TIME FOR Cs THE BARRIE EXAMINER ANNOUNCEMENTS MONDAY OVEMBER 13 1X1 REAL ESTATE BIRTH rnoraarlt FOE sou Mormlyl Child in lair tree Child in mil ol grace cpéic Ll rru one Tbndl icb bu ri olo hid yChild to lamp and mu dire cbila works turd rnr it living And rhllu that is bani on th Sabbath Day is lair and wise and good and any children beanbr this vein by Counter Cullen always want to know which day the week In their birth one keep lbla Mb tin urtqu InformLinn tor 70m chil rulure Barri l1 rmlner alrlb Announcement will include the name or your child tho day or the it mum and year or birth the weight and OLD er vital information printed message can become permanenl mean in Babys hbolr or Family Album ihe Barrie Examiner BIrttiVNolice to only 3150 To pllcl notice nhune PA Rm DEATHS AurSuddenly result or an accident on sundry November is 1961 Phillip klchard lIlickyl liall bl Phelpston beloved lon or Mr and llrs Patrick lrelel liaii dear brother or lillcbael liusseil lumen and Jimmy in his lolh lenr Restlnl at the James ll Lynn Funeral Home Elmvhlc until 930 am Tueada November lssl then to Patricks church Phelpltuu tor requiem mass It to am inter menl Ihclpxton Ceme lloUDENSuddchly ls result an accident on unir Nov ember 11 1561 Charles Houden late at the Bilt Connexion Flo Township belnvro sou ol ilrr Alice Iloudcn and lne late ianies iloudc drlr brolber iorvin 0d lrs Lloyd Woods Beulah Mrs Vllllce Bell Ill DI Elms lc Ind lvalter or barnia ileum at the lames ll Lynn uncrlil llorne nlmvaie to lun eal service on Tuesday bvenl hrr ii at 3220 erl lnlerment Alicrluood Cemeter IIUTCIiEuNAt his residence lob sunnidaie Ave Comwlil on Sunday November is lsal John Harris lIutchoon beloved husband or lllliuie lane Keith in his lian year our lather or in Hutch can at Cornwall Resting at the lileArlllur llros and McNeil Fun erel llnnle Cornwall ior iuneral snrvlrr at it am Tuesday Nov mm is lnterrnent Woodlalvn Cemeiery sierhobrN At the renelans General llospiinl on Sllurdly November ll issl lamcs George lilcFalldon latc or the nth Con ccsslon Fins Township llcar uncle Eucl ilorrls Glcnnl na Honors Truax in his ollb year Resting at the lime ll Lynn Funeral Home nllnvale until noon on Tuesday November 14 then to Allcnwooo Unilea Church or luneral service at run pJn interment Allenwood Com clcry Casket will remain open in the church ram Lin illl time or service To INS Suddonly on Sun dly November l2 lssl Stoven Ross darling son or Gregory and Mary Ann Crooks Tomlin ron dear brother or Nancy Ivan loved grandam nI Herman rna Clara Telnlinson and William and Joan Crooks aged months nesting at the ioncit Funeral Home Karrie runeral scrvlrc Illon November 111 at pin lnierln nl st Pauls Cemetery in nlrï¬l COMING EVENTS CHRISTMAS BAZAAR TEA AND BAKE SALE WEDNESDAY NOV 15 230 PM St Georges Parish Hall ALLANDALE Special Guest Santa Claus for the children TURKEY SUPPER Wednesday Nov I5 SUPPER SERVED SB RM ORANGE HALL THORNTON Auspiccs St Judes Anglican Church ADMISSION ADULTS $150 CHILDREN 12 years under 75c TiHRD Annual Pancake Supper Stroud Community Hall WED NOV I5 530 Till pm Auspices St James United Church A0TS Mens Club ADMISSIO ADULTS $100 CHILDREN 50c Mammoth Food Festival and Téa Everything InChristmas Foods WEDNESDAY NOV 29 TILL 530 RM PARISH HALL Adults 35 Children 15 Allspices at Trinity Guild NOV 14th PM GRAND MASTER ROSS CHISWELL of Grand Lodge of Ontario IOOF OFFICIAL VISIT BANQUET AND PROGRAM Tickets available from Barrie Lodge Oiticers and Rebekahs Odd Fellows Temple Collier Street Says ECM Should Be BenelitTolUse PARIS lReutersTéHilwatrl Graham president of the To onto Stock Exchange said Fri day the European Common Market should beneï¬t Canada He told press conference In the lung term the Euro pean Common Market will re suit in great benefits to Canada because this big European mar ket will need Canadian indus trial goods and natural re sources Graham who recently visited Britain The Netherlands Bel gium West Germany and swu zerland there is growing tend ency in Canada to look toward Europe We have large invest ments funds and are interested in putting share of our money lrl Europe he said HROSE REAL mun boom Im Gram Dunn VLA ACRES $10000 Large two storey home located on about hora on 27 Highway Forced air oil heating This property can be bought under VLA or with $3000 down payment and bal ance on one mortgage at 615 COXMILL ROAD PAINSWICK $11600 bedrooms double at tached garage lull basement iorccd air all heating bath About years old Excellent terms with one mortgage Taxes about mg WELLINGTON ST $3500 No bathrooms It bedrooms ï¬replace utility room attached garage paved drive Down payment $2000 DONALD ST $10500 Lot 50 100 taxes only about 5204 11 year old home bedrooms large ing room kitchen bath oil heating Close to west end shopping plain Tcrms PEN ETANG ST $12800 asking price New bedroom brick large living room it bcdrooms large tiled both full basemcnt Laundry tubs Carries tor $76 per month plus taxes TIFFIN ST 37500 and could be bed roomh0me living room kitch cn and bath large lot 130 300 sléib mortgage Low down payment Taxes only about $133 OAKLEY PK SCHOOL AREA 513300 asking price Split level bedrooms Ilnishcd plastered recreation room aluminum storms and screens 60 foot lot Carries for $95 monthly includ ing interest principal and taxes Erick ESSA ROAD $10500 bedrooms living room dining room large kit chcn bathroom lull basement new furnace garage About l7 years old Ideal for the larger family One mortgage SOPHIA ST $10900 bedroom bungalow hot water heating garage fire place Very comfortable home for couple or the smaller fam ily Good downtown location NEWTON ST $123100 bedroom brick liv ing room kitchen and bath recreation room close to both public and high schools With good down payment will carry for $70 monthly including in terest principal and taxes CALL DAY DR EVENING PA 82379 Member or the name ancl District ilea Estate hoard Stoutt Agencies Lrcl CENTRAL ONTARIOS LARGEST REALTORS COLLIER STREET PA 85901 LARGE FAMILY OR INCOME HOME Then by all means see this room storey honle with bathrooms on double lot Breezeway attaches house to garage Upper Peel St iDCE tion close to both public and high schools Practically name your own down payment and terms But do it now Asking only $11700 WORTH INVESTIGATING Cozy bedroom bungalow Fin ished rec room Central loca tion close to schools Asking $11500 514 mortgage URGENT REDUCED $2000 For this larger than average bedroom brick bungalow Newly decorated Rec room extra piece bath garage Close to school Asking $14000 with $2000 down 195 ACRES BRICK HOME gt barns one new with steel stabling Water bowls new slab silo room home with modern conveniences Good soil Priced to sell $21000 with easy terms Member of the Barrie and Dlstilct rtcal Estate Board EVENINGS CALL IIIERV GOULD Ollo zslr non GOULD one rule HARRY SLESSOR PA evils ORCA nkowu PA is LLOYD IIOCKLEY rA all Copy tor Want All Section accepted until pm Day belorc publication PHONE PA 824 REAL ESTATE ROGERS PROPERTY FOR SALE CONNELL ONE DUNLOP mam EAST First in name Home SalesForemost in Quality or Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENINGS CALL In bl MOOREPA II RCGmrPA N38 FOSTERPA oszu ID coNNELLrA om mam BARBIE Dlsrllci ml lsiAn noun CLIFF BROWN REALTOR also STREET aAnrlla eaouas PA com PA 50241 umber the Berri heal Litai Board Smith CmbbcHA aims loan LangFA H1 lerirua GarveyPA L7H Norman ShelsWell REAL ESTATE BROKER DUNLOP ST riltSr nortlcAGE FUNDS AVAILABLE77 PA 89981 PA 68742 mm 507 or VALUENO rat7 CHARGED Evening Call loe Lobuln PA mu Everett Sbelsweu Orb 72m lack wtllanu PA 545 Norman Shelsvreu FA 89061 Howard Nnrrla PA we CORBY REAL ESTATE BROKER Phone PA soils 93 Dunlop St IMMACULATE bedroom oltier brick home with loads at cupboard and closet space large modern bathroom spacious living room kitchen dining combination adjoining utility mom with laundry tubs Full basement with new oil furnace This lovely home has been oonipiclbiy modernized throughout and is one oi the lincst homes we have had the privilege oi showing Close to downtown and General Electric Priced to sell ONLY $6500 15 miliutes driving time irtlrn Barrie large lot 130 feet 275 leet beautifully ireed also splendid garden soil good well with pressure system room and sun porch on main Exceptionally Kitchen dining area living floor two large bedrooms up staiis attached garage 0n paved road SHANTY BAY Would trade for house in Barrie Six mom rug brick storey allu half with beautiful trees and nicely landscaped No large bedrooms on second floor one bedroom on main loo separate ulnillg room with modern kitchen large bright living room Outside entrance to basement ott ground level House and garage bcsidc paved road MABEL MARSHALLPA Miso OWEN JONES FA D7937 HAROLD FCDRSTER REALTOR 98 BAYFIELD ST PA 66453 ANYTIME EVERYTHING IT HAS IS YOURS 42 Oakley Park 1200 eat of living space plus attached garage Sale lor children and close to schools All this for $15200 and any amount down And best at all Ready to move into now Call Emory Miller PA 60476 for fast action LOOKING FOR THE BEST Overlooking country club with view of Bay Three mas ter size bedrooms modern kitchen dream oi pretty etficiently planned space large dining area Tastelully decorated Call bow or inspection Maryann Smith PA 84020 $7000 FOR THIS FINE LOCA TION income property Iust reduced to this unbelievably low ligure Two rental units consisting of one iroomed Apt and one aroomedApt Considerable furniture includ ed Garage Priced to sell with $2000 down and one easy mortgage for the bal ance Joe Palmer at PA 60863 will give you all the details TREES READY TO OUT NOW Professionally pruned and shaped v50tlu ready this year and 3000 more in two years time On 16 acres just miles from Barrie Owner willing to talk terms Call PA 56453 anytime COUNTRY LIVING at its best For arms lakeshore prop erties homes or building lots near Shanty Bay Call Norah Raika Member at Barrie and District Real Estate Board Evenings Call Emory Miller PA $0476 Joe Palmer PA 60363 KarlMarshail PA 80917 Norah Raikes 0m 4023 Doris Nuttycombe PA 07057 Norm Hesketh PA Moll Maryann Smith PA 81028 Keith REAL ESTATE BROKER 15 CLAFFEllroN 512 BARRIE PA $2532 DAYS OF EVENINGS brooaa 1158450 FRANK NELLES PA sable Member Barrie and Dlnllot noel lktate Board HENDERSON REALTOR 19 COLLIER STREET PHONE reams EVENINGS CALL luTA SCANDRm PA urns DOROTHY wrwox rA e554 PERCY soul RA emu EMERSPN SWAIN PA solos Member or Barrieand District and Ontario litat Estate Board COREYPA noose hiURIEL lBFFEnYPA sblas MOVING Dont forget to transfer your INSURANCE and it you need EXLIIEI coverage 01 any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA asaol 113 Dunlap St CARSON It 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to the imperial Theatr PA 6648 Member or Burtt and District Real Eltato Board LOTS FOR SALE snoop WILL any one acre right in Shanty any in the choicest central location Could be alvldcu CIIl Norah Raikcs at 1A boost at mu wll buy lot near new school in Mlnesing For there rnll other building Iots please alsallarbla Forster Realtor PA PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT 11v ZONE overlooking tbo bay rooms and bath attached garage walkout basement cold room storms and screens and many ex tras Telephone FA 6098 evBltr liars PA slosz rllItlla BEDROOM brick bunge low Living room with ï¬replac shaped dining room oil rum nee storms and screens Near sebools Dundonald area Reusab able price PA aiszs7 PROPERTY FOR RENT ail ACRES OF Fania Land lor rent Half seeded with good buy At strouil Apply to Tom wright telephone lakzz Strouil MORTGAGES st and 2nd Mortgages Private funds available for any type of dwelling or con struction anywhereo Mortgage Problems Solved Free consultation NO obligation CALL PA 60981 MORTGAGE FUNDDIG 129 DunlopSt over SIMPSONSSEARS MDRTGAGE ibt and 2nd bought roll and arranged Commercial and residential honeys loaned on existing mortgages Barrio Mort na Brbkera PA oosni FINANCIAL $5000 ONLY 47c FOR WEEKS ASK FOR MINI LOAN CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST ASK FOR BUD DALEY PA 50203 RENTALS NURSING HOMES mD CL given htd I134 up Fluent Ptetnnt campanloruhlp oulierx load land lounge and rv room kenorabl men Ark roen Nunin urine telephone 5934 Struud APTSL HOUSES T0 RENT UNruiLlilsilzn one and two bed room ipirtmenu rentsal ly located Kllchcos with builLlu cupboardr Auulu only Telephone PA 02454 routs BEDROOM House on paved road at Oro Station piece bath ciii luruace heavy duty wiring 111 int Write Doll 1t Dalri Examiner LARGE nicely decorted two bed room heated nitcontained Iplrt meut Central location Cbudreb welcome Telephone PA soul Two lloobl helled turnlsbed apartment Ibr rent Hot and cold water suitable or one or two lduitx Telephone PA 5139 eve blurs twn rlbrey area lor rent Dil Iurnace Hardwood and tile floors Clolp lo schools Telephone PA 34797 FURNISHED Apartment Central rjully exlpped ncw turnilure riled bat Suii basills couple or adults nent includu hydro heat and water Phone PA wool ONE AND Two bedroom apart iuenls stove roirigcratbr urvtce and laundry facilities Reub trig lrom $8000 monthly Telephone Leech PA 51o FURNISHED Apartment Clnllli Three rooms and bath Seiseon talned privaic enlrance llear hydro and water rarlllnr avail able 75 monthly Tclcplmno eA misc six ROD modcrn unlurblrhed house ior rent Lovely back yard automatic gas heat Close to down town $30 monthly Telephone FA about rlilllse 11001151 iumlsbeu house soilcontained Near store Ind transportation Small child wel some Phone HE 05717 evenings or weekend FUanSlch maurrn completely private one bedroom apartment Lois or cupboards and laundry lucilitlcs make slreelnur rear end shopping centre Telephone FA alibi THREE nEDtmoM llouse new Litran room dining room and kit cbcn Fully decorated Iull base ment raven driveway Close to transportation and schools lient sloo per month Telephone PA brash Tim 00M mg rick bung low oak lloorr Good cupboard ourr piece rhalh the beating Near North Collegiate Nearly new Possession December Tclc phone PA sucks Two noonl merit Combination livan roani kllchcnolte bedroom nangcttu nnu rerrlgeralbr Ground floor Ccntrul sullnble tor one or two Telephone PA clslil TWO Ilemmolu sellcontained healed apartment with tour piece bath New building Private en trence laundry lucilitles wnlcr December lsi Telephone PA parking $35 monthly Avallnble button UNFURlellBD uplrlmcnt our rooms and bath newly donoratcd Cleun modern self contained Ground rioorhcbtcll parking central location storage Avaih oblo November znth Tclcpllonh PA 04351 CENTRAL lilodorn hcatcd apart ment living room and large bedroom dinette modern kit chcn kelrigorator and heavy duty nlovc Parking incilitlcs uuslncss couple prolerrcd Tele phnne PA 575 llOIlss Fun nENT suit Iorge remily Five bedrooms clnsc to schools tully mbdcrn Telephone PA aslss or PA sushi cvclilngs Apply Mortgage Funding Dun lop St East New AND blodcru one And two bedroom apartments overlooking scenic Kompcntelt Day Heat via tor parking and ipnltpr service included Aulomutls washing to crimes PA tlzsoz FOUR noonl Apartments unfurn lsbod heeled tiled bath stove and rclrigorator supplied Cenlral location No children Available immediately S75 monrbly Apply High St Telephone PA snail Two neonoolvr Apartment ln upartmont building stove rclng orator washer and dryer No ob lcctlon to small child Available November is Telephone PA Mlle vNFUanSllen three room apart ment in modern home Heavy duty wiring Ground floor Heat hydro and water included Near cast cnd shopping elarr Telephone FA 89705 UPPER pour1x ultra modern sclt contained bedrooms large livinS room kitchen with dining area Laundry incllitles and gar ago Lowcr owner occupied Close to schools and bus immediate possession PA 932 Two HEATED Apartments each containing bedroom living room kitchen and three piece bath Sup arate entrance At the Craishurat General store Highway ill Tele rbone FA osb75 NEW liloolzrtlv centrally located two bedroom apartment or rout ncrrlgecntor stove and laundry facilities Available immediately Janitor service Tclop one PA ssosz tor lurtber into atlbn Lanes HEATED Apartment Liv lng room dining room kitchen bedrooms 11 bulb selr contained Very cent at Plenty or Storage space Available now $95 monthly Telephone PA lalzt THREE ROOMS sell contained all heated tiled rloors kitchen with sink and modern cupboards plenty of closet space stove aria rcrrlgeratbr supplied Reasonable rcnt suit couple Available Nov 20 Phone PA solos Two apnxoom unrurnlsheu apartment in modem apartment building stove and rerrlgeratnr Heat water storage parking space and laundry tacllitics Available December ls Telephone PA 61157 llBATan Apartment for rent at 52 Worslcy street Kltcbenlivlnlz room bathroom and bedroom All newly decorated Ready to move lnib $70 per month Telephone Egfllstrunsminr Queens Hotel PA MODERN selr contained one be room apartment Drapes rtbve supplied netrlgerntor optional llawkcalone area 15rnlrillto drivn iroin Barrie close to store Avail able December Jennings FA 85573 Ora cs UPPER DUPLEX turnlrhcd two bedrooms living room dlncttc kitchen with builtin cupboards tiled liner and heavy duty range Heated Frlvete entrance Tele phone PA Mash or appointment $85 CENTRAL Thrce largo moms and both Warm unpoi duplex Private parking 5m with stove and refrigerator tflroquirod lrn lliflgï¬dglélll possession lclenlinno PA unturnlabed apart WANT AD BRINGS YOU CA RENTALS ARTICLES for SALE SH PA 82414 ARTICLES for SALE APPSi HOUSES T0 BENT you noon Hbun ler rent Piu bathroom West end dbtmL clone to school Reasonable reoL Telephone PA unit or lurlber tulormatlou TWO noun reveo roam brick home on load residuum rlreet immediate possession nerereocer call coutu and Co PA use wrvualsum apartment bedr littia room kitchen wllh rink stove and rclrlgenlnr auppue hillloo Ave Telephone PA 115 an BOOM House lor rent newly decoriled ou healed Central 10 illton Available now Telephone gig PA basal or evenings PA Dir EDD tarnished heated artmeut three piece brth heavy duty stove rollisolator hardwood floors Available immediately Iipply Arbutrbnir Darrinare Tim R00 tillrushed heated arimebl Separate entrance Parking Ilciiluu and hydro in cluded rive mlnuies walk lrnm down town Telephone PA ozzlo AVAILABLE November TO bedroom bungalow all eonvenien ces oil heal Reasonable Tc pbono Olkv le Valley loo cr write Box rte examiner Tltilae booil ground iloor apart metll sesame entrance anri brill Hut supplied Close to school Available November 11 Telephone in again tor iuriher particulars FUulellu tub spart mcnt heavy duty stove and rc rrlgcralnr lloat light and water supplied 55 monthly Centrally located Ap 1y hi Vbraley Strch Telephone 6435 TWO Dennoool unturnlsbed apartment private bath ticI light and water supplied Located at Dalston Highway $55 mon thly Available November is leie phone FA Mm alter prn sum nsTAcncn Apartment tresth decorated leint roomy kitchen hcdroom and bath Privr ole trout and rear entrances sip per month Telephone PA oasis tor lurthcr lnrormatlon HEATED modern unlurnlshcd two bcdrocm apartment in Stroud apartment house Adults preter red No oblectlpu to baby No pets 61 monthly Available Nnvr ember ls Telephone strand is COMFORTAIILE older lypc trim bedroom bungalow with hardwood floors llrcplucc all tumors Also garage and work shop in good rcsidentili lrcu Nclir bus stop schools Ind shopping plura elist end Telephone PA 68740 LARGE lilonrzrlrl uniurnlsberl apartment three rooms and leer bath but wntcr hcatcd luudry roomrwilh dryer Avotie abla now Toiephollo rAosbzs rgflyer details REE ROOM apartment avail able immediately Icht and wa tcr supplied flctrigerator and stay lr desired 55 monthly For lurther aoiallr phone PA Mass or PA nslm THREE noolllurulsbed Use or washer and dryer Bright and roomy Picture window llcuson ablo rent Telephone PA 55100 THREE noolus and bath bnsce merit apartment not water healed with oil Private entrance Contral ly located Partly lurnisncu Tele phbne FA Mani or PA stssos Tllnaa noon Iilrnlshcd apart ment in good home Suitable tor business or Air Force couple Abrtalnm No children Near plain parking Telephone PA 65754 GltoUND FLOOR upartrncnt three rooms stove and reirlgerator Full basement ior storage Allan anle bus stop at door Avail able Immediately Telephone PA 3star AVAILABLE Anytime Five room uniulelied lower duplex Woll ington and Bayï¬cld Strccts Ad ults prelerrell slou monthly Tcle phone PA esm betwccn ll uni and pin Alter in PA peszss TIIIIEE noonls and bathAppll nueos optional Furnished or unr rumlsncrl Free parking Vcry central Laundry tacultles Tele phbnb PA 50931 or PA 51m evo nings ROOM 85 BOARD ROOM AND BOARD for working persons Very central Apply lie is yaelu Strcot uoolil AND Bonito valuable Close to downtown Apply is nor my street or turtber lulormatlon ROOM AND BOARD with mother 1y care slvcn or babies and chil rlren in my own home by tbo week iclepbnoe PA ll7ssa COMFORTABLE III with board In quiet home on Goarins ton st business gentleman pre rereeo parking space Bur at door Telephone PA malls ROOMS TO LET AnBNA Alum Heatedffurliishcrl bedsitting robni tor rent Gelitin men preierred Parking splice available Telephone PA 56037 CENTRAL Location Comrortable rumlshed room ln private home Gentleman prererreu Perkins available Telephone PA 34951 room STORE OWNERS Assorted quantity of old stock COUNTER SALES BOOKS SINGLE CARBON AUTOMATIC These books are in per fect condition but have l95 on thedate line REGULAR PRICE FROM l2c to 20c Clearing at 9c ea plus PROVINCIAL SALES TAX Commercial Printing Dept Barrie Examiner Phone 66537 DOGS PETS WlLLETiS PETS 41 GOWAN SI REET Complete lines by HAEIZ MOUNTAIN and LONGLIFE Lovely song birds budgies and Finches Tropical and Gold Fish Mics and all pets OPEN TO 330 P1 DAILY PHONE PA 645036 quLza Pups 11 weeks old Good huntlnl rock Apply tin ll Amos telephone Om til TOY MANCHESTER Yuppie or sale registered Good waleh dogs Apply it Glcnbey 2i Aubrey £lflfluta Oak rildges Telephbni DACUSIIUND and acute Puuplea tor rle Order now tor Chrixt mu avnlu disappointment laler 3e glans PA nosla tor iurtber Now FnzvllzlleG the 1061 line oi shellnu sheep Dag Puppies mm and tenth modelstricol our or sable Christina reserva uuns accepted nowlbw donu payment For lurther inlormn Uon phone nlugeiza llouie Ken nels Oro station 4310 evenings ARTICLES FOR RE FURNACES FOR SALE FORCED AIR OIL OR GAS NEW $110 FINANCE RATE Phone Collect Stroud IR5 Woodward and Sons Hcating Contractors RR Stroud EWSPAPER MATS Sizes 32x18 ideal for lining lien houses attics garages etc perfect insulator 25c PER DOZEN Apply The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ollta io HAVE YOU TRIED Barrie Auction Rooms and Second Hand Store 55 DUNLOP sr WEST Venous PA Mm CHRISTMAS MOVIES ior Childrens Parties etc CARTOONS FEATURES Book now for special rates For appointment call PA 60818 ARTICLES WANTED wit WILL PAY cAaD tor good men tbsbiture or any good ured article individual or content lotil ann FA 8107 5FARM ERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Highest prices paid for dead or crippled cattle and horses Small animals removed free For fast service phone BARRIE PA 87751 collect or ask for ZENITH 91130 INO CHARGE so hours day7 diyl week lCKS DEAD STOCK 11R Foxmead Ontario License No 135K261 lensrocx Electrohome TV Stereo Hear the New FM Stereo The Best in Sound MCFADDEN Appliance 128 PENETANG ST PA S9288 Ample Free Parking Terms to suit your Budget 2550 BURNER lbr able in good condition Used 34 years For particulars telephone PA sJnsl col sTovE Jar rate 21 wide 323037 best otter Telephone FA DELUXE zi tlcclary Gas italire onc year old in periect condition Phone FA osell ror parucullrs BicycLEs clearance or present atnrk of llnleich Blcycles $10 nit Price or any model on the near Rnhlllsmis ll rilware PA COMFORTABLE Chesterï¬eld and Chair for rate us also lmltutloh gréglanee $1250 Telephone PA clisD LOANS$500 at 372 per month Telephone PA 60203 ercséent Flnance 25 DunlnpSl cs sGoTcll rims Christmas treu large quantity up to 74L pruned Onohair mile irom city limits by Barrie Union Cemetery Tale Phone PA 39317 BEATIY Floor lroneri eiuclrlo grill heavy duty chests or drawers Mirrors several storm windows quantity of buys and mens clothing pairs at ilowereu drapes on Cook Street GAUGE ItIDlitiin Model Rall road complete with table lund seapurg two trains large trarle layout town with business section Pedestrians roads vehicles etc One year obi Cost 3400 But rifle er Teloptxorle PA slzso PRUNED CHRISTMAS Trees lor sale Reasonable Wcllfuled ex oelicnl colour Your choice at Lila farm on Highway 28 or deuveresl Spcclnl roles to church service Cétlblr Ben liIaw Mlneslng phone IlIERClIANTADLE Grade Elm loek Lumber 47 per 10 ise eaeb lo pcs 10 50c ouch 27 per ii 10 slno each 11 pes 14 $140 each about PA 119123 alter 11111 nkanT surnlsbell housekeeping room for rent Steve and refrigere ator Telephone FA 01 COMFORTABLE furnished bed room tor rent Suitable ior young girl Located close to downtown 55 per week Telephone PA M757 lar iurtber interrelation CENTRAL Unluriilsbed kitchen ette and large bellsltting room $75 per month Heat light and watcr supplied Apply in Worsley Street Telephone PA 51394 FUansnEb bedroom for rent in private home located two blocks rrbm dovvniowri Business man prererreil Tolephouo PA wins for iurtber details WANTED TO RENT LADY rthloNnn requires light housekeeping room Please write box 77 Barrie Examiner Duerllss COUPLE with well be lanvell dog requ lower apart ment or duplex yard single bedrooms stove rerrleerarur West end Mrs Inch PA 66557 min para ARTICLES for SALE naDlATOlls cleaned re aired rea cored Flow pollits rebult Hamil tnn Radiator services telephone FA 34170 or 14 Frederick straul SKATES one pair of Bauer robulltskntes szo 10sz sin Tellphone 113117 arler rur or further lntormbtlon supplied HONEY Fort SALE Light umber or while honey in 701b pails 10 Apply to Wallace knas Api arles box soolorth Ontario Wrbwrtlrans bought sold rent ed repaired Student rcninl rntes Ask about our RentTry then My Plan Slur Typewriter Co 24 Bradford St PA sosllb REFRIGERATOR large size good condition 555 Double bed mat tress and springs 520 Dining room table roilr chairs and but ret $25 nnngette perreet con dltloii 575 Telephone Mrs Dan lelsn PA 34251 amGLnn Space Heater built like tampon 60200 Emu room bnuse like new complete wltb gal tank and 45 gaL drum Cost over 5300 Sell tor 3200 terms Jennings phone FA 0557 oro so RENTALS singer Electric Forte able liliioblnes tor rent by the week or the mouth singer Sew lng Centre Durile Street West gelephone ea 81060 or Elmvulu 4w ATrrzlrrlorl PLEASE GIIa slnollu shop in Maple Ave PA oslss in addition to fresh stock ol smokers needs We now curry or your convenience bread but tor lutlk entree etc etc Open daily am pm Sundays noon to 11 millrails AND Sportsmenl lilo del 94 man 5115 berettu pumps sen New 303s $1995 Gun bases Ln sbolls ape coll bunt tries 51595 Target grips pow or bullets live bait hunting licences unudlsllns Everything 11 the Sportsman 011 every evening nobsona bar RR Barrei FRUIT VEGETABLES APPLE BARN McIntosh Snow Courtlnnd and other varieties windfalls $125 per bushel Fresh cider Phone PA 59701 No POTATOES or rule 31 per bag or 75 pounds Free delivery on bags or more Telephone rA BM TWO HEREFORD balls or role registered Aeply Lockout Thornton Htrhwu 27 summit szs or role bred in September Apply 10 11mins or telephone mi Ora POULTRY lb onions DEKALB PULLETS More and more poultrymeu are choosing DEKALB PULLETS Started ready to lay and day old chicks Order now for early order discount For service or help on your poultry problem call Craig Hunter HUNTERS POULTRY FARMS STROUD PHONE 72 FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH FARM SUPPLIES SERVICE Case Now Eolllnd David brown neatly Farm Equipment 176 BURTON AVE PA 82373 Its time to fix your stable boys With winter drawing near And if you need helping hand Drop in and get it here with Beatty Stable Equipment icosn TRADE TERMS MlNESlNG MOTORS Ford Tractor and Equipment SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 103 MINESING ATTENTION FARMERS LINCOLN ARC WELDERS lsn AMP $15500 COMPLETE HANDY HARDWARE STROUD New Management PHONE STROUD 10R14h DELAVAL SALES AND SERVICE Milkers Vacuum Pumps Wash Tanks Separators Parts ior any milker HANK BROWN RR BARRIE HOLLY PA small AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE 1551 FORD coacb tor sale good condition nest cash ounr Tele phone PA built clean throughout Radio FDLIt new tires Telephone Oro ills alter pro 1350 also for sale excellent cori dltlon just had 12000 mile cbeck completed One owner bargain at $1800 Telephone PA onzos 1252 CHEVROLET or sale in ex cellent condition good radio two snow tlres Asking price $150 TelephoneJA has 1955 OLDSMDBILE Body and mo tor in new car condition All ox irns lnoludlnts new set at snow tires Price $1150 Call at all loan St or phone PA H734 NEED CASHSec Seaboard Fili encp Your Londng Neighbor $708 or $30 monthly 41 Dunlop street Dorrie Telephone PA 66417 Its wonderful the way suits Phone PA 82414 Classified Ads get reH