Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Nov 1961, p. 2

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11 BARBIE matron MONDAY trauma flu 44 Persons Die In Accidents By Tim CANADIAN PRESS Robert Blair Robinson an Traffic fatalities formed the ftCAF officer from Calgary bulk of accidental deaths re killed Friday night when the ported across the country this car In which he was riding ml wedrend llded with truck in Ottawa Canadian Press survey Frederick Cooke 7i of Clean from pm local times Friday water Lake klltrd Saturday to Sunday midnight showed on when his truck collided with is overall total of accidental freight train at level crow deaths38 of them the result of in at Emu is miles last of highway accidents Fort Frances in northwestern The remainder were drown Ohm in in Ontario three deaths by Patrick hennct 20 of Hello ftro In British Columbia ville kllled Sunday in atwocu hunting fatality in Quebec and collision at Carrying Place one death as result of plane about 10 mild west of Belle crssh in Alberta ville Provincal figures with traffic Robert Sancrof so and deaths bracketed Ontario 11 Charles aim to fatally inlursd lot Quebec to to Saskatchev when thclr car was struck by won is British Columbia train lust out of Metropolitan ti NovaScotIa to New Toronto Saturday ioundland it Prince Edward James Dufrcsno 56 of Cut lsland ll Alberta New ler drowned in the North Chan Brunswlck Manitoba psi oi Manitoulin island Satur This survey does not include day natural deaths known suicides Ernest Barber ll of Toronto Meral Works Minister We left leader of the Cash ion delegation to the Colombo Plan conference in Kuola Lumpur Malaya chats with Malayan Prime Minister Unku Abdul CP Virephnto Makes Official Visit To Grind Master Ross Chlswcll made his official visit to Nor thern Division 30 independent Ordcr oi Odd Follows The event took the form of dinner in the Barrie Temple and the lad ies wars in attendance Mostcr of ceremonies was DDGM Tolson Reynolds who introduced special guests Ald erman Murray Mills represent ing Mayor Kinzlo and Archdea con it Head representative of tho Ministerial Association Plait To Increase can Capital rénouro CPISharehold ers of Canadian General Elec tric Co today approved com pany plan to increase its author ized capital However the approval is can tingcnt on the acceptance of company offcr to purchuso the outstanding shares of Dominion Engineering Works Ltd of La chine Que ii the offor mode Sept 27 Is not accepted than CGE officials say there will be no increase in the authorized capital Tho= increase will take the form of 40forone split of CGEcommou shares The lost transaction on the Toronto Stock Exchange in CGE shown of which less than onehalf oi one per cent now is in public bands was at $300 share Lodges The toast to the ladies by PDDGM Kerr oi Alliston was responded to by Mrs Murray Mills past president of the iie hekoh Assembly PGiti Mc Fadden superintendent of the 1007 Home introduced Mr Chlswgll District Deputy Grand Master Reynolds and installing officers have completed Instal lotions of the lodges in North ern District 30 WillDiscuss Pros llnd Cons Of Educational Television CBC producer Leonard Wein steln will be the guest at Camp Borden mcoting Thurs day to discuss the pros and cons of educational television The meeting sponsored by Simcac council of the inter national Reading Association will be held in the auditorium of Alexander Dunn Public School at 730 pm The public is invited Educational TV Is now being used in Russia the United States the United Kingdom and France Critics of TV as teaching medium say that children could be subjected to mass education where the needs oi the Individ ual child would be overlooked that children would be given large quantities of facts to ob sorb and the necessity for cara ful and critical thinking would be overlooked Consider The Advances In Technical Training Here tario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists will he hosts to meeting of professional on gineers and management repre sentatives in the CGE hall hics day evening Woghornc of Toronto will be speaker The significance of technical training in Canada was empha sized last Week by the Corpora tion of Professional Engineers of Quebec when they presented brief to the committee on technical and professional train ing set up by the Quebec gov ernment suggesting the devel opment of technical institutes comparable to those existing In Ontario at Toronto Hamilton Windsor and Ottawa Mr Wagliorno engineerin chorgo oi electrical research for Ohtario Hydro iachuirman WEATHER Official forecasts issued in Toronto at 330 am1 Syn pals weak disturb 11 western Pennsylvania is moving slowly eastward and willisprend light snow into southeastern Ontario this after noon Variable cloudiness is ex pect dfor Tuesday with not change in temperature Clair Lake Erie ake Huron sc icrn Georgian Ba gions dsor London Ma cloudy with few snow flurrios today Cloudy with sunny periods and not much change in temperature Tues day Light winds Niagara western Lake Onta rio regions Toronto Hamilton Cloudy with periods of light snow today Cloudy with sunny pcri and not much change in temperature Tuesday Light Winds Southern Haliburton eastern Loki Ontario regions Periods of light onow this afternoon and Innluht Mainly cloudy with not change in temperatuto II ploy Light winds tuttiurn ficorglan Boy northern llnllliurton ilmagomi $5le ta Moria White River JIMIIIIflft western James Bay ovoid1m legions North Bay ihlllv llnvtly flfliilly today Id iuosduy Not much change ifiililfiffllltlfl Light winds of the certification board of the Association of Professional En gineers of Ontario In this ca pacity he is well known across Canada as an expert in the classification and education of engineering technicians Engineering organizations in Canada and the United States are looking to Ontario and par ticularly to the work of Mr Waghornes committee for con tinued leadership in providing the trained technicians needed by industry John Winchester of Barrie will be chairman for the meet ing which will feature dc scripiion by Mr Waghorne of the work of his committee There will be an open discuse slon vhcn guests may present their views and have questions answered roarch Forecast Temperatures Low tonight High Tuesday Windsor 40 St Thomas 40 Londnn so Kitchener 3ft Wingham 35 Hamilton 40 St Catharincs 38 Toronto 40 Petcrborough 38 Trenton SB Kilialoe flit Muskoka 38 North Bay 18 Sudbury 40 Earlton 40 Knpuskasiug 40 White River 40 Moosonee SS Marie 83 sausagesnnnnnngs SMITH STUDIO 18 Dunlap PA 54175 Over ilunts Horse Only Fatality Here horse was the only weekend fatality in the area patrolled by tho Bor rle OPP detachment Tho animal run across Highway it nine miles north oi Barrie and was hit by vehicle driven by Edward Savoll of 2507 Eglinton Ave in Toronto The dead animal was owned by James Pcaraail of Oro Station Those in favor of it say It would bring the best teachers in the profession to each child that it would makothe best art drama and music readily avail able in the classroom that it could bring on immediacy and impact into the teaching of current events Mr Wainstein will demon strate some of the CBC school broadcasts which are now be ing used in Ontario classrooms and there will ho question period on the trends and aims of educationgl telayision MidJanuary Meeting Seen OTTAWA CPIA midJanu ary meeting of Parliament and June or September general election seem to be the key dates in the governments timo tabio These were the impressions left by Prime Minister Dicferb baker with about 100 Conserva tlvcs attending the government partys semiannual executiva meeting in Winnipeg Saturday Executive sources said they took those indications from the prime ministers speech to the private mcotlng Mr Diefenba ker was to return from Winniv peg by train early today The prime minister himself would give reporters no com ment on the meeting or Indica tion of what was contained in his speech But delegates were enthusiastic about the briefing he gave them on the govern ments accomplishments and its plans for the future Members of Parliampni and to who attended the meeting said Mr Dieicnba ker has discarded his earlier in tention of having Parliament meet beforoChrislmai to dis pose of the general debate on the speech from the throne which will outline the govern ments legislative program for the new session AsoLIN or industrial accidents gara Falls NY kitted Satur day when his car was in cob iislon with transport on the Queen Elisabeth Why Just east of thc Welland Canal Beach who died Saturday sov crol hours alter being struck by car near his between Hamiltonand st Cath onto killed Sunday when her vehicle wife Editll William Douglas Gldlcy ll of Aglncourt killed Sunday when their car was in collision with Pembroke and Mrs Theod Ottawa iurday tho path of truck day when hit by car as he crossed street killed Sunday when the car in which he was riding went out of control and rolled into ditch on Highway 62 Just north of Bancroft Albert all Atllt Mail Hit or Montrsal Bank or NJ not Tel Brazilian BAA OH on Power Cda Bk of Coin Cdn CPR Guilds Csmlnl Can Chamini Can Oil Can Hill Sm Con Consumers Gll can Husk Camp Obi Csn DILRIB Con Hlll Glen Mine The Ontario dond George Bennett so of Nia Bradley Roy 10 of Grimsby homo midway arlnel Mrs Shirley Hill 40 of Tor cor collided with stotlonary Herbert Behnke 52 and his of Pembroke and truck on Highway west of George Daoust lit son of Mr ore Dooust of killed in the capital So night when its ran Into iioss mien so killcdSntur in Napance Maurioe Crete of Cardiff TODAYS STO Compilad by Flynn Cock tiled Sunday when the car In Mrs Brampton olllslon which he was riding crashed into tree on the Queen Elisa bctb Way at Oakville Jean Loxloy ti of killed in hssdon on Highway 37 near stown 14 miles south of Dorrie Sunday 10 PliTllLiTlES iN OCTOBER Ten people died and 59 werejnlured in auto acci dents on highways In the vicinity of Harris in Octo ber according to report released OPP tors One for curred vehicle today by Barrie Distict oadquor hundred and 57 mo occidants oc in the area OPP cruisers checked 3821 vah lcles issued 1709 warnings and laid There 709 charges were four fatalities in September Sergeant It Andrews of OPP headquarters do tachment said most acci donts were to and due to speeding infractions of the highway code by motorists CK INDUITBIAL Alblllfl 131mm 0m Algininium Dom round Dom Stores Deni Tar Famous Pl or um finding ar Home Him Home on It imp Tobacco Oil on in Access inland iatsr Nichol crowties Jockey Club hits or Narlndl seal Massey you Exquisite PM Hudson Bay Min o1 ms tata iat 16V io this 41 iii4 53V 16 lb as at interprov pip hiss Powell Riv simma Gunner Holllnsrr KerrAddison lelqun Lon Lac Maritime hi Narmltli Opomlskl Con bentsoa it Sullivan Falconbridn AHVI MUST ACTIVE STD Black Day Lk Duiflulti Wilmy Vandals Aisdls II also PRICES 93 Dunlop st Dorrie ilslor org N0 CDT oigi IC Pain Pi One NI an Ros Rothmanl Royal uans summon Sslldl siurriu sim sons on into gtaloihcs Ciro II Bl Tor Don on Turn Can Plpl Trans bit Pips Trader Fin galactic non as Walker UAW 1W is anemont Slur Gordon Steap Rock Unltgfl Oil Ventures wum cits DOWGONE NEW YORK AVERAGES lndustrtals up 60 Rolls down 02 Utllltles down 02 sononso ssoca lxcuauua runsx inditstrills down L09 as TOASTER or say PAN cs cdsrss PERC GE CLOCKS Golds up 11 Metals down 51 01L lly 12 or KETTLE or split as IRON or MIXER USE OUR lAYAWAY DOWN HOLDSANY ITEM UNTIL DEC 22 CO 259 INNiSFIL ST MAKERS or EsveM TE ROSE OTOR Gil si Shown sbsvo are installing officers of Northern District 30 independent Order ofodd Follows who carried out the Installation of officers of the various lodges in the district last woalr Left to rt ht back Den Berg in his late 705 sec ruw Brothers Ituual Robin District Men Win Awards lit The Royal Keith MeRuer agricultural representative for South Sim coe said that present hog pros pects are for an increase of ii per cent in the number of ani mals to be marketed in the first quarter of lot and price of $24 to $25 Later in the your the increase in marketing would in small with prices illion to be in the $25 to $27 range Mr Mcltucr also said Charles Cornwall of Bond Haven Farms bought grand champion female back to tho county tram the Royal Winter Fair The cow fouryearold received many comments and certainly is credit to Mr Cerswsll who showed her as broeder and an exhibitor Mr Mchuor odd ed The Pettita of Colgon were the Winners of the champion and reserve champion lamb carcass at the fair John Hamilton won the same awards last year in swine Porkor Peacock of Stroud had grand champion carcass with Bob Sproule of Stroud winning the resorva championship DEATHS By THE CANADIAN PRESS TorontoCol van ondIncommand of the 2nd arm ored brigade early in the Sec ond World War Tomato Tommy Ryan 19 Guelph born inventor of live pln bowling and owner of string of racahorsus and bass ball teams Phoenix AvisAl Keller 41 veteran race driver from Green Acres Fl when his ear flipped during loomile race NEW ISSUE City of MATURITY 1967 l968 1969 1970 I971 ion DDG Secretary Lon Gollau licr musician Wally Kenn musician Albert Gsnninga muician POM McFadden area officer Second row Garnet Gallop her DDGM Edward Yor GT Harley Howey DD 100 INSTALLING OFFICERS Git Arthur Charles Stanley Walt Nasbllt Fullerton Frontrow Clarke D050 Reynolds DDGM Ross Chlswall Grand Master Ernie Bates DDGW DDGOI musician DDGM Mciy Change View On NATO Forces By ALAN HARVEY LONDON CP Canados roving NATO parliamentarians may go home primed to inter vene in the controversy over whether Canadian military forces should have nuclear weapons During their European tour the to senators and members of tho Commons have seen the problem in wider NATO per spoclive This has convinced some of them that more is an element of unreality about the argument as far as Europe is concerned Their visit it is understood has made them swore that plenty of atomic hardware Is available to NATO powers and that whaihor or not Canadian forces have nuclear arms will not change the nature of the problem Apart from Canada all the forces on the central European front except Denmark and Nor way have atomic weapons This two Scandinavian powers have decided not to have atornlc stockpiles on their own terri tary But that would not pro clude them from getting such weapons If war were declared The Canadian forces have Honest John missiles without nuclear warheads Their atomic covergo would comefrcm British forces neorby Were surrounded by coun tries with nuclear capacity said military Informant FAVOR NUCLEAR ARMS The NAN parliamentarians went to Paris last week for the seventh ministerial conference of NATO parliamentarians They have no official status in the Atlantic Treaty Oorgonlza Ilon but their opinions may be influential in tholr own coun tries Many members of Con Idas delegation will probabb go home more pronuoleor than before Their opinions may have some Impact on Canadian cabinet that Is believed to be deadlocked on the issue The question in the European mntcxt is related to Canadas problems in connection with the North American Air Defence Command but the problems are not Inscparablo decision should be taken in regard to Canadas NATO forces that would not apply to NORAD Tho Conodtan parliamentar ians led by Progrosoive Con servative MP Louis Fortln re turned to Paris today after weekend visit to Berlin at the invitation of the West German government YOU wno NEVER FINISHED HIGH SCHOOL arl nvltefl ta wrlta lar FRI booklet Tells how you can earn anIr rim ochaoi Diploma AT HOME IN AMERICAN SCHOOL too Dttndal at SPARE TIME Deacronto Ont Send Ml Your FREE blDln Hills School Bookllt and Bampll Larson All flock and Tuition included NAME ADDRESS out 6411 year Barrie 15 Sold 1120 Sold 6l0 Offered PRICE $10179 $10174 $10129 $10106 $10076 $9180 51270 Serial Debentures Dated November 15 1961 Maiuring November 15 1991981 YE 515 520 530 535 540 Hero is an excellent opportunity for City residents to invest and support tholrown community Pater WESII PHONE PARKWAY 82412 89 DUNLOP ST NESBITI THOMSONVANDCOMPANY LIMITED

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