TEE BARBIE EXAMINER THURSDAY NOV LII CHRISTMAS NOTIONS TABLE The Christmas notions table attracted many early shop pers at the annual bazaar tea and bake sale sponsored by St Georges WA yesterday afternoon Carrying through the Christmas theme convcn era of the table Coulson were Mrs Doug is red wool frock and Mrs George Pierre diose forest green Above Mrs Coulson lcft models colorful corsagc for custom er while Mrs Pierre does the pinning Wls Of The North Have Wide Scope OTTAWA CF Womens Institute are noted for the wide scope of their activities but few can claim to promote the sale of moose hide cush ions repair the leaky roof of the town meeting place or spon ear is sourdough shindig These are some of the more unusual activities reported by the five Womens Institutes in the Canadian north Founded year ago with the cooperatlen of the department of northern affairs four Wis in the Mackenzie District of the Northwest Territories are busy sponsoring social and educa tional projects The fifth northern WI organ ized five years ago in Haines Junction Yukon has success fully campaigned for school community hall and library and sponsored bonspicls The success of the northern Wis including two inside the Arctic Circle is related in Citizens publication of the ctizenship department The magazine says the womens groups have done much to stimulate community life in the isolated northern set tlements and to improve rela YOUR HEALTH tion between whites and in dians and Eskimos The newest Wt in the north and also the most northerly of the 40011 institutes in Canada operates at lnuvik NW goernments new admi tive centre in the Mackenzie River delta noa rthe Arctic coast The other northern institutes are in Fort McPherson south of Mdnvik and inside the Arctic Circle and Discovery and Fort Province both in the Great Slave Lake area The institutes have organized handicraft projects hobby and fashion shows health lectures and recreational programs The Fort Providence WI opened club house in va cant log cabin with leaky roof after raising money for the renovations The group also started library with books from institutes in the provinces Considerable attention is be ing given to the production and sale of handicrafts ranging from beaded moccasins to quill belts The institutes found that the women of the northi1ave common interest in handi carfts which serves as start ing point for getting mixed group working together Youth Influenced Home Atmosphere matched COORDINATOR ADVISES Select Wardrobe To Suit Your Own Way Of Living TORONTO The most important facet of fashion is sense of the appmpriate Thats the opinion of Dora Matthews fashion on ordin otor for the Eaton Company limited The worst offence is to be ovcrdrused Even on dressy occasions some women over dress Mrs Matthews says When selecting clothing people should look cardully at the type of life they live than buy appropriate apparel litre Matthews for instance says she owns few separates because she doesnt have country life She admits she finds it hard to resist the tempting separates offered each season but she doesnt condone impulse buying What constitutes good clothing depends on the indiv idual Some women think $1998 is good price to pay for dress while another woman might be insulted if you showed her dress in that price range EATS VARY T00 $35 but might seem quite mad to one woman but an other womnn might consider it minimum it depends on whether her prestige hangs on it Mrs Matthews explained She has fondness for bats and says no one will notice suit for years if its worn with dashing hat The hat should be either conversation piano or attractive Fashion shouldnt have price Mrs Matthews says Fashion is available in every price range and in recent years many attractive styles have been made available for young people in dresses under $20 For limited clothes budget separates were probably best and dress up separates were available Separates were also good standbys for travelling since they could be mixed and Mrs Matthews personally favors stilts She often goes from her downtown office to another engagement wearing the same suiL adds lane Good iasliien should an no blouse and hat and feels well dressed for any occasion dont know of my dress that would be quite that adopt able When choosing party dress she recommends good under statw gown priced according to your clothes budget Two teas and formal recap tion at the King Edward Sher aton Hotel Toronto highlighted the opening of the tistuonnual meeting of the Catholic Wom ens Dengue of Canada Delegates from coast to coast were entertained Saturday after noon at thenew motherhnuse of the St Josephs community Boyviow Avenue Cardinal McGuigan addressed the delegates briefly at tea at his York Mills residence Speaking at the formal open ing in the King Edward Shera ton Hotel were Most Rev Phl llp Pocock coadjutor arch bisho of Toronto Most Rev Kigin bishop of Saskatchew an and national director of the CWL Mrs Cohhnm pre sident of the Toronto archdio cezan council and Marguerite Burns national president The 150000 mcmhcr organiz tion raised almost 000 from its 1651 parish units last year Broadcasting will not become the servant of religion and its friend unless we strive to make it so Rev Stone told the delegates in estimating the value of radio and television for religious programming he pointed out that Canada offers an assured audience of in any thousands Ninety four or cent of homes have radio sets said the director of National Centre for Englishespeaking Con ads in radio television and will give its assistance and sup port in setting up proposed di ocesan committees on radio tel evision and films which may be undertaken with approval of the bishops of the various dio ceses across Canada Marguerite Burns of Hails fax national president of the Catholic Womens League of Canada was rteelected Dr Grace Caughlin of Milltown NB is past national president other Dominion officers reelect ed ere Mrs Hermon Stevens of Calgary Catherine Tool London Ontario Mrs Donihee Cornwall Mrs Svnboda Saskatoon Mrs Chipmnn Kenn Campbelltown NB and Mrs Bnucher of Vancouver the six vicepres idcnts Ruth Robinson of Quob ec secretary and Veronica Osborne oi Militown NB brea surer Delegates passed resolution recommending study and ap penl be launched through the national convener of social act ion to assist provincial Catholic Childrens Aid Societies in alert ng Catholic communites to the need for Catholic foster and ad optive homes for all children in CA8 core Maies Chair 2395 long as the garment docs An understated dress can he changed by accessories so that new drag isnt required for EVERY MCBSIGU With so mad fashion infor mation available to the While there is no reason not to know What is fashionable Delegates 0i CWL Oi Canada Hold 4lst Annual Meehng films Canada has almost ree ched the saturation point with 137 per cent of homes having television sets The average viewing time of each home is famr hours and 43 minutes aThe Catholic Womens League 0R JACKET as TRADEIN on NEW FUR COAT BUY Now Regular Price For YOUR 011 run con Regardless of Condition and SAVE YOU PAY ON LY Less TradeIn ByBURTON FERN MI smnns waiied as glaring headlights caught two lads in the act of stealing an expensive sports earl The thieves Ace and Joe were only 13yearsolds Ace had two previous arrests The lowrent housing develop ment where his family lived jhred tough crowd But next to Ace the others seemed like angels Ace craved kicks and thrills fllis code Anything Goes To gwxn his 11yearold sweet gheart he simply brassknuckled the competition out of existence lie hated the world for not givmg him babys care with vultures freedom He was too busy for playgrounds or neighborhnod centers That was for auckersl PARENTS RESPONSIBLE Pop and Mom strangled Aces vconscience Neither loved nor anted him Mom would praise commend and condemnfl he felt like an emotional punching bag How could Ace tell right from wrong when VMom couldnt Ace found familythe econd Street Hawks They looked out for him and he ilooked out for them It was Ins simple as that Joes parents were wealthy that he couidnt find any more love in $40000 mansion than Ace could in the small apart imcnt He saw his mother short chenge the paperboy He heard ihis father boast ahout bribing the traffic officer who caught him speeding How could they preach honesty to Joe OULDNT UNDERSTAND And now the policemen oning his home to tell the news His parents would keep asking Why And they would nme Ace They would never alize that they were guilty Your boy wont grow into an Ace or he if he knows that hes loved and feels proud to be member of family that believes in honesty With this security he can accept punish ment for doing wrong and grow into responsible citizen New Beginning For CBC Star NEW YORK CP Former Canadian star Joyce David son told US audience Tues day night that the Canadian Bmadcasting Corporation de fies its performers to become stars Miss Davidson assistant to host Mike Wallace on the late mght TV show PM East said she left the CBC because she had gone as far as she could go on Canadian TV She made the comments dur ing an interview Wallace was conducting with David Walker program organizer of public at fairs for the CBC Walker on neared on FM East primarily to explain the workings of the CBC Asked by Wallace whether in CBC had developed any big name stars Walker said Cana dian TV does have starshut nt of the giamor type The CBC he said is more like repertory theatre in which everyone plays minor role But Miss Davidson inter rupted to say The CBC defies one to become star Walker replied that Joyce herself had become star TV aridtliat thisEBVE portunity to move intoUS television When Wallace asked Joyce why she came to the us To tell you quit honestly she said had gone as far as could go Round Table 8995 extends to Buffet 9995 Hutch 9000 Finely Crafted in Saugeen Rock Maple by KRUG and Duraseal Finish Krug brings the romance of pioneer days into modern world setting through the adaption of the handiwork of early Canadian journeyman craftsmen This is lifetime furniture that is furniture never outmoded by fast changing styla Deep timeworn depressions softly rounded corners and wood carefully selected for grain and colour Saugeen Maple is truly friendly furniture Visit Our Colonial Loft The largest selection of Colonial Furniture in Simcoe County Gauntlet aoitnré 17 NHJLCAsraR ST THE BEST $14900 and Lamb ndrnced For Fall Sela MUSKRAT FLANKS Iii Oyster and other New Shades MUSKRAT BACKS Luxurious Quality Magnificent Styling CHINA MINK Exceptional Quality Great Value FULL lMPERIAL MOUTON Dyed Pro Lamb Excepaéï¬sii Quality MUSKRATBACK COATS Superb Quality Plain or Mink Trim GREY PERSiAN LAMB Special Low Price For This Quality BLACK PERSIAN LAMB Plain or Lavisth Mink Irimm ed CHOICE PERSIAN LAMB Natural Persian Lamb Selected Felts $29900 $39800 $19900 $37900 $47900 $47900 $49800 Open convenient SUSSMANS CHARGE ACCOUNT Continuous NO DOWN PAYMENT MANY MONTHS TO PAY EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS DUNLOP 51 $19900 or $l24 $224 $323 $l24 $304 $404 $404 $423 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75