TEE HARRIS EXAMINER WEDNESDAY NOV 21 in It Is The Season For It Who Needs 8000 Reindeer EDMONTON ICPJThe prob lem of what to do with 3000 arctic reindeer has been dumped back into the Iedelli governments lap Last year except or L000 head managed by one Eskimo herder the northern atlaire de partment turned the animals over to Al Deming Edmonton bi legist and game iarm man ager and partner anthropol ogist John Teal oi Vermont Research work under Ive year agreement between the men and the federal govern ment bogged down sir Deming said Monday he has asked the partnership he disalved The program was to make reideer herding profitable proposition by developing su perior caribou reindeer cross selling the meat as luxury item and marketing the hides tlr Deming said he expects to go on an expedition next spring to search or caribou in the Northwest Territories whore thewild caribou popula tion is about 200000to obtain sultnble matesvior reindeer ltlr Oemlng sold he will con duct the breeding experiments at his game arm near Edmon ton where he already has an reindeer These however are not research animals They were purchased from the north ern attain deprtment to the lam delta are descendants oi herd driven east from Alaska Eskimo and Lapp harder leit Alaska in 1929 with 3000 head of reindeer imported Imrn Err rope to be used to give the Ea kimoa diverse tood sources The band with the animals reached the east side of the Mackenzie inrlslsrand turned north to come plete the LNG mile trek to the delta with 2370 animals in 1935 Since these animals were brought in the lederal govern ment has tried unsuccessluily to train Eskimos as herdera as an alterantiva to their nomadic hunting lilo The training was complete with Lapland instnictors How ever the Eskimos preterred to alaughtnr animals at their own discretion or desert their herds or the thrill OI the hunt or the novelty oi wage employment Union CNR Put New Plan Into Practice By KEN SMITH MONTREAL tCPl new labor agreement between the CNR and one of its biggest unions worked out during years quiet negotiations has gone into ettect experimentally in Edmonton Both the CNR and the union the Canadian Brotherhood ot Railway Transport and Gen eral Workers CLChail the new pact as the most signiï¬ cant forward step of its kind In North American railway labor relations Federal Labor Minister Michael Starr calls it striking evidence at managementunion progress in tackling special mutual problem and says both parties deserve congratulations The agreement eventually will he applied to more than 30000 CNR freight express and cart age employees across Canada alter the Edmonton experiment is studied early in the new year to see whether any revisions are needed Both company and union say the plan put into operatlun in Edmonton provides good ba sis tor nationwide program and barring untoresenn com plications few revisions are ex pected Basically the new program means the railway and union will be tearing up three ad mittedly antiquated contriicta one each for the freight ex press and cnrtage employees SINGLE CONTRACT gt Replacing them will be one new contract streamlined to meet the needs of both labor and management in the compet itive transportation industry From the company point at vlew this is major step to ward speeding up revision of its package freight and express op eratinns to meet the increasing competition Irorn trucking ilrms More and more shippers were turning to tnlcks to carry the highly rated package freight previoust handled by the roll way since truckers oIten could deliver shipments two to live dnys faster than the railway To counter this steady doc clinc In business the CNR planned to set up careiully integrated roadrail system of delivery using trains or long hauls with trucks making the linnl delivery to compete more eiioclively with trucking iirms This meant that the staiia in the freight express and cam ago departments would have to work much more closely to gether Since the old lnhor con tracts meant in eiiect that each group was treated as separ uta entity the contracts had to be changed The union supported changing the old contracts because it ol tcrod chance to tackle one of the employees overriding prolr lemljoh security MANY LOST JOBS steady stream oi layolia in recent years has seen employ ees with 20 and even 25 years seniority dismissed as their job disappeared because of declin ing business Under the old contracts sent ority rights applied only within narrow job classiï¬cations there were In such classiï¬ca tions in Edmontonand within 39 districts across Canada CHRISTMAS PERMs $2000 $1500 and $1000 £55 50 Till Dec 21 1961 RUBYS BEAUTY SALONS 124 DUNLOP ST PASMl ll ESSA ROAD PA £41811 PROMPT CITYWit PICKUP ANo DELIVERY BIRITE SIMCOE SHOPPING DRUGS no mean mm non pm Sundayl 118 non CENTRE WE ARE NEAR AB YOUR PHONE PA rzm SPECIAL FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS FREE OUR SUB POST OFFICE WILL BE OPEN UNTIL 330 PM man EVENING FOR Your commence CIGARETTES ALL POPULAR BRANDS 299 FRIDAY and SATURDAY Per Carton Limit or Cartons Per Customer ELECTRIC HEATING PADS lï¬eatPudiBuhon aIans At 319 CHRISTMAS WRAP AND RIBBON WITH EVERY GIFT PURCHASE BEG 39c BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS CARDS arnrrz Al 77c 50 FOR MM MOVIE FILM Processing Included 299 KODAK 35 MM COLOR FILM Processing Indludad 299 FLASH BULBS M5 M2 A61 Rag Loa BlRatefat Doz The arctle herd near Alda vik on the Mackenzie River BUEIItERS FOOD MARKET WINNERS OF IAST WEEKS DRAW Mrs Mayer 98 Owen 5L FREE DRAW BROILER TURKEYS Mn Tracey RR Utopll No PURCHASE REQUIRED ENTRY FORMS AT STORE Mrs Cough 97 Cumberland Sh Barrio MraR Arsonnit 26 Newton Sta Barrio sheila Livingston Newton 50 Barri Mn Copeland 07 Owen $9 Berrla 39 ONTARIO FRESH KILLED EV ISCERA ED FRYING CULUP CHICKEN CHICKENS 25 BREASTS FRESH VEAl FRESH MM 59 59 FREEZER SPECIAl Its PORK NECK BONES 85 SAIiEAGE MEAT LBS CHIEiIFN WINGS 35 MEATY Rio BOILING BEEF BS 96in STEAK 35 FARM sin SAUSAGE LBS BAcoii by the piece 35 SIDE edit by the piece ROUND SIRLOIN WING STEAKS ROUND STEAK RUMP SIRLOIN TIP BONELESS PRIME RIB ROASIS BY THE PIECE BOLOGN MOUNTAINVIEW CHOICE 28 oz JAYS FANCY TOMATO JUICE 100 SUN RYPE ARFIF JOKE RUMP LEG or SIRLOIN ROASTS LEG ROASTS or SHOULDER CHOPS LOIN CHOPS or CUBED STEAKS LB AVERAGE WEIGHT 397° BEEF 57 CUT AND WRAPPED TO YOUR OWN SPECIFICATION FREE FRONT QUARTER Ia LEAN TENDER RIB STEAK SKINLESS WIENERS lbs 100 LB BOX TENDER CLUB STEAKS VPOltK TENDFRLOIRI 594 HOTHOUSE NO CIICIIMBEBS 2Foa 19c GE FaunMARKET IO IIIIIILOP ST LE ONTARIO NO Partners IO LB BAG CHOICE BANQUET em 15 OZ TINS SUN RYPE APPLE JOKE 59c rms MONARCH BOSTON CREAM CAKE Mlgsag 43 1le auv ONEGET ONE FREE aorII FOR 20 OZ TINS