TEE BARR EXABILVERJTUESDAY NOVEMBER 11 ml Will Hold Open House Tomorrow At School For Retarded Here BID FOR COUNCIL Candidate DJs Not Like afternoon PeopleWho Are Neutral The public invited to ht tend an open house tomorrow at King George School for lie every Thursday They develop coordination and use practical arithmetic tarded Children The school in keeping their ownvscorcs will be open for inspection All of the 20 children go from 230 to 530 and to skating after Christmas once pm week for two months One oI the main things that SWIM AT BORDEN we try to do at the school Last year they went to the said Mrs hi Lysabild teach swimming pool at Camp Bor er is to make the children den This program wascar socially acceptable in the ried on from Easter to June community once week and was termed Retarded chlldren between by Mrs Bruce as very auc ï¬ve and 18 can attend the useful Women from var school ions church groups In camp As well as learning certain assisted the teachers skills they are taught to take Othcr excursions have In care of themselves said Mrs eluded trip to Santas Vilage Lysabild We try to develop in Graveohurst their maximum amount of lo Throughout the year teach dependence ers take the children on walks LIST OF WORDS in the countryside The chil The chlldrcn have list of dren just love it commented words We see in Barrie ltIrs Lysablld They are in The list includes stop do not clined to miss so much of the enter push and pull They surroundings so we give them would see these words physic certain things that they have ally but wouldnt associate to look for she said them with their meaning The school was opened eight sold lllra Lysahlld years ago stalled by one The two teachers llIrs Lys teacher and had an enrolment Norman Stewart 39 man ager of restaurant in Bar rie has announced that he wtll run for alderman in ward two in the coming election He has number of opinions to offer about the present city admin istralion and about Barrie vot ers About 0thrs Mr Stewart says Not enough people exer cise their vote in municipal elections This is how demo cracy deteriorates when people dont use their vote think it might be good idea if they introduced the Australian idea to Canada where voter is fined if he does not go to the polls He doesnt have to vote once he gets there but the law requires him to go to the poll ing station WOULD HELP About the present Borne ad ministration Mr Stewart says The city should use more ex ports to solve specialized prob taught to the children with association to their meaning Examiner Photo Blake McKee adjust their signs These signs deal with traffic safety The words are MRS VICTOR BRUCE tcacher at the King Gcorge School helps Gary Black and lems For instance bcen asked during my have norto door campaigning in ward two whether or not we should in crease assessment or the wa ter rules to finance the ary sewage plnnt econd Frankly dont know the answer This is problem where expert pro fcsslonnl advice would To get down to specifics the present administrati dont think it is right the dy Coutts real estate should be on the board gt vmngn of ward two tomake personal app Ho intends to give the Iished aldermen in the Ward run for their money This is not the first election ampaign Norman Stewart has In 1953 in been involved in Bermondsoy borough city of London ran for cause all of the 60 sitting hers of the council were ites and he felt that one should not have the representation He also paigncd against the lac the press was not allowed to cover council committee ings and plans to work for press coverage of committee Orillia planning It is not legally wrong out think that it is morally Mr Stewart is currently con ducting doortodaor canvass voters and says that number of citizens have offered to vote for him simply because he has taken the time England he borough council be help about on San man ed ONLY CONTACT roach eople estab of the lawyer Norman had mem labor party entire cam that lness since then meet express himself Also practical meet Mayor ings in Barrie council if elect The press is biased and in accurate somelimes Norman lsay but it is the representn tive of the people which provid les the onlytdircct contact has twcen the government and the Norman Stewart was born in Varminstcr near Salisbury in the south of England in 1922 His father cellist and pian ist with symphony orchestra wanted Norman to become ideas He left school at the age of 16 to become an apprentice cook and has worked in the catering and restaurant busi got into catering as car eer Mr Stewart says be cause it is creative work which gives an individual chance to People have to eat When war broke out in 1939 NORMAN STEWART Norman joined the army as cook He took part in the Nor mandy landings and in the dis astrous airborne operation at Arnhcim had just been dropped into Arnheim Norman recalls and was looking for it place to set up kitchen saw this big barn opened the door and went in and dropped 20 feet straight down Jerry had rigged up trap door on his way out and fell right through it broke my pelvis cracked some ribs and had to walk with cane for two years PRETTY ROUGH After the wor Norman bought his own small restaur ant in the London dock area on the River Thames It was pretty rough Mr Stewart says One of my customers was an acquitted murderer and there were lot of teddy boys around the area The place was wrecked con ple of times and had to throw someone out occasionally But Im no hero always made sure he was smaller than was before direw anyone out Mr Stewart came to Canada in 1955 for health reasons and because he had become fascin abild and Mrs Bruce take the class for visits to down town stores when one of the children has birthday the class stays for lunch said Mrs Lyssblld She said the children plan their own menu go to the store and buy the necessary food and by for it In this way they earn rela tive values said Mrs Lysa bild gt Mrs Lysabild pointed out that it was extremely hard for the children to make change During recess the children learn to play such games as fish parchese and snakes and ladders This helps them become part of the family unit The children go bowling Your Majesty Accused Says To Magistrate Thank you said Magis trate Foster yesterday when John Baxter 59 of Henry Street addressed him as Your Majesty Baxter who appeared in city traffic court pleaded guil ty to charge of failing to yield He pulled onto Tlflin Street October 26 into this path of cruiser driven by Provincial Police Corporal Vic Holtbam collision resulted in $125 damage to the police car When Magistrate Foster asks ed if he had anything to say of seven pupils The Kiwanis Club of Harrie furnished it Willi new kitchen in which the students learn certain cooking procedures The children are now work ing on Christmas tree pom pans felt needle cases and gift enclosure cards All work at making the pompons as it evolves twisting the pa per and is repetitious said Mrs Lysabild Each child has his own duty to perform such as shutting windows and locking doors NICE POLICE PLEASES HIM Yessir That policeman made me feel real easy It makes me foe good to know that weve got such nice policemen said Hur old Patterson 70 in Barrie traffic court yester day alter Magistratc Foster asked Have you anything to say The nice policeman was Const Ralph Berry who charged Mr Patterson with failing to yield the right of way following an accident Chief Ed Tschirhart thank ed the defendant on behalf of the Barrie police force eliciting chuckles from the gathering In the courtroom Mr Patterson who had pleaded guilty paid his $20 fine and left the courtroom amid smiles Urges More Academic Awards For Students Academic awards should be made available to students on larger scale starting in grade nine and extending through grade 13 the education committee of Barrie District Collegiate Board has rEcom mended in its first report The committee feels that acn dcmic achievements should be recognized and rewarded The committee also recommends that the large amounts of paper work that teachers are nskcd to do could be done more economically by increasing the secretariat stall at the high schools the committee was formed four months ago It is com prised of three board members Dr Anders rcprcsenting the separate school board Crane of Innisfil and Cliff Lock hart chairman of the collegiate board VOCATIONAL further recommendation was in the field of vocational guidance The field of vocation al guidance should become an efficient machine that can chan nel the students into courses of study that will lead them to their lifes ambition It was further suggested that department heads and more ex pericnced teachers take the lower grades to discover and develop the potential of the JIIIIIDI students No one can deny that our district is not doing its utmost as for as mortar and bricks and dollars and cents are con cerned but are we spending more and more money for less and less education Is our educational machine out of con trol and running away with us at an accelerating speed ADMINISTRATION The administration of the educational programs the re porl said has become top Ileovy by the many depart ments boards agencies ctc involved each with its admin istrators directors superintend ents inspectors supervisors specialists and experts In this posture of affairs the trustees are sometimes overworkcd confused and harassed lot They rely increasingly on their cxperts the professional ol llcials who have escaped from the active participation of teaching and whose contact with the realities of education is confined largely to statistics charts pageantry and spectacle They prevcnt failure from ca hing up with them by keepA ing attention centred on innova tions that are designed to be corrective and curative Schools under the drive of am bitious professionals volecnt ching politicians and starryt eyed dcgooders have under taken in the name of educa tion much that could come more easily naturally and of fectively from the home church occupations social clubs and recreational groups The crux of the whole prob lem the report stated lics in the difference between training and educaiion According to one of the schools of thought the report said the confusion that exists between these two fields is one of the main rea sons that so many students drop out Statistics indicate 13 of every too who begin high school finish and only nine in tend to attend university Education goes to the whole of mans personality seeking to enrich it by widening his in tellcctual horizon In contrast training merely seeks to fit the young into their native society haining does not stretch the mind We have been concerne the report continued that With the present enormous expansion of school facilities and pro grams our schools do not be come glittering workshops where training is the essential goal We must endeavor to educate every child as far as is humanly possible CAMPBELL LTD Furniture Moving and storage Commercial Warehousing Agents for North American Van Lines PA 66555 Baxter replied Yes Your Majesty There was no dam age done to the ear was in contrary to what the officer has testified There was only damage done to the police car The magistrate thanked the defendant for addressing him as royalty hut pointed out that the proper term was Your Worship ated with the country through snapshots and films he had seen of the Canadian scenery He joined the Canadian Army in England and was posted to Camp Borden Mr Stewart left the army in February of this year because he felt that it did not oller enough scope for individual in itiative and advancement and because wanted to be free to say what think The vehicle coming out of Norman and wife Joyce have driveway must yield the two children Lesley l5 and rightofway to traffic on John 13 who is keen hockey highway Magistrate Foster player said Mr Stewarts two hobbies fine of $20 and costs was are music and watching his imposed buy play hockey Yd rather watch John Play he says than watch an NHL For Expert game guess got my love Guaranteed for music from my father al though hes strictly classical TV musician an my taste runs from Louis Armstrong to REPAIR apexa all makes ld sum myself Nor Ca Horace Beaumont At MONARCH man Stewart says guy that people either like or hate REFRIGERATION PA 82059 Gets Accldmatiort GRILLIA George lchean 39yearold insurance agent last night received ac claniation for second term as mayor of Orillia Mrs Isa bel Post received acclamation not permit Mr McLean to re for another term as deputy ceive the mayoralty and sub eeve omatically seat on the police Louis Francoz who owns commission by acclamatlon roperty in Orillia but lives in When nominations closed at it Forest Hill was nominated to pm hovvever he was eligible tontest the reeveship with the to run only for council Twelve ncumbent McDonald persons are in the running for Murray Robinson former six council seats lolice sergeant who resigned Wilbur Cramp ï¬ve times on 21 after being dismissed Mayor or Orillia was nomtn by Police Chief Mcln ated for mayor reeve deputy tyre and later reinstated by reeve council member and the police commission wasl member of the Orillia Water nominated for seat on coun Light and Power Commission cil At the time of his resigna but withdrew from all but tion Mr Robinson said he council TwoMan Contest For Mayor Is Now Assured In lllliston ALLISTON Special Mint Jean Pitcher Herb Oliver and Storey mayor oi Alliston will Donald Laï¬mer Two other run again for the office which nominees Stan Bowen and Ver he has held for four years He non Ireland wuhdrew will be opposed by John Mit Pubbc school board nonunees chell are Ed Bagnall Roy Connell They were named for the office George Green William Bendell at nomination meeting last Blind Lueuï¬ Thomsnn night at Alliston Nominations for reeve deputyreeve and the Public Utilities Commission were also received Running for reeve in the el ection November 27 will be John Darling and Ross Wil liams The deputyreeveship will be contested by George McCague Dr Pitcher and Matt Beatty WIT Alder son and Mr Darling were also nominated but they withdrew Ernest Hawes Public Utilitie commissioner will run again against Latimer The question as to whether the three man commission should be in creased to live was hotly de bated Mayor Storey spoke in favor of the fiveman body while commissioner Hawes op posed the idea Mr Latimer said that the service given by he threeman commission was too slow and that five mnn deal would in crease efficiency Running for council Ralph Hunter Taylor Stan Noseworthy Beatty Mrs would run for public office and would demand an investigation of the police department if elected Mr Robinson said he would dont like people who are neutral Im going to cam paign hard in thiselection and want people to get out and voteeven if they dont vote for me YELL®W PAGES TO FIND WATER THE DIVINER WITH HIS FORKED 51ch HAS NEVER BEEN FULLY DlspLAcED on FULLY EXPLAINED av SCIENCE MT Israeli Mission Touring Canada OTTAWA CF Hyman Israeli trade mission began Canadian tour Monday to see whether this country can sup ply some of the heavy equip ment needed in israels indus trial development spokesman said Canadian companies had been little bit shy in send ing sales representatives to Is rael ltlission men1bers will visit manufacturers in treal Toronto Woodstock Haircuts 75 Saturdays $100 Barbers CLIFFS BARBER SHOP as am enio Acrosl tron Luannla now WELL BIGGER WELDER ck WASNINO MACHINE ousv LBDK unosnwm Tue yflww no OWNR Bask in the pleasures of summers spent on sunny sands Liam anmp Enjoy the carefree comfort of safe Esso warmth so quier YELLOW an usr so complereiyautomauc so troublefree youll forget its HUNDREDS or mourns Going home for Christmas WWW Get tickets and reservations now SI clnx and leave younlmnng problems to Em Youll Plan dependablektraln tourney Ask ave constant supply or topquality Cleanburning Ems aboutlow weekend to res groupooach Furnace Oil delivered to you automatically astbe weather demands On budget terms ifyon wish Heating equipment service dealers lined by Impeljal Oil Limited will give prompt and expert service when required If you need new equipment you can choose from full otbumeas or Complete furnaces installed Orrvery usy mo tth ms To enjoy the wonderful world of £530 wermzh just call rates gilt travel tickets vwmmst Imperial on sales voice pm you KNOW quN You Vassar we NAMI osA ausluw rimA GAMEE son muonsnut nEMrMun nls ADDRESS lusr molt uuou wmrs Junta vmow mas meats rue ADDRSS line You live ms NAME in ooKJfo momsukï¬ommeeesrv