Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Nov 1961, p. 10

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TIME FOR Cs WANTAD BRINGS YOU CASH PA 82414 10 TEE BARBIE EXAMINER SATURDAY NOV 11 161 ANNOUNCEMENTS REAL ESTATE anns coon ma non bee Jon rneouner mo birth oi your can in The Barri hamper lupplnxl oi Lila notice an IVIILIDII Billy boox remit he humor rnd to men your means rnd relrtlrcr In those in pirccs re pirce re unmountcmenl alter blflh till Bu ns Examiner cirxsided bA um IN MEMORIAM ELLISID loving memory or my lather mdertek Ellin who pust rwry Nov to loss rilent thought secret tear Keeps his memory ever dear Lovtnrly remembered by dad bier Mrfllnc tami Lualn loving memory oi my other lrederick Eliia who prssed rury Nov ii 1955 Just thought oi sweet remem brahce Just memory and rnd true Just token ol riiccuon And herrtrche still or you More each min you Though my thoughts are not re vealed Little do they know the sorrow That is within my hem concealed mer remembered by his ughter llern an loving memory oi my father Frederick Ellis who lived away Nov 15 1955 is dry do remember loving thought give To one no longer with me But in nry herrt rtill livrs Though his smile is gone iorever And his hrnd cannot touch still hrve so mrny memories or the one loved to much Dcr remembered by hie daughter Myra end iamiiy zLLlaln loving memory or my Ihlhcr who prssed rwry Nov 15 1955 Father In Thy rrrcious keeping no we leave our loved oner HIDEan Lovlnily remembered by his daughter llrriene rnd rrmiiy rsbouso In loving memory or dear rnd motnsr Annie whom God crlled home November 1955 when rll is still rnd silent And sleep rorsnkcs my eyes lily thoughts are In the silent md lo lies where my car illl srdly missed by husband Alex and il WILLOUGIIIIY loving mem ory oi 119mm sgt ll Lloyd wilioughby killed in lctlon Day May 1945 Loves greatest gill remembrance aningly remembered by drd and sister Dorian rnd brothepin lrw Fred and family CARDS 0F THANKS CAMACK would like to thank my neighburg ior all tbeLr kindness and also or taking me to the borpitai to vlrit my bur brhd Your kindness will never be iorgotten lilne Camck LSYI wish to extend my heart jolt thanks rnd apprecietion ior the acts or kindness messages or sympathy and heautiiui floral tn iroln neighbors relative and friends in my and her mcnt or loving husband clri thanks to Rev Gordon Walk qr and Stackley mineral Home Wlie Mary armWe wish to expresr our sincere thanks and proelr tlon to all our iriendr an nelgh bars ior their kindness during our recent rad berervemcni in the loss oi dear husband and irther llrs nrliy Smith rnd Tamil somnAN We wish to ex press our sincere thanks to all our Cooksiown iricnddhnd neigh bors and the IOOF Home in Bar rle ior their many messages or sympathy and bcruulul iioroi tri butea in our recent bereavement or our mothcr and grandmother TIIE Ptnkncy ihmliy COMING EVENTS Cookstown Curling Cl ub New Rink has openings for Curlers FEE SIS PER PERSON For information Telephone or write Joseph Vernon Secretary Cookstawli 4584647 between 63 pm CANADIAN CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION Duckworth Street just pbst 400 bridge OFFICIAL OPENING SUNDAY NOV 12 1561 230 RM Dedication oi Building REV GEORGE LEWLNGTON lesson REV WALTER DYER Guest spcnkcr MR RUSS DAVEY ALL WELCOME CHRISTMAS BAZAAR TEA AND BAKE SALE FRIDAY NOV 15 230 PM St Georges Parish Hall ALLANDALE Special Guest Santa CIauil for the children CHRISTMAS BAZAAR AND TEA WEDNESDAY NOV 15th St John Vianney Hall 200pm 530 pm Also Bingo at 800 pm Barrie and District Film Council Is proud to present for your enjoyment another winter ser les of world tours The eu ing tour night will he hel on WEDNESDAY NOV 22 800 PM LIBRARY HALL Plan now to attend PROPERTY FOR SALE K8121 Marshall mi EMT RKOKER CLAPPBRTON 51 Bull PA BZSCH DAYS DR EVENINGS Moon PA unto FRANK Hm PA 66696 Member Barrie and District heel not norm ROSE BBAL nun BROKER mrirl 5mm BARN CALL DAY ON EVENING PA 8379 Member of the Barrie and District Real mate Borrd MOVING For complete moving service ruler and Easier Call COOKE CARTAGE STORAGE LTD youn ALLIED VAN LlNEs AGENT 43 Essa Rd Barrie PArkwny 85575 HENDERSON REALTOR lo COLLIER srltm PHONE PA 82678 Evmlnos CALL nlrA SCANDIlm PA new ponorlrr Wilcox PA cases may F0111 pa omo EMERer swmv PA moo Number Burn and DISHIC and antrrlo ueri Esuth norrds NO DOWN PAYMENT $110 per month will buy large older home choice residential district Day Call PA 84521 Evening PA 66760 MOVING Dont forget to transfer your INSURANCE and if you need extra coverage at any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA own 113 Dunlap St CAIiéON REAITOR 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to the imperial Thcatre PA 6648 Member or Barrie rnd District Real Estate Board erLIlosn AVENUE Throo bed room spiltlcvel home ior sale Completely landscaped storms and screen Close to now separ ate and public schools Telephone PA 37259 WINTEILS COMINGIt sure is And how comiortnbie you will be in this ranch home Livingdin ing room with open nroplrce two bedrooms library on heated All city conveniences Willow creek runs through property so acrcs available Will divi to suit pur ehrrer For lurth Information contact Maryann Smith at Harold Forster neai Estate PA 66453 LOTS FOR SALE BUILDING LOT FOR SALE 100 150 Feet WELL DRAINED AND LEVEL LOCATED IN VILLAGE OF COOKSTOWN PHONE PA 61339 REAL ESTATE ROGERS PROPERTY FOR SALE CONNELL ONE DUNLOP 5mm EAST First inBnrria Homo SalesFoth in Quality Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENlNGs CALL im ii MaonDPAum nounsPA use PomPA saw it CONNELLFA mo nuns BArtill DISTRICT um min BOARD CORBY REAL ESTATE Phone PA HNIB dlAnizl MARSHALLPA Miro owm JONESPA C1911 BROKER 9d Dunlap St COREYPA 55m hiUiiiEL JDFEflYPA wad CLIFF BROWN REALTOR 32 HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONES PA sow PA 60241 Members oi the Barrie heal am Board Einth CImpbeDPA 57339 lorn LangPA mil Fergus aarveyPA 5m RENTALS ms aouszs To RENT mm BOOM Aplnmlnl 01 rent rumiahed rnd herted ren eoouieed Telephone PA sue or real or John street minimum one and two bed room aprrtmenu rted cenlrrh iocrted Kitchens with bullun oupborrdr AdultI only Telephone PA oztao noun nzbrtaoli House on pared rord at on Sutton piece bath ell iurnrce berry duly wirinr large lot write Box Brrm hrmlner THEE BIDRDDlLVHnuu Dal Livinr room dining room rnd kn enen hilly decorated Pull brie mznll Paved dflvewly CI to transportEon rnd renoou heni sloo per month IciePhano PA send Two ngnnoall rugbrick bunn low Ork iinorr Good cupboarda piece brth Gar bertlnr Near North Colicrlete Nerriy new Ponculon December Teie phone PA Moos Two Roost unlurnlrhed lplrti mcnr Combinrtion living roame kitchenette bedroom hrnretto rnd reirigrreior Ground iloor contrri suitable ror one or two Telephone PA Iuld TWO EEDRDOJ rel ontrlncd beried roenrnent with our piece hath New building Private en trahcc laundry facilities water December ht Telephone PA prrkinr no monthly Availbio Norman Shelswell REAL ESTATE BROKER DUNIDP ST rinsr MORTGAGE FUNDS PA 89961 PA 65742 AvnlLAnLDIrl lNrBarsr 505 DP VALUEN0 Fm CHARGED Eveningr Cull Jon Longiih PA M7148 Everett sbclsweu 0rd 2910 Jack willsnn PA 54531 Norman shelswcll PA omi Howard Norris PA 65463 Have You Found the Home You Want If not make an appointment to see this one On tread corner landscaped lot NHA approved three bedrooms Kitchen with large dining area Pc coloured bath with ceramic tile and vanity Plenty of storage cupboards Oil heated and divided basement Storms and screens Carport Good Location TELEPHONE PA 8428l MORTGAGES MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE N0 BONUS Payments insured against accident sickness dmth CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST BARRIE PA 60203 713115 OPPORTUNITIES onion AND vimer siloP tor sale main street downtown ear ner lnckup shop including atock Egan reasonable Telephone PA RENTALS NURSING HOMES KIND CARE given bed and up paucnts Pleasant companionship outings good iood lounge and Tv rooms nehsnnrbla rates Ark Edcn Nursing Home telephone oyni stroud APTS HOUSES TO RENT THREE noon House for rent 40 per month Apply at so Edgebill Drive ior iurthcr inmrmation LARG nicely decorated two be room heated delfecontnined apart merit Central location chudreh welcome Telephone PA nodal Two ROOM hcatcd furnished apartment for rent Hot and cold water Suitable for one or two adults Telephone PA 37395 eve nings criolcl BUILDING Lots in Mine sing $550 and up Call Harold Forster Realtor PA 55453 PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT Bel ZONE overlooking the bay rooms rad hath attached garage walkout basement cold roo atoms and screens and manye trrs Telephone PA soon even ings PA 81032 Timur EEDrtoolil brick bunga low Living room with fireplace shaped dining room all rutn aoe stoma and screens Near schools Dundonald urea Reason able price PA $3297 PROPERTY FOR RENT in ACRES or Farm Land ior rent thf scedcd with good bay lit stroud Apply to Tom anht telephone lrnzz Strand MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE MORTGAGE LOANS ANYWHERE WITH Low MONTHLY PAYMENTS TAILORED To YOUR BUDGET IF YOU NEED MONEY To consolidate dents Pay all existing mortgages 01 mortgages coming due Home improvement Any worthwhile cause Call today for appointment PA 60981 MORTGAGE FUNDING Over SimpsonsSears 129 Dunlap Street mandamuslet and 2nd bought Iold rnd arranged Commorclll rnd residential hone loancd on existing mortgaged nrrle Mort grgo brokers FILMSM Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 324 noun nrnnoolu two storey house in residential area ior rent on rurnrce Hardwood and tile floors Close to schools Telephone PA 34797 Tani2 BEDROOM House ior rent epioee bath close to downtown iully modern Available soon Aduilp Apply in person to Tuck rs Dundonhld street NBW Two Bedroom Bungalow garage Rent very reasonable Im mediate possesslon ll Kcilough Realtors telephone PA 34369 HOUSE Pan RENI rIx rooms clean all Imtr EBIBEE Ultk and tile floors West end Central gingham now iclephene PA FURNISHED Apartment Central puny equipped new turnlture IBIS bath Stilt husInESl Coupla or adults nent includes hydro heat rnd water Phenc PA M1981 RENTALS APTS HOUSES T0 RENT Tnan Boon apartment to rent unnrrnlshed bent and hydro star plied Children welcome Duulop Street West Telephone PA 37155 Faun rlomi House or rent plus bathroom West end district close to school Reasonable rcnt Telephone PA hIDN ior iurtber information Two sToltEY raven room brick home on good residential strect immediate possession nolorcnees Cgilgsl 1i coutta and Co PA uNFuansnlm sitting room stove and rcirigerator in Burton Ave Telephone oaiis VSIX noon House for rent newly decanted oil heated Central lo iation Available now Telephone days PA 83934 or evenIngs PA Hols FOUR noon tarnished heated rprriment three piece bhib heavy duty stove relrlgerrtor hardwood floors Available immediately Apply Armstrong Hardware Two nooiil iurnished bented apartment Separate entrance Parking ircliitles and hydro in eluded Five minutes walk from down town Telephone PA Mm AVAILABLE November two bedroom bungalow all convenien ces oll neat nersonrble Tele phone aukviile Vrlley would or write box hrrrle Examlncr TBltBE ROOM ground floor epart ment Separate entrance and bath Heat supplied close to snhool Available November 22 Telephone PA ilozzo tor iurtller particulars uppizn noohmn Apartment bedrooms living room dloIng room and kitchen piece aria rnom oil heated in baseboard Avauahle now Phone PA M8 FURNISHED two room apart meet heavy duty E1079 and re irlgerhtor lleht light and water supplied 55 monthly Centrally located Apply at waraiey street Telephone PA 61394 Two DEDhooM unfurnished apartment private bath Beat light and water supplied Located at Dalston Highway 93 55 non thiy Available November 15 Tele phone PA osoro aiter pm SEMI DBTACBED Apartment freshiydecorated Living room kitchen bedroom and bath Priv ate trout and rear entrances sin per month Telephone PA 39445 or iurtber intormation apartment bed kitchen with rink supplied PA DNPrransBEn thrco room apart ment selfcontained Modem kit cbeu heavy wiring hot water heating Central location $65 monthly Telephone PA 6623 mmsurm Apartment Centth Three rooms and bath Sellcon talnod private entrance Beat hydro rnd water Parking avail able $15 monthly Telephone PA D1250 ptlesnED modeln completely private one bedroom apartment Lots of cupboards and laundry raclliiies Blake Streetnear east end ebopplugrentre Telephone PA Mini uPPlln DUPLEX iumirhed two bedrooms living room dinette kitchen with builtin cupboards tiled iloor and heavy duty range Heated Private entrance Teice phone PA some for appointment CENTRAL Three large rooms rnd bath wrrm upper duplex Private parking no with stove and reirigerator it required im mediate possesslon Tulophono PA BZBW nvnlenLE Anytime Fivii roam unfumuhed lower duplex Well ingtoh and Bayllold stre tr ults prelerrcd stall month Teio phone PA 704 between film and pm Alter pm PA Vii9159 HEATED modem ueunfflmlshed two bedroom apartment in Stroud apartment house Adults preter red No objection to baby No pets 57 monthly Available Nov ember 15 Telephone strand in COMFORTABLE older type three bedroom bungalow with hardwood floors tireplace oil furnace Also garage and work shop In good rehIdentIdl area Near bus atop achoois and shopping plaza can end Telephone PA oolio LARGE MODERN uniurnished rprrtmcnt three rooms and piece bath Hot water heated Laundry room with dryer Avail able now Telephone PA 85815 or further dctails Tum2 noon apartment avail able immediately Heat and wu tcr suppllcd Rcirlgcrator and stove ii desired 55 monthly Por mrther dctailsphonc PA aoosh or PA 3509 mull nooM rurnlpbed use of washer and dryer Bright and roomy Picture window neuron able rent Telephone PA ooioo TilrlEB noon rurnlshod apart ment in good home suitable ior business or Air Force couple Abstainers No childrenl Near pulsing Telephone PA Tilan ROOMS and bath Appli ances irptlimll Furnished or um furnished Free phrkinizl Very central Laundry rreiiltica Tales Iglans PA 60981 or PA 6403 ov mu GROUNI7 PLoon apartment three rooms stove and retridorator Full basement or storage Allan duic Bus atop at door Avail l131inanmhatoiy Telephone PA uNPuiwisuBl apartment our rooms and brth newly decorated Clern modern sell contrined Ground rioor herted parking central loconn atorage Avril able November oath Telephone PA Hedi cxNTnAL Modem hcrted rprrt ment living room and large bedroom dinette modern kit chen Relrigcrator rnd hcrvy duty rtove Parking trciliiier business couple preierred Tries Pbono PA 58575 HOUSE roll RENT ruit lrrge family Five bedrooms close to schools iully modern Telephone PA High or PA BWEI evunlngr Apply Mortgage Fundinz iio Dun lop st East NEW AND Modem en rnd two bedroom apartments overlooking reenie kempenielt dry here or ter rrking rnd irnlier rervler tnelu ed Autometle warning clllues PA mm Faun ROOM Apartments unturn ished berted tiled brt stove and reirtgerator supplied Central iocetion No children Available immedirieiy $75 monthly ply 32 High Si Telephone PA 41 TWO BEDROOM Apartment in rprtmcnt building Stove reirir erator wohhcr rnd dryer No on jection to small child Available November 15 Telephone PADilis UNPvlllellED three room aprrt ment in modern home iiervy duty wirlnl Ground iloor lleht hydro and water included Near errt end shopping piaxe Telephone PA M705 UNIURNISIIED three room hut ed apartment seli contained stove and retrlgerhtor Three blocks irom Post oriire Good rrking zoo monthly Telephone 61520 uPPEn DUPLEX ultra modern lcll contained bedrooms large living room kitchen with dining area Laundry ihcilities and gar 352 Lower owner occupied Cioxo to schools and bus immediate possession PA Ma Two HEATED Apartments each containing bedroom living room kitchen and three piece bath Son nratc entrance At the Craighurat Gcncrri store Highway Telc phone PA 59575 NEW MODERN centrally locate two bedroom apartment ior rent ltetrigerhtor stove and laundry thcliltier Avnllahlu immediately Janitor service Telephone PA M092 tor iurthor iniormrtion LARGE BEATED Apartment Liv ing room dining ronm kitchen bedrooms and bath sell contained Very central Plenty or storage space Available now $95 monthlyl Telephone PA ozdu Tinted ROOMS self contained all heated tiled iloors kitcbcn with sink and modern cupboards plenty oi closet space stove and retrlgerator supplied Reasonable rent Suit couple Available Nov 10 Phone PA was RENTALS WANTED TO KENT runNianzn nourekeenlng noose erhted by your partners nor on mend rider by November is Agni Iiir llrmiitoo or John St or pm ARTICLES for SALE STORE OWNERS Assorted quantity old stock COUNTER SALES BOOKS SINGLE CARBON AUTOMATIC These books are in per fect condition but have 195 on the doteline REGULAR PRICE FROM 12c to 20¢ Clearing at 9c ea plus PROVINCIAL SALES TAX Commercial Printing Dept Barrie Exarriiner Phone 66537 Used TV from 4900 Used Refrigerators from 8900 Used Ranges from 2900 All unconditionally Guaranteed McFADDEN Appliance 120 PENETANG STREET PA 89238 FURNACES FOR SALE FORCED Am OIL 0R GAS NEW $110 57 FINANCE RATE Phone Callcct Stroud 4lR5 Woodward and Sons Heating Contractors RR Stroud NEWSPAPER MATS Sizcs 321ml Ideal for it ing lien houses attics garages etc perfect insulator 250 PER DOZEN Apply The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario HAVE You TRIED Barrie Auction Rooms and Second Hand Store 55 DUNLOP ST WEST PHONE PA orig 3550 BURNER tor sale in good condition Used 54 years For particulars telephone PA llzils1 VACUUM CLEANER ior sale good condition Selling cheap Tole phone PA 541517 beiora hand can sTavB ior role ZlwId¢ 520 or best ciier Telephone PA $1379 DELUXE 24 iiicClary Gas Range one Phone PA 35417 ior partleulrrs TWO BEDROOM unturnisbed apartment in modern apartment building stove and refrigerator Heat water storage parking space and laundry iroilities Available December is Telephone PA 51167 HEATED Apartment ior rent at 52 Worslcy Strcet Kitchen living room bathroom and bedroom Ali newly decorated Ready to move into 970 per month Telephone gnzfldstrhnsmhn Queens Hotel PA MODERN rel contained one bed room aprrtment Drapes stave nuppllild Refrigerator optional Hawkortona area lSmInuta drive from Barrie close on store Avail able December Jennings PA 35575 are 69 ROOM BOARD ROOM AND BOARD availrbla Close to downtown Appiyl Der cry Street or lurtber lniormatian WArtM comiortable Room with board Gentleman preferred Home privileges Telephone PA Moo or further details llooM AND BOARD with mother ly care given tor bhbics eud chil dren in my own home by the week Telephone PA 37594 collironiABLB nooM with board in quiet home on codrtns ton St Business gentleman pre iorred parking space bur rt donli Telephone PA pesos COMFORTABLE Room to rent with board in private home in General Electric vicinity Lunches parked Close to bus stop Tele phone PA Mail ROOMS TO LET ARENA AREA Heated furnished bedsitting roam ror rent Gentle men preferred Parking space hvaliahie Telephone PA rvsool CENTRAL Location Comiortrbie furnlshcd room in private home Gentleman preterred Parking available Telephone PA wool Bnmrlr iurulshed housekeeping room for rent stove and rciriger rtor suppllcd Telephone PA Halli LAnGB irnht roani iuruisbed in redhed home Suitable for student or business man Bur stop at 332 $1 weekly Telephone PA conilonTABLE ished bed room iar rent suit to for young girl Located close to downtown per week Telephone PA 35757 Jor iurther iriIormatlan anrnrrr Housekeeping Room inn nlshed with stove rerrlgerutor and sink Linen supplied Iirde rired suitable ior one or two girls or business couple At bus stop Telephone pA condo Try An Examiner Want Ad BicycLEs clearance ct present atock or nricigh bicycles $10 off price of any model on the floor ltoblnrohr Hordwarc PA ill COMFORTABLE Chesterfield and chair or rule 315 also imitation giggle $1250 Telephone PA SKATES one prir ol Bauer probuilt skates size lot5w 520 Telephone PA 83117 alter lb or Iurther informatio HONEY FDR SALE Light mber or white honey ln 70lb pails $10 Apply to Wallace Boss Ame aries Box Scalorth Ontario CAEB LOANSsilo at 12 per month Telephone PA min gradient Finance 26 Dunlap st as PAPrs FOR 1553 Chevrolet sedan for sale or win roll complete tor 45 Needs crankshaft Telephone PA 68033 PHILLIPS deluxe electric stove is double oven automatic timer storage drawers Telephone Camp Borden unran PEN tor sale 10 also Thar washing lilachlne need ing some repair Bout storrge spree ior rent Telephone PA Hills nANGErrE Coronado chrome top rnd chirod elements uutomn tic oven in periect condition Also Electrolux nerrlgerrtor apart meut rise in good conditioni Ap ply rt 117 nurtoh Avenue DArNBs Private Rock steam Baths sum way to relax the tensions out of ones tired aching muscles Owens lirn till null gA Mill Saturday is meni ay TWO arrow mus is with tubes mounted on wheels rs new Six wooden storm Windows proximately is 28 good can Lion Telephone as 95427 BBAm Floor lronu electric grill heavy duty Chests or drawers Mirrors several storm windows quantity of boys and mens clothing pairs otlflowend drapes oil Cook street it GAUGE liiarklln Model itrtl roru complete with table land scoping two trains large track layout town with business section Pedestrians roads vehicles etc one year old post on Best out er Telephone PA 512th rnuNEn cnhisrMiis Trees ior rule Reasonable We Iliad ex collcnr colour Your choice at the ram on Highway or delivered Special rates to church service gobs Bert Maw Mlnoslug phone MERCHANTAELE Grndo Hcm 47 per was lo per ADC each 17 1705 lo sloo ere 11 per ll 40 Phone PA in altar chm your old In perloct condition ARTICLES for SALE matures Iulo All flood eonoiuoa on Double bed But read INDIA 30 Dlnlnl MID able mar choir and hul lel Rublellc Perfect can dluon Telephenl K11 Dolor ielun PA M151 Imam spree nerter built like umcc 50200 BTU is room house lilo new complete with gal tank and 1L drum Cort dyer uoo Sell ior 3200 ienna leanings phone PA soon are 69 lKNTA singer Electric Po rbie Machines or rent by the week or the month singer Sew ing Centre Dunlap street Wet Rwlephohe PA $7960 or time Annular PLEA Glll smoke shop io Mrple Avc PA Mm in eddltion to rub rlock oi rmokerr needl we now carry ior your convenience bread hilte eoiree et etc Open hdry noon nunruns Aim Sportsmenl Bo del roan $85 nereitr Pumps New 10 31995 flun Basra 21 sheila Kile coil bunllines $7595 Turret grips raider bullets live bait huntlnr lccnced bind lufll Eyclflhlnl tor the roortrmrn Open eve evening unbsonr Bu an BlmL FRUIT VEGETABLES No Potiron for role var bag or 75 pounds Free deiive on our or more Telephone will DOGS 8r PETS BBAGLBs Pups iii weeks old Good hunting stock Apply litre ll Amos teiepho 0m in clnlIuArlUA Puppies ior le Little beauties Pedigree Stud lenldce Telephone imwa Collinl woo 5FARMERS MARKET LIVESTOCK not human nulls registered Apply Thoreion Hiehvu IUrPaLK wrs ior air bred in Septembe Apply lnr ll mm or eleyhon me are Links or rrle one llolsrei one Ikrllurd wanted purebre Sussex rrm to rent or lease Tele phone Oro 15 ior iurther iniole mrtion llOlflm can regirterc years old carrying second cru due November is Good producer and right in every wry Duocrn Moore RR name PA um LAcoMuz SWINE registered all ages ServiceDie board ernment nrys you 15 on these lirrvcy Moore bridge nn Ontrid Telcohnno UL sass FARM MACHINERY CHARLES cuvncn FARM SUPPLIES SERVICE case Now tloilrnd David Brown nertiy Farm Equipment 16 BURTnh AVE PA 32373 Its time to fix your stable boys With winter drawing near And if you need helping hand Drop in and get it here with Beatty Stable Equipment CASH TRADE TENMS In all Dcckhrrt Tor liiANcncsTBn Puppies for rule registered Good wetrh dogs Apply Glenney 21 Aubrey Avenue ark Ridges Telephone 59316 DlicllsiilND and nergla Puppies ior arie Order now ior Chrlro mes rvoid disappointment lrter Telephone PA 59515 ior minor details Now Prtrlvlmvniu the 1961 line oi shetirno sheep Dag Puppies mrie and remaie modcistricol our or uhle Chllxlmns rcscrvle uons rccepted nowlow down ryment For rurther lniornlr ion phone nidgclen lloure Kcnr neir 0m station loin evenings ARTICLES WANTED USED olL Pips hirerec wanted in buy Telephone Ivy 3R5 WI WILL PAY cAsD ior good used rurniture or any good used rrtlcic Individual or content ioth Phnne Pii dram WANTED old iashloned beaded dmsses or Charleston dresses ton hats rnd bowlers Telephone in ohm SFARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Highest prices paid or dead or crippled cattle and horses Small animals removed rec For fast service phone BARRlE PA H751 collect or ask or ZENITH 94130 NO CHARGE at noon day7 oeyr week ICKS DEAD STOCK RR Foxmoad Ontario License No 139C61 AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOTIVE moron cans FOR SALE VIAU MOTORS Lino RAMBLER HILLMAN AND LAND noint 10 DOWN l7 GOWAN STREET PA 66488 1951 FORD coach ior rrie load condition Best cash otter Tele phone PA 431 1955 DODGE ior in our door clean throughmlt nadlo Four new tires Telephone err an alter is pm 1950 anA ior saic excellent con dition just had lzooo mile check completed One owner brrraln rt $1800 Telephone PA 60103 1952 CHEVROLET ior sale in ex celient condition good radio two snow tires Asking price $150 Telephone PA booii lord oLDsManlLB Body and mo tor in new car condition All or tree including new sci or snow tires Price $11ra Call at Cunn St or phone PA lam TRUCKS dz TRAILERS 1555 DODGE 35mm Truck solo Excellent condition througi out Apply 179 Amie Street south 1952 TllnEibTaN Gait stake Truck long wheelbase twospeed axle excellent condition Trade or terms Apply Brandon Grrage Hillsdrle Ontario MOTOR CARS FOR SALE NO DOWN PAYMENT 54 Pontiac 55 Meteor 56 Fairlarle 57 Rambler 57 Dodge 57 Studebaker 58 Chevrolet automatic 49900 47500 79500 9750 89500 69500 139500 like new suburban doorautomatic like new 58 Hardtop like new and fully equipped 59 Oldsmobile 5P°é° 60 Convertible like new iully equipped MANY OF THESEVCARS HAVE AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS AND RADIOS ALL CARS COMPLETELY WINTERIZED Bay City MOiOrs BRADFORD ST PA 87931 PA 817083 Askroii ANY or sALESMElr RAY COWAN JACK TAYLOR NORM WELLER chuck BYRON GRAHAM DIXON

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