Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Nov 1961, p. 2

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TR EAR um ram NORM 11 ll iiFinds Formula rFor Immigrants By Joiuv BIRD OTTAWA CDThe federal govemment believes it has found formula to remove ra cial discrimination from Can adas immigration law without opening this countrys gates to flood of immigrants whose skim are black brown or yel low government spokesman said this objective will he achieved under new immigration regula lions now being drafted and cab ported to become cffeetive be fore the next scssion of Farlll room The objective will he to treat all immigranll alike in line with the governments present policy of selective Immigration based on quality rattler than quantity Under this policy stress is placed on encouraging immig rants with skills and professions to migrate to Canada The ar rival of unskilled workers is dis eouraged Uns lll workers make up the bulk of Canadas unemployed Existing regulations under tllc Immigration Act opply mainly to prospective immigrants be fore they arrive in Canada They have the effect of limit ing the influx of nonwhito Im migrants from China Japan in dia the Middle East Africa and The West Indies SEE N0 IIIG INFLUX The number of immigrants with skills and professions re quired in this country is lim ited In addition many coun tries from which such immig rants would come are develop ing their own economics and want to keep their skilled peo ple Thus the new approach is that expected to result in any sizable influx of such lm migrans Canadas present immigration policy also is to base the annual intlow of newcomers as far as Apprentices Are iPrize Winners Three district apprentices were among the prize winners at the Provincial Institute of Tradcs graduation and closing exercises Wayne Mt Wrightman l0 Duf fcrin St apprenticed to Emery Engineering in carpentry was one of the winners in classes covering motor vehicle repair and all the building trades The other two winners were Wilfred Perrier apprenticed to Harold Mayotte Plastering and Clifford Dawson of Brace bridue apprenticed to Rristotv Ltd plumbers in Bar rie Venezuelans Visit Borden one Venezuelan military ri tache to Canada and his aide arc visiting the Royal Canadian School of Infantry at Camp Borv den today and tomorrow The LtCol ArenasVega and his aide ltl Susicc Romero will present two ban ners from the School of Infantry in Venezuela to the school WEATHER Syno sis The strong nurtlv wester winds which developed behind Thursdays storm are bringing much cooler air to On tarlr By this morning temper atures had dropped to near 40 In Southern Ontario and will re main near that during the day falling to near 30 overnight On Saturday winds will be lighter but temperatures will continue you Lake Huron Goorgian Bay regions London Cloudy with few showers or snuwflurries to day Cloudy with snowflurries and few snowsqualls tonight and Saturday Clearing late in the day Continuing cool Winds northwest 20 to 30 today weat crly 15 tonight and Saturday Low tonight High Saturday possible on the capacity of the country to absorb them As result of these factors relaxation of regulations esthey pertain to nonwhites will not materially affect the basic longiterm concept that immlv grants must be Adaptable socl ally and economically The policy behind current reg ulations dates back It Years to when the late prime minister hiackenlla King tnld Parlia ment that immigration was av privilege and not right Mr King said he was sure nudians did not want funda mental alteration in tho Cllfllan ter ofanadas population add ing that largescale imiiiigra lion from the Orient would change the fundamental compo aificn of the Canadian popula tion TORIES ATTACK ihe discrimination built info Canadas Immigration system was bitterly attacked by the Progressive Conservative party when it was the official Opposi tion In the 1957 election crim paign Prime Minister Diefcnba ker promised an overhaul of the Immigration Act to ensure that humanity will be consid ered However after taking office the Conservative govern ant found that the kind of amends merits it would like to make in the Immigration Act were eas icr demanded than achieved The government said at the openings of several parllamcrit ary sessions that bill would be introduccdto amend the act However nothing has yet been done Prime Minister Diefenbttker now has made clear that the government hopes to removo racial discrimination by chang ing th regulations Officers Named By Orange Lodge John Malthews was elected master of Angus Loyal Orange Lodge 3261 at their annual meet ing Deputy County Master floss ItIcClean presided over the elec tion and District Master Wen Cochranc wan in charge of the installation other officers elected deputy Marshall chap willis marshal Roy carso nclai secretary Franklin ginson fr treasur er All Knight record score tary Doug Kearnan fi lec turer Albert McCulligh Jr sec ond lecturer Maynard West first committee man Bernard McCulllgh second committee man Clayton Smith third com mittee man Oscar Linton fourth committee man Robert SPEAKS Monollv Mrs llugh Wallace presi dent of the hfYWCA board of directors will speak to the Ys Men at dinner mctling at fi130 lilflflllliy night Wallace will speak of the Ys future in Barrie HAS CLOSE CALL CF Jeweller Norman Counter was entering his store Thursday when about flit bricks fell from the ledge of an old twostorey building barely missing him CLINTON ball Wednesday lawn has been built tlrs to the street ing vood Ilospital Sod is and about 12 trees have been removed leaving large ex panse of lawn with no front on trance gfrnm the street foundations of the registry of fice are almost ready for pour it Invita TODAYS STOCK PRICES Compiled by Flynn 93 Dunlop St Barrio Asbestos Ahlum Algorm Steel Aluminium Alblltl on Atlas Steel air of iinnurni sun of NS Dlll Tel Ilraxlliau an on TLC Power can at ntCain Cdn Breweries CPR CanGI Cement cin Chemical on oil Cori run sin Cori Paper Consumers GI Dll our Can Husky Camb Chih Con DelRlo Con Denlron Con Hall Sullivan Fllcnnhrldle Geco ltitrru Wiltscy alols Lake Dufnult Vlndoo Black any DOWJDNES NEW YORK lnduxtrtm up its Indurtrllll down 115 Golda rlnwn 25 Dislllllu Selgrnm so ecntr plur so cenLI extrn pay Deer Nov Nousmin INNISIIl NOTES CleanUp Work Faces The County Council 555 Simcoe County Council will convene Monday for its final session of the year under War dcn Montcalm filauriea titles have been sent for the warden banquet In Essa Road Presbyterian Church banquet The Councillors will see facelifting job at the old court house where landscaping has been in progress during the ex cavation of the basement for the new Registry Office soil has been used to fill up the old driveway which circled in frontof this building and the sloping rig lat Top Th One of the first matters to he discussed will be the Coiling Follotving ac tion by the council and the Mn nicial Board Collingwood will be able to call for tenders representative of the On taric Lands and Forests Depart ment will speak Tuesday on forest management Under new plan the county will be axle ed to weperate on wider scale to add small parks and enlarge roadside facilities and to foster wild life development Mr Asbury of the Depart ment of Welfare will address the council Wednesday on new plan of welfare under which the whole of the costs would be handled at tho county eliminating local municipal es from the task of handling relief It is proposed that suitahle fa cilities he made available so that course could be given those unemployed persons whose present education limits their chances of obtaining employs mcnt At the wardcns banquet Sams new of Vaterdown will be the guest speakert Ills su feet will be Counties Th Weakness and Their Strength The November session iii lis ually the cleanup meeting after which many of the members Will face an Election in their own municipalities The county will finish its up cal year with surplus The $13600 set up in tho budget for 51 rs My Nor one no Ill sov niiiil Sigres ls Ilooro corp mi for the Collulgwond Hospital 49L Dom Tar in outw fund and $24000 for Alliston was can Iexquisitiilrluud uactlln Pm im no used his yum and the on 22 gang 5v gumcougts Will be etrlnployeld to re ti ow OK 78W Inlet Farm 11 Ilatbmam IIIA from cunniliafuid5pllta sin Horne FtL tin Royal Bank II 350 um oil ll=i flioAllom iosu Ii there could be lower 345 lludrnn DnyMtn sst smil snlnlu in county rote next year when the ii Shun ii ifiliesirl Iii city of Barrie seceded from the 252 In Accept sot5 Steel of cin in county it took large block or 51 Inland NG on Steinbcrg mt assessment from the county 15 mkfi ggfinpflnngim 25 However expansion throughout er ni JockP Clubp sso rn Mt Pipe II the municipalities Will have this Label l1 Trdsu IL Milt totally replaced and by next Pawn ill affirm year Simcoe County will be as arm uh iiimy raw 5st Winter new so large as before the city left lt ammo vi nnnnnr ournunt no no plunger dnronn so or f5 Hafiz Uniiia oi Lu RESEARCH ADVICE lfi Long Let my slay Lao Maritime human NESBIII 2m Opefltlslfl FIVE MOST acnvc STOCK evenness lull Unchanged TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGI INDEX DIVIDENDS DECLARE Ex 1in nnntrrriLnncmuilve is cents my Jan 52 Ex div Utilities on At Match down 08 cut up 89 DUNLOP ST PA 82442 fifth committee man iarii lllcOuBy and tyler Brian Gurnhill This Christmas GIVE GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVINGI See The Wonderful RCA PORTABLE Conveniently Priced at 19935 SEE OUR FULL TRANSlSTOR AND PORTABLE RECORD PLAYERS small deposit will hold the gift of your choice till Christmas MONARCH REFRIGERATION Windsor 25 St Thomas fill 40 London lo 40 Kitchener 30 40 Wingham 30 to Hamilton 30 45 St Catharines 32 45 Toronto 35 45 Petcrboroug 10 at Trenton 35 45 Killaloe 25 f0 Muskoka 25 35 III Dunlop St PA 82059 gGO l0 DUNLOP ST The Only Thing We Sell ls SERVICE HOURLY DAILY WEEKLY MONTHLYRATES or ANNUAELEASE tier Detailsand Rain Phon Harris slddrll CAR 8i TRUCK RENTALS PA 66525 mileage LET US PROVE lT NOTHING BUT THE BEST BUY NOWl Demonstrator Pontiac Cylinder Sedan Value At Only 1960 Chevrolet Cylinder Belalr Coach lETS TRADE NOWl I960 Pontiac Laurentian Coach lltLlillnlnii morons THE BEST USED CAR BUYS IN TOWN ARE AT ALLllllDllLE MOTORS Top quality clean cars at lowest prices in town backed by the beat guarantee in the business and the lowest finance rates available Buy With Confidence The Best For Less OPEN TO OFFERS 0N STRAIGHT DEALS Come on over our low overhead saves you money Look over our stock they are the cleanest sharpest can you have ever seen Showroom Corona Cream finish with matching green inter ior Automatlc transmifiion custom radio padded dash window washer full chrome discs etc Sensational $259500 Flawless original copperione and ivory finish Air condition ing direction lights windshield washers etc H000 actual miles Full 100 Warranty Buy Of The Year At Only $189500 Flawless original Laurel green finish with matching green interior Automatic transmiuion custom radio very low Oulstandiug Buy At Only STATION WAGON ll ESSA ROAD 195 CHEV DOOR STATION WAGON 48 CYLINDER Gorgeous anniversary gold and ivory finish automatic transmission positively like new throughout ONLY $is95oo i955 BuickSpeciuI Beautiful original grey finish with matching black and white interior Automatic Transmission Power Steering Custom Radio Whitewali Tires Outstanding condition throughout Terrific Buy At Only $6950 MANY mono T0 caoosc anont TRADE TERMS VALLANBALE OPEN EVENINGS TILL 1000 MOTORS New and Useanr Supermarkoi BARRIE DIAL PA dSfizl NOTHING our one near 3f STOCKSBONDSMUIUAI FUNDS AND COMPANY LIMITED ENTRANCE FRED GRANT SQUARE PETER WEST BASe Bill AFCAl ltIEMDEItS rarunin ninntrni Clnldlln ltock Exchlngu anANcnca com to cam in Canada New York anstnn London ans Zurich FOR WARMERWINTER iiisut RRAI do Thousands Of Children Enliven The Winter Fair SIMme We visited the Royal Winter Fair at Tomato yesterday and found it had expanded consider ably Over 10000 animals from farms all over Canada were housed in grandeur never befurl realised by many of them Truly lha tnuntr was brought to the city It is fair and thousands of school children were on hand to take advantlgl of it There were man clonal of children from schoo come with their teachers endeavour trtg to keep them in group and others in small grou on their own All were suppli with questionnaire which they had to complete with the right ana wers or lose credit for their air senca from school One of the questions we were asked by group of girls who were sizing up lbs beef chitin was What are some of the points that are looked for in JiidBlfIE good heat animal Every harder and attendant was being questioned by the stu dents Their question Ihcetl made the students travel all over the fair From horses to the west barns to pigs and sheep inthc new stock building these children were gaining knowledge to practical manner The 5155000 in print money Will Not Run For School Bd Trustee Art Harris said today be will not be candidate for reelcctlon to the Public School Board on Novomhnr 30 feel have not given the attention that should have over these past few months to my School Board duties he said lilr Harris pointed out that his activities on various florist boards on both the local and na ional level take most of his imc without obligation THOMSON surf to BARRIE that will be won by the exhibi tors brought 25000 cattle taco horses 1000 swine and 1200 sheep all of which have to have their turn in the show rings Thursday was Hereford breed day to make the ringl and one of our foremost breeders had herd of five Foiled animals on head we lett early on did not up the big show with the horse the competitions her and hundreds were getting workout there show in Harrisburg Washington and New York NEW BREED 0F BEEP IIIi cattle l200 pounds up are standard the Maritimes weight parade the Jumping and other Royal lifnilnled Police ride The prac tlro ring was busy all afternoon of competitors Canadian winners in horseman ihill at the Iloyal will have chance to show off their skill at The Santa Gertrudll cattle are do display for the first time at the Royal 10 head sent by their Breeders Association They or iginotcd on the famnul King ranch in Texas based on cross between the hrahma and the Shorthorn which cross breeds true to type with weight gain that for excels the ordinary beef Ilulls that weigh over new pounds and cows from On farm at Woodhridgo the first of these cattle in Canada have been given trial and there are also small herds in It has been found that cold frosty weather does not stunt their growth but increases their ability to put on They or good rustlcrs and walk long distances idurihg grazing The mother produces an ample supply of milk to feed the calves and they are proving double quality to breeders who want pounds of beef in their finished product lit present tha breed must be Imported and duty paid to the federal govern ment which has not recognised them an breeding stock for duty free import Our local horse exhibitors Hughes Brothers are in their usual place at the ham barns and have begun their climb up the luecaal ladder With their new wagon with the farm name and the Strand address on It side they are hopeful of making show that will brinl pride to our community iilliston Man Is Found Dead ALLISTON Special Ruucl Thomas Henderson was found dead in his back srd Wed nesday evening Ifs lved with his mother Mrs Sarah Hender son at Nelson St Before You Buy Furs Campus lo nUALITY TVLI WORKMANIBIP AN ABOVI ALL fulfil urn Etllcflnn tn loft In budget We Invite Your IIIIPISIIII No Obllllllflu onznrvtlno IPAIRING OLD ITOIAGI astiuuuon airuntrue WlfifillfS llillS BIrrlel Exclull Farrier who malic ad nil furl only Barrie Toronto Dunlap St PA H553 WATER through to March Slat be installed on time BARRIE PUBLIC as CALL U5iNOW FOR FREE ESTIMATE ON HOME IMPROVEMENTS LOOK TO US FOR THE KIND OF FRIENDLY EXPERT SERVICE THAT HAS BUILT OUR REPUTATION We Rent T00 Be Sure Of The Utmost Qualify Insist That Your Builder use Bertram Brothers Products CROWN DIAMOND PAINTS Complete Stock of We carry only so give us call today and we necessary materials to do the for You at leviesr possiblo cost to you Dont Let Winter get it hold on you Dont let any more Itime slip by about insulating your home it will not got any warmer before it gets colder so winter on your fuel bill the best in Insulation at the lowest prices Elohim NOW CAN iii COMPLETED IN TIME FOR THE HOLIDAYS LTD 429 BLAKE ST BAIIIIIE PA 60254 All water services accepted after November 25th paid for by the applicant The Commission does not guarantee to complete any service durlng the per iod of severe winter conditions now to save money this hair or we will do the lab SERVICE of the following ear shall and material has and all TILITIES COMMISSION before you do something will supply you with the Want to finlih oft your attic or basement refinish your floors or do LOOI other prolacts Rant thetbois you head and youll can time money and labor DRIttS SAWS POLiSHiRiS SANDERS vdnd lots mm at cocoonqu rental prices is in max

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