Inertia Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited to Bayneld Street Barrie Ontario MONDAY Ndvnmaa 20 in THINK THEEELL Blz ll WAR Attitudes Must Chclnge jij War To Be Avoided Indias Prime Minister Nehru saw hings both ways when in his address the United Nations General Assem Ibly he remarked that nuclear test ban cannot be established without Ional controls His statement captures the prevailing mood which is oneof distrust and sus icion If we are realistic we must re pognize that the only possible basis for disarmament and ban on nuclear tests one that provides for effective inspec on and controls But the argument cannot stop there he fact is that disarmament and nuc ear ban established on basis of mutual lstrust and suspicion are meaningless True treaty of this nature would not ollapse immediately But there would be security for always one would sus fleet the other of cheating And we may sure there would he attempts at heating internat Even as gan stars and thu seek to outwit the po ce forces nether East nor West can rest assured that the other party is not seeking to build up its own advantage The treaty that basic he founded on an inspection scheme grows out of suspicion and is not worth the pa or it is writtenon we must seek the on way that offers any permanent hope for peace Unfortunately the prospect of clim ate in which disarmament canbe effec ed without inspection is remote None is anxious to approach it and the immed iate task is not so much to effect dis armament as to eliminate the distrust and suspicion that makes the desired goal impossible of attainment Can we change revailing attitudes There lies the chal enge and ifwar is to be averted we must give more than passing heed to the wisdom of Mr Nehru Seek Metric System Canadians and their neighbours across he boundary tothe south are proud of their decimal system of coinage much jJimpler to understand and to tally than athe British system Yet on this continent is are still using the British system of easurements based so legend has it the length of kings arm As that story goes the first King Henry set the standard measurement of the yard as the distance between the end of his nose and the end of his thumb when his arm was outstretched more accurate standard has since been set but the contradictions and the confusions of the socalled English system of measure ment still exist How many city people know the length of rod How many outside the confines of race track know the length of fur long In the even more complicated field organization of volumemeasurement who can define the difference between cubic yard cord bushel In contrast to the prosaic and meho dical British the flighty French use the metric system plain and simple plan of measuring weight distance volume and area on decimal base Outside of the Englishspeaking world the metric system is firmly entrenched making for ease of communication over language barriers The Canadian Chamber of Commerce has taken the lead in asking for study of the possibilities of Canada adopting the metric system Replies to question naires which have been sent out by that should add convincing weight to the argument that Canada should change over to the progreSsive and reasonable metric system Down Memory Lane 25 YEARS AGO The Examiner had pix of Roy Bus Storey who had just made his debut in senior rugby with the Argos of Toronto although young for the job he came through fine and if he keeps up the The Barrie Examiner Authorised as road clun mil Post Office Department Otfuwl Daily Sundays un suncm unuaay excepted more wanna shaman am anaronr oeuem Mannie Mcpnnnson Managing Edftor ankLas WADGELBusInesI Manager Baum msoN Verdun Manager John HOLDER circulation Manager Subscn tion rate not iaao ycgr shuns copy 53TH also 075m 100 yur so not own he szso mm months $106 mouth utaldo Ontario than your Outside Can ldl 000 Year Offices us Unlvcrsft sum blontrcalz ma Mcmbu the Canadian nan Newspaper an urnn Association The Canadian Press and to Audit Eurcau commutation Tbs Canadian Press cxoluslvcl rue for republication of all new Emir united to It or Tho Associated Prose or outer no also the inci um publishd enema Ava Torontm am test doom strut 6355 entitled to ho lsnulchun In this good work will be assured of plenty of action when the Big Four season opens in Ottawa on Saturday the paper said Ormond Beach Samias 233pound half back from Kansas grabbed forward and was away in the open bowling over Argos like flies until Storey met him There was collision and Beach went down under fine tackle by the big Bar rie boy who weighs200 himself For the rest of the tion Alribute waspaid to Editor Davis Wil liams of the EnterpriseBulletih Coiling wood who began his career 50years ago He started in the days of handset type and his first issue was done in that lab oriousway on slow press and then fold ed by hand Today with linotype ma chines and fast press the Enterprise Bulletin is ableto give an adequate cov erage of news up to press time it was stated In the half century Mr Williams had alsoplayell large part in the inter7 ests of the town anddistrlct called tb game Storey got plenty of ac QUEENS pass Look For New Zip In Municipal DON onznnN TORONTO Look for some new xlp In the Department of Municipal Affairs Prime Minister Roberta may have come up with stroke of genius when he moved Hon Fred Can Into the department For while Mr Cass has his faults he also as he has shown In highways Is very able man And be Including the faults may be just what the doctor ordered for this complex and perplexed branch of govcm ment just now PLAIN TALKER Mr Cass strongest quality and you can call It fault If you look at It that wayll that he speaks his mind He Is the opposite of the feathcrbcd politician who thinks the only way to any no is to start by saying yes He always says what he thinks and his thinking In In clincd to be positive To some of his colleagues of course this Is horrifying But to those of us on the outside It can be refreshing And you can see where some of this plain thinking and plain talk can make world of dif ference In the provinces deal Ing with the municipalities 30H SELL We have had here for 12 years what might be called soft sell government Affairs The first rule has been not to offend Keep everybody happy This ha been good politics And It has not entirely ruled out flrmneu when this was called for The government for fastener took firm stand on farm mar keting And this was not an Iso lated Instance But other spheres of govern ment suffered from it And none more than municipal affairs The simple fact that for decade now the municipalities In tho province and their offI cials have been mollycoddlcd And everybody has been the loser they as much as anyone There has not been really firm word said municipal rep ruchtatives for years It has never really been made clear to them that when they come here for money It is tax money they are being given It has never forcibly been pointed out to them that local taxation has actually not had much of real rise at all and practically nothing compared to other tax areas Year after year their roprolt untatfvcr have come in here and have talked what amounIEd to cloudy nonsense to risk setting them straight Mr Cass will we can be sure of that And you will probably see that once he starts straight talking some of our own cloudy thinking here will begin to dis appear orrswaaspoar Leaders lire Already On Election Trail By PATRICK NICHDLXON OTTAWA It II appropriate that our zsth general election campaign should have been launched In Nova Scotla the province which 113 ycals ago became the first part of Can ada to enjoy responsible gov ernment For launched the election campaign certainly was last week and In Nova Scotia whore Conservative chieftaln John Dlefenbaker and Liberal leader Lester Pearson both entered the frayalthough the date of the actual voting still remains Ir secret Social Credit leader Thompson and New Democratic Party leader Douglas were also driving along the campaign trail but in their preferred westerly regions Politicians repeatedly make public Ipeecbesr but such speeches campaign buckshot when the orator bela bours his political opponents And that is exactly what the gleeful partisan listeners heard last week when liberal Pear son crIsscrossed Nova Scotia and when Conservative Dlefen baker later followed what he at caravan of calam Ity to barnstorm Halifax Liberals applauded when Fi nance Minister Donald Fleming was dubbed The Fearless Fos dick of frenzied finance and the Prime Minister Dlefen baker the disappointing THE SIXBUCK BOYS The Conservatives in turn had their palates titillated by sam ples of John Diefenbakers mor dant wit at its most damaging He had only to phrase the names Martin and Pearson and Pickersglll to arouse boots of mirth and as that subsided ha evoked ridicule by adding misery and pessimism and panic Martin and miseryPear son and pessimism Pickerng and panic Still in light vein John Dief enbaker referred to the achieve ments of the last Liberal gov ernment Their final act was to consider seinerease in the old age pension adequate All that the electors have left of that government is Martin and Pearson Vand Pickersgill the sixsbuck boys But mere panderIng to the sense of mischief does not con stitute an effective political ap peal toan intelligent audience and our Bluenose cousins are well known for their penetrating intellect and their highly de veloped political sense So Mr Pearson did more than invelgh against the Con servative government for what he termed inaction and hesl tattoo He outlined sixpoint program to build up the econ omy of the Maritimcs This was agood program but as in almost every field Mr Pearson must speak against background of mistrust and disbelief If these steps are needed why did not the Liber als implement them during those long years of Liberal rule wanna nos ms spam If the people of the Marl tunes have cause to question the good faith of Liberal prom Iscs today in vlew of Liberal records in the past John DIef epbaker hasa more devastating reaction Where has Mr Pearson been these last four years he asked Vile proposes st steps to better the Mar government has already put five of those steps Into effect John Dlefenbaker recalled the dire predictions of continuing Maritime misery made by the 1956 Gordon commission named for chairman Gordon the Torontonlan who Is Mr Pear sons chief economic adviser the man behind the man who hopes for the throne The Insufficient resources of our eastern seaboard offer few opportunities for the Maritime farmers and fishermen and coal mlners said that report Thay should move to other parts of Canada But pointed out Mr Diefen baker theCnuservative Gov emmeots program to build up the Maritimers standard of liv ing has given the lie to Mr Gordons prediction of gloom and doom Over the four years of Conservative government the Nova Scotlans have enjoyed 21 per cent increase In their average income This compares to the allCanada average in moment 13 per cent and Is the highest of any Canadian province exceptagain showing how cruelly wrong was Marb time GordonPrince Edward Island At that the Maritime audience understandably cheered ya NEW TURBINE PLANT IN THE WEST HITACHI STEEL PLANT paternalism In plan of pay Jap Industry Leads World In Worker Fringe Benefits By LAMB Fourth In SerTes Japanese industry once of orious for Its low wages and poor working conditions lends the world in the degree of paternalism extended to the workers by the large employers of labor In all the major industries heavy and light the big com panies have made available to their employees range of ben efits and degree of job sec urity which makes the most thoroughly organized union shop in America look positively Vic torian by comparison In the case of many firms thc value of these fringe benefits often awards to as much as the actual pay given the employee While the benefits naturally vary In kind and degree fro in one firm to another In general all major manufactures guar antee job security Such big concerns as Canon Camera Hitachi Engineering Toshiba Electrical Kobe Steel Caneho Textiles and their like have record of never having discharged an employee in the past ten years and never hav ing laid off any even tempor arlly SECURITY IS TOPS It is this security of employ ment which compensates the average Japanese worker his relatively low by western standards rate of pay The mushrooming domestic ec onomy with its huge population hungry for material amenities has kept the wheels of Japan ese industry humming without break ever since the Korean war and the current Japanese drive for export markets is like ly to take up the slack when the home market nears satura tion in any field Such time is still long way off Japans fantastic econ REPOBT FROM ILK Britons Build Homes To Help Destituie MclNTYRE HOOD Special London England Correrpondcut for The Barrie Examiner LONDON Close to 1000 Britishcrs have this year given up their summer holidays Wielding picksand shovels and doing manual labor for from their homes in order to help people in other countries who have no homes report ofa remarkable seasons effort has Just been issued by an organi zation known as the Internation al Service Department Through its office in Inndon this report states over 950 volunteer work ers spent their holidays this summer shovelling earth and making brick to build houses for refugees in countries like Aus tria and Germany where there is still struggle to catch up with the refugee problem When the need and ii plan to help meet it was made known largely through the universities annd service organizations the response was greater than could bevaccepted Requests came in from peoplein allme of life to he sent abroad to help There were 2000 more volunw teers than could be accepted Some so per cent of these vol unteers were students from the universities of the country The others Included business men bankers publishers school masters and others willing to give their holidays to help wntbt practical aspects of provrding housing for refugees General secretary of the In ternational Service Department is HansPeter Muller Accord ing to him the organization is aiming to broaden its scope far beyond its present activities Our almho said ISeven tually to see permanent in ternatlonal force of volunteers prepared to tackle tasks of re cunstruction anywhere in the world Already as many as 1000 refugee families have been rehabilitated in newly built homes in Germany and Aus tria This past summer start was made on project in Nor thern Greece And three man party of skilleduoiversity graduates Is working on cam paign to eliminate ilhteracy in Bolivia We hope to go as far afield as Hong Kong and the Orient Our work is being done in sup port of the United Nations Or ganization to improve inter national relations through prac tical action Peter Assiuder publisher and broadcaster one of the notable personalities in the organiza tion tells of his own exper ienccs PAY THEIR OWN WAY worked for the ISD in camp at lIaid near Linz in Austria There were several thousand refugees there As well as building large blocks of apartments in which to house them we also organized shows for the very old and parties for the children But it is very hard work We try to recruit the people who are going for the right reasons The whole thing costs about $56 because all the volunteers have to pay their own way But we have received won derful cooperation and the spirit of the work is made much more pleasant as there is no feeling that we are taking the bread out of the mouths of the building people therefI The great problem of the In ternational Servtce Department is the limItatlon of funds to do its work on larger scale This year however It has been able to draw on funds raised from the World Refugee Year collec tions but the extent to which this will be possible In future years is uncertain omic growth amounting to bout 17 per cent annually ls reflection of its peculiar con sumer culture The country In on spending spree and television washing machines and refrigerators make up the traditional trio of objects desired by every new housewife For the established family on automobile is the supreme purchase despite Jup ans dreadful roads and appall ing traffic congestion more than 30000 cars month are being made and sold this year BOOM ECONOMY Accordlnly Japan has develop ed whole new Industrial com plex which has never experienc ed recession with steady record of expansion which Is only now rcccivln from government armed at the adverse balance of tr brought about by the out Importatlon of machine tools from abroad by expanslommind ed Japanese industrialists If It should experience recession most industrial lead ers agree that the first thing to be hit would be the fringe benefits such Items as free or subsidized lunches free tran sportation lowrental housing afterhours recreation training schools free medical and hos pital plans and so on Only as last resort will employees he laid off although the compulsory retirement ge in Japan is only 55 At such an age worker can expect to retire with cash settlement and perhaps modest pension The modern plants with their bright surroundings comfortab le working conditions fri benefits and job security all have company unions an strikes are uncommon in most industries th by no means unknown The relatively good pay and working conditions have pretty well frozen out the Big Labor of the international Man which has contributed to sp ans relatively quiet labor scene GRAVE PROBLEMS Yet Japans industry fa ces grave problems Still almost half the national product is turned out in tiny works where few workers crouch in badlylighted rooms to toil with the most primitive of equipment the manufacture of wire bas kets pails toys lmickknacks vacuum bottles or the like Such industries pay the low est of wages and have increa sing difficulty in securing work ers drawn by the amen es of the big firms Their financing and merchandising is Increasing BIBLE THOUGHT Be ye holy for urn holy Pater 116 Holiness means wholesomeness health purity vitality intrinsic gsnuiuesness It comes from God through our disposition to do His will check ly difficult and they are going under at rate that alarmed the nations govern ment Then too the steady increase In the cost of labor in the ma jor industrics as result of improvements in pay and henc fits is greatly reducIng the price advantage once enjoyed by Japanese manufacturers In almost every ficld It is fact that telephone mode In the Unich States can be brought Into Japan win freight and tar Iff charges added and sell at price lower than the cost of Japanese model Yet the overall picture for Japanese industry is bright An enormous domestic market with an increasing standard of living seems sure to keep Jap ans consumer industries busy lndeflnitely while ingenuity and hard work will always make the products of her heavy Industry prime competitor in the overseas man kets of the world Hrsos POLICE Chief John Burger of Sud bury Ont was elected pre dent of the Canadian Associ tion of Police Chiefs in Hali fax in September CP Photo See Strength Exaggerated HALIFAX GP Transport Minister suggested that the size and strength of the French separatist movement in Quebec has been exaggerated wonder If the press has not built It up bit he told press conference He said he said he saw no sign in his own area of Trois ivieres that the nationalist campaign has any substantial support He said the three secessionist groups had only about 6000 members Most of them are young peoc pie he set You have It in every generation remember them when was young stud ent Now many of those are solid businessmen