BRADFORD STUDENT RECEIVES AWARD Clarence Cloke right past president of District On tario Public School ltien Teas chers Federation presents certificate of award to Iil liam ittcllaster of Bradford District High School at the schools annual commencc merit exercises This certifi cate recognizes the $500 scholarship awarded by the Ontario Public School Men Tcachcrs Federation serving the presentation Harvey Kittmer principal Trouble Times At Start Of New Church Collier Street United Church celebrated its 125th anniversary yesterday with the third in series of three special services at which Rev Ernest Lewis preached the sermon Mr Lewis who served the church 19 years was invited to return for the special service Rev Gardiner Skelly who succeeded Mr Lewis in 1955 extended warm welcome to the visiting minister on behalf of the congregation Mr Lewis thanked the con gregation for the warm wcl come He went on to sketch ajiackground of the church over the last 125 years and draw parallel between two quotations of the scripture and the history of the congregation FUTURE DARK He said 125 years ago small congregation stones throw from the present diurch built long church Thomas Mc ltlullen an Irishman was the preacher They were embark ing en an enterprise Mr Lewis pointed The future was dark but they were con scious of the call of God We tend to look at the past through rose colored glasses he said and to see past created by our imagination Life was harsh in those days and times were troubled but life was not as simple or uni complicated as we would like to think Times were really troubled1836 was troubled year Farmers with handful of guns or pitchforls were drill ing in fields in North York and some of them were from this area They were risking all that they had to prepare to march on the government They were rebels These troubles were reflected in the church through the church conference The con ference took note the troubl ed political condit and sent recommendations in the form of petition to the LieutrGov erncr bigoted and auto cratic man The LieutGov ernor only acknowledged the petition but made no move to Advertising Club To Hear Toronto Agency Executive people wers mendous Canada and ters It was in these launched Thomas from Penetang to minister of this church things to Abraham one earth would be blessed families of blessed DOING PART earth here The Ob Barrie president of District and of Barker Public School RCAF Camp Borden act on the suggestions Those received nothing but cvnsivo and frustrating ans The conference put out church paper which was tre influence in Upper the conference was practical in money mat troubled times that the congregation was McMullen had been working circuit Holland Landing The following year he was ordained and became the think it is unique exper ience here 25 years later to see what came of all this Mr Lewis said God promised two bless him and two to see that through him all the families of Im sure God would bless this con gregation and through them would be What company of people doing their pnrt working dil igently he went on what great men and women have been here because God was concerts whichv were held in the church for the T112 BARBIE EXAMINER MONDAY NOVEMBER 20 Seeks Reeveship Of Innisfil Twp By SIMPKIN Deputy Reeve Ioe Cochrnnc of lnnistil expressed his laten tion of runiung for recve in an interview today feel that should take my turn at the rcevmhip next year as my business needs all my time at present he said do not do much farm work but in order to be present tor council work have to miss many opportun ities to attend stock sales at which might easily make $1000 UP ON OUT am either going upor out be added Not wanting to be quitter would prefer to take my term as reeve now However if the voters feel that someone else can do better job will have no re grets but would like to serve my term as reevc so that can step down in favor of the next aspirant There has been ngitrillon among the council to stand pat all around and hope that no one will make any moves But feel that unless am re tired should get through so that can devote more time to my business Asked if he had anyspecinl plans for the townshipprovrd ing be was successful in being elected Mr Cochrane emph aslled that the recve could not be better than the council as whole lie was hopeful of heading good council which would result from the rate payers choice at the polls lie said he would like to see the good roads policy c0ntin ucd which he has advocated during his term as deputy rceve Spending of two mills on roads for the past few years had resulted in marked improvement in the worst spots The practice of rais ing the roads and cleaning out the fence rows meant that the addition of some top surface would make read last it life time We have done many of the worst places but there are still some to do he said Asked if he had decided which would become devel opment road the rebuilding of which would be done at the cost of the highways depart ment ltlr Coehrane saidthat so far no decision had been reached but that when it was chosen it should be the one that would require the most expenditure and give the rate payers tlie most service While this would nnlbe done JOE COCHRANE until the one on the west town linc is completed he felt that if and when he became reeve then it would be up to him to make the decision as to the best road WARD SYSTEM Mr Coehrane felt that ward system of having council members nominated might make for better representn tion across the township but that it was doubtful if this could be put into effect with out holding plebiscite He said he would develop the committee system or hav ing reports brought to council so that preliminary work on any project would be invest igated and the report brought in without having the whole council in the discussions He said he would advocate small budget for public rela tions rind advertising so that the township could be brought to the front as it tourist and holiday resort ltlr Cochrane favored committee which would oper ate the park This committee he felt should operate many of the small park areas which are now owned by the town ship but are lying dormant He said he would appreciate cooperation both in and out of council and would endeavor to givethe residents every consideration In reference to court of revision he favors having three persons repre senting farmers lakeshorc owners and urban ratepayers to act on appeals The election will be heldon Saturday December Noted Poet Ilnd Playwright Lister Sinclair Poet and playwright Lister Sinclair will be in Barrie Sun day evening to speak at meet To Speak Here ing of the Unitarian Fellows ship The meeting will be held at the building on Owen Street at oclock The topic of Mr Sinclairs address will be The Role of skilled tradesman he spent EABLE WILLIAMS Once Aided By Community Now Gratified To Serve By mi 51011 Earle Williams is an ordinary man in many ways but he has the ability to win the friendship and respect of many people In 1550 when Earle was working as punch press oper ator at Canadian General Elec tric looton hydraulic press came down on his arms and mangled theme Doctors in Toronto hospital said it would bbvthree years before he was back to normal Earle was back home in Allandale in sev en months and found small miraelo waiting for him Without saying word to him the people of Allandoie had got together and complet ed the house which he had started to build before the acci dent For good measure they threw in cheque for $250 to get the family back on its feet DEEPLY GRATIFIED Earles only legacies from terrible accident which could have crippled him for life are two silver plates in his left arm some scars and feeling of deep gratitude for the people who helped him first ran for council in 1947 he says because had personal grudge about zoning my property on Essa Road and wanted to get in there and clean their clocks fented ran again in 1951 but for different reason wanted to get on council and serve the community that had done so much for me when needed it feeling of gratitude led to an 11year career as an older man for Earle first in ward six and later in word one but It is more than likely he would have entered politics in any €350 Earle Williams was born at 101 Collier Street in Barrie in 1915 As boy his father took him to nomination meetings where spirited debates took place between voters and can didates Earle was fascinated by this glimpse of political life and decided to become mayor of Barrio when he grew up NEW CAREER He attended public school and high school in Barrie and at the age of 18 while still in school he began preparing him self for career as butcher At 18 he began working in local butcher store on Dunlap Street and for the next few years he followed his trade at stores and supermarkets in To ronto and Barrie On Sept 1339 Earle pick ed up moming paper on his way to work He read that Britain had declared war on Germany He did not report for work that day but got into his car immediately and drove to Camp Borden to volunteer He was confined to barracks at Camp Borden for three days until Canada declared war on Germany and he could enlist Earle bad enlisted in the army to get overseas but as was deI ALDERMAN EARLE Wil liams relaxes with Susan Borden instructing cooks and finishing his army duty with the rank of company sergeant major During his final days of service Earle the man who had spent six years train ing cooks was sent to Hamil ton by the army to take cookery training course for rookies Like many veterans Earle Williams did not want to go back to his old trade when he came out at the army WORKED IN FACTORY Heworked in shoe factory for while and then joined Canadian General Electric in 1948 as punch press operator Later he worked in the inspeo tion and production scheduing departments and Is now buy er in the purchasing depart ment Earle and his wife Marlon an Aliandala girl celebrated their 25th anniversary last year They have tive children Conrad 20 is married and works for the city engineering department The other children are Karen 18 Billy 16 Joseph Earle 13 and Susan The Williams family moved two years ago from their home in Allandnba to new house on Steel Street in Barrie Earle is charter member of the Kcmpontelt Masonic Lodge and member of several other Masonic lodges He is member of the Canadian Legion Barrie Golf Club and the Essa Road Presbyterian Church During his 11 years as an alderman he feels that his ma jar accomplishments have been in tho fields of street lighbng and paving and the rebuilding of tho sevioge disposal plant in What about his boyhood om bition to become mayor It is not possible at the present time says Earia because being mayor of Bari rle has become such big Iobv that man has to be free to devote almost all his time to it Maybe some day will be able to achieve that ambition and become mayor TRY EXAMINER WANT Ans PIIONE PA 82414 Community Concert Associat ion were taken away Mr Lee wis said because the people realized that the church should be kept for Gndto visit people The work of the WMS all through the lean hard was went on and on helping peo ple small community of men were determined never to let the annual donation to the WMS fall below $3500 and to my knowledge it never did Through the dedicated teach gt crs who have taught here he said many many families have been blessed The con gregation now stands facing the future bearing the call and the promise of God It is the beginning of new era and we will see even greater changes and achievements The church is fellowship Out faith is bolstered by shar ing burdens For over so years Ive heen trying to describe these realities of spirit When we stumble we are lifted We are not alone So this church will go forward is with us and we will go forward with this church An anniversary booklet do picting through stories and pic tures the last 25 years of the church was available after church for members and the con gregation and friends TRAINS 027 TRACK 19c or 45942 CROSSOVER 89o SWITCHES 111 298 REMOTE CONTROL 449 ELECTRIC SIGNALS 298 UNION STATION 329 TRAIN SETS om 1495 rH0 Authorized Repair Dept For Triang 30 Religion Today Mr Sinclair has written 155 dramatic works for radio on other two dozen for TV and several for legitimate stage Two of his stage plays Tho Blood is Strong comedy drama of 19th century life at Cape Breton and the classical Socrates are enjoying suc CESS Mr Sinclairs keen interest in science and mathematics has inspired the Science Relt view radio series and die scientiï¬c television series Ex plorations the next six years at Camp 1955 George hi Elliot vice president of ltlacLaren Ad vertising will address the Central Ontario Sales and Advertising Club at dinner meeting at Kennys Banquet Hall tonight in Barrie Mr Elliot has news paper background serving successfully as editor of The Strathroy AgeDispatch cor respondent for The London Free Press city editor for The Timmins Daily Press correspondent for The To ronto Daily Star and also correspondent for the Can adian Art iitfagazine He began his career in ad vertising in 1948 as copy writer for MaeLarens He returned to MacLarens in 1954 where be advanced from group creative director to director of creative services In 1960 he was appointed vicepresident creative planning book The Kiising Man written by Mr Elliot will be published this spring Willi Nominate At Bradford Bradfords nominations to be held tonight will set pre cedent This will be the first time in history that the terms to be served by those elected will be for two years rather than one as in the past Nominations will be received in the Bradford Community Centre from tot oclock Nominations will be for coun cil including mayor reeve de puty reevs and four council lors the Public Utilities Com mission and the Public School Board Easy payments over YEARS on monthly gas bills morn ooniplot iu $1430 forced air ionrm low eluding llboiir mm in connltt will numt ulitlng inn moor ducts monthly MD nonunion born AT mull Imax CHANGEOVER CAN BE nous IN FEW HOURS linits for all types of home heating FREE BURNER SERVICE Your on company can not employ anonto doorulumrn novteieoioni ranvarrou ror lnlominilnn about on Its licensed by its amino am Board to on and install natuni oooromint call or who tbs saiu Department of 5933 Gamma THIS CHRISTMAS SEE OUR WIDE SELECTION OF OIL PAINTINGS MIRRORS CHRISTMAS CARDS CUSTOM FRAMING OATES PAINT AND WALLPAPER 82 DUNLOP ST PA 13270 loan garrick HAIR STYLISTS announce cons TIME for TEENAGERS EVERY WED FROM 15 PM special student IIIth By appointment only PA 84661 77 7378 Mapiejvenlle LISTER SINCLAIR 67 TORONTO ST PA 66558 STUDENT INCREASE The number of Latin Ameri can students on scholarships in West Germany increased from 44 in 1953 to 246 in 1961 GEORGE ELLIOTT CATCH KILLER WHALE NEWPORT Calif APiSix men struggled six hours Saturday before captur ing twoton killer whale pos sibly the first of its kind taken alive The 18foot whale was caught in not loaded on to truck and hauled off to Marine land an oceanarium 30 miles north of here KIDNEYAIBFOR RHEUMATISIIPAIH After 35 my woman and mm rn moo mixerbio by common urinary an nrden wsto ï¬gurines Ind bacteria often frrttoto the elicits passages from the kidneys Thenuyou our feel tired no our and an ex mm mumtic reins ouch backache loner around cian nclbllcn or neuritis Pol tom monies lliousuids no finding Joyous rm help with tho urinary antiseptic and pain mievinr action or cvsrzx Then kidneys on well pain no on sleep is nrmiiroo You feel younm rind stronger on crmx iron your drug stat today imdseobow refreshed you feel PERMENAMEL SELFSTORING COMBINATION ALUMINUM wmnows setsstorms ALUMINUM whenyou gt COMBINATION Doers neediti Upto $250000 sometimes more White bakedenamel finish bums lasbl ing miiintenanw free window beauty with exclusive Secttrrglide clips which inlt euro noiseless satinsmooth operation Let its quoteyouon thehistailation for yourhome SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONLY 819 LARGEST TRAIN nrnonnn Finance FREE ESTIMATES =NOOBLIGATION DISPLAY NORTH OF coMPANv LIMITED TORONTO normsous LUMBER ElIEL tilt more it QUALITY HARDWARE FREE cusromsn PARKING PA 35581 31 Dunlop st PA mist FOR UNUSUAL GIFTS SEE BARRIE GOVERNMENT SURPLUS FOR WINTER COATS LAMBS WOOL VEST BINOCULARS MICROSCOPES HUNTING KNIVES BARRIE GOVERNMENT SURPLUS STORE 25 Dunlop St PA $0622 Headquarters for H0 track switches bulldIrigs trees FA has