Legion Church Hockey Starts cm Thanh John Gibbon Don Md Noble Ion lan bcrl Brian Judson noun lor men nu flan7 Norton loar ulna Brennan Peter Cook Peter Caldlt ernael Do Cbarlra Cote no man Idlnln rrCrnae Legioncnurch minor hockey ntrnard Ball Jim Moore Murray exhibition action tarts at Bar rie Arena Saturday and alon dny Saturdays action starts at am Alli games are Sprtng Barren Paul Clark Ju unntur list of players on AHL and Senior teams will appear to marro More Boston Wednesdays Benita Montreal Toronto Detroit Chicago Tnnlghta Glaxo Montreal at Boston American Leone Entern Division Springï¬eld HOCKEY nrconn By no cmamzirl Puss National League Montreal Toronto New York Detroit 4111 649 Pittsburgh Pt ll 61 3723 Providence at Rochester Fuller Advised Put Up Money TORONTO ICPI 0ntarlor athletic commissioner has an sored ï¬ght mnaxrr Peter Ful ler oi Boston ltl all right for Ruler to put up 000003 as guarantee remnth between beavywel ht boxing champion 1112 BARK EXAMINER THURSDAY NOV ll 1N1 ll Floyd Patterson and thriller ger Tom McNeelry in Boston Fuller millionaire manager at hlcxeeley raid he had received wmmunlcotion from Toronto and II he wax tislied that it gave the com aions official approval of the Dec title light in Toronto be tween the champion and Mosco iey he would deposit the mo ney Cu DA Pattersons manager accused Fuller Tues day at not living up to his con tract because he had not depos ited 000 in bank as guarantee at return bou ï¬eld vs Cleveland Providence vs Rochester icrsey va Bulialo 820 and Spokane vr Erie 900 Junior games have Mari boros vs Niagara Falls and Lakeliews vs Guelph 950 and St Michaels vs Peter bomugh and Hamilton vs St Cniilarirles 1030 Senor notion starts at 1110 with Chattram playing North Bay It will be followed by Windsor vs Cornwall 1150 Whitby vs Kingston 12 pm and Sudbury vs Kitch ener 110 Monday evenings NHL ac tlon starts at six oclock with New York laying Montreal Toronto ctroit 545 Chi cago vs Boston 730 and Win nipeg vs Trail 315 MADw rk worm70 IHE PMWNZEI ARMOR GLASS DRYCHARGE POWERSEALED lmtall tho MorPowor HiCapacity and save to 961A the power is locked in until the battery is installed inpyour car from then unit delivers 34 more power to strrt with up to 40 longer power Spin youll probably never need to buy another battery Ior your present car MarPower HiCapacity Armor Glass tops Ior active service long liIo and extra savings RATED FAR HIGHER THAN HEWBAR BATTERIESI 595 995 WITH rrtaorm wrru rluorIN PonbhaId nnv cluncr ruuunsulvd nllv owner in Citmm 194054 Dodg 153555 FItr Chuvrolot WESSi citryrlr mart moat Plymouth l93955 Punilr MSGsh Dodo losool Plymouth 4954 1012 rerltrn Studebaker l9566l Pontiac I9556l and mbny lose55 and many nthorr othar lato modela War Typonun tradeIII Wat ryooultn uhIII Fitr rurd nmdurtv mortLlNflll llh Iorfl omdum Dry Chulelh moo 1545 on Chlrï¬nvlth 1845 Wu Typowilt tu Norrx Add so rev Innmuo wmt Bargain Brand New BATTERY PRIDES start at NHL NEW Yonxqonn rrrlu Brown lob Wells on minimal Ioc rrrguron nrnle Miller Stewart Cooke D0 Coul don smn Kelly currord hute Lynn unnnx Dennl roster turn ard Mltlntyrv Paul Cadolan Frank Jollllle Drake illchardron rum Hunter Dale Ferguson non don Blnrllq nour traml dttn ew Berry Petu lortralra Tonr hllttbell TRAIL Kevin marn David Hoar John Durome noun Younl srott thcherter ieo Gardiner mun Kelly Ronald ruyenn navy Johns Don Hlekltn Helmet Jetrrey Hines lvn Ha lhetlll Tom turdm Lloyd tuckuug Danny Saunders Bev rnurlow Jlrn ropolnz John Wobb Richard Young Desmond beeper arm numn BOSTONEdward Graham Bob rnonmran Paul rnmr Dennis onmn arlnn CotLroll Arxrur Bentley morn nlnrnud And rew WIekated Barry willrr Phi np Walker nanny ouch Gary Culleton Brian McGltzhon Bruce McGlbborl Garry wmnn nrnrt Verhruflen Dalton Corbett Paul Conan Paul Grassland Danny amtan Itlchard Bomeman How ard Smltn Rick Miller TORONTO Don euell Bury Showlalt Paul Humm cm Richards Tom calllnr Reid rruncn David Garnet rrumy Gmenouoh Peter Godln Don Goodwin Run Pierson éte hen Rldlny Gary schllht Liny em rnn Alvin Burlinl David norm om nu no Dickey Glen Wlddos Harold Ioanon Te rrvlm nmorr Lorry Wlllllrru nnnert suuta nrucu Steel Joan stowart rtqu Coleman nlcnnrd Cantu Gordon envvrord nlll Culleton Mute McCartney Mich mum an In no ey crry Saso nob arm Larry nurka Wayla xauy Ken Kelly Allan Wulxur Larry Kanll David Conn Jack Miller Pater McGib Campbell FANFORGED HEATER suoctmo RETAIL $1595 Fartheating IZOOwm mm tor good lnulruun or vvarm Sm annulled Ilnlrh wlllr unyan ndlc About r2 high wm cord 48 Months INSURAHGE GUARA NTEE runurm EtialliE 33 HEATERS hnlrsrlclt mama NUTIHIphw oll deIIlrk vmn cord and In BMorol WAIM ang llli HNGINI ltrarntruv tn tmtp hhl naerpnu coral rnm Wot Typomi tvnduln CIRCUIT CHECK 45 Run 52 valul AUTO TWIN HAT WORTH $175 For drivers and passengers side Attractive ribbed pat tern to hold dirt etc Easy to clean Solid intblack rubber long wearing provides protection PLASTIC SPRAY GHRDME GUARD Seal out woathov cor rnrlon and moisture Fro toctr grille bumper etc Easy to apply LAUGHS n1 OISTURE IGNITIDN SPRAY sirIr our molilun tov easior mm Pub an end to common Ignition ltnubley 6ox bomb MOTorMASTER WINDOW 94 touch of button clean windrhleldl Wont harm car Ilnirh In his Hox preraurn can AUTOMATIC Windshield 59 WASHER crtlp touch at tho Iorcor lclr ot walar onto wlrl shield or clear vlrlon ornpleto HEAVYDUTY PLIOIILM WINDSNIELD STARTING ILII ID llch gTART 19 arm don In Hashloot Elsi you lilo SPINNER 1155 For mm other on your pm ear sml Can ul Art rum man an In Jerry Quinn chlcl Murdoch Ilich ougn borne Adams Georgia Klrlrio John Baker Kerry Emms Bobby thlnon nob Carruthera Bob Walton Paul Wlnter Mum Wailenden Larry Smith nous snuraebotham Michael Ladoucer Paul Lynch Ken Punch Pztnr Oraobuh cmcnoo Anton llrudd nul sentan Keith Atklnaon orm Beers Ronnlo Shaw John Spurn John Church nnnn Ciowel John nnnmnn David Swain Karry Hodge Ronnie MoAlcer noun Weaymoutlr narry Iurnbull Kelth lurnhull Gordon sentt nun Scott Ron Hosguth lardy at Larry Flatter Mark Huckie wier Edward Harvey Brian Ille Kenney WINNLPEG Jim Duhll Murray blngmnn Glenn Davis Don Cant Harold cumbun Robert Noland Tod Osborne nrtan Knight Bar Franktotn Bloke Fay Ralph Be lnmy Jim Pratt Boyd Balkwlll Wayne Varcae John Lewis Da vld MeAleeX Dougwtnger Jim Thompsou Jim Atklnmn Pat Quinn nob Brennan Stephen klnson PROTEGTOII Km your vindrlllrld door cum windrhluld tor daytlma or amlglvt parking Put on or nrnovo tn amidlv Univml Ht tor all em on oiorMasisr FAN BELT 2Po SNOW TUDL KIT Original equlpnrcnt quality tools in one an in up nun overheating I60 lnnw blurb Iqueogeo an Inn From and upholstery whisk The ultimate for warm cnanortrbla winter driving insulates from cold 5° Accu all tab rt lil auto upholstery Washable glovelike rm Mum mug on ethylene glycol lolrr Ilt Red blue or beige I34 rlonrEasyramdmlo 59 Fits most cars 74 To complete your mum washer and dryer iarnl installatiun lerr SWITCH boxu or motor dlrconncct twitchto 30amp llo swoon Born Wllh clam Lannyrows Gre1¢ Noble John Parry David McKnight nu nln coonnana Charlea Emma gt Peter Curran Glen munrduun Russell Green Conn Glaaalord wmz Glenn Gordon navld Chantlor Greg Floolr mtde Kristo Doux wlrl rypa la Rchhrough Jimmy Robinson Hgr mm Eddie arnwn Collin Scott Robert plul ground Lamb Wayne licluennan Jerry 15mm Heel Gerald Raycratt Tom Me 33 As Ar abovl but lzgr It 250 11 2198 Leon PETERBORD Douglas Henry Heavy Duty Servico Wiru Bradley smith Gary Aokerman win FOR THE moypyqunsELr ELECTRICIAN Oaachuk Mark Manchester sub ametnurst Hugh Scott cm Godrrey Allan Bldwcu Jlm Casn ground Ft 23 Galv Strap gt TLET BOX MOUNTING HEAVY DUTY SILENT l0 OUTLET BOX CON WARFer II to IE control SWlTCH Slrlglo poll I5 NECTORFor Romex BXete any to irratall 29 ampv Sliver mum Chuck Brown Glen TopplIIK Blairla anlun Scott Barrdine Rom ex 30 ran ANGLE bloa 11904 LAIN covrn For ssmcte ourer rutr ï¬rmi La 13 Brown Bakelite 1s CONNECTOR For Rome Allan OConnor Brian Kinsellu John Greenuugh David Mldwood Michael Mlnru Randy Emma 25 or 15 zoo for 19 BX 22 3DUPLEX ourth RE 7ourLx OUTLET PLATE u3x CONN TOR01 CEPTACLEErnwn 16 Et°wn 08 3CELNG RE EsqAcu 4BAKELITE ourer or BWALL PLATEFor ringlo ST MIKES Ken Eannerman Paul Call Roy Carter Jim DAl For 31 or outlet boxer CEPTACLE 3wira uround toggle rwitctr Bakelitc in Standard Duty 39 03 tray Wayne Duwme David mend Greg Etnms Richfld H2 net Tommy Rankin Scan Hinds hintdittolicorlrerLE9 HB 92GANG TOGGLE SWiTCH IF 5w WALL rure above but with pull sham lernr Brown Bakal Greg Hubbcr Eric lllnnllley Ste 64 Emma Bakelite Ivory amlm 29 gben Manmu George Mount or Murphy John Norton Iloir sGANG town illustratorlIBakoiita Pkg or Bakelita 28 16 GHUKE ERTER Eliminator automatlo choke tvouhlu by eonymlng It to manual mutton 95 rubber Hull uninvo and mm qu Con vonlont handle IllllLlT XI vvlrlt knock out 3V aa In non SURFAIII Wllllliii DEVIDEI snle BEAM IIIIlT SUGGESTED RETAIL $255 In spotlight in lower beam for more light on either high or low beam or lZvolt QUADRlBEAMDoublo Lunit typo each Kt ll Lllhl MM TE II Swlytch EXTENSION Will SET 2wirc rm tar an ï¬r mu Iclt 25 30 LIIZJD 419 ert Read Robby Stewart Rleky Thome Bradley Wattr Jim White sl CATHARTNE Howard Rublnofl Jackie MoGiooh Brian Black Ieflrey Steward David Pearsnnp Hilary lllotnno quette Richard Little Altrocl Ln roux FOR WINTER DRIVING COMFORT WARM rasr iIIFHARAY Lmnlr GRPPNG AllTfl IIIISIIIIJN Handy Campbell Ted Curr WHEEL MUFF cigar llgltlor for Burden Kohl Casey Eddie Mohair typo that ha dillvlng comfort tho look and tool of uroa era euvront Cvéhglviiufdicktvï¬i 533533 luxury great aid to than is Stephen Johns Barry McFadden comfortable 12 It Jnnn Merriam Steven Curr 39 875 NIAGARA mus Don Marl rlurn Douglas Thompson arnrun Euhlrioii Raymond Tokarek John ny Hrmlltan nichnra Fork lnln attun nuvld nysnn Pater rrunt ley nurrirk Johnson Alvin Prin ï¬le rnur llrurdarn Barker Barker Stephen McGratn Gordon Garner Allen Garner rnul Godderl Junn cuun Neil Brown Doug slur must Nutter MAIle Chrla McNallla Doug McCann Paul wnnlen War 2le l5x25xl nor noNALn LTD ren Vanse Wally Hora Stuven 20ampr Inn no DUNLOP 51 NTERNATONA CREDIT CARD rutt Chris Hammond Lao Koop Gary Pernherton PA 66418 nana nuy Kelly Stephen Kelman BARRIE ONT Keeps battery power loaded charge it wherever youaerounts undei tho hoodCompact steel case Complete with cord leads and clips USE YOUR For allwarrn Iurnacoa or conditioning unlu Cuta tuol blllr Topa in efï¬ciency Avail onug nnynton rnnnm Thompson Ronald Shane lohn Richardson Kevirl Smith Baï¬y Rutledge Doug Harvey llm re GUELPH rulrn winter Gretl Simmons Malcolm nitd nrlan ilalr Brion lilollnt Larry Reid Wayne lllcbards Davin Richurd Ion Brian Rlonartlaan Gregory Leo Rlnhnrd Johnson Peter Lutz nunn Teddy Scruton Kevin Vaul van Geotlroy stott Mike Hook hrlr Brenkey John Babette rob nobelte Foul arennhnlsh avlo MCGlbborr HAMILTON Jnrt Wnllnnr Mull until RM Hernull contra wns smar Tender any hot door in Iurt 90 Inconda as many or six at one time High Impact plastic cover Washable plastic hire cold attached