OUR TELEPHONES so Turniner Want an rus phone PA Ellie The telephone number in can for the ï¬rmness or Editorial Dept PA 61 LOCAL WEATHER Occasional Min tomorrow chan ging to wow by evening Low tonigzt High Tuesday 55 For luminary see page two 97th YearNo 165 Governor General Vanier salutes after placing wreath elOU at the National Var Mcmor is during Remembrance Day ceremonies in Ottawa Satur day Wircpholo Kcanadoriir May Get Worse By ALAN HARVEY LONDON CPI British nev75paper predicts that the diplomalic tif between Can ada and Britain ovor Common VMarket negotiations may well become much more serious The Guardian of Manchester says difference between the two governments came to head last Friday when George Drew Canadas high commissioner in London stayed away from briefing session arranged by Britains Common wealth relations office for Corn monwealtb high commissioners The Guardian also publishes Drews statement issued from Canada House Sunday night denying that his absence from the briefing was intended as diplomatic snub to Britain The suggestion abso lutely false Drews statement said gt He said the Commonwealth ofc was notified in advance that he was unable to attend because of other ofï¬cial com mitments This was not unusual and Canada was well repre sented by his deputy Benjamin Rogers former Canadian am bassador in Peru and Turkey Drew said he could remember few meetings at the office dur ing his term in London when several of the Commonwealth governments were not repre sented by their deputy high commissioners for similar rea sons Drews statement was issued after weekend speculation in the British press about his ab sence from the special Friday briefing given by two top Brit ish ministers Commonwealth Relations Secretary Duncan Sandys and the lord privy seal Edward Heath The briefing was designed expressly to answer Coman wealth complaints made pri vately that Britain was with holding Information on the pro gress of negotiations for entry into the European economic community The Guardian story today says it seems Canada House in London has still not received details it requested iii reply to points raised after Heaths visit to Paris early in October to present the Brltish applica tion for market membership Drew has made speeches in London saying Canada would be harmed lt Britain joined the Common Market He has sought to show that trade within the Commonwealth is increasing IN NUTSHELL Find Stolen Car In Benfrew RENFREW CWPolice said in Onaping near Sudhury car stolen Sunday night was recovered here today after it crashed into bridge support in front of the provincial police office that 1212 Cent Increase woyear contract signed of America with the HAMILTON omA 12 cent an hour package is included by Local 3996 United Steelworkers Norton Company of Canada Search Water For Missing Boat SYDNEY NS CmAircraft and boats searched waters off nearby New Water ford today for four Cape Breton business men missing since Saturday and presumeddrowned The body of companion 36yearold drycleaning plant proprietor Em manuel Xidos of Sydney was found on beach near New Wa terford Sunday night Cars Collide Killing Persons ST LOUIS Mich APTwo cars collided headon in the rain on Michigan highway early Sunday killing six persons The only survivor among the seven occupants of the two cars was sevenyearofd Nanette Welch Her two brothers and sister and her parentsall were lnlled Not Ilware 0i Russian Plan LONDON RenterslA British foreign office spokesman commenting in Moscow reports of new Russian fourpoint plan on Berlin and Germany said today plan Tonys Best Man To Get Divorced of any Sovietfourpoint We do not know LONDON AmDr Roger Glllictt best man at Princess Margarets wedding last year wife Penelope He named has filed suit for divorce from his playwright John Osborne as co respondent in an action made known Sunday Gilliatt 38 is neurologist with fashionable practice May Let Priests WearSuils VATICAN CITY ReuterslRoman Catholic priests will wear black jackets and trousers in everyday life outside the church instead of flowing black gowns if the forthcoming ecum enical council of the church sources said Saturday They lapprovas unofficial Vatican aid the pontificial centnal com mission preparing the council will examinethe proposal Says Wiped Out As Medicine SAN FRANCISCO APtA Brooklyn professor of medicine said Saturday that unfounded prej the use in the United States of dice has virtually wiped out of the worldsoldert and most therapeutic medicines alcohol The Guardian says Canadian political correspondents are trying to find out whether Drew acted on his own initiative in boycotting the Friday brief ing or whethcr he did so after consultations with Ottawa If Mr Drew now is cast in the role of diplomatic Oliver Twist the chief question is whether he or Mr Diefenbaker IIIIII III HMFWP DP PLYUPL is writing the script The Daily Telegraph says the Canadian governmentfeels that Commonwealth countries rare not being given access to cer tain papers presented by Brit ain to the market countries This feeling it says is shared by Drew Church CAPE TOWN South Africa AP Many pastors in the Dutch Reformed Church have not forgiven Premier Hendrik Verwoerd for new law to let this countrys Negro majority buy liquor legally starting next Yeari Verwoerd is member of this church Its spokesmen fought against the law before the Verwoerdcontrolled Parlia ment adopted it earlier this year Speeches at the recent synodlcal meeting of theNed derduitsh Gerefnrmeerde Kerk of Cape Province showed the churchs fight is continuing The Verwoerd government ar gued in passing this controver sial legislation that the coun trys Negroes were getting liq uor despite prohibition laws Some buy it from wifle boot lcggers Others get diluted and sometimes dangerous liq uor at high prices in the she heensbars and speakeasies in their segregated townships The government contended that only the taxdodging boot legger got rich the state lost revenue and police were kept busy staging raids which never stopped illicit traffic but only increased racial friction WILL ALLOW Negroes to enter bottle stores previously reserved for whites Liquor dealers are seeking store licences which permit them to get closer to the new market Many churchmen see the contend strong drink is danger ous for Negroes especially those who come to urban areas from remote Interior reserves Rev If Lange speaking at the Cape synod declared that even World Council of Churches meeting which caused HERES ONE telling another fisherman about wonderful dream hed had dreamed was out on Lake Arrowhead alone with Marilyn Monroe What dream said the Other How did it turn out7 Just simply wonderful caught an eightpound bars City May Have Fallout Shelter NIAGARA FALIS NfY CP The city of Niagara Falls may have the nucleus of fallout shelter for 30000 people nearly third of its citizens hundred feet below its strcctsn Its mile long tunnel con structed 40 years ago to carry water from the upper Niagara River to generators at the Ni agara Mohawk Power Corpora tions Schocllkopf Stationi Blasted nnd chiscllcd out of bedrock the great tunnel as its builders called it has been made idle by the state power authoritys Niagara power prolt jcct The tunnel is 32 feet wide and its domed ceiling reaches 32 feet above the level floor The entire tube is lined with two test of reinforced concrete Within the next six months the United States Corps of Enginlt eers will conduct feasibility checks on the tunneli The tunnel has an area of 192000 square feet At the civil defence rate of 10 square feet person 15000 people could be shielded for an undetermined length of time An estimated 42000 feet would be needed for storage and living room Election Proceeds Without Incident LISBON ReutersThe Por tugucse government today ap peared to have carried off Sundays uncontested elections without serious Incident despite growing opposition at home and simmering revolt abroad Latest returns from the poll for the 130 seats in the national assembly disclosed that just The legislation will permit whole new system asevil They AnY ardent fisherman was over 68 per cent of the elector ate cast their ballots Opposes New Liquor Law an uproar by its denunciation of racial segregation here was small matter compared with the likely effects of the new Liquor Amendment Act His motion to send strong deputation to the minister of Justice was adopted by vote of 471 to 162 He argued do not want to say much about the dangers to the white But experience has shown that hunger is always one of the ma jor causes of revolution If the Bantu Negroes spend their money on liquor then they their wives and their children will go hungry You can imag lne what would have happened When house thousands of nat ives marched on Cape Town during last years racial distur bances if they had had free access to liquor Resume Talks IsWests Plea LONDON rarf The United States and Britain today called on the Soviet Union to resume negotiations for controlled suspension of nuclear weapon tests Notes on the subject were dis patched hy both Washington and London fhcsc wero dellv cred to the Soviet foreign min istry in Moscow Purpose of the move by the two Western powers is to revive the complex nuclear negotia tions which broke down in Gcncva Sept The United Nations General Assembly last week approved USBritish resolution for re sumption of the talks but the Russians rejected the plan in advance They said nuclear ban could be discussed only In the framework of negotiations for general disarmament The Western powers have ruled out this approach The new notes refer to the UN resolution in proposing prompt resumption ot negotla tions The Geneva talks continued for almost Ihrcc years Agree ment was reached on some sec tions of draft treaty but the Russians refused to accept the western plan for treaty en forced by international policing arrangements Since the breakdown of the Geneva talks the US followed were underground The Russians touched off worldwide wave of dismay and anger with their series of at mospheric tests including one of force excceuing 50000000 tons of TNT The British foreign office gave only broadoutline of the new Western approach The text of the British note was not released Doukhabor Head Leaves Canada RCMP Arrest Two Of Top Ilids NEISON 11C The spiritual leader of the radical Sons of Freedom Doukhobor sect left Canada and two of his top aides were arrested during the weekend as the RCMP con tinued woven arrests In con nection with terrorism Arrested just before they were to board plane at am couver Saturday on their way to South America were Pete Elasofr secretary of the fra ternal council of the sect and Bill MoojelslKy said to be the righthand man of spintual leader Stefan Sorokin Sorokin and another man were allowed to board the plane for Toronto From Toronto it is believed they were to fly to Uruguay where Sorokin lives and is citizen The arrests the first time in years that such influential members of the sect have been taken into custody bring to 35 the number of Freedomites charged with acts connected with bombings and arson MORE ARRESTS Elasnff often spokesman for the sect that has been blamed for acts of terrorism in the hear st Kuotenay for years was charged with posses sion of explosives and Moojel sky with counselling an indictsv ble offence of arson Police said Sunday there may be more arrests No charges are contemplated against Sorokin who has been in British Columbia in connec tion with libel suit against the Trail Times He was to appear in court this week for an exam ination of discovery DENOUNCED or nervous To MOSCOW Former Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov de nounced by Premier Khrush chev as Stalinist walks with daughter Svetlann in Moscow railway station yor tcrdny on his return from rVienna Molotov bnsheen in Recent acts of violence in the Kootennys included the shooting at an RCMP car by an unknown assailant with Joltrifle de liberately set fires at orthodox Doukhobor communitlcs and the burning of $250000 sawmill near Trail the Soviet lead and resumed nuclear testing but the US Not No Th per Copy16 Peg Will Attempt To Give Alliance Much More Political Cohesion from ReutersAP PARIS CMProposals for transatlantic trading commu nity are expected to be dis cussed ot conference of Iegis lators from the 15 NATO coun tries whlch opcned here today The delegates are expected to take up the possibility of wider and freer commerce among Western nations and steps to give the alliance more political cohesion NATO discussion of potential economic steps will centre on the European Common Market and various proposals for an eventual partnership of the European lty with North America and other sec tors of the free world One item up for discussion here sug gusts formation of an Atlantic Common Marketf The prospect that Britain will join the re ea Common Market and that the Common wealth nations will associate with it parallels the suggestion in recent report to the US Congress of transatlantic trading partnership WILL EXAMINE TRADE The discussions among the NATO parliamentarians will co incide with session of the 0r ganizotion for Economic Coop cration and Development where the U5 and Canada sitting now as full members will ex amine with European govern vents how to promote greater trade and how to coordinate aid to underdeveloped areas Meanwhile call for Queen Philip See African Durbar TAMALE Ghana CP Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip today watched durbar gathering of tribal chiefs after flying here from the Ghana capital of Accra during their uday visit to the country The Queen and her husband will spend two days in this chief town of Ghanas northern region and in Kumasi in the central Ashanti region The highlight of their visit here was the durbar staged shortly after they were wel comed by large airport crowds and Ghana President Kwamc Nkrumah who had flown here earlier In the Durbar tribal dancers gyrated in spectacular tradi tional dances as double row of chiefs looked on The chiefs were perched on wild animal skins which are their symbols of office It was estimated that the Queen and her husband had been seen by 500000 persons in Accra since the start of their tour last Thursday And they already have seen wot the Austrian capital Tor14 months nsperrnanent Soviet representative to the Interna tional Atomic Energy Ag ency AP Wirephoto plenty in the way of color Sunday the royal couple min gled with thousands of Ghanians at garden party Bright cos tumes worn by the Ghanlans made the scene riot of color ARREST zoo The Queen was discreetly guarded by six security men They have stayed close to her because of wave of bombings which shook Ghana before she arrived Reliable sources say Prime Minister Kwame Nkru mahs police have made some zoo arrests No incidents have marred the tour Following the garden party the Queen rested until an eve ning Remembrance Day serv ice She and her husband joined in Moslem and Christian serv ice for Ghanas war dead dright to self strengthening the NATO out once in the face of Soviet threats to Berlinmarked to days opening meeting The appeal was made by Nils Langhclle president of the Nor wegian parliament as the dele gates got down to business at the flvedsy meetingduc to iron out any Western differences on Berlin NATO SecretaryGeneral Dirk Stlkker soid very little could be conceded by the West over Berlin without endangering its position Stikker former Netherlands foreign minister said the lim its within which we can ma noeuvre and within which we can negotlnte in the case of Berlin are very narrow indeed In its efforts to bc reasou able and cooperative the West has already over the years con ceded several points and very little could be conceded now without setting foot on steeply inclined and very slippery plane Langhelle retiring conference chairman said Russias Berlin threats its nuclear explosions and pressure on Scandinavian countries iall fall into the piclt ture of war of nerves In the past year he Said the Soviet Union and her al lies have continued their actions against the United Nations its financing and its present form of operatlon The influence of bath the Soviet Union andof Communist China has been felt in Africa in Asia and In Latin America Openly or in secret by mll ltary economic and political moves the Norwegian said the Communist battle for world domination continues Heradded that unless the Bus sians fullyreallze the import ance of NATO resolution last year that no Berlin solution was possible which jeopardized West Berlins freedom security and determination there may be risk of war by miscaléulation Meeting through the week in the seventh annual NATO par liamentariuns conference the delegates from the various na tional legislatures furnish an official but influential soundlrg board for proposals heading for governmental study The delegates will discuss Western military defences in the face of the Berlin crisis and po tential Communist thrusts else where on the globe They will hear reports on NATOs state of readiness In addition the delegates are expected to take up the possi bility of wider and freer com merce among Western nations and steps to givethe alliance more political cohesion STRENGTHEN roncr By JOSEPH MncSWEBN UNITED NATIONS tCP Canada would not favor the United Natious force in Tne Congo joining an offensive st secessionist Katanga province External Aff Min isteri Howard Greensaid Sun day night gt The 11 member Security Cornell meets on The Congo to day amid reports that Britain andtthe United States would strive to strengthen the hand of the UN force Deputy Foreign Minister lerian Zorin council president for this month called the meet ing atthe request of Ethiopia Sudan and Nigeria to consdier the situation caused bythe lawless acts of mercenaries in President Moise TshOmbes Ka tangn province Green who arrived late Sun day night for stay of several days atme UN told correspon dents Can da would favor ac tionAt iridKatangar of mercen aries DEPENDS VON DEBATE Canada is not member of the Security Council and Green said it will depend on how de bate develops whether his dele gation wilt ask to appear before it Dontfgvor UN Offensive We dont think the UN should join in an offensivelj he said referring to efforts by the can tral Congolese government in Leopoldville to subdue Tshom bes regime at Elisabethvillei That is our present thinking understand that the maj ity of countries with troops in the UN Congo force are not in favor of UN offensive Green said the essence of the UN role in The Congo IS mediation not offensive CONSIDERING STAND On other points the Canadian foreign rn ister indicated he considers can ada is taking tougher stand against South Africas apartheid racial separation than it did at least years UN sessioni De bate on aparflteidrcsumes to day in the loftmember special political committee Described as an interest ing suggestion certainly worth consideration proposal by Prime MlnisterrNehrurof India before the UN General Assembly Friday for year of coopera tion to lessen tensions This would be modelled on the re cent International Geophysical Year But Green added with smile Wefd like to see COOl erat all the time not just for year