TIME F0 II THE BARRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY NOV III ANNOUNCEMENTS REAL ESTATE BIRTHS EDGIIESAx the novel Victoria Hospital name on Monday Nov ember tool to ur end In Tim llughu Its Dunlap st hat Barrie daughter liaequeuaa leubetnl mt the Royal victorta Hay lul name on Monday Novem ber ll lssl air and Hrs Ben Lee rtrt Hunt son PROUD PARENTS THE NEWS of the Blessed Event can be announced to your friends and relatives for only 8150 Just telephone PA 82114 DEATHS SONsudden Toron to on Tucsdny Novcm issl Lieut lonrsah useblil Drive llama beloved husband of Lllrabeih Million and denr father of Vlnitred titre Ville malrel nf Whitby nernard of Frlscrdlle lliurray of Orlltll Gerald at home Also survived by six grandchildren near bro her of Dorothy Ills Marger lssnnl ct Englund posting at the lcnnctt ntneral ilome 152 brad lord street name neaulern man at St Marys church Thursday hovcmbcr 16 at intcrv menl srys Ceme RICnTllllnaAt her residence Oakley Park Square Barrie on Vcdncsday Natember is real nephernla llftCualg beloved will of the late wuliam sicArthnr in nor tlvth year bear grandmother of Donald and Douglas Campbell and sister DI Donald and lime nicotine of netrte and Margaret Mrs dukes of Melville Saskat ehewan nesting at the steekley hmlml llome so Vorstey street Rank for servite on Saturday November in at pm Interment Knox cemetery lsscd away suddenly at her ham Mintring llcmiee Young loving dnughlcr of the late Mr anti lira John Young and dear sister of vinnltred Mrs Sollltl of relcrborouah William of Nelson 110 and the lalc Allcc Irs Gcnrlc Johnston oi dithering heating at the dell nelt Funeral name 152 nradtord Strcrl narrle for funeral service on Friday Novcmbcr 17 at prn Interment ulnesine Cemetery CARDS OP THANKS lencltWe wish to extend our heartfelt thanks and IPprcclItIon for the many acts of klndneu messages of smooth and beau titul floral tributes from our neighbors friends and relatives In the rcccnt loss of our loved son and brother lllother father and brothers IN MEMORIAL LucAsnoNnIh loving moms ory of Mlldrcd Evelyn Everton who passed away Nov to 1956 God knew that she was sufferlllR That the hills were hard to climb so Ht eloscd her weary eyelids And whispered Peace be thine Sadly missed by her mother daughter sharon and slxter Dor othy PgACoClbIn loving memory of my dear husband and our faithful dad Milton Peacock who passed away Nov 10 mo The world changes year to yes And friends from day to day but never will the one we loved Prom memory pass away w1ie Alice and finally PnncDCKIn loving memory of my dear brother lliilton Pea cock who passed away November is 1960 gt God knew that he was suffering That the bills were hard to climb So Ks closed his weary eyellds Ans whispmn Peace be thine way in the beautiful blll of God By the valley of rest so fair Some day We know not when We will mcet our lovcd one there sister Minute TAYLORIII loving memory of Dan Taylor who passed away November is 1053 Alwnys remembered by wife and family COMING EVENTS Mammoth Food Festival and Tea Everything In Christmas Foods WEDNESDAY NOV 29 TILL 530 PM PARISH HALL Adults 35c Children 15c Auspices of Trinity Guild Dr Zerny MD MRCP wishes to announce change of office address to 127 BLAKE ST As Of November 20 1961 CONSULTATIONS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY ONTARIO BRIEFS HONDURAS NEEDS CASH TORONTO CPtThe Cana dian Red Cross Society said Wednesday it has received word that cash donations areurgen tly needed to rebuild and repair houses in hurricanedevastated Belize capital of British Hondu ras BONDS ALL PLACED OTTAWA ICP Three new issues of Government of Can ada bonds totalling $525000000 have been successfully placed the finance ep rtment an nounced Wednesday Of the to tal $200000000 in long term bonds were taken by the Bank of Canada The remainder was sold on cash basis in two days HOLD UP BANK PIERREVILLE Que Four hooded gunmen Wednes day escaped with $25000 after holding up branch of the Pro vincial Bank of Canada here 60 miles northeast of Montreal LIGHTSHIP SAFE LONDON Reuters The East Goodwin Ilghtship torn from its moorings off southeast England during storm Sun day night was towed to safety Wednesday by maintenance vessel FogilER so BAYIIELD ST PA 56453 ANYTIME EDGEIIILL DRIVE Lovely ncw sroom modern home only $12000 This is real buy Has all the convenien ces of city home with lac than half the taxes Altadled garage with entrance to basement one mortgage at outï¬t and carries for $75 per month infercst and principal Call in and talk It over with Joe Palmer PA 50663 GRAB THE CAR KEYS All the work is done and its near Public and High Schools Attached garage for car Gracious home for family living Coll Norm Heskelh PA 87016 for more informa tion REGAL High on the hill over looking Barrie Country Club All large rooms bedrooms glowing fireplace for cold winter malts Kitchen so modern its joy Inspection When Now Contact Mary nnn Smith PA 84028 MAY WE help you sell your propcrly We have clients waiting for small home cs pcciully on the outskirts of Dorrie We have the buyers you have the property Call PA 5645 and salesman will be glad to help you CUTE AND COZY This thrce bedroom home near the White Towers Motel is lit tle dundy and so handyrind listed right Living room and dining area attractive con venient kilchcn all on one floor Full basement with gas heating Priced at $10 000 wih low down payment Come in and talk it over with Doris Nullycombe PA 66453 $3500 FULL PRICE Cash will talk No bedroom home in Angus in good rent lng arch Living room kit chen bedrooms pc bath pressure system all space heater Can acccpt $500 down with very good terms Call Emory Miller at PA 50476 or Karl Marshall at PA $9917 Member of Barrie and District Real Estate Board Evenings Call Emory Miller PA 00470 Joe Pulmer PA 60863 Karl Marshall PA 30917 Norah Raikes Oro 4023 Doris Nultycombc PA 87937 Norm Heskelh PA 07015 Maryann Smith PA 3402 HENDERSON REALTOR 1o COLLInit srrtm PHONE PA 82678 IDEAL FOR BUILDING 53 acres just outside city lim its Some Christmas trees and some bush Reasonably priced Phone Percy Ford COUNTRY PROJECT Six good garden acres or sub divide Small home and two modern multipurpnsc buildings 1600 sq it each Ample war fer under pressure Must ar range fiuahcing Gall Emcr son Swain NHA BUNGALDW Brand new Near schools shop ping centre and bay Lshaped dining and living room plan ters Ceramic tile bath Three bedrooms Lots of closet space throughout Bright basement Low down payment and $109 per month includes taxes Call Emerson Swain THIS IS EVERYTHING Pour bedrooms finished recre ation room Tappan range and builtin oven Reasonably pric ed Call Dorothy Wilcox our Yotm LOT Now BEFORE THE SNOW FLIES 66 lot on Sunnidale Road $1300 99 lot on Anne Sti $1300 Call Rita Scandrctt NEW HOMES Three and four bedroom ranch style brick homes with attach ed garages Beautiful Italian marble fireplaces Quality con structed In excellentarea EVENINGS CALL RITA scANDum PA 34855 DOROTHY WILCO PA 0054 PERCY Form PA 117030 EhlERSfN SWAINPA 58ch Member of Home and District and Ontario Real intre Boards MOVING For complete moving service safer and easierCall COOKE CARTAGE Er STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT 43 Essa Rd Barrie PAlkway 05575 22 snANNaN ST ncautiful bedroom ranch style bungalow fully lundscnpcd lot on 155 alu mibum screen windows and doors Interior painted Three years old g5 NifAé Occupalécy gicembcr nor sans erre dam otter pm an Try An Examiner Want Ad REAL ESTATE ROGERS REAL one DUNLOP PROPERTY FOR BALE CONNELL TORS mamam Firlt in Barrio Home SalesForemost to Quality of Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES BARHIE NORTH COLLEGIATE AREA RANCH BUNCAIDW FIREPLACE GARAGE ATTACHED $15300 Attractive grey brick 3bedroom ranth5lyle new In 1957 one owner Many extra line featuru include lPaved Driveway oIine Landscaping Enclosed Yard Woven Fences 01ko Completed Rec Room oPretty Stone Fireplace IWasherDryer Connection with Vent This immaculate bomehus the favourite Lshaped livingdining and large table area In the kitchen Handy location for either collegiate or public schools Ask for ltlr Connell PA 85568 HUGE OLD MAPLE TREES BUILDERS MODEL HOME 101 STEEL STREET $17500 The builders price on this especially beautiful grey brick bungne low is an indication of lop dollar value for this lino construction quality Its sbigebcdrooln plan with an optional tth beside the rec loom Has both front and rear entrances to the basement level Extra space ls provided throughout the whole living area for large family living comfort Its very close to both Public and Separate Schools and is now fully finished and ready to move righl lni 98 ROSE STREET BIG BRICK TillLEVEL BUILT 1960 Definitely the new home for the family that needs extra living space Seven beautiquy proportioned rooms bathroom up bathroom down with grade entrance to lolver level from back lawn Has family TVrilom plus den convertible to 4th bcd rooml This is truly the ideal largefamily plan lit low price Exactly $3400 down payment ClilllC mortgage Owner Is transltried quick possession is ovniloble Mr Rogers PA 86580 ROSS STREET FRONIING QUEENS PARK TOP QUALITY INCOME PROPERTY In tilt best central location for renting this is Zlévstorey brick housc in excellent repair Provides spacious 3bedroom apart ment for owner and three very clean and cozily furnished bachelor $15300 $13500 apartments plus two additional furnished bedrooms There are amch bathroom throughout and the building is compact and easy to manageno vacancies in many years fired StandardDominion but Brand new oil water heating system ensures column in all weathers This fine quality income home will ideally suit resident owner needing steady and dependable $311 monthly income from modest investment $7500 cash is re quireu lo single mortgage wiIh easy terms Coopcrative listing inspection by appointment anytime EVENINGS CALL MR In MOOREPA 55m ROGERS PA M5112 FOSTERltPA out CONNELL FA M75 MEMBERS BAprtIz tit DISTRICT nimL mTATB BOARD CLIFF BROWN REALTOR 32 HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONES PA MM PA $0242 PRIZE INCOME PROPERTY CENTRAL LOCATION An olnti fourpiex in condition consisting of living room din ing room kitchen bedrooms and apiece bath on lower floor Living loom dining room kitdien bedrooms and baths on second oor Full basement garages This property is bring ing ill over $400 month at the prucnt time Priced to sell with moderate down payment bargain too good to miss DESIRABLE BRICK BUNGALOW lolnc you will be proud to own with well cared for grounds Nicely planned each room is generously proportioned It has the popular living room dining room combination Lovely oak floors The kitchen has table space for family dining also ample cup board and counter space There are bedrooms and 4piece bath Full bdsementlaundry area all heating This home has been reduced in price and down payment of $1500 will buy it ON HIGHWAY N0 11 Just nilsidc of the city vacant someone land 345 391 Good buy for Call this office for details itemherr of the Barrie nesl Estate hoard Smith CampbeuPA Mans Joan LangPA ob7sl Fun GarveyPA 87951 Norman Shelswell REAL ESTATE BROKER DUNIDP ST 1151 M0611on FUNDS PA 89961 PA 68742 AVAILABLE77 mrnnnsr at VALUEN0 FEES CHARGED FOR SALE OR RENT Four room frame bungalow in Angus Call Jack Willson for fur ther details OPEN HOUSE This weekend95 Rose Street DAIRY FARM $29000 lull asking price noupound milk contract 49 head purebred Holstein cattle Cooler contract farm buildings and contents all implements including two tractors and one truck included in asking price Call Jack Willson for further details Evenings Call Joe Longttb PA 60748 Everett sbelaweli Oro can CORBY How it Norris Jack wtuson PA H031 Norman sheisweli PA cml PA 05463 REAL ESTATE BROKER Phone PA 02419 nlAPEI MARSHALLPA 84450 OWEN JONESPA 57931 93 Dunlop St CouBYPA Heston lllURlEL JEEPERYPA H30 Brick bungalow raydon KOHL REAL nsrArlz anoifm Its nilan sr nasr PA 84252 We have client wishing to pur dlasc five room brick bunga low buiit within the last eight years Has $2000 cash to pay down carrying charges in cluding interest principal and faxes not to exceed $100 per month and on one mortgage only Call Graydon Kohl Real Estate Broker call PA 04252 or PA c4603 nIgth Por inlormatlou call GRAYnoN KOHL PA Hoots BILL RAWN Elmvolo Blrtzl ONE ACRE or ground with well on paved road near Edgar on No 11 Highway Va mile trans school suitable for building purposes Telephone PA coils PHONE PA 02414 Try on Examlncr WnntTAd CARSON At 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to the imperial Theatn PA 6648 Member of flame and District itenl Eitntn board MOVING Dont forget to transferyour INSURANCE and if you need extra coverage of any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA 85201 113 Dunlap St PRIVATE SALE Three bedroom brick bungalow complete with nlumlnum storms and screens on well hedged and landscaped lot Completed rcc room NHA first mortgage 595 75 per month including interest and 1taxes Telephone PA Nut REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE ROSE ml urnre Baum rl rtrrtN mm oAnnu VLA ACRES $10000 Large two storey home located on about acres on 27 Highway Forced Air all heating This property can be bought under VLA or with 33000 down payment and tub ance on one mortgage at 611 COXMILL ROAD PAINSWICK $11800 bedrooms double at tached garage fuli basemcnl forced air oil heating bath About years old Excellent terms with one mortgage Taxes about $119 WELLINGTON ST $13500 Two bathrooms bedrooms licrplucc utility room attached garage paved drive Down payment $2000 DONALD ST $10500 Lot 50 100 taxes only about $204 11 year old home bedrooms large living room kitchen bath oil heating Close to west and shopping plaza Terms PENETANG ST $12000 asking price Ncw bedroom brick large living room bedrooms large tiled bath full basement Laundry tubs Carries for $76 pcr month plus taxes TIFFIN ST $7500 and could be bed room hame living room kitch cn and bath large lot 130 300 69 mortgage Low down pay ment Taxes only about $133 OAKLEY PARK SCHOOL AREA $13500 asking price Split level bedrooms finished plastered recreation room aluminum storms and screens 60 foot lot Carries for $95 monthly includ ing interest principal and taxes Erick ESSA ROAD $10500 Pour bedrooms living room dining room large klt chcn bathroom full basement new furnace garage About 17 years old Ideal for the larger family One mortgage SOPHIA ST $10900 bedroom bungalow hot water heating garage fire place Very comfortable home for couple or the smaller fam ily Good downtown location NEWTON ST 92800 bedroom brick liv ing room kitchen and bath recreation room close to both public and high schools With good down payment will carry for $70 monthly including in terest principal and taxes CALL DAY on EVENING PA 82379 Member or List Home and District anal But Board HENRV ELRICK AND MICHIE IS Owen SrBctrrie PHONE PA noses mam OF THE EARRE AND DISTRICT REAL ETATE BOARD OAKLEY PARK AND NORTH COLLEGIATE SCHOOL AREA Erick bungalow years old large living room family size kitchen large bedrooms piece tiled bathroom full base ment oil heating First mort gage carries for $8113 including taxes Owner will accept $2000 dowu and take back open sec ond mortgage EXECUTIVE TYPE HOME living room with dining area kitchen and three bedrooms and four piece bath Full basement oil heat ing also recreation room with bar and den Full price $22500 Vendor wil take back first mortgage with half cash LOT FOR SALE tit loot lot on south side of Guhn Street Asking price 52 500 NOTE We arrange first mortgages for Victoria and Grey Trust50 of value Phone PA 5553 after hours phone Bob Piawcliing PA csooa or Paddy Miles PA 05200 REAL noLl nousn for only 310500 situated on lovely lot 55 150 on Shanty nay Rood sdloining demonstration wood lots This trim and attractive alx roomer has full dry walkout basement leading to very pri vate baek lawn Oil furnace Ad lalnlns one am may also be bought Garage and home on pIV ed rnndv only steps from the stores This ncw listing wont last long Call Notsh rtaikes er 65453 ropresenflng narnld roe ster Realtor COPY for Want Ad Section accepted until pm Day before publication PROPERTY FOR SALE Keith Marshall nzAi mArz anoxzn ts CLAPPzntoN 51 built PA 02532 DAYS OR EVENINGS $500 DOWN bedroom home on paved high way close to Barrie Will car ry for $55 per month $5300 FULL PRICE For acres with bedroom home mile to paved highway This is very good property for market garden GROCERY STORE with living quartcrs going concern Suitable for cou ple hirnovcr approx 5650 to $700 per week For Informae tion on this one call our office ST VINCENT ST Beautif bedroom home large living room and kitchen bathrooms full size concrete basement new furnace storms and screens Situated close to schools on niccly londscapcd freed lot for only $11900 with low down payment or Moon PA Misc FRANK MEILis PA H690 Iiembcr isarrie Ind Distriel Real Estate board PROPERTY con sans on RENT run sALa on ner Modern bedroom winterized cottage near strouu Au conveniences Poona PA mm Cs WANT AD BRINGS YOU CASH PA 82414 RENTALS ms actions To our UPPER DUPLEX Ultra modeln Self contained bedrooms large living room kitchen with dining area laun dry facilities and garage Low or owner occupied Close to schools and bus Immediate possession PA 09827 NEW moonluv four room but water heated apartments in An Lu monthly neat hydro water and range supplied Tclc phone Clmp norden 1w eollm FURNISHED two room self con tailled apartment downstairs Central Available December is liydre included $45 per month Telephone PA mm rwo bronco Apartment in apartment building stove relrlr enter washer and dryer No ob lectioh to imil child Available now Telephone PA Mm AVAILABLE November bedroom bunslow all convenien ces oll henL Relsounble Talc phone Onkvllle valley Mom or write Box barrio Examiner THREE BOOM ground floor apart meat Separate entrance and both lteat supplied Close to rchoaL Available November 21 Telephone PA com for further pcrflmlnn man 1100 cell contained heated spanmen stove and re frigerator supplied 55 per month Includcg hydro and water Close to downtown feicphohe PA c157t day or PA M701 evenlnl PvansiInn two ronm apart ment heavy duty stove and re Ingertor ilcat light and water supplied tss monthly Centrally located Ap ly sl voraiey street Telephone 51371 rwo IEDROOM unfumlahed boutintent privlle bath Heat llght and water supplied Located at Dalston lflgllwly vs 55 mon thly Available November is rate phone PA 05615 otter pm INEUIrIIILICK imusn Napier st Plve rooms plus nnishcd room In basement Oil urncc Telephone PA 507 or PA Misc 31 mm overlooking the buy rooms and bath attached garage walkout bnszment cold room storms and screens and many ex tras Telephone PA moi even lugs PA 51057 PROPERTY FOR RENT so Acnzs or Farm Land for rent Halt seeded with good hay At Stroud Apply to Tom wright telephone mm Slrnud MORTGAGES ANYWHERE Immediately to consolidate debts Pay off existing morte gages home improvements etc Call for appointment PA M901 Mortgage Funding over Simpson Sears 129 Dunlap Street East MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE NO BONUS Payments insured against accident sickness death CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST BARRIE PA 60203 nioanAGEslrt and 2nd bought sold and arranged Commercial and resldcotlll honeys loaned on cxlsLIng mortgages Ilnrrl alert gage brokers PA 68504 MONEY TO LOAN PRESCRIPTION FOR PAYING Pay em off with lowcost lifeinsured SCOTIA PLAN LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA RENTALS APTS noosns TO RENT Beside Lake One and two bedroom apart ments complete with stove and dryer Redecorated annually PA 61068 TWO ROOM Apartment furnish ed refrigerator Parking space Adults only Telephone PA 34018 or apply 51 Mary street TWO nannooni Home for rent In strand miles from Barrie on glam highway Telephone PA Rf FOUR ROOM Apartment to rant unturnlshed heated selfcontain ed Refrigerator it desired Tole phone PA 82712 mi ROOM Bungalow for rent garage Past cud close to bus and schools Oil hunted Available im mediateiy Telephone PA woo FOUR nooM Apartment to rent unfurnished but and hydro nuuiop St 137250 LARGE nicely decorated two bed room heated selfcontained Ipart merit Central location Children welcome Telephone PA 00831 FURNISHED Apartment for rent Bedroom living room kitchen and bath Sellcontained Adults only Telephone PA 31300 rum nnbnoolu two storey hnuse in residential area for rent on turnaee Hardwood and tile nears Club to schools Telephone PA antsl uNrunNisnzn iower duplex three large son runporcb and bath Large bac yard on heat lug Close to downtown Available now Telephona PA 5251 FURNISHED Apartment Cehtr Fully equipped new furniture tued bath Suit business couple or adults Rent includes hydro beat and water Phone PA dosdl SMALL winterized cottage ror furnished oil heating All mlv on including heavy duty Igerator Little Lake Telephone PA sailns FURNISHED chrtmont two so has hcnvy duty stove lefflg Grantflr nent includes hoot light and water Suit business couple Phone PA 257 six noolyi modern unfurnished house tor rent Lovely back yard automatic gar heat Clnsc to down town no monthly Telephone PA min rifltnla nooMEn furnished house sclanntnlncd Ncsr storc and transportation Small child Wei come Phone Hi3 175717 evenlngs or weekend refrigerator Use of washer and west Telephone PA lleasonable nmci nannoou House to rent on No 11 High one mile from Also two oorn apartment at 250 Dunlap St West Telephone PA c1365 mung ROOMS Ind bath base ment apartman Ilnt water heated with all Private entrance Central ly located Partly furnished Tele phone PA ozsas or PA Mace HOUSE Three bedroom house for rent Large kitchen and livl room four piece bath full ba ment on heating Fenced ya 305 per month Telephone PA slim NEW nlonlaltN centrally located two bedroom apartment for rent ncfrigerstnr stove and laundry facilities Available immediately Janitor service relephone PA 06052 for further information 11th BEDROOMS living room kitchen and bath separate ent rance worm and comfortable Central location Available Dcce ember Telephone PA M001 450 pm pm nionBItN three room unfurnish cd self contained street level apartment Laundry room Suit able for couple one block from Post Office For information telephone PA nuns CENTRAL lllodom heated IPlrfv merit living room and large bedroom dinette modern kit cllcn Refrigerator nnd heavy duty stovc Parking facilities business couple preferred Tele phone PA 60576 NEW AND Modern one two bedroom apartments overlooking scenic Kcmpeatelt any fIeat ter parking and Janitor scrvlcc included Automatic washing fa ciiltles PA 01001 BUNGALDW tor rent with thrcn bedrooms and large recreation scorn nlso stove and rcfrlgerntor Available now Telephone PA sonar rt ALLANDALE rhree NomLunIur nlshed apartment for rent or two tutalshed bedrooms heated Hy drn supplied Available immediate ly Reasonable rent Teltphonc PA 3747s HOUSE FOR RENT rooms tile and oak floors cle all heat garage sorry not suitable for small children Reasonable rent Available now Tclnphunu PA 175140 DNruitlelinn three room heat ed apartment The fan stays and refrigerator Selfecontalned Good parking rhree blocks from Collier street Suit couple 1er Phone PA 61 COMFORTABLE older type three bedroom bungalow with hardwood floors fireplace oil furnace Also garage and work shop In good residential area Near bus stop schools and shopping plaza east end Telephone PA H140 UPPER DUPLEX furnished two bedrooms living room dinette kitchen with builtin cupboards tiled floor and heavy duty range Heated Private entrance Tele phone PA 02258 for appointment $50 PER MONTH Largo Dll he ed wlnterired cottage with place at Little Lake one mile from Barrie Hardwood floors Eullbfn Cupboards This reason able rent for dependable tenants only relephnne PA 137351 TWO BEDROOM unfurnished apartment in modern apartment building Stovtl and rclflgcratnr Heat water storage parking space and laundry facilities Tele phone PA 51157 Available nec ember 15 LARGE HEATED Apartment Liv ing room dining room kitchen bedrooms and bath Sci contained very central Plenty of storage space Available now $95 monthly Telephone PA c3024 THREE ROOMS self contained all heated tilod floors kitchen with sink and modem cupboards plenty of closet spatc stove and refrigerator supplied nodaonabie rent suit couple Available Nov til Phone PA 66155 THREE BEDROOM House new Living room dining room and kit chcn hilly decorated Pull base ment ancd driveway Close to transportation and schools item 3100 per month Telephone PA sazas rwo noon unfurnished Ipart menL Combination living room kitchenette bedroom Manila and rofrlgentnr Ground floor Central Sultablc for one or two Telephone no 03010 TWO BEDROOM selfcontained heated apartment with four piece bath New building Private co trance laundry facilities water parking $05 monthly Availablc December 1st Telephone PA M350 uNrtiItNIsnnn apartment four rooms and bath ncwly decorated Clean modern self contained Ground floor hcfttpd parking eeutrallocntlon storage Avail ablevNovcmber 10th Telephone PA M051 MAIN PLoon two bedroom flat modern new triplex near Hawke stonc three hundred feet from Highway 11 bus stop Large rooms patio private entrance Telephone Mrs Law is 532 Dru station RENTALS ms HOUSES TO BENT nzAnJ three room apartment for rent Water supplied Central ly located Telephone PA 55332 or PA Mal age Apply Rogers and conceit telephone PA um Ncw mu Bedroom house Ind Inn for rent on the 110 com ceulan of Vesprl Fuuy insulated 011 furhare Cllr conveniences Telephone Iiulsdaie DIR TIME ROOM heated lPartnlcntr upstairs 50 Also three room downstairs runent and sense we monthly heated Apply 12 Dundnmid Strch PA B75058 llNFURNIleED one and two bed room apartmcnts belted ccntrll 1y located Kitchens with bullbln cupboards Adults only Telephone ilaasggztco and alter 630 p11 PA THREE R00 furnished apart ment in good home suitable for business or Air rorce couple Abstainm No children Near plaza parking Telephone PA 6675 uNrtlitlellnn Upstairs Apart menl three rooms private bath Central location Oil heated P11 vaie hot water tank in private home No other tenants Toll phone Ilt 39757 Available now GROUND FLOOR apartment shred rooms stove and mfrllcrllor Pull huemcnt for storage Allah oale bus stop at door Avnll able immediately Telephone PA Hint AvAILAuLn Anytime Piva room unfumbhcd lower duplex Well lngton and nayfield streets lid uits preferred stco monthly Tali phone PA 35701 between nm Ind pm After PA aszss mitts noosls and bath Appu Inccs optional hirnlshed et un mrgllnrd Free parking Very central Laundry facilities rele phona PA moi or PA Mon evo utility ROOM BOARD non AND noAnn availbits close to downtown Apply lien 11 Street for further information norm ANn human with mother ly care given for bablcs and children in my own home by the week Apply to Box 19 barrio Ex aminer ROOM AND noAnD In good hom wlth home baking and meals Parking Apply on John street lower duplex or telephone PA 61729 itiAItY snccr vicinity rtonm and board Gentleman profencd Will pack lunches Home prlvll egos Close to downtown Tele phone PA crass confronrAnth rtoorn to rent with or without board its rivals home in General Electric cinity Close to bus stop Telephone PA mu ROOMS TO LET anrItAL Location Comfortable furnished room in private home Gentleman preferred Parking lvnllnblc Telephone PA csssl PunNIsIInn ROD with refrlg crator and bulibih cupboards suitable for one or two girls Telephone PA 51170 FURNISHED BEDROOM in good home Centrally located two blocks from downtown Homo pri vileges Telephone PA H270 TWO LARGE unfurnished room in private home located close to downtown would make ideal small apartment Telephone PA 00477 CENrnAL unturnlshed kltchen etle and large bedsitting room 335 per month Heut light and water supplied Apply 81 Wnrsley street Tclcpbone PA Moat FURNISHED Bedroom for rent in Private home located two blocks from downtown Business man preterrcd Telephone PA was for further details anIGIrr Housekeeping Room fur pishcd with stove refrigerator and sink Linen if desired At bus lwo glrlsbr business couple No obiectlon to lady pensioner PA 32050 WANTED TO RENT we HAVE Cuent wishing to rent four room apartment heated Paniin consists of two adults and one baby six months old Call Graydon Kohl telephone PA 84252 or PA Moon ARTICLES for SALE STORE OWN ERS Assorted quantity of old stock gtCOUNTER SALES BOOKS SINGLE CARBON AUTOMATIC These books are in per fect condition but have 195 on the data line REGULAR PRICE FROM 12 to 20c Clearing at 9c ea plus PROVINCIAL SALES TAX Commercial Printirtg Dept Barrie Examiner Phone 66537 FREE FREE NYLON HOSE to the first 100 ladies will look at our 1962 Filter Queen Bagless Cleaner and Health Unit Nothing to buy Phone PA 33482 or write to Filler Queen Sales 87 Maple Ave Barrie LITTLEWOOD FARM ANTIQUES GIFTS Fall and Winter scason open mornings and evenings and appointment PHONE 0R0 4323 CORNER SHANTY BAY ROAD AND CON ORO MILES EAST OF BARRIE ONTARIO Try An Examiner Want Ad