ing pictures theatrical pellet munces concerts and lecture alter 150 oclock In the alter nocn oi the Lords Day to be regulated by municipal bylaw under the authority of The Lords Day Ontario Act 1360 81 will be submilied to the elector of the City of Barrie on Monday the 1th day cl December 1901 or their sent AND FURTHER TAKE NO TICE that the above questions are correct Itatemento oi the questions to be submitted to the electors or their assent SIRAUGHAN clerk of the City Barrie By City Solicitors BOYS SEAGRAM AND ROWE 13 Owen Street Barrie Ontario NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All persons having claims against the Estate of MARIA ALFREDA BROWNING late 01 the City of Barrie 0n tario who died on the Second day at June 1061 are required to tile proof at some with the undersigned solicitors tor the Administrator by the 15th day of December 1961 alter which date the estate will be distri buted Dated nt Barrie Ontario this 14th day of November 1961 STEWART ESTEN MCTURK AND MILLS Drawer 50 Barrie Ont Solicitors for the Administrator Iry An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 94414 ll LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the Estate at ROBERT JAMES RICKEIIS ale oi the City 01 Barrie in the County oi Simone Retired Civil Servant deceased who died on or about the thirtieth day or October 196I are re quested to send particulars oi their claims to the undersigned on or beinie the uurtielli day lol mber 961 alter which date Inistratfln will distribute the assets ol the Estate having regard only to the claims at Which they shall then have notice and will not be responsible for any others DATED this 16th day of Nov ernber 1961 WILSON AND MURPHY Owen Street Barrie Ontario Solicitors for the Administra tors Cancer Centre Opens In London LONDON Ont CP The Ontario division at the Canadian Canter Society Wednesday ol llcialiy opened $660000 can cer research laboratory at the University 01 Westem Ontario and placed the cornerstone of the $200500 Thameswood Lodge at Victoria Hospital The division held its annual meeting here or the lirst time to coincide with the opening of bulb pmjecia paid lor with the 1960 and 1961 budgets The laboratory is one oi three in Canada built by provincial cncer organizations lor the so ciety Thameswood Lodge two otorey when building will ac commodate ca cer suiiercrs Irom outside London who are receiving outpatient treatment Lcuis Lang of Kitchenur who placed the cornerstone noted that cost of accommoda tion at the lodge or pafienla re ceiving threeto our week course at treatment is only third of the cast of providing beds at hospital Carl French at Toronto was elected president III the On tario division AIDED DEAF school lor the deal was lounded in Paris In 1755 by Abbe Charles do lEpee Aw Typewriters For Christmas gills Good eel ection of reconditioned stand ards from $8450 New Portables from $4195 year guarantee Easy terms ADDING MACHINES Good selection now from $3950 STAR Business Machines 24 Bradford SL PA66595 CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS AND CHRISTMAS TREES BEZZANT NURSERIES 69 Johnson St PA 60247 GIFTS FOR HER LA DE BONNAIRE Hair Styling Studio 106 Napier St CHRISTMAS SPECIALS no PERM ta aim reams tio tin prams moo TEENAGERS use PA 92693 BILL LEBOEUF JEWELLERS DIAMONDS Cash Credii Layaway No interest or carrying charges 52 DUNLOP ST WEST PA 83343 no 13 GIFTS FOR HIM Smith8t Rutter FURNITURE 137 Dunlap St 60245 PA 60246 PLATFORM ROCKERS NYLON FREIZE $2995 SERVICE SAVINGS SATISFACTION BARRIE Stamp Coin I7 BayfieldSt Buy Him Catalogue for Christmasor Good Album STAMPS COINS MACKS MENS WEAR as DUNLOP ST WEST PA 9641 Swiseiere $395 up Good selection of viyella locks $150 GIFTS FOR FAMILY STENNICKS JEWELLERY 127 DUNLOP STE 17 Jewel Watchesoliss Enslue 1AIso Misc is GIFTS FOR FAMILY DiXies Smoke Shop And Record Bar 106 Dunlap St GIFI IDEAS Rust Cralt Greeting Card Boxed Christmas Cards Family miriotmar Carlie Morris Boxed Chocolate Best Quality BllIIuldl Pipes and Smokerl Supplies Tree Lights and Decoration Visit our Toylend Party jokes and novelties Timex Watcher AT OUR RECORD BAR All the Christmas We Holiday Sing Along With Mitch All fliristmas selections with the best recording stare Mitch Miller Sing Alongs Ray Connll Fur Dancing Johnny Mathis Frank Sinatra Jane Morgan Connie Francis Perry Como Pat Boone Bing Crosby Mahaiia Jackson Seabrecze Record Players and accessories Record Racks and Cases Buy Record Gilt Ccrtiliiuite JACKSONS DEPT STORE Burries Most Famous House of Bargains aim MDTTO is SATISFACTION on CASH MONEY REFUNDED SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE IN THEFAMILY Top Quality Rock Bottom Priccs DIAL PA ems 59 DUNLOP ST BARRIE ONT INQUIRE ABOUT OUR CONVENIENT ECONOMICAL WEEKLY RATE

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