AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY IVY Gregory Beer from Angus was placed first and was pre seated with the Lee Bantin shield iiis subject was Th Illrncle Ase of Electricity Francis Hindi nl Cookstown came second with speech on titled What Electricity Means to My Father Bob Davis of ivy was declar ed third his speech being The Problems of Modern Teen sitar The three remaining speakers and their topics were inns Duckworth from Angus My Home Town Ellen Mcnnry at Baxter The Events and Pew Who Have Made History in 5511 Township and Karen Flatt at Angus The Miracle Age at Electricity The judgcs were Mr Stuart principal of Aliiston Public School and Mr Hutchinson of the Allision High School Essa School Board presented each contestant with book as re ward for their etforts Clitlord Duckworth showed some very interesting color slides oi pictures taken at fann er school events Mr McKelvey music super visor led Baxter junior room pupils in medley of songs while the judges were mak inng their decision awards won at this falls school fair were presented The following prizes wont to Ivy school $5 Appiegate prize highest number of points per pupil $5 from Bank of Nova SCOIIIgt to Lawrence Speera boy with highest am ber of points at the lair Eaton Co book to Terry Arnlt old boy with second highest umber of points at the fair silver cup from Ira Wilson to Ron Hogarth champion live stock showman silver cup from Lloyd liclachlan to Bob Davis ilirat in public speaking at the lair Barrie Examiner for wood icollecuons Susan Harper 31 Lawrence Speers Malcolm Wilson 31 weed nsmlng spec lsi lrom Bank at Commerce Ito Bob Cochrane Simcoe County satoty scrapbook Imrn county council Patsy Hayward it Bob Cochrana Bob Bats Tl The annual Essa Township public speaking com ctition was held in Baxter on esday Six candidates gnvs speeches APTO Visitors with Mr and Mrs Moran at the weekend Inn ciudcd Mr and Mrs Roy acids and two daughters and Miss Joan Moran Toronto Mrs George MacDonald and son of Ilarrle Mr and Mrs Thorn ton and family at Almira vislt ited at Carsons on Sunday as did Mr and Mrs It Pattendon at Barrie Herbert Carson is spending lew days in Toronto Mr and Mrs Gerard Moran and Mr and Mrs Nacey 0ltolieran recently enioycda TELEVISION PROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE snuuanaY Novaiiuerr is Loo To Womens Show Lots Look Alberta Game Farm tame Dazzle Dirk Tracey Naws Iloadllncs din Active Iailflul Farm Market moon News Don Jamicson Veathcr spurts Piem Barton Tin Flintstones The float McCoys Sir Frauds Draka My Threa Sons The Defenders Countrs Junction Dangerous Robin canny New The Weatherman Today in Sports Community News Naked City minav NOVEMBER 11 Test Pattern Romper ilooni Pnpeyn and Fall Noondsy Iluport Nswa Weather Sport Fern or Cominx arm Movie Drum ol Jeanna open House Pat and arms Friendly Giant sing uins Around The Vomeus Show Kim Fraser Rania Dazzl Papeyss TV Party News Headlines 00 30 oo 30 45 00 au 00 30 00 am 610 615 Pupcyas TV Party Farm MlYkfll R9110 News Don Jsmtuon Weather Sports rum EerIDn Father Knows am Donna nus Show Country Hoedown CI 51 Tommy Ambrose Parry Mason The nmcum cnc TV News The Weatherman Today in am Community on 1111 iiovi All My Sons SATURDAY NOVEMEIEIT 11 100 Tell Pattern 015 Cniidmn Film 130 Ssnll CIIIII Parade iflih Slln DH Test Pattern 155 New and Weather 200 intercoiiesiato Football 415 howling 1100 Living World 530 nun Bunny sou countrytlmo MI News Weather Sports 6511 Jini Coleman 700 Dennis tho Manca 710 Robin Hood a0o Have Gun wul Tum son Peter Ounn 900 NHL Hockey 1015 Julio 1015 Kins Whyto 1100 Cut TV News 1110 Weather News 11115 11am oaadido 00 730 sou 11311 000 110 10317 1100 1115 Sports CFTO CHANNEL TORONTO mimsnln NOVEMBER 500 Prolessors Hldaswly 500 Whiriybtrns There is only one WELCOME fostering good will in guffaws and community For information on WaioomoW agon p110 PA 66302 onaoooanooisoonooouivtolnioceloo oohunnonununannou n30 Sports 040 Welthlr us say Plum Barton 50 News 100 The Roll McCoys 710 showdown 1100 Football 000 Jim Backus 930 Big Four Playback 1000 niitaa Miner 1100 Nows Wsathsr sporu 1111 hiln Destiny 1130 Batter Lats FRIDAY Novsmasn 11 1030 News Free and any Chlnnei Theatre Born Yesterday Playhouse Naws rrorasson Whirlbe Sports Welthlr By Pierro scieon NIWD Lois Alan show We Call Irvin ammqu Va un Vol Country siyiu meow ea IT ll Eaatisr First nun T1330 L311 SATURDAY NOVEMBER 1a 10 Professors Party on can 999 5mm Nu ï¬ve on Hideaway 32338 rssussoaoss 32323 PF wm on Movie Count The and Fray 1mm Blood and Hand wrestlinl Mai11 To Dr Cartoon mo so The nintstonu Route so Naked Dill Jack Benny Show 411th of the Week 10 iiM l1st Show Cross Canada aarn Dane uaturdny Nisnt movie Storm Over Iha Nth TOWN COUNTRY WINTER TREADS SIZE 75014 GET TRACTION YOU CAN TRUST 88 DUNLOP ST 2m2555 wrath PA 66585 NEW LOW PRICES ON NEW TOWN and COUNTRY TIRES T00 CARRIER MISS YOU your carrier has not arrived by it p111 piease phone PA 82433 Ard Copy Will Be nonvoren To Your Home THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEYvTAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS motor trip to Sault Ste Maria returning of Windsor mid Detroit Miss Kennedy returns to Toronto this week and will spend the winter there GILFORD YOUNG PEOPLES UNION The Young Peoples Union met at the homo ol the presi dent loe Sawyer on Sunday evening with about 20 present Frances Sawyer Convener of Faith and Evangelism had the program Mr John Lediie ol Gitlord gave talk on Faith Carolyn Hughes favoured with piano solo The next meeting will be at Neil Sturgeons on Nov 26 FARM FORUM The opening meeting at the InnIinI Farm Forum was held at Mr and Mrs Keiis Nov On Nov is they were c11 tertained at the home of Girv an Sawyer discussion was held on Cooperatives Next meeting will be at John Hughes home number from Giltord at tended the Bradford High school fommencemcnt on Friday even women VALLEY Mrs Smith was hostess for the November meeting of Crown Hill Womens Institute The president Mrs Acon ley opened the meeting and welcomed the members and visitors Roll call was answered by Somethtn have read in the Home an Country Maga sine Mrs Quinlan of Bar rie commented on the motto Education moans developing the mind not stulting the mem 0M Correspondence was read and Mrs Robson was called to read an address to Mrs ltix who has recently moved to Barrie Mrs Roy Partridge pre sented Mrs Rix with gilt ot jewellery and lovely pu Mrs itix thanked the ladies She had spent 37 years in this community abs said and 1501 ed the Iricndshih of all Mrs Tuck education can venor invited Mr Srigley of the Hydro Commission at rie to show the tilrn Dream to Reality The meeting cloud with tho Queen Lunch was served by the hostess and Mrs Atkinson and Mrs Tuck Miss Rubidga took num her of ladies to the public speaking contest at Oro town hall last week good crowd attended the church bazaar on Saturday Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Budvil were several cousins from Toronto TOTTENHAM Ken Stitson ot Homepayns spent few days recently with his parents Mr and Mrs Vii Iinm Stitson and other friends Mr and Mrs Percy Hough ton 01 Batman visited last week with Mr and Mrs Wil liam Elliot Mr and Mrs Milton Palmer of Maple spent Wednesday with Mr and Mrs Wilmer Palmer Mr and Mrs GeorgoProcter ol Agincourt spent the weekend with the lattera sister Mrs Harvey Simpson Mrs Marjory Rogers is spend ing week with friends in Tor onto Mr and Mrs Juck lice and Heather visited Monday with the farmers mother Mrs Vice Correction last week the total amount raised for UNICEF by the school children of Totv tenhom was $30 not $26 as for rncriy reported Mrs Fred Kant entertained the members at the ans Association last month The main topic the new org anization the United Church Women was discussed bake sale bazaar and alter nnon tea wasplnnnod for early December At the close lunch was serv ed by tha hostess and her no sistants CONTRACT BRIDGE BY JAY BECKER South dealer Neither side vulnerable NORTH 51582 cons 100 743 ans1 411051 064 oxen KQE so as AQ AKJIOIZ on 41158 Tnahidoing South Went North East 20 Pm 2N1 Puss Pass Opening lead jack of clubs When deciarer has choice ot ways to play hand he can do no better than follow the line at play that appears most likely to succeed Consciousiy or not the skill ed daciarer toilows this law of probabilities He does not know how the delenders cards are divided but he bases his plays on what he considers to be the most probable division or their cards Here is case where declar er foiled to choose the best course or play and lost his contract as result He won the club lead with the ace drew two rounds of trumps ending in dummy and linossed the queen of spades This last to the king and he later lost two clubs and diamond to go down one in effect South gava himseil about 50 per cent chance at making the contract by relying on East to have been dealt the King of spades But he missed different line of play which offered far greater chance of success After winning tho ace of clubs he should have played the gcovol spadcs and continu ed with the queen Had he done this he would havo made the contract West would take the king and the defense would presumably cash two club tricks and return diamond Declnror wins with the ace plays low heart to the eight rutls spade high plays low heart to the nine and ruffs another spade high By this time dummys fifth spade is established as trick South enters dummy with trump apd discards the jack of dia monds on the eight of spades This plan of play for prac tical purposes permits to make the contract whenever the spades are divided 93 16 per cent or 42 48 per cent The 84 per cant probability at making the hand by relying on favorable spade division is far mora attractive than th 50 per cent probability oi Easts having been dealt the king of spades South treats the hand as though he had the Ax of spades Instead of tho AQ Tomorrow The rabid by the opening bidder DAILY CROSSWORD LOIguNtbo ant and Iaieopiu we nieicnama spam product ocuormsa aï¬moaw mild HIGH Withdraw 11 Family WIIN amass LActnsl SB Pastoms 1am 1315940211 mama peak 19 bet some Pens island VAIHEHZHHIVA ï¬glllï¬ï¬‚l Ifl aloha ï¬lï¬ï¬llfl Ilï¬ Illlï¬ii LARRY BRANNON JULIET JONES BLONDIE ETTA KETT DONALD DUCK GRANDMA BUZ SAWYER iLL HAVE PRUNES PLEASE Ye MAYBE Tit otiLDREN or Mummers HAVE TO 54 way 15 IT Pm NES HAVE so MANY WRINKLES MORE mm has RM WW 19301 AnLTEK PIT MERE 119 THERE my woman pom Turn mm mm Dos BASIN BECAUSE THEY WORRY YOU WONT HAVETD ALL SHOUT IT AT ONE OF THESE MlSH HAVE THE mmaMAVION wune LOOKth FORMRJDNS IM AFRNIZTHOUGN mans heasmr TOOWYHISTDRIANQ IN GUESS Nor 9AYBUT usrau 1DTiS rib INTHISHOW ounmwns BEGAN osz wes FOUNDED av TWO 1W cvaus ounces AND noses PEUON wao oesmaa CENTRAL DEPm FORTHEIR menus acrivrnesinuuoa TAG NEW BOY Fore DATEHESTHE GED THAT GREATESTI EON FOUR MONsiEuR COM ENT wagmars QUICK ROMANCE INTERESTED on Mow oom ide KNOW iF HES 145 JUST ASKED TO GO may AND SAID HE WAS CRAL IN LOVE wnH ME WHA THA 5mm wng am 15 NOT Chilly HIKE TOG v59 dammit GONNAVISIT GREATauan CHILDREN NEXT mm navswr one AWAY Foam name FOR YEAR aw YEARS AN wane TMTRIP is REALLY GONNA BE AN OCCASION FORME WONDER 1F THSTAEECOACH FARESARE Mucu HIGHER THAN mEv USEDf ue VIIIAT ARE THE COMMUNIST TACTIC5 am niIoPPOSiTE OFWIIATYOII rowo SOUTH VIETNAM ABSOLUTELY NO ROUGII FORTRVINMOTAKE STUFF SIMPLYA QUiET lNSlDiOitS 0VERJRPANMPTAIIG IN FIIJRATIDN OF LABOR UNIONS AND SCHOOLiruAND SMEARINE US AT EVERY oevogruurry EVERYTHINGWE WHAT cmromvrwm mm FRIENDSDF THE comer LIAPANESE WETAKF PART IN FESTIVALS CONTRIBilIETMtIMIIY hospirusormmss dAY ALMOsT FORGOT 1m 10 GO TO AN ORPII WANTIOU 10 COME ALONG Bill MUGGS AND SKEETER mm AROIINDAND FACE HE BIRFIE 55 IFORGOT OESNT IKE POULTRMII5I$DULD VE TULI HIM TO FACE THE HAMBUKGERII