Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Nov 1961, p. 2

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SHOWN ON the steps of the United Nations Building in New York City are Mrs Con die Easton Anlen Mills Mrs New York guides Mrs Aud rrey Coulson Barrie Mrs Jack Kahn and Jack irshn Doris Edgerton Crown Hi Mrs Stevenson Barrio Mrs Beverley Elliott Baxter John Holder Examiner circu lation manager and Mrs Ivy Circulation Winners Find New York EnchantingPlace Seven district women five of them super circulation sales men for Tile Barrie Examiner are resting tired feet and rem iniscing over onceinvalife time allexpensepaid weeks va cation in New York which end ed Saturday The five were winners in recently concluded Examiner circulation contest and the other two were guests The group left Barrie week ago Sunday to fly to New York where they joined winners of similar contests sponsored by sixother Canadian newspapers Theywere escorted on the trip by John Holder Examiner cir culation managerl Eer the moment their plane touched down in New York the group seldom had free min me They visited such famous sightseeing points of interest as the Empire State Building Uni functionsvwcre periods set aside for shopping and just plain godding about Those inking part in the trip ited Nations Headquarters and from the Barrie area were Mrs the Statue of Liberty They were wined and dined in fine style at leading Man hattan night clubs and restaur ants visited the stage show The Sound of Music which stars Mary Martin saw hock SMUdv ey game at Madison Square Garden and performance of the International Horse Show In addition the group toured Radio City MusicHali where they saw firslvrun movie and stage show ondtoured the la ciilties of the National BroadA casting Corporation Interspersed with the official IIiNISPll NOTES gWonder AboutCattle In Case oi All Survival authorities are bold ingjcxercise Tocsln tonight It is an endeavor to tell people liowdo live through fallout and othqf death dealing conditions thatJmay befall them if and when the devastating nuclear bonihs make Canada the battle groubd of the next war with all these precautions for thesburnsns we wonder what would become of cattle and oiherstock Would the farm ershave time to herd their cattle into the stables and would they be able to protect themfrom killing rays Could an owner of stock save his herd7 If not what would be come of them Could wells thatjhupply water from deep in thexgground be used for tho water supply REMEMBRANCE DAY The sun shone and soft win blew at the Cenotaph ser vice The turnout at the local cenqlapb was one of the best in many years The service was well bandled and most im press The parade masterv iiiceremonies Blogg of the localflegion was in charge of the Iweterans and gave the mamhing orders By per mission of Lt the Grey and cos Foresters Regimental Band provided musp both for the march and thcgprogram together with the Barrie Pipe Band and the Kempbnfelt Trumpet Band C913 the Rev Sberring padrefor the localrLegion was in fifarge of the ceremonies TODAYS STOCK PRICES Flynn 93 Dunlop St Barrie Qzfinpiied by mountain Dom Found nom stem Dom Tar Exquisite 17 Pfd Famous Flay Alinswszesi Bk nifionuui oral arszi in an BC firmer Can of Gt Likes Gal Pow Horns Pit Home on Imp an Inn Acne Inland NE Inter Nickel Interprov Jockey Club nEcSIn er shire Gas Sell Labstt Norsnds anilinrcr Rio Con sceniran con all Sign Vlad Geno who Lhmaqua eritlmes Normatll 22 poundk rave mosa acrivo sTocKs this Diifault steel of osnrds animus haw lndustrllJ up is null up 31 Utilities up is inanima or fig TonoNTo Home 150 Golds up ii so Symonds Hardee Farm IIudsan BM Min Imp Tobacco lilac Powell aiv sunscreen bIlNIND Guhnar KerrAddison Long Lie DIVIDEND oncnaéiénious iln roun rice and Stch common my le lsn mm °Uppcr Canada paylble Dennis ex dividend etch and opened them with thellnes from St John 15 Greater love hath no man than that man lay down his life iorliis friends Three Silver Cross mothers helped with the wreaths alter which many or ganizations and the three local municipalities who contributed to the monument presented wreaths Innisfil was again re presented by ExREEVE Clifford Lockhart Returning to the Legion all after the ceremonies all who participated in the march were invited into the dining lounge where hot soup coffee tea and sandwiches were provided This much appreciated service was provided by the Legion and was open to all in the parade Mayor Willard Kinzie Spoke briefly at the luncheon telling of his pleasure in having partic ipated in the ceremony and complimented the Kempenfelt Trumpet Band on its perform ance He assured the Legion that the incident regarding the sale of poppies at the Arena would at lolly investigated church service was held Sunday when the members marched to Trinity Anglican Church behind the Barrie Fipe Band The service there was conducted by Col Sberring who urged the veterans to hold out for peacewilh honor He reminded them of the heroic days of Ypres and Cambria the latter when tough Canadian soldiers shared their rations tatIll refugee women and chil IEfl 55V 15 19 is ml is half mi 415 IIVA 50 is we so asst 1th so 16 19 mi szsi Nor Ont no ainorsCoin Dsnsws aclflc ears rm Pipe Que Nat Gas Koo Rothmans Royal Bani nioAlaom sslsds Shirrlu Simpson station Steel of can Stelnberg Tor iambic Trnn Can Pips Trans Mt Pips Tndsrs Ffn Tsxsco Union on Walker new Pipe Quemont Sher Gordon Steep nook United oil Venturm Wilcov sou assr slo 340 mi as 17a din Steep Rock Trans hit ripe rriad Ynlm AVERAGES dxcuanoa mean Metll down 01 our up as dividend Cordle Easton Anton Mills Mrs Audrey Coulson Barrie lilrsi Doris Edgerton Crown Hill Mrs Stevenson Bar ric ltfrs Beverley Elliott Bax tcr Mrs Ivy Willoughlly who was the grand prife winner of the local eon es Crusaders Plan Alliston VlSlt About 50 tecnagcrs imm ltcx dale suburb of Toronto will invade Alliston on Friday to conduct youth rally in St Johns United Church These teenagers have band ed together ln an interdcnom inational fellowship called Cru saders for Christ directed Stan lzon of chdnle The crusade which they will conduct in Alliston ls aimed at young people In their teens and early twenties and is being con ducted in conperntion with the churches of Alliston roan smalls WILL SOUND Four air raid warning sirens will sound in Barrie tonight at approximately oclack as part of the nation wide Tocsin civil defence exercise Sirens are located at city hall Brock Street near in nislil Street Anne Street be tween Shirley and Letitia Streets and St Vincent above Codrington Street The sirens with the ex ception of the one at city hall are new Installations It was thoughtthat the three new sirens would not be ready for tonights exer cise but the contractor working under army instruc tions completed the work in time Ray Atkinson civil de fence coordinator for Sime coe CountY said today the sirens should sound at ap proximately pm but the exact time was not known in order to maintain some element of surprise Women Man Die In Flaming Wreck PETERBOEOUGH CF No women and man died Sdnday night in the flaming wreckage of their small Euro pean car after it collided with another car on Highway 7A near Gavan about It miles southvvest of here Three bodies charred beyond recognition were identified by Paterborough provincial police as Beatrice Bouchcr 50 and her daughter Wilma 22 both of Bolton and the driver Helgar Swanson so of Rexdule Ont The driver of the other car Joseph Fleisher 39 of Willow dale Ont suffered minor in duties The accident occurred about pm as the small cargwas beadingwest in light rain After the collision it bounced off the road crashed through wooden fence and burst into flames The flames rose as high as The flames rose as high as 20 feet above the car and some shotgun shells inside exploded After firemen put out theblaze the car with the bodies inside was towed to funeral home In Millbrook Firemenlwerc called again as the flra broke out while the bodies were being removed LEAD IN IIOMAGE LONDON titeulels The Queen Mother and other mem bers of the Royal Family Sun dayled Britains homage to the dead of two world warsln wreath placing ceremonies Wilioughby Stroud The group was in New York last week Five of the ladies were guests of The Examiner as winners pi recent circulation con est can bvraruaus TWO INJURED BRADFORD Special Mrs Violet Maud Taylor 57 of Scarboro and Leonard Frank Woods of Oak Ridge es Ontario were seriously injured Sunday when their car ran all the road at the sixth concession of Mark ham Township The car plunged into ditch hit hydro pole and overlurned Mrs Taylor and Mr Woods were pinned in the wreckage They were rushed to Scarboro General Hospital with multiple iniur ies where their condition is described as only fair Mrs Violet Woods 69 passenger in the back seat escaped without injury Crop Group Meets Dec The annual meeting of the North Simcoe Soil and Crop Im provement Association at Elm vale Dec will feature results of the pasture improvement contest Twentyesix of 515 mem bers took part in this competi tion Over $200 will be awarded in prizes Another event of the evening will be discussion on weed control led by Kingsbury fieldman for the crop branch of the Ontario department of agri culture dgaretles 11112 Bull MIR iioxmv vovnsiaen on Ransack Store At Newmarket BRADFORD lSpeelaI ibiew es broke into grocery store on Prospect Street in Nevmar ket last night The owners Mr and Mrs Pavitrh were away for the weekend diamond studded wrist watch two other watches mo in cash and large quantity of pop and chocolate bars were stolen Entry was Soloed through the bedroom window of the living quarters at the rear of the store similar method of entry was used lo break into the home of Mr and Mrs John Kitchlng of Holland Landing last night The home was ransacked but ltlrs Kitchlng said this morning the only thing missing was fl in US funds deiets Begin To Show Cards To The West BONN ReuterslThe Soviet Union is beginning to show its cards for EastWest negotln tions on Berlin but there is no new Soviet plan and no sign of any real concessions usually reliable sources said today Reports last week oi new Soviet iourpoint plan on Her lin arose from conversation Thursday in the Kremlin be tween Premier Khrushchev and Hans Kroll West German am bassador in Moscow The sources said reports of the iourpoint plan represented fairly accurately Kroils ideas of what he and Khrush ehevagreed on as points on which East and West could pos sibly get around the negotiating table But Kroll and Khrushchev did not discuss any packet plan the sources added WAS FIRST LOOK denials by West German spokesman that anything simi lar to the reported plan was dis cussed by Kroll and Khrushchev arose from preliminary study in Bonn of Krolla cabled report which arrived Friday careful study of the report however disclosed that the four points were in fact contained in what the ambassador said Khrushchev replied when ques tioned about the possibilities of negotiations on specific points The opinion in Bonn was that Krolls conversation with the Soviet leaders brought icon iirmatlon oi two points neither of them new These were that Khrushchev is prepared to no gotiate with the West and that he would prefer agreement on the status of West Berlin and access to it before signing peace treaty with East Ger many WEATHER FORECAST Official forecasts issued in Toronto at am Synopsis Cloudy mild weather prevails over southern and central Ontario and scat tered showers are occurring in most districts this morning Much colder air ad southeastward is expected to cover the entire province by Tuesday afternoon Lake St Clair Lake Erie southern Lake Huron Niagara Lake Ontario regions Wlndsor London Hamilton to Cloudy today and Tu day Scattered showers today ocea sional rain hiesday Mild be coming colder Tuesday after noon Winds southerly 15 shift ing on Tuesday to northerly 20 to 25 Northern Lake Huron Geor gian Bay Haliburton regions Cloudy today and Scattered showers today Ocea sional rain Tuesday changing to snow by evening Mild today Cooler Tuesday Winds southerly is to 20 today northerly so to 25 Tuesday Algoma southern White River Timagami regions Sault 1o Marie Npth Bay Sudbury Cloudy elesring Tuesday even ing Showers changing to snow flurries by late today and en ATTACK TRAIN BUENOS AIRES Reuters crowd of 300 persons attacked train in Santa Fe province Sunday and six were reported wounded when the trains police guard repelled them with gun fire and tear gas The attack was the first outbreak of vio lence in Argentinas twoweek old railway strike ing Tuesday evening Mild be coming much colder by this ev ening Winds southerly 15 shift ing by this evening to northerly go to 25 Northern White River Coch rane regions Cloudy with snow flurries clearing this evening Mainly sunny Tuesday cooler Winds northerly 15 to 20 became ing southerly 15 to 25 Tuesday afternoon Forecast Temperatures Lowtonight high Tuesday Windsor 45 50 St Thomas 45 55 Kitchener 45 55 Wingham so 50 Hamilton 45 55 St Catharines so 55 Toronto 45 55 Peterborougb 45 55 Trenton 45 55 Killaloe 40 45 Muskoka 40 45 North Bay so 40 Sudbury 30 do Eariton 20 35 Kapuskasing 25 White River in Moosonee s10 if Cadets Out Of Armoury 18 Latest Official Word The in agaiocui again saga of the Barrie air and sea an den continues today with the latest word being that both groups are definitely out in sofar as training aecommoda tion at the local armoury is con corned Tho net result of conflicting reports to ihc status of the two units is group of ther oughly confused cadets and an gry thoroughly disgusted of filers and officials of the two at The entire controversy erupt ed several weeks ago when Armoury Commanding Officer Howard unofficially told the two cadet units they would have to find other training ac commodation because the facll ities of the building were to be utilized fully in the training of milltla units under the National Survival TrainingPlan Once this information was passed along executives of the sponsoring bodies of the cadet units began to work behind the scenes to have the decision re vcrsd Officials oi both groups contacted area bead quarters in Toronto and were advised to sit tight until addi tional information could he go thered subsequent meeting in To ronto between Army Central Command personnel and cadet officials was held but no in formation was released to the pages regarding decisions reach Just over week ago it is understood that local Navy Ca det people were told that the decision had been reversed and the cadets were to be allowed to stay in the ormoury for an unspeeiiicd length of time In an Examiner article which appeared last week Dr Jack Woodstock president of the local Air Force Association Wing was quoted as having told meet ing oi the navy cadet executive that the cadets could stay Dr Woodstock told The Ex aminer this morning that he had not told the navy group any such thing in fact was given that information by one of the navy cadet officials who said he had been told this by Cop taln Howard at previous co det training session Dr Woodstock said the Claim mending Officer of the air cadet squadron had received the some information from Captain How ard by telephone earlier last week He added that last Thursday brigadier from Central Com mand at Oakville is reported to have arrived in Barrie and on dered that the cadet units so denied permission to use the building and based his remarks on decision reached over two weeks ago So there the matter rests Dr Woodstock said the coin fusion of conflicting orders from various authorities ha created diiiicult situation lo rally He said attempts were being made to find other suit able locations for training set lions but that to data any place we have looked at has been too exnenslv for our llmi ted budget Lesage Announces Sweeping By RICHARD DAIGNAULT QUEBEC CF Fremilr Jean Lesage Sunday night an nounced sweeping election re forms limitation and control of election expenses is new elec toral map and new balloting system possibly using voting machines In an address at the closing banquet of the annual conven tion of the Quebec Liberal Fed eration Mr Lesags said Quo becers are the first citizens in Canada to large the lnstniments of their own sovereignty New for the first time hero among us an electoral law is going to be shaped by the hands of the people Publicity and pro would be regulated How is one to hear the voice of the people if it is drowned out by propaganda What is the right to be candidate if it is reserved to the wealthy What is political party if it ganda Socreds Need Tile sources said that first National Image By RUSSELL ELMAN ST CATHARINES CP When rather short well groomed man in conservative grcy suit appeared at the door of Social Credit dinner here Saturday night young woman sitting at one of the tables turned to her neighbor and wblsv pared Whos that handsome guy Many of the 75 men and women in the room might have asked the same question about the man Robert Thomp son 47 recently chosen an ti Social Credit leader The virile looking new leader frankly admits one of his rnost urgent and toughest jobs is to Eat outand meet people across the country from Newfoundland to British Columbia to build up national image oi his party and himselfl All last week he was seeking to do just this in tour through Ontario In dozen towns and cities be sought to drum up support at small informal meetings with businessmen impromptu speeches and interviews on lo cal radlo and television stations and get to know your lesoer banquets PLANS OTHER TOURS Mr Thompson who left his wife and eight children behind at farm in Red Deer Alta looked on the Ontario 3aunt as grassroots organizing tour to he followed by similar trips in the west and Atlantic prov inces He told meeting in London Ont that until his election at Social Credita first national convention in Ottawa in July the prty had never really been national One of his main tasks during the next few months is to search out potential candi dates and local organizers in preparation for the next federal general election In which be said Social Credit plans to field for the first time candidate in nearly every constituency YOU WHO NEVER FINISHED HIGH SCHOOL srs Invited to write for mini booklet Tells new you in earn your High School nipionrs AT HOME IN7 AMERICAN SCHOOL 100 Dundal 59 Send Me Your FREE 15 Sample Lesson SPARE TIME Deseroato Ont le High School Booklet Ind Ali Hook and Tuition included NAME usuuu ADDRESS OUR 64th YEAR Truly as Canadian as its name 3rnnou veomoani MAKERS OF ipnyni ITED Last weeks Ontariodinner meetings were for the most part arranged on an invitational basis with those attending either already Social Credit supporters or whose interest in the party had already been aroused At tendance generally ranged be tween 50 and IUD and the re sponse to Mr Thompsons spcochca varied between polite but mild applause to consider able enthusiasm At the dinners Mr Thompson spoke for between one hour and 75 minutes then threw the mectinu open for short ques tion period On one occasion in Hamilton when spectator tried to draw him into an ar gument over cooperatives Mr Thompson carefully shied away from open battiel OUTLINES POLICY in most of his speeches be out lined Social Credit policy add ing what seemed few personal observations general state ment on Social Credlts aims based on the July national con vcntion is executed to be publt llshed before Christmas but the election platform probably will not be released until the elec tion date is announced Mr Thompson nominated to stand in his home riding of Red Deer told Saturday nights meeting that Canada is suffers ing great economic loss through the migration of trained young personnel to the United States The backward state of affairs was emphasized when New Canadians were returning their homelands in Britain and Europ ROCK STEAM BATHS OPEN DAILY mm to pm PA 87III Election Reforms In Quebec is symonymour with election fundl What is democracy if it is not to the hands of alli lifr Lesaga sold the govern ment will bring down com plete program of election re forms at the session of the leg islature starting in Januory Election expenses which have beaten all records in Quebec will be restricted and limited And in order to give an equal chance to all political parties the province will pay all basic election expenses of oil per sons of good faith who wish to run the elections 0n the one hand the regula tion of election expenses will help stop humiliating pressures to which too large number of voters are submitted at election time and on the other to free the parties from excessive Lie pendence on election contribu lions Mr Lesage said once freed from the need of election con tributions political parties wlu be able to act without being placed under ints whether from the underworld or from certain financial interests not alwaysps well intentioned as one would like WILL ASK REDISTRIBUTIDN Mr Lesage said the govern ment will ask the legislature to proceed with longomitted re distribution of electoral seats He said there have been vori ous views expressed on the ques tion The government wanted to ensure there would be no sc ondrate voting class in Quebec an obvious reference to heavl populated lilo al ridinzs where Italics halidolcn to make up for one rural vote The premier indicatel ernment would amend thapro posed balloting procedure This convention has socn some happy experiments among which was the use of electronic machines for the re cording of votes hCRESCENT APPOINTMENT Leo McNamara Mr Tennant VicePres ident and General Manager of The Crescent Finance Corpora tion Limited announces the rip pointment of Mr Leo Mc Namara as manager of the Crescent Finance office at 25 Dunlop Street West in Barrie Mr McNamara native of the Maritima has had extensive Expgrienoe in the small loan 10 silvmes osoosirs on minimum quarterly balance THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION 372 Bay Si Toronto 35 Dunlop SiBariia

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