Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Nov 1961, p. 11

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INTEII COAT manl ed size In Two mena Sports keta iilze to Litdys oer coat flkltchcn with builtIn cupboards guano llaor and heavy duty range RENTALS APTs HOUSES To RENT nee MODERN loo bedroom bnra bungalow aha tuber llrr age Apply Roger and Cooneli telephone PA Lassa NE Tllltu bedroom house and garage tor real on the Inn Can CQMUD ol espra hilly insulated 01 tuntare conveniences bone rilllidale 2mm THREE Rooil heated upstairs uo Alw sh flounllllfl apartment and garage 50 alanith heated Apply 12 Duodonald Street PA nation PUitNisItzD two room sell con tained apartment downstairs Central Available December iiydro Included st per nonla Telephone PA 2n Six ROD modern unlurnirhed bause tor rInl barely beck yard lie gal beat close to down too monthly Telephone PA Two unilami Apartment in apartment building stove retria erstnr wuher and dryer No nblt iecsion to small child Available now Telephone PA H4119 DUNGALOW tor rent Vlllh Ihru bedrooms and large recreation rootn also slave and relrigerator Available now Telephone PA Mold runnlsliED modern completely rllate one bedroom apartment Lats or cupboards and laundry Iacllttlcx Elalre Street near East End shopPlnI Centre Telephone PA Milli ALLANDALE Three room untun rllshed apartment for rent or two rurnlsacd bedrooms brazed II dra supplied Available Immediate iy Reasonable rcnt Telephone PA ddlit naval FOR itENT six rooras tile and call tloors clean on heat garage Sorry not liable lor adult children Reasonable rent Available now Telephone PA nsitv UNFUILVISIIED three room heat ed apartment Tile tloorl stove and relrigcratar Scltcnntllnrd Good parking Three blocks trom Collier Street suit couple Tele phnne PA Slain COMFORTADLE older type three bedroom bungalow with hardwood Iloorr lire late on lurnace Also garage an shop in good residential area Near bus st schools and shopping plala end Telephone PA ooItn UPPEit DUPLEX Iurnlshcd two bedrooms living room ulnctte iioated Private cntronce Te phone PA ciztd tor appointment UNFlllt siIEo one and two bed room apartments healed central ly located Kitchens with builtin cupboards Adults i7an Telephone PA sziao nd altcr mo pm PA ID Upstairs ment three rooms private bath Central location on heated Pri vale not water tank in private home No other tenants Tele phone PA £9757 Available no AVAILABLE Anytime Tis room unturnlshd lower duplcll we inglon arid naytiald Streeta Iilts prelcrrcd slim monthly Te phone PA 545704 between nln and pm Alter PA dam TiirtEI ROOMS and bath Applle anccs optional hirnlslted or up mrntshcd Free parking Very central Laundry laciiitlee Tole phone PA 60931 or PA nlnsz eco IllnI NDOM st BOARD 66 AND comm avallahla to GDIIPIIDWIL Apply ll Dcl street tor turthcr tulorlnatlaa ARGE Rooli tor rent in new ionic Central location Suit one or two peopic board optional Telephone PA H113 BOO AND DUAltD with mother iy care given tor babtcs and children in my own home by the when Apply to Box is aarrle Ex linlner cohiPaItTADLE Room to rent with or without board In private home In General Electric vicinity Close to but stop Telephone PA haul ROOMS TO LET FURNISHED Room with ralrlp stator and builtin cupboards Suitable tor one or two girls Telephone PA 64270 PUitNisiiED DEDROOM in good home centrally located two blocks from downtown Horne pri vilegcs Telephone PA i7dz7d FURNISHED Bedroom for rent Sunnidale area Home privileges ior lurther details telephone PA 05 Two LARGE unlurnlshed rooms In Private home located close to downtown Would make ideal small apartment Telephone PA 60479 URNISHED Bedroom ror rent in rtvute home located two blocks rorn downtown prelerred Tcle hone tor further dcta ls BRIGHT HousekelPln itoonl tur nishcd with stove refrigerator and stall Linen It desired At bus Two girls or business couple No ohlection to Indy pensioner PA 81050 WANTED TO RENT WANTED An older house needing repairs or house partly built Iiiust be rnusonnblc Telephone PA S5347 ARTICLES tor SALE STORE OWNERS Assorted quantity of old stock COUNTER SALES BOOKS SINGLE CARBON AUTOMATIC These books are in per fect condition but have l95 on the dateline REGULAR PRICE FROM 12 to 20¢ Clearing at 9c ea plus PROVINCIAL SALES TAX Commercial Printing Dept Barrie Examiner Phone 66537 VTEII coAT and Jacket also amber of party dresses size 17 II Mans Jacket with fur dr like new large size Also bride doll 20 never used Tele phone PA 53915 alter pm business man PA nMaa rnlliuln 14 Ladys figure skates hlze its All in excellent condition Telephone PA 84140 ARTICLES for SALE ARTICLES for SALE 5FARMERS MARKET NEWSPAPER MATS Stu 3213 Ideal or lining but houses attics garages etc perlcct insulator 25c PER DOZEN Apply The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario HOME FREEZERS Food Plan Available GE General Factory Trained service LOWEST PRICES McFADDEN Appliance lza PENETANG STREET PA omit TERMS HAVEYou TRIED Barrie Auction Rooms and Second Hand Store 55 DUNLoP ST WEST PHONE PA ozm Free Free Nylon Hose to the first 100 ladies who look at our 1962 Filter Queen Bagless Cleaner and Health Unit Nothing to buy Phono PA 84482 or write to Filter Queen Sales 07 Maple Ave Barrie FURNACES FOR SALE FORCED AIR OIL OR GAS NEW $110 FINANCE RATE Phone Collect Strnud ths Woodward and Sons Heating Contractors RR Strand ha SPACE ileTEit largest site an enntrola and ea Tl ho Mist FF up sPAcr llEAlelt for sale medium sire $25 Tele hon Iii Milo PhACTicALLY new girls clothing including two winter eoala slacks sweatera skirts Ilia 14 Telephone PA Nada coup USED nathtub and with taps and draln cannectlan Telephone PA oonor uasn olL TAfis tor sale vtll deliver and hook up Telephone HE 95702 50v FEET or used ltcel rooting Apply Tom Exell Utopia or tele phone Ivy NII14 DELUXE 24 IcClary Gas Range one your old in perlect condition Pbona PA Mm tor particulars GENDnoN Baby Carriage rate in good condition 571 Tele phone PA 6413 Misc Dining Room Sultl Ior sale In good ahapo Telephone PA S7253 cAsii LOANS 5500 month Telephone crescent Finance Walt at s77 pcr PA 04110 To Dunlap st tor arm MATS tor sale I11 good coodhion Ball price To phone PA 4777 OrIDIa or apply Peter St North minis IDIIGZRANI tor hale viuag i7 cubic tees on condition Telephone this camp Borden or runner details tDLnlAN Space Deatcr large uae nearly ne blower and zoo gallon ualn Could be sold Par ateiy Telephone PA ulu alter no pun COAL AND Wood Purn sale in good condition in when Reasonably priced With duet lpea Telephona PA mil er an wrmiLPtmL 17 Deep ireelc llire her also act at En cyclopedla Britannica lion edition with year bank Lille new Teie phone PA Mics acorcli PINS Christatar In large uantlty up to 1tt pruned Onehal nlIIa trdnl city limits by Earrle Union Cemetery 1er phonl Lloyd Thompson PA Main paea contour DEAD STOCK Elan prim paid or dead or crippled cattle and horses Susan animals removed tree For last Senice phone BARRIE PA 751 collect or ask for ZENITH 91150 NO CHARGE to hours dayt oaya verb NICKS DEAD STOCK RR Foxmcad Ontario License No lzscsl LIVESTOCK ii unreal Stun ror aale coo soil the Apply wtilard Broome aeetob telephone union TAliwonril BOARS tor all Apply Jim Leonard strand tele phone Strand mm It AUTOMOTIVE MOBILE HOMES ml Moau SicMr three bode mass completely tarnished Tet phone PA beta PERSONALS lotian TELLING Do you not your Ionuaa told by cards nor appototmenl telephona PA wall anytime RIDE WANTED rain IOU lint Vespra tCainD harden itaad Lani lo Barrie by am and bees alter pm Monday to Ndlyl 0er made December PA been or PA sous GOING can Drive our new and late model cars to Vancou ver Calun urooatoh Itegtaa Winnipeg Gas paid Toronto DrtveAuay Service ulnltcd 5385 Yonge street Toronto DA s77 nitsint BULL tor aale rem tard taro yearl Apply Doug in man Coo or te CHESTERFIELD cllAiit or sale beige color new condition Also chest at drawers Axrainster rtug suitable or recreation roooi Talcv phone PA Laud in Anne st nrswmnni bought laid rent ed re aired Student rental rat Asa out our denimy then Buy Plan Star Typewriter C0 is landlord st PA 5175 NTALS singer Electric Part Machine tor rent by tbo elr or the nioth singer Sowv ing Centre nuniop Street West Talapboaa PA Hm or Eloivale uw REFRIGERATOR large lira good condition 355 Double bed mat tresa and springs 10 Dining room tahle laur chain and let its itangette perleet dition 15 Telephone Mn lelron PA 34251 ATTENTION PLEAEKI Smnko Shop 40 Maple Ave PA oslod in addition to trash stoclt ot smatterl needs we now carry tor your coavenleace but lcr milk CDIIEE etc Open daily aoon to it lluNTEIts AND Sphrtsmlnl tia del 94 seen its Barllll Pumps $115 New sore tints can hates SI 12 LII Shells MIC Colt bunlllnas lists Tar ct grips owder bullcts lva as auntlag lencel nand guaa Ellrytlllril opea every Ilobloae bar RR CW tor the sportsman evening Barrel FRUIT VEGETABLES APPLE BARN McIntosh Snow Courtland and other varieties Windfalls $115 per bushel Fresh cider Phone PA 89201 VEGETABLES by it bulhel or winter storage Tural beets Squash onions etc Illiereat can dolls Illllpslon Tclcphonc Bim vain 77R14 Doat at PETS WILLETTS PETS Complete Ines by IIARTZ MOUNTAIN and LONGLIFE Lovely song birds budgies and Finches Tropical hnr Gold Fish Turtles and all pets OPEN TO 1130 PM DAILY PHONE PA TOY aiANcIIEsTEIt Torrlera reg Iatclcd wondertui watch daga Right size tar apartment city hnmu amall tarma Gian ney zi Aubrey Avenue Ridges Tolrpncae Prospect ssnls USED iiEALnlWAYa doublehale regulator and aquatlung lor sale 70 or nearest ollar Apply To gingaflaold street or telephone PA COAT lull length iiulicrat fur coat or sale alga told in good condition Asking price $50 Talo phone PA dance SKATES one pair or Bauer probuilt skatu alxa lotaw 920 elephone PA Mm alter llx lot lurthor intormatton KENMORE DRYER fur aale ex cellent condition Beet otter ac cepted Telephone PA Mai Ior lurihar details Two BEDROOM Suites in walnut nniah one double bed and one tingle bed Kioohler Piattorol hacker Congoleum Rug All articles In good condition Tele phone PA 207 LEGAL BOYS SEAGRAM E7 ROWE barristers Sollcltorl Notaries Public conveyancera air autosis Owen St Earlla PA 565 Frlihch taggebcliljtwslla tint on owe In Gordon Telkcym CON DER C7 SUGG SAttRlsTian SOLICITORS NOTARIES PUBLIC CONDER BA SUGG ILA 129131 Dunlap st Int PA 97 COWAN C7 COWAN BARRISTERS ROSS cowAN 53 COLLIER SI PA til4521 LIVINGSTON 67 MYERS Barristers Solicitors 13 Collier st Ba Pb PA uncut WILSON MOORBY BARRISTER soLiciTon LAW OFFICI AT ioz DUNLoP ST 77 PA ouzad SMITH McLEAN Heber Smith 16 Arthur McLean Bruce uwon barristers Solicitors etc 20 Owen st Phone PA Edam GLADSTONE CURRIE 00 barrister and Solicitor Law twice at Wilson Building Fred6rant street Barria Ontario Telephone PArhwa mg FUNERAL HOMES STECKLEY FUNERAL HOME suPilrtluit hititviCE AT MODERATE COST CONVENIENT TERMS so wonley st Barrio PA Mada anrchEs WANTED WANTED Used Typewriter Tcle phone PA M155 WE WILL PAY CASH for good used turnltttre or any good used article Individual or eontcnl loLt Phone PA 34427 ciiitlsTlliAa TREES wanted scotch Pine Spruce and Dalalm Ir you have 50 or more contact rilllcrell GardensPhelpstnn tele Phone Elmvaie 737ml Its wonderful the way Classified Ads get rel suits Phane PA 824l4 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ACCOUNTANTS HARRIS NEEDHAM WRIGHT Certiheo Pubue Accountant Toronto and name barrio arricownaon Bldl Pred oraat Square PHONE PA 88897 Needbana CPA Underblii CPA Resident Puttsr ROSE C7 HARRISON Chartered Accountants Trustee in Bankruptcy Samuel 13 Rose CA 69 Collier St Phone PA 84949 MUSIC LESSONS JESSIE BRYSON Teacher Plano stoma theora Pupils prepared tor examination ot the Royal conservatory at Music Toronto All grades and AncI Madam methods Studio hradtard sh PA um THE DAVIES OF CANADA VOICE PIANO DRAMA 2i7 NAPIER ST EARRIE ANGUS ROSS BA Regiatered Music Teachertnstrua tloll Piano Theory coaching in French Latin other school aub Ients 9i Rass St Barrie PA 35715 OPTOMETRY ROBERT SMITH RO optometrtat to no closed Wudnea Ilteruoon Dunlo st East aarrla 87586 NOEL STEPHENSON Optometrist Dulllop at East Bank Pbono PA moi 41 GOWAN STREET Dnh Daharoun stocker steera Ior sale aig head Apply Saturday to Jack Holmu Highway so near Etta station Telephone PA Mood mountain and and trauma Itelter Calvu lor late one to two weelu old Ato registered ilalatela liettere breeding age Johnitnn ltawheelaae phone lots bro REGISTERED Iiolaleln iieitera Irons accredited and listed herd due to lrrshen within weelt to unit alre APPly it Gouxh shanty Telephone PA lads PA In LIVESTOCK WANTED GooD QUIET work team at ban aaa also dairy typ Heiters Springers wanted Apply to Box Barrie Examiner stallnl prlee POULTRY at cniclts DEKALB PULLETS Mode and more poultrymen are choosing DEKALB PULLETS Started ready to lay and day old chicks Order now lor early order discount For service or Ilfllp on your poultry problems call Craig Hunter HUNTERS POULTRY FARMS STROUD PHONE 77 FEED SEED GRAIN rail SALE AT Bargain Price 1000 hushalt at good huhy slightly discolored Data Not mus ty Apply Charles Lucas Lelroy Ontario WOMENS COLLMN LEARN HAIRDRESSING Enrol now in this government chartered smool where you are thoroughly trained in all bran ches of beauty culture For In formation wrlic DERWIN HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 19 COLLIER ST 0R PHONE PA 83962 LOST Cf FOUND VACATION PAY nooit loll Alao enclosed is hospitalintion blue paper with the name Almy Sulli erland Telephone PA Mm coil oct or mail to RR maple LOSTFemale beagle hlacit back whtta taco and ebtrt brown head and em Wearing black collar with Tassorontlo tag No in Telephone collect New Lowell nio7 SPORTS WRITER DIES BOSTON API Vllllam Bill Grimes 74 Sports writer with the Easinn Record American or 40 years died Thursday He began his news pupgr career with the Boston Herald in 1910 and Joined the Boston Record In 1920 10 HELP WANTED MALE FEMALE SALES IIELP with mine retail clothing experience rcoulred Ap Iy In person In Geoll Gienn llcnl Wear Dunlop 5L Earrle SALES HELP AGENTS FARM MACHINERY DELAVAL SALES AND SERVICE Milkcrs Vacuum Pumps Vash Tanks Scllmlliors Parts for any mitker HANh BROWN HR BARRIE HOLLY FA 60338 MINESING MOTORS Ford Tractor and Equipment SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 103 MINESING ATTENTION FARMERS LINCOLN ARC WELDERS lilo AMP $15500 COMPLETE HANDY HARDWARE STROUD New Managenmnt PHONE STROUD IDR14h AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE VItum MOTORS RAMBLER HILLMAN AND LAND novn 107 DOWN 17 COWAN STREET PA R6438 WHO ELSE WANTS NEW CAR Buy It Now With LowCost LiIeAInsurcd SCOTIA PLAN LOAN THE BANK 01 NOVA SCOTIA HAROLD JORY MOTORS TRIUMPH and STANDARD DEALERS Repairs to All Makes OML and NAL Towing 75 BAYFIELD 51 PA 84155 i955 DODGE ror aale our door clean throughout Radio Four new tires Telephone pro alter p117 that NASH or sale new car con dition lvitb radio real use layer 17 down take over pay ments or per month Tele phons PA 35009 lass vAanALL Super in sale new battery exhaust syntnm and tires AI Ihhpn Can be financed sass Private lc Telephone PA 37700 atter ll lun 5x isis oLiJSliloniLE Eddy and mo tor In new car condition All ex traa including new set or snow tires Price $illl0 Call at Sum st or phone PA d3734 195 PDNrIAt or sale niechan Icatly round good body com pletely winterized Dest otter Can be seen at 31 Davidson street or telephone PA 66117 CARS WTD TO BUY ORV HARDY MOTORS URGENTLY REQUIRES EARRIES NEWEST CAR LOT OPPORTUNITY tor permanent liletlme career tor two man agea 25 to 15 with very large ite insurance company expanding in this territory Excellent income arrangement plus bonus and year training program sales background would be helplul nl mouth It Is not cslentiel vrite cuntlllcationa to box as Dorrie Examiner WANTED ll LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hubby given that all persons having claim against the Palate 01 ROBERT JAMES RICKEITS late of the City DI Barrie in the County Simcoe Retired Civil Servant deemed uhh died on or about the thirtieth day at October 1961 are re quested Lo send particulars of their claims to the undersigrlcd on or before the thirtieth day of November 1961 alter which date the Administrators will distribute the assets of the Estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice and will not be responsible lor any others DATED this 169i day of Nov ember 196L WILSON AND MURPHY Owen Street Barrie Ontario Solicitors Ior tho Admlnlslrl NOTICE OF PROPOSED QUESTIONS TAKE NOTICE that the all owing questions it Are you in favour of public games and sports or gain lifter 130 oclock in the alteration of the Lords Day to be regulated by municipal byan under the authority of The Lords Day Ontario Act lfiwfil and in Are you in luvnur of law ing pictures theatrical perlor manccs concch and locturu after 130 oclock In the after noon of the Lords Day to be regulated by municipal bylltw under the authority of The Lords Day Ontario AC1 1960 61 will be submitted to the electors of the Cityof Barrie on Monday the lith day at December 19m for their as sent AND FURTHER TAKE NO TICE that the above questions arc correct statements of the questions to be submitted 10 the electors for their assent I3 STRAUGHAN Clerk of the City of Barrie By City Solicitors BOYS SEAGRAM AND ROWE 13 Owen Street EMILOYMENT Ween girl will may sit weekends Telephone PA 66333 wantl housekeeping lab in homo without childrcri Phona PA deal MoatiETILi cfinigilen clillt drcii In my own name by the week ly to box do Barrio transmitw7p MALE HELP Plan for fine future in the CANADIAN GUARDS Be man with plan Join the Canadian Guardsone of Canadas crack regimentsor which enrolment applications are now being accepted again To play their vital role along side their sister regiments In the present troubled interna tional Situation the Canadian Guards need adventureloving young men of courago and character In return the regi ment offers many other advail rages permanent employment heblthy outdoor life good lBlIj of pay travel at home and abroad outstanding train ing and many openings for ad vnncemeht If you are 17 lo 23 Single and physically fit llnel out more about thu exciting career op portunity NOW from your ducal Arrny Recruiting Station at CANADIAN ARMED FORCES RECRUITING CENTRE 27 ST CLAIR AYE EAST 10TH FLOOR TORONTO ONTARIO TELEPHONE WA +7346 Please provide me details on career opportunities in the Can adian Guards would like an interview at my home at the recruiting station Name Address CityTown Province Phone Last School Grade complet Age E01 MAN WANTED to worls in local warehouse some grocery expert enec state ago Apply Box in Barrie Dunliner waDDivoitKEit Wanted for local Ilium WIRE de endent on ability or experience ppb Box at Rm rte Examiner FULLY EXPERIENCED single plan or dairy term Herd on noP Pipeline milking parlor Apply Clarence Haynes Eradtord aloe phone Iit 52747 cALENDAit and Advertising Spa elaity Salesman required by long established firm llast uberal com ralasione and bonus Excellent side line Iar traveller New samples now ready cat Inan the early sales it you have sales ablllty apply Box at Earrie Examiner aarrle Ontario of December Isal alter which buted Burrle Ontan NOTICE TOCREDITORS AND omens All persons having claims against the Estate of MARIA ALFREDA BROWNING late of the City at Barrio Oil tnrio who died on the Second day at June 11151 are required to tile prool of same with the undersigned solicitors or the Admlnistrutor by the 15th day date the estate will be disirifi Dated at Barrie Ontario this 14th day of November 1961 STEWART ESTEN MCTURK AND MILLS Drawer 58 Barrie out Solicitors for the Administrator TOWNSHIP OF INNISFIL POSTING OF VOTERS LIST Notice ls hereby given that have complied with See it til the Voters List Act and that have posted up In the Innis 11 Township Municipal Office on the 17th November 1161 the List of all Persons entitled to vote In the Municipality at the Municipal Election and that such list remains there for in spection hereby call upon all Voters in take Immediate proceedings to have any omissions or er rors corrected according to law the last day for appeal being December lst 1961 Dated this 17th day of Novem ber 1961 GROH Acting Clerk SPROULE Reeve YOU WOULDNT DISCONNECT YOUR PHONE COUPLE OF DAYS WEEK because you know that good prospects might be trying to get In touch with you during those oerlods when your phoha Service is discontinued Dont let that business pass you by because your advertising discontinued USED CARS TRADE UP OR DOWN WE WILL LEND YOU MONEY ON YOUR PRSENT CAR 175 BRADFORD STREET PHONE PA 84272 CASH can your car Liana paid on We trade up or down Al landalo lilotora zi Essa Road San rle PA £31121 TRUCK TRAILERS asst Poitil tsTDN Plottle Iauck or sale 5125 or best otter To1n Phone utitli stroud OIL BURNER AND 259 Innisfil Permanent position to the rl Liberal employee benefits Salary to be commeasuiable with experience All Applications To Be Confidential Apply To Show Heating Plumbing Section INSTALLATION MAN Required by SIMCOE DISTRICT COOPERATIVE MECHANIC Sin Barrie ght man T112 BARBIE ll LEGAL NOTICES EXAMINER FRIDAY VOWEL 11 II IN THE MATTER OF THE closing oI part at Queen Street as it crosses Lot 17 on the North Side 01 Pros tang Street AND IN THE MATTER OF THE closing of Dyment Road at the end of John Street AND IN THE MATTER OF THE closing ol part Weil ington Street lorrnerly Craig Street AND IN THE MATTER OF THE closing oi part 01 the Ienetahg Road deviation TAKE NOTICE that the Count cll of the Corporation of the City 01 Barrie will alter the publication of this notice at least once week for four 47 successive weeksrln The Barrie Examiner consider and II deemed expedient pass by law to close and stop up Queen Street contained in that part at Lot 17 an the North side 01 Penetnng Road according to Registered Plan 100 described as Iollows COMMENCING at point on the East limit 01 said Lot 17 distant 26509 Icct Northwaster 1y from the intersection oi the sold Easterly limit of Lot with the Narihcrly limit of Pen etnhg Street THENCE North 40 degrees 46 minutes to sea ohds West 7004 loci to point THENCE South 70 degrees 31 minutes 10 seconds west dip Innce of 8006 feet to point THENCE South 36 degrees 10 minutes East distance at 6890 feet to point THENCE North 70 degrees 31 minutes 10 sec onds East distance 01 860 feet to the point of commence meat t2 consider and dccmcd exe pcdicnt pass bylnw to close and step up that part of Dy meht Road described as fall awsz ALL AND SINGUMR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate ly ing and being in the City of Darrin in the County 01 Sim one in the Province of Ontario and being composed of part of the west half of Lot 25 In Cutt cession in the Township of Vesprn in the said City oi Barrie tho boundaries of the said parcel being described as follows PREMISING that tho norther ly limit of the allowance for road between Lots 25 and 26 in the sold Concession has an assumed bearing of north fiftyeight degrees four min utes tilteeli seconds castrtN 58 15 El and relating ull bearings herein thereto COM MENCING at the point of Inter section of the production West erly of that southerly limit of the extension of John Street with the easterly limit of High way 400 the said point of com mencement being distant an arc measurement of three hundred and fortyeight and seventy onehundredths Ice 34070 mtasured northwesterly along curve to the right having radius of two lhnusand four hundred and ninetyfour and forty daehundrcdths feet 49440 from point distant an arc measurement of sixtyscvcn and eightyfoul onehundredth feet 6734 measured NutIli Westerly along the said easterly limit of Highway 400 from point of tangency distant six hundred and sixtyfive and fifty onehundredths feet 66550 measured north thirtynine de gTecs fiftyfour minutes twen ty seconds west 39 54 20 along the said easterly limit of Highway 400 from point in the northerly limit of the allowance for road between MUNICIPAL DR0 DRO Division No BThc OrangeHnll DR0 DRO Fralick DRO DR0 DI0 DRO Strand November i7tli 1961 Lola and distant threo hundrtd and lofty and on eight an hundrede Ieet 64048 measured south filly elghi dcgrets our minutu fiiieen seconds was is 53 or 15 along the said nor therly limit Irurn the South enslcrly angle the said West but of Lot 25 THENCE continuing north westrrly along the said easterly limit Highway 400 aa are distance thirty1WD and nihelt tynlae onehundredth lect 132993 measured along curve to the right having radius 01 tvla thousand four hundred and ninetyIcur and fortytwo ouc hundredtlis lect 249M THENCE south sixtyseven degrees titty minutes ten sec onds esst IS 67 50 10 Iorty and sixtytfaur andhunds rcdihs lee 14064I In point in the said orotlictian wcticrly of the southerly limit of the John Slrcct Picnsion distant twcntylive Ice Ilioi meas ured nillth IIItyssslcn dercu fifty scvcn mlIlILS 57 51 tram the point at commenscmcltt THENCE south lilyscum de grees lilt seven minutes west twentylive cot 425 more or to the pint at commencement consider and owned cit pcdicnt puss ltyIJ to cl and 510 up Ihct Well ington Sitcol dumbed as lol lows COMMENCING at point In the westerly limit ol Wellington Street which Is also the easterly limit 01 L91 Thrcc according to Registered Plan Number lint distant Southerly thercalong 211 not from thcNorthwcst angle 01 Lot Three THENCE Northcrly along the Iveslcriy limit of Wellington Street and the easterly limits of Lots Three Twa and One according to said Plan to the Northwest angle or the sold Loi One TIIENCE North 20 degrees 30 minutes and 20 seconds East 3775 feet THENCE Southerly along the are 01 circle hav ing radius at 251 feet and cord bearing South 40 degree and 26 minutes East 14780 feet to the point of commencement ti consider and II dccmcd ex pedient pass bylow to close and stop up that part of devia tion of Peneiang Road describ ed as follows COMMENCING at point In the North limit of Davis Street now Shanty Bay Road dlatarit 84058 feet from the Southeast angle of Lot according to Registered Plan Numbh Duo or the City of Barrie In did County of 51mm THENCE North 53 degrees mlnutu and 30 secontk East 46052 foot to point in the westerly limit of the original road allowance for Penctanguilliana Road shown on sald Plan Numbnf One THENCE South 56 de grees 51 minutes and 15 and ends West to point in line drawn through the point at commencement parallel with the westerly limit nl the acid Penetanglllshene Road allow ance THENCE South de grees26 minutes 30 second West along the said line paral lel with the said westerly limit of Penetnnguishene Road to the point at commencement AND FURTHER TAKE NO IICE that any person who claims that his land wlll b3 prejudicially affected by the said bylaws and who applies to be heard shall be heard by the Council either in person or by his counsel solicitor or agent This noticeis first published on the 17th day of November AD 11161 STRAUGHAN Clerk of the City of Barrie By City Solicitors BOYS SEAGRAM AND ROWE 13 Owen Street Barrie Ontario TOWNSHIP or INNISFIL ELECTIONS Nallce Ia hereby given that the Nomination of Candidates for the Cities of Reeve Deputy New and Councilmen for the Township of Inllistil and Trustees for lnnislil School Area No and No ior mice for the years 1962 and i953 will be held at the COMMUNITY HALL WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER22ad 1951 FROM 1230 PM To 130 PM and take notice that Elections if any will be held on SATURDAY DECEMBER2nd I961 FROM 9307AM7T0t630 PM AT THE FOLLOWING PLACES DIV Nos and 2Hindler School House Norman Coulis DRO Division No sThe Community Hall Churchill Mac Stewart STROUD Division No 4The Community Hall Lefroy Ed Jackson DRD Division No sThe Community Hall Belle Ewart Wm Rquett Thornton Gordon Henry DRO DlVlsIon No 7Tile Community Hall Stroud Thomas Wright Divtsiorl No 81Lakeland Community Hall Charlie Wardrope sLots 19 27 Concession Lots 19 27 Concession on No dzOrange llall Lot 20 Concession 10 Ferguson Lots 19 27 Concession Lots 19 28 Concession ill Div on No 9Tho School House No 12 Holly Donald Nichols Division No iiiThe School House Painswick Elwood Webb Division No llTlle School House Big Bay Point Ernest Irwin RICHARD GROH Acting Township Clerk LEAD CAJUN LAFA La ARI Doug Sanders Dave Marr and an unknown pro Ken Still of Tacoma Wnsh flrcd 67s to share the lead after the first 15 holes of the 515000 Cajun clas sic golf tournament Thursday The 130 pros will play Ill more holes today before the cutoff oi the top 60 players for the final two rounds Saturday and Sun day

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