TIME FOR Cs WANT AD BRINGS YOU CASH PA 82414 12 THE BARBIE EXAMLNER MONDAY NOVEMBER 20 1961 ANNOUNCEMENTS REAL ESTATE BIRTHS Htsliol Clayton and Con stance blsbop are happy to nounce the birth or their nob Paul Allen on Tounday Novem Du 16 1061 ll Royll Victoria Hospital ADDISON At the Royal vie om itospita harm on Friday November 17 1961 to air and Mrs tiruce AddtIon oi Ellkl Street barrtr daughter lbs or Ildnfldy childs hit at lace Tucson coilo II rule or grace Tednndhyl child is iuil er noe Ttiurnd ya child has to so rridsy Child Is loving Ind 11v ins serumyr Child worn bard tor 111 living And child lost is born on tho sanetn Day is ialr and wise and good and BI children nearing hll verse by ounlei Lullcn at an want to know vtbleb day or the week we ttirtl olrtr dtt keep this ld olhr important interruption ior your childs tuture Home as mine Ulrltl Announcement 1111 include the name or your child the day or the memo and cal or oimn the weight and old er vital iniormation printed message can become permanent record in babys nook or mill Albums he rare to arrie Examiner otrtn Notice ts oniv 150 To place notice phone PA Iii DEATHS C0 AI Ihl Royal VICIDIII Itotptlal nerric on Monday No vember tool wtlilm iohn Cole In his 79th year bclovcd huh band DI Phoebe Trhccy dell other of Vollnh IIIIIS Georgc tItre Nutty Ctarflncc Ind Lcwlsl OI Toronto and Unlt CI Ulrrlc Bro t1ch or Henry Cole Utoplh and Mlnnte 31 Henry Carter III Illplty IIQSIIHH It the Stocklcy Funeral Home It VDISIE Strcct Rarh Tm survlcc on Vednfsdly Notrather 22 at 230 pm inter mcnt llorrie Union Cemetery 31 sonic cnlcc Tuesday evcn Ill oclock llndir atlsplccx of Col Itltttln Lodge No as AF and nOAItrPnued away in admin on on Sunday Nov i9 tool nlatr thew lionke In his oath ychr IIoletil husband ot Illnntc Ross tormcrly or Cookstown mid Dceton dcar labor or ltuss and Margaret Ilrs Ewart Sllltc Edmonton loran gran ioher at three grandchildren El est son or the late lnmcs Doeke and ncbecca copper or Thornton brother oi Elisabeth Mrs Herbert Vullaccl stroud and Mary and or arrlc Funeral scrvc ice Tucsday 210 prn Edmonton CARDS 0F THANKS cocksWe wish to express our hurticlt thanks Ind DPPIECIIr tten to our many rcllltvcs lrlends Ind nclghbors tor their kindness and sympathy shown us in the loss or Dcloved husband and liner SIID Canker We its peciolly wish to thank Rev Nuilmeyer tor his consollng ds and all the donors oi the many heautllul Ilonl tributes the 61d eoy bibles the pallbearers and re tennett Funeral Home ior heir kind Ind eiileient manage ment or the servlceMrs cooks Arid tsmlly IN MEMORIAM PAnDNIn loving memory oi our dear mother Ethel Patton passed away November 20 Time takes away the edge or grlei but memory turns back every leai Iovlngly rernemhered by the iamlly WEATHERIIEAD In loving memory or my SDIMIplmv Herbl Weatherhead who passed away November 20 1900 lent In the book or memory Has been gently turned today A1ways remembered by Ma and Fred tn vlnntpeg WEATHERHEAD memory or dear husband and lather Herbert Weatherheed who passed away Novcmbbr to 1560 Time takesway the edge or grier our memory turns back every lest Ever remembered by wire Edna and rsmlly In loving COMING EVENTS TINSEI TEA AND BAZAAR ST GILES CHURCH COOK STREET WEDNESDAY NOV 22nd to pm to 330 pm ADULTS 35c CHILDREN 152 Home Baking Nursery Everyone Welcome MR MOYER Service Bureau Officer of the Canadian Legion will be at the LEGION HALL WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 22 gt 130 PM Anyone wishing an interview call the Legion Hall PA 04002 Want SELL Most Anything For Want Ad Service Dial PA 2414 TODAY IS GOOD DAY TO PLACE goon WANT AD in the BARRIE EXAMINER PROPIZRI7 FOR SALE HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR 98 BAYFIELD ST PA 66453 ANYTIME ACCESSIBLE Io sdlools Chur chcs and shopping An older gracious family home on Col lier ct Sellcontained apartment on third floor View or bay Arrange now to see it Maryann SmithI PA 6H5 Evenings PA 84023 $100000 DOWN Only $5000 per month will buy this win terized cottage at Alcona Beach Five rooms with pc bath All conveniences Garage with nice attractive lot In excellent condition Only $650000 Close to the water Gas hcat Immch ate possession Call Joe Pal mcr PA $0863 NEW BUNGALOW IN ALLAN DALE Comfortable in cv cry rcspcct In town and yet children can ski or sleigh on the hill within plain Iew of ihe homemaker Thesc rooms appealing to the pack etbook as well as the eye Many extras Name your owrr terms after seeing through with Norm llcskcth PA 87016 GRIN AND SHARE ITNOV you can have inlnw privacy Separate wing with complete Apt It asking price only $9l00 Its worth investigate ingl Call PA seats now NOT FANCYJUST HOMEY Exccptionalvaluc tor under 516000 Four large bedrooms dining room living room with lircplacc kitchen and oantry Fully Iloorcd alt ull basement Let us show you how you can own this big bcauty today Call Doris Nut chombc Member 01 Barrie and District Real Estate Board Evenings Call Emory Miller Prt 641170 101 Palmer PA 0411103 Karl Marshall PA 39917 Norah Raich Oro 1023 Doris Nuttycnmhc PA 37937 Norm Heskcth PA 157018 Maryann Smith PA 31028 WJ BOAKE REALTOR Bradford Street Barrie PA 85387 01 PA 85833 EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY acres of commercial propor ty close to Barrie north on Highway 27 Frame dwelling Two car garage Small barn Fruit trccs Tho Iuture oi this parch would he intcrcsting Watch it grow 300 ACRES 0n highway north or Barrie Barns Erick dwelling and good stabling Priced to sell as own cr wishes to retire Good terms StIll selling terms to rarmers tor landing Clare WakemanPA 17451 Members or Barrlc and District neel Estate Board ROSE nEAI EsrATE amount to TIFFIN smarrr aArlrtlE CALL DAY OR EVENING PA 82379 Member at the barrio And District Real Estate Board HENDERSON REALTOR lo COLLiEtl srnEtrl PHONE PA D2678 EVFJIINGS CALL nlrA soANDItmI PA Mats DOROTHY lvlLCOX PA 0054 PERCY FORD PA 07930 EllIEKSfh swam PA M505 Member or Eatnu and District and Ontario Real Estate Board Catï¬sh 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to the lmpertalTheétre PA 66481 Member or Earlto and District Real math board MOT1N6 Dont forget to transfer your INSURANCE andrit you need extra coverage of any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA 85711 113 Dunlap St Keith Marsha REAL ESTATE mum to CLAPPERION ST HARRIE PA 82532 DAYS OF EVENINGS Moon PA 02360 FRANK NELLFs PA sodas Member Enrrtn and District Real Estate tloard REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE RENTALS ROGERS Im II IleanaPA um It ROGERSPA um CONNELL ONE DUNLOP STREET EAST First in Barrio Home SalesForemost to Quality at Servic PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENINGS CALL msmPA use CONmPA mo Mutants KARE Dlsitutfr lusu SEAT BOARD Smltti CampbeuIA 07359 Norman DUNLOP ST FIRST MORTGAGE FUNDS cckcnd Central location loe Longtto PA 50746 Everett sbelswcll Oro 291a CLIFF BROWN REALTOR HIGH STREET BARBIE PHONES PA 60241 PA 6024 Number the Bun Ru huh Bond John DullPA W61 Pergua GarveyPA Mos Shelswell REAL ESTATE BROKER PA 88961 PA 68742 AVAILABLE7 inmost sofa or VALUENO FEES CHARGE OPEN HOUSE Sci the model home 97 Rose St Opcn every evenlng and all FOR RENT $80 monthlv Six room home and garage Available immediately Close to schools Evenlnn Coll Jack willson PA tubal Normn shelswcu PA 00961 Howard NotIll PA Hts CORBY Phuue PA 82419 IleEl hlAnsliALLPA 114450 OWEN JONES APA 07017 REAL ESTATE BROKER 93 Dunlop St COREYPA ostca MURIEL JEFFEIIY PA bola Sloutl Agencies Lch CENTRAL ONTARIOS LARGEST REALTORS COLLIER STREET PA 85901 FOR THOSE WHO WANT SOMETHING SPECIAL bedroom bungalow 1200 squarc tt solid comfort at tached garage lovcly corner lot mortgage carries tor $7756 PI Make arrange ments to see it now WARM AND COZY bcdroom bungalow Finished rec room Central location close to solmols Asking $11 500 512 mortgage PRICED TO SELL bedroom bungalow on lovely landscaped lot Large living catcd on Vancouver close In schools and shopping centre Asking 313500 and carries tor $90 Pl1 See this or value lllerober or the Carrie and District rteal Estate hoard EVENINGS CALL liEkv GOULD ono 251s Em GOULD mm 2516 Hum suasson PA 5057 ORCA anown PA 31255 LLOYD HOCKLEY PA soils SHANNON ST heautirul bedroom ranch stytc bungalow iully landscaped lot 56 165 alu minum screen windows and doors Interior painted Three years old 551 NHA Occupancy December Olvncr transicrrud Phone PA 60154 arter PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT FOR sALE on RENT Modern bedroom wlntcrtaed cottage near stroud All conveniences Phone PA 32791 INSUDDIHCK HousE Napier st Five rooms plus nntshed room In basement Dll rurnece Telephone PA 5907 or PA 60455 FOUR DaDnoDIl IIomc oil beat Ing attached garage xood loca tion Central Lease or sell nea sonlbl Telephone PA 33401 UNFUnNIsHED WIN ER HOME Thrce bedrooms ltl nets Point on fircd city conveniences Sale or rent Also room to rent PA soaps or apply 69 John st Rl ZONE overlooking the bay rooms and bath attached garage walkout basement cold room storms and screens and many ex tras Telephone PA 80901 eveo ings PA 61072 BUS OPPORTUNITIES SMOKE sHoP sundry store In excellent downtown location Ideal ior retired gentleman or eouple Good Income selling reasonably as owner has other In terest Apply Elis Smoke shop do Maple Avenue barrio MORTGAGES Immediate Isl and 2nd Mortgage Loans Unlimited private funds avail able for any type of dwelling or construction anywhere Free consultation No Obligation CALL PA 60981 MORTGAGE FUNDING 129 Dunlap St over SIMPSONSSEARS MODEGAGEsIst and and bought sold and arranged Commercial and residential honeys loaned on existing mortgaged Dorrie Mort cage Brokers PA 00504 Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 82414 ZONE 0F CONQUEST Since centures before Christ Syria was held at various times ll the Egyptians Assyrians Babylonians Persians Greeks Romans Mongols and Crusad room dining area kitchen Lo MORTGAGES Pluva lAllIY wnnted to take $5000br $0000 mortgage rclea phonePA coon FINANCIAL $5000 476 FOR WEEKS ASK FOR MINI LOAN CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST ASK FOR BUD DALEY PA 60203 RENTALS PANKING Simon to rent town Mary street 55 per month Apply Harold Hill Ltd 55 Dunlap St West Telephone PA 02421 nulLDING tor rent downtown about 2100 so rt suitable for body and paint shop garage or warehouse Big doors Apply Har old lltll Ltd 55 Dunop st tycst or telephone PA c2411 NURSING HOMES ARK EDEN NURSING HOME Eutlt tor this work Semi and private rooms kind nursing care good rootl rv rooms station Ivo gDn ior outings Telephone 60M Siroud APTS Hoosas TO BE UPPER DUPLEX Ultra modern Self contained bedrooms large living room kitchen th dining area Laun dry facil as and garage Low er owner occupied Close to schools arid bus Immediate possession PA 89027 Foult ROOM FURNISHED apart ment to rent Heated or winter or longer Telephone PA shoal rwo noonl Apartment furnisha ed rcirigerator Parking space Adults only Telephone PA 04016 or apply 51 Mary street MODERN TWO BEDROOM house 75 Vespra SL $75 monthly Avall able December In Telephone PA 04276 LARGE nicely decorated two bed room heuted seltcobtulbed apart ment Central location Children welcome Telephone PA Meal 2srOItBY seven room brick home on good residential street Immediate possession Rcterences Calll Coutts Co PA 52405 UNFURNISKED THREE RooM apartment or rent on North street Heated Plenty or cup board space Telephone meal ttme or evenings at PA 84510 IltlltIEDIATE possession seltrcon taiued one bedroom duplex Pri vate entrance with modern con veniences reasonable rent Lnlt catcd near the public school Iele phone HE 95705 HEATED EunNIsHED apartment central location tour rooms and bath Immediate possession Ap ply to Eoyiield Street ONE nEDItOoM tarnished henta ed apartment sell contained Lots or parking space The floors and large closed in verandah Tele phone days PA 03170 evenings PA 84000 FOUR aEDnoonI two storey house in residential area tor rent 011lumacc Hardwood and tile Home Close to schools Telephone PA 04707 THREE BEDROOM House to rent en No 11 Highway one mile trom eity Also two room apartment at 50 Dunlop st West Telephone PA $7385 FIVE ROOM Bungalow tor rent garage East end close to bus and schools 011 heated Available 1m medietely Telephone PA 580 FurtlellED APARTMENT large living room bedroom rind kitch cnette oil heated moderate rent Telephone PA to VERY CENTRAL one bedroom apartment in new building Au tDInnttc washer and dryer sup plied Available December lst Telephone PA 32300 srAclous modern apartment completely coircontained private entrance ldcal tor bachelor or couple Adequate cupboard and storage space stove and reiriger aler supplied Telephone PA Mm litter pm ONLY downr lho APTS HOUSES T0 BENT RENTALS ROOMS TO LET UNFURNISIIED two bedroom apartment healed centrally lo cated Parking Laundry iacut gen Telephone PA soou me on uNFuRNIsIIzD three room apart meat bested hot and cold water Centrally located hullneu up tton Parking taclltttes Telephone PA 34905 UPSTAIRS downtown IDCILIDD nninmlshed apartment vdlh pri vlla entrance two bedroom Ind Dru plecc D1111 helled netI7 decorated Telephone PA 09250 FURNISHEDrull contained Apart meui litink room kitchenette bedroom and bathroom Rent 155 rme Call PA to or PA 81 Milton Unfurn rec room npartmeot with aeliltontalned completely rivale Bright and attractive Telephonb PA 56655 MODERN heated ubmrnlshcd two bedroom apartment Stove and reirigeraior aupplled Laundry taclltttu phrtttnl Overlooking park and bay hlephunl PA $1395 FOUR LANG BOO ground near uniurntsned Apartman bayiteld and Grove Suit couple with two children no monthly heated Ga ge Included Anita now we phone PA Halo lIIIIEP Doolls self contained on heated tiled noon kitchen with sink and modern cupboards plenty ot closet ace stove and retrltertor supplcd Reasonable rent SuIt couple Phone PA mes Nsw MoDEnN tour rooto hot water heated Monument to An gus $93 monthly ltcat hydro wetcr and Hugo supplied releA phone camp Borden 19 collect LARGE HEATED Apartment ler tng room dlnlng room kitchen bedrooms And bath Sell cabtllncd Very central Plenty or storage space Available now 05 monthly Telephone PA azaza AVAILABLE November two bedroom bungalow ell convenien cos on heat ltcasoneble Telc phone Oakvllle Valley moon or write box Dnrrltt Examiner ONE AND TWO bedroom aparv mcnls Stove retrlgerator lnnltor service and laundry incllttles Itent ing trom $0000 monthly Telephone Leech PA 54670 THREE noon ground tloor apert mcnl Scpkrato entrance and bath Heat supplied Close to school Avallatllc November Telephone Plt 09220 tor iurther particulars THREE Itomls and bath basc mcnt apartment Hot water hbatcd with oil Prlvatc cntrancc Central ly located Partly iurntsltcd rclo phone PA 82081 or PA 55105 THREE nooM sclt contained heatcd apartment stove andre irlgcrctor supplied $65 per month includes hydro and water Close to downtown Telephone PA 32574 days or PA E5791 evenings FuansItED APAltnlENr pri veto entrance ccntrnl location bedrooms Ilvtng room kitchen hath with lots at storage Suitable ror two prnlcsslonal or buslncts Tclcphono PA arson attcr rvttt HEATED turnlshcd apert ments Each containing bedroom living room kitchen and three plccc bath Separate entrance At Culghurst GDneIal store Highway Telephone PA 00575 SEVEN R00 House lnslde con veniences heated by iurnece in village oi lllttsualc 15 minute drive irom Dorrie Avbllllhlc im mcdlntcly rt Jennings PA c5573 Oro 69 TWO nannoonl winterised lake lront cottage at hllnots Polnt In side conveniences heevy wlrlnr $50 pcr month Immcdlatc Dosscse slon Tclcphone PA 841165 toe rurther details Form ROOM APAnrlllENt tile bath unturntshcd stove and re trlgcrntor suppltcd CentralLv lo cated No children Available Immediately For IItrtbcr iuior mat to phone PA 60241 TW lto unrurnlshed apart mcnt Cembinstlon living room kltehenetie bedroom neneette and rctrtgcrntor Ground rioor Central Suitable torone or two Telephone PA 34515 uNruIllellED one and two bcdr room apartments heated control ly loctltcd Kttcheus with builttn cupboards Adults only Telephone PA 02400 and arter pan PA I3655 UNrtlanslipn Upstairs Apart ment three rooms private bath Control location on heated Pri vate hot water tank In private home No other tenants Tele phone PA 89757 Available now TWO ucpnoohl unturnlshed apartment private bath Hcat light and water supplied Located at Daston Highway 555 men thly Available November 15 rue phone PA basis after pm rckxiriiw Bedroom tor not sunoldle nu Home privileges Ivor lumber details telephone PA om two LAME udiurnlshed mom in nature home located close to downtown would make ideal small npartment Telephone PA W70 WANTED TO RENT wmn An older house needing riptn house pmly bunt Ilust be reasonable Telephonn PA amt ARTICLES tor SALE RADIATOR cluhcd re bind to cored Plow Polnu reb Item ioa nadtaler Services lete bone PA Hm or Indcrtck to reel CASH wartscoon $11 per month Telephone PA mo ï¬rearm Flaace so Dunlap st ea A1112 mm camera or List undo selling tor $50 lskcn rolls oi itlm leepbone days PA Hm evenings PA no No Itth Plzs tor sale All Vlflcltu Orders taken now Will deliver Cheaper by dunntlty tor ireercr Telephone PA ow ale ter pm BUSINESS COUPLE thh WIII be hlhed ddl require lower In ment or duplex with yard rngie bedrooms store retrieerator Welt Ind Mrs IDED PA am 30 pm ARTICLES tor SALE STORE OWNERS Assorted quantity of old stock COU NTER SALES BOOKS SINGLE CARBON AUTOMATIC These books are in per fect condition but have I95 on the data line REGULAR PRICE FROM 12 to 20 Clearing at 9c ea plus PROVINCIAL SALES TAX Commercial Printing Dept Barrie Examiner Phone 66537 NEWSPAPER MATS Sizes 32x18 deal or lining hen houscs attics garages ctc perich insulator 25 PER DOZEN Apply The Barrie Examiner Barri Ontar Electrohome TV Stereo Hear the New FM Stereo The Best in Sound McFADDEN Appliance 123 PENETANG ST PA 9238 Ample Free Parking Terms to suit your Budget HAVE You TRIED Barrie Auction Rooms and Second Hand Store 55 DUNLOP ST WEST PHONE PA 02427 Free Free Nylon Hose to the ï¬rst 100 ladies who look at our 1962 Filter Queen Bagless Cleaner and Health Unit Nothing to buy Phone PA 83482 or write to Filter Queen Sales 87 Maple Ava Barrie FURNACEmSALE FORCED AIR OIL OR GAS NEW $110 FINANCE RATE Phone Collect Stroud 1le Woodward and Sons Heating Contractors RR Strand NEW MODERN centrally located two bedroom apartment tor rent Heteigerutor stove and laundry tacllltles Avatloblo Immediately Janitor stirvICeu Telephone PA H092 tor quthcr lnIoImatlon TWO BEDROOM unturnlshed apurtmcnt in modern apartment building stove and refrtgcrntm Heat water storage parklbg space and laundry tactlttles Tele phone PA 61167 Avauablb Dee ember ls MODERN three room unrurnlsh ed self contained street level apartment Laundry room suit able tor couple One block irom Post orrlee For Iniormatlon telephone PA 02200 NEW AND Modern one and two bedroom apartments overlooking scenic Kempeuiclt Bay Heat Wav ter parking and janltor service included Automatic washing tb ctttucs PA 32502 corlronrAuLE older type three bedroom bungalow with hardwood floors rlreplaee oil tumaee Also garage anduork shop in good residential area Near bus stop seheols and shopping plaza east end Telephbnc PA oau CENTRA Mde heated Ipa ment living room and large bedroom dinette modern kttv chen nerrlgerutor and heavy duty stove Parking iaclltttea business couple prererred Tele phone PA 60576 ROOM BOARD 1100M AND DoArtD avallohlta Close to downtown Apply 11 Bcrv cry street tor rurther lntormdtlon lAltGE noonl tor rent In new home Central location Suit one or two people Hoard optional Telephone PA 00327 Itoolu AND noAItD available in private home Pack lunches it necessary Gentleman prererred For further lurormatton telephone PA 66252 noohl AND DDAIID with mother ly care given tor babies and chlldlcn in my own home by the wreck Apply to aux 70 Home Ex amtner Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE pA aztit SPACE HEATER largest size tau ï¬ngms and pipes Telephone PA sPACE HEATER tor sale medlum ï¬ns 15 Tclephono Apgus HE GOOD USED bathtub on legs with iips and drain connection Telephone PA 65007 soo FEE OF used steel rooting Apply Tom Exoll Utopia or tele phone Ivy HRH DELUXE 24 Mcclhry Gas Range one year old in pertect condition Phone PA 195417 for particulars TYPBWRITERS bought sold rent ed repatrcd student rcnthl rates Ask about oil Rent ATry then Buy Plan star Typewriter Co 24 Drudtord st PA 56595 USED IIEALIHWAYs doublehose regulator and aqualung tor sale 570 or nearest oirer Apply 25 anneid street or telephone PA 1515613 MARY MAXIM SWEATER itera tlemans she 45 licch worn semitormals blue lace also coral satin and net both sire to Grey car coat size to Telephone PA arms alter pm rtIsNIALs singer Electric Port Ahlc Macbtncs for rent by th week or tho mouth singer scw to centre Dunlap Street West flelephone PA 07960 or Inmval AnnualON PLEASE Glls Smoke Shop to Maple Avo PA bsioc in addition to rresh stoek uf smokers Ends W11 now carry toe your convenience bread but tcr mtlk coflec etc etc Open deity em1l pm Sundays noon to II 91 REFRIGERATOR large size good condition s55 Double bed mat tress and springs $20 Dining room tnblc tour chairs and bur tct 25 Rangotte pcrrect con dttion s25 Tblcphone Mrs Dunc lelson PA 04251 HUNTHrts AND Sportsmenldlo del 94 3030 505 Beretta Pumps so New loas 51905 Gun bases 22 LIt shells one call hunttlnes $7505 Target grips owder bullcts live bait hunting lccnces hand guns anything or tile sportsman Open every evening Hobsonl Eat it R11 Barrel nznuazkltmn or sale vtltlnI cubic eel new eeodluon Telephone 1155 Camp Borden ior turlber details FRUIT Br vaunanus APPLE BARN McIntosh Snow Courtlond and other varieties WindIaUs $115 per bushel nErcsh clder Phone PA 39201 APPLE ClnEk lresh or tresb in sen rise apple butter tor break rut snack or anytime We on lion and ball gallon lugs relo phone PA 68100 DOGS 86 PETS WILLETTS PETS 41 GOWAN STREET Complcte lines by HARTZ MOUNTAIN 11nd LONGLIFE Lovely song birds hudgios and Finches Tropical and Gold Fish Turtles and all peLs OPEN TO 5230 P1d DAILY PHONE PA 08016 Holt MANCHESTER Terrie rot lstercd wondertul watch dolls night the tor apartment city homes small IIrnu 11 Glen ney 21 Aubrey Avenue Oak Ridges Telephone Prospect 15515 ARTICLES WANTED CAslI kuclsmn wanted smlll site with tax key will pay ca Telephone PA boost WE WILL PAY cAsu ior good used tumtlure or any good used lrtlclz individual or content Iota Phouo PA 02427 TABLE TENNIS TABLE wanted to buy Full sire Apply to Dlackloek no Hume street Col ltngwoou 5fFARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Highest prices paid for dead or crippled cattle and horses Small animals rcmovcd free For last service phone BARRIE PA 87751 collect or ask for ZENITH 91130 NO CHARGE hours II day7 days week NICKS DEAD STOCK RR Foxmead Ontario License No 139061 VILL SWAP 1554 PONTIAC luxc two door cylinder hutomm tie in good condition tor p1ckup thick or livesioek Or will sell Int 5511 Terms to Icllablc per son Apply Box 07 bdrrle Ex nmlncr LIVESTOCK CATTLE Eon SALmTalvea yeor iings two year Dldsrnnd cows Apply ll MacDonald miles cast or Hillsdale 2nd Concession Me tone REGISTERED IIEBEFDRDS 01 sale one eight months old one rourtccn months Also heirer with twin better calves Apply nobcrt erroch onll lvy nEOIsIEltED and Grade Holstein Hcltor Calves ior sale and to ttvo weeks old Also rcgtstzrcd Holstein Heliers breeding age Johnston Hawkcstonc phone 1024 Ora Try An Examlucr Want Ad PHONE PA 82414 Telephone APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE Service to all makes l47 DUNLOP ST PA 61142 DIAPER SERVICE BARRIES FINEST DIAPER SERVICE TwIca weekly plckllr at delivery ii FRANCIS REAR PA 58551 Less than pack or cigarettes day DRIVING SCHOOL ORILLIA SCHOOL OF SAFE DRIVING Since 1956 FOR APPOINTMENT CALL PA 66551 EXCAVATING FILL GRAVEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Grading Water Delivery Crushed stone Halt yard Backhoe for hire DENNIS MORAN 29 Anne Street PA 2I7I7 INSULATION INSULATION with No Rockwool ALUMINUM CLAPBOARD SID TNG IN COLOURS METAL DO ORS WINDOWS AWNINGS BY ALSCU FREE ESTIMATES GUARANTEED WORK SCOTT MUIR MINESING 211 AIRTITE INSULATION REPJ Barrio ad 5FARMERS MARKET LIVESTOCK WANTED Goon QUIET work team or huh In hlm dairy type lieltera Sprtneen wanted Apply to lick Dame Enrotner stating prtee POULTRY dc CHICKS DEKALB FULLER More and more poultrymen are choosing DEKALB PULLETS Started ready to lay and day old chicks Order now or early order discount For service or Iipr on your poultry problem call Craig Huntcr HUNTERS POULTRY FARMS smouv PHONE 71 FARM MACHINERY MINESING MOTORS Ford Tractor and Equipment SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 103 MINESING DELAVAL SALES AND SERVICE Milkcrs Vacuum Pumps Wash Tanks Separators Parts or arty milkcr HANK BROWN RR BARRIE HOLLY PA 60338 CHARLES cmmca FARM SUPPLIES SERVICE Cue Now Holland David Brown Bully Farm Equipment t76 BURTON AVE PA 0237 WINTER SNOW EQUIPMENT FOR YOUR TRACTOR loaders buckets blades If we havent got It well get it CASH TRADE TERMS ATTENTION FARMERS LINCOLN ARC WELDERS tan AMP 515500 COMPLETE HANDY HARDWARE STROUD Now Managemth PHONE STROUD 1017141 AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE VIAU MOTORS LTD RAMBLER HILLMAN AND LAND ROVER 107 DOWN 17 GOWAN STREET PA 66480 HAROLD JORY MOTORS TRIUMPH and STANDARD DEALERS Repairs to All Makes 0ML and NAL Towing 75 BAYFIELD ST PA 84165 1955 DODGE tor sale tour door Clean throughoun Radlo Four new tires Tclepbone on an alter pm 1953 Palm Felrlone 500 winters ized automatic radio our door sedan two tone in color Best oircr Telephone PA 5000 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rated By Month or Year PA 82414 MASON RY If it can be built with BLOCK BRICK or STONE CALL SPROULE MASONRY CONTRACTOR For guaranteed workmanship at reasonable pricï¬ PA 60966 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON Paintingaud Paper Hanging Spray Painting Service Since 1920 RR Barrie PA 66955 REFRIGERATION STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE 33 Clappcrtoi St PHONE PA 84562 SANITARY DISPOSAL DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT We havcbocn licensed to re move your dead and crippled gain animals Lunder the above ct FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLECT BARRIE PArkway 83617 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE LICENrE SIS$61 Copy 101 Want Ad Scttltln accepted until 0117 Day betorc publicatlon