Mrs Bert Popp Sunnidalc Road was hostess at the Pre ferential tea held by mem bers of the Edit Sigma Phi Sorority yesterday afternoon Above presiding at the tea table is Mrs Norman Ran kin director and tea hostcs es Mrs Harold Nichol icc M4MghM president left and Miss Irene Watson president Guests included Mrs John Lovell Miss Joycc Caldwell Mrs Gerald Williams Miss lren Watson Mrs Frank Grac Miss Eleanor Dorion Mrs John Merritt Miss Jan et Dossey Mrs John Fair Discuss New Church Organization At St Johns United Church WMS St Johns United WMS of Elmvale met in the church para lor with 33 ladics present The meeting was in charge of Mrs Frankcom president and Mrs Simpson associate mem bers secretary worship service The Church and This Day was led by Mrs Simpson and Mrs Cue Arrangcmcnts were made to send eight gifts to Norway House in Manitoba also one to special missionary Miss filer rill Erown of Japan lilrs Dickinson read an article from recent Observer entitl ed Ministers on Picket Linc It Lutheran and United Church minister formed picket line at bingo attended by 3000 persons at Melville Saskatche wan Miss Florence Manning intro duced the speaker Mrs Bell of Barrio Presbyterinl president for Simcoe County Mrs Bell spoke on the new or ganization of United Church wo men which is to come into be ing in January 1962 She urged members to try and lhave every woman in the con grcgation become charter member She also referred to an article in the November Mis sionary Monthly Some have Seen Vision by Isabel Mc Fadden Charts and humorous pictures were used for illustralt tion In closing Mrs Bell said she covets for every woman crea tive vision Let us look through wide window not narrow peephole she conclud ed Mrs Gilten thanked the speak er Mrs Chapman song The Beautiful Garden of Prayer Refreshmcnts were served by Mesdames Sibbald Neals Mor ton and Giffen Miss Gerry Bournc Miss Beryl Baldwin Miss Helen Kecskes Mrs Larry Gilliland Mrs Bruce White Mrs Jean Battersby Mrs Harold Nichol Miss Jane Burnett Misa Fay Wolfe YOUR HEALTH THE STARS SAY gamma For Tomorrow Enterprise and originality will pay off on hresday so make the best use of skills and talenta Especially favored all me chanical and scientific pursuits Plans made last week can be effectively carried out now For The Birthday it tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that lob andor business goals which you may have thought unattain able recently coult well be no allzed before the end of this new year insyour lifethat is of course if you have made use of ill opportunities available since January and have put forth best efforts Even if you did not however theres no reason to feel dis couraged since you are cur rently in fine planetary cycle and can still accomplish great deal within th next seven months The use of latent or unde vclopcd talent could open up new fields of endeavor to you in January and you could achieve a1 recognition through it if you really try The period between now and late July will be excellent for fi hanccs December and Janu ary should be lively from so cial point of view and both travel and romance are indi cated between May and early September child born on this day will be sensitive intuitive and en dowed with great sense ol loyalty Old Time Remedy More and more were veering to lounge fashions for home wear whetherwere just watch ing TV or playing hostess to friends No matter how casual the occasion theres no squelch ing the eternal feminine yen for alhome clothes that are strictly CloudNine stuff The latest lounge wear radia tes gossamer mist of lace ruffles poulfed sleeves much of it designed in the ingeuermrood and Tnode Some such styles even look as though they could be worn to parties One for example has long waisted bodice of rudsable filmy nylon lace with flaring skirt of nylon sheer over tricoi Another is nylon tricot chem ise which flares above the knees and has striking beadlike ap plique at the neckline The very popular comfy fleeces are also being inter preted in romantic mood even When theyre bright red One charming example is lounge wear dress oi fleece made with beguiling flare and sporting spate of eyelet ruffles At Home Clothes Have New Appeal This il intended for wear over matchingpanta of fleece Widely used fabrics included that ever dependable nylon tri cot which ll flattery itself in pcignolr designed with soft portrait type neckline and blooming with flowers that will remain colorful the year round Flowered corduroy taker sentimental turn too when it is styled will the new high waiatline and done in vibrant colors and delicious oatterar METAL YARN But the most romantic lounge wear of all features ruffles lace and elegant metallic yarn that is washable as well as nontam ishina This group is distinguished by ruchstyles as durable yet so dainty nylon silk satin gown with lace and tucking and shocking pink printed flannel gown ruffled from top to hem The ultimate in femininity la Spanishrtylc black lace bed Jacket with rose at the waist deslgned for wear over financed gown fashioned of black nylon over pink fashionably Has Varied Uses ay aunroa rEnN feminine for you lay and night DOUBTlNG Thomas Castor oil for corns What do you call it corn oil MD Dont forget your callus es too Di Whats the difference MD Calluscs are hornrlike thickenings along the skin sur face Repeated pressure brings them on Rowing and mowing can thicken palms into tough caiiuses Th protect your skin Corns are tiny horns that grow inward instead of out DT Do they protect too Not really Continuous ir ritation from tight shoes for in stance lies at the root of hard painful corns MARY HAWORTHS MAIL Drives Wife To Divorce Now Wants To Remarry Dear Mary Haworih My huS band and separated three Years ago when was 20 We parted because he was unfaith ful and treated me only as housekeeper thn learned he was untrue felt could never forgive him not even for the sake of our child So got divorce though he begged me not to Now he wants to remarry me and still love him and find that can forgive and forget as love him too much to hold any thing against him And know he loves me too but the prob lem ishe says and does things on purpose to hurt me now He says its to get even for the gutt caused him by divorcing rm KIND THEN CRUEL He is bitter about this now that admit being sorry He will be real good one week and cruel the next dont know how to cope with this would like re marry him but am afraid he isnt grown up and might go back to his old ways is there anything can do or say to help him forgive me He was spoiled as child and gets mad if he cant have his way about everything think he will outgrow this and want him back but dont know how STAMPEDER REP Donna Nitcl 19 University of Alberta student will repre sent Calgary Stampeders of the Western Football Ctmfcr once ln the llitiiiMiss Gtcy Cup competition in Toronto to keep peace between us Please advise me RS Dear 35 Quite obviously your husband hasnt changed at all get the picture he is psychologically unlit to he mar ried to anyone as of now and will make it impossible to live at peace with sweetheart or spouse unless and until he has been emotionally rteeducated if he can be reeducatedwith the help of firstrate psycho analyst Whether he realized it or not he knowingly and maliciously drove you to divorce him It was only when he saw you werent completely crushed as yet and still had enough spirit to leave him with your chin up that he began to bleat unhap pily about forgiving and forget tingthree years ago But as soon as he begins to feel securely entrenched in your affections once more he re sumes his compulsive sadistic rejecting performance You acted wisely lo divorcing him and it is serious mistake to renew the association For evidence note the fact that allt ready he has you demoralized again trying to appease him though he is the tormentor and you the victim My advice is to shut the door on him finally and for good Mlf PLAN WEDDING Dear Mary Haworih plan to marry soon and my fiance wants me to wear the tradi tional bridal gown but would prefer to wear simple white dress or twopieceauit as it wont be big church wedding His family and mine and few close friends will be present Will people be hurtif theyre asked to the reception and not the wedding And should we have the reception at my mothers or at the apartment where we will start housekeep ing Or in the churchs Sunday School room which offers the most space and chairs Eh WED 70 YEARS SHAG HARBOR NS CPY Capt and Mrs Job Cunning ham celebrated their 70th wed ding anniversary during the weekend This has been one of the happiest days of our lives said the noyearold Mrs Cun ningham after party in which gucsts enjoyed four wedding cake Now 90 and rï¬covered from arecent heart attack Capt Cunningham spends his Dec time knitting mittens Do you think my bridegroom will mind if continue to pay for my parents home out of my salary Please answer at once arrangements arent completed Yet RY CONSUL EXPERTS Dear PY Discuss the dress question with consultant in the brides shop ofiany department store which offersvthis service When the expert hears your realt sons for favoring simple dress as versus your fiances prefer ence for the traditional gown she probably can guide you to happy compromise For example ahort1ength dress with matching jacket of elegant fabric or jacket and skirt to be worn with short veil long gloves bouquet etc for the wedding and used as dinner or theater suit or party dress tor years to come As to whether people may be hurt if invited to the reception but not the wedding feel theyd have no reason to it onlv your family and closest friends are asked to witness the religious ritesAlso it is my im pression that many people seem to find it more convenient to get to the reception than to the church vote for reception at your mothers Will your bridegroom mind if you continue to pay for your parents home after youre mar ried have no ndea But if you yourself dont know him well enough to know the answer to that wonder if you are justi fied in committing your life as it were to his keeping MJl animators so ooNLop as Di How about aoit cornr be tween toes MD Grinding and moisture softens them But they hurt like any other com when you press or pinch Di You should see my baih room surgery Im whit with razor blade MD Thats the way to lose foot especially if you aaf fer from diabeteal Di just pare down pea sized corns MD Let the podiatrist har vest corna safely Df Ridiculous Just tape on corn plaster MD They often irritate if you must doctor your feet buy solution of 10 per cent aali cylic acid in collodion Apply few drops after soaking the corn in warm water Soak again four days later and the corn should shell out DT Cover the corn with doughnutshaped bandage to take the pressure off Soft corns have to be pared down But by podiatrist not by you And castor oil MD Rub in twice daily to soft en both cams and calluses D1 should shave down cal loses MD No Grind them down with emery paper You do have two pairs of ev eryday shoes dont you Why only have one pal of feet MD Alternating pairs gives each pair plenty of time to dry out Di see fresh shoes each day keep the foot doctor away SEE REABRANDT WORK NEW YORK AP record number of persons filed through the Metropolitan Museum of Art Sunday to view the worlds most expensive pointing Rem brandta Aristotle Contemplating the East of Homer which the museum bought last week for 52800000 went on display and brought an attendance of 82600 The turnout was almost double the pravlous attendance record Travel Arrangementa wonLo WIDE snrwrcn am sarr ops RAIL norm and RESORT RESERVATIONS 0K Johnson and Co Ltd 101 Dunlap EL Barri PA Haze 91 any so Toronto an east noon srunr PA 81055 Meanwhile its killing me beautifully tailored 12 to 18 each 997 STORE HOURS Wed Fri 915 nm mo pm Dally 915 awn 530 pm am 1200 Noon Sizes 12 to 18 Button front suitwith peter pan collar Contrasting braid trimblack rad or loden ing BM Collarleu suit with double breasted effect jacket contrasting braid trim black red or loden 12 to 18 each THE BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY NOVEMBER so ill Or 4w uv sag KITCHEN CHIC This smart set will lend an original touch and gay note to any kitchen But its not only pretty its practical too and will make an ideal Christ rnaa gift for the homemaker very special value back button clos WALKERS of BARRIE Free instruction may be had by sending stamped envel ope to the Needlecraft De partment of this newspaper and ask for Kitchen Chic Leaflet No 05 954 Suit Dresses of AllWool Fionnei Little suit dresses of allwool flannel for easy wear wherever you go here Is lightweight warmth for chilly days and tops in fashion 997 Chanel suit with box style jacket in twotone self trim front closing Toast with beige or black with grey in to 18 each 997 button so ouutop sr PA c0221