DIVER HURT IN CRASH Roger Gauthier 17 of Bar rie received minor injuries when his car was in collision on Burton Avenue with vehicle driven by Albert Roblt ertson 21 of RR Barrie Gauthiers car received ex tensive damage to the front end when it struck the Rot ertson car broadside iner Photo Exam Sounding Siren Will Be Limit Of Exercise Here Tonight is the night the much publicized national survival are ercise Tocsin gets under way At precisely pm local warning sirens in company with 500 others in approxim ately 150 communities will blarc into action on signal from area headquarters in Dakville Ontario The exercise originally schc duled to take place next spring but moved ahead on the per sonal orders of Prime Minister John Diefenbaker is said to be for the purpose of adequately testing the state of prepared ness of military and civilian groups and individuals in the event of nuclear attack Locally the extent of the op eration will be the sounding of one or more sirens depending on the number in Working out or it is known that only one siren atop the city hall is wired and ready for use Three other sirens installed on tow ers on Public Utilities property in Barrie are not yet wired for sound The operation and mainten once of the sirens is an army responsibility and has nothing whatsoever to do with local Emergency Measures Organiz ation personnel Public Utilities personnel or thoso of the city Coincidentally with the oclock zero hour the local ra dio station will commence broadcasting of simulated mes sages and warnings via CBC hookup similar to messages expected to be heard in the Fonner Barrie Man Is Now er On TV Mr Photograph former Barrie boy is now seen each week onlz lV sta tions from coast to coast The popular program is called Photography is Fun and stars Glenn Gillham It can be seen locally on Channel at 1125 each Friday night Glenn was born and brought up in Barrie attending Fern dale public school His parents and three sisters live in Angus but brother Keith still lives and works in Barrie Photography is Fun has caught the fancy of millions of amateur photographers This fiveminute weekly program was first aired last spring and is now back with 13week fall schedule Each year millions of Canadians pull out three mil lion cameras and shoot close to threequarters of billion pictures thotography is Fun is aimed directly at the ama teur photographer Gillham giv as simple suggestions to im GLENN GILLHAM prove the quality of amateur photographers Emphasizes Home Care Of Retarded Home care of the mentally retarded child refers to the situation where the retarded child is being looked after in home as opposed to being loo after in an institution said Therese Lavoie psychiatric social worker at the mental as sessment and guidance clinic in Montreal Interviewed in connection with Retarded Childrens Week in Canada beginning today Miss Lavoie said that training class es and sheltered worlrrs have their full value for the ra tarded only when they are me natural extension of wellad justed family life For about 30 to 35 per cent of retarded children their per sonality adjustment is just as serious problem as their in tellectual deficit said Miss Lavoie The more seriously retarded child is the greater becomes the role played by his emotion al adjustment in his general level of functioning It is im portant then for the parents to be aware of their own reactions toward their child as well as being able to understand their childs behavlor Family relationships discip line feelings of his brothers and sisters towards him are daily problems which need to be dealt with if maximum func tioning of the retarded child is to be ensured And as the child grows the parents must pre OPPOSE FAG VENDING LAC BEAUFORT Que GP The Quebec division of the Ca nadian Cancer Society Sunday was told theschool commissions in Quebec City and TroisRlvi eres Que are considering plans to install cigarVI ing machines in secondary schools Delegates resolution posing anv lCh move and eclded to send co pies t9 provincial authorities pare to meet the changing needs of his personality The presence of seriously retarded child in the home can seriously impair the social functioning of the family add ed Miss Lavoie As the fam ily remains the basic unit of our society one can immediately see the serious social repercus smns it may have if any mem ber of the family is unable to adjust to the presence of re tarded child in the home Economic reasons also favor home care It would be than clally impossible for any com mumty to providé residential care for all of its mental re tardates It is mistake to think that once special school has been proVIded for the retarded child one can rely entirely on it for his education and training added Miss Lavoie who also is cbairrnan of Canadian Associa tion for Retarded Children Home Care Committee While it is true that the schoolmight take thelead in training the child it is only in sofar as the parents will extend this training at home that the ciuld will be able to develop to his maximum léRESCRIPTIONS We prompt service Ask your doctor about our Pharmacy next time he writes prescription for you Prescription pickedsup and delivered fren of charge CUSDENS PHARMACY nunlop PA 115359 to Collier at PA H414 always give courteous event of an actual enemy nt tack on this country An appeal has been made by federal and provincial govern ment officials that citizens lis ten to the broadcast so that they will become familiar with the typo of warnings and in structions that would be made public in the event of an em ergency In Toronto when the sirens sound it is expected that some 82 provincial cabinet ministers assistants and key personnel will get into cars and drive in convoy to prepared site at Camp Borden They will func tion as government under attack from this site for the duration of the 24hour exercise Local EMO officials have in dicated that their office will not function operationally dur ing this exercise Barrie mayor Willard Kin zie who would be codinirrnan of all matters pertaining to the safety and control of citizens of Simcoe County along with County Warden Montcalm Mou rice in the event of an attack when asked what he would do when he heard the siren said officiate at regular meeting of council called for that hour He said that in the absence of instructions or requests for him to participate in the exercise in any way he would not function in his official capacity as ctr chairman during the exercise It has not been established what role if any local army authorities at Camp Borden will play during the test Two Killed In Accidents In District Automobile accident detailed two lives on Highway 21 near Elmvaie over the weekend Charles Hoodoo of Elm vale was killed late Saturday afternoon two miles south of Elmvale lie was passenger in southbound truck driven by Dennis dSweextadof sligï¬lQWEd 1h tru an Eouden was pushing it when he was hit by car driven by James Frederick Featherstonn of Richmond Hill Houden was apparently push ing the truck in such positan that his body obscured the tail llght of the truck The accident was investigat ed by Constable Raymond Greater ol the Elmvale OPP detachment Richard Hall killed Sunday morning on way at the northem limits of Fer gusonvale The boy ran across the highway and was hit by northbound car driven by lrene Agnes Richard of Preston On tario Richard was the son of Mr and Mrs Peter Hall of Fergu sonvale The accident was investlgnt ed by Constable Wilkin son of the Elmvole OPP detach ment Approve Increase To Aid Strikers TORONTO CPlA member ship meeting of Local 299 Hotel Club Employees Union can Sunday approved $1 amonth increase in dues to aid the unions strike against the Royal York Hotel The approval came over ob jections of delegate from the Westbury Hotel Norman God dard said he will continue his opposition to the increase when it is voted upon again in two forthcoming meetlngs as re quired by the union constitution Goddard who said he has petition signed by 130 employees of the Westbury opposing the in crease was supported only by his seconder when he proposed the locals executive be deprived of authority to administer union funds Jobnstone Canadian vice president of the union which struck the Royal York April 24 said the dues increase to $4 monthwas sought be cause the strike had exhausted the leash funds including $250000 strike kitty Hydro Workers Return To Job HAMILTON CP Hamlb tons outside Hydro workers re turned to work at midni bt Sat urday after union mem rship meeting approved an agreement ending strike that began Fri day morning OPENS ANGUS Samar scnoor Most Rev 17 Marrocco Toronto ofï¬cially opened Our Lady of Grace Separate School in Angus on Friday night He was assisted by Rev Cranbrw Bish ops assistantt and Rev hicleney pastor of the church Hunter Almost Loses Deer To Pair Of Sneak ThieVes hunter who had the fortune to bag himself fine deer al most had the misfortune of los ing it to sneak thieves here Sat urday Barrie police reported that two men were seen removing the animaklrom parked car on Dunlap Street They carried the carcass down lane way beside flower shop where it was foundrby police who had been tipped off to the occur rence by an unidentified pass ing motorist Barrie police constable Ralph Berry said today he had been Amateur Theatre Warned of Apathy HALIFAX UP Dick Mac Donald of Ottawa national di rector ol the Dominion Drama Festival said Saturday that am ateur drama groups should not slip into apathy now that pro fessional theatre has begun to attract Canadian audiences Amateur theatre kept the professional theatre alive when there was virtually no profes sional theatre he said Most amateur companies are not working as enthusiastically as they once did he added Mr MacDonald ivho is tour ing Canada for the DDF called for more experimental work by drama groups Too many groups produced runofthe mill plays that they had seen others do Search For Slasher Of Convertible Tops Barrie police reported today on the activities of slasher busy in the city Saturday even ing His victims were not people but the canvas tops of unattended convertible automo hiles Brian McCann of Toronto was the first to report an incident of this nature to police He told them he had parked his auto in the parking lot of local supermarket When he return ed after an absence of several hours he discovered the dam age He said the canvass top of his car had been slashed with sharp object in half dozen places The plastic rear Win dow was torn and side win dow hadbeen bent out of shape In addition radio aerial lo cated on rear fender had been ripped offand left in the Red Cross Asked For Disinfectants TORONTO CPtThe Cana dian Red Cross has received an urgent request from hurdcane devastated Belize capital of British Honduras for soap and disinfectants Officials said the materials needed to clean buildings con taminated when hurricane Hat tie ripped through the area will be sent by plane GIFTS FOR THE HANDYMAN thee HAND TOOLS rowan room and ATTACHMENTS WORK BENCEES BALLPLANING MILL LTD PA 82456 rear seat He estimated dam age at about $75 The second report came from Barry Dunn of Barrio lie told police he had parked his car in the same parking lot When he returned to the vehicle he found the roof had been punctured and slashed in sev eral places apparently WIth curved glass object Police found several particles of glass lying on the canvastopped veh icle The damage to the Dunn car was estimated at $50 Early Sunday Mrs Audrey Bridges of Willowdale called police and reported the top of her convertible had been slash ed in four places She had parked her car at the rear of 11 Dunlop Street address on Saturday evening while she visited with brother She told police she found her car damlt aged early Sunday Mrs Bridges told police that articles of clothing and cigar ettes left in the vehicle had not been touched and she could give no reason for the vandalism Damage was estimated at $125 Barrie police are continuing with their investigation and are believed to be operating on the assumption that one person is responsible for the senseless ac Fill Up With SPECIAL WINTER BLEND Bltt BARRYS SHELL SERVICE 101 DUNLOP so WEST all DUNLOP as WEST WINTER ennui For sale Winter nrivlng The nature of the holes and slashes in all three ear tops are believed to be similar in nature and give rise to the belief that the same person is responsible ls voun BEST auv for nous lIEIING NOTHING nowN Easy payments ovar YEARS on monthly gas bill $1430 Imnlli oolullltl ui Md III lulu ll ctvdlnl hbllr III In brill to colart Iltl nulls Inllfllll but mlntdnm up or CHANGEOVER calla DONE IN It FEW HOURS Units for all types of home heating FREE BURNER SERVICE vour cu rmnrny dour not employ doorlo doorullxmln nurtlle hallo unlillllfl For lnlomiaunn uncut noun llunm by outline runl Board tn all and Ilutall mann Bu equipment all or new th sum mumIII In em 67 rename or roeass investigating minor motor vehicle accident when motor ist paused and told him he had seen two men take the deer from the rear deck of an auto mobile parked on Dunlap Street opposite the Queens Hotel He told police he was suspicious of the actions of the men Constable Berry company with another officer searched the lakefront area near where the men were last seen They located the deer stashed along the waters edge behind some old pilings Another witness vereified the motoristr story of how the animal got where it was found The hunter was identified as John Ellis of Essex Ont deer was returned to tho grateful man who had no knowledge of the incident until told by police thorough search of the neighborhood was made by the two officers but no trace could be found of the two deer rustlers BAR MONDAY NOVEMEBIIB Two Men Injured In 2Car The drivers of two cars whld collided on Burton Ave near ï¬eld St early Saturday evening acaped serious injury although extensive damage oc curred to both vehicles by dro pole was snapped off and power transformer severely damaged Police report that annutomo bile owned and driven by Ro gercnutbier 17of Camp bell Ave Barrie struck an automobile operated by Albert Robertson 21 of RR Barrie as be was travelling cart on Burton Ave near Reid St l3oth Gauthier and Robertson were thrown from their vehi cles but Robertson retalned grip on the steering wheel of his car throughout barrow lng lwfoot swervlng slide Orillia Theft Nets $5000 ORHLIA CPtThieve min gled with churchgoera to escape with about $5000 worth of low elry in daylight raid on main street store Sunday Police raid about three men pulled on to parking lot be bind the Weston Credit Jewel lers shop and parked among churchgoers cars They sad It locksgun device that fits any lock to get into the store through the back door show case was moved to block the view through the shop window while the safe was turned over and pried open It contained small amount of cash and large number of diamond rings Police said they believe the intruders waited until the coin gregntions of three nearby churches returned for thEir cart then drove off with them The robbery was disoovered when window shoppers noticed the show case was out of place ï¬g can garrlck HAIR STYLISTS announce cons man In remnants nvxnr wan mom 415 PM special student tutu By appointment only PA 84661 38 Maple Avenue Crash during which his car snapped off the hydro pole and brought down large transformer Gauthier received mlnor head injury as rault of the smash and Robertson received injuries to his face and leg Gauthier was apparently an terlng Burton Ave from ser vice station lot with sonic wbat obstructed view of the When Gauthier first saw thos car driven by Robertson he ap plied his braku but stnick girl broadside His car was flung sideways and landed in pool of water Robertson told police that when the vehicles collided he was flung violently sideways but managed to retain his grip on the wheel although ht body was trailing along beside thé car The car was knocked across the road and into the pole then swung halfway around so that It came to resI on the north side of the strait Residents in the Burton Ave and Reid Street areas were without power for more than an hour after the crash Publl Utilitls workmen bad to em ploy the servics of mobile transformer in order to the service resumed At late hour last night the mobile transformer was still being used to provide emorgéh cy power to the area Police are continuing with their investigation into the no cident IF BAcIr Acnssr TRYA Klonnw Homugusctsnmlagemf on erfrorln no mo Prodnear in wbmu mega Urine mun ame Ifle Rheum shine in luch use the very run near to help mi In Tiles wenssprains Fresh Evisceralod RYING CHICKEN CUTUP CHICKEN CHICKEN LEGS or BllEllSTS LOOK WHAT DOLLAR WILL BUY kills lbs lbs NO BARRIE BRAND CREAME BUTTER LB CELLO CHOICE BOLOGNA SKINLESS WIENERS FRESH CUT CHICKEN WING OR RY McINTOJSIH APPLES FOODCMARIIET IsnUNLOP st 65 00 tERS and banner Immium ol