SFARMERS MARKET FARM MACHINERY DELAVAL SALES AND SERVICE Milkers Vacuum Pumps Wash Tanks Separators Parts or any milker HANK BROWN RR BARIUE IHOLLY PA 60338 LIVESTOCK rwo unurum Cour and two Heller or role one due Apply sohn Van Van Pheiprtan 2o 9le or aaIe elanl wrrira olo purebred Yorkshire Tele phone Lorne Cllrulhen strolid RID after pin iixazronn stock caller or sale weighing around no lbl each Apply Mooney unxler Telephnnc Alliston it 57352 is Tim bias or role weeiu old well llnricd Apply to George Clioveil shanty any or tels phone 02 Oro mo sows ror sale one bred one ween Also registered Hog years old Telephone 0m ms REGISTERED irxnnronns or sale one eight months old one laurteeri months Also heirar titb twirl heifer calves Apply Robert Orrtxh ami Ivy cAlrne roa sane clvel year iinyl two you clay and cows Apply 3i ilcnonrlo miles east or HIlIsdalc 2nd Concession ur tone AUTOMOTIVE moron cans eon SALE VIAU MOTORS RAMBLER uiLLiiAN AND LAND EOVER lov DOWN 17 GOWAN STREET PA 66458 iVa LID WHO ELSE WANTS NEW CAR Ideal Buy It Now with LowCost Litevlnsurcd SCOTIA PLAN LOAN THE BANK OI NOVA SCOTIA WANTED reliable person who is look ing or an above average used car I956 Ford four door new front tires snow tires on rear Rebuilt motor new brakes and exhaust system Body in ex cellent condition Telephone PA 00105 for further particu lars MIDTOWN MOTORS SALE DAY CLEARANCE STARTS TODAY 1961 Pontiac Parisienne $2725 1961 Ford Fairlane $1990 1961 Pontiac Laurentian $2550 1960 Chev Biscayne $1725 1959 Buick Hardtop $1830 1958 Chev Delray $1195 1956 Meteor Custom $690 1955 Chev Sedan $680 1956 Ford Custom $595 1955 Chev Sedan $610 All cars reconditioned and guaranteed Some with automa tic transmission radio and snow tires 41 ESSA ROAD ROY HAWKINS mom and other about six Ability to write essential PERSONALS new animus will noi be rerponnhio ier any drbu tas rurred in my man trcnl this data pn Monday November tool Ruben It Cmpbtli coma wurr prinonr new and mi nlodel earn in Vancou ur Cairny Edmonton Rattan Winnie Gal paid rornnto nriveAny Serviea Limited sass You Etreat Toronto EA emu WOMENS comm LEARN HAIRDRESSING Enrol now In this government chartered sdlool where you are thoroughly trained in all brad dies of beauty culture For In formation write DERWIN HAIEDRESSING SCHOOL 11 WORSLEY ST OR PHONE PA 53962 lo HELP WANTED FEMALE new AVON AVON COSMETICS Needs qualified women inter ested in good earnings at once Increased Christmas business means more openings in Dale ston Craighurst lnnisiil Vu pra and 0m Townships Good opportunity for mothers of school age children Car access ary For interviews TELEPHONE PA BBSSl ASSISTANT BOOKMOBILE LIBRARIAN Sirncoe County Library Experience In library or with children would be helpful Sen ior matriculation preferred Salary $2300 $3000 per year APPLY SIIIICOE COUNTY LIBRARY COURT HOUSE BARRIE STBNOGRAPIIZR required shon imid emntial Apply by letter stating nae unuriutionv and ex pcricnee to mcoe Medical Group e7 Collier street Attention lulu Hogan srrnvocnaruen required or Barrie orrice Ikperlenco in inert hand and dicuilng machines working conditions and good niary Apply to our 31 Barrie miner MALE 85 FEMALE ADVERTISING Assistant required male or iclnale by orlilln comp any prelenbly in 10 to 15 us group with some previous experi ence In advertising or publllglty ee phone Orillla FA eases or an polntment EMPLOYMENT WANTED Wm LOOK lflll pre rchooi child while mother works per day Telephone PA M114 or 75 Maple Avenue TO MEET EDITOR WASHINGTON AP Pres ldent Kennedy plans to grant an interview Saturday to Soviet Premier Khmshchevs son in law Alexei Adzhubei editor at the Russian newspaper Iz vestia the White House said hiesday II LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All persons having claims against the Estate ol CHARLES HENRY HORTON late of the Township cl lnnlsfll In the County at Simone Rt tired Farmer who died on the 30th day of August list are required to file proof of same with the undersixnId solicitors for the Execute by the lat day at December 1061 after which date the estatl wlU be distributed Dated at Barrie Ontario this ldfli day of November 1061 STEWART ESTEN MCTURK and MILIS Drawer 58 Barrie Ont Solicitor for the Biscutors tZ TENDERS TEN DER Tenders will be received up to and including December 1106 for installing Loud Speaker System in Trinity United Church Beaten Ontario Apply MRS HAROLD WATSON Chairman BEETON ONTARIO Invests In Rockies Gets Large Return VANCOUVER CPI The Province says the interests of Swedish financier Axel Wennch Gren have adueved profit at $2900000 on an investment of $2700000 on proposed develops merits In British Columbias Rocky Mountain trench area It says the profit breaks down to $000000 irom the provincial government and $2000000 from the sale of shares of the Peace River Power Development Com pany which WennerGreninter ests formed to build multi million dollar hydroelectric de velopment on the Peace River The $900000 came to light Tuesday when Mr Justice Wootton approved in Supreme Court resolution passed by an extraordinary meeting of Peace Power shareholders last week The resolution recommended distribution on the basis of 50 cents share of $6i72000 part of $7530000 the provincial gov ernment is to pay Peace Power alter expropriatlng Its plans and surveys for the hydro prol ect The Sun says the remaining maney is to be used to tight the terms of the governments ex propriatilln The government took over the plans and surveys and expropriated 30 Electric Company at special session or the legislature in August De velopment oi the Peace was= given to the new Crown com pany Finds AmbaSSador Amicible Fellow During Interview JAMES NELSON OTTAWA CPI Corns In let us drink around the table Russian style raid the Soviet ambassador to Canada Ttuu opened an Intriguing round of small talk as Dr Arn uaap Aroutunian entertained reporter at lunch to the Elm busy There had been published re ports that the ambassador was being recalled to Russia and it was suggested this was the ilrst question that would be asked at him You can report me as any lng daily It said Dr Arou tunian as he sat down at the luncheon table The first heard about it was when read it in your newspapers The ambassador who look up his Ottawa post In January 1055 was just going borne on leave The normal term of ap pointment In about five years That matter dispensed with the genial former head of the economic division in Russias lorelgn ministry passed the caviar heavy brown bread and butter VODKA OF COURSE Todey we are having Ar menian food he said like Armenian food but we have new cools He cocks Russian Now your health The am bassador raised his tiny liqueur glass of vodka The reporter allowed suit At the ambassadors elbow was bottle of red wine and lull bottle vodka which the reporter eyed apprehensively Through the caviar course the conversation was on things Canadlén phically Canadian The ambassador said he wanted to travel across Canada by train to see the whole coun try on the ground He had flown to and from the west coast and spoke of the vast ness of the Prairies and the grandeur of the Rockies as seen from the air How do you see things in Canada politically When will there be an election Do you think Mr Dielcnbaker with his cabinethow do you say it will shuttle it SOUP T00 SALTY The reporter replied politely that he really didnt know Mr Dielenbaker would decide and he didnt say much This is Armenian soup ambassador announced giving It name which appeared com pleter unpronounceable much less capable at translation into English it was rich yellow and flavored with onion and chives The table talk turned to the Mayors Ask More Government Aid Mayor Willard Kinzie direce tor and member oi the execu tive of the Association at On tario Mayors and Reeves was one oi group or mayors that met last week with Premier John Roberts to ask for increas ed provincial aid to municipal governments The association which re re sents 27 municipalities wl total population of 4528255 re quested that the municipalities receive share of revenues from the new per cent provin clal sales tax The brief presented to Pre mier Roberts and his cabinet asked that the province pay the total cost of educuthlmpay 75 per cent subsidy on snow remo val assume the cost of building highways through all munici palities exempt all municipal purchases lrom sales tax pay all so per cent grant for provid ing drugs to the indigent and support request to the federal government for an increase in pensionJor everyone nt the age ADDING MACHINES GIFTS FOR HIM GIFTS FOR FAMILY HAROLD JORY MOTORS TRIUMPH and STANDARD DEALERS Repairs to All Makes OML and NAL Towing 75 BAYFIELD ST PA 84165 1555 DODGE for rate our door Clean throughout Radio Four new tires Telephone on see after pm less roan Fairlane 5017 winter ixed automatic radio rour door sedan two tone in color but offer Telephone PA spans 1559 METEOR for sale two tone green and White excellent con dltlorl 315 down and trite aver payments Telephone PA asaoi tic ruliy equipped Priced for quick sale Telephone no more after 530 pm was vAanaLL Super or sale new battery exhaust micro and uses A1 shape Can be nuanced sass Private sale Telephonn PA 07790 after 590 pan 1951 PLYMOUTH tor nle auto matic new engine and new trans mission wru sell for reasonable gigr Telephone PA Mild nrtor plm moons at Tamales issu MERCURY Pickup excellent condition new battery and snow tirar $150 For further informav tlon telephono PA 54607 TWDvTON Stake Truck 1959 Mer cury 500 Ad condition Lew milev rgc and good tires Writeor see in pennn Veto Draga cn RCA clover Farm store Comp Borden MOBILE HOMES 1957 Mental now for sole General Northlonder three bed rooms Completely Iumlshcd in cluding automatic washer eye level oven refrigerator ull size bathroom Rearonabie Telephone PA 50620 CARS WTD TO BUY ORV HARDY MOTORS BARRIES NEWEST CAR LOT URGENTLY REQUIRES USED CARS TRADE UP OE DOWN WE WILL LEND YOU MONEY ON YOUR PRSENT CAR 176 BRADFORD STREET PHONE PA 84072 each can your car Liens paid at We trade up or down At landale Motors 21 Essa nod Bar Ila PA arm 1950 FORD Starliner v8 automn Typewriters For Christmas gilts Good sel cation of reconditioned stand ards lrnm $3450 gt New Portables from $4995 year guarantee Easy terms ADDING MACHINES Good selection now from $3050 STAR Business Machines 24 Bradford St PA 66595 CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS AND CHRISTMAS TREES BEZZANT NURSERIES 69 Johnson St PA 60247 GIFTS FOR HER LA DE BONNAIRE Hair Styling Studio 166 Napier St CHRISTMAS SPECIALS 10 PERMS sa sleso PERMS slo $15 reams $1250 TEENAGERS $550 BILL LEBOEUF JEWELLERS DIAMONDS Cash Credit Layaway No interest or carrying charges 52 DUNLOP ST WEST PA 83343 Smilhl Rutter FURNITURE 137 Dunlap St 60245 PA 60246 PLATFORM ROCKERS NYLON rnEle $2995 SERVICE SAVINGS rp SATISFACTION MACKS MENS WEAR 33 DUNLOP ST WEST PA 03641 Sweaters $395 up Good selection of viyella socks $150 GIFTS FOR FAMILY JACKSONS DEPT STORE Barries Most Famous House of Bargains OUR MOTTO IS SATISFACTION 0R CASH MONEY REFUNDED SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE IN THE FAMILY fTop Quality Rock Bottom Prices DIAL PA 07735 59 DUNLOP ST Dixies Smoke Shop And Record Bar 105 Dunlap St gt GIFT IDEAS Rust Cratt Greeting Cards Boxed Christmas Cards Family Christmas Cards Morris Boxed Chocolates Best Quality Blllfolds Pipes and Smokers Supplies Tree Lights and Decorations Visit Our Toyland Party jokes and novelties Timex Watches AT oun REcoao Ball All the Christmas LPs Holiday Sing Along with Mitch All XIrlStmaS selections with the best recording stars Mitch Miller Sing Alongs Ray Connli For Dancing Johnny Mathis Frank Sinatra Jane Morgan Connie Francis Perry Como Pat Boone Bing Crosby Mahalln Jacksnn Seabreeze Record Players and accessories Record Racks hnd Cases Buy Record Gift Certificate STENNICKS JEWELLERY 127 DUNLOP sr and up Also Misc Gifts INQUIRE ABOUT OUR CONVENIENT ECONOMICAL BARRIE ONT WEEKLY RATE 17 Jewelwatches $1495 of 65 without the need at means test reconsider its do claion to pay only do per cent of the welfare costs for lndigents reconsider the method of tin anclng capital costs of hospitals to relieve the municipalities of any obligations and regard the shortage of hospital beds as an emergency situation requiring immediate action Mayor Killzie said that Free mier Robarts had promised con sideration of the associations brief Mr Kinzie pointed out that he had not always been in lover or the requests by other mayors ior increased provincial aid he is resulted in additional adm stration the cost of which was passed on to the in dividual taxpayer prime ministers trip to Japan then to what he and Canadas defence minister had been say log think his er Dietem bakersl statements have changed much Dr Aroutun inn Bald Mr Harkncss he seems to be much lesshow do you say itbellleose what do you think The Nporter confessed that he didnt know much about the private mental process of the two cabinet ministers The soup is too salty the ambassador said suddenly have new cook pinktheeked Russian maid with straight blonde hair passed tray of greenish vegetable drenched in gravy VERY ENLIGHTENING Mcatmlls Explained the ambassador and rice and rolled in leaves at the vine Urn you mean grape leaves Yes The grape We not them from Toronto like them Willi yogurt but there is some sugar and some cinnamon Try them Then it was back to Cana dian politics How do you see the New Democratic Party How do you see the picture with Mr Douglas What kind of social lsm do you think he will bring How does Mr Jndoin presi dcnt Claude JodoIn of the Cana dian Labor Congress pro coed Another tactful reply and the luncheon ended with cheese crackers and fresh fruit This also brought bows and handshakes all round and pressing invitation to carry away some Russian cigarettes one with the brand name Sputnik Thant you for the conversn tlon said the ambassador It was very enlightenl DEFINES PORNOGRAPHY NEW YORK APlA grand jury investigating amuity liter alure todny asked Judge Samuel Liebowitz tor precise defini tion of pornography Said the judge You might decide whether publication was por nographic by asking yourself whether its contents would be suitable for family newspaper Newspapers are the mirrors at the conscience of the decent people In the community They are meat TILE BARRIE EXAMINER WED EDA NO 22 XSSI ZS HUBBhT ea 19 ltlnr Future Syndicate In World rights mened Sorry to boiler and awaken you but seem to be in bit of difficulty RussiaChina Rift Causing Problems BOMBAY CPD The grow lng rift between the Soviet Uh ion and Red China has cast shadow over Communist parties in number of Asian and Ai rican countries Political and diplomatic ob servers ngrec that proMoscow elements in the national Com munist parties most of the underdeveloped nations have been strengthened allowing the deliberations of the Soviet Com munist partys 2an congress just concluded The proAPeking factions among the Reds are in state of general dismay This situation ls perhaps no where clenrer than in India where the two ideological wings in the Communist Party oi In dia have been at ioggerhcads or two years Last summer an uneasy truce was arrived at between the two factions Khrushchev sent one at his top aides to supervise the truce It now is believed that renewed clash between the two factions is inevitable In fact it is reported here that Moscow has given the sig nal to its followers in the party to go ahead and expel the most recalcitrant among the pro China lobbyists Mahesh Chandra one of In dias leading political analysts estimates about third at the CPIs members are backers at Red China The Chinese lobby has been powerful enough to en sure that Indian Communists do not support Prime Minister Nehrus stand in Indias bor der dispute with Peking Communists in Burma indo ncsin and Malaya air also sharply divided ProMoscow inctions are said to be gaining ascendancy in many African countries like Egypt and Congo In Ghana it would appear that the Glina lobby is on the down grade Watch For Our OPEN HOUSE ANNOUNCEMENT FRIDAY CARSON REAL ESTATE PHONE PA 6648I Fleetliom 50 ESSA ROAD CHECK THESE FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT NO ONTARIO CABBAGE No us IETTUCE 24s N011 US CUCUMBERS NO IMPORTED 8lor39c lb Sc 2ior35c 27for 23c SPANISH onions for 29¢ BEST BUY SAVE 17 SAVE 20d 12 OFF PACK LB TIN 83¢ OFF PACK JEWEL SHORTENING BEST BUY SAVE Bel SWIFTfS PREMIUM aEsr BUYI SAVE 5c CAKE MIXES All flavours Envelope Pack ROBIN HOOD EASY MIX ï¬gs 39c Feature Bread nutter Save St SUPREME PICKLES FROZEN Fooo FEATURES Fraecrvale FISH CHIPS Birds Eye GREEN Pris stews Australian ITS BAKING TIMEI SULTANA RAISINS WAGSTAFFE as plig cur MIXED PEEL ornawni eelZr FRUITS and VEGETABLES BEST MEAT BUYS SWIFTS MEAT ROUNDUPI Swiits Tender Grown CHICKENS Swliia Premium OIdAFashioned Cured CORNED BEEF Swifts Rindless PREMIUM BACON New Swifts Old Fashioned Style PREMIUM FRANKS By The Place Swifts BOLOGNA BEEF or IRISH lbs 53 23c WAGSTAFFE pkg oz cello 29 oz packages 59c 1h poly bag BAKERY FEATURE SAVE ActWeston or Sunbeam Brown Serve pkgof 12 TWIN nous 71250 GLACE CHERRIES SUPREME WALNUT 16 oz jara for 49¢ 53c $369 Pieces 43 Feature Save 101 Gattuso Stuffed Munzunilla olives Save 3e lb llotlle RED 8r WHITE IFEATURES Ill 29 Cryovac Ill 791 III The Flat Package lll 73c Cello package It 494 It 3Ic LB FKGS for 55 24 OZ TIN 39c EEST BUY SAVE 81 GOLDEN CROWN CORN SYRUP édc 12 oz Jar in packages ALLSWEET MARGARINE 255 Save ue We on Pack GENTLE FELS Feature Kraft CRACKER BARREL Save 5e Fancy Quality 24 in size LIQUID DETERGENT 55 12 oz Medium 12 02010 20 oz III YORKJCREAM CORN for 37¢ Lynn Valley BLENDED JAMS Apple with strawberry Apple with Raspberry in oz iar 59