Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Nov 1961, p. 11

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ByElections WOrry British Conservatives By DOUG MARSHALL LONDON iCPi Results in three British bycleciions last week have left the Conservatives worried Labor stunned and the Liberals fluttering with excite ment As expected all three seats Oswestry East Fife and bless Sidrwere retained by the gov ernment But in each case the Tory majorities were sharply re duced What shocked the socialists is that anti government voters seemed equally opposed to La bar and snubbed botii parties by turning towards the Liberals The Liberals displaced Labor as runnersup in two of the con stitueneies rind came within 100 votes of doing so in the third All three parties are digesting the results with pinch of salt Deductions irom hycloctions are notoriously hazardous and there is traditional bias against the party in power N0 VICTORY CLAIM Not even the Liberals would seriously claim that the party oi Gladstone and Lloyd George will lumber out of the political wild erness at the next election and take comfortable proportion oi the seats in the Commons They now have six members in the 630 seat iiouse Liberal byelcction gains were equally impressive beiorc the 1959 general election mainly at the expense oi the Tories But when it came to choosing na tionoi government the Conserva tives were returned to power Even if the Liberals are not within sight of winning sup porters feel the gains indicate more than mere protest vote against the other parties lheir success says the Liberal newspaper The Guardian could have sharp DSYchologi cal impact tor an electorate that seems to be casting around for an alternative The Conservatives are anxious but treat the losses philosophi cally by pointing to the tradi tional slump that hits govern ments midway through parlia ment Their main worry and Labors even more is the peculiar sp athy of electorate and the low turnout at the polls TORIES DISGRUNTLED There seems to be an increasA lag number of disgruntled Tories and they are either voting Lib eral or not voting at all But why arent they voting Labor Because says Labor left winger Crossman in an article voters fall to find any constructive altematlve in the partys program There are two opposing views about the Labor party One is that its present unpopularity is fault of what has been called its dlehard left gioup oi some 50 to 75 MPs who consist ently snipe at the party leader ship This gives an lm ression of La bar diaunity whic some politiv cal observers say frightens off the moderate floating voters who decide the swing of the pendulum in British elections The other View naturally held most firmly by those who sym pathize with the diehnrd left is that it is the leadership which TELEVISION PROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE MONDAY Newman 21 Womens Show Almanac llmla Dmie Popeyea TV Party News Headlines Pnpayna TV Party Farm Market Report News non Jamieon weather Sports Zano Grey snrotro Don Messcrs Jubilee Danny Thomas Show Livu Borrowed Llfc nob Cummings Show Festival Carmen CBCTV News 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Tito Law and air Junc Bachelor Father Wayne in Sumter Perry Como News iiilulu Explorations CBC TV News The Wentheman Today in arts Community cw Highway Patrol 100 2211 300 CFTO CHANNEL TORONTO MONDAY NOVEMBER 20 Professors Hideaway Whirlyhlrda sports Vnhtilli Plerra Berton News Father Knows Best Top Cat wnipiosh inspector Maigret Take chsnco nitionun Loretta Young News Weather Sport hero is only one WELCOME years of experience foatering and Willis businosiaan community life For information an WeiccmaWagon phone PA 66302 nounnoonnounnouns cocoonecocaounceounceooieoeooeceaqco 1125 Man of Destiny tun arttor Late TUESDAY NOVEMBER at 1010 News was Pro and Easy 110 Channel Theatre fillappiest Days Your Science Fiction Thuin News Professors Hideaway Whiriyhirds Sports Weather Pietra Berton News Leav it To Beaver Zane Grey Theatre Thoire At Eight tCrulaln Down 11 River checkmsts Peter Gunn News Wanther Mon 01 DesiIn Better Lite WEDNESDAY Novnimsln as 111311 News He and Earl Channel Theatre Mine Own Dacuttoner Playhoual Newa Professors Hideaway Whirlyhltdl Sport Weather BY Pierre Barton News Bachelor Father to Questions 17 Sunset SMD nigin Playhouse Drum The Detectives News Weather Sport Jim Coieman Bottlr Late Quagmg 1349399399 sueasfiuaemu ==o SF on BAYCIIY UPIIOLSIERING ANTIQUE AND MODERN Beautiful Samples Free Estimates FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY PHONE PA $743 BARBIE Upholsterlng is our BusinessNat Just Sideline as Bradford ciiiiiiisii Miss volt If your carrier has 1101 artwen by p111 please phone PA 82433 Ard Copy Will Be Dyeiivered To Your Home THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS Westward is or fault The leit it is argued more truly represents the feel ings of the grassroots followers of socialism NEW PLOS The sixth meeting of the HI Homemaking Club was held at the home of the president Shar on Wsnicss Miu Peggy Hunt home economist from Barrie WI present Misses Susan and Sharon Viney of Barrie spent few days with their grandparents liir and Mrs Fred Viney Bob and Margaret Huth visit ed on Saturday with Mr and Mrs Muir Richmond Hill and attended the Royal Winter Fair Mr and Mrs Walter Hail spent Saturday at the Royal Winter Fair Mr and Mrs Jack Cameron and George Train visited on Sunday with Air and Mrs ArA mon Tripp Richmond Hill and went on to Toronto where Mr iraln stayed to and the win ter months with daughter Mr and Mrs Bob Munroe and family of Sunnidale Com ers were supper guests of Mr and liirs Archie Waniess and family lilrs Steve Rawn spent ii couple of days at Schombarg with Mr and Mrs John Wilson CONTRACT BRIDGE BY JAY West dealer Both sides vulnerable NORTH A942 va QAQIs 410642 EAST 48 431053 Unload QJ94 0985 J73 A98 30$ AKQ 16 752 KIWI do The bidding West North East South Pass Pass rm Duo Redble 3v Pass Opening lead king of clubs Here is fine hand played by Claudo Delmouly So utht during the match between France and the United Staies in the 1960 Olympiad It shows what strong influence the bid ding oi hand can have upon the subsequent play The American west led the king of clubs and continued with club which Delmouly ruffed Declare now led heart to the king which old He then played another heart which East took with the jack East returned club Delmouly ruffed again thus reducing his hand to three trumps After trumplng heart in dummy Delmouly played space to the ace whereupon this became the position DAILY CBOSSWORD ACROSS 1To search for water Dalmatian markings llMortona anesthetic 12Aritela of virus 13 14 Don tributary 16 Indian measure 16qu 116mm dianca 18To journey Slim win Eye Indian weight Erbium sym Tea oaks witttoism City on ORB River Yugoslavr iari leader Tolerable Iowa city so Taxu city 19 Stiflnm 80 Aotor Peter Roof Verb turns overland Tyrant of Rome 80 Eounded 740 HE Shovels as stream DD Dulce furniture BOYS name at Painter at Mother EiifliVsflfililfi Ifilll ml gllalgaalll llllfifillll and attuided the Myst Whitr rsir NEW FLDS WI Eighteen members and three visitors were present at the No vember meeting held at the home of Mrs Joe Beleourt Historical Research was the topic on which Mrs Fred Viney gave paper The roll call was answered by The birthplaea of my grandmother or my first recollection of her Mrs Steve Rawn commented on the motto Our heritage is priceless treasure entrusted to our care Mrs Allen read poem What Grandma Would fliink All grandmothers were present ed with lovely rose made by Mrs Allen and donated by Mrs Belmurc Mrs Geoffrey Hope conduct ed contest on excerpts Mrs Cline Rawn and Mrs Wlo less won prizes hirs Vlnsy was the winner of Mrs Frank Kenneys draw Mrs Harold Smith delegate to the area convention at Al llston gave her re art of the second day and res this list of officers Mrs Whitless was named sec retary for the Farm Fonim broadcasts in February Plans were made for the In stitute bazaar and tea at Hutha School Nov 25 at pm Fin a1 arrangements were made for the fowl supper which had to be postponed until Tuesday on account of so many children having the measles LARK BRANNON GREAT CATHEDRAL The central tower of Eng lands grunt Lincoln Cathedral completed in 1501 stands 210 fcet high BECKER Had deelarer now followed the impulse to continue drawing trumps in an effort to win the rest of the tricks he would havn been defeated it he had done so he would have made two trump tricks and two diamond tricks but no more But Delmouly realized th at the trumps were not going to break favorably and he there fore took steps to guard again st the expected svt spade divis sion gt Abandoning trump plays Delmouly led th re rounds of diamonds This per mitted East to ruff but at the same time placed him in hopeless position trump return would give South the last three trick while heart return could be rufied in dummy as South shed his fourth diamond Delmouly calculated correctly that West would not have had the values for three heart bid unless his hand contained singleton spade His play was specifically designed to take advantage of this reasonable de ductiori Tomorrow Fancy Plays DONALD DUCK For with troops 25 Fits 26 Old time archer to as Cluster ttiumda 82Wntut Mirav hill Lug apat an Armadillo in 8813am Sahara pm asan 33 Curves as 0011ng Rosary atoms bead Modal Davound Comps one point recipient abbrr VAfilfiii Ififil firetone SIZE 75014 GET TRACTION YOU CAN TRUST uyVI so UNLOP ST NEW LOW PRICES ON NEW TOWN and COUNTRY TIRES TDD WINTER TREADS 2555 TOWN COUNTRY tea abll sou PA 66585 JULIET JONES WILLYOU ZIPUF MY ZIPPER PLESE mow HDOKTHEHOOKAT quicx DEARNOW was DAGWOODHLCDKATYDU mempmomau FASTEN YGJ FASTER MY You NEVER WILLEE THE BOW UP READY FORTHE wilH THE PARW SNAD CELEBRATINGDBMS 800$ BVRTHDAI WILL FALL OF Flkl WilNOUT HAVING AT LEAST ONE DESCENDANY OF THE FOUNDVNG AW TiIAT WAS How ABOUT DATE ONLY LITTLE DREAMDUST TO SEE EACH OTHEQI WILLPOWER evsesvm AGAIN Test all GRANDMA BUZ SAWYER WALD Mill WNWE HUNGH HE AINT IR EOHT 1H2 FEM Mir HE ANT DROFFEO mi was 1191 so on lgLAiia we omega 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