Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Nov 1961, p. 3

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HONOR TOP STUDENTS AT COMMENCEMENT Diplomds Prizes Awarded Students Following diplomas and prizes were presented at Bar rie North Collegiate Com mencement last night HONOR DIPLOMAS Clara Alderdicc Douglas Armstrong Daniel Ball Carol Ballantyne channc Boll Don ald Burton Elspeth Cameronf Gordon Campbell Brion Coop er Mary Dunsmore Susanne Ferris Elizabeth Gates Elaine Hamilton Ronald Harris Christa Kaynes William Ken ny William Kittmer Patricia Lapp Peter McKnight Allan Moffatt Wi am Moore Gloria Rattle Lynda Russell Judith Smith Joan Thacker Gloria Thompson Andrew Turnbull Lynn Wilson ACADEMIC DIPLOMAS David Adams Carol Agnew ntarshali Aikens Larry Ander son Roy Atkinson Norman Baldwin Laurie Barron Jo anne Barss Anthony Baxter Calvin Beamish Sandra Bent ley Harold Bertram Grace Buker Barbara Burbidge Sandra Cameron Robert Campbell Gary Colley Brian Cook David Cook Robert Cor bett Wendy Craig Joan Craw ford Gary Deering Janet Dingman Judith Dingman Edwin DonnealyElaine Drury Margaret Drury Larry East on Jon Fell7 Robert Fisher Sandra Fleming Larry Guest Richard Hamilton Thomas Hamilton Brian Hook Judith Horne MaryEllen Howes Frances Humphrey Gordon Johnston Leslie Jollitfe Kate Jones Judith Lemmon Ulie Reet Lentslua Aynslie Little Clarence MacBride Courtney MacNab Linda Marshall George Martin Gary Mc Learning Judith Merriam Marie Mlllalr Lyn Miller Sharon Miller Clarence Mon ey Carol Newton Carmen Norton Carolyn Oades Joseph ONeill Daniel Page George Banting Anne Patterson Al lan Plrrle Garry Pratt Robert Preston Annette Raikes Beth ene Reinhardt Steve Reynolds Sandra Robinson William Shaw Judith Smith Victoria Smith Sandra Spring Const ance Taacona Barry Taylor Bonnie Taylolr June Thacker Arthur Tracy Lynda Tracy Ronald Turner Doreen Urry Barbara Varcoe Patricia Walker Bernard Wheeler Dennis Willel Susan Wilson Jane Winter Garfield Woor TOW COMMERCIAL DIPLOMAS Robert Davis Noreen Ford MaryLynne Gray Diane Hag an Russell Handy Taisto Kan kainen John Mills Sandra Murphy Judith Owen Cather ine Pirrie Brenda Wcsticott Robert theler SCIIOLAIISIIlIPS PRIZES Maior Hersey award but leading citizen as adjudged by the staff Laurie Barron $100 The Lions Club of Barrie scholarship Elspeth Cameron 5100 Brown award grade 13 student with highest average marks on nine or more pa pers Elspeth Cameron $100 Student Council scholarshi Linda Marshall $50 Bri Cook $50 MacLaren Co prize in mathematics grade 12 and grade 13 Gordon Campbell grade 13 $50 Leslie Jolliffe grade 12 $25 Womens Auxiliary to the Kiwanis Club award for prov ficiEncy in Middle School Latin and French Leslie Jollifle $25 Barrie Branch of Canadian Legion Memorial award in grade 13 history Elspeth Camlt eron $25 Barrie Branch of Canadian Legion award in grade 11 and 12 science Anne Patterson $25 Venture Club award highest marks in grade 12 Commer cial Judith OWBD $25 Glee Club awards to mem hers of Glee Club with first and second highest marks in grade 13 Gloria Rattle $40 Mary Dunsmore $25 Glee Club award to member of Glee Club obtaining highest marks in Grade 13 music Lyn ga Tracy $10 Vickie Smith 10 Ladies Auxiliary to Barrie Lions Club highest marks in Grade 11 Commercial sub jects Sharon Hay $25 The Charles Wilson award highest mark in grade 12 Eng Iisb Leslie Jolliffe $15 IODE award highest mark in grade 12 history Anne Pat terson $15 University Womens Club of Barrie Scholarship to girl at tending North Collegiate who procures highut marks in grade 13 and taking degree course at university Elspeth Cameron $200 Lavern Asmussem award highest academic standing in grade 135 Girl Elspeth Cam eron boy Gordon Campbell The Rotary Club of Barrie head girl and boy award as chosen by fellow students girl Elspeth Cameron boy Allan Moffatt The Agriculture Home Pro jecttvinners Best flower gar den Barbara Munro best ur ban vegetable garden Allan Harris best rural project Carol Stewart best collection Robert Bertram best rural egetable garden Ronald Me EB Proficiency prizes for lead ing students Grade IX Di anne Rumble Wcaymouths Book Store GradcX Stanley Walker and Donald Garner MacLennan Grade XI Christina Cameron Mrs scrimmage It was big night for flu dean and parents at Barrie North Collegiate commence ment exercises last night Top left Laurie Barron rev ceives the Major Here sy Award for Loading Citi zen from Clifford Lockhart chairman of the Barrie and District Collegiate Board Lower left Reverend Cccil Brenn addresses the gradu ating class on the purposes of education Rllplt students receive honor graduation di plomas Back row Laurie Barron Gordon Campbell Admonishes Students To Think Creatively The large auditorium at North Collegiate was packed last night with students and their parents in attendance for the com mencement exercises for the 1961 graduates The address to the graduat ing class was given by Rev Cccll Brena of Central Unv itcd Church Mr Brenn told the graduates of the true purpose of educa tion and of the opportunities which ioy before them on com pletion of their high school edu cation EDUCATIONS PURPOSE The purpose of education Mr Brenn pointcd out was not only to provide students with facts but to teach them to think creatively Education is what you have left over af ter you have forgotten the facts In democraticcountries the speaker continued we are critical of the conformity which exists in dictatorship and for get that it also exists in demo cracies Mr Brena said he hoped that those who wcre going on to higher education would find that their training in college and university would lead to creative thinking on their part creative and revolutionary thinking We are apt to put labels on people he saitl The lead ing men of the past have been creative and revoluitonary thinkers On what basis are you no ing to choose your vocation Mr Brenn asked the assem bled graduates hope it will not be on the basis of dollars and cents Our society is be coming seifcentred and selfish The question you should ask yourselves in choosing voca tion is not how much can earn but how much can give PLAYBOY ATTITUDE In conclusion Mr Brenn rc called his own college days and certain playboy attitude which existed Recreation sports and en tcrtainment are important he said but they should be kept in their place We shouldnt think like the school whosc motto was Ve want college that our football team can be proud of During the commencement program the audience was en tertained by selections sung by the North Collegiate Glee Club and by soloist Gordon Ferris The vaiedictory address was given by graduate Elspeth Cameron who was honored as recipient of the Rotary Club head girl award the Lions Club scholarship of $100 the Brown award for the highest average marks in Grade 13 the Canadian Legion memorial award for Grade 13 History and the University Womens Club of Barrie scholarship Honor diplomas were present ed by Hamilton principal of North Collegiate Academic diplomas were given out by Bowman principal of Cen tral Collegiate and commercial diplomas were awarded by Lemmon head of North Col legiate commercial department Borden Medical Officer Gets CanCer Appointment Dr Tieman OBE or 25 years medical officer and administrator in the Canadian armed forces including Camp Borden has been appointed as sistant executive director of both the National Cancer In stitute of Canada and the Can adian Cancer Society In this lcapacity he will assist Dr Tay OI During World War II he went overseas with the 5th Canadian Armoured Division later serv ing with the 3rd Canadian In fantry Divisionin Northwestern Europe and commanding both base and field medical units In December 1942 for di guisbed service he was awar ed the Order of the British Em pire Towards the end of the war he became divisional aur geon of the 5th Canadian Infan try Divislnnrwith the rank of colonel and later was command ing officer of the 2nd Canadian Hospital Ship Letitia in the Paacifie Theatre Since the war Dr Iieman an TIEIVIAN of the London 0nt Military Hospital area medical officer for Western Ontario and com Siudent From 010 School Wins Public Speaking Competition Brenda Shelswell student from Ora won the Judge Johnston Trophy last night as IIilIcrest Public School played host to visiting competitors in the annual public speaking can test sponsored by the Simcoa County Trustees and Ratepay ers Association Brenda received $10 as well as the trophy and became the fourth student of Mrs Vic Ross Oro teacher to win the com petition Tho contest covers all Simcoe County public and sep arate schools Second prize was won by Bruce Ubukata Barker School Camp Borden Another Camp Borden student Lea Travis from the Army School took third Every contestant received book and certificate of merit from the assoclation Heea formerly of Central col iegiate representing the seven judges announced the decision to the audience Brenda spoke on the subject MacLennan Grade XII Leslie JaimieGordon Reeve Mathematical prize pin Gordon Campbell On Being Good Cook while Bruce and Lea spoke on Etiquette and Mysteries of the Sea respectively During the time the judges Were deliberating Arnold Bant ing of Ivy entertained with songs and pantomimes and led in group singing Full Mul Fr mand medical officer of the Armys Eastern Command Halifax the last from 1951 to 1955 Recent positions have been director of the Medical JointlTraining Centre in Tol ronto and since last October commandant of the Canadian Forces Medical Training Cen tre at Camp Borden In 1955 he obtained diploma in pub lic health from University of Toronto Dr Tieman is married to the former Miss Bette Matthews RN of Barrie and has three children One of them Mary Anne is student nurse at the Montreal General Hospital Members or the Cancer In Lcs Jolliffe Brian Cookl Front row Elspeth Cameron Judy Owen Lynda Tracy Vickie Smith Sharon Haig Linda Marshall Marie Duns more Examiner Photos OBITUARY liIcCARINEY funeral service for Robert Gibson McCartney 24 of Mid hurst killed in an auto acci dcnt Nov was held at Beth ick Funeral Home Mr McCart ncy was born in Toronto and had spent his early life in western Ontario He lived in lllinesing for eight years and the last five years at Mid hurst He married Barbara Andross in 1955 Mrl McCarney had playcd for the Minesing Ball Club and was active in hockey and other sports Surviving are his wife Bar bara two children John Rn beri and Kim Marie brothers Kcn of Toronto Lorne of Ottawa Douglas and Allan of Barrie and sister Lynda Darlene of Barric Mr McCarneys parents also sur vive Burial was in Barrie Un ion Cemetery SHARON ELLIOTT Funcral services for Sharon Elizabeth Elliott were held at Jennctts Funeral Home She died suddenly at the Hos pital for Sick Children Toron to Rev John Barnard con ducted the service Surviving are her parents Mr and Mrs James Elliott ol Midhutst brothers John Ge aid and Ronald and sister Pegsy Women Excused From Jury Duty TORONTO CP Women summonsed for jury duty in On tario may excuse themselves legally by filling out form at tached to the summons mem bers of the Provincial Council of Women were told Piper clerk of the peace for Toronto said the form is ac companied by second enclos ure asking women not to excuse themselves stitute and Society see in his wealth of administratrveexper ience valuable aid to the work of the two groups which in essence is aimed at the event ual control of cancer second largest killer of Canadians af ter diseases at the heart For Family Needs has been commanding officer PLAN THROUGH SUN LIFE OF CANADA Rettrement Funds Witha Sun Life Endowment Plan ample funds can be made lavailable at your retirement To discuss this and other needs call TOM ANDERSON DISTRICT SUPERVISOR 24A CLAFPERTON ST IEABRE PA gust SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANYOF CANADA an mum hunkIILBaqu marlinLava quanlll for womens Emunsmiil tel11y Dlvlllnn of DAIRV FARMERS OF CANADA r147 Dnvanport ReadToronto In Islam mm SATURDAY NOVEMBER IE 114 COLLIER STREET Church To Mark 125th Birthday By SAM STEELE Publicity Chairman Collier Street United Church The third and last of series of services celebrating the l25lh anniversary of Collier Street United Church will he hold on Sunday designated as Old Home Sunday Dn lhis very special occasion the Rev Ernest Lewis MA BD former minislcr of the church will be the guest speaker The choir under the capable leadership of lulford will be augmented by the addition of from 40 to 50 former mcm bers scattered throughout the length and breadth of the country who will joyfully wcnd their way to their beloved home church Special music is being arranged Two im pressive anthems of the choral works of Handel and Mozart will be an added attraction LENGTIIY SERVICE it is mnttcr of dccpcst gratification that so many members of the choir have served so long and so faithful ly and with such loyalty to the church reception for Mr Lewis will be held from pm5 pm in the church parlors on Satur day evening November Itl This athome will provide good opportunity for church mem bers to meet Mr and Mrs Lewis and to talk of former times Tea and coffee will be served In keeping with the churchs tradition of progrcss it was felt that this was an opportune time for general visitation So fine body of men stalwart and true are prepared to go out Sunday afternoon and dis cuss church matters in the homes of the people The value oi the new organ was stressed by the canvass committee It will be valu able acquisition to growing and expanding church and es pecially to an enthusiastic and selfsacrificing choir SERVES FAITllIIJLLY Delight was expressed by members of the congregation on having Mr Lewis with us on this special anniversary occa sion He has host of sincere friends and wellwishch in Barrie and district where he has served so faithfully and well in former days both in church and community His community interests were many and varied but all lead ing to the betterment of man kind Besides serving on the Hospital Board and Barrie High School Board be was chairman of the Barrie and District Asa sociation for Retarded Chil dren movement in which he was deeply interested Now minister of James Street United Church in Exeter Ontario Mr Lewis will long be remembered in love and devo iluirculs 75c Saturdays $100 Barber CLIFFS BARBER SHOP 1o Essa Bond Across from Alllndalo no REV LEWIS tion by the congregation of Cal llcr United Church In commenting on our an vcrsary Mr Lewis has thcsa inspiring words for the futuroi As write this word of greet ing and congratulations to the people of Collier Street Uniled Church on this occasion think what wonderful 115 yearn this has been in the church Some of it have read from various sources good deal of it have heard from older members whom know so well and whose association with Collier Street began in the days when it was Methodist Church Indeed some were here when the stones bearing the initials of the organize1 tions were built into the corners of the old Sunday School build ing Part of this history lived through 19 years There could be no bcttcr wish for that church than that the spirit and felinwshipoi the past should continue through the next 125 Year DOMINION CENSUS The first Canadian census alter Confederation showed population of 3689757 in 1871 Hearing Glasses Impelleme inimyeaisyoom momentum MAICO HEARING SERVICE 850 Yongo St Toronto WAlnut 2317 Please and free booklet NAME ADDRESS Let Crescent lend you the cash to buy what you want and where you want Crescent loan now lets you take advantage of bargain oppor tunities as they occur PhonE ahead and your loan will be ready when you come in Our phone number is resmerif CORPORATION PA eo2os Finance LIMITED CANADIAN COASTTOCOASI Is Dunlap an Barrie Ont Manner Leo McNamarl

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