Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Nov 1961, p. 4

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Elastic Examiner 16 Hayfield street Barrie ontario FRIDAY NOVEMBER I1 61 Plgl ITS LATER THAN WE THINK Hasty Young Countries Blind To UN Dangers Nations pressing for the expulsion of South Africa from the United Nations are following dangerous course Such actionwould set moral standards for UN membership and what nation could then qualify We have on many occasions in these columns criticized South Africas racial policies But our diser ofapartheid does not blind us to the fact that many of South Africas bitterest critics par ticularly among the new African nations are themselves exponents of racialism Time and again the votes of Africans and Asians in the United Nations have in dicated that they are interested only in what white men do to nonwhites they are not interested in what whites do to whites they are vastly indifferent for example to the colonialism imposed on large part of Europe by the Russians and they do not greatly care what non whites do to nonwhites unless they are directly involved the dispute between 4700 If $100 six inch Strsstllfontrcrl112d iuhm Assamlion Audit Bureau of chromium India and Pakistan over Kashmir is an example This sort of thing is racialism with consequences just as dangerous as those of apartheid Ghana one of the most savage critics of South Africa is now virtually police state Should it too he ejectedfrom the United Nations because of the polic ies of NkrumahtI Can the Soviet Union and China qualify Can American treat ment of its secondclass citizens be con doned or Canadian attitudes towards In dians and Eskimos The expulsion could very well under mine the UN structure which cannot stand much more damage Ironically the ones to suffer the most from UN col lapse would be the young states now crying for stern action against the South African Union The UN is not society of the right eous It is meeting place of nations where differences can be talked about and perhaps settled without resort to violence It can be some day the in strument of world order in an interna tional society governed by law and jus tice But to do that it must first of all survive That is the important thing now British Immigration Some Simcoe district residents planti lng visits to the United Kingdom have expressed some alarm about the UKs new Commonwealth Immigration Bill They have nothing to worry about Our London correspondent McIntyre Hood writes Under the terms of the new bill there is little cause for Canadians New Zealanders or Australians to worry about being allowed to enter the United King dom as immigrants Health security pnd previous criminal record are the only grounds for rejection provided in he bill Immigrants must have defin pite guarantee of job in Britain or must have skills which are in demand in this 2country They can be admitted if they ilg but they must also pass medical xamination There isnt much doubt about the purpose of the bill it is intended to ring under strict governmental control the welling flood of immigration from he West Indies Pakistan and India ere isnt much to which most Corn onweaith countries can object The revisions for admittance are almost The Barrie Examiner Authorized as second cisu on Post ouico ncpnnmont Ottawa Dally Sundays and Statutory aollory excepted mamas warns Publisher Baron shalom General Manager McPEEREoN Managing Editor crimes WADGE business manager nanny wnsoN hoverurinr Munster soars HOLDER clrcnlruon Mung Subscription mo only by carrier use nearly sroso year Single copaufc oy mall In Ontario $150 three months rind inonui outside Ontario soon you Outsfdo Can Add szaoo my 0mm ozs Universit Ave Thrahto no Cathcm est dram Strut Vancou vor armour or the Clhddfan Dolly Newspaper Pub The Canadian Press and the rho Crusdlrn Prosr is exclurlvaliy comics to tho on for republication or oil news is ntchud in opcr credltcd to it or The Assoc ntcdfPress cum and also to louiianswrpubllshndulbcnlu ave sufficient means to be selfsupport exactly the same as those required by Canada from British people seeking to come here Canadians cannot very well object to the new bill therefore unless we are willing to change our own im migration laws But while our laws do have some prohibitions on the grounds of color or racial origin there are no such restrictions in the new British bill the check there is by means of the skill and job requirement Mr Hood Notes There is so small flow of immigrants from Canada com ing to Britain to seek employment that the bill will affect only very few Can adians Experience has shown that Can adians coming here either have an assur ance of work have relatives who can vouch for them or have means of self support In most cases they are in cate gories which are in demand in this coun my Other Editors Views ICEBOX OVEN ALL IN ONE West German Bulletin Several countries including the Fed eral Republic are experimenting to find the best use for discovery made cen tury ago by French physicist named Jean Peltier He found that if an electric current is sent through conductor con sisting of two different metals soldered together at two different points one point of the connection becomes cold whereas the other becomes warm The idea has now been applied to de veloping refrigerator that cools when the electric current is sent in one direc tion audawarms when the direction of the current is reversed One German firm is already massproducing the necessary component parts The refrigeratoroven it isthought will be just the for arweekend LETTERS TO EDITOR Dear Sir Recently letter was publish ed in The Examiner from tho president of the Barrie branch of the Canadian Legion regard ing the reception he and his partner received from tho man agement of Harris Amos on Friday Nov On this evening our local inv fermediate hockey team was playing in our arena As every one knows the weather was possibly the worst we have had this fall cold and raining very hard They were refused the privilege of entering the areas also were told not to stand too close to the entrance to sell their poppies The reason for this they were informed was the arena commission policy of not allowing taggers in this building cannot find fault with Mr Alisopp as he was following in flmctions can find fault with tho commission On this com mission we have men who are members of our city council They are the ones who help to OTTAWA REPORT set the policy They on the ones who rufured these legion members the privilege of outer ing the building to prevent them from standing in tho rain to sell their poppies How long up the citizens of our city put up with such un called for blurhooded tactiut How long can the Barrie tarpily crs sit back without ever seeing some sort of financial state ment as to the arenas financial condition Remember th arena is our property it might be well to remind the voters of our fair city that an election will soon be held Can you sanction such policy by returning these men to council to be possibly reappointed to the arena commission Thanking you for allowing my letter spas in your paper re main Ernest Pctrirnoulx PS am not an exservice man but am very interesde in the work the Legion members are doing for the youth of our city Coolness Noted Towards Canada By PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWA British patience with the Dicfcnhnker Fleming administration Britons read in their Sunday press is wear ing thin This reference to the rift be tween Britain and the Canadian governmeu was obvloruly no exnggcratioo since it was printed in the influentia Sun day Times of London England whose publisher is the Cana dianbom Roy fihomson Who fired the first shot in the worsening cold war between Canada and Britain over Brit ains proposed entry into the European Common Market En quirie shere reveal that the cold war is in foot little more than unauthorized sniping by Canadas high commissioner in Britain Hon George Drew There is indeed considerable coolness towards Canada in British governmcn circle where George Drew is described as the most unpopular man in Whitehall as this column re ported recently But calm op praisal suggests that the unpop ular voice of Canada House London is not the voice of the Diclenbuker Fleming adminis tration on Parliament Hill 0t tawa SECRET REPORTS ERR Mr Drew has proved himself misleading prophet according to reports circulating here He informed Ottawa that he did not expect Britain to move towards the Common Market because in his expectation enough Conser vative MPs would revolt in Parliament against Prime Min ister Macmillan to defeat his proposal to that effect But in the event the revolt of right wing Tories was insignificant and Mr Mocmillans proposal was endorsed by the bulk of his own party and by the Labour party opposition Then too Mr Drew advised Ottawa that the annual conven tion of the Conservative party would turn thumbs down on Mr Macmillans move and kill it this proved an equally bad prognostication Diplomatic circles are now buzzing with thercpisode when Mr Drew belatedly refused twoweekold invitation to con fidential conference with Brit ish ministers using the excuse of pressure of work This re fusal was described unofficially by Canada House spokesman according to reports here as deliberate snub to the British government for the reason that they had not previously made full information available to the other Commonwealth countries The spokesman is said to have been Mr Drews press attache who as former experienced journalist would know exactly how this statement would be treated by the British and Carla dian press It was of course blown up into headlines REMEMBER BOSTON One can imagine how the wrres hetweeuottawa and Lon don sizzled after that Mr Drew put out special Sunday after noon denial that he had in tended to sun the British government But he did not en large upon the nature of the work whose pressure kept him away from the most important Canadian task of that day in London There appears to be back ground of misinformation be hind this storm in teapot no doubt there is lot of misun derstanding too But tea was the starting point of historys most famous and decisive row between North America and England and it would be disas trous if the present situation were permitted to become sim ilarly aggravated Finance Minister Donald Fleming will shortly visit Eur ope fopieside over meetings Todays Dimerick We are told that on apple day But with apples priced high Twould be cheaper to die And chances somebody would pay in his roleas chairman of tho moation Organization for Ecolt homic Cooperation and Devel opment He is likely to utilise that opportunity to develop lit tle cooperation and to correct the lisu ude rstandings now rampant in Whitehall about For liament Hills attitude And at the same time he will no doubt graciously accept Britains en deavours to bring Canada and other Commonwealth countries into the Common Market ncgi tintions as observers to satisfy themselves that Britain is nci ther intending nor achieving any betrayal of Commonwealth interests QUEENS PARK CANADIANS VIEWPOINT Clean People Dirty Cities Signs Of Changing Japan LAMS Second In Series Jupanthc industrial colossus of the Orient is country of paradoxes its mph the most fastidi ourly cleanly of races live in vast dilapidated cities amid root and smell Its huge industrial complex includes some of the largest and most uptodato plants in the world as well some of the most primitive of collage workrooms It is notion of gardeners and flower arrangers which does not even cut the grass in its thousands of dusty weed grown parks It is land of countless temples and shrines but which have no rent religion Above all it is land in which traditionally Orient al philosophy and way of life is being swiftly eroded by the currents of western civilization Already to the casual eye Japan wears the face of modern western nation The mil lions of workers over four million come into Tokyo each day to work whostream from the railway stations every morning wear western clothes and cut their hair in the western fashion The huge department stores along the Ginza the banks and financial houses of the Menin ollchl district the office build ings the cars and trains all these reflect the western way of life AMERICAN TV But when those same office workers reaching home after the days work most slip off their shoes and into kimono before settling down on their matcov ered floor for Japanesevstyle evening meal Yet even here there is significant change in the dom lldjusting To PM you Take By DON DHEARN TORONTOIts going to take bit of time to adjust here One day you are accustomed to being pretty casual with man Hey John you yell at him across the floor And then all of sudden you really should be calling him sir and generally acting as if he has become onnipotent over night It isnt him of course its the system For good reasons we pay certain respects and digni ties to our highest offices and the incumbents who happen to be in them But Hey Mabel it isnt easy FROST BARK one thing Premier Frost had was firm hand He had the respect of all his colleagues even the oldest And with some of them it amounted to fear If he was on the phone his ministers jumped Behind that mild image he carried quite bark when things werent going the way he wanted them The grapevine says that things arent as they used to be Not yet at least Mr Roberts of course was junior to most of his present cabinet ministers And they are finding It hit hard to fully appreciate that he is the boss MRI BIG Up in our ivory towers we newspaper men probably dont find quite the same difficulty as they do You are used to being friend ly chummy on occasion with man in your own age group You have had the odd drink you have asked him what he thinksabout things and he has asked you Tbenwhoopshe is Mr Big ime it isnt too easy to give him or at least his officethe new respect you feel is proper But still we dont have that much contact However Mr Roberts will probably in this respect quickly and quietly He has reserve and quiet dignity which tends to discoun age familiarity unless he is in the mood to invite it And similarly with advice and counsel He is not man with an open mind for every Tom Dick and Harry that wants to run the gov ernment He gives the feeling thatlwhen he wonts advice he will know it and what he wants and will ask for it Request Tolls Oil Ot SeaWay SARNIA If Canada does not remove the toll on the Welland ship canal the United States may impose correspond ing but higher tolls on connect ing waterways in the upper lakes Canadian admiral said Thursday ViceAdmiral RolloMain guay president and general manager of the Great Lakes Waterways Development Associlt atlnn told meeting of Surnia businessmen that all tolls should be removed from the St Law rencc Seaway system This would require amend ment of the agreement between Canada and the US he said but Canada can act alone to re move the Welland toll Tolls in general tended to reduce traf fic at Canadian ports Admiral Mainguoy said ship carrying 25000 tons of iron ore is required to pay tolls amount ing to $11000 in the St Law renca and Welland canals HUBERT will surokeep the doctor away EAST MEETS WEST IN KYOTO this is an improvement estic arrangements of many citydwellers growing num ber including almost all the younger people now have wesv ternstyle furniture in their homes or In at least one room and watch television shows which include large proportion of American pro grams mainly crime and west ern shows which have Japanese subtly dubbed in It is an exhilarating experi ence to see Lucy and Desi show in Japanese RESTIVE YOUTH This blending of two ways of life has given the Japanese people something of split per sonality and has led to grow ing restiveness on the art of the younger generation These young people seek their idols among the tinsel heroes of cheap American movies and in the world of popular music The most popular Japanese singers and performers tod uy are pallid reflections of aul Ankn Rock Hudson or Elvis Presley there is something in finitcly pathetic in the sight of small Japanese youth in tight pants and long sideburns strumming guitar and rotating his hips in emulation of his Hollywood hcro It is sad but nonetheless true that the sleaziest aspects of westernciyilizutlon seem to make the greatest impact and the imposing traditions of uni que way of life developed over thousands of years are being supplanted by the superficial ies of an alien civilization OPEN SPACES It is only in the countryside and in Kyoto and Nora the old capitals of an earlier age that the traditional way of life is still everywhere kept up For all its teeming millions Japan is still country of vast open spaces of smiling rolling hills of forested mountain and diked seaside and in the nor thern island of Hokkaido of wild frontier forest refuge of the giant Kodiak bear and the aboriginal Ainu the original in habitants of Japan The sophisticated apartment dweller crowded in his millions in the ramshackle cities has BIBLE THOUGHT set before you the way of life and the way of death Jeremiah 218 We choose which way we will go Whether we are to live or die depends largely on the principles of life to which we are committed adopted western ways and tastes but the simple farm folk who still make up the backbone of Japans people are slower to change Among them the wayside Shins to shrines teaching an appro ciation of Nature and the End dhist temples are considered as more than the quaint features of an outdated way of life In the countryside the spirit of Old Japan lives on much as it has for generations CHANGING LAND Yet Japan is changing and it is inevitable that in another decade the change will be al most complete Movies and above all television have brought the westem way of life into every home and in time the chair will replace the cush ion the kimono give way to the twopiece suit it is signifith that the most popular familylife TV serials in Japan depict life in western style apartment rooms and of floor Nearly all pa nor homes have TV smnllrscreen inexpensive sets for the most part and television there has far outstripped its Canadian counterpart with daily color broadcasts and elaborate pro ductions produced both by the stateoperated NlIK and big pri vate stations TV is one of the major fao tors in Japans changing way of life and as Japan goes so inevitably will all of southern Asia follow In 10 years Tokyo will be as westernized as De trait in generation Japans ageold culture will be curios ity for tourists To the alien eye it is all very sad SAVE PIONEER HOUSE BRANTFORD CPlA frame house more than century old known as old Hundred Set out Thursday on journey of modd miles to be preserved in pio ncer village at Rockton The house was recently sold by Miss Helen Strait to be torn down by the city for offstreet park ing The Rockton pioneer vil Iage bought it to save it from demolition msunsuca ourch no isnwror sr 91011ch takes the WRY outof Canadian Whisky Full strength whisky very light and extremely mild in character

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