TEE BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY NOV ll Soviet Scientists Seeking Electricity From Tides By ROBERT ELPHICK MOSCOW Reutersl Soviet scientists have been given the go ahead for one of their most ambitious projects yet the production of electnclb 1mm coastal tides Blueprints have already been approved and site surveyed on the coast of the Barents Sea near Murmansk or tidal power station pilot project which the scientists hope Will be the forerunner of bigger things flie man behind the project is scientist named Lev Bern stein who has made himself the official authority on tidal power stations and who has been dreaming for years of putting his dcas into practice He has had his plans ac cepted for small power star tion to be built in vlotovsky Bay on the Kola Peninsula where the last drops of the warm Gulf Stream keep the coast icefree all year This station will be only amall project developing just over l000 kilowatts But Born stein is looking forward wth confidence to the time about 20 years from now when he hopes to build station across lilezen Bay in the White Sea which will produce 36000000000 kilo watts START WORK SOON Work is expected to begin soon on the first pilot project just northwest of Murmansk the biggest town above the Arc tic Circle The station will be brought to the site piece by pre fabricated piece and crcctcd on prepared foundations lilotovsky Bay lics aboutezoo miles above the Arctic Circle near the Norwegian frontier Bernstein believes his project will avoid the fate of simlar Amercan experiment with tidal power station on Passam aquoddy Bay in the 10305 The US station was ducribed It the time summit and ness and an expensive whim Bernstein says the real reason it was abandoned was that its engineering was inadequate Wth the new techniques now at his disposal he says engid eering will present him with no problems Special reversible generators are to be installed to make elec tricity on both the incoming and outgoing tde USE BEERVOH The station will be linked to the local grid from which it will draw current at offpeak hours This current will be fed to the generators which in effect turns the generators into pump ing motors Sea water will than be pumped up from the sea into mervolr penned in by the dam across the bay thus pro viding greater head of water Bernsteins designing section is already working on the blur prints of second tidal power station again to be sited along the Murmansk coast at Luro bovsky Bay to the northeast of the Kola Peninsula This one il expected to produce 400000 kilo watts Bernstein urges the need for international pooling of grids so that the tides can be put to work for everyone similar idea has been put forward by Frenchman Rob ert Gihre who wants to build tidal power station on the Cot entin Peninsula in Normnndy Bernstein welcomes Gibres idea and looking further ahead talks of the immense hcnetits which could come from using the tides on an international scale by building power dams in the English Channel across the Bering Strait between AI aska and Sberia and in New Brunswick Nova Scotia and the state of Maine Ham Operators Help Get DAVISVILLE R1 AP Because little girl is sick in remote village irl Argentina five ham radio oparators stayed at their microphones throughout most of Sunday night to locate rare medicine she needs They found itio Belgium and it was sent by jet aircraft to South America The radio orswere scattered over halt the globe One was in Rhode Island one with the 115 Navy expedition at Ellsworth in Antarctica one In Chile another in Argentina and the fifth in Chicago The sick child is the daughter at the police chief in the village of Veiia Constitution in Argon tina radio ham there sent word to another in Chile that the child was dying of internal bleeding and that the village doctor said only rare medi cine not available there could help her The Chilean passed on the Cant Relate Retardation To Radiation WOODSTOCK CF Dr Donald Zarfas superintend ent of the Childrens Psychiatric Research Institute Lo Ont said Monday night it is impossible to say whether atomic radiation has had any bearing on children now re tarded Dr Zarias told the Wood stock District Association for Retarded Children it would probably take years of in creased atomic tests for radia tion to have any effect Such retardation found in children todav he said was caused by slight mishaps dur lng delivery or from pre and postinatal care problems Medicine message to Ellsworth where navy man who is ham radio operator on the side relayed it to Chief Petty Officer Paul King radio ham at the Davis ville navy supply depot Chicago ham also picked up the message BEGINS SEARCH King informed his superior Cmdr Robert Ingram who began search of naval supply sources for the medicine The Chicago ham Walter Gaga reported yrndio that he was trying medical supply houses in Illinois The medicine could not be found but the hams did learn that it was available in Bel gium new message was sent to the naval attache at the US embassy in Bnlssels few hours later came the word that supply of an phials of the rare drug had been put aboard jet plane consigned to the chief of the US naval mission at Buenos Aires The US embassy there was told In another message to start the medicine off for the interior when it arrived 30 Foot Ketch Arrives In Port WHANGAREI NZ UP The New World minot ketch owned and sailed by Grae ber of Vancouver reached this port in the far north of New Zealand Graeber accompanied by his wife left Vancouver just over year ago on leisurer round theworld voyage So far they have cnlised down the Pacific coast as far as San Diego Calif and across the Pacific via the Marquesas and other island groups Their last part of call was Suva Fiji They reached New Zealand two weeks out from Suva Ymknewiwxdwhomawhydyooleawthe bucket there SEAMFREE MICROMESH SPECIAL Stookup Now for Christmas Gift Giving Gmsamcr sheer flattery and fashion must sure to be appreciated by ttteladim on 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Orlon lovely 97 GIRLS SIZES 8H $56 Off DiaLmt in love ly lovely colours Novelt trim Srnart for the Junior Miss negysam on mun Gm 97 II ll SMART SLIMS SPECIAL LADIES SIZES 1018 Glenella woven washable Reg $399 now Save $102 Wonderful rayon in authentic tartam 297 SIZES 714 Save 34 Smart cotton sheen lined Boxer hack ap KIWIERSEEEEï¬Kï¬lWKKWHEWI GIFT SPECIAL 4121 24x Bulkyknits in tooth Orion Adah able collred style or Little Girls Perry cm mo swutsl rol Little Boys 147 Snvlnm Winn PAYMENT ON CREDITPURCHASES TILL NEXT JANUARY Mliiiiiin nth lllil Iiliiil sréclALl news STROLLER Reg $299 217 SAVINGS Nibs rnu dc with bra steel mine ruin her tires ny plaid MlTTST GLOVES REG Loo smrcn axon in am rol Ladies Ind Girls cnalcr or smm calmrs ldn styles Gltt lignu Tors SLEEPERS REG $199 1223 1a 31 Suvlngsl piece aton in easy tunnaletta pretty prints and ruin loud colours Footed Pres nk tins2432 Tm vows DOLL to bl be Save not salt oudA dly Ha lleeplnd elm Iran hair Dressed In netto nlxhue sl==