SKIRTING By EILEEN DIXON It has been said that when person sits behind the wheel of car he feels surge of power that chang es his entire outlook on pedestrians and other motor ists would like to extend this to include the inexphcv able catalytic effect that results when shopper gets behind pushcart in supermarket The demon within rears his ugly head to cause collisions at the cookie counter tieups near the fresh vegetable stall and an outandout ush around the meat market The intensity of the af ray heightens as the shoppers head into the home stretch nearing the this article listed qualiï¬cations concerning price and labelling clothes for tots and teens than average age sizes the method is expected to re checkout desk reaching denouement with the ring of the cash register EASY DOES IT Last week on rush trip to the store for mid week shopping my list of five articles was short and Simple with one exception the coffee The line containing kinds available that would have put the fine print on an income tax form to shame Considering the short list and fearing the demon had decided to dispense with the pushcarf This regretted before passing the miles of breakfast cereal If wasnt reaching for coffee three feet above my head was scrounging for eggs in deep bin The main purpose of the juggling trick was to pick up or grab one object without dropping the others trudged the aisles in crouched position clut ching the groceries popping up quickly to grab some thing from the shelf then catclung the eggs ENDURANCE TEST Rounding the corner to the serviette shelf fully realized the handicap under which was working One hundred other shoppers were shopping for serviet tes but they had carts and free arms to reach the top shelf These serviettes almost cost me dozen eggs and crushed pumpkin pie Stumbling down the home stretch concluded that the art of shopping is still an art but with different twist It used to be that choosing the finest cheese at the grocery and best meats at the butcher was indica tive of good shop er Now it takes good shopper to survive the battle of the supermarket and its carts GROWING PAINS Along with club and social news my morning mail isa great source of recipes fashion notes and tips for the homemaker release from Ottawa received this week tells of new pamghlet the trade department is ready to ds tribute to general lpublic The Pamphlet Be Sure Fits explains revo utionary method of sizing and Based on individual body measurements rather sult in better fitting clothing for growing years Most Canadian manufacturers have already adopted the stan dardized method and the rest are expected to do so by the end of the year The change means parents or sales clerks will have to measure each childs hips waist or chest before se lecting garment of the right size Imagine more than 30 sizes are covered affecting children of walking age and teénagers up to 19 years UNIQUE EVENT Instead of the annual Christmas bazaar women of the Trinity Guild have planned unique event to take place Nov 29 from to Mammoth Food Festival eluding pm The event is entitled Every type of yuletide delicacy will begvailable in Christmas cakes and puddings shortbread and homemade mincemeat for which the ladies of the church are renowned Another specialty will be cocktail party fare for Christmas entertaining and Im told most of it can be frozen for future use Conveners of the festival are Mrs Charles Read and Mrs Fisher YOUR HEALTH Special Diet Aids Growth Of Teeth By BURTON FERN MD CHECK the correct answers Second permanent teeth begin growing at in months years years Most important cavitymak er saliva bl sugar to germs Most likely to cause caviA ties at caramel soft drinks bread Helps prevent cavities brushing water apples butter three months Second teeth begin to grow long before that first baby tooth shines through swollen gums Fluoride chemicals can help strengthen permanent teeth from this time on For strong teeth Baby needs plenty of calcium phosphorus and vitamin Otherwise weak points will dot the tooths en omel covering GERMS CAUSE DECAY c1 Germs Ed mouse lived on candy but he never had cavity He was raised in gt ocld lactic acid special germfree cage when Ed was exposed to germs cav ities gnawed through so many teeth he couldnt gnaw on any thing Germs dig est sweets into which eats throughtootl1 enamel to atort cavities Soon decoy ads through the leathery tooth pulp like termites in California redwood Unless your mouth is dry snllvn will help wash away sweet carbohydrates to prevent cavities inCaramel Sticky sweets cling to teeth They bore through enamel as they change into lactic acid Bread crumbs stick to teeth butnever nsclos ely as caramels Soft drinks help prevent cavities by wash ing carbohydrates off the teeth and down the throat PREVENT CAVITIES All four Brushing after every meal sweeps sticky car bohydrates off the teeth Carry portable travelbrush for use wherever you eat Twist your wrist to rotate the brush up and downand sweep away fut ure decay If you cant brush rinse away future decay with few swallows of clear water Sink your teeth into an apple and chew away future decay Chewing an apple cleans almost as well as brushing Lubricated with or margarine bread and potatoes slide down without sticking to teeth AIDS CHARITY MONTREAL tCPThe first antiques auction for chari table cause here was reported great success sponsored by the womens auxiliary of the Royal Victoria Hospital the nuc tlon disposed of about three dozen genuine antiques donated by private collectors THERES SOMETHING scheduled for every day at the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie for members of the Hospital Auxiliary Answers Call For RVH Operating Room Needs Editors Note This is the second of serles of articles explaining the senIces of the Royal Victoria Hospital mens Auxiliary Monday is usually cutting day for the Womens Hospital Auxiliary All supplies for the operating room central supply case room and many of the general supplies like pillow cases draw sheets and stretcher covers are cut out of bolts of linen and later sewn by the Auxiliary The committee in charge of the cutting includes Mrs Cald well Mrs Elrich Mrs Caldwell and Mrs Gable and auxiliary Starling the week off on the right foot are Mrs Clifford Efrick left and Mrs Lou Caldwell who are shown extra helpers Mrs II Page convenes the Wednesday sew ing group Samples are sent from line various departments at the be ginning of the year and the number of each articlerequir ed Purchasing of the bolts of linen is done by Miss Lang mun Emergency calls for lincn are met whenever they arise but there is usually supply of all articles kept on hand The past year operating room lincn has all been green col ourcd to help alleviate the glnre from bright lights on white Knitting Regains Fashion Popularity The experu tell us that knit wear is just beginning to air proach its full fashion potential but the current styles are fine thank you They are wonderfully chic and there is wealth of design Knits range from the long formal dimer skirt to hand some overblouses with metallic threads multicolor cardigans long shifts and the most re laxed of hooded pulloversi In between are beautiful two and threepiece suits and dresses with their own coats Hoods incidently are mak ing big fashion news from lacy hooded sweater blouses to sport sweaters Some are integral parts of the latest sweaters others are really huge waist tickling collarsthat can be con verted to hoods DECORATIVE TOUCIIES These perky new knits are also bright with flourishes of tosseis fringe and pomporns Feminine fringe is used on long bulkiesalong the edges sleeves and occasionally along plunging placket necklines And tassels and pompoms festoon the edges of long harlequinde sign pullovers parade down be tween the buttons of cardigans or perch at the tips of Vshaped collars There is such wonderful va riety of knitwear from which to choose no matter what the category that you may have trouble de cldiug just which model to get Dont worry about the decora tive touches the tassels and such Youll be able to cope with them nicely when you wash your knits for they are just as easy to launder as is the plain unadorned classic sweater For example gay tassels fringe and pompoms should be shaken out when nearly dry This will loosen and fluff the strands Then linger comb them as final step to make them extra fluffy and faster drying too Metallic yarns are no prolr lem either If the sweater is washable so is any glitter For Giliord WMS whether knitin or applied new WEAYMIJIITIIS 30 DUNLOP ST Hoods and pnrkns also benefit from an extra touch After laundering spread them flat to dry using tissue or small hand towel to stuff hood or separate large collar from the body of the sweater Keepv ing the layers separate will help them to dry faster and in shape Every smart sweater girl should know that these handy laundering techniques are as important as pretty style Reports 0f Rally The ladies of Gilford WMS were entertained at the home of Mrs Weaver Mrs Todd vicepresident um in charge of the meeting nhe worship service was taken by Mrs Girvan Sawyer with Mrs ank Todd taldog the scripture from 1st Corinthians Reports of the South Simcoe joint rally were given by Mrs Kirby and Mrs Frank Kell Mrs Sawyer read an ar ticle on Christian Stewardship The offering was taken and dedi cated Mrs Kirby gave an item on How to Stay Young Mrs Frank Kali literature secretary spoke on Building for Peace The chapter entitled Church and Community of the study book was given by Mrs Paul Russell Refreshments were served by Mrs Weaver and hostesses Travel Arrangements worm wmn snnwcn am ann nus RAIL HOTEL and nssonr RESERVATIONS 0x Johnson and Co Ltd 101 Dunlap Barrio PA 525 91 Bay st Toronto EM 89 to Do STIJIIE PA 84055 noonj THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA For Tomorrow Itmay be somewhat difficult to distinguish between worth while propositions and question nblo schemes now so be carc ful Deal genially but firmly with anyone seeking to take advantage of you The late afternoon and evening hours fa vor sentirnental matters and ar tistlc pursuits For The Birthday ll tomorrow is your birthday it would be well worth your while to put forth best efforts now both in job and financial matters since your horoscope indicates that between now and July you will find many busilt ness opportunities on which to capitalize Social romantic and domestic affairs will he in the celestial spotlight during the next six months so your immediate fult lure seems well rounded and happy Late 1962 promises or usual success for those in the legal medical and entertain ment fields child born on this day will be diligent conscientious and extremely generous cutting drapes for use in the operating room Mrs Gable is head seamstress tExominor Photo Day After Tomorrow Be cautious in all matters concerning money property and other assets on Mondny Avoid extravagance and curb tend View Film Oi Blind At Dalston WMS Dalston WA and WMS met at the home of Mrs Stan Vamon with 12 members and one visitor praent The president Mrs Lorne Handy opened with the theme and prayer Mrs Stan Watson was in charge of devotions Correspondence and minutesof the previous meeting were read and dealt with The treasurer gave report on the results of the human Members were reminded of needed clothing for the bale for home missions Mrs George Salisbury was in charge of the program which was film entitled Helen Keller Visits the Blind in Bible Lands Tea hostesses were Mrs Bob Handy and Mrs Ken McLean The December meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Norman cncy toward over generosity Give what you can to all worth while persons and causes but dont fall for hard luck stories For The Blrtbdny If Monday is your birthday your horoscope indicates pro pitious year ahead with finan cial and occupational matters emphasized from now until July personal relationships accented from May through September and the last four months of next year promising greater ex pansion of business interests Avoid extravagance from now until the end of December how ever and curb tendencies to ward anxiety and emotionalism in January and February child born on this day will be endowed with great self coniidence ambition and integ rity Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 32414 AFTERNOON TEA Mrc Frank Craig Mary St was hostess of an afternoon tea Thursday in honur of her daughterinlaw Mrs George Craig recent bride Prior to her marriage Mrs Craig was Miss Jane Bell daughter of Capt and Mrs Sam Bell of Mid land Presiding at the tea table were Mrs Thomas McCullagh Midland Mrs Victor Hurt Mrs George Seymour Mrsj Godden Tea assistants wer Mrs Kenneth McKenzie Mrs Harvey Lines Mrs Kenneth Jackson Miss Joan Wood Mrs Peter Sinclair Mrs Bell Mrs Craig Mrs Craig Out of city guests includ ed Mrs Sam Bell Midland mother of the bride Mn Kitching Midland WESTERN VISITORS Guests of the home of Mr and Mrs James Brennan Owen Strcct are their soninlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Robert McCracken of Rutland Sas katchewan The McCrackens Will be in the city for three weeks ANNIVEIEARY DANCE Mr and Mrs Anthony Mar childon were hosts at an anni versary dance in Edgar Com munity Hall lost evening The couple celebrated their 30th wed ding anniversary Mr and Mrs Emerson Cabb BARRIE HEATING FUELS Phone PA 66531 happiest news yét BTIIE BARRIE EXAMINER SATURDAY NOVEMBER Id 1961 PEOPLE AND PLACES Phone Eileen Dixon or Audrey CDiIbIID PA Mrs William Nevils Mrs Har mon Braden all of Cookstown and Mrs John Corbett of Caro line Strcet attended the funeral of theircousin Jim McFadden of Elmvalc Mr and Mrs John Corbett of Carolino Street Mrs Emery Bassingthwaighte of Cookstowo spent Thursday in Toronto WEDDING GUESTS Out of city guests attending at the wedding of Miss Donna Eliot and John McQuay this afternoon are Mr and Mrs Frank lngham Toronto Mrs Marie Prosser and family Tor onto Mr and Mrs Hankin lliston Mrs Marguerite Cunn ingham Alliston Mr nnd Mrs Roger Reive Toronto Mr and Mrs Stcvc Cordell London Ont Mr and Mrs Ronald Yorke Everett and Mrs May Hutchi son Port Credit Holly United Church is the setting for the wedding ceremony Rev arr will officiatc NOT CONCERNED HSERTFORD England CPI woman in court here explain ing the absence of her sonin lnw said he was in bed Asked what was wrong with him she said We dont know We cant make out what the doctor wrote on the paper SPECIAL For Ilmlled limo only nu tum PERMANENT for $800 Malia Yur Appointment Earl CLIFFORD HAIR FASHIONS PHONE en Hm for homes on the grow llIIlll IIlI IIIIIIII till llllllll Ii ill IIIIIIII in sf 3° Unheated Sunrooms Home Additiom Economically Easily 551 now makes it possible and practical to enjoy roomcontralled heating comfort in the added living space you are planning without going to the trouble and expense of extending your existing heating system Builtin electric heating units operate independently of your main heating systemf delivering almost instant heat where you want it when you want it without putting an added strain on your fumace without overheating the rest of your house ELESTgg 9551 is safe clean quiet You enjoy healthier atmosphere in an electrically heated room because electric heat does not deplete the important oxygen content of the air Electric heat does not create draughts dryness or dust Individual wall thennostats may be turned up or down at will You controlthe heating comfort and the heating cos EiEéiggg is easy and inexpensive to install Electric wiring to the built in electric heating units is all that is required You can have the job completed quickly even in midwinterbecause there is no need to disturb your present heating system or make costly structural changes Cull your qualiï¬ed electric heating conductor or your local Hydro for assistance in theluse of modem electric heating For Comfort Complete your home electric heat rid be Mr For Convenience For Ease of Installation