IHE BARKIE EXAMINER SATURDAY NOVEMBER ll Mil5 Economic Loss VANCOUVER iCP Fol rner prime minister Louis St Laurent said Canada sullers an economic loss through heart dis ease He said in report to the an nual meeting of lhe National Heart Foundation where he was reelected president an palllng statistics on heart dis ease will convince anyone that lit is our most formidable na tional health problem He said hicl Braymen executivc vicepresident watches as hi Collins ollicially takes over as 70000 Canadians at all ages died of heart disease last year representing one every two deaths president at the Camp liar den NDEA Blair secs retaryvtrensurer checks tho proceedings Camp Borden NDEIl Meets Will Form Auxiliary Soon The National Defence Em ployees Association of Camp Borden and District held their monthly meeting in the Union Hall Dunlop Street Barrie The president Ill Collins oi Barrie welcomed the new unit representatives to the meet ing They included Cle ments Stayner and RCAC School Wm Finnis ol Barrie and tax Depot Angus and George Scott New Loweu Prevailing Rates itch Sta Lion Camp Borden He also expressed the pleasure oi hav ing Braymnn as executive vicepresident and hicLeod as viceApresident Air and Hellman vicepresident Army Army There is great deal routine work to he done in the coming year the president reminded those attending but with the knowledge and the experience of those who have held office or several years the newer members in cluding myself will be able to do the work committee was appointed to investigate the procedures of appeals in respect to non members of NDEA and the suggestion that non members who requested appeals would have to pay the entire cost of the appeal The president appointed ltI Drayman as chairman of in Classilied Employees Com mittee and Ill Hoffman as chairman of the Prevailing Rates Committee ficers and the members they select for their respective committees will be responsible tor all matters concerning their own group oi classifica dons All members No Ticket Police Win OTTAWA tCPlA 1962 auto mobilev ralfled oil by local womens group has been won by city police although the win ning ticket was held by Mrs Henry Mullen Detectives investigating the legality of the lottery blocked transfer of the ear alter raid at the Hadassah charity bazaar one of the highlights of the capi tals social season The raid was part of con tinuing police crackdown on lot teries The Crown Attorneys office said that if the Hadassah Jewish womens organization is DWSecuted for conducting an it legal lottery it will be up to the court to settle ownership oi the car wives and Name Executive 01 Federation OTIAWA CP Margaret MaeLelland president of tha Canadian Federation of Univer sity Women announced the apt pointments of chairman of three special committees Mary Lynch of Frederic ton was named chairman of the committee on corrections Lillt lian Handlord of Reafrew will head the committee an admin istrative procedures and Vida Peene of Toronto is chairman of the Canadian centenary com rnittee Mrs Frank Flaherty ol Ot tawa was named press secre Cancer Weapon Fallout Victim HAMILTON CF Medical scientists at the radioisotope laboratory of Hamilton General Hospital say nuclear fallout is throwing out of kilter super Geiger counter they are using to fight cancer The maIdTine only one of its kind in Canada uses radioac tive chemicals to locate and pho tograph suspicious tumors in glands and organs not visible to xrnys Called photoscnnner its use results in less radiation for the patient than by use of xryas But each time fallout driits into the Hamilton area the pho toscanner records it The ma chine than has to be recalib rated women members of These 01 NDEA who are interested in farming an Auxiliary are invited to the January meeting where an Auxiliary to NDEA would be termed Credit Union Will Hold School Here The Georgian Bay and Dls trict Credit Union Chapter will hold Chapter Credit Un ion school at Barrie in the Community liousc today Vil liam Acres Mealord Chapter president said that 75 credit union members from the Geor gian Bay area are in attend ance The one day of study groups and lectures is under the dir ection oi Rooney ol the Credit Union League Iour instructors alsolrom the Lem gue are assisting and topics covered include iamin coun selling duties of the board 01 direetors treasurer and the supervisory committee This year Mr Acres stated the main objective ol the Georgian Bay Chapter is credit union education in the 53 member groups within the Georgian Bay area Frank Murphy lnnlslil Farmers Credit Union and Jr Cal lins Angus Community Credit Union are cochairmen of the chapters Educational Com mittee survey they made of credit unions within the Georgian Bay area indicated that member credit unions are not making use of educational facilities They also organized with the help of all the directors tall lair display at all the principal fairs in Simcoe Coun ty itir Acres said that at least 50000 people gained some knowledge about credit unions from this project other local men who areon the Board of Directors are Wilson and Cox FRIDAY TOM CROWE SATURDAY ADMISSION 75 Heart Association representa tive elected induded Dr lord Conncil Kingston hm LEGISLATURE CLOSES REGINA CPIThe second session specialsitting ol the 14th Saskatchewan legislature prorogued lridoy One at the live bills passed sets up com prehcnsive and compulsory pre paid medical care insurance plan tor 95 per cent at Saskat chewans 930000 residents IMPERIAL STARYS MONDAY VALLEY OF THE DRAGONS ODD FELLOWS HALL COLLIER sT EVERY FRIDAY SATURDAY WEBSTERS ORCHESTRA REFRESHMENT eooTII No sLACKs OR JEANS PERMITTED Old Tyme and Modern Dancing COMEDY HITS NORMAN nglgis In am m3 L11 sunk elaan nearxuuou wvmma Iv on elm mt TAKE RACY SMIIIIY ANN IInD MIeualI uoaorm uniunnu up won1 LASI SHOWING TODAY EVERYTHING DUCKY AND and his Quintet STARTS MONDAY FAMOUS PLAYERS Tlltlliit Mil EliJliIlliilIlillm htdï¬lldmlllhhï¬ hill In MetroCOLOR swam David JANSSEN Jules llllflR frank iflliiillil wenrune Tiaras FIRE 100 1mm BEanT min Features MATINEE WEDS pm 23 IJIINIJII ST NEXT DOIOR To FLEMINGS MAIN STORE VIILIIES GALORE Ior CHRISTMAS HERE ARE ONLY FEW OF THE WONDERFUL SEL ECTIONS AVAILABLE PLUSH BEAR Stiffly stalled body covered with twotone plush moveable arms and legs bead eyes press squeak voice and neck bow Height 16 inches 88 FARM SET Tenpiece larm set made of un breakable poiyethylene four wheel motor equipment plow barrow cart etc One cow and one horse all in attractive window display box Size 10 15 inches Decorated plastic covered and lined oarbed withlaoe trim and hen dles Size 8V 151 inches and fully jointed doll with sleep ingeyes 880 In DOLL Fully jointed vinyl body baby doll with moving eyes and lashes deep rooted hair with bow prettin dressed Height 16 inches giant size realistic readymix cemlt ent truck revolving mixer turns while truck is in motion Made of strong polyethylene Length 10 in 29 Cement lVlix TIIIIcII Actually mixes sand and water Large MIAinch stiff board stande drmonedoll widr real hair and her Sisinch matching dolly 22 cos tume pieces to out out in decorat ed box 161 inches Boys handy apiece tool set attrac tively displayed in large window box Just the thing for the young carpenter Size 13 13 inches In assorted colours plastic cover ed with panelled decals all around zipper ï¬xed minor inside of cover brass knob leet and plastic han dle Diameter 10 inches STEEL WAGON Roadmaster heavy duty all steel wagon red enamelled body smooth runnm wheels with rubber tires Size in at inches DollTrunk With Troy Ztonc ellect colours and patterns bright nickelled hardware metal corners wire handles Attractive decals roomy tray Sine itlx 9V1 SlEWARlGRANBtR HAYAHARAREH it SgneT METER LAST TIMES TODAY GRASS IS GREENER Ad 388 FLEMINES VZTGYilelRNNEX DIUNLOPST A5 BARRIE 10 inches mtgw om