Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Nov 1961, p. 1

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OUR TELEPHONES For Examiner Want Ads Tcle bone FA $2414 The Ielephonc number to call for the Business or Editorial Dept is PA 86537 LOCAL WEATHER Fair and moderating Hint of new here law tonigit 28 High tomorrow 40 For details please see summary on page Elite Torrie Examiner Barrie Ontario Canada Saturday NovemberJB I961 Fur To FlyJP Adenauer iMeet For Talks On Berlin fresh look at the situation this wont be done until mid Decizmber Kroll was called to the Kremlin to talk to Khrushchev Kmll maintains Khrushchev took the initiative The shock to American diplomats was that they had no prior notice of the tails were given no chance to co ordinate views with Kroll and only got belated briefing of what went on Vote SoonDietenbaker WINNIPEG CF Prime Minister Diefcnbnker clearly indicating an election is not far off meets here today with the Not More Than per Copy12 Page MOON ORBIT ISREADY TOGO Radiation In Space May Delay FiveDay Trip Until January MOSCOW ReutchRussla is planning to send man 97th YearNo 270 WASHINGTON CF Qual ified American aatho ties say ther likely will be some fur Ilyin Monday when President Kennedy and west German Chancellor Adcnauer for talks on the Berlin CH They expressed confidencE however that sharp differences between these tough minded leaders may be narrowed in frank twoday exchange where Kennedy Is expected to raise questions of whether West Ger many intends to pursue uni lateral approach to the Krem lln This questioning is based on continued web of confusion over the real intent of Kremlin discussions between Soviet Pre mIer Khrushchev and West Car on Berlin has had his hands tied by lack of unified West ern mandate American sources said American diplomats had hoped West Germany France and Eritaln would rcncw an earlier agreement that Western views be on ordinatcd and that the US continue to be the chief spokesman for the West But before the Western for eign ministers could meet for llllTON HEES ON TRICYCLE OTTAWA CWTrade Min ister Hccs set his 215p0und sixfootplus frame on in tiny tricycle and began pcdalling sons plan to turn over some joint federalprovincial projects to full provincial control if elected he said is on rising plane Unemployment was two per cent lower per capita than in the United States latest fig mlles east of the Aral Sea the source said man Ambassador Hans Kroli sueFinn Minuteman lCBM bails up from silo launching pad and streaks down the Atlan tic Missile Range The last estmoving weapon in the us Arsenal the missile made flight of 3000 miles there is no justice bread knife May 24 and 45 minutes Rather than admonish Kroil for an alleged suggestion of Berlin solution that did not have the prior support of the West German government Ad cnauer sent the veteran German diplomat back to Moscow with the prospect that he will hold further talks with Khrushchev Meanwhile US Ambassador Llwellyn Thompson who had hoped to be the chief Moscow explorer In talking to the Reds Woman Not Guilty 0n Murder Count TORONTO CF Mrs Man jarie Skibn 36 acquitted Fri day of murder in the death of her husband wept with relief while spectators cheered and woman screamed Murderers Mrs Skiba had been charged with non capital murder Her scrap dealer husband Kenneth was stabbed to death with The jury was out two hours The plastic tractor shaped tricycle held up That sure proves Cana dian toys are strong said Mr Hoes who earlier had climbed an exercise frame for children played with mech anical hockey lay plastic truck and doll Seek Toronto Realtor lls Accomplice TAMPA Fla APlFederal agents sought 40yearold for mer Toronto real estate man today in connection with the alleged $100326 swindle of Toronto insurance firm warrant was issued in Tampa Friday for George Henry Rideout He is charged along with 42 yearold Herbert George Sharp of bilking the London Life Inlt surancc Company at Toronto out of the money notional executive of the Pro gressive Conservative party it is the first time the cxecu tivc officers including repre sentatives of all provincial party organizations and the fed eral Tory organization have met outside Ottawa Winnipeg is the city in which llfr Dlefen baker kicked off the 1958 elec tion campaign It wont be too long before Ill be back he told cheer ing banquet meeting of the Manitoba Progressive Conserv ative partys annual meeting Friday night after declaring that his government would soon seek new mandate from the electors The present Parliament elected March 31 1958 can run until early summer of 1963 but it is generally expected an elec Lion will be called next year The executive sessions are closed tothc press and public PCs CHEER LEADER The prime minister in prime election fighting trim was given an ovation ot the banquet Friday night when he cast scorn on Liberal Leader Pear Beat Torture Montreal Women if MONTREAL CF Wide spread vice using torture and bcnlings to force women to re main prostitutes and threats of murder to keep witnesses quiet is operating in Montreal police invcztigations show The vice is spread through all large hotels luxurious mo tels and even private homes say police who conducted the investigations The investigations carried out quietly during the year by the morality squad were made public by Acting Police Chief Adrien Robert He described the work of the investigating officers as sensa tlonal The morality squad is one of the police departments reorgan ta Montreal from Europe wave in the city TELLS 0F HEATINGS ignominious treabnent llrson Squad Checks Fire HAMILTON CF The arson squad is investigating an early morning fire which flashed through Windsor Street house in 45 minutes and left family of six homeles Four companies of firemen battled the blaze which gutted the inter ior of the frame house occupied by Mr and Mrs Andy Car vatos and theirfour young children Man Moving Furniture Killed OTTAWA CP Leo Gaston Barbeau 39 local iruclung firm employee died late Friday night while moving furniture into the new post office headquarters building here Police said he apparently fell from the tailgate of parked truck An gutogsy is being performed today to determine theoause of ea Fine Striking Truck Drivers TORONTO CPI Twenty totalrof $1600 Frida in wildcTstsIriké driver who had an art cia Freight Liam Limited against the drivers all members of Local 933 of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Ind ignoring twoday walkout at the firms Dixie terminal last prl Teenagers Killed In Crash TORONTO CF teenaged boy and girl died when their car was smashed by Canadian National Railways freight train in Torontos eastern suburbs Friday Clifford Savage l7 and Gillian Willoughby 17 both of suburban Scarborough were thrown from their car when it was hit on level crossing at West Hill Barber Union Reach Compromise DETROIT CPJ compromise has been reached between Detroit barber and the union that lined him $25 for doing an extra days work for charity Nick Falnzzolo agreed to pay the fine but only after it had been arranged for union gfflicigl to hand oventhe money to the family the barber had DE Re Cross Ships Relief Supplies TORONTO More than five tons of Canadian Red Cross relief supplies valued at nearly $20000 leave here today aboard an RCAF plane for British Honduras The cargo will include new clothing soap disinfectant rubber boots blankets ed Cross health kits for distribution in the ized during the last 11 months by two police experts brought The expertsCmdr Andrew Way of Scotland Yard and Au dre Gaubiac of the Paris Surete were brought over to try to find ways of cambatting crime Lieut Emile Ducbarme said the investigations show that many prostitutes want to re form but they are kept in line by their procurers by threats and beatings He said in scores of cases girls were subjected to repeated beatings torture and In some cases girlsamine threatened with beinngld to IN NUTSHELL more degrading procurers and with being forced into intoler able conditions they would have lost their minds The in tigations showed that large number of young girlssome only 14had been forced into prostitution Lieut Duchame said two in larlacking callgirl rings were smashed in the north and west ends Calls were taken on the tele phone relayed through another and collector was sent around to collect the money These people are living cheek and jawl with respecta ble citizens Police revealed that one pros titute trying to escape from er procurer was beaten for 45 minutes in public club Then her purse was taken and she was thrown into lane behind the club One witness was reported to have been kidnapped sent to Buffalo and threatened with death if she ever tried to return to Montreal Investigations so far have re TORONTO CPA man and woman were found slashed to death Friday in downtown rooming house and Police Chief James Mackey said their mur Rccuses US 0f Exporting Black Hand PALERMO AP Sicilians are complaining that the United States is exporting dread new Mafia to Sicily where the se cret society of vengeance was born centuries ago It was from Sicily in the gol den era of Italian emigration to the US at the start of the 20th century that the Mafia first found its profitable way into American gangland There in the fertile ground of tection payoff racket Mafia emigrants toughened up their ancient organization to become abyword for crime and violent death But here it had not always been so nor is it now The Mafia still is known on the Mediterranean island as the honorable society It was founded as Sicilian protective society against the wrongs of foreign conquerors who rover ran the island Told Remain Prostitute Or Else sulted in as arrests on charges of living off prostitution There have been 39 convictions Sentences have ranged up to six years in penitentiary and fines ranging from $100 to $1000 have been levied The men involved are mostly Canadians but there are some Frenchmen and Hungarians polt lice said Hear Collingwood Bid For Station OTTAWA cma bid to set up new radio station in Col lingwood will be heard by the Béard of Broadcast Governors at its Nov or sitting in Ottawa it was announced Friday William James Bramah has made the application on behalf of yet unincorporated com pany which seeks station at 1270 on the dial with day power of 1000 watts and night power of 500 watts It would be the prohibition era and the pm an AM amplitude modulated station Murdered Couple Linked VicepDope der may be linked to prostitu tion and the United StatES mari juana traffic Thomas Crater so and Jean Rochelle at were found by nightshift worker when he re turned home Crater and Miss Rochelle were farmer Detroit residents who moved here recently The manhad been shot once in the back Crater clad in underwear shorts was lying almost decapi tated in downstairs vestibule Miss Rochelle nude in an up stairs bedroom was slashed across the throat Chief Mackey took personal charge of the case He notified border points and the FBI in theUnited States to watch for three cars bearing Michigan New York and New Jersey li cence plates He said evidence has been found linking the double mur dervto the traffic of marijuana between the US and Toronto and that they may also have been connected with move to gain control of Negro prostitu tion in Toronto CRASH KILLS wnoxron Sask cmrive persons were killed Friday night in cortruck collision near this town 25 miles east of Ya on Names of the dead all believed passengers in the car havenot been release This Mr Dicfcnbakcr said is in direct contradiction to last Januarys Liberal rally resolution favoring continuation and expansion of Dominion provincial loint programs llfr Diefenbnkcr declared that his government has done more than any other in history to help the provinces meet the cost of expanding social and other government services So confident was he of the merit of the Conservative gov ernments record that he plans to invade Liberal Premier Smallwoods domain of New foundland next weekend Joey and John he said get along well together since the premier recognizes the help that has come to Newfoundland from the federal treasury Plans for the Newfoundland visit are not complete Mr Diefenbakcr has had number of invitations to speak there to such bodies as the St Johns Chamber of Commerce TO HELP FLODDWAY The prime minister was well corned with standing ovation led by Premier Duff Rohlin as he announced an agreement under which the federal govern men will pay close to so per center the proposed Greater Winnipeg $65000000 floodway He told the audience that Mr Pearson had led caravan of gloom around the country but the opposition partys picture in accord with the facts Canadas economic picture 0n Ghana Tour ACCRA AP After nine days in the broiling West Afri can sun almost every day packed with official functions Queen Elizabeth is looking tired She looks tired around the eyes admitted an official of the royal entourage Several members of the en tourage are suffering from queasy stomachs and sore throats and one equerry bad to return to England Philip have managed to keep clear of any sickness said the spokesman The Queen Friday was away from her Christiansborg Castle residence nearly 12 hours at lending round of visits and presentations The day before she completed 10hour sched ule of engagements At times the temperature soared above the 100 mark but the Queen managed to keep smiling and waving to crowds lining the route Te 51foot yacht Rowdy ri ht hob alon tbacbn nviwaters ElmomFMQ of pessimism and panic is not Queen Tired So far the Queen and Prince ures on trade for August 1951 Were 76 per cent higher than the year before Congo Rebels Will Shoot UN Aircraft ELISABETHVILLE Reuters Rebel Congolese troops in Kivu province today were reported under orders to fire on United Nations planes after UN bomb ing attacks against them Reports reaching here said UN planes made air attacks on three strongholds of mutinous central government troops who massacred 13 Italian airmen week ago The planes were reported to have bombed pockets of mutln cars at Pongi 45 miles east of the Kindu massacre site at Samba Kasongo railroad staA tion southwest of Kinda and at Kimhombo about 60 miles south of Kindu The Congolese area com mander was reported to have ordered his troops to open fire on any UN or central Congo planes Moltiyon UN troops were standing by ready to move into thmtmntlny ea in around Kindu to bring the rebel troops under control by force Meanwhile Katango Interior Minister Godefrold Munongo said UN and national Congolese troops were pinned down in Al bertville the northern Katango town on Lake Tanganyika where and Katango Bolubo tribcsmen seized control last week Munongo said praKatanga resistance movement was form ing in and around Albertville In Kivu about half of the 1500 Congolese troops in the province mutinied last week surrounded 200 Malayan troops in Kindu and shot the 13 Ital ian airmen after they landed with cargo of scout cars for the Malayans There was still no word on the whereabouts of Antoine Gi zenga the central governments estranged vice premier who was reported to have incild the troops at Kindu in bid to es tablish control over Kivu TORONTO CP The Tale gram aays Ontario coroners were told this week by Tor end pf allowlino from Va us outta Tltfl Canadian freighter and stain around the moon and back probably next January accord ing to reliable source here today The man has alréady been chosen his space ship has been built and is ready at Baikonur the Soviet launching ground 100 PYTHON BITES YOUNG BETTOR JOHANNESBUEG Reut erslA loyearold youth who for $70 bet is sleeping for week with 10 pythons saved his life Friday night by break ing the neck of snake that attacked him Darryl Dandridga was reaching for clgaret when big python fastened its teeth in his right hand and wrapped itself round his arm and shoulders He struggled desperately as the python tightened its coils Suddenly the went limp He had broken its neck The curator of the Trans vaal snaka park here where Dandridge is trying to win his bet bandaged the wound and Dandrldga settled down to sleep He commented should not have any more trouble This one tried to bite me on previous occa sions Papers Critical Oi Immigration Bill Legislation LONDON Reuters Ttvo more London newspapers one of them Conservative today as sailed the Conservative govern ments controversial Common wealth immigration contral bill The Conservative paper The Daily Mail called the pending legislation untidy unnecessary and undesirable in its present form The British Commonwealth it added is poised on small number of props major one being free entry irrespective of race or color into the mother country The whole edifice will tremble if it is swept away onto doctor that many deaths and injuries in childbirth at tributed to natural causes YACHT Town TOISAlETY carrier Brlcoldoc followd the town break the 111T way The flight would last five days Soviet scientists were re ported to be delaying the shot until January because of huge amounts of radiation in space following an eruption on the sun The source discounted reports that the scientists were consid ering threeman space orbit afound the earth or of sending dogs to pave the way for tho roundthemoon flight SOLVE PROBLEM The Soviet scientists were said to consider threeman space orbit or the launching of dogs preparatory to the moon night as virtually useless for their carefully planned space program They were confident that they had solved the question of pro pulslan and had few fears of radiation dangers According to the source the recent Soviet rocket test launch ings to the central Pacific were designed to test the guidance mechanism for the moon probe Rockets Fail libort US Space Shoot CAPE CANAVERAL Fla AmRacket failure ruined an attempt today to send Ranger spacecraft far into space to investigate techniques for send ing future vehicles tothe moon and the planets 102fout Atlas Agenn racket boomed away from Cape Ca naveral at 312 am The Agena second stage whirled into 100 mile high parking orbit but failed to eject the 675 pound Ranger payload into deep space orbit designed to take it more than 500000 miles away from earth The National Aeronautics and Space mi is tration an nounced an hour after launch ing 1le Atlas portion of the flight and the firing of the Ag ena rocket appeared to be nor mal Tracking and telemetry in formation indicates the second Agena ignition did not take place and the spacecraft re mained in parking or near earth orbit Criminal Abortions Bldmecl For Many Natural Deaths were caused by criminal abor tion or medical negligence The report quoted Dr Louis Harris obstetrics chief at Torontos Mount Cinai Hospi tal that the commonest cause of maternal death in big cities is criminal abortions and most of the victims are married women Dr Harris chairman of the maternal welfare committee of the Canadian Medical Associav flan spoke to 42 Ontario coron ers at private lecture course for provincial comners The report says the doctor advanced these points to supr port his argument that post mortemashould be held in all maternal deaths lVLnny maternal dcathsattrib ated to natural causes by Ter onto coroners later proved to be the result of criminal action Parhaps half of the 270 mn ternal deaths last year in Can ado90 ofthem in Ontario werathe fault of doctors For every maternal death many more mothers were seri 014st injuredor invalided Manyvbables died in Canada from improper medical care criminal negligence The report says Dr Harris gave three examples of ma ternal deaths attributed to turn causes by Toronto coron orsAutopsics later proved two were caused by criminal abor tion and one resulted from poi gt soning Dr Harris was quoted saying that of in recent maternal deaths in Toronto iZcould have bee

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