PERSONAL Belgium delegate Paul Hon ri Spank left listens as Jusv tin Bomboko of the Congo dis cusses the use of Belgian mercenaries in Congo lighting at UN session They enjoy RELATIONS private Joke after Eombokol talk INNISFII NOTES ExInnislil Boy Next Barrie Mayor By RGS We wish to congratulate Les Cooke former resident of Innisfil on his decision to run for the office of chief magis train of the city of Barrie We had the pleasure of meeting and knowing this progressive citizen when he first had truck and did delivery work from his home in Big Bay Point where he and his par ents operated summer store We watched his progress as he increased his public activities after he went to live in the county town We have seen him in action at the county level and know that hevas not backward in expressmg his views where the good of the town was concerned We feel sure if as good man was to be found to replace Mayor Kin zie it will be in the former In nisfil boy Les Cooke NOT TALKING We offered Reeve Charles Sproule an opportunity to give prenomination interview so that he would have first chance to give the lnnisfil public his plans for the coming election However although he was to name the time and place when he could give his story he tie clined to make the appoint ment Wehave no definite as surance that he will be can didate for next years reeve of the township without the assistance of the township they may be forced to place their entrance east ward beyond the present loop from the highway approach Road Supervisor Cowan has been instructed to give any help possible GRAVELLED SHOULDER What is intended to be side walk along the athline from the Lakelands Hall eastward has been given start by plac ing gravel on the shoulder and widening it out However it will need some packing before it will entice the pedestrians to leave the paved surface and adopt this strip as sidewalk it does make aplace for foot traffic to get clear of vehicular traffic and not have to take to the ditch Perhaps it can have some more attention to make it footpath that will be used FIRE DEBT UNPAID Innislil share of the costs of the Cookstown fire expenditures for nearlythree years is said to be outstanding motion was passed instructing the clerk to have the matter clear ed up and bring the account up to par Cookstown will be village alter the first of the year but will continue to give fire protection to the area sur rounding between Highway ion and Thornton Price War Over In Milk Dispute OTTAWA CPD Ottawas milk pricewar has ended with it has gone the threat of strike by the citys 300 milk route salesmen joint statement issued Sun day by the Ottawa Milk Distrib utors Association and mlk Drivers Teamster Local 647 said the practice of Ottawa dairies of supplying milk to re tail stores for openingday cel ebrations on buy two get one free basis would stop in mediately The 15 dairies Involved also agreed to pay drivers the equiv alent of commissions lost dur ing the price war The price war began early last week when discount store offered an opening day special of two quarts of milk for 23 cents half the regular price By Wednesday other super markets had cut their milk prices by half Seriously affected by the price slashes were the milk de liverymen paid on commis sion basis One driver said that on Saturday he had sold only 10 quarts of milk instead his usual 150 Off0n Strike Ends Pact Is Ratified TORONTO CHThe off0n structural steel workers strike finally appeared over Sunday when employers ratified an agreement reached with the In Girl Sought As Lead In Toronto Murders TORONTO CF Police combed Toronto Sunday for girl friend of one of two men being questioned in De fruit about the gangland slay ing of Detroit couple here last Friday Police said the woman Lil lian Boykin 20 of Detroit was reported to have been seen with Arthur Lucas 53 of Detroit who was in Tomato at the time of the killings The victims Thcrland Crater 43 and Jean Crater 21 also known as Jean Rochelle and Carolyn Newman were found almost decapitated in the mid town morning house into which they moved when they came lrom Detroit in September Crater had been shot four times before his throat was cut but an autopsy showed death was caused by the cutting of his jugular vein The couple both Negroes were released from jail Thursday evening on $1000 bail pending bearing on chargu of keeping bawdy house Lucas and Gus Saunders 43 were picked up Saturday by De troit police on suspicion of mur der and conspiracy to commit murder Both are defendants in narcotics case in which Cra ter was to have been material witness Another man Lester Ramsey 47 charged in the same drug case is also being questioned in Detroit WAS IN RIDING Inspector William hlcheley head of the llfetropolltan Tor onto pollce homicide squad Government Taking No Action Surplus Butter Stock Grows OTTAWA SpeCill Lack ing drastic action on the part of the federal government Canadas stocks of crcamcry butter continue to grow and grow According to the latest figures from the Dominion Bureau of Statistic stocks of butter at Novembe this year totalled 159409000 pounds an increase of 2465500 pounds over theslmilar date year gCanadian production of but far in October was substan tial 32311000 pounds well head of the 25541000 figure for October 1960 And in the first 10 months of this year Canada churned out 311701000 pounds as compared to 2336 261000 for the corresponding period in 1960 That some action will soon be necessary to dissolve the mountains of butter In storage seems obvious to many ob servers here The two incon trovertible facts flint face the dairy industryand the gov ernment are that butter pro duction keeps rising whlla butter consumption per cap ita declines steadily in the face of tbe competition from comparison to butter stocks from 5772000pounds against 4602000 at November last year ONE UP OTHER DOWN Per capltl butter consump tion remained fairly constant in the years before 1951 when it was 1538 pounds 1958 it dropped to 1832 and in 1959 to 1731 pounds But in At one time butter consumption had reached peak of 32 pounds per capita and as late as 1948 it was still 2655 pounds 1960 it had fallen off to 1650 85 0n the other hand margar in consumption rose from pounds in 1957 to in 1960 This has meant loss of mar ket of 51 million pounds of butter the equivalent of the milkproduction of 11000 dairy farms averaging 20 cows each So far the government has not taken any special action on the problem The last of ficlnl word came from agricul ture minister Alvin Hamilton on the last day of the Com mons session late in Septem her At that time he said the government would be trying to follow course of putting the Bouts Bhythmist margarine October production of mar garine was only about half that of butter 15652000 pounds And 10ltmonth mar garine production was 150 737000 pounds again about half that of butter But mar garine stocks at November had increased only slightly ln Fleming In London To See Macmillan LONDON CPlFirianee Min ister Fleming of Canada flew into London Saturday with big secret locked in his briefcase The secret Frances attitude to British membership of the European Economic Commun ity Presumably Fleming picked up few pointers in Paris Sa turday at frank and cordial meeting with French President de Gaulle widely regarded as the man who may torpedo Brit ains application v5 De Gaulle cancelled pre ous engagement to receive the Canadian ministerin the Ely see Palace Fleming said the president gave an illuminating statement of Frances position on matters at issue in relation to current European trade lie butter into circulation without destroying the market but that no decision had yet been reached Since then the Dairy Farm crs organization presented brief urging steps to lower the support price of 64 cents pound in order to make butter cheaper for the consumer but at the same time to ensure that the dairy farmers receive ed the same income MANY SUGGESTIONS The government doesnt lack for suggestions as to what ails the industry and what to do about its problems Hamid Hicks PC MP from Fraser Valley in BC has suggested that concern over heart di sease has turned many people away from butter But he says that the percentage of deaths from heart disease has risen at the same time that butter production was declin ing so that perhaps it is mar garine that is the villain Homer MP for Acadia Al berta points out that in Great Britain they captured some of the market from margarine by lowering the price of but ter and managed to hold on to most of these consumers when butter was later boosted little in price other suggestions include butter subsidy of from 10 to gotiations 20 cents pound two cent said rater was using Toronto as hideout from important figures in Detroits underworld inspector blcNecley said Cra ter was special employee of the US treasury departments federal narcoch bureau He was warned about four weeks ago by RCMP that the word was spreading through the Detroit underworld that large reward would be paid fur infoh mation about him or about his death Police believe Crater was rec ognized by other criminals in Torontos Don Jail where he spent week before getting bail on the bawdy house charge Detroit police said Crater had record of 22 arrests and five felony convictions He served three prison terms for grand larceny and one for burglary and was on probation from the Detroit House of Corrections They said Crater was spe clal employee of the narcotics bureau when Saunders was or rested Jan 31 and Ramsey Aug on charges of trafficking in heroin Ramsey was free on 310000 bond and Saunders on 31500 Rock Roll Riot PARIS APlA rock roll riot wrecked Paris auditorium Saturday night when 3500 screaming tecn agers showed up to cheer American singer Vince Taylor They were fanatics said 1961 Ifle Fawn smbteflnt world right muted And then go home and whatdo get from the kids Quaï¬omquudonHueonm HOSPITAL OPENS NOV 23 OTTAWA CPI11in new 33 500000 trlservice hospital here will go into operation Nov 28 defence department spokes man said Saturday Iie denied published reports that opening of the mbed hospital for scrv ice has been delayed pending decision on what make of xray equipment is to be Installed RAISE UNION DUES TORONTO CPlThe Hotel and Club Employees Union CLO Local 4109 at member ship meeting Sunday gave sec and reading to measure in creasing membership dues by $1 month Members were told the strike at the Royal York Hotel which began in April has exhausted the locals funds in cluding 5250000 strike kitty The increase would add $2000 month to the locals revenue MEXICAN PYRAMID Archeologists estimate con struction of Mexicos ancient Mayan Great Pyramid occupied 1000 laborers for 20 years the auditoriums sadly gazing on some 2000 shattered chairs smashed win dows broken bottles and other debris Damage was estimated at about $4000 Taylor who wlnneys wig gles and whines in the best rock roll mannerdidnt get on stage When the ruckus be gan he was in dressing room slipping into favorite cos tume Snaketight black leather pants leather shirt and gloves in the auditorium bandleader Eddie Barclay bravely tried music He gave up when bot tie scored direct hit on the snare drum The bandleader ducked back stage and told Taylor that dls cretion ls sometimes the better part of valoreven for rock roll singers They 10f by side exit as vans of riot police or rived The police kept in battle trim for Algerian riots had their hands full Before the riot melted away into the chilly night 14 policemen suffered ml nor injuries Rings Costume Jewellery Gifts Galore From STENNICK JEWELLERS 14 Dunlap st temational As sociation of Bridge Structural and Oma mentnl Iron Workers CLC subsidy on every quart of milk and the free distribution of milk in schools South am MP for Moose Mountain The unansweredquestion re mainedDoes de Gaulle want Britain or not SCHOOL TRUSTEES At the coming nominations there will be members of two IMPERIAL school boards to nominate and so far there has been no men tion of any candidates who might aspire to these seats The present arrangement of twoyear term means that all these offices expire and all are open for nomination It may be thankless job but it is very important one and in the past men have been placed on the school board who had not so much as been out at the nomination meeting or consent ed to act it is time that some citizens came along with the purpose of offering their ser vices on the school boards which guide the lives of our children and spend much of the ratepayers taxes HS REPRESENTATIVES Although it has been suggest ed that the not be changed making it necessary forthe election rather than the ap pointment of the representa tives from the municipalities on the high school boards there is still no provision for these names being on ballot Usual ly an exreeve or some deserv ing person is selected by the council and named to the board and their term goes on for years until such time as they resign of their own accord They also are responsible for considerable portion of the tax funds and should be the choice of the voters WANT ROAD CLOSE TO 490 The proposed motel and scrlt vice station for the nth line of Innisfil has not yet had the aplt proval of the township planning board It is understood that this matter will come before them at their next meeting The proposers of the project are anxious to have the sup port ol the township in endeav oring to have their entrance road as close tollighway 400 as possible The tear is that Striped Bass On The Move SAINT JOHN CF The first striped bass to be found in New England waters after tagging in Canada has provided proof that some of this species migrate from Mari time provinces shores Tagged by Yorke at the Reversing Falls here July the stripe was recaptured 83 days later by commercial fisher man Harbert Lovell at Cummaquid on Cape Cod Mass The fish weighed about three quarters of pound and was 19 inches long when tagged here it had gained tbreenuar ters of pound when taken from the Lovell weir The tagging project is de signed to obtain information about the migrating habits of striped bass GIFTS FOR THE HANDYMAN lfiitée anno TOOLS rowan TOOLS and ATTACHMENTS womc annchns BALL PLANINGMILL LTD is Anne st PA 82496 George Allen business agent of Local 721 of the union said he had rece ed verbal notice of the ratificationfrom the 15 contractors but wanted it in writing before ordering re turn to work He expects to re ceive written notice today The structural steelmen Fleming is to see Prime Min ister Macmillan today and de Gaulle will be Macmillans guest next weekend in Sussex in his talks with British min isters Fleming may he asked for clarification of Canadas stand on Britains bid to join the European Economic Com Saskatchewan is critical of the dairy farmers themselves He notes that there has been large decrease in butter con sumption in the very areas where the greatest production increase has taken place in dicating that some dairy farm ers have switched to edible have been out for 10 weeks munity They originally sought an in crease of 30 cents on their hourly pay of $315 plus welfare benefits valued at seven cents an hour Wednesday the mem bers approved settlement at 16 cents an hour plus seven cents for welfare Another section of the same unionthe rod mens local re Cnnadlnn intransigence on the issue may be lessened if the United States succeeds in no taining congressional sanction for tariff cuts If fulfilled the new American initiative would raise hopes of reciprocalcon cessinns in Europe and thus re duce the dangers ota split be tween the North American and mains on strike FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE DAVIDJANSSENJOYQETAYLORFRANKGORSHIN COFEATURE so FERFECY CRIME THE 50 CLEVER CRIMINAL lIllIAM Fltml inn BllllGERHAYA HARARtH European trading blocks NOW SHOWING Fire at 700 and1010 Secret At V346 Adult Entertainment oils in place of their own pro duct And Mr Hicks thinks it is time that butter was glamor ized Referring to some re cent margarine advertise ments that offer free nylons for the packages Mr Hicks notes that the ads include picture of beautiful pair of limbs Inahurry for money Just phone BeneficiaL Get the cash you want fast Ono phone call undone visit to the ofï¬ce does everything Call up or come in today YOURE THE BOSS AT BENEFICIAL 15 EAYFIELD STREEI PhonePArkway 85931 BARRIE ls ninnin canimis on loan um moo in up to 35000 Vch loan an no Ill innireo BENEFICIAL eiNANce no or CANADA Open Till t2 Noon Saturdayl lintll December 16 NOW SHOWING COMEDY HITS NORMAN WISDOM nanny stoneware mm mm carnation mum EETWE GlFl FOLDER wmi ENVELOPE IS FREE WITH EVERY catnisnus MNEV 01103 You am Heres one Christmas gift they Wont wantyto exchange gift of cash is always welcomelUsn norm BANK MONEY osonnsto takethegucss out ofgiftgivingl When you send cash you can be sure that relatives and friendsiat home or overseaswill buy what they really want And of course you make your own shopping that much simpler Money Orders to the exact amounts you require are available in gay Christ inas gift folders at your nearest Royal Bank branch THE ROYAL BANK CANADA siiiuiv emu Illlll uiciuu iioiiniim Maloneit nuna Illtidy Barrie Branch FRASER Manager barrio Plaza Branch sw SHIRLEY Manager