PRICES EH5 BARRIE ExiatnhERll gt WEDNESDAY NOV 1961 95 Charlie Find Bacteria Left In Arctic Everbod thMURDO SOUND Antare tica AP The discovery oi Shaekeltnn expeditions at nearly 50 years ago was reported lues ently survived by literally teedv ing on their own tissue while locked in the frolen trip at this new lason about the nature oi bacteria in gEneral their dis mac lin ulti materla on cause in ply said George Meyer miem Texas ltleyer is one at 200 Eci enlists doing research in thei Antarctic undcr sponsorship oi gt datlon Meyer said the ability of the bacteria to survive all these years indicates that all hac teira no matter what their Otl gin and environment may he at Barrie aza ere coss ul living when subjected to changed environments gt The material was retrieved TONE ENAMEL BAE also of do used its the starting point at the THE BEST BUYS IN TOWN or Shanma shade if living bacteria tell in Antarc tica by the tamed Scott and Sli The bacteria which appar st continent may tiave tahZhi scientists at least one Floor And carpet Protector coverer said gt intestinal ogganisrï¬s talelrr lound frozen si in them in human solid waste lang 27 wldo Allummum Ends retrieved from Outhouse recep tatlcs used by the explorers Prayer curlmgTnppmg The recovered organisms still in dormant state were laboratory culture biologist oi the University at wellmgton and Anne sis the US National Science Faun capable of slowing down their from two spots Camp Evans South Pole expedition at Robert Scott British naval otticer in tau and Camp Eoyds also LOADS OF FREE PARKING OUTSTANDING VALUE near Mciiiurdo tlASctl by run port party an ntarctie expe dition headed by another Brit OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT wontwoiiiii 133 £X2ldif°ifliiifm BUS SERVICE EVERY FRlDAY AND SATURDAY FROM DOWN PRICE TOWN US UN Policy Is criticized Indoor Fun For The Children LONDON Out 01 Mr Justice Douglas or the lt United States Supreme Court said Tuesday that American IDE policies aimed at keeping Red CITY China out at the United Nations PRESCRIPTloN are wrong Cold practicalities demand SERVICE that Red China should be ad mined he said Because the Chinese Commu WOOLWORTH nist government is not mom ber of the UN India can not go there to seek redress for border violations which amounted to calculated ssion he added in an address at the Uni versity of Western Ontario on the rule of law in international attain FREE DELIVERY PA 85941 Heres Real Buy Hevsflld tear of total destruc iiiriiisiimiiii QUALITY COTTON HALF APRONS world government as the only TREELY RIDE EM Crest Today only few bnatiloiis siliyixfuetiiefliï¬ioieséi T°° When atomic bombs get into the $10 class will international In Novelty Print Ideal for Gift Giving gangster would be without WOOLWORIH PRICE Even peaceful use atomic energy represented staggering problem in the disposal of ralt dioactive waste He estimated that by 1980 the US will have $0000000 gallons of this waste in storage and failure to con trol what is stored may lead to vast destruction in com log years Deodorant Cash Bonds FAMOUS CHOCOLATE TODDLES Reg 595 Up Value ProChristmas Special Electric if Dendous TUSte freq CHOCOLATE COVERED PEANUTS AND CARAMEL Huge Estate WINE YORK CPiSevem Gun actually be ridden and steered Built to withstandtoods of punish WOOIWORTH POUND 11 ll giiiswilseogo at Casi ZHDllensti metit Working stun and ringing bait for loads of excitement Extension SWIM CONN szastlied away in the mansion oi Guaameed ate Msr Katherine Geddes Ihe uthentf Benedict the temporary admm ladder and hoses to delight any youngster With II fly istrator at her estate Robert Graham tin said Tuesday saidd medsecuriï¬es and Pint cas time up tiring an inven my take by mmenmfl Vacuum woot POMPOM on VAMP the New York state tax eom mtssron The cash was kept in sate and the securities were Sizes Small Medium Large filed in cabinets in mom used Briti as an office Co Nladel 95 cab Mauve Red Blue Bleak Mrs Benedict was the grand mp va mother of heiress Gamble Ben edict Forum beanu who ran away last year over Mrs new WOOIWORTH 15 dicts objections to be married to Andre Poromheanu tor mer family chauileur Last Friday Porumheanu was given solitay iail term here on con amp brought against higuiaiuiiaiie With Starflash Camera In your choice of €050 spmn cause he continuedt 00 Tdble5t tile in cantraventionuofe c3133 Everything needed for doyondmght snupshootmg New itiE order He was freed on bail Brownie Sturflush Camera that takes Ektochrome color slides 399 93 Tuesday pending an appeal as well as blaekondwhite and Kodacolor snapshots BUillin Gamlfle was Still minor at flusholder Plus baiteriex flushbulbs Verichrome Fan Film the time the charge was instructions Camera available in your choice of four custom brought Porumbeanu had re turned here from Switzerland where he and his wife are li mg in connection with the will of Mrs Benedict who died Oct 29 She leitGarnhle an 2mm 59 WW STARFLASH OUTFIT In Series of DAYighFoliiiiutgilwtiflf Fm REG 1295 men early today saved the main headquarters command building of the US Air Force Logistics Co at mi from colors coral red skyline blue stardust while or iei black blaze that destroyed its two storcy annex