TIME FOR cs WANT AD BRINGS YOU CASH PA 32414 lsTul nARnln EXAMINER Pnlnnv neviJuana ltsl REAL ESTATE ANNOUNCEMENTS REAL ESTATE BIRTHS PROPERTY FOR SALE SIMPSON At Ihl RDYII VI tari Ilmpltal Barrie on Wednes November 22 loll to am Ind Phyllis Simpson use Spmulel III St Vincent sued ï¬lm duulblcr Lynn CAthcrile ibi Bis at DEATHS LAWAt Stevenson bielnbrlel Hospliel Alluton antrib on TourEly November 21 ml Iva Lew daughter at the lele Levi end Hemet Lew Resting at the Hughes ninerel Home Coola lnwn or service on Seiurdey Novcnzber el gun Interment nnnd Head cemetery IN MEMORIAM LEGEARIn loving memory or our deer mother Anne bl Learr wnn phased ewey November mo Always milling tenl Loved was our mother all went ln beeutllul llle sudden end She died too noon everyonee Iriend Sldly missed by her analre Olive end family lllcltlAsrgnln loving memory of our dear son end anugbtervln lew seln end Millie who were euddenly lekcll from our midst November 1959 No mole to see their smiling lecee 0r hcar them sey hello It rune be shock we did not expect and end bitter blow sicnt thought bitter leer chps their memory ever deer God tekes the best lor reesone die Hui mcgltollcs Inst till the ï¬nd nl tlm lovinilly remembered by Dell plum and lnmlly CARDS 0F THANKS llAnciliLDoNVe would like lllenk our relatives triende neighbors lor the lovely till we received on our aolh wedding ennlversery MP end hire Anthony llercnlidon snenty hey RR IIIcKlNLIZYWc wish to thank relelives triends end neighbor or their many eels oi kindness and expressions or sympathy shown us in the ecent deeth or lnbn McKinley The temlly heppy end can wherever eon to end BDGERTON would like to lhnnll ell my lriends end nelxb buls who helped me win my trip to New York Words cannot ex press llow much enjoyed the wcck them norls Edgerion COMING Earns RUMMAGE SALE Saturday Nov 25 IO am pm ODD FELLOWS HALL Auspices THE CHAPEL GUILD RCAF STATION EDGAIL DANC NG EVERY SATURDAY CABARET STYLE COUPLES ONLY PINECREST $250 couple For table reservations PHONE ELMVALE 757113 SHOOTING MATCH Turkeys and Chickens SATURDAY DEC 16 Community Arenav Elmvale Ammunition supplied or 22 rifles and shotguns SPONSORED BY ELIIIVALE LIONS CLUB CHAMBER OF COMMERCE DANCE SATURDAY DEC pm The Oakview Community Centre Modern and 01d Tyme Dancing to the music of John Josefik and his group ADMISSION $I EACH Winner of $1000 Raffle to be picked by elimination during the evening Last ticket draivn will be the winner CHRISTMAS TEA AND BAZAAR Wednesday Dec 230 pm pm Central United Church Social Hall ADMISSION 35c Auspices oi WA SMORGASBORD BUFFET SUPPER SATURDAY NOV 25 pm 730 pm St Georges Parish Hall Make your contribution or the meal AFTER you have eaten COME AND BEING THE FAMILY Allspices St Georges BAC Turkey Shoot SATURDAY NOV 25 pm Ted Pattersons Turkey Farm Turn lelt atthc first sideroad past Varcoos and follow signs ADDED PRIZE FOR BEST TARGET FILMAVOND Hollandse tilmavond your hot Kuhnla Eezin mat specs isle venusslng ennguboden dDDl do Now Canadian Cultural Soci ety op letcldllg 25 November llll in hot bustmum Van dB Christian Reformed Church St Vincent Street BBIIID Alnvlll 13 pm Tonganl vnol nlelleden ct kllldcrcn is ct HAROLD FORSTIER REALTOR 98 BAYFIELD ST PA 66453 ANYTIME SHANTY BAY ROAD More tor your money in this charm lng six room home situated in beautifully wooded area with garage and workshop on paved road Full price only $10500 Owner will hbid mortgage or the balance May have the pleasure at showing you this one Or oth er lovely lakcshore properties in Shanty Buy Area Call Norah Rallies You PICTURE yourself sit ting in your living room looking out your large front willdow You see the golf course with Kempealelt Buy In the background YOU THINK my tnmily sure en joys the bedrooms the con venience of double sinks in bathroom YOU LISTEN as the tire crackles In the ï¬rm place Your wife is humming happily in her kitchen Folks This can be you Call at once for details Maryann Smith PA 66453 or evenings PA 84023 LET THE TENANIS BUY YOUR HOME No com plete units under one root fully rented Full asking price only $9100 Its worth in vestigating Call PA 66453 HOW SOON CAN YOU MOVE This cican homo across from the shopping plaza is on lot 100 300 Living room dining room kitchen and two bedrooms or the dining room could be 3rd bed room Name your own down payment Owner will hold one mortgngc for the balance All this lor the asking price oi $9800 Call Joe Palmer PA 60063 FAMILY DELIGHT Spic and span inside and out popular split level 3bedroom home with double sink in the kitchen living dining room with planter Large warm recreation room few steps down from the living room Paved drive and car port Principal inteerst and taxes of $83 month waiter down payment Cali Norm Hesketh PA 87016 UNIQUE STYLING ln Anlen Mills $500 down will buy this almost new home with large living room kitchen bed rooms modern bathroom gas furnace Owner has left the area with orders to sell Simcoc Countys best buy to day Contract Emory Miller PA 60476 Member of Barrie and District Real Estate Board Evenings Call Emory Miller PA ootvo Joe Palmer PA H853 Karl Marshall PA 89917 Norah Railres Oro 4023 Doris Nuttycombe PA 87957 Norm Hesketh PA dTDIG Maryann Smith PA alozo Coins Real Estate Broker Owen Street Barrio SUBSTANTIALLY BUILT BRICK IWO STOREY DWELLING Center hall square plan spa cious living room Iull sized dining area library four bed rooms verandah Located on large lot in residential area Call Gordon Coutts OWNER TRANSFERRED MUST SELL $13800 is the low asking price of this beautiful semisplit level brick bungalow with large shaped living and dining room bedrooms attached garage Down payment only $2200 to Iirst mortgage Call Walter Coutts tor appointment GRACIOUS LIVING Ardlitecturc of this bungalow designed for those who like home that isdiiferent has ex tra large living room 12 25 else extra large master lied room covered with broadionm Sun porch Builtin garage and many instantgs to qualify this Tome Cali waiter Coutts BUSINESS SITE In progressive area with 80 loot highway Irontage depth over 200 tent Adjacent parcels are available COMPACT HOME Storey and half 5room dwell ing living room 11 is kitch ens la dining 13 garage an heating costs good home for economical living 311500 Down payment $2000 Member or Barrio st District Reel Esteto Board PHONES Ofilcc PA 5248 Evenings GonDoN Goonspit 88154 ltlt ll MOOREFA um ROGER9 PA was Smith CempbellrA Hm PROPERTY FOR SALE ROGERS CONNELL REALTORS ONE DUNLOP STREET EAST First in Barrie Home SalesFormost In Quality at Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENINGS CALL FOSTEIIPA mu CONNELl PA um titanium until DisTnlcrllel STATE BOARD CLIFF BROWN REALTOR HIGH STREET EARRIE PHONES PA oozll PA soul Membere dt lb netm Reel rutlo aoerd Joan unzPA uni Fergus GerveyPA ups CORBY Phone PA 524 the snow comcs chen garage Oil furnace REAL ESTATE BROKER 93 Dunlnp SL FARMS We have large variety of good aims listed with us or sale Ecol and stock inrms dairy tnrms mink farms mnrkct gardcns and tobacco farms all in the Barrie area See them now More BEST BUY EVER This three bedroom brick home located close to CGE and the shopping district and priced to sell ls perhaps the best value or your money that it has been our pleasure to show FOR RENT Two bcdroom cottage with living room dining room large kit Napier Strcct IF You are looklllg tor it change in housescall or set us as we have line scccllon at good homes now MAEEL MARSHALLPA 45o hlUmill JElTERYPA 6513 Terms 575 per month CORBYPA ulna DUNLOP ST ant speciinn Ina Longtin PA aims Everett sbelsweu Ono mo Norman REAL ESTATE BROKER Pler nonrem ruNDs AVAILABLE 17 our on VALUE no cars CHARGED $1500 lull asking price with $2000 down payment brick bungalow with an ofï¬ce or bcdronm finished in the base Sun porch storms and screens paved drive and many other cAIlaS in this immaculate home SheIsweII PA 89961 PA 68742 inrnnnsr Four room Call Joe Longtin tor in MODEL HOME 51200 down payment is all you rcquire for possession new home all Ilose Street Opcn lol impaction all this weekend 150 acre farm with subdivision fmntage on paved road near Bar rie Cali Jack Vlllsun for details avenlnn cell lecil willson PA 54631 Notmen Shhlswnll PA 39951 salon linwerd Norris PA HaVe You Found the HomeYou Want If not make an appointment to see this one On tread corner landscaped lot NHA approved thrice bedrooms Kitchen with large dining area Pc coloured bath with ceramic tile and vanity Plenty of storage cupboards Oil heated and divided basement Stdrms and screens Carport Good Location TELEPHONE PA 8428l Sloull Agencies Ltd CENTRAL ONTARIOS LARGEST REALTORS COLLIER STREET PA 85901 STORAGE TROUBLE See this cement block ware house on large lot 180 141 Two floors 70 25 well in sulated and heated Loading Space for trucks Priced to sell COUNTRY LIVING miles from Barrie cldse to sdmol Insulbrick home bedroom kitchen living din ing room acres of good gar den land Asking $5000 with low down payment JUST CALL THE MOVERS and make date to move into this delightiully clean charm ing bedroom home Extra large Irshnpod living room with dining area pc bath with ceramic tile and colored fixtures Fully tiledhasement with pc washroom recrea tion room laundry room and storage arenA stepsaver kit chen without that crowded ieelA ing Owner must sell immedi ately Dont be sorry tomorrow call today Reduced $2000 Priced ammo Member at the nerrle end plslrlct Reel Estele board EVENINGS CALL bIFJlV GOULD 0R0 call EDP GOULD 0110 ms HARRY SLESSOR PA Mm olch BROWN PA 37255 LLOYD HOCKLEY PA ml in ROSE REAL ESTATE BROKER 7s TIFFIN sfmm BARRIB CALL DAY on EVENING PA 82379 Member ol the Belno end District Reel mete noeld Pauli EEDDODM Hnmn oil heat ing ettechcd EarHE good loca tion Contrnl Lneee or loll No WALTER ColTTsPlt Mail SANDY nounsPA Mus reeennnble oller relueed lele DIIDIIDPA 59407 evenings Keith Marsha REAL ESTATE isan 15 CLAPPERTON ST BARRIE PA $2532 DAYS OR EVENINGS If you are looking for sar vice Station Restaurant or any kind of business or farm home or motel call this office GROCERY MEATS With living quarters Turnover $700 per week real opportun ity for lively couple Reason for selling owner has other interests WANTED 50100 acres pasture or waste land within or miles of Bar rie All Cash REDUCED $2000 Summer cottage in Muskoka You the water All conveniences boat and motor included Good temls for quick sale MOORE PA can FRANK NELLIs PA 566 Member Barrie and District Reel Estete Board CARSON 45ADllNIOlLsrw Next door to the llnperlel Theetre PA 66481 Member or Barrie eno District Reel mete Boero MOVING Dont forget to transler your INSURANCE and if you need extra coverage ot iiny kind SEE STEVENSONS PA 85201 113 Dunlap St Pon SALE 22 Shannon street Three bedroom bunnelow lully lnndsceped three years old NHA Interior decorated lireplscc Avullnblo Dccombnr Low down payment Telephone PA H154 utter pm REAL ESTATE mommy FOR sans HENDERSON REALTOR council srnzbr PHONE PA 857 zvnlmos CALI nllA SCANDRLrl PA was DOROTHY wtmo PA sasu PERCY Palm PA 37910 nimble SWAIN PA 6m Member at heme end District end Ontuln an Estate Bonds IN THORNTON VIIIn room house to seine estete $4000 or best otter Telephone or write Burns all Meple lbolnbill AV $1435 or Burn ivy nu runlm niINKLNG no your own lendionl with the temp mon thly peyments only mo down end 360 per month tn own live room lreme house with double Inn ripntoIwey to beech et lllneis Polnl Cell Norm Hey keth PA Miss representing ller old Poleter lienllor PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT BURTON AVENUE Privete eele men brick home built for em ity llvlnl on lends int in It deep Two room rtment on meln tloor PA 55291 uNrultlezD WINTER Bomb lbm bedrooms Mlnete Point Oil tired eliy conveniences Sele or rent Also room to rent PA 5615 or epply as John st FOR SALE on Rm Modern bedroom winterized college neer Stroud All cnnvenicnces Phone PA Mm in zona ovulnoklng tbn Day room end hath ellcued serene walkout bilement ebhl room mm end screens end many ex ues Telephone PA soon even ing PA on FARMS FOR SALE BIGIII noonnn lolly Dindtnl lerrn house with sales or good term tend close to Cemp Borden lblninute drive lroill Alliston on llh line lbs Township Only 30000 with shoao down peyment Euy terms Pnone HE so or lull intormetlon BUS OPPORTUNITIES Telepholl RENTALS ms nousnn T0 Elm Lownil Adicontained heeled two bedroom epertmenl In Icsl end Telephone PA W15 elter pm Iolln Rom Apertmenl to rent unlurnisbvd heeled eeltconlein ed Relrlxentnr desired Tclo pbnne PA 5271 LARGE nieer decanted Iln bed main nested eelleoplelned eperi Inan Centrel locetlon Chudren welcomc Telephone PA soul issz EWAET UnlurnLlheo edrnnns winterlxed house and er month Telephone Lclroy on or lurthel detelle Two ROOM Apartment lulnleh ed relrlserntbr Parklnl spece Aduiu only Telephone PA Man or apply alery Strccl NEW APARTMENTS for III un end um bedroom suites Lactea on Queen Street Stove and lnlerelnr upplled PA solar 0N3 unnnooil lunllshcd hut cd apartment Itll conillned Lou as parking Ipace Til Ilonre end hue clnsed in verandnb rcle ghouls deys PA can eventual man noun DOOM unlumlshld nt menl for rent Prlvete beln tint ed bus ltop et door Avellble December Apply Apertment Guiin street VERY cxNrnAl one bedroom epertnlent in new buildlnr Au lometlc welber end dryer lup lied Available December Isl elephnne PA nuns NEW aloDEnN four room hot weter heeled eparlmenl in Angus Hut hydro weler end renge supplied Telephone Camp Bordon lav cullctt UPPER DUPLEX rive rams end helh seltconlnlned Ilrivatn eniv rence lleuted No objection to one child Avhllublc Dcccmbcr Telephone PA boot lor turlber Intnmlatlnn Ueransllnn upslllrs Ipbll ment three rooms prlvele hath Ccnlnl lneetlon Oil nested Ille vate hot wnler tank In prlveln humeno other tonnnts Aveil eble now Telephone PA $9757 MODERN unlurnisncd one bed rnnnl besement eparuncnt Kitch en dlncttn llvlng roam end thrte plcch hath lleut water and by are suPpllnd Lnundry fncllltlcs Avelleble immndlntcly PA omz SMOKE SiloP sundry store in excellent downtown leeetiun ideel or retired gentlemen or couple Goad income Selling reesonebly as owner hes other in terest Apply Gils smoke shop to Meple Avenue Barrie MORTGAGES MONEY AVATLABLE FOR Consivliliation of Bills Home repairs etc NO BONUS LOW RATES gt LIFE INSURED $1549 at $56 Monthly $3544 at $90 Monthly Up to $5000 and 60 month to repay SEABOARD DISCOUNT I41 Dunlop St PA 66477 Immediate lst and 2nd Mortgage Loans Unlimited private funds avail able for any type of dwelling or construction anywhere Free consultation No Obligation CALL PA 60981 MORTGAGE FUNDING 129 Dunlap St over SIMPSONSSEARS PRIVATE PARTY wanted to tells $5000 or $6000 mortgage lele phone PA Hilda MDRltlelzslst and and bought said end Arranged Commerclel end residential none loebed on existing mortgages berri Mort use arnkele PA $8504 FINANCIAL $5000 ONLY 47c FOR WEEKS ASK FOR MINI LOAN CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST ASK FOR nun DALEY PA 60203 RENTALS LOW cost SPACE lor 1an clean modern buildings sulteble Iol enmmerciei light lnduitrlnl Telephone PA 575 NURSING HOMES ARK EDEN NURSING HOME Blltlt for this work sclni end private rooms kind nursing ce good lond lv rooms stetion wu gnn ror outings Telephone 69 Strand APTS HOUSES T0 RENT wruRlellnn our room Ilollsl three miles north or Barrie on Highway ll Neel school and Ehllch Telephone pLeasass urrnn nuannx on rent Two bedrooms living room dining room kitchen and sour plece heln nested Available now Phone PA howl SPAcious modeln epertmcnt sellcontained private entrance ldeel for hecllelor ol couple Park ing recllitiee stove end telligcra tor luppiicd Telephone PA usnso UNPUansilnl modern heeled apartment or rent immediately suit couple with one smell child Apply at nominal Bakery Elm vele or telephone 63 Elmvlle uNPuansllEn TIIIIEE n00 epertmenl or ran on North street llenled Plenty or cup board lpucc Telephone lneel time or evenings at PA 84510 TWO BEDROOM unitlllllshld hplrtmcnt in modern apartment building stove and relrigcrator out water storage parklng spncn end laundry thrilltios Tele phone PA oils1 Avn eble Dec ember 15 LARGE BRIGHT Iumiehed nlx IWm apartment with heat and way tcr pnvete entrincc Reasonable rpnt inlnutcs walk lrbln bus tennln lmmcdlete releph ne PA oovoz SIX noonl House oll hent tile end onk noon plenty ol cu hneldr Central sorry not sut ehle lor smell blldren Reason eblc rent Ave eblc nnlv PA hallo uNPUnNIsiiED Apartment tour ronms end beth ground final Heated clean modern sellcon talncd Central loceilon Parking Stovu end rclrlgcmtor It required Telephone PA Mall NEW nANCiI style Home Larg llving room dining room kltclecn three bedrooms tour piece bath possession tubs toilet and basin Apply in person 73 Dundonald street LARGE HEATED ApertmenL Liv ing room dining room kitchen bedrooms end bath Sell contained Very central Plenty or storege lpece Avelinblu now $35 monthly Telephone PA nabzl AVAILABLE November two bedroom bunglow all convenien ces oil beat Reasonable Tclc phone Oakvllle Valley mono or write box so berrie maminer THREE ILOOMS end bath bese ment epartment Hot water heated with oil Private entrance central iy lnceted Partly furnished Tele phone PA Mala or PA llssos TWO HEATED turnlsbed apart nlentv Each containing bedroom living room kitchen end three piece beth Separate entrance At the Crulghurst Genernl store Highway 93 Tclcphona PA $9515 1WD BEDROOM winlcllxerl llsko front cottage at hllncts Point Iue side Conveniences heavy wiring sou pel mnntb Immediate posses sion Telephone PA 84455 lor turtller detnils Two anDRoohlS living room kitchen end bath sepernte ent rance Central incution Warm and comlnmble Available December Telephone PA Haul pm pm THREE Room lumisherl epert ment in quiet home Suitable for business or Air Force couple Ab stuinem No children Rent leeson eble Neel pleze Paxklnl spa Telephona PA 66754 FOUR ROOM APARniIENl tile betb unfurnished Stove end In irigerator supplied Centrally lo Dated No children Aveileble lmmedletely For further intol mhtlon telephone PA sow rwo ROOM unlurnlshed eperb ment combination living room kitchenette bedroom Renxetta bull mlrigerator Ground iinor Central Suitable for one or two Telephone PA asolo UNPDRNISlmD two room Inert ment Bedsitting room kitchen with sink stove end rctrigerntnr supplied us Burton Avenue lele pbonn PA 68715 FOUR ROOM Apartment to Elli unlurnlslled with stove and le iklgerntor Very central locutlon Avullsble llnmedlutely Telephone PA 83482 NEW 11mm Bedroom house and gerage for rent on the 15th Con cession oi Vesprs Fully insulated Dll lurnece city cnnvcnicncu Telephone Hillsdale 233ml ONE AND Two bedroom apart manlsfstoverremgernlorflonllor service end leunllry teciuues llent ing tram $3000 monthly Telephone Leech PA azsvn uNPuanSnED can end two bed room npnrtments heated centrei ly incited Kitchens with builtIn cupboards Adults only Telephone pnflgqiao and ettcr than pln PA to UNFURNISHED Upstairs AFB moiit three rooms private bath Central location on healed PrlA vste hot water tank In private home No other tenents Tclc phone pa 88757 Available now AnbANDAba Two or thrcn room unlulnlshed hpnflmnnt for rent Heated llydro supplied Available immediately Renlnnebln rent nus pg et door Telephone PA nvn llooM unturnlshed apert ment Living room with nreplncc modernkllehen with dlnlm eree ONE BEDROOM Apartment Owen end Grove Street eren Ample storese Dblklni laundry room with dryer Avnlnblc December Telephone PA basal or PA ama or PA snvll CENTRAL Iliodcrn hcntcd enerp WEIIL living room and large IlcdlDom dinette modern kit tnree bedronms Use of luundry room Immediate pnsscsslon or will errlnge to unit tenenll Tclz phone PA 64553 elter pin rhon Ilctrignratnt end heavy duty ntovc Parklni Includes Business couplu prelerred lele phnnn PA 6am Divided basement with laundry RENTALS APTSC HOUSES TO BENT yulunlluao two room epmment ell heeled underu rentPnone PA cmo rnnul BOD uelurnlsbed house tor rent Conveniences no per month Apply ea meblu pm im tunnel puueulers mun ROOM Apertnient to rent Enrolmlsgled sleet 1th bydrn nn op reel ext ee PA b7259 zETOKBY seven room hflck bum Dn land residential lutet Immh diele possession Relereneee czll Coutta end Co PA Iztus UNPURNISIIED lower duplex three lerge rooms aunporch end belh ierge beekyeni oil heellng close in downtown Aveueblo now Telephone PA Ms APAnnlzNr CentreL lleeuo Pertlelly turniebed Pourrooms end beln 55 per month Over Steeles chine sbo Collier st Telephone PA on or PA lsoss PuanSilzn live room house lull besenlelt oil heeled mndeln con veniences luau lmmedlete pol session no monthly For lurxbel lnlormetlon eell 57R strnud loRoNlo smxn loceu Un turnlsbed three room ertnlenl with beth SelfContlln Dine pleter prlvete bright end ettree tive Telephnne PA H655 LARGE modern untnmished ertment three rooms lolli eee hetn hot water lleeted laun dry room with dryer Avellenle lnlmedlzlely Telephone PA 55214 or PA 56325 or detelis Tllllnz nooll lurnlshed sell eontelned apertment ground lloor nvelleblc nnw Also second lloor three room lumisbed epnrt menL Telephone lA HIM belnre pm or eller ii pm RENTALS APT$ HOUSES TO RENT AVAILABLE DEC In The Garden Terrace Corner Queen and Duckworlh Sis Modem home two bedrooms large living room tilcd kltlalen with dining area oil heat with air conditioning laundry trays senIced landscaped grounds bamboo drapes $86 month PHONE PA $2140 nunran three morn lumibed apartment or Punt Stove and re IlggerllAllrldllalts only Avllilhll pp lnnislll Telephone PA arose 5m conAGE or rent Winterizel rumlshed Inlldc conveniences lleevy duty store on healing Ap ply Lillie Lekl Ccdnr Perk or telephone PA 68389 rlvn nzunooil House with rel Ag end garden inside convenien ces bound on lilsnwey v3 ova miles lrom Dlrric Avellebte uery sis montbl PA 417 Telephone wlzw AND Modern one end two bedroom epertments overlaounl Iconic Kempentell Bey Heel Wm 33 elgklnAg lanclulanllor eerv am cluues PA use mu llnnnnN ml cnntnlncd one bed room apertment Drapes slave supplied RcIriKorltar oplion $50 per monlh llewkestone nu l5mnllle drive lrom Bsrrlc close to store Available December Jennings PA 57 on as ROOM BOARD MODERN three room unlurnlsh ed sell contained street level apartment Laundry room Suite eble lor couple One block lroln Post office For inlorlnellon tele phone PA $2106 HOUSE or rent Living room din ing room kitchen three bedrooms and garage oil heated Modern conveniences Three mllcs north oi llarlic on lillhwhy Phone PA noun UPPER DUPLEX tor sent two bedrooms living room end kitch cn luliy lilcd tour pitco hetn room Oil heated Laundry iaclll gttlas Viflkhl December Tale phone PA alzw rlinnn ROOMS sell contelned with sink end modeln cupboerds ntl heated tiled llools kitchen plenty ol closet spece stove and refrigerator supplied Suit couplo Pbonc PA 63355 SELF CONTAINED two room rumlsbed hunted eplllmcnt three piece betll front end buck enflnne cu Suitable sol becbelnr or cnu pic Avelleble December Apply all anyneld st PA Send NEW MODERN ccntreily locel two bedroom apartment tor rc Rclflgcralor stove end laundry recllilles Available lmmellieleiy Jmltor service Telephone PA H091 lor turtllel inlornsetion THREE Rooll ground floor eperb ment seperete entrance end bath but supplied close to school Aim three roane modernly de cornted apartment with nursery Each evellnble December lelo phone PA 59213 BUSINESS non AND noAnD nvellebla Close to downtown Apply ls uep my street or lurthcr lnlormnllon nooll AND ovum or one or two persons Luncth asked it dcllrcd parking space elephone PA boots for further detelu nooil AND noAnD with mother ly can given for babies end children in my own homo hy the week Apply to nor 79 Barrio Ex aminci ROOM AND nonnn eveileble for young men in private home Dun iop end aradlord district Tclr phone PA £0555 n00 AND nuAnD available tnr girl or gcntlcmnn Warm coni forleblc room Apply et all se told street or telephone PA was or iulthel iniormutlon noon AND Down in privele home close to lndustriei eree on Esse Road Neer bus stop Will pack lunches Parking Homo pri vtlcgns Telephone PA aoa7ll EAST Banjue eto et door Room and board in vetc hom Lunches peckcd Sullubln Drvu or two people Parking spec Telephone PA 50432 ROOMS TO LET Enrollr iurnlshcd housekeeping rnnln lor rent stove and refril eretor Iuppllcd Locutcd bctwocn the hospital and shopping pleze Parking spece Telephone PA 66101 rol lurlbel lntnrmallnn Try All Examiner Want Ad SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About LOW Rates By Month or Year Telephone PA 32414 APPLIANCE SERVICES TONY APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE Service to all makes I47 DUNLOP ST PA 6l I42 CARPENTRY NEW HOMES Remodelling Shingling porches recreation rooms Complete trimming to housas and garages BRUCE CAMERON PA 66071 DIAPER SERVICE BARRIES FINEST DIAPER SERVICE Twine weekiy pickup delivery 11 FRANCIS 5T REAR PA oassl Less then peck ofvoilauma ell DRIVING SCHOOL ORILLIA SCHOOL OF SAFE DRIVING Since 1556 FOR APPODITMENT CALL PA 66551 EXCAVATING FILL GHAVEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Grading Water Delivery Crushed stone Halt yard Backhoe for hire DENNIS MORAN 29 Anne Street PA 4307 FOR SHOVEL WORK Excavating Backhoe Clam nrag Lillc ComcutWBustingwr Barrie raising steel 55 boom shovel Iront loading levelling ol backfilling Dozcr work and trucking phone Stewart Con struction PA E7321 HEATING SHEARDOWNS BURNER SERVICE Furnaces and Burners Cleaned $750 plus parts 24 HOUR SERVICE PA 112180 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper Hanging Spray Painting Service Since mo ER Barrio PAS6935 MASONRY If it can be built with BLOCK BRICK ur STONE CALL SPROULE MASONRY CONTRACTOR For guaranteed workmanship at reasonable prices PA 60966 PLASTERING STUCCO STONE QUIKBRICK AND PLASTERING CEILINCS ROOMS ARCHWAYS PATCHES PREE ESTIMATES TERMS No DOWN PAYMENT SIMCOE QUIKBRICK LEFROY 60M PHONE COLLEch REFRIGERATION STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE 33 Clappertol St PHONE PA 84562 SANITARY DISPOSAL DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT We have been licensed to re move your dead and crippled fraln animals under the abovo Act FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLECT BARRLE PAikway 33611 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE LICENSE spool WELL DIGGII is WELLS DRILLED PUMPS lNSTALLED BY LICENSED DRILLERS FREE ESTIMATES Coupland Drilling RR BARRIE PA 87646 WELL DIGGING WELLS dug deepened and re paired gt1 PUMPS sold and installed KEN WINTER 12 MARIA STREET PA 60782 Its wonderful the way Classified Ads get re suits Phone PA 82414