Polide Awaiting Lucky Break In Attempts To Solve Murder Case TOItOA 10 ILPt Police are waiting for lucky brcak to pm mu rd or manslaughter charge on suspect in mys tcrious death last year in On tario it was reported Tuesday IllctropolitanTurunto police inspector told 42 coronch at tending closed door seminar last wool that an inquest in the death is being pastpnucd week by week uhilc police uurl on the le know who did it het said The ofï¬cer later identified the dead man as Scott Pappas whose body as found in his car after it was hit by train at Bolton July who An inquest uould leave the coroner no alternative blll to rc commend laying of murder or manslaughter charges sntdthc linspcctor uho was not identr tahllshed that the test tubes tied LACK LlrrLE nlr But wt are lacking the one little bit of evidence that tould or conviction The ofï¬cer Said the dead man was cmbalmcd and bur led too quickly We could pro ably have cracked the case it we had had an autopsy on the body sooner The comncrs also heard that were wrongly maligned as drunk through mistakes in blood tests Quccns Proctor Elliott Pepper Saltltcsls showed high alcn hallo content in the blood at each of the dead men and they were judged to have been drunk In each case later checks es used had previoust been con laminated with alcohol Mr Popper latcr said both incidrnts took place in Hitchl ener SAYS T00 TALKAHVE ThoI Queens proctor also rapped coroners in general for ltalliing too much and tar pre ljudlcing juries by their comv meals to the press hofore trials Coroners were advised by ltlr two man killed in car crashes Popper not to let lawyers ques tion witnesses at lnquats If they wish coronors can prevent lawyers or anyone else mm at tending inquests he said Commenting on statement by Kingston coroner Dr fi Slactlonnclt that suicidcs should never be made public lltr Pep per said coroner has no more right to cover up sui cide than he has to cater up murder is it fair to the insurance com panies he asked Ofï¬cials of the attorney gen erals department which spon sored the conference said sim ilar meetings will continue un til all 450 Coroners in the prov ince have been given chance to attend KEEP INDEFINITELY Assistant Commissioner Franks of the provincial police told the meeting that finger prints at persons who are ac quitted of crimes are kept in definitely in police records Deputy Justice Minister El mer Driedger at Ottawa said there is no legal requirement ment that submits them that such prints be uithdrawn from files All fingerprints are sent to RCMP hudquarters and can be withdravm from the flies there only by the police depart SUBPOENA ACTORS LOS ANGELES lAPMovie industry sources say Hollywood personalities have been sub poenaed to appear before special federal grand jury up ploring antitrust matters US Attorney Francis lhalan said Monday the specific purpose of the probe cannot be revealed Entertainment sources how ever say Ihe jury is studying possible Violations of antitrust laws in connection with talent representation in Hollywood Plan No Action Against Papers OTTAWA CF No court action will be takcn in the Pa cific Press case involving the Vancouver Sun and the Vancou ver Province as long as open ations continue on the present basis it tlcnry dircc tor of comhincs investigation says in his annual report is sued hiosday He was referring to the Sop ember 1960 report the Re strictito Trade Practices Com mission on mg 1957 purchase of Ihe two newspapers by Pacific Press Limited under an agree meat whereby editorial control as lctt otth the former owa ers iltctlic Press is owned jointly by the Southnm Company Lim itedt former owner of The Prov ince and the Sun Publishing Company tormer owner of the Vancouver Sun The commission in its report to Justice Minister Fulton re commended that steps be taKEn to ensure that no changes are made In the existing arrange ments which would reduce the tictreonf independence thon ex isting with respect to the pub lication at The Province and The Sun Mr Henry report notes Thu commission also said rpqulrement that general adver tising be placed in both paper operated to the detriment of anyone Wishing to place an ad vertisement in only one paper Mr Henrys report says that otter publication at tho commis sions findings the rule requir ing national ndtertlscrs to buy advertising in both papers was rescinded The report showed that fed eral anti lt combines men are getting busier by the year They had 35 Inrmal inquiries Ilndqr way at March suspected violations of tilt law This compare min 32 year earlier and shows steady an nual rise since 1954 when at March 31 there wore t3 formal inquiries in progress erClALl CHOICE HALVES CUDNEY PEACHES SPECIAL FANCY WHOLE LIBBYS KERNEL CORN SPECIAL CHOICE 69° NAT333 SPECIAL CHICKEN NOODLE OR TOMATO VEGETABLE LIPTON Soon MIX at FL oz LARGE rms BONELESS VEAI ERONIS 49 liliiiilifgiiï¬legsumeusls it 45° SPECIAL VAC PACSWEET PICKLED 1c FRESHPROZEN FISHPAN READY 35° COTTAGE BOLI 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CELLO pm Is FL oz rle in FL Ozrms FKGS OF Io urnoz mun CELLo PKG to FL oz nus ll FL 0L JAR Is FL Oz JAR E01 PACKAGE IREG CAKES aoz PACKAGE nANnEn Mn PACKAGE 2999 VEI DETERGENT sac Avrtmts i33o Sllflil IIIIIICKERS this the on REGULAR PRICE FEETWETESSIIOBTBBEHD 29c IlllllllEE SIIIJBTBBEIID 33c 37c OEFJLAR 410 citiétisiiiiiintts 315a QQEEEEQEQEELCF LOILAWS ENGLISH SYVLE RICH DARK ILn JAR 127 Eco 185 159 39 239 IlaLn EACH APPROX ma EACH APPROX MB EACH LLB Ecx CLEANSERmm SPECIAL OFF REGULAR PRICE LOAF Emu FROZEN FOODS OLD sour 330 ORANGE JUICE iiiiiiiiulfiiili snoliTlillrlm rlisrlvr TABLE rllllilills 310 silllcltlills an has 45 IIIIIIII CRIICIIERS airth 27c Sweetheart lo at Soup 39 Elm Bipliiaeugiitlcghorlening mitts 350 flï¬ï¬‚tflifm BARS Jacobs Creqm Crackers pittich 29c iliIIIDll Clllltlotllfljilllll lihrislmus link irrgxliï¬cFri£ flllIiEll llIllllE CHUEOLHTES 81 Lollltiws Festive llittgs mm Lolilows DeLulte Fruitllings CGIITINENIIIItlllfllltltlllflis is lohlnwslrincessllings PACKAGE is 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