Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Nov 1961, p. 12

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CONTRACT BRIDGE BY JAY BEIKBK II LEGAL NOTICES VESPRA TOWNSHIP WFD was THE KILLER or trim SILVER BEAR WAS man 1NEYCOME TO OUR LANDS Mm WEIR NOPE NOIA DUNDEEORA PELION IN THE BOOK GUESS THEFAMlIIES MUSTHAVE DIEDOUTA WAY BACK SOMEWHERE ALONG THE LINETHEY HAD NOSONS ONLY DAUGHTERS uleMoM THE IcIDs JUST LEFT lM BEAT DID HAVE FUNS you HOUSE DOESNT SEEM TO BE WINE55 553cm WE ARE TO W57 51 PEOVLE iFlCiNflY WI MHET 06 DEEP wMIrLI HAVET COME OVER AN SEE THAT GEE DIDNT KNOme WEREAWREST LING FANGRANDMAI OH IM NOT kEALLY BUT MAYBE CAN LEARNA JHATLL HELPMEHANDLE TH BIG TURKEYIM GONNA ml NBGWEC OUR FORCE ill MFA PO IMNITIIINES Elli FOR EXAMPLE SHRINERS IN 111E MAW SUPPORT IE BEDS FDR RlIPLED CIIILD EN CONTRIBUTIONS FROM OUR WESUPPO THIS RFIIANAGE AND ANGWER ONE momma VAPA 5A o6 DESKA same YOUR MONTHLY CHECK ssh 1m THE meanness AlLEOES Norsowm say out mYolIRLIFE Tow FROM ow GUN EMPLACEMENT ARM BROKEN IS POSSIBLE SOMETIME ILL HAVE on You sou EULLWIEETDEUMINATE WERWEYERY PAPA SAN You one South neilher side when we have important illm uncmble The bidding has for his long not Im nu dubs 13 bud 15 Notice is hereoy given that the nomination of candidate or the oi the intermediale $135531 offices of Reeve Deoulyjbeve and Councilmen or the Township sons rs xonh But be Identified by luumFP nl Vupra and trustees or Vespra School Area No and No 15 cm WSW lor close or the year 1961 will be held at he has or game In clubs hearts gt wtm would you non bid or nalrump The final vudict mi eat11 the following use depends on what yannrr does d1 nut KT v15 QKSE +AQ35 41m nolrumn Here also 25 J5 95 our hand is the intermediate 1961 FROM 1230 to 130 401 as 54 more Class and Vanls 5W IN AND TAKE NOTICE THAT ELECTIONS IF ANY WILL BE Ilon The Jump to two natrurnp HELD cw MG VQ Mu TAKE Show 18 or 19 points notrump li AAM 743 M9155 idlstrihulion and stoppers in the SATURDAY DEC gt196 suits bid by the opponents PussI Opening I1ld5 of one The final comm is mu rlRoM 930 A2Mfl0 30 RM suII ordlnulzly lime doubt however it depend on AT THE FOLLOWING PLACES range of 12 la hrISllllafd what type or hand partner has oinsleo No lGeorge 13 Thompsonl house Dalslnn George oninisv ll T311353 North runny be mums to so Thompson Into MIN wing gr has sinus With the nnlrump idem Division No zTownshlp Hall Midhurst George Coulis 11110 31 or else heymay prefer Io play Dlvision No Jlrsnkcom Fina Service Cundlu North Ken ch kr the hand In 5111 contract Miner Dno mm in 91 is flexible enollfihfln Division No 40range llnll Minesing Irvine Johnston one Ting lmd hm his cards and distribution Divislan No SGrenlel Hall clllrord Ford 11110 d° mm Division No sEdenvnle Hall Manbb 1130 strength of your openan 15 Three hearts Here we are Wm get upper decidedly interested in playing lslon No 7ScoIts Store Anlen lllllls Scott DlRD mm rabid Th9 me in or game in hear and we D=vlslon No BBar Hall Ferndale Mrs Bert Hooper DlR0 this IIIimlle non sInu our ad accordingly The Mp EARL RICHARDSON 0119mm bid uns at the mini three hearts in this sequence Township Clerk rnunr class II can be best 191 is forcing to game We cant llllDHURST NOVEMBER 1961 enlllllcli hy lTssmg at thin treat this as just 14point Pumr Cl Ca °u hand The guaranteed heart it sho1lllltbegnd 13m on I3 AUCTION SALES mm 11 Auwt 1° opening 11 an won more put the hand in at least the present our actual strength to 18point class AUCTION SALE 123NApgfl Igfiéeflafin £105 pnrlncr ITomorrow Dummyreversal so HEAD so HEAD Apple Mm Dam mm 12 Ifgrffiigfimancm COMPLETE DISPERSAL 01 Glennlton nag Apple Due Feb DEDICATE LIBRARY REGISTERED AND GRADE 119624 standing by Ilse ut It as appreciated in value because Ihc UNITED NATIONS APlA HOLSTEN CATTLE smuigmmennb on 11 AQx ol hearts have turned out new llhrary or the Unlled Na on orn uy be of prove value in the lions wns dedlcoted Thursday to Th9 mdesFned has WWW 17v 1993 Sire Glcflfllmn all light at partners Voluntary the memory of Dag llammars Islrum 10 €911 by Anple Craftsman Darn Ja5lt heart bid Such good trump kjaldu The marble and glass PUbIIC 1de mlne Texal Rag Apple lllllklng support for partners obviously building $61200000 gilt ol the LOT 15 COM well due March 15 1962 broken suit should not be sup Ford Foundation contulns rend INNISFIL TOWNSHIP GRADE CATTLE Holsteln pressed even though we start in rooms zooseat theatre OnHlshway 11 lémlles 51th cow years mllklng well or wIIh only 14 highcard ander penthouse lounge Evcn oi Churchill bred Sept Holstein Cow points Partner is entitled to tuzllly it Will contaln 400000 TUESDAY NOV 21 years fresh 01513111 Cow have his free bid respected books ThIil lull SHARPl years milking well bred July In nwmg propery 15 Holstein Cow years belonging to Ircsh Holstein Cow years RUSSELL STEWART fresh Holstein Cow years gt REGISTERED CATTLE milking well bred June Appin Monogram Flossy Holstein an years fresh No1162658 born Oct IS 1954 Holstein Cow years spring CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE Sire Lonelm Rag Apple Ivan lngl Holstein Cow years rnlnAT NOVEMBER 11 so Ilm Coleman Dam Poplars Monogram Flur milking well bred Aug 105 Hel fltg mg aggmsdggd mm rie Sells Fresh stein Cow years mllklng Sion Rlanle angle 1132 gille éunlvlll Travel Appin neEcho Betsy No EVE Sled Julyrfiivnglmfihn 530 arms My rm 1224097 born July 17 1955 ow years lion Sgsgoflxmlxguguly rill JNIIiIZIthCKe Sire Romandale new Mun bred June 21 Holstein Cow 520 Emu lllrkel Report 1145 Klnn Whyla arch Dam Rag Apple Cres years lresh Holstein Cow Iiilfhe2°ngigm°n Iiilg ivnuitnTel r733 Spam cent Lass Milking bred June years fresh 03 glurre 555mm 1115 13mg 1951 years lreIShI Holgelnl Covgéws at news as an ears springing oseln 7111 In Tcxal Prlde Lonelm 11113 C333 finial SUNDAY NOVEMBER 19 NW 133513200 born Sepl 23 1956 years Hglllstegncgofin 330 $212118 Ambrose Tm mm Sire Lonelm Texnl Govenlock ycfrsh mg 9311 Perry Mason Chm 5mm Dam Gardenia Pride Milking 12 loan The netnetlve mm Poesy and Pull Set 1961 milking well bred Aug 17t 1100 one TV Mm 15 Wuh Holstein cow years milking 1115 The IVenthermnn 17 Sum Appin Texul Lonas Kay Today ln Sports 1100 Good Lile TheIra well bred Aug Holstein Community Now 130 country cnlondnr No 1291497 born July 16 ms Cow years bred 35 331mm l3 cfilhreriZaIZIm nah 31 Gwenlmk Anni Holstein Cow years lt sioo mum Dam Locust 0mm Rag AP milkingwell bred Aug Hal SaAuouElNIYTNIIJImmm Iggsllelnltlan Bl Home me Lona Lass sens Fresh stein CW years fresh Ho 2315 Childreflsualm 525 New Appin Texal Marksman Pa Slain cow years fresh Hol lain Slintnofilnus rmue machineen Singer hicinl my 1294433 bun Aug Stein Cow year5msh 12117 T55 Pattern The Parade 151 1956 5311 Orchard Vale Holstein Heifers years 125 News and lumber 11110 so Sullivan Slow Texnl Marksman Dam Appln springing 20 Head Yearlmgs ll illhmzlzérl mm 328 5335 Texnl Lady Due Deal 20 and Calves ion howling 1an Quest Appin IlaEcho Bessie No EQmngm 44 Can um 33 333 323 3331 $13 122nm born Aug 12 1955 co nulklnlk Cooler years 51011 Countrytlme 1115 11am Sire Romandale ReEeho hion um wouds Pipeline Milking 630 News VEMhnr Sport Little Bit HEIVEH arch Dam Gardenia Pride machine units complete set Milking well rebred Sept 15 Sunbeam Clippers CFTO CHANNEL TORONTO W751 Appin Marksman Texal Mrl Séeyacratmeis changing 11 11 Tn 0V9 é¥ Egfieaway fig laxigutglggd 21 $331 Darmark No 1257064 thora Terms Cash Jan 22 1956 Sire Ore ar Owner or managemen w1 233 533 331 légitrSonToTEe Vale Texal Marksman Dan1 not be responsible or amid lt 515 By elem uerton 5311 MI Time Rag Apple Darven Bond Haven cuts mury on propgrty dur IZ rail feedslease Show 552 Still Fri2IIIIEHNW Milking well bred July 15 ing sale dayr 7111 West Coast 545 Outdoor spertsmm Appin Alcartra Pabst Man Kneeshaw Clerk 42 Marksman mom horn mason mowm AND 33 fountrydstnyxlc Egg yBiedaogfiy sh galll 11955 iire Orshard CfLWILL LTD Auctioniers 11111 an one ae exa ar sman am ones Victoria Har our iiigg $5225 milk igigg iiirIIIIywaigé svfifiIy Ruelm Rose Alcartra Pabst 51mm Vasagzl Beach 459 Phil has EiféiofyizlnIEnllem SATURDAY wovailnnn 1a smm 0v The Mm itll 3Iiciin£2 fiiénilltrflfifinll 3355 as else we mouse Ls ANTA TCQE rave on 130 Things Sel shotL 4rExcLarna gnaw TEM EM Do 3103 goaltlznolln 6ngn non walt PTSPRA¢IEES Tm Tm 10Honolulu 5th teases Dunn asacus 50 rim or the Matter greeting flowers 24Look AN ATE 52 amt Hymn 1Perminmg artammo 2543mm 600 Far Away Place mam mm mm gfigg 7312 7o 1331 61 Ith Natl 11am KEAS rows gig hudnnnfllp leed Show laflflhluflegs gSzagess an Ligendylolgthemljutf Amour 9300 nemn on woos 42me lifflomnlen 15531 light cavem 33536355 101w Andy Griffith Show 17 soaknax notices ammonia 11130 Roaring 20s 18Toume mwma 31 113 News Weather Sports 20wudefing book fig 811 workmen 195me lan aimm1 gschogl among sea lt tum examine Identlfles our qu gnome IiifliyAfiflifli mum WELCOME WAGON now fifir nullAll spgNsons 51 Illflay to l4 my high linemanm gun arming rate ggni filflfilllfilflfi names on elm ea ave 25 ynmommumy LATER 33 WWWIlflfilfll flag 27 Forlnformntlonenll on our handy Budget Plan meat PA 6302 4200an Dent delay repairs to 41mm III gift your car See us today 831 home lt DIlNIiEBlIELII genus Motors le Down 65 Collier St PA H4481 Lmitters WES 17 Try An Examiner Wont Ail 155 You BAYCIIY your carrier has not arrived by 11111 PHOLSTERING please pm ANTIQUEANDMDDERN 111 Eaauflful Samples PHOTO Free Estimates FREE excxue AND Ard ACopy w1ll Be Delivered To Your Home DELIVERY CHRjgfims THERE Is No CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE Rigid =1 lt CALL In Upholsterlng In our BusinessNotlustA SMITH STUDIO Sideline 38D St P1384176 III DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS 65 Bradlord St Over Hunt on you EVEK now ONE OF Till3 SHELLS yous EAR ANYTHING LIKE THAT 23 if BET you NEVER HEARD WHAT was me SOUND REMINP YOU OF THE STATIC ON ITS JUST LIKE OUR KADlDf

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