can LUCKY HOMEMAKER NS IAYCETTE DRAW Mrs Arnold Ziegler of Boys Street is show above as she is presented with an electric hair dryer by Mrs Bruce lilcCron of the Barrie Jay ccttes Mrs Zieglcrs lucky Stroud Women Don Vintage Costumes Thirtyone members and vis itors were present at the No vember meeting oi Stroud Wo mens Institute when the pro Ggrarn was presented by the conveners of Historical search and Current Events ltirs Frcd Wright and Mrs FrEd hlulholland The roll call When and from where did you or your people come to lnnisiil revealed that many of the members were of Irish descent The motto At forty doot ieel that life has passed you by middle age is what you make it prepared by ltirs Nelson was read by Mrs Mulholland In It she stated that the lengthening an of life was moving midde age away past forty and there was time to do the many things person did not have time for in the busier years Age Is quality of mind not of years Mrs Hand brought her audience uptodate on cur rent events Several or the members were in old time costumes Two of them lllrs on accompanied by lllrs Vebster sang Silver threads QIohn Cowan and Mrs Wat fle among the gold Mrs lilulhollands costume was chosen as the best The grandmothers at the meeting were presented with corsages Mrs Campbell presi dent of Simcoe Area and mcmlt her of strand WI showed slides taken on her trip to the National Convention in Vancouver Business included the an nouncement of wedding meal to be served in November and banquet early in December The short course Branch Workshop will be held Nov 30 Irom to am to pm The date of the December meeting was changed to December 14 White gifts for elderly citizens are to he brought to this meet ing Mrs Roy Goodfellow gave report of the area convention held in Alliston The emph asis for the coming year is to be focused on Citizenship and Education as the W0 mens Institute is concerned over the finding that so many oi the unemployed youth and men have come from the rural areas and have left school at the grade or lower level CANADA MUSIC WEEK Music Opens evv World ticket was drawn by Mrs lion Stewart of Rodney St The Joycettes will use pro ceeds from the draw to adopt child through the Barrie branch oi the Canadian Save the Children Fund UMPz PEOPLE AND PLACES Pbano Eileen Dixon or Audrey Coulsoo FA 5633 TEA AND BAZAAR The alteran and evening groups oi the Womens Associa tion of St Andrews Presbyterv ian Church are holding tea and bazaar Wednesday after noon delicatessen and bake table apron table as well as gills suitable ior Christmas will be oiiered VENTURE CLUB Attending the 16th annual Christmas bazaar and tea at the Venture Club oi Toronto held at the North Toronto Mem orial Gardens Eglinton Avenue West Toronto Saturday were Mrs Helen Orr Misses Amy Les Margaret Goodiellow and Ruthmarle Green all members of the Barrie Venture Club Assisting at the event were Misses Audrey Halfyard and Maralyn Dymcnt formerly oi Barrie and now of Toronto TIMMINS VISITOR Visiting in the city this week is Allan MacPherson of Tim mlns He is guest of his father MacPherson man aging editor of The Barrio Ex amincr OFFICERS MESS TEA Fall tea oi the Officers Mess Grey and Slmoce Foresters Squadron was held at Bands Armoury on Sunday afternoon with some so active honorary and associate members and led ies in attendance The guests were received by Capt TIIE BARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY NOVEMBER 21 I961 President Welcomes Newcomer At IODE November Meeting Kcmpenfelt Chapter Imperial Order Daughters of the Em nirc held its November meet ing at the Canadian Legion Twenty one members were present One new member took the oath of affirmation and two new members were balloted on and accepted The Regent lllrs Tol chard opened the meeting with lhe ceremony or the flag and the chapter prover Mrs Hamilton educational secretary distributed the IODE calendars be placed in Bar rie schools also public library and court house Mrsflh Ineson convener of For The Sensitive Child EDITORS NOTE The Inllowlng article was sub mitted by the Barrie branch of the Registered Music Teachers dissociation The week of Nov 19 to 25 has been set aside as Canada Mus ic Week in many of the large centres throughout Canada The unique Trapp Family Singers once were introduced by their mother Baroness Maria August Trapp with these words Commenting on their instruments the virginal or spinet the viol de gamba and the recorders she said These were in use when music was part of family life Families in earlier times were accus tomed to gather around the fireplace to make music to gether Those days are gone but we should work to bring them back Music is strong bond for any family and na tion is only as strong as its families If family stays to gether plays together and prays together it usually stays together Civilization has been describ ed as the ability of the corpor ate mind to see beyond the physical needs of our terrestial existence and to survey nature law and the universe imper sonally tasting the joys ofart music and humanity accord ing to the Canadian pianist William Powell Mus Bac He continues by saying mat music is one of the oldest and for many years the chiefest of the arts To really under stand any art one should learn great deal about it and it may be taken as an axiom that the more you have studied one of the arts the more you are able to enjoy it Your child certainly should be given if it is at all possible chance to gain treasure the ability to Enjoy musical activity The following article written To Friends win Are Miles Away Inquire Today FENDLEYS FLOWERS 24 Blake St PA $5975 by Cora AhreusMus Baa LTCM RMT is most suitable for this Canada Musie Week IOOPERATION Once choice of good teacher is made parent and teacher will achieve best re sults from the pupil by giving each other loyal cooperation at all times Many intelligent par ents while fully aware of the necessity ior giving their full est cooperation to the music teacher are nevertheless not quite sure of the best way to go about it Perhaps the to Iowing suggestions may be of some practical value To the sensitive chi music opens up new world world of magic in which beauty is expressed in sound Great music appeals to the best and highest in the childs character and he should be protected from the cheap and meretrie ious in music as in other things The parent can help by making sure that the child hears much really good music at home through the medium of record player radio and television With regard to daily prac tice parenbteaeher cooperaiion is of the greatest importance In the case of very young chil dren attendance at the lesson and actual supervision of the practice period by the parent is advisable Definite hours for practice should be chosen and adhered to One good arrangement for young students is half an hour in the morning before school MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT NOW FOR THAT SPECIAL CHRISTMAS PORTRAIT See Us For PERSONALIZED CHRISTMAS canes FAVERO PHOTOGRAPHER 29 Dunlop PA 85494 10 or 15 minutes at noon and the remaining time early in the evening it is unfair to expect child who has been in school all day long to practice immed iately alter school he needs rest and change before under taking additional Work The parent is well advised to oversee sight reading and ear training during the daily pracA tice periods as the pupil is not usually competent to judge the correctness of his own efforts along these lines The music teacher will be glad to give suggestions as to how this sup ervision can be of the most value SPECIAL STRESS Many students will tend to neglect technique unless special stress is laidupon it If the parent will see that the assrgn ed technique is faithfully prac tised every day progress will he more rapid As rule about onequarter of the total practice may advantageously be spent on pure technique Slow practice is golden quick practice is leadeof but dont let us expect the child to Keep the piano in tune at all times Good results cannot be expected from an outof tune instrument the use of which may do incaiculable harm to the childs sense of relative pitch appreciate this SKATES BAUER TOTS $595 BOYS $745 up GIRLS FIGURE SS95 up MENS $995 up LADIES $995 up TRADEIN YOUR OLDSKATES on NEW OR USED Skate Sharpening Specialty Guios SHOE SERVICE IIA CLAPPERTDN Barries Original Ice Skate Exchange Services for Home and Ahmad Steele Howard OC Squadron and Mrs Howard and Capt Harris mess president and Mrs Steele The tea table was attractiie ly arranged with lace cloth candelabra and centrepiece of mums Presiding were Mrs Gordon tcTurk and Mrs Donald Cameron Those in charge of arrangements tor the tea were Mr and ltirs Walls Mr and hill Bell and hlr and Mrs Armstrong Outoicity guests included Mr and Mrs ChitliCk oi Alliston and Mr and Mrs Keith Cameron of Toronto on so rLoninA Mr and Mrs Fred Kelly left by motor last week ior Florida to spend several months in the warmer climate Pres ently they are located at Day tona Beach Mr and Mrs Keith Cam eroo of Toronto spent the weekend with the latters par ents Mr and Mrs Walls Theresa Street TEA AND BAZAAR The annual all tea and ba zaar of Blue Haven LOBA was held at the True Blue Hall on High Street The autumnal theme was carried out in the decorating with foil flowers gourds and leaves Mrs Itiicb ael Dayholos welcomed the guests The bazaar convener was Mrs Ronald Cochran Kitchen convener was Mrs William Crawford assisted by Mrs Fenello Smith as cocon vener Lucky draw convencr was Mrs Priscella Lindell Cy ril Huey Essa Road and Mrs Theo Baker of Meaiord were draw winners Miss Sally Lou Ahern daugh tcr oi Mr and Mrs George Ahern 13 Shannon Street will leave the city tomorrow en route to Regina Saskatchewan Mlss Ahcrn will assume her duties on the womens desk of the Regina LeaderPost Nov 27 Since May Miss Ahern has been the wire editor and food columnist oi The Barrie Examiner SPECIAL For limited time only nu stzno renaIANera for $800 Make Your Appointment Early CLIFFORD HAIR FASHIONS gave detailed report on the articles needed and those on hand to be sent overseas IODE members voted to as sist the local blind Club 60 at some future event complete report by Mrs Hooey civil defence convener WES glVEll Convener of Empire and World Aiiairs Mrs Standbrook gave most inter esting paper on Nobel winner John Albert Luthuli and report on the United Na tions which is 16 years old and the selection of the new UN secretary Members voted to pledge $250 to the Royal Victoria Hospital to be used on equipment Following is list of money voted out Lucy Morrison Mem orial Fund $15 Provincial Sen vinces 55 Provincial Special Representative Fund $5 Film Fund $1 Endowment Fund $5 Commonwealth Relations Fund $5 Whilemina Gordon Foundation Fund 52 Overseas Relief 52 Korean Project $2 National Shipping Fund 51 Na tional Film Food $1 National Emergency Welfare $10 Canlt adian Scenes $5 Personalized fJnat for You stationery and thankyou cards add that extra touch of warmth to your wrrespondenee name and address or tials are printed on white or coloured quality writing papers in beautiful raised lettering The impression is digniï¬ed and oh so charming yet the cost is very low Choose your personalized stationery dinner napkins cocktail napkins coasters maladies and playingcards from the many available styles youll see in the personalized Just for You sample book ES They make wonderful gifts for family and friends too Fen APPOINTMENT with our REPRESENTATIVE TELEPHONE PHOTOLITH PA 8282 IIIONE PA SUIQI more SHOPPING LONDON Ont CPI City council Moodayoight passed lbylaw to limit night grocery hopping to Friday alter it re ceived petition signed by more than 75 per cent at Don STRANSMANS Feature Horror DRESSES The largest selection of youthful dresses In Simcoe county Full Range of Sites 1412 to 3012 In wide range of attrac tive now shades and ma terials STRANSMANS Ladies Wear 44 DUNLOP ST don grocers The bylaw takes diect Dec Closing hours or groceries have been in dispute since January when london at hand parts townships that were not subject to an existing bylaw of surrounding PA 84284