BACKED BY stronger laws police plan stricter enforce ment of safety regulations for pleasure basting next sum Indestructible Man Is Dead mar RCMP officials say Here police officer in Saan ieh BC checks on three boating enthusiasts Residents of the Saanich area have vol unteered to chauffeur police patrolling lakes until the force acquires its own boats Photo Fabulous Career Is Ended VANCOUVER tCPl Vic ingraharn 65 of Victoria corv sidered indestructable by his friends died of heart attack in hospital Tuesday Owner of the ingraham Hotel in Victoria he once was quoted as saying that man with the will to live was the toughest thing on earth to kill He made this statement during the early 19203 and 305 In the Northwest Territories Born in Minneapolis Minn he went north to search for gold In the unchartcred wilderness of the Great Bear Lake country He made no memorable gold strikes but acquired small tug boat partner and newly fledged freight line During the next to years he built himself good business Then on Oct 26 1933 while hauling barge loaded with sup plies and ii men to Port Ra dium the tug carrying ingra ham and his partner Stewart Curry bit rough seas During refuelling ttempt gasoline sloshed past rodhot exhaust pipe and the tug caught fire sonurr TWO DAYS Mr ingraharn was severely burned He and Mr Curry man aged to get over the side in rubber life raft built for one man They drifted for two days in the icy gale before reaching shore Later they found the barge and its llvman crew and is days after the tug blew up search plane found them During year and half in hospital and many operations Mr ingraham lost both legs be low the knee and three fingers Bob Kennedy Says Amused DALLAS Tex AP Attor ney General Robert Kennedy denied Wednesday that the U5 justice department or the Ken nedy administartion are anti business am amused by reports in newspapers and magazines that this administration is quote antibusiness unquote he told newspaper executives attending the Associated Press managing editors convention In prepared speech Ken nedy said We look upon the antitrust laws as being 12 business protecting and pro mating the competitive inter ests of business small and large white at the same time protecting the public of communism Kennedy said he had no sympathy with those who in the name of fight ing communism sow seeds of suspicion and distrust by mak ing false or irresponsible charges not only against their neighbors but against courage ous and public officials and against the foundations of our governmentCongress the Sn preme Court and even the presidency itself Kennedy told the news execu tives they had special re sponsibility not to be hood winkad or stampeded by the fearful Americans challenge you to send your reporters out to go into the ac tivities at the Communist party in your areas and learn the facts he said DANCING ODD FELLOWS HALL COLLI EVERY FRIDAY SATURDAY FRIDAY TOM CROWE SATURDAY CLAIR ANDREWS and His ComboaAirs ADMISSION 75 NO SLACKS 0R JEANS PERMITTED Old Tymo and Modern Dancing on each hand at the first joint Still on crutches he headed north to take lab as an agent for transportation company at Great Bear Lake Later he pros pered as trader built three in Yellowknife and started transportation com pany operating fleet of trucks and tractor trains He later threw away his crutches and with his artificial legs drove one of his ovm big Says Company Violates IIct suoaunv cm Local 598 of the international Union of Mine Mill and Smelter WorkA ers find has accused the ln tematioaal Nickel Company of Canada of violating the Labor Relations Act by refusing to open negotiations for new con tract After the first company un ion meeting Wedncsday Delamere lnco sman said discussions could serve no useful purpose until clarification of the status of the bargaining agent had been achieved The Mine Mill local is seek ing new working agreement to replace the present three year contract expiring Dec However the United Steelwork ers of America CLC conducted recruiting campaign among the locals 16000 members af ter hassle between the local and its national office Steel claims it has signed up enough workers to apply for certification Don Gillis Local 598 presi dent branded the companys position stalling tactic and denial of the workers rights He said one had violated the terms of the existing collective agreementyand legal steps were being taken to force resump tion of contract talks We are convinced Gillis said that if the national offi cers had not seized our office taken the local into the courts and disrupted our meetings ne gotiationswould have continued as In other years Frost May Decide Use Hotel Suite TORONTO CF Leslie Frost who retired last week as premier of Ontario said Wed nesday he no longer feels ob liged to maintain the conditions be imposed upon himself in at tempting to mediate the Royal York Hotel strike While out still very anxi ous to see settlement of this matter he said in prepared statement have no official status and have become one of the public As such it is only my concern as to whether use the facilities of the Royal York Hate The former premier in his role as mediator of the dis pute between the CPR hotel and the striking Hotel and Club Em ployees Union CLO elected to continue renting but not occupy ing the suite in the hotel he and Mrs Frost have had more than 20 years After the strikebegan April 24 Mr Frost did not cross the picket lines ER ST and his Quintet REFRESIiMENT BOOTH rigs through so below zero weather Shortly after the war he moved to British Columbia and later operated hotels at Langley and Courtnay Govemmt Names Bd OI Govemors YIIAWA CPI The CBC got its board of directors back Wednesday after operating for four days without it The government reappointed eight of the nine directors whose terms had ended at mid night last Friday pending legislative proposal to enlarge and reorganize the board Revenue Minister Nowlan who reports to Parliament on broadcasting affairs said an amendment to the 1958 Broad casting Act will bc proposed at the next session of Parliament to increase the number of direc tors adding more French speaking members if Parliament agrees he said in statement the existing board will be scrapped when the legislation is enacted and the new appointments will be made for varying periods so they wont all end at once He did not say what increase will he proposed The board now has it mem bers Among those reappointed was Charles Leeson Stratford Man Is Killed In Shaft Plunge MANIIOUWADGE CF The Ontario department of mines is investigating the death of 40yearold Montreal man who fell down mfoot rrnne shalt here Monday The body of Adrian Duhaine was found at the szoot level of Geco Gold Mines in the com munity 250 miles east of the Lakehead An inquest was or dered Duhaine is sm his wife in Montreal LONG SERVICE MONTREAL CP Gwyneth Howell social worker here for 30 years has resigned as asso ciate director of the Montreal council of social agencies be cause of poor health Native of Wales and educated at the Uni versity of London Miss Howell also did several years social work in Toronto DANCIN is FUN IMPERIAL TALKING DUCK nm99 Criminal Code Amendments Assist Boat Safety Drive OTTAWA DHPolice plan stricter law enforcement next summer on Canadas waterways to make cruising safer for the countrys halfmillion licensed small boat owners They hope to attain their ob jective through peppedup edu cation program on water safety and by taking advantage of am endments to the Criminal Code passed by Parliament last June The amendmean aimed at more effective regulation of power oats and other small craft went into effect Sept too late to have any appreciable effect in the tool boating sea son Most significant change is transfer of boating regulation from the federally administered Canada Shipping Act to the Criminal Code federal law whose enforcement is provin cial responsibility The main effect say RCMP officials who in past assumed al most sole responsibility for water law enforcement is that now all police departments provtnciai and municipal will share that responsibility STlIFER PENALTIES We hope that by putting the boating regulations into th Criminal Code other police forces will become interested and accept their responsibility said senior RCMP official stiffer penalties also are pro vided Maximum under the Can ada Shipping Act was $500 line or six months imprisonment for dangerous operation of vessel Under the Criminal Code its two years for an indictable of fence and is left to the magis tratcs discretion for summary conviction The regulations class as of fences impalred and dangerous driving of boat and failing to remain at the scene of an and dent They also require that two personsbeinabeattowings water skier and forbid water skiing from one hour after sun set until sunrise with the exception of Quebec and Ontario which have their own provincial police forces the RC1 is the local police force outside the main urban centres in end province PATROLS LIMITED The Mounties also operate on national basis marine seclt tinn with fleet of about 30 craft its duties include customs and it works mainly on the chief waterways such as the St Law rence River and Great Lakes as well as off the West Coast With the existing manpower it Is impossible for us to patrol every lake river and stream said the RCMP official But we hope as time goes on that we will be able to put out more patrols RCMP enforcement policy generally has been geared to educating the public in water safety This year it distributed 50000 copies of the 48 page pamphlet Safety Afloat pub lished by the transport depart gt meat During 1961 the RCMP made some 20000 inspections of small craft and where necessary Is sued warnings about equipment deficiencies such as lack of life jackets They also checked on licences issued free by the cus toms dcpartment and required by all craft with motors of 10 horsepower or more In more serious cases of equipment defidencythe RCMP may place boat under deten tion until the equipment is in stalled Actual prosecutions usually depend on the manner in which Magistrate Ticlrs 01 Mayor Says Statements Ridiculous LONDON Ont CPtMagis trate Donald Menzies said Wednesday night that state ments by Mayor Gordan Stron ach are reducing public confi dence in the inndon police do partment and are threatening to make the force subject of ri dicule Mayor Stronach replied that he will continue to criticize pnlt lice operations publicly when he feels shortcomings They tangled verbally po lice commission meeting after Magistrate Menzies termed mis leading and inaccurate state ment by Mayor Stronach last month that police only visited schools to check youngsters sus pected of stealing apple or some similar offen FREE Christmas light set lhinz of Santa lights with purchase of TYS to the value of 1995 or over Cosh Layaway or Budget at firestone sronns so DUNLOP 51 PA oases Saturday Nov iota TEE SUEDES Music With neat 250 Per Couple Ainpla Parking IIIE EMBASSY Banquet and Entertainment Hall 388 BLAKE S1 Beside Kempvlew Bowl BANQst MEETINGS ramps commons WEDDINGS Now SHOWING EKIGAS SECRET LAUGH WEAPON The mayor said this was meant to underline the need for police juvenile bureau in Lon don But he maintained the statement was accurate and said he will tell it to the world when he finds some tthg wrong in the force It is the mayors responsibil lty not to exaggerate Magis tratc Menzies said You should be the first to instii loith and confidence in the po ce boat is being operated sndI take into consideration the to tale and whether there is can ger to the driver passengers and other craft and swimmers No complete ï¬gures are avnfl able for 1961 and no conviction under the Criminal Code has been reported During 1960 there were about 600 convictions The RCMP stressed however that the success of its efforts to promote safety depends largely on cooperation from non police bodies and the pub lic Assistance is regularly ccived from fish and game of ticials In Manitoba excellent coop eration was received from boat ing clubs and municipal authori ties as well as couple of pri vate companies In Quebec yacht clubs have put pressure on members to exercise special care in conforming to water skiing regulations Wants Taxes Off Medicine HAMILTON CPD llam ilton druggist alderman said Wednesday the Ontario govern ment ls robbing Peter to pay Paul by taxing vitamins and medicines not prescribed by doctor Aid James Custeau said it doesnt make sense for the gov ernment to pay part of the cost of hospital treatment and then penalize people who try to stay healthy He told board of health meeting be will move at the boards next meeting that let ter be sent to the government seeking exemption from the re tail sales tax for certain types of medicine LEGION BINGO SATURDAY NOV 18 I96 145 pm racxpor STARTS St 8000 LEGION HALL 7i COLLIER ST 13 mar MEI WAY NOV JEWELRY CRAFT VICTORIA CPt shop here offers to make neck laces to match miladys eyes lincio and angina Cimgna new arrivals fmm italy blow their own glass and make sparkling euelry in many colors HIGHS NOW SHOWING mum mum ADULT ENTERTAINMENT FEATURE AT 715 Ind 920 You could WIN 3100 MS MA this coupon today Hip Mcnrrcl Minnie mu us one to MONARCH 5100ADAV CONTEST no Box station Toronto out Mu mo am In flip or nuanle lawmil luau stunmum Iddmi ohm amnion uncontde our malt Annnrss um In tqutvr not mm yn lraemu unmask IIIAHIIAIIIIIE usru smut scones Monllth II mid1mm Em vm not cm buenum lx mm vuimin innito WWIIIlia no item no ccnux II Moms Stunning us an is uncut no Bum ml Ilsa be and mania entries mmrnus mm on libs frcnmiln ranging minimummum Ink In thu nempWilnd mom by mil Merl0M MONARCH MARGARINES 71 EVERY DAYQASH usr erKs wsIIrIIs Ill DDYLI OHara I1 IoWIl EIIIUOM IIch Green Fulton AIL Toronto Mrs Yerex sr Neywuh 51 ortiiis Mu Iluwlim SL Catharine am sum so Shirley Ava amt Mrs Gordon Emmett Laylrd London MpNARcu so njrargarinetustes better because its mode only from PURE VEGETABLE OILS Continues Until Saturday Nov I8iII SAVE 15 to 40 ON QUALITY FURNITURE We must make room for I962 mod els $4000000 stock of Living Room Tables Chairs Car as GIBBARD VlLAS ANDREW BARRYMV RE andare clearing our complete Dining Room Bedroom Suites Lamps pets etc Manufactured by such leading corhpanies ALCOLM KAUFMAN KROEbiLER RAEMORE ETC coNrmuons SAT FROM pm