Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Nov 1961, p. 10

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TIME FOR Cs WANT AD BRINGS YOU CASH PA 82414 IOTIIE HARRIS EXAMINER SATURDAY NOVEMBER 19 ANNOUNCEMENTS REAL ESTATE BIRTHS PROPERTY FOR SALE Goon rtan smltt when you aooouace the birth or vour sand The harm Examiner cupping at the notice on available babyt Hood Family ixea Records and to dub vqu Ineads and relieve In that tar cy places place an aaoouoecroeol rtrr omb cat on Ht Examiner sstaed FA um DEATHS BONNEI theVTOronto sea ertl Ilaspllhl on Priory Nolchl her 17 Ml Elle ltne Cortes be loted wlte or out nonaey oi Churchill Dear mother oi wu red Eonncy of Coledon Grand molhcr mil Anne Ind Jamel bear sister or heaec Mrs tv hierrtsoni ot Pcterberougo Gordon and CPCII Crown IIIII Realm II the JED netl YHHEIII IImE Eradiord Sir Barrie Funeral senice Sun day Nor Is at pm Inter meat on line cemetery In lieu oi newem dquilons may as sent to the Canadian Cancer 50 titty CADOGAN Hospital London Ontario on Fri dayNovcrnbcr 17 ml Alexander Ctdogtn helo ed husband ol Elit tbeth Ltw loving lather ol Kttbrine Hrs am hi or Woodstock George mo Or and Vlllred or htrrl Resting at the Willls Rowcll Fun Home Woodstock for iuncrsl rerv on Monday No cmhcr alonAh At Westminster Innlsrail Albe on Wednesday November Mi Joseph Domlnlck Mann be loved son or the late Mr nd hirs Dominick hloran dear brother oI Ambrose or Rural Route Phllp tton in his 31st year Resting at the James Lynn hinerai Hom Elmvale atier In am an Sundt until 910 am on Monday N0vcm ber 70 then to st Patricks church Phelpsion tor requiem mass at 10 am interment St Patricks Cemetery Phelpston CARDS OF THAN KS BELIlvc wish to take this ggflunlty to extend in our nelg urs and Irlends our graterul thanks and appreciation or your letters get well cards towers and en ulrles during the period lllrs Ilcl was in Toronto General Hospital and since her return home Everyone has been most rlnd and thoughitul Again we thank you so much Harald Myrtle 1ch non soVe sh to know ledge our deepest thanks to all our friends and neighbours and Ill CIDIEY DI St 111 Del tag as In our ii at sorrow the lost or devoted husband and loving lather special thinks to our rriend and pastor Illnrtsliulor It Clair Ior all his past hindnesses to us to Dr GCOIKO Seymour and to our wou deriul neighbours on Edgehill Drive who have made our burden lighterElizabeth Anus Loagrnn and family IN MEMORIAM wwnYin loving memory our dear parents iiltlt Lowry who posted away September 11 1957 and Minnie Lowry who passed aw November Ill 1955 page in the book oi memory Suentiy turns today Intely day in some small way Hemorles or you come our way Though silent you are over near Siul missed loved always dear Lev1ngly remembered by Russel Helen Pie Jessie and Evelyn TOIIPKINSIn loving memory OLGeolde Henry Tompkins who entered higher service Nov Is 1256 To blm me more abundant To us guiding siar Dorotbea and Penny COMING EVENTS EUClIRE PARTY Crawford School No SIDEROAD SATURDAY ANOIL1B1h at pm Bringyour friends TINSEL TEA AND BAZAAR ST GILES CHURCH COOK STREET WEDNESDAY NOV 22nd to pm to 830 pm ADULTS 35c CHILDREN 15C Home Baking Nursery Everyone Welcome Dr Zerny MD MRCP wishes to announce change of Prizes office addrdss to 127 BLAKE ST As Of November 20 1961 CONSULTATIONS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY EUCHRE at Painswlck School every Wednesday night Starting time 330 pm Admission soc Lunfih served Proceeds for school wor BENEFIT DANCE la Iiildburst Hall Wednesday November 22 at 630 pm Good music and rlunch served Admission 5100 per per son Tickets at Graves Broth ers Service Station Proceeds to aid the Iamily or the late nob McCartney Want Ads SELL Most Anything For Want Ad Service Dial PA 2414 nunsmorc or ROSE REAL BIATE BROKER TilTIN STREET nAnRIz CALL DAY on EVENING PA 82379 Hcmber oi the name and Dinner Real Elmo Ootrd MOVING For complete moving service safer and easier Call COOKE CARTAGE E7 STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT 43 Essa Rd Barrie PArkway 85575 HENDERSON REALTOR Io COLLIER srnm PHONE PA 82673 CVININGS CALL RITA SCANDIILIT PA MALI DonoTln Wilcox PA out PERCY FORD Pli Mono Entaner SWAIN PA woos Hcmber or some and District and Ontario Real Estate Boards CARSON 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to the imperial Theatre PA 6648I tlember oi barns and nirtrlct Real Estate hoard MOVING Dont forget to transfer your INSURANCE and if you need extra coverage 0i any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA Main 11a Duniop St Keith Marshal Rm ESTATE BROKER I5 CLAPPERTON ST nAlililn PA 84502 DAYS OR EVENINGS liloDRE PA Misti FRANK NELLES PA 36656 alemher elarrio and District Real Estate Hoard COOKSTOWN Three year old modern bunga low consisting of three bed rooms Lshaped living room and dinette tour piece bath modern kitdleu utility room with laundry tubs and oil iur nace plus extra storage room Aluminum storms and screens throughout TV antenna Priced for quick sale at $3900 with low down payment Private Telephone Cookstown 458449 brick bungalow complete with aluminum storms and screens on wen hedged and landscaped let Completed rec mom NHA nrst mortgage Win $75 per month including interest and taxes Telephone PA 54822 SHANNON ST Ileautirul bedroom ranch style bungalow Iully landscaped lot 55 165 tlu mlnum screen windows and doors Interior painted Three years old NHA Occupancy December Owner trunsierred Phona PA 6675 error pm COPY or Want Ad Section accepted until pm Day before publication jRIVAmL sameThree bedroom Tomnomr msnhpm PROPERTY FOR SALE OR BENT Port SALE on an Modern bedroom winterized eottage bear Siroud All conveniences Phone PA oml mSUDHkICx HOUSE thler st Five rooms plus dnlrhed room to basement Oil turnaee Telephone PA balm pr PA we roUIt DEDDDOH Home on beat log attached are nod loca uoa Contest be In or tell tenable Telephone PA Mm UNPURNIEHRD WINTER liabln Three bedrooms Hitlets Polar oil Ind city conveniences sale or not Also room to real PA Coast or pply 69 John st tol TONE erlooklog the as rooms and bath attached gtnge walkout basement cold room norms and screens and many er tras Telephone PA mil aven Iags PA 51012 MORTGAGES Immediate Ist and 2nd Mortgage Loans Unlimitcd pIivate funds avail able for any type ol dwelling or construction anywhere Free consultation No Obligation CALL PA will MORTGAGE FUNDING 129 Dunlap St over SlMPSONSSEARS MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE NO BONUS Paymans insured against accident sickness death CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST BARRIE PA 60203 PRIVATE PAILIll wanted to take $5000 or 000 mortgage Tele pbono PA osm MORTGAGEKuIIi and 1nd bought told and arranged Commercial and residential node loaned on existing mortgages horrid Hort gage broken PA was RENTALS PARKING SPACE to rent down town Itlary Street $5 per month Apply Harold Hill Ltd 55 Dunlop St West Telephone PA b7427 BUILDING or rent downtown about 1100 so it Suitable tar body and paint shop garage or warehouse Dig dpon Apply Har old Hill Ltd 55 Dunop St West or telephone PA 31427 NURSING HOMES Arut EDnN NURSING HOME Built Ior this work Semi and private rooms kind nursing care good Iood TV rooms station wl gen tor outings Telephone osrti Strand APTS HOUSES T0 RENT RENTALS ms notions T0 gnur UPPER DUPLEX Ultra modern Self contained bedrooms large living room kitchen with dining area Laun dry iacilities and garage Low er owner occupied Close to schools and bus Immediatn possession PA 39827 MODERN TWO nEDIioosI house Vespra St 37 monthly Avail able December In Telephone PA M116 LARGE nicely decanted two bed room heated tellcontained Ipllh ment Cebtrtl IOcIuon Chudreo welcome Tclepbbnp PA owl PURNISIIED Apartment tor rent bedroom Dvlng room kitchen and bath Sellcontained Adults only Telephone PA 07350 gsmltnv seven room brick home on good residential ttreet immediate possession Reterentes Call Coutts at Co PA oaths two ttorey area tor root on turnre Hardwood and tilt noon Close to schools Telepbo PA 797 THREE nnDRooH House to rent on No II Highway ono mllt 1mm cliy Also two room apartment at 750 Dunlop St West Telephone PA 07355 szw CENTRAL one bedroom apartment in new hulldlnl Au iomtlle washer tnd dryer rup plletl Available December 1st Telephona PA Rudd UNFURNIEIIED W0 apartment heated centrau cated Parking Llundry ties reiepboaa PA was utter pm UNPURNISHED tbrea room apart ment heated hot and cold wtter Centrally located Duslncu tee tlon Parking lclllueL Telephone IA blvos SHALL winterized coiiago tor rent tarnished all heating All conveniences Including hetvy duty stove and retrlgerttor Little Lake vicinity Telephone PA Many FURNISHED Apartment two rooms heavy duty stove relrig crtlor Rent Includes heat light and water Suit business couple Phone PA 31257 TIIREB ROOMHD tarnished house sclttontained Near ttore and transportation Small child wel come Phonc HE 05717 ovealagt or weekend UPsTAIlls downtown location unturnished lplrlmcltt with pri vate entrance two bedrooms and three piece bath heated newly decorated Telephone PA awv FURNISHED selt contained apart mnnt uvlng room kltobeneite bedroom and bathroom Heat 35 par month Ctil PA 02485 or ll TORONTO ST Mcluvn Unturn lshed three room apartmentwith bath lelfcontnlnod completely rivate bright and attractive elephone PA 55555 ATnD APARTMENT tour rooms hnd hath lots at closet space near all stores in Allah dale or children welcome Available December Telephone PA 55132 bedroom AVAILABLE DEC In The Garden Terrace Corner Queen and Duckworth Sts Itlodcrn home bedrooms large living room tiled kittdten with dining area all heat with air conditioning laundry trays serviced landscaped mounds bamboo drapes $86 month PHONE PA S2740 or apartment Stove tnd suppued Laundry Parking Overlooklnfl Telephona PA bedroom retrlgerator raclllues Park and bay 112095 POUR LAIth Ronni ground lloor uniumlshed apartment Hayiield and Grove Stilt couple with two children $70 monthly heated Garage included Available now Telephone PA 35319 FURNISHED APARTMENT CHI tral three rooms and bath tell contalaed private entrance Heat hydro and water planting tvall $122223 monthly elephone PA MODERN heated uniurnished two RENTALS APPS HOUSES TO BENT an mu Bedroom house and llnll or rent on the 11th Coo eentlon ol Vupra rally inrnlared Dll rurotce Elly conveniences Telepboa Hillsdtit with six IOO modern naturalshcd house or not Lovel bsclr yard automatic gt heat or to down Ibwné 50 monthly Telephone PA HuNDALDW or rent with Him bedrooms and large recreation room ILIO trove Ind retruerttor Avallabit bow Telephone PA um PuriNIaIIEO modern completely Eivtie one bedroom apartment is or CurbaudS and laundry Itulltlet bake Street near East Imd shopping Centre Telephon PA Ill ALLANDA Three room uniuh oirhed artrneat tor rent or two mralshe bedrooms hetied Hy dro supplied Available immediate ly heasootblt real Telephon PA S7177 HOUSE Pult RLIT tlx rooms Di and oak floors eletn on heat In re Sorry not suitable rat small childre net onabla rent Available now Telephone PA Mull UNPURNISIIED three room nub cd apartment Tilt noon Stove nod relrlgerttor Selleontained Good parking Three bioekt ironl Collier Street suit couple Tele pboos PA 51320 COMFORTABLE older type three bedroom bungalow with hardwood Hoots lire lace oll Iurutee Also gtrtge on work shop In good resldcntlll trot Netr bus stop tehoois Ind thop lng pitta east end Telephone no UNPURNISIIHD duo and two bed room apartments netted Cellini ly located Kitchens with builbla cupboards Adults onl Telephone PA Mien and alter 30 pm PA new UNPURngHnD UptitlIt Apart ment three rooms pri bath Central location on betted Pri veto hot water tank in private home No other tenants Tele phoas PA 39157 Avalitbl now two nEbRooll untumlshd bpunmont private bath IIcat light and water supplied Located tt Dhtslnn iilghway PLSSS than lhly Available November ll rels phonl PA osm trier pm NEW MODERN centrally located two bedroom apartment or rent stove and laundry rtclIluet Ava able Immediately Janitor tervlc Telephone PA 55092 or turther ioiormtuan TWO BEDROOM uniurblsbed apartment in modern aptrtment building Steve and retrlgcrator Heat or storage parking space and laundry taoilltles Tele phone PA d1167 Avtllthla Dee embor 15 months three room uniurnlsh ed tclr eontalaed street level inpallmcnt Lllntdry room this bar couple One block Irom Post more For Intormatlon telephone PA amo NEW AND Modltrn oat and two bedroom apartments overlooking scenic Kempenielt uoy Heat wt ter parking and italtbr service included Automttie wllhlnl It eluties PA 37902 CENTRAL Modern betted moat living room and or bedroom dinette modern kt eben Iterrlgeraror and heavy duty ttove Parking abilities business couple preferred Tele pltono PA oosld ROOM do BOARD rtoohl AND BOARD avallnblu Close to downtown Apply Hon csy Street or turiher idiotmotion LARGE Roolll tor rent in new home Central location Suit one or two people board optional Tclephonu PA 53323 ROOM AND BOARD tor gentl Inan close to downtown in vate home luncheifilckod ll de iteirigerttor meat to rent Heated or winter or longer Telephone PA 115981 TWO ROOM Apartment Iurnlsh ed reirlgerator Parking space Adults only Telephone PA Mule or apply an lilary street FOUR HOOM Apartment to rent unturnlshad heated sellcontain ed herrigerator Ir desired Tclclt phone PA 32711 FIVE ROOltI Bungalow for rent garage East end close to bus and schools 011 heated Available Im mediately Telephone PA 530 FOUR RIoliI Apartment to rent unfurnlshed beat and hydro Dunlop St West Telephone PA 37155 FURNISHED APARTMENT large living room bedroom and kitch eaette Oll heated moderate rent Telephone PA 39240 liiHc in MOOREPA 55187 ROGERSPA M532 LCLIFF ROGERS CONNELL ONE DUNLOP STREET EAST First in Barrie Home SalesForemost in Quality of Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENINGS CALL POSTEDPA oilzt CONNELlrPA 55155 MEMBERS nARRIn dc DISTRICT Rm STATE BOARD BROWN REALTOR 32 HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONES PA 69241 PA 50242 Members or the Barrie lietl Estlta Board Smith CampbeuPA 07150 Fergus GarveyPA D7752 Norman Joan LangPA b5751 Shelswell REAL ESTATE BROKER DUNLOP ST PInST MORTGAGE FUNDS PA 89961 PA 68742 AVAILABLE7 INTEREST 50 0F VALUEN0 FEES CHARGED OPEN HOUSE Set the model home 97 Rose St weekend Open every evening and all FOR RENT $80 monthly Silt room home and garage Available immediately Centrallneation Close to schools Isa Lbagtin PA com more ShelsWOII are 2519 CORBY Phone PA 419 lllAnEL MARSHALLPA C4450 OWEN JONESPA 07911 BROKER Evenings Cali rtek Willson PA ml Norman sbelrwell PA mi STATE 93 Dualop St CORBYPA ilNdll MUIHEL JEFFEIIYPA doaaa Howard Nunll PA M463 REAL THREE ItOollis self contained on heated tiled floors kitchen with sink and modern cupboards plenty oi closet space stove and retrigerator supplied Reasonable rent Suit couple Phone PA ddsbs NEW IlIoDnRN Iour room hot water heated apartments in An gun $93 monthly Heat hydro water and ranges supplied Tele pbohe Camp Borden 159 collect LARGE HEATED Apartment Liv iag room dining room kitchen bedrooms and bath Sell contained very central Plenty or storage space Availablo stow $05 monthly Telephone PA 83824 AVArLanLE November two bedroom bungalow sll eoavsaten set all hett personable Tele phone Onkvllle Valley mm or write box barrio Examiner THREE ROOM ground near spsrb Inan separate entrance and bath lIoat supplied Close to school Available November 12 Telephone PA 89228 or Iurtber particulars THREE ROOM salt coattlaed heated apartment stove and re irlgerntor suppucd $55 per month includes hydro and water Close to downtown Telephone PA Mon days or PA 05701 ovnnlagn UPPER DUPLEX furnished two bedrooms living room dioette kitchen with builtin cupbotrda tiled floor and heavy duty rtngo Heated Private entrance Tele pboao PA 01298 or appointment PLrRNISHED APARTMENT pri vate entrance central location bedrooms living room kitchen bath with lots or storage Suitable ior two professional or business hdlel Telephone PA ilzsos titer PL TWo HEATED iurnisbed aphro meats Each containing bedroom living room kitchen and three piece bath Separate entrance At the Cralgburat General Store Highway 93 Telephone PA 39575 SEVEN ROOM House inside con vealeaces heated by mace In village of Hillsdule 15 minute drive rem Harrie Avonbis int medlggely Jennings PA 35573 orb TWO BEDROOM winterized laka front cottage at alinets Point In side coaventenoes bea wiring salt per month Immedla poster sion Telephone PA daiia ior Iurther details POUR Roplu APARTMENT tile bath unfurnished stove and re irlgerator supplied centrally lo cated No children Avatllbll immediately For further inroa mttiort telephone PA 00241 TWU1IOOM unturoished tptrt meat Combination living room kitchenette bedroom Random and rarrigcrator Ground floor Central suitable or one or two Telephone PA Mold MAIN PLDOR two bedroom flat madam new triplex near Hawks stone three hundred ieetIrom Highway 11 bus stop Largo nooma patio private entrance Reasonable Telepboaa Mrl Lew 5323 On Station SPACIouo modern partoteot completely tencontained nvnte cntraace ldcnl Or btehe nr or couple Adequate cupboard and storage eptce stove and rsiriger aior supplied Telephone PA 342 titer Pan Slxbd Reasonable lephvnoPA H8 ROOM AND noAnD available in private home Pack lunches necessa Gentleman preiorred For ttt her interruption elephone PA 66252 ROOM AND BOARD with mother 1y care given ior babies and children in my own home by the week Apply to box 79 Harris nat amine COMFORTABLE Room to rent with or without board in rivate home In General Electric velnity 3251 to but stop Telephone PA AM INTERESTED to boarding an elderly gentleman Ior winter months $6000 per month This Is nice home in pros erous district Apply Box to Barre Phr amlaer ROOMS TO LET FURNISHED ROOM with reirlg erttor and bulltin cupboards Suitable ior one or two girls Telephone PA 51270 FURNISHED BEDROOM 1nlond home Centrally located two blocks from downtown Home le vileges Telephone PA 55173 PUHNIBHBD Bedroom tor rent Sunnldnle area Home pflvucgu Deannathr detail telephone PA lld TWO LARGE unturnlthedrooms in private home located close to downtown would make ideal 9311 apartment Telephone PA rs FURNISHED Bedroom or rent in private home located two blocks Irom downtown Business man prrlmed Tele hobo PA 3443 for further detn BRIGHT Housekeeping Room rur nished with stove refrigerator and sink Linea it desired At bus Two girls or butlnest couple No Objection to Indy pensioner PA 02060 WANTED TO RENT WANTED An older house needing pm house Ile built Mutt be Insoluble Telpphonl PA 35147 GARAGE WANTED for storage of ear tor winter months commenc lng December lb Telephone at ter 530 to PA M102 ror rurtber lnlormntlo ARTICLES for SALE Used TV from 4900 Used Refrigerators from 8900 Used Ranges from 2900 All unconditionally Guaranteed McFADDEN Appliance 128 PENETANG STREET PA oozed APTS HOUSES TO RENT Sult 19150 MAIIY MAXIM SWEATER ARTICLES for SALE STORE OWNERS Assorted quantity of old stock COUNTER SALES BOOKS SINGLE CARBON AUTOMATIC These books are in per fect condition but have I9S on the data line REGULAR PRICE FROM I2c to 20c Clearing at 9c ea plus PROVINCIAL SALES TAX Commercial Printing Dept Barrie Examiner Phone 66537 ARTICLES for SALE coat AND Wood Yuqu ror tale It lood condition Irealiaed archaic nettooxbiy priced With one glpu Telephone PA 5711 mar 30 pm ATTENTION PLEASE smoke she to Htplo Ave PA Hm in union retb stock or molten needs we now earn or your convenience bread but ter milk entice etc etc Open dnlllyl an pm Sandvi noon HUNTERS AND ommehl lilo del solo sol cretts Pumps nu New sort 99 Gun Banal LIL sheila the Col buoilloes 37575 Tar at grlpt under bullets llu be buounr icences band guot Eterytbiog tor th tporttman Open ever dvenlnl nobtoot par RE Oils WS APPLll clnnn rest or treth tro tea in tppia butler ior break or ytimo We buy It on and ball gallon lugs Tris phone PA win VEGETABLES the bushel tor winter storage himlvl beet squash onion etc Ilillcrett Ga dent Phalpsio Telephone Elm va malt DOG XL PETS NEWSPAPER MATS Sizes 32x13 Ideal or llnlng hen houses attics garages etc perfect insulator 25 PER ooan Apply The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario NEED NEW STOVE 0R FRIDGE Buy em with it lowcost liieinsurcd SCOTIA PLAN LOAN The Bank of Nova Scovia HAVE YOU TRIED Barrie Auction Rooms and Second Hand Store 55 DUNLOP 51 WEST PHONE PA 2427 Free Free Nylon Hose the first 100 ladies who look at our 1962 Filter Queen Bagless Cleaner and Health Unit Nothing to buy Phone PA 83482 or write to Filter QuCoIt Sales 87 Maple Ave Barrie FURNACES FOR SH FORCED AIR OIL OR GAS NEW $110 FINANCE RATE Phone Collect Stroud 4IR5 Woodward and Sons Heating Contractors RR Stroudn SPACE EATER largest SIZE III controls and pipes relep PA TOY MANCHESTER Tenlen Iel lstcnd wonderiui watch dogs night re ter apartment elty homes small arms II Glen aey Aubrey Avenue ask mores retrph Prospect 6i warmer Ilka owIIt Tcl phone PA solos CASH REGISTER wanted small tire with tax hey Will pty cub Telephone PA 6993 WE WILL PAY CASH torgood used ruraiture or any good used trtleis individual or content loot Pho PA um WandNT SANTA cLAUs SUITS ior rent Reasonable rties Procech tor valYWCA Telephone PA docs and PA H727 Ior reservations Elildb lniorrnttton Yl lllenettu 5FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Highest prices paid for dead or crippled cattle and horses Small animals removed free For fast service phone BARRIE PA 87751 collect or ask for ZENITH 91130 NO CHARGE 2i hours lily1 days week NICKS DEAD STOCK RR Foxmead Ontario License No 139C61 WILL SWAP 1554 PONTIAC luxe two door cylinder tutorn tie in good condition or pickup truck or livestock Or will sell iot $450 Terms to reliable per ton Apply nax a7 Harrie Es amlner LIVESTOCK CATTLE FOR SALE Calves year lings two year olds and cows Apply MacDonald miles east or Hilldale 2nd Concession Me one DORSET HORNE and one South dowa ram lambs Will trade ror Leicester ram or run lamb Ap ply to nrroi Johnston at Hawks ton REGISTERED HnnElonns or sale one eight months old one fourteen months Also heiler with twin heifer calves Apply Robert Oraoch BRII Ivy REGISTERED and Grade Holstein Heller Calves or sale one to two weeks Old Also registered Holstein Heirert breeding age Johnston mtwkestontr AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE MIDTOWN MOTORS SALE DAY CLEARANCE STARTS TODAY 1961 Pontiac Parisienne $2725 1961 Ford Falrlane $1990 1961 Pontiac Laurentian $2550 1950 Chev Biscayne $1725 1959 Buick Hardtop $1830 11953 Chev Delray $1195 1958 Meteor Custom $690 1956 Chev Sedan $680 1956 Ford Custom $595 1955 Pontiac Deluxe 8680 1955 Chev Sedan 5610 All cars reconditioned and guaranteed Some with auto matic transmission radio and snow tires 41 ESSA ROAD ROY HAWKINS WEEKEND SPECIALS 1952 FORD idoor motor body tires ex cellent push button radio Black with whilewall tires va motor and standard transmis slon 195$ IIIONARCH 4dcor Vb motor standard transmission push button radio Good transportation 1955 CHEVROLET zdoar cylinder motor slan dnrd transmission CLEAN AS PIN 1956 PONTIAC 4doar cylinder standard transmission radio showroom condition 1957 PONTIAC 4door cylinder standard transmission and motorexhaust system brakes paint job and radio An outstanding Car in perfect condition 1959 DODGE ROYAL Zdoor hardtop automatic all power equipment radio mir rors washers whitewnlls real sharp FORD FERGUSON TRACTOR With three point hitch and lighu completely recondition ed MASSEY HARRIS Pony tractor and plow tact shape Frankcoms Fina Statlon HWY 26 and Illile north of city lirnltd PHONE PA ooooz MOBILE HOMES 1951 MOBILE HOME lllll hld rooms Cnmplctcly tarnished his phone PA doses PERSONALS nonrum TELLING Do you want your Iartuna told by man roi appointment telephonp PA 60490 anytime Per SIPACE$ 1154511131153 rfor 53kt medium so MU cop and ngus HE GOOD USED nttbtub on legs with taps and drain connection Telephona PA 007 500 PBET OF used steel rooting Apply Tom Exell utopia or tele Phone Ivy 14R DBLsz 2i Heel ry Gas Range one year old in perteot condition Phone PA 35417 tor particular 7PIECB Dining Room Suite or sale in good ape Telephone PA 7153 CASH LOANSS500 at per month Telephoao PA 60203 fifelienl Flaace 70 Dunlop St er USED HHALTHWAYS doubleboss regulator Ind aqualung ior sale 570 or nearest otter Apply 251 Epysilicld street or telephouo PA KENMORE DRYER tor sale ox oeuoat coodltlon best offer ae cepted Telephnnl PA 11701 for Iuriber dethlll Amns 35 mm camera for sale List $11350 Selling ior 50 Taken rolls or turn Teepbobo days PA 0483 evenInKIPA M74 HOMEMADE PIES rar nib All varieties Orders taken now Wiu deuver Cheaper by quantity or freezer Telepbono PA $943 at ter JUDD MATS ior sale size good condition Halt prlee Tele pboae FA 47773 Orilua or apply Peter St North Drilll REFRIGERATOR or sale viking 17 cubic root new condition Telephone 1355 Camp Borden for turtber details RCA WHIRLPOOL 17 Deep heeze like now also sci or Ens cyclopedia nrltanalca 1960 edition with year book Like new Tele pbono PA 60105 WOOD FOR SALE ioot cord $10 per card Alto p000 ice or lumber and inches Apply Robert Aeonley Shanty nay tele phone PA 358 TELEVISION RCA Victor tor uln 600d worklnl condition beautitul cabinet Orl cost MW First 575 call taken It This phone PA 61017 WINTER COAT and lacks also number party dresses size 12 and it hitns Jacket with iur colllr Ilka new large size Also bride doll 2a never used Tole phone PA basis after pm Ken tlemdns size 46 never worn Semiformula blue lace also eorsl satin and net both site 14 Gray car eoat also lo Telephone PA 34415 titer pm RENTALS Slnger Electric Poro able Hoebines lor rent by tho week or the month singer Sow Iag Centre nunlap street West Telephone PA 37900 or Elmvalo 24w REFRIGERATOR large also good condition 55 Double bed mat tress and springs 92 Dining room table lour chairs and bui let s15 Rangeitc perleci con dition 25 Telephone Mrs Dah lelson PA aim pho 024 OrD LIVESTOCK WANTED Goon QUIET work team or hora set 1150 dtlry type Heliert Springer wtated Apply to box or harri Ibrtmlaer ttatlag price FEED SEED GRAIN FOR SALE AT bargain Prlc Iooo bushels ol good heavy slightly discolored Data Not mus ty Apply CbarletLucos Lenby Ontario FARM MACHINERY CHARLES caution FARM SUPPLIES Cr SERVICE care le Iiolltad David brown nottty Farm Equipment 176 BURTON AVE PA P2373 WINTER SNOW EQUIPMENT FOR YOUR TRACTOR loaders buckets blades If we havent got it well get it CASH TRADE TERMS AIIENTION FARMERS LINCOLNARC WELDERS 150 AMP $15500 COMPLETE HAN DY HARDWARE STROUD New Management PHONE STRqu IORIAII AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE VlAU MOTORS RAMBLER HILLMAN AND LAND ROVER 10 DOWN gt17 GOWAN STREET PA 66435 1055 DODGE or In our door Cloth throughout nadlo Four new tires Telephone Dro isa alter pm loss vnuanLL super tor sale new battery exhaust system and tires shape Can be harmed zaps Private sale Telephone PA and alter 530 pm 1in METEOR door automatic radio new tires nevcnt paint lob Very clean 3305 Also ibon Pontiac 9140 Sprouis supertest Hwy 27 mile south of Thorn Inn phone Ivy IIRII Ln twig RIDH WANTED Irom 10th lint Veapra Camp borden Road End to hart1e by am and back titer pm Mondays to Fridays com menclng December PA 05807 or PA 64145 GOING WEST Drlva our new and late model cars to Vancou ver Calgary Edmonton Regina Winnipeg Gas paid Toronto DriveAway Service Limited 5335 Yonge Street Toronto EA 577 LOST FOUND POUND Large red bone dog mole white and light tan wetn ing collar Found In biiaeting swamp Telephooa HE 95737 VACATION PAY HOOK lost Alto aaelosed ls hospitalization blul paper with the name Aimy Sutb erland Telephone PA Hili cou ect or man to HP Utopia LOSTFemale Beagle black back wbite taco and chest brown hood and ears Wearing black collar with Tossorontlo tag No In Talephone collect New Lowell I107 IO HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP HOUSEKEEIEII WANTED tor men on tarm Good home rather than high wages Apply Box all Harris Examiner MALE HELP TOWN OF ORILLIA POLICE CONSTABLE WANTED Applicati forms for the above position may be obtained by calling at or writing to the office of the Chief Constable Police Dept Orillia Ontario The applications are to be filed with the undersigned not later than November 30 1961 ORILLIA BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS BOX 105 ORILLIA ONTARIO FULLY EXPERIENCED SIDE min for dairy rann Hard on our Pipeline milking parlor Apply Clarence naynes hrodrerd tele phone Ih 52747 MIDDLE AGED PERSON to help in Toronto variety store selt contained apartment or room and board supplied tree to trustwoo thy person rei bane PA 931 EXCELLENT INCOME for lull Or part time solllng Sci Caleb IIIH and Advertlalnl Specialties Fine llnu WILII top commission Reply Rech Products Brock viue ant mitigation and Advertising Spe eiaity Salesman required by long established tlrm Most liberal corn missions and bonus Excellent side line Ior traveller New sampler now ready Get in on the early sales It you have sales ability apply Box a2 Barrie Examiner Barrio Ontlrlu

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