IE 3mm EXAMINER WAIKNOV 16 XIIII Recommend More Sirens In Barrie ham STYLE womrs Air Lift was the trend for the hair stylists competis tion hcld in Barrio last cvcn ing The style represented the current trend without fantasy or artificial ornaments Hair dressers from Barrie and 0ril lla district created their fash ions under the watchful eyes of the judges Hairdressers shown above with winning models in front row from the left Mrs Don Allan second prize hair style winged ele gancc created by Joan Gar rick Miss Dianne Pratt first prize hair style Romantlca created by Joseph Morretti and Miss Betty Trace third prize designed by Loan Car irck The three winners will compete in the aiIOntariu competition in Toronto Nov 25 Examiner Photo Gold Medallion Home To Be Open To Public The first Gold Medallion Home in lnnisfii Township will be open to the public Saturday from to pm Fred Ellis and his wifehad been in their relatively new home only short time last May when it was gutted by fire 0n the day of the fire Mrs Ellis was in the kitchen making toast when she smelled smoke it wasnt the toast that wns burning She rushed out of the house and called the fire department This story has happy end log Mrs Ellis father con tractor has rebuilt the Ellis home into an allelectric show place which was recently awarded the Gold Medallion by the Electric Service League of Ontario This means that the home has been inspected by the local electrical utility and meets national standard of electrical excellence lhe medallion can be found on display somewhere on the exterior of the home or embedded in the walk it assures the prospective homeowner that the house has been inspected by the local electrical utility and meets national standard of electrical excellence The Gold Medal lion is the highest award poss ibie To obtain it house must be Electrically heated choice of baseboard cable ra diant panel electric furnace or heat pump will meet the re quirements Light conditionedit must conform to the finest illuminat dining area ing engineering practices set by the Electrical Bureau of Canada It must contain at least five of those lighting fea tures valance cornice or cove lighting feature decorative or accent lighting luminous ceil ing sun or germicidal lamp garden lighting patio lighting illuminated house number lawn post lantern general ex terior lighting Appliance conditioned The home must contain at least five of the following major ap pliances either freestanding or builtin And the house wiring must have circuit provision for the easy installation of at least five more units from this list electric range electric freeZEr electric refrigerator electric ironer electric water heater ventilating fans in kitchen and bedroom dryer vented to out side portable appliances cea tre electric washer electric clothes dryer combination washerdryer counts two electric dishwasher electric airconditioning central sys tem counts as two electric waste disposer home workshop with special circuits electric space heating supplementary Minimum of separate circuits exclusively for kitchen work areas Separate circuits to and recreation room Full horsepower The house must conform to the Red Sui standard of wir ing adequacy as set by the provincial Electric Service League The Red Seal means adequate service capacity for WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF LEADS TRUCK IN FOG LAWRENCE Mass AP Police say the fog and visibil ity were worse than ever Wed nesday night It was so bad they reported today nfire truck had to be led down the street by fireman toting hand lamp The brightly lit fire truck in turn served beacon for several stranded motorists groping their way home PLANS IDENTITY CARDS COLOMBO Reuters The Ceylon government plans to is sue residents with identity cards bearing their photographs and fingerprints as part of program to combat illicit im migration Prime Minister Mrs Sirimavo Bandaranaike announced Wednesday night MEETS WITH TITO BELGRADE AmBritains Lord Privy Seal Edward Heath arrived Wednesday night for fourday official visit at the invitation of the Yugoslav government He will talk with President Tito and other Yugoslav leaders on sub jects of mutual interest such as the European Common Maiken WARNS CONGO VISITORS BRUSSELS AP The Feb gian foregin ministry today ad vised and children against leaving for The Congo particularly Kivu and Kasai For Expert Guaranteed TV REPAIR all makes Call Horace Beaumont At MONARCH eeremeanwa PA 82059 provincesbecause of worsen ing of relations between Ka tanga and the central Congo lese government HEADS 0A8 WASHINGTON AmAlberto Zuleta Angel of Colombia was unanimously elected Wednes day president of the council of the Organization of American States Francisco Lima of El Salvador was elected vice president They were un opposed URGES TEST RESUMPTION NEW YORK AP scien tist whose experiments helped lead to the development of the atomic bomb said Wednesday the United States would soon have to resume atmospheric nuclear testing for its own pro teetion Dr John Dunning dean of Columbia Universitys school of engineering and ap plied science urged such move in speech brought by delegation present and future needs for efficient operation of electrical appliances already installed and circuit provision made for the addition of further applian cos Special systems Great er conveniencc and safety are built into Gold Medallion Home by the installation of some of the following silent switches throughout dimmer control for lighting remote con trolled garage door and light ing lowvoltage control with master switch intereommuni cations system information on Gold Medal lion Standards can be had on request from your utility or hydro office Lions 0f Alliston Receive Club Rabbit ALLISTON tSpecialY At Lions Club dinner the members found themselves temporary owners of some rabbits of Lions from Grand Valley The rabbit exchange was started as novelty to get Lions in the south zone to visit other clubs more to promote good fellowship and fun The club receiving rabbits must visit another club Dr Gordon Smocky Smock um is the custodian of the new family and he has son and daughter who are giving the pets good care The Grand Valley members who attended were Dan Rich ardson Lewis Menary Fore man Bill Sime and Bruce Fife DrgtT Irwin special guest from the Rotary Club of Allis ton spoke regarding the Sim cueBarrie Emergency Measur APPOINTMENT NOW FOR THAT SPECIAL CHRISTMAS PORTRAIT See Us For PERSONALIZED CHRISTMAS CARDS PHOTOGRAPHER 29 Dunlop on cam BARRIE DISTRICT NORTHCOIIEGIATE COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES in the auditorium November I7 I96I 800 pm ADMISSION 25 Parents and friends are invited to attend Guest Speaker Rev Cecil Bren BA BI3 Minister Central Church The three 10 horsepower sir ens newly installed by the Army in Barrie together with the existing siren on the City Hall were sounded as part of the national warning system for Exercise Tocsin Monday night In View of the short time since they were installed which ldt no time for protesting they motioned with reasonable de gree of success EMO Coordl uater Roy Atkinson said The siren installed on St Vincent Street did not operate properly It didnt rotate and did not shut off at the end of the three minutes and had to be dis connected by the Public Utilit ies Conunission The Army was notified immediately and is tak ing step to put the matter right Emergency titleasures head quarters personnel MD the as sistance of the city engineering Dr Scott dnector of the Si con County Health Unit says the most conunon eomA plaint of the sanitary inspectors is th inefficient method of caretaking carried out in some of the rural schools In some cases he said it was thought that the caretaker would do more efficient job if provided with proper equip ment and paid sufficiently to compensate them for time re quired to do proper job Dr Scott said occasionally we are informed that the money avail able for this purpose is only enough to pay one of the pup4 ils for such an important task Some of the complaints were the accumulation of dust on shelves lodges and fixtures due to the floors being swept dry and alsothat some schools in form the caretaker to wash the floors only twice year re gardless of how dirty the floors may be said the doctor Dr Scott said that as re suit the Health Unit has drawn up schedule of care taking duties which we feel should be adhered to in order that the cleanliness or our Invitation es Organization He invited members to attend the Rotary Club dinner meeting to hear lecture on survival in the event of nuclear attack Pamphlets were passed out advising that citizens meeting on this mat ter will be held in Banting Mem orial High School Tuesday next when film will be shown and instructions given in respect of Remembrance Day members saw special film by the Royal Canadian Legion entitled The Great Sil en Zezzo Personalized Juat for You stationery and thankyon cards add that extra toqu of warmth to your iorreapondence Your name and address or initials are printed on white or coloured quality writing paper in gt beautiful mired tottering The impression is digniï¬ed and oh aochnrming yet the cost is very low Choose your personalized stationery dinner napkins cocktail napkins coasters matches and playingcarol from the runny available styles youll see in the personalized oat for You sample hook BS They make wonderful gifts for family and friends too FOR normmm withrour REPRESENTATIVE rnnarnomi PHOTOL ITH ranger department conducted on audi biiity test from various localt lions throughout the city it was determined that coverage was about so per cent Army engineers in charge of siren installations have already recommended three more sirens for Barrie It is hoped lilr Atkinson said that the plan to install these sirens wfli pm coed rapidly and that the city will have complete mverago very soon for emergency pur p05H Mr Atkinson said that the public seemed to be becoming aware of the desirability of hav ing this warning system and were willing to accept the slight inconvenience involved in their testing as only oneconr plaint was received by EMO Headquarters and the Department received only phone call which was an in quiry rather than complaint Criticizes Ineï¬icient Methbds Rural School Caretaking schools be maintained at minimum standard Dr Scott added that close check is also being kept on the drinking water supply and me thod of dispensing Wells ha ve becn improved considerably over the past few years resulting in better quality water Canada Bolsters lumping Edge TORONTO CF Canada bolstered its lead in the inter national horsejumping competi tion at the Royal Winter Fair Wednesday night when Jim El der and Tom Gayfnrd finished first in the twaandtwo team competition Gayford and Elder picked up five points to stretch Canadas total to 25 The United States is second with is points followed by Ar gentina with 17 lreland with 16 and Mexico with six The Argentine entry finished second Wednesday night with Mexico third and the US fourth Each rider rode two horses one in each direction over the course Placings were decided on the score of the best two of each teams threerider entry Canada was the only team with four horses making clean performances over The total of as jumps Gaylord 32 of Toronto rodc Blue Beau and Maplelgh and Elder 25 of Aurora rode John Peel and OMallcy Their total combined time for the four laps was 3395 Individual rider standings were not affected and El der still leads with 13 points on two first placings and two sec onds ElGIITYEAR OLD Dolly Phillips daughter of Mr and Mrs Victor Phillips 114 Edgehill Drive rests happily on her fathers knee after wandering city streets for nine hours Examiner Photo Missing For Nine Hours 8YearOld Girl Back Home 31 Daily Phillips eight of 114 Edgehiil Drive was returned safely to her home last night after wandering around city streets for nine hours and be ing picked up and taken for ride by strange man in green car The little girl had been mis sing since 330 yesterday morn ing when she left home for Ferndale Public School where she Is in grade two but did not turn up there Her father Victor crane operator at Cen tury Auto Wreckers was un aware that his daughter was missing until The Examiner phoncd him at his work at 100 pm yesterday Go find ing that Dally was neither at home nor at school Mr Phil lips adviscd Barrie Police who called in the Ontario Provincial Police because the Phillips home is outside Barrie city limits Dolly was found walking on Anne Street near Edgehili Drive at about 530 pm by Corporal Will Resign If Proï¬t Huge QUEBEC CHQuebec Pub llc Works Minister Rene St Pierre said Wednesday real estate company which sold building in Hull Que to the provincial government did not make profit of more than $N000 Profit on the sale of the build ing to house several depart ments of the Quebec Provincial Police was reported at more than $175000 by Montreal newspaper last week Mr St Pierre said he would resign his cabinet post if it was proven the larger profit was made can garrick HAIR STYLISTS announce COKE mus for racnnccnr svcnv wan moru 15 ran special Student one or Ibbolntment only PA 84661 38 Maple Avenue IIITS LAND RENTAL CHATHAM CP Canning companies who rent land to grow the crops they need may seriously affect the operation of individual producers the Kent Vegetable Growers Association said Wednesday night it urged the Ontario Vegetable Growers Marketing Board to study the possibility of cooperative pro cessing plans if the canning companies cannot be discour aged from entering the produc ing field BARRIE HEATING FUELS Bhone PA 66531 Ted Giddons of the Barrie OPP Detachment She was taken home after doctors at Royal Victoria Hospital had examined her and said that she appeared to be unharmed She told her father that she had been afraid to go to school because she had forgotten ne of her books and was afraid of being punished Dolly wandered around the Barrie Shopping Plaza until noon when it closed and was seen at that time by ncighhor who did not know that she was missing from school the Plaza closed she began streets and told her father that boy in an old green car pick ed her up on Anne Street and drove her around for some time Dolly did not have much to say when she was taken home but police are hoping that she will recognize the car which picked her up it she sees again flow to Treat an ACIIIIIG ENJOY THETILItiHTER SIDE or LIlE WITH GOLD fCRES THE LIGHTERWHISKYlZ Gold Crest sets the mood for pleasure For its metered to bring out the light So smoothflavour everyone prefers whenitsdme to re maï¬a HIRAM WALKERS 4M4 goof125nm Esra Iaso wandering along the It