Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Nov 1961, p. 15

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ARTICLES for SALE NEWSPAPER MATS Sizes 8218 ideal for lining hen houses attics garages etc Perfect Insulator 6c FEE DOZEN Apply The Barrie Erandner Barrie Ontarlo HAVE YOU TRIED Barrie Auction Rooms and Second Hand Store 55 DUNLOP 51 WEST PHONE PA 2427 man all rAmta or sale w1u dellwer snd hook up Telephone Kt N702 bum Mrclsry st anon ene year old 1n perreet eondluen Phone PA 05117 for particulars Camus or in need condition 725 Tele hone PA ooze run lens Bnnw rlres 1y prszurslly new Telephone Mun trmcz Dlnlne Room suits or ale in non ahlPe Telephone ones Telephone meenl Ptnsnce ert nunlop 5L rtb Muskrat Iur eon lor sole lze 1415 In good condition Wu sso Tele hone PA moo aKAras on pslr oi Bauer probullt skstu slse lolaw $th elephone PA 17 slter six for lnrther lnrormstlnn KENMORE unlan for me ex cellent condition nest olrer II cepted Tulcphono PA n7le tor rurther detleL who lIlAla tor ssle size nod eondlllen Hall price rele phone PA 17773 onlns or apply Peter St North Drillia PunMan Electric Sewing IIIch Ine or me like new used only ARTICLES tor SALE ARTICLES WANTED wasno Used Typemar ror eduesuoesl in am nun be tween emu seeeplze Tnlrphmu was in run PAY can or and and Muslim or my road nun mm Inme or content lent Phen PA um ow rABIIIONBD Sell Feeder Parlor Stave wanted write to Ad ventser ulneols nosd Well Port Credit or telephone collect to Port Credit ch sues Lanes Spscs Hester double chamber with blower or Com munity Hsll Also leak and then masslie control svsilsbls Phone 0m 1513 cmuarlllAa mu wanted Scotch Pine Epruee and hslssen lr you have so or more eonuet Hulcmt Gsrdenx Phelpstnn IEIO phene Lllnule 717ml 5FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Highest prices paid or dead or crippled cattle and horses Small animals removed tree For inst service phone BARRIE PA 87751collect or ask or ZENITH 91130 NO CHARGE noun GAY7 days Int NICKS DEAD STOCK RR Fonnead Ontario License No 119061 LIVESTOCK and him or rule tered two yesls old naug lss Fisher Cookstown or tel Phone dis7 unlsnuan noutsln Heller trons accredited and listen herd due to rmheu wunln week to unit lire Apply 11 Cough sbsnly my Telephone PA 673 PA 11 LIVESTO CK WANTED GOOD quizr walk tun or hon res also dsiry type Kellen springer wanted Apply to non Il Barrie bummer munr lo HELP WANTED OIL BURNER MALE mr MECHANIC AND INSTALLATION MAN Required by SIMCOE DISTRICT Liberai employee benellts Salllry to he commensurable All Applications To Apply To Snow Heat EXPERIENCED Readyix Concrete TRUCK DRIVERS hiusl ha 21 years oi age or over APPLY IN PERSON ONLY TO 207 IiFFlN ST Barrie cALaHnAn snd Advertislnl Spe clsuy Salelman required by long utlbllahed rum Most libersl carn rniulons and bonus Excellent side line or trsveller New lamplu now ready set in en the early you as sales nblllty apply Box azasrr1e Illminer Barrie Ontario MALE HELP TOWN OF ORILLIA POLICE CONSTABLE WANTED Application iorms tor the above position may be obtained by calling at or writing to the oilice of the Chic Constable Police Dept Orillia Ontario The applications nre to be filed with the undersigned not later than November 30 1961 ORILLIA BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS BOX 105 ORILLIA ONTARIO MAN WANTED to work in local warehouse some lrbcery Expert COOPERATIVE 259 Innisfil 5L Barrie Permanenl position to the rlghl man with experience Be Confidential trig Plumbing Section II LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TOCREDITORS AND OTHERS Creditors at EDWARD KEREIDGE late ol the Township of are In the County Simone who died 3rd November 1961 must file their claims with the under signed before 30th November 1961 alter which date assets of the estate will be distributed Charlotte Ann Kerrldge Exec utrix by her Solicitors SMITH AND MCLEAN 30 Owen Street Barrie Ontario COUNTY OF SIMCOE Adjourned Tax Sale By virtue at warrant dated June 26th 1561 and pursuant 13 AUCTION SALES NW3 SALE 01 mm BY AUCTION 11 ALL THURSDAY NOV 1961 JEth COUGHIAN auctioneer UNDER THE MECHANICS LIIZN ACT The following truck will be sold under the Mechanics Lien Act by auction sale at Bay City Motors liarket Square Barrie Ontario one week alter ad ap pears unless claimed and costs paid before said date 1951 Mercury Vatcn truck ser ial No H1016 licence Ontario 1951 WC Dated this 8th day of November 1961 DAY CITY MOTORS BARRIE ONTARIO BELLE EWIIRT ihe group committee of the first Leimy Scouts attended the Lakelnnds Scout Convention at Thornhill recently The principal speaker at the day was IACol Leonard Ever den oi the Salvation Army whose interest in Scouting in world wide He spoke of Scout work in China and the Philip pines and at how the more meat is still growing especially in the East Mr Bourna was another speaker He demonstrated Scout skills knot tying etc One very deiinite not that was stressed was the need at support tram the parents his that the communities as whole could give their support by allowing use at their balls with only token rental ii rent was required at all UTOPIII Mrs Harold and Mahler at Hamilton were weekend visitor with Mr and Mn Bruwley and Mn Bone nuax Sorry Mrn John Jennett was taken to Royal Victoria Hospit al Saturday morning Sir and bin Jennett tarran here on the seventh line for number at years alter they were first married Mr Araall Banting of Ivy took the service in the Angli un church on Sunday tiles Heather Muir spent week with the Jory latr1in in Barrie Mr and Mrs Ken 13qu of Holly spent last Nesday even ing with Mr and Mrs Prad McCann The shower in the commun ity hall on nlcsday evening or Mr and ern Tommy Exeli wu well attended The on coupleureccived many gills Mr William Dempster pass ed away Monday morning at Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Funeral Wednesday at oclock from Jennetts Funeral Home to Ivy Presbyterian Cemetery Mr Dempstcr has been in poor health or some time The Iympntlly at the comun ity go out to his widow Mrs Borden Jennett and Ruth visited Mra Jennett in Hospital on Sunday Mr Winfield Claims of Orillla and Mr Verne Hodgins of An gus visited Mr and Mrs Fred McCann on Monday THE EARTH ZXAXINZB THURSDAY NM II POWERS WILL MEET WASHINGTON AP The foreign minister at the United States Britain France and West Germany probably will meet in Paris next month the US state department an nounced Wednesday Agree ment has been reached press otlicer Francis hllly said that the our iorelgn policy chier should get together to discuss problems at common interest TURN OOINER LONDON CPI Belw In Ucyd chancellor at the chequer laid Wednuday Brit ain has turned the corner at the economic crisis which forced it to borrow 51500000000 from other national Monetary Fund in July Speaking at the annual luncheon at the National Union of Manufacturers Lloyd said Britain has been able to repay £100000000 $280000000 to the fund owuco BY OPERATED av FIIIIIDIIIII OIL remnants Sle1TED HITE ROSE GASOLINESMOTOR OILS Se ATTENTION RETAILERS LOOKING FOR EXTRA to Assessment Act 1150 1960 Section 164 Subsection I2 the lands not sold at Tax Sale held on November 7th 1961 will be olicrcd for sale at an Mr and Mrs Don Jones Lnkevlew were weekend visitors with the James Reids Recent visitors with Mrs Fred Quantz George Rcid Mr and ence state In Apply Box as Barrie Examiner wonnwonknn Wanted for local shop Wages dependenl an ability or exponenee Apply nox nar Price POULTRY CHICKS DEKALB PULLETS auzse evenings anvnnAl Ollltnal oll Paintinll from The Congo Some silhouette Various llxu Phone 364 Celnp two Wants 15 Telephone PA Yr3rm manna Pins rol le sll elles Orders Isken ww1ll var Cheaper quantity tor IA 3941 utter Hester slre nearly new blower snd 20o psllon isnk Could be sold sepsn slely Telephone PA um sner am 1511 icoAl AND Wood Furnace or ule in good cendltlan tronlined firebox Reasonably priced wuh duct pipes Telephone PA ems sller 550 mm mm WHIRLPOOL 17 Deep Freeze llke new she set or En eyelopedls Britannica 1960 edition with year book Ltke new Tele phone PA 60105 TELEVISION RCA Victor or sale and working condition beau tllul cabinet original cost $400 First 375 cuh takes it Telephone PA elolv SCOTCH PINE Christmas trees large quantity up to 7tt pruned Onehalt mllc lroln city limits by unrrio Union Cemetery Tele pnenc Lloyd Tnomp 11 PA elm cllcsrnkrlrznn or or ha color new condition Ano drawers Axrninster Run In or recreation room Tele PA 428 175 Anne st otzslAN Spacd large wmrau com and Jacket also number or party dresses size and 14 Muns Jacket with collar like new large me Also bride dell 21 never used Tele phona PA 68915 arm p111 wrNnm coAr manl mllluns uned size Two mens apom lilackeu rile 40 Ladyl enr cost size 14 Ladys dgur skater else All in excellent condition Telephone PA H340 TWO 2213110031 Suites in walnut anlsh one double bed and can llnxln bed Kroeblsr Plstrorln Rocker Canaoleum Rug II All flanicils in good condition Tele phone PA M297 amALs singer Electric Port able Machines rent by th week or the month Sinner Saw tng Centre nunlop Street West Telephone PA Mm or Eimvaie it new ELECmC RANGE G11 fully stun Quebec Heater 15 on Space neuter New coal and weed range $11950 Was tinghnuse upright 1mm r115 Robinsons Hardware Dnnlep so relepnen PA 81431 PEUNED cumsman Tree or Renewable Walivlillnd ex colour Your choice at the an algnwsy so or delivered s1 rates tnchllrch servlee b1 Ben Maw Minsslnl phone automatic mannamn lula use good 355 Double no mo nlnlnl our chair and hill 325 nsnaette perfect enn dttlen 525 Telephone Mrs nah ielson PA 251 iamrumlv swam cus lsmnka Shop to Maple av PA none in addition to rush stock er smokera needs we now eerry irel your convenlenee bread bub lter bulk coffee etc etc Open daily anl11 p111 Sundays noon lie 11 p112 Innarims arm Sportsmenl 11m 121 91 soon as erem Pumps ses New ours $1995 Gun am sue Cell mp1 hunting 12 LR sneln bunlunes is powder bullets licences hand guns Drawthlng or the sportsman open every evening Hobsons Bar an barrel FRUIT VEGETABLES vlanranLBs by the bushel or winter sterile TurnipS heats nqussh anions etc Hiilnrest Gar gdens Phelfston Telephone tun vnle 737111 et in DOGS 85 PETS and Bernie P119131 Order new or Christ avoid dLsappolntment Inter hnna PA 89548 or rurtber av MANCHESTER Terriers stered wonderful wnteh dog ght size or apartment city omen smnu farms Gleut nay 21 Aubrey Avenue Oak Ridge Telnphcna Prospect Issis rea Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 82414 Appliance 128 Peneiang at St Vincent STEREO RADIO ELECTROHO PHONE PA 89 More and more paullrymen are choosing DEKALB PULLETS Started ready to lay and day old chicks Order now tor early order discount For service or help all your poultry problems call Craig Hunter HUNTERS POULTRY FARMS STROUD PHONE Il FEED SEED GRAIN Poll aAu Ar nsrgsin Pr1ce Lona bushel or good beevy slightly dunolored Outs Not mun ty APPLY Charles Lucas Lenny ontsrla FARM MACHINERY r1e Examiner nualsts Opportunityl Wsnled Prolrcssive man with load plsn experience DppurIunlty or right man to have ansnclsl Interest Aplt ply Box 81 turns Examiner FEMALE HELP neurons Olllce Help reoulred Immedlsicly Good vaiit Knew ladga er ookkeeplnr Telephone PA Hith RECEPTIONIST TYPISI requir ed or smell nince nveday week to p17l 325 weekly work is llght Apply aux 7n Barrie Ex sunlner EMPLOYMENT WANTED WILL LOOK ArmIll Children in my own home Highways 25 and 27 vicinity Telephone PA 511170 ATTENTION FARMERS LINCOLN ARC WELDERS lea AMP $15500 COMPLETE HAN DY HARDWARE STROUD New Management PHONE STROUD IORIlii AUTOMOTIVE moron cans son SALE VIAU MOTORS RAMBLER HILLMAN AND LAND ROVER 10 DOWN 17 GOWAN STREET PA 66488 use PONTIAC door very clean LTD exnllinnt condition good tliel $125 cash Phone PA $7797 1955 DODGE In Is our door Cieln throughout Radio Four new Lire Telephone Ora altar PM 1561 NA or II 113W dlunn with radio In five down take over phone PA 35605 nu e1 1358 VAUXHALL Super or new battery exhlllst system an run 87790 liter 1111 1951 VOLKSWAGEN for solo In load condiunn 3750 1110 Box Trailer suitable or mail 3517 Telephone PA 57475 or llrun Information HIS OLDBMDEILE Body and lntr tor in new car condition ALI ex tru including new set of snow Ill Price $1150 Call at Gums St or phone PA 734 135 Pump 101 Inc mechan ienlLy sound good body can 131er winterized Best on can be seen at Davidson or telephone PA 65117 TRUCKS TRAILERS 1553 Pan 510 Pickup Truck for sale 3125 or best otter Tris phone 11111 Strand 1955 Donate wrote Truck or sale Excellent condition Lhmulhr out Apply 179 Anita street nouns MOBILE HOMES 1957 Mama HOME three bed ropmr completely rurnlshed lels phone PA M626 PERSONALS FDRTUNB TELLING no you want your lortnne told by nsrdel For appointment telephone PA MW anytime nma WAmah trons 10th line Vespre Camp Borden Road and in Barrie by sm snd back after p111 Mondays to Frldays cum menclng December PA 15911 or PA 541455 GOING wnsr Drive our new snd late model can to Vancou ver Calgary Edmonton Regina Wlnnlpes Gss psld Toronto DriveAway Servlce Limited 53115 Ynnla Street annnto aA 54751 WOMENS COLUMN azam anon Celdwnves etc by eerilned hairdresser in your own home Phone aernlne at PA was or PA 113531 LOST FOUND LoanFemale Beagle black back whlta race and chest brown head and can Wnsrlng hlnck callur WI Tossnruniln tag Na 1124 zavzsmollcll cleaned and tellcs hauled swsy Telephone PA 84651 MIDDLEAGED Wenun wants housekeeping lab in home without children Phone PA cesez MOTIIERLY CARE given chil dren In my own home by the week Apply to box no asrrte laminar WILL LOOK Alter children ln ray own vicinity nl North Coliugiate Tele Phfime PA H540 for lurthcr de tn LOOK IN YOUR AIIIC CELLAR OR GARAGE Is there anything there you can sell for cash Hundreds oi people use Examiner Want Ads to sell articles they no longer need want or use CLASSIFIED WANT ADS proschool honc dnyr BUSINESS APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE Service to all makes gt 147 DUNLOP ST PA 61142 manna snnvwa aanmns miner DIAPER SERVICE Twic weekly pickup delivery 11 animals ST nun PA M551 Lon than sale or um any at DRIVING SCHOOL ORILLIA SCHOOL OF SAFE DRIVING Since 1955 FOR APPOINTMENT CALL PA 66551 EXCAVATING VFILI GRAVEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUNEPED Excavating and Grading Water Delivery Crushed stone Halt yard Backhne for hire DENNIS MORAN Anna Street PA 4907 MASONRY it can he built with BLOCK BRICK or STONE CALL SPROULE MASONRY CONTRACTOR Fur guaranteed workmanship Barrie Telephone collect New Lowell 9107 at reasonable prices PA 60966 RR Barrie adjourned sale to be held at the Treasurers Office County Building Barrie on nlesday November zlsl 1961 at pm EST hereby give notice that will otter the said lands as described on printed list which can be obtained at my office unless the said arrears and costs be paid on or before November zlst 1961 at pm EST Dated at Barrie this 18th day at November 1961 COLEMAN Simcoe County Treasurer Its wonderful the way Classified Ads get re sults Phone PA 82414 l3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE TUESDAY NOVEMBER 21 gt PM RUSSELL STEWART Lot 15 Concession Innisfii Township on Highway 11 one and onehalf miles south oi Churchill Complete dispersal of register ed and grade Holstein cattle 75 head and equipment 44m Unicn Bulk Milk Cooler Milk ing Machine complete with three units Anderson Plowman Colwill Ltd Auctioneers Telephone 506M Victoria liar hour SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Month or Year Telephone PA 82414 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper Hanging Spray Painting Service Since 1820 PA H956 PLASTERING STUCCO STONE QUIKBRICK AND PLASTERING CEILINGS ROOMS ARCHWAYS PATCHES FREE ESTIMATES TERMS N0 DOWN PAYMENT SIMCOE QUIKBRICKI LEFROY 60M PHONE COLLECT REFRIGERATION HOOD REFRIGERATION SERVICE Domestic Commercial Airconditioning at PRATT STREET PHONE PA 64678 SANITARY DISPOSAL DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT We have been Iicensedto re move tram animals under the above Act your dead and crippled FREE REMOVAL Phone couhacl BARRIE PArkway elm GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE ucnnrn 17ml hummer IN THE BARRIE liira BruccButlcr and Bert illley all of Toronto PUBLIC SPEAKING CONTEST number oi grownups and children from the village at tended the public speaking com test in Stroud Community Hall Thursday evening to support our local contestant Gaye Tro mblcy She won second place with her speech My Home Town Belle Ewart Gnyo gave an excellent speech Gaye who is member of the tourth generation of the Trombley family to reside in Belle Ewart not only knew her subject but in its delivery show ed pride of belonging that was good to see Congratulations also go to the prize winner who will represent Innlsiil in Barrie soon She is Lorna Cnsselman oi Kiliyleagh Schonlwhoso teacher Ian Johnston is native of Belle Ewart Linda held of Lelroy stood third PICK SITE FOR TRIALS DAVIDSON Sask CPI Saskatchewan has been chosen as the site for Canadian truck and tleld trials or the 1963 PanvAmerican Games was announced at special meeting of the Saskatchewan branch at the Amateur Athletic Union at Canada The trials probably wili be ill Regina CHRISTMAS BUSINESS THE BARRIE EXAMINER 1l° CHRISTMAS FT SPOTTER Is ltailormade to put your name and message in over I4500 homes from now to Christmas EVERYBODY READS THE GIFT SPOTTER So prepare your advertising message now You will be surprised at the Special low rates and the conven ient arrangements made for your copy The Gift Spotter Girls will be pleased to help you BARRIE PA 82414 the Value Louder Washer Willi all the Walli ed Features in the Medium Price less Exclusively THE ONLY WRINGER WASHER WITH THESE EXCLUSIVE FEATURES EXCLUSIVE Filn Rinse EXCLUSIVE New Aeration System EXCLUSIVE Lint Filter Soap Dispenser EXCLUSIVE Bowl Bottom Deep Wash DoubleWuII Tub auncrr TERMS IF YOU WISH PLUS EXCLUSIVE 3Year Free Service Guarantee And Host of Other Desired Washer Feutlires NOW ONLY A5 OW QUALITYIHARDWARE 31 DUNLOP ST With PA 82431

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