Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Nov 1961, p. 13

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ARTICLES tor SALE SFARMERS MARKET ll LEGAL NOTICES NEWSPAPER MATS Sizes Lilla Ideal for lining hen houses allies garages etc perfect Insulator 25c PER DOZEN Apply The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario McFADDEN Appliance 123 Penclang at St Vincent FM STEREO RADIO by ELECTROHOME PHONE PA ems anAv KID ACKEIZAsIre leis In good condition For further inlet nuuon telephone PA oasis Usen VACUUM cleaner or ms in good condition rims Tel phone PA outer nanIsinN 21inch RCA Victor Ior tale complete with mud Telephone Clmp norden sti powersEula Transmission for 55 Chevrolet end up ncw guar Inter Telephone 0m sis PIANO ACCORDION lor ule TI tnno so bass litre new Selung tor slot Telephone PA mil DINING Iron Tnhle Iour chain and bulletv Telephnnl hm Dnnielson PA Mail will LOANS at at on per month Telephone PA Hm Crescent Finrice as nunloo St West nco sPAcs IIEAIEII for nle need for only three months Ap ply ltorchuk telephone cooks town new izLLVIsIoN Phllco blonde sherp picture on and $99 Glil Smoke shop to Maple Avenue or telephone PA Miss TWO sNoW mas 150 in good condition so ench also two nlrs of lsdles ileurc sittea Ilsa Telephone HE M740 Angus lNow mes ror sale one our Iso It In good condition selling or Io pm Apply Cooke ed street Telephone PA hIIISB nubmic CORD Orson Imoerlnl Concert by micellor In good con dition tired only two months so laybyvrlumbcr books included Apply at 17 Toronto Street mAL singer Electric Fort nblo Machines or rent by the week or the month slnrcr sov Ing Centre hunlop street west Telphone PA 81960 or Elmvllb MW for role Zillorh duty Inui bumer electric stove flares pleco bedroom Ict Includan mattress and springs All In good eoddtttod Apply Ed mute 1urni ture Iz Beytloid street Telephon PA N003 ATTENTION PLnlisnt smoke shop to IIIpie Av PA Hips In addition to fresh stock or smelten needs we now carry tor your convenience brood but tcr milk cotice ctc etc Open daily nrnl pm Slllldnys noon to 11 um IsUNrttls AND Savorttsmerg Illo deI st ailan sas bro umps $85 New ansI 31955 Gun noses sl Ln sholist10ccolt huntllncs $7555 Target grips owdcr bullets live bait huoilnl Ieences hood guns Everything tor the sportsman Open every Inning Hopsoor Bll RR Isnan FRUIT 8i VEGETABLES APPLE CIDER rresh or tresh iro xeo ALIO apple butter for brook last rnnclt or anytime We buy lllinn and half glllarl lugs Telr phone PA onion ARTICLES WANTED WANTED Used Typewriter Telelt phone PA was WANTED Used Drill Press Apply aristow Ltd at Dunlop st West or telephone PA 55545 WE WILL PAY cAsn tor good used Iurditure or any good used amnla Individuni or content lout Phnn PA 52427 5FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Highest prices paid for dead or crippled cattle and horses Smali animals removed free For fast service phone BARRIE PA 87751 collectt or ask for ZENITH 91130 NO CHARGE an hours dry7 any wees NICKS DEAD STOCK RE Foxmead Ontario License No Iaocsi LIVESTOCK zo PIGS for role eight weeks oio purebred Yorkshire Tele phone Lorne Carmtherl Strand ltitlvl utter pm anon wornr Hunsn or role 15m 33 Holstein Heller bred two months Telephone Hamid Swttxer PA M538 CATTLE Pow SALE Calves year Itngs two year olds and com Apply bi MacDonald miter east at Hillsdnie 2nd Concession Ne bone POULTRY CHICKS DEKALB PULLETS More and more poultrymen are choosing DEKALB PULLETS Started ready to lay and day old chicks Order now for early order discount For service or help on your poultry problems call Craig Hunter HUNTERS POULTRY FARMS smonn PHONE 17 AUTOMOTIVE uoron CARS FOR ssLn VIAU MOTORS RAMBLER mLiIAN AND LAND ROVER 107 DOWN ll GOWAN STREET PA 66488 Isis DODGE or role our door clero throughout rtndlc Four new tires Telephone or In eiterlpm LTD Isss METEOR tor ulg two Lonl green and white excellent eon dition sit down and take over pnymentr Telephone PA um running condition Tole hone PA bolfifl noytim for lurt er inton mniion mo FORD stunner vo automa tic lully gulpped Priced tor quick nle elepnon PA was after mo p111 1951 PLYMOUTH for nle auto Innuc new cnrlnn and new trans mission Will sell or retsonsole otrcr Telepbanc PA Hm otter mo pm sole tour door In excellent con dltion light green color interior in good rondlllon Telephone PA 60365 after 530 pm tone with windshield washers backup lights directionl slronls utd radio host cash offer accult ed Telephone PA Molt TRUCKS TRAILERS Isso ItlzncUItl Pickup excellent condition new battery and allow tircs $150 For further toiormn tion telephone PA 34667 excellent condition through uie Apply 119 Anne street South In out nut eury soc AI condition Low miles we end good tlrcs Write or see in person Veto nrngo co RCAF clover Form stoic Camp llorden MOBILE HOMES slouILn HOME or sale bcd losI General Norlhlznder three rooms completely furnished to binding nutnmallc unshcr eye level ovcn reirigcrstor lull rite hotnroom Ilclsnnnblu Telephon PA some PERSONALS Alicurc result at rm home wlu not be responsible ror sny debts incurred in my name alter tilts date November 19 Florida approximately December In wishes gentleman to slur drivtng One way only Apply Box in Barrie Examiner and late model cars to vnnoon vnr Cnlgsry Edmonton Ruins Winnipeg Ga paid Toronto DrlvbAwuy service Limited sills Yooge street Toronto BA M751 IO HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP AVON AVON COSMETICS Needs qualified women inter eéted in good earnings at once Increased Christmas business means more openings in Dal Mon Craighurst Innisfil Ves pra and Ora Townships Good opportunity for mothers of school age children Car access ary For interviews TELEPHONE PA 06551 HOUSEKEEPER wanted to live in cieInl modern home One child under school age Telephone PA Mm after pm STENOGRAPHEB required short band essential Apply by letter ntntlog age nusllncntionn and ex pcricnce to Simon Medical Group d7 Collier street Attention bliss Hagen STENDGHAPHER tnqulud for Emie otitce rattlericnce in short hsnd and die nuns machlhn Idenl working conditions and good salary Apply to no ii Burl Examiner MALE HELP OPENING Poll Truck hriyrv Salesman Contact lilcEschexn and Flynn sl Pabstpg Stut Borne MALESIFEMALE REGISTERED Hererords for nib Cows with calf also open and bred bchcn Apply to Art Wright Lot is Concession West Gwlll tmbury FOUR sows or role due in couple of weeks Also Holstein Cows due in December Apply Blnnendyk on station Telephon cro loll FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH FARM SUPPLIES SERVICE Care New Holland nnvtd Brown nutty Farm Equipment in BURTON AVE PA 82373 WINTER SNOW EQUIPMENT FOR YOUR TRACTOR loaders buckets blades If we havent got it well get it CASH TRADE TERMS an sqIJAItz Aluminum Rooting like new ball now price in square stelcc lian sauna Shiva izcd rooting like new hnu now rice Ecotty steel bull pen and evernl cow sud colt pens shout loll new price stabln Cleaner in good running condition com plete with electric wiring switl shes Ind steel omcr plstcs mo Male or Female ADVERTISING ASSlSTANT Required by Drillla Company Preferably in 19 toz age group with some pravtous ex perience in advertising or pub licity Ability to write essential Telephone between II Im nnd pm for appointment to CHILLIA FA 43583 TEACHERS WANTED TEACHER WANTED for King George School for Rs Iarded Children Full days or half days Applicants should state qualifications and any ex perience with teaching retard ed Olildren Salary according to qualifications Apply before November 30 to MISS ELSIE HAIKES caSimcoe County Health Unit Barrie Ontario Wani Ads SELL ly calm Gormloy 0n tsH Telephone dnmley Hid Most Anything cllxvnocnr or nil In good In DELUXE Alltin sedan or 1553 small Rambler or ule two lsss Donal EMDN Truck for TWOTON stoke Truck luv Ideo nIsNrLzItIAN with car driving to GOING WEST Drive our new TOWNSHIP OF INNISFIL POSTING 0F VUIERS LIST Notice is hereby given that have complied with Sec of the Voters List Act and that have posted up in tho Innis 11 Township hiunlclpal Offic oo the 17th November I961 the List of all Persons entitled to vote in the Municipality at the Municipal Election and that such list remain then for In spection hereby call upon all Voters to take immediate proceedings to have any omissions or er rors corrected according to law the last day for appeal being December Isl 1961 Dated this 17th day oi Novem ber 196 Gaou Acting Cleri SPROULE Reeve NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND SHAREHOLDERS IN THE MATTER OF CROWN HILL TELEPHONE COMPANY LIMITED Take notice that all creditors or persons having claims against Crown Hill Telephone Company Limited are on or before the ztst day of Decem ber 1961 to send by post pre paid to Earl Richardson the Secretary of Crown Hill Tele phone Company Limited their Chrlslisnnsmos and surnames addresses and descriptions the iull particulars of their claims statement of their securities and the nature of securities if any held by them or in de fnult thereof the assets of the said Crown Hill Telephone Com pony Limited will be distribu ted amongst the persons cntltv led thereto without regard to claims of which the Company has no notice And further take notice that all shareholders of the above Company are required to for ward to the undersigned their certificate or stock in tile said Company owned by them in or der to obtain their share or the assets at the said Company to be distributed In due course If the said shara have not been transferred to the parties entitled to hold the some at this time such transfers must be made before the persons ell titled to said shares may share in the distribution andit such transiers are not made distri bution will be mode to The Public Trustee of Ontario DATED at Barrie this 21 day of November AD 1961 EAHL RICHARDSON Secretary Crown Hill Trust Company Limited 17 Owen Street Barrie Ontario Try Ah Examiner Want Ad ADDING MACHINES Typewriters For Christmas gifts Good scl ection of reconditioned stand ards from $3450 New Portables from $4995 year guarantee Easy terms ADDING MACHINES Good selection now from $3350 STAR Business Machines 81 Bradford St PA 66595 CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS AND CHRISTMAS TREES BEZZANT NURSERIES 69 Johnson 8t PA 60247 GIFTS FOR HER LA DE BONNAIRE Hair Styling studio 166 Napier St CHRISIMAS SPECIALS tlo PERMS as $1150 PERMS $10 15 PERMS lt 81250 TEENAGERS 8550 PA 82693 BlLL LEBOEUF JEWELLERS DIAMONDS Cash Credit Layaway No Interest or carrying charges 52 DUNLOP ST WEST PA 33343 EVERYONE IN THE FAMILY SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS TUITENHAM WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr and Mrs Walkem celebrated on Sunday Nov 19 wilh quiet family party their 59th wedding anniversary Con sratulationsi lllrs Alice McCormick of Tor onto risited last week with her son Charles McCormick Congratulations to ltlr and bird Greer on the birth of son Mrs Joseph Walsh spent few days lhst week with friends in Tomato FARM HALE Mr and Mrs Leonard Aber nathy held very successful farm salt last Saturday The prices paid by buyers were high as everything was in good shape The weather being cold kept the Indies oi the Womens Institute busy serving hot cof fee and sandwiches LEGION BINGOS The bingo sponsored by the members of Royal Canadian Branch 329 held every second Wednesday in the hall are gaining in popularity Proceeds are being used to sponsor boys II LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Creditors oi EDWARD KERHIDGE lzlle of the Township of Oro In the County of Slmcoe who died 3rd November 1961 must file their claims with the under signcd before aolh November 1961 alter which date assets at the estate will be distributed Charlotte Ann Kerridge Exec utrix by her Solicitors SMITH AND McLEAN 20 Owen Slrcel Barrie Ontario eliico oouiinr TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Take notice that the General Sessions oi the Peace will be held in the Court House Bar rie commcncing on Monday November 27 1961 at the hour of 10 oclock in the morning His Honour Judge Harvla and His Honour Judge MacLaren presiding NOVEMBER 23 1961 ROSS HUGHES Sheriff County of Simon GIFTS FOR HIM Smith Rutter FURNITURE 187 Dunlap st 60245 PA 60246 PLATFORM ROCKERS NYLON rmzn $2995 SERVICE SAVING SATISFACTION as DUNLOP sr wnsr PA 59641 Sweaters $395 up Good selection otviyella socks $150 GIFTS FOR FAMILY JACKSONS DEPT STORE Barries Most Famous House of Bargains OUR MOIIO IS SATISFACTION 0R CASH MONEY REFUNDED SOMETHING FOR Top Quality Rock Bottom Prices DIAL PA mm 59 DUNLOP ST BARRIE ONT baseball teams as well the childrens Christmas party CANVASS FOR BLIND Chairman Ilrs hlallion for CNIB reports $17975 raised this fall by the canvass who appreciate the generous respon so when the door to door calls made Thanks again PDSTMASTER RETDIBS Wilmer Palmer retiring post master and Mrs Palmer were honored by the staff in tile of ice when they were presented with sterling silver euif links and wallet to Mr Palmer and matching jewelry to Mrs mer Mr Palmer has been postmaster here or almost 21 years All join in wishing them health and happiness in their years retirement Mrs Jock Sharpe Mrs Pel and Mrs II Gauley of Stayner spent Wednesday tillin sister Mrs Walter Splch er Roy Council of Alliston assis tant postmaster at Camp Bord on Is relieving postmaster here until an appointment is de due to the retirement of Wil mer Palmer MINESING WOMENS ASSOCIATION There was good attendance at the WA in the United Chur ch on Nov 16 The president Mrs Grant reported on the bazaar which had been very successful Mrs McLean who was it delegate to the WA and Wills Iall rally at Guthrie gave an interesting report on the convention and executive meeting which she had attend ed Plans were made to ck and ship bale overseas Rev John Barnard the church mim ister explained the new organi zation United Church Woman which becomes effective in Jan uary Mrs Illel Priest took the devotional for the missionary program which followed Mrs Glen Bcilhy gave short talk on the theme Qualities and training required for full limo service in missionary fields The meeting closed with prayer by Mr Barnard The ma hos tesses were Mrs Harry Wu and Mrs Percy Muir Mrs Iim Vhition of Phelpston spent the past week with her daughter Mrs Bill Adams FORMER ADMIRAL DIES TOKYO AP Teijiro To yoda 75 former admiral in the Imperial Japanese Navy and prewar and wartime cabinet minister died here iucsday of kidney disease He was for mer foreign minister and min ister of commerce and industry in the pre war cabinets of Prince tumlmaro Konne After the lwar he became success ful businessman GIFTS FOR FAMILY Dixies Smoke Shop And Record Bar 106 Dunlap St GIFT mans Rust Craft Gmtlng Cards Boxed Christmas Cards Family Christmas Cards Morris Boxed Chocolates Best Quality Billloldl Pipes and Smokers Supplies The Lights and Decorations VisitOiu Toyliind Party jokes and novelties Timex Watches AT OUR RECORD BAR All the Christh LPI Holiday Sing Along With Mitch All Christmas selections with the best recording stars Mitch Miller Sing Alohgs Ray Connif For Dancing Johnny Mathis Frank Sinatra Jane Morgan Connie Francis Perry Como Pat Boone Bing Crosby Mahalia Jackson Sesbreeze Record Players and EDCCSSOIIBS Record Hacks and Casu Buy Record Gift Certificate STENNICKS JEWELLERY 127 DUNLOP ST 17 Jewel Watches $1495 and up Also Misc Gifts lNQUlRE ABOUT OUR CONVENIENT ECONOMICAL WEEKLY RATE Barons Win 4th Straight By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Cleveland Barons riding fourvgame winning string have moved into lie with the idle Rochester Americans for first place In the Western Division of the American Hockey League The Barons look over llIAIO the top spot with 41 vic tory over Pittsburgh Hornets Wednesday night Springfield Indians and Hershey hear is mined in nnepolhtrh¢e for the Eastern lead Springfield roll ever Buflulo and Her shey edged Quebec in over time The Indians jammed in our second period goals to put it out of reach and Kent Douglas got Iir in the third Elli Swee ney Dunne Rupp Bill 1ch Cenry and Bob hiccord got the others Barry Cullen saved the Bison from shutout with second period power play tally Veteran Parker lilacdonald who just joined the Bears from Detroit scored both goals in Hersheys overtime decision liliclinel Haery of the Aces forced it into extra time with second period goal Eddie lllnzurs 10th goal of the season broke 22 tie and provided Cleveland with the winning margin TALKING BUDGIES Genuine Registered Talking Strain $595 UP HARTZ MOUNTAIN CANARIES Guaranteed $695 Singers Tropical Fish Gold Fish and Turtles Aquarium Supplies Justrlte Pct Supplies HARRIS FLOWERS 99 Dunlap st PA 6640 THE HARRIS EXAMINER THURSDAY NOV 23 i96l Claim Cup Parade Guaranteed Tops TORONTO CPIMembers al the Tomato Junior Board of hade said Wednesday night the lBGI Grey Cup parade is guaranteed success despite the fact Albertas two big league foolb cities wont be entering floats The sponsors said 20 floats and 14 bands are already signed for the parade preceding the Travel Arrangements World Wide Service AIR SIIIP BUS RAIL HOTELS RESORTS CRUISES CAI RENTALS 0K Johnson Ind Co Ltd In Dunlap Harri PA um In any EL Toronto est Hts SKATES BAUER GlRLS FIGURE $895 up MENS $995 up LADIES $995 up TRADEIN YOUR OLD SKATES ON NEW on usro Skate Sharpening Specially GOLDS SHOE SERVICE llA CLAPPERTON Barrias Original Ice Skate Exchange Dec EastWest football final with an amazing VEIEELE OIL HOME HEATER LlKEM GIG PAYS FUR ITSELF WIT Quality Hardware 31 DUNLDP ST PA 82411 ZELLERSC FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING ITS ZEL LERS FEATURING GREAT VARIETIES OF GIFT RIGHT BUYSI EEEEEEEEEEEE EASYTOUSE GIMMEII AGGOIIIII llli OPTION TERMS GREIIII cantons VIIISI ilS GASII I0 IISEV soc AbilitiesII PIMI FOR HIGH panellists ZELLERS LTD so humor 51 PA 82439

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