Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Nov 1961, p. 11

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ii HELP WANTED henna CAREERS for YOUNG MEN in the CANADIAN ARMY If you are between the egg at 17 and and single get lull loiormatioa on exciting career opportunities with the CANADIAN Altle Vklt your Army Recruitcr at Banis Almoury 10 and 11 em on Monday Nov ember 27 or write ARMY RECRUITING OFFICE 27 ST CLAIR Hefner TORONTO ONI MAN WANTED to work in local warehouse Snml lroecry upnfl once state are Apply no as Bani Examiner wnonwonxnn Wanted or local shop Vales dependent an ability or expedient Apply tax at nan rt her between IIan 5s FEMALE Mus lisLP with nine retail clolhlng experience requlrcd Ap ly In person to Geo Glenn Inns Wur Dunlap so Barrie SALES HELP AGENTS OPPORTUNITY tor pensionpt Itlrltme career or two men area as to with very large in insurance company expanding in this territory Excellent Income arrangement Plus bonus and ear trnlning program Satay ackground would be helpiul al though it is not essential Write quaithcattcnl to nor or name Examiner EMPLOYMENT WANTED 111m SCHOOL girl will baby ait weekends Tnlephoiin PA 06153 RRLIABLB voiIAN to da house work by the day Telephone PA Mus Ior runner details anuhAaan Woman wants housekeeping Job in horm without children Phona PA asset MOTRERLY CARE given chil dren in my own home by the waelr Apply to no on Barrie Dramlner FULLY QUALIFIED aTcNo GltAPIlEn lust moved to usrrie Typing shorthand hookkeeping excellent rerennou Own trans portation Telephone Stroud on 1111 or write so 80 Barrio Ex amtner YOU WOULDNT DISCONNECT YOUR PHONE COUPLE OF DAYS WEEK because you know that good prospects might be trying to get in touch wlth you during these periods when your phone service discontinued its the same with your adver tising People are buyingevery day Dont let that ousiness pass you by because your advertising la discontinued 13 AUCTION sALsS ammo AUCTION SALE OF LAND AND BUILDINGS PROPERTY SALE ND L411 Approximately 121 11 acres at land situated at Pt Lot 56 Con cession Township oi Vespra County oi Simcoe located prox lo miles north at treating on the west side oi Highway No Sale will take place on the pro perty at 300 RM EST WEDNESDAY NOV 21 not TERMS $50000 Cash or Certi iied Cheque tpayable to Trean urer Ontario at time at sale balance payable in so days Further loiormatlon may be obtained from The Auctioneer Mr Jerry Coughlin 59 Wellington St East Barrie Ontario Telephone PA HMS on Department ol Highways 365 Saskatoon St London Ontario Telephone GL 1360 Sale subject to reserve hid oaranfimnr or HIGHWAYS ONTARIO AUCTION SALE OF LAND AND BUILDINGS PROPERTY SALE N0 LABtlZ Approximately 52 910 acres at land situated at Ft Lot 14 Cone ccssion Township of Vespra County of Simcoe together with 7room Lstorey brick house frame barn drive shed pig pen chicken house and milk house all located approximate ly in miles northerly irom Eur rie on the east side of High way 400 with access to High way 93 Sale will take place on the pro perty at 180 PM EST WEDNESDAY NOV 22 1961 TERMS $50000 Cash or Certi lied Cheque payable to Treas urer oi Ontario at time oi sale balance payable in 80 days Further information may be obtained from The Auctioneer Mr Jerry Coughlin 89 Wellington St East Barrie Ontario Telephone PA 85449 on Department of Highways 365 Saskatoon St London Ontario Telephone GI 13450 Sale subject to reserve bid DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ONTARIO Its wonderful the way Classified Ads get re suits Phone PA 82414 goosmrsrsravrcr DIRECTORY Ask About LOW Bates By Month or Your Telephone PA 82414 APPLIANCE SERVICES PAINTING AND PAPEREANGING TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE Service to all makes I47 DUNLOP ST PA 6I I42 DIAPER SERVICE aannms FINEST DIAPER SERVICE Twice weekly pickup dauvary 11 Mars ST nun PA $8551 Lela than pack or cigarettes do DRIVING SCHOOL ORILLIA SCHOOL OF SAFE DRIVING Since 1956 FOR APPOINTMENT CALL PA 86551 FILL GRAVEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Grading Water Delivery Crushed stone Bali yard Backhoe for hire DENNIS Mom 10 Ann Street PA 25 INSULATION INSULATION with No Rockwool ALUMINUM CLAPBOARD SID ING IN COLOURS METAL DO ORS WINDOWS AWNINGS BY ALSCO FREE ESTIMATES GUARANTEED WORK SCOTT MUIR MINESING 211 Barrie AIRTITE INSULATIONVREP MASONRY if it can be built with BLOCK BRICK or STONE CALL SPROULE MASONRY CONTRACTOR For guaranteed workmanship at reasonable prices PA 60966 EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper Hanging Spray Painting Service Since 1920 Barrie PKG6956 tLasnnninc STUCCO STONE QUIKBRICK AND PLASTERING commas moons ancawsrs cameos FREE nsrmsms reruns no DOWN ravmr SIMCOE QUIKBRICK LEFROY 60M PHONE coupon REFRIGERATION HOOD REFRIGERATION SERVICE Domestic Conunerclal Airrcondltionlng oi pansr mar PHONE PA H678 RRI SANITARY DISPOSAL DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT We have been licensed to re move your dead and crippled iratm animals under the above FREE REMOVAL Phona COLLECT BARBIE PArkway oseir GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE LICENSE 95001 WELL DIGGING WELIj DRILLED PUMPS INSTALLED BY LICENSED DRILLERS FREE ESTIMATES Coupland Drilling an narrow PA 87646 ADVERTISE at THE BARRIE EXAMINER ALlemN Special The well attended meeting oi Banting Memorial Home and School lactation was highlighted by the presentation at an outline oi the Emergency Measures Organisat ion oi Slmcoe County by Mr Ray Atkinson the coordinatar oi this new programme Colour slides depicting what could happen in thewvent oi nuclear attack were shown by Mr Atkinson with commentary by Mrs Steele his assistant Oi special interest were facts regarding certain braiding mat eidaia and how they react to the hazards oi radioactivity lhe audience were shown how to re move radioactive dust from can ned foods and other articles The main purpose the pro gramme is to Impress the public with the iact that there is possibility oi survival tar all those not in direct attack it is ior this survival the people must be prepared and those on the Iringe areas will require emer gency supplies at all kinds The booklet Eleven Steps to Survival gives all the Informat SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS WIISIIGII BEACH Board of directors at Chamb er oi Commerce met in the council chambers for their re gular meeting President Gene Langcvin called the meeting to order at 315 pm with full board Those present were scc retoiy Mertylc Lynn Sam Pre zlo Glen Lewis Ed Itiucltiilian Jack Pucclnni Art Jewell Gra ham Christie Russell gu Bill Pringle Bruce Met Marvel Marcus Jack Timlock Ernie Smith Ray Barker min utes at last meeting were adop ted as it read and secretary read the financial report President Lnngevin reported on recent visit with the Hon Bryan Cathcart Dept of travel and publicity the result of which will be the inclusion of picture at Wasaga in the for thcoming Ontario Publicity fold er The president thanked Ed ltiachllan for his part In ob tuining this picture and getting it to the Department Mrs Lynn reported on the Thanksgiving dance and televis ion ratile This project covered the expenses incurred in con nection with the Fish Derby whlcihthe Chamber plans to make an annual event and which will encourage more fish ermen to the area Mrs Lynn thanked the Board ior the cor snge and boutonnicre presented to her and her husband at the dance which was held on their 25m wedding anniversary Pictures taken that night were passed around They are to be framed and may be seen in the Chamber Building It was decided gtto continue the advertising in the program mes of the Maple Leaf Gar dens The president pointed out the ratheLduhiousmpelogyinéni recent llicLeaus Magazine follow up to the letter sent to that publishing company from the Chamnar after an unfavor able article about Wasaga In contrast many favorable comments were made about the publicity the Beach receiv ed on the CBC program plorations The secretary we instructed to send thankyou not es to those who had produced the program letter of resignation was read irom vicepresideot Stan Pilcher His resignation was ae cepted most regretfully am Prezio was appointed to the position at vice and Bill Prin gie appointed to the vacant flat on the Board ion and these booklets along with other lgarnphlets were giv en out to use attending Rev Bridle thanked the speakers stressing that while people rnuat have sills and trust that such calamity will not happen it is also wise to be prepared and ready to act and hep our fellow man it the need arises Tho rouLine business was con ducted during which discm ion took place on financial aids or students As result of this resolution was fanned which stated It is resolved that the lm erial Federation of Home and School Associations take the initiative in compiling and dis tributing information on general financial aid available in Ont ario through scholarships bun caries and loans irom govern ment universities charitable foundations industry and other sources or the parents of stud ants irom grade and up it Is feltthat many students are held back from higher education due to lack oi funds within the Iamiiy the Department at Lands and Forests Nov 21 Gene Lange vin and Russell Pogue were del egated to represent the Chamb er and items to be brought up were decided upon letter irom the Huronia Historic Sites and Tourist As sociation was read asking for suggestions as to tourist attrac tions to be developed in the area The secretary was instru cted to answer some suggest ing consideration of restoring of Fort Nottawasnga Sam Prezio and Mrs Lynn reported good sale of the tickets for the thousand dollar raffle This will take place on Dec at Oakview Center when the Chamber is sponsor ing $1000 Elimination Dan ce Everybody is welcome Blue Mountain Camera ub met at Nancy Villa Vasagn Beach Nov About iiity members were present with the president Bud Watson in the chair Interesting iilms at local scenes in the diiierent seasons were shown by two members Miss Helen Campbell and Miss Isabell chnon both of Calling wood film was also shown or evaluation by Dr Ives and Bud Watson Then Dr Iv es showed most interesting nature circuit or wild flowers birdsund theIike Plans were completed or the open house to be held at Nan cy Villa on Nov 71 to which the public is invited delicious bullet lunch was seirved and the meeting adjoum BELLE EWIIRT The November meeting of the rwnxheldln school The president Mrs Trom bley was in the chair Ten members and two guest speak ers were present The meeting was opened with the ode and the Mary Stwart Collect Minutes at October me eting were read by Mrs Higgins secretarytreasurer After the business in Mrs Art Chappel conducted the ayening and gave very inter esting report on her visit to the area conierence which was held in Alliston The president introduced er daughter Miss Gaye Trombley who gave report on Historic research on our village Belle Ewart Mrs George Baxter the convenor on historic research rather lengthy discussion took place an the meeting with was unable to attend owing to sickness Mrs irombley then ATTENTION RETAILERS LOOKING FOR EXTRA CHRISTMAS BUSINESS THE BARRIE EXAMINER CHRISTMAS GIFT SPOTTER Womens institute BrelleEwnrt SOUND WARNING Prime Minister Macmillan oi Great Britain warned that the EastWest Cold war could continue lor another genera tion Mr Macmillan 67 be came prime minister in Conservative government in January 1957 Photo The US portion oi the Vir gin islands east at Puerte Rico were purchased irom Denmark in 1917 for 825000000 introduced our second speaker Mrs Alon Todd our president in South Simcoe Area who gave lovely report oi historic re search on pottery and china and its line art We were in deed grateiul to our two speak HS There will he cuchrc held on Nov and also on Dec 14 The meeting was called to close by singing God Save the Queen The hostesses then ser ved lunch Dec meeting will be potluck supper Christmas party All Members try to turn out to this meeting and bring your potluck MOUNT ST LOUIS Itlr and Mrs William Miller attended the Golden wedding re ception for Mr and Mrs Alex Miller at Essa Road Presbyter ian Church on Saturday The hunters are back most oi them have good report Mr and Mrs Lawloi Dixie Mr and Mrs Ed Sulli vnn Port Credit spent Satur day at their homes here Misses Joan Fender and Joan ne Boono Lakcshore Teachers College spent last week observ ing and teaching at our school Mr William Miller attended teachers meeting at Grenard School on Monday afternoon STAYNER SURVIVAL PROGRAM Under the auspices of the StaYner Home and the government booklet 11 Steps To Survival was ex plained to large group of people in the Stayner High School Thursday Nov at pm eElfects1inucleareirplosiins were discussed along with warning signals to be heard in the event of an attack How to prepare for such an eventuality was made very clear Many serious expressions were noted on the faces oi the and ience during and after the lee ture The citizens are becom ing aware of the very real tion may beheading NEEDED RED COAT FORT LEONARD WOOD Mo APtTwo escapees from the Fort Leonard Wood post stocks nde made the mistake oi hid ing in wooded area during deerhunting season One of them was shot and wounded by deer ls tailormade to put your name and message in over 14500 homes from now to Christmas EVERYBODY READS THE GIFT SPOTTER So prepare your advertising message now You will be surprised at the Speclal low rates and the convenlt lent arrangements made for yourcopy The Gift Spotter Girls will be pleased to help you BARRIE FAB2414 danger into which our clviliza hunter who mistook him for 3m SATURDAY NOVEMBER 0111 worn news III BRIEF DEFENCE com MOUNT YITAWA CPI Dein spending will mount agan in the 1m iiseai year inform ants said Friday The probable Increase In some 10000300 or about seven per cent over the current fiscal years deience budget of 51655000000 ASK SKIP SUBSIDIES OtlAWA CP The Cana dian Labor Congress called Fri day for iederal subsidies to Ca nadian ahipownera to help them compete with foreign competit ors resolution passed by the CLCexecutive council said such subsidies should be contingent on the shipping lines building repairing and maintaining ther shps in Canadian yards RETIRED GENERAL DIES MONTREAL CPI Ilju Gen Ralph Otter Geoiirey Moo tun 66 retired general office commanding the armys Quebec Command died Wednesday on the Spanishowned Mediteran nean Island at hiniorca it was learned here His 86 years army service extended through both world wars lie was ap pointed to Quebec Command in 1948 alter having been GOC Prairie Command with head quarters In Winnipeg irom i945 lie retired in 1951 FALLS OFF HORSE MIDDLEBURG Va AP Mrs John Kennedy had spill Friday when her horse balked at jump while she was riding with the Piedmont Hunt Guilty Of llilroni Says Pickersgill OTTAWA CPIUbrnl MP Pickersgill said the gov ernment ls guilty of terrible ailrontI to Lord Amory British high commissioner to Canada Mr Pickersgill said the insult was the absence at any oiiiclal cahlnct representative at Ca nadian Club meeting here which was addressed by Lord Amery The iorrner Liberal minister said this was more serious than the snub administered in Lon don recently by Canadian High Commissioner George Drew who did not attend briefing on British negotiations with the Common Market Mr Pickersgill suggested that the niiront to Lord Amory who spoke about the Conunon Marketwas the governments way of showing its displeasure with Britains intentions oi join ing that trade pacL The MP for BonavistaNil gIHKIltlmlItllfifllfifiKKHIIKKHIIQIIIIKKIIKKElla She got back up within minutes and condoned hunting through out the day witnesses related GALVO EXPELLED CASABLANCA Reuters Portuguese rebel leader Capt Henrique Galvao who seized the liner Santa Maria in Janu ary was expelled from Morocco Friday N0 FIRE NEIIRU SAFE NEW YORK AP Flre trucks stood by Friday night tor the landing oi commercial airplane bringing Prime Minis te Nehru of india here from Mexico City The pilot had ra diced that he had fire warn ing on the port inboard engine However an Inspection alter wnrds showed no evidence at the fire EPIDEMIC OVER HULL England Reuters Health authorities saidlriday Hulls eixqvcck polio epidemic has ended No new cases have been reported in the last three days More than 350000 persons received oral polio vaccine dur mg the epidemic PHILIP DRIVES HIMSELF CAPE COAST Ghana iAPl Prince Philip took the wheel at big upon car Friday and drove Irom Accra to this on cient capital of the iormcr Brit Ish colony sometimes at speeds of 70 miles an hour He drove with one hand and waved the othcr to crowds at chlldrcn lin ing vlllngu streets along the no mile route lingate said in speech to the Liberal Club at Carleton Uni versity that the government was launching political cam paign against Britain aimed at blocking entry to the Common Market Nations Permits Below 60 Figures OTTAWA CPIBuilding per mits issued in September by Canadian municipalities covered construction worth 965311000 decrease at 43 per cent irom 5205316110 total one year earlier the bureau oi statistics reported Volume highway traffic en tering Canada irom the Unltcd States increased 24 per cent in the JanuaryAugust period this year as compared to last The number of Americans entering Canada via other means of transportation Ielt three pol cent in the eight months IIIII MERCHANT Sell Gilt merchandise Through You will be pleasantly sur prised at the special low rates and convenient arrangements made for your copy Merch ants of Barrie and district will find the Christmas Gift Guide an excellent way to reach othelr prospective customers Your ad will be easy to find and systematically arranged for quick reference Be sure it appears lntha first edition ba glnning on Nov 20th Phone the Barrie Examiner Classified Départménr We will be pleased to give you prompt couneous assistance Alliston Forms SigmaC Club ALLISTDN Special lup per meeting in St Jobn Church hall saw the organiza tion new boys group or Alliston when more than 30 young men and their leaders gathered to discuss the tarma licn oi SigmaC club Rev James Shilton gave comprehensive outline oi the type ot program the new group would be interested in and ex plained the purpose at earns He advised that this would be spiritual program of sports church work interest in others and the development oi the in dividual members There will be unilorm and although it is inexpensive for the boys it denotes their mcm bership and interest in their group activities The special Tshirt carries the crest oi the SigmaC organization which is well known throughout the country in the United Church at Canada The leaders of the boys will be Jerry Dekker Jerry Moon and Douglas Mitchell with Rev Mr Shilton as superin tendent Meetings will be held every hrcsday at pm Any boys in the 12 to 14 age group will be most welcome The meeting closed with rccrcatmn period consisting oi songs and games Lot 0i Bull 5It Antlers OTTAWA CPlOttawn hun tcr Kcn Pigeon claims the honor for his hunting party oi the big gest moose shot in Ontario this yeara bull moose with antlers nearly five feet across lie said it was shot by Victor Coughlan oi Consccoa 0nt near BolleA ville ltIr Pigeon just back from hunting trip near Whitney on the southern edge of Algonquin Park 100 miles north of Peter borough said Thursday the am imal weighed an estimated 1550 pounds its antlers measured salt inches and had 29 points TRIAL COSTS HIGH REGINA tCPI The Saskat chewan government has paid $152i85li so iar in prosecuting Regina lawyer Shumlet chcr AttorneyGeneral Robert Walker reported Friday Shum iatcher is charged with counsel ling perjury and counselling false declarations The charges were laid in connection with Saskatchewan Securities Com mission hearing In 1958 cuiiuucuuiiniiinuweu 11an PUBLISHED DAILY atoms of FROMMON IIOVETo Io THUR arc 2r In illeEIossiIied ETHEBARRIE EXAMINER PtIONE

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