Christ condemns the scribes and Pharisees because they have not used wisely their stewardship oi the Jewish people They have striven for their own selfish ambitions instead of being leaders for THE BARRIE EXAMINER SATURDAY NOV ll 1961 ROMAN CATHOLICS SAY Manual Value Dignity Whitecollar workers or pro fessional men are apt to frown upon overalls grimy faces the whir of machines and aching muscles These are the compan in of bodily toil the employ ment of the vast majority of mankind Such labor eliminates or lessens the activity of mans higher powers his intellect and artistic talents individual Catholics and then adopt superior at titude towards manual labor they do so against the teach Ing of their Church and the ex ample of Christ The Catholic Church believes that Jesus was built the most perfect man who ever lived as well as God Himself Hence He had the sharpest mind the most delicate artistic sense ev er possessed by anyone He would have been the most efï¬ cient factorymanager the most exact secretary the wisest coun sellor the most skillful diplo mat the sagest ruler had He so desired But He did not so desire He Alliston For Youth Rally Plans have been made in co operation with the churches of Alliston for Crusade for Christ Youth Rally to take place on Nov 17 at St Johns United Church in Alliston The rally will commence at pm and will include yin of getting to know one an ther followed by community linging the showing of film Teenage Loyalty girls trio and young peoples choir will sing followed by the Word of Life Stan Izon from Rexdale On tarin will conduct the rally along with number of young people who call themselves Crusaders for Christ Mr Izon whois lay evangelist is active in interdenomination aI work and directs the Cru saders for Christ which is an interdenominational fellowship ot concerned young people from the Rexdale area He is member of St Philips Anglican Church Etobicuke where he has young peoples Bible Class of some 70 teenagers The Youth Rally is primarily aimed at the teenago and early twenty age group older young people are however also in vited Invitations are being sent to ministers and young peoples groups not only in Al liston but also in the surround ing localities similar rally conducted by BIBLE TODAY When Rev Maribinsnn Bible Society Secretary in the Congo visited Rev Graber director of the Congo Protest ant Relief Agency in Bakwan ga recently he was present when an old Congolese chief called on Mr Graber He told how he had lost everything Hil WI who belonged to the Lul uas was stolen and his children were taken away He lost his goats and his owing machine Then he said lost my Bible now am retugee here own nothing cant find my family and cant start new family have no thing to buy wife with new copy of the Holy Bible was placed in his hands His face shone as he took the Book into his hands with loving care This was to him most prized and precious possession Mr Graber also supplied him with some food and this poor de prived man went away greatly comforted Mn Marthinson has supplied many copies of the Scriptures Ged1atthew 231135 in the parable of the talents lie points out the rewards of good stewardship of Gods gifts When the master goes away he leaves his property in the care of his servants Job Hci wished to change the attitude oi men towards corporal labor He wanted to make it clear that every man has his own calling from on highthat it is not so much the kind of work man does that counts but the way in which he does his work whatever it be The man who guides the drill well will gain higher eternal re ward other things being equal than the doctor who is some what negligent in caring for his patients That is why Christ decided to live in home whose head the saintly Joseph was an un skilled carpenter that is why Jesus Himself learned the car penters trade and practised it under Josephs guidance It brought abuse upon Him Peo ple inquired later on with dis dain Is not this the carpen ters son But Christ cared not for their opinion He set an exam ple for all time That is why the Catholic Church reverences the rough perspiring hand of the working man Prepares Stan Izon two weeks ago In Markdale was very success ful and impressive with an overflow crowd necessitating the placing oi extra chairs in the aisles to accommodate all the young people The Mark dale Standard DEFENDS WOMAN DRIVER BIRMINGHAM Ala AP Mrs Todd is director of the Automotive Safety Founda tion says the term woman driver is an old fashioned clique Anybody who says men are better drivers than women simply doesnt know what hes talking about Won are b2t ter drivers because they are more concerned with better driving they take retresher courses in driving and they are mo uptodate than their hus hands THE ALLIANCE CHURCH Breezy and Dante streets George Ross Pastor 945 tumSunday School 1100 am Morning Worship 700 pun Evangelistic Service FIRST CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH St Vincent Street Rev Joe deuzebroek pastor Phnna as 19371 151 Shanty any Road 1030 am REV JAC GEUZEBROEK 230 pm REV TAC GEUZEBROEK Dutch The Churchol Back To God anur Radio Program CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY 159 COLLIER ST Services It Sunday School 11 am MORTALS AND IMMORTALS Reading Room on premises Wed 24 pm All are welcome THE BARRlE REFORMED CHURCH Rev Cornelia Boos giving each number of moneypieces ttaientsMat thew 751445 When the master return he finds that the first two ser Vants have invested their tal eat and increased them for Christianilssociation To Open the roaster He rewards them as the Lord rewards His ser vants with praise and more responsibliityilinlthew 75 tori The third servant however was my and unfaithful He New Barrie Church This Sunday The Canadian Christian AISOClt lotion is opening new church at Duckworth just past 400 bridge at pm on Sunday The congregation first met at the YMCA building five are ago their minister being Rev George Lewington They pr esently have congregation of 150 which is constantly chang ing The reason or this can be perhaps in the aim of the church trying to guide per sons thinking to positive and constructive attitudes and then sending them baekvto their own congregation Iive counsellors assisted Rev Lewington in his counselling of people with social problems Thse counsellors are interested people who have found them selves so to speak and wish to help others do the some We do not try to hold the people but try to leach tb em independence by showing them how to solve their own prob lems He estimated that the church has helped over 300 people in Barrie He also stressed that everything is in complete con fidence We seem to have more sue ess with couples with marital problems and due to this suc IRINITY CHURCH Collier Street Next to the Post Office Trinity XXIII no son rioiy communion no ImMOENDJG PRAYER session The Rev sherrlag The Fruit or Victory Sunday sennoi Nursery 111w nunMoan PRAYER SPECIAL neuron na IIIHMHRANCE DAY senvrcs Sermon THE FRUIT OF VICTORY an Rev Blurring 100 pmEVENEDNO azItMON PROPHETS OF OUR AGE ISAIAH Th Von Read You are cordially invited THE lIIIiiLIIIIIIi CHURCH OF CANADA es would welcome more coupl es said Rev uwington The regular Sunday service is held at 230 pm Every liies day evening at 830 Rev Lew ington gives lecture called Its What You Think Parents night In at 030 pm ever Thursday with films shown on the emotional behav Ior of children Rev Dyer St Georges Anglican Church Allandale will give the lesson at the first service in thenew church this guest speaker Judge Harvey will also be in attendance Rev Lewington has extended an invitation to all interested persons to attend Church To Show Film 0n Heaven The film Time and Eternity which deals with the concept of heaven in space age terms will be presented at the evening service of Burton Avenue Un ited Church fireside following the ser vice in charge of the Youth Bible Class will feature muSTc al numbers by the young people ST GEORGES ALLANDALE Surton Avenue at Granville Street REMEMHRANCE SUNDAY Be At Peace Among Yourselvea amHoly Communion II munHoly Baptism and Remembrance Service Church School Bible Citlll Confirmation Class Nursery painEvening Prayer We invite you to come and worship with us Organfot Tim Shaw areiu choiriuoer Mrs smetuont nectar new Waltor Dyer ST ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Owen and Rev Adams BA Minister Director o1 Praise Raymond Daniels LTCL 945 amSenior School 1100 amNursory Junior School 11 am PRESENTS OF GOD Come And Bring The Eamin Taichureh ESSA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Corner of Burton Avenue Aliandaie Rev Ball Mrs Walker Organist in the refugee cam sin the Congo and more recenty inr the Umbundu people who have vfled to the Congo from the per secution in Angola SUGGESTED READINGS Sunday Nov 10 Mark 14 5372 Monday Nov 20 Mark Tuesday Nov 21 Mark Wednesday Nov 22 Mark 16120 Thursday Nov 21 Psalms 0015 Friday Mlnfster Phone PA 61024 SUNDAY MORNING 1100 SERVICE or wonsmr in Dutch language 1100 SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR CHILDREN To be held in St James Church at Crown Hill Nov 2A Exodus 20120 Satur day Nov 25 Romans 12121 YOU ARE WELCOME CGT GRADUATION SERVICE Mrs Marquis Chairman of Girls Work Board Infant Nursery and Kindergarten Church School at 930 tumPrimary to Young PEOPIE OLD RESOURCES EUR NEW NEEDS Fireside after Evening Service 700 Worsley St BA Minister VISITORS AND NEW RESIDENTS WELCOME Sunday with Russ Davey asr Growth Through Stewardship ELUSTRATED SUNDHf SCHOOL LESSON By Alfred Buesclier buried his talent where it could not grow or do good The master condemned him and gave his talent to one who had manyMatthew 25210450 GOLDEN TEXT Romans 121 An LEAVING Rev Nullmeyer oi Emmanuel Baptist Church in Barrie is leaving his position to accept call from Hamil ton Rev Nullmeyer will be leaving on the 15th of the month DRAWINGS VANISH LONDON Reuters No small drawings by the famed French earicnturist Honore Da umier were stolen today from Londons Victoria and Albert Museum The pen and ink drawings both of court scenes and valued at about $4200 were contained in the same frame Monuments Symbolize Great Men And Deeds DEV DAVID HERVE IllMon Avenue United Church Joshua said to the people of Israel When your dtlldrea ask their fathers in time to come What do these stones mean then you shall let your children know that the band of the Lord is mighty that you may fear your God for ever Joshua 421 Joshua was man of destiny and he knew it Joshua had been chosen to take over com mand of the people the host of lsrael when Moses went up on the mount to die To Joshua was given the task oi claiming the promised land the inheritance promisedby God to the Children at israel Joshua knew that this honour denied to Moses and given to him was the making of history So Joshua commanded that calm of twelve great ston taken form the river Jordan should be set up as stone of remembrance of the faithfulness and the power of Gods help And the reason for having these stones set up is upressly giv en they are to be memor ial reminder so that when the children of the next genera tion and the next and the next come upon the calm of stones they will be prompted to ask as children so often do Why are those stories piled the re What do they mcan Stones of Remembrance monuments memorials always been an interest of man kind We know ourselves to be part of history Part of His story Great men and great deeds are remembered as monumentis erected to comm emorate them Yes and we have calms and monuments and memorial hos pitals and arenas today them selves stones of remembrance to remind us of heroic and humble service selfgiving on the part of many do that what they believed was right and tnie should remain What no tion does not have its stones of remembrance to sons and fathers and daughters who gave themselves in service to the national welfare These stones of remembrance speak to us of COLLIER ST UNITED CHURCH MINISTER The Rev Al Gardiner Skelly MA BD ORGANIST CHOIRMASTER Lloyd Tufford li00 am REMEMBRANCE AND STEWARDSHIP SUNDAY The Minister will Preach CHURCH SCHOOL years andover 930 am under years 1100 am Baby Sitting Facilities at 1100 am IGA CAR PARKING AVAILABLE FOR CHURCH GOERS VISITORS AND NEWCOMERS WELCOME CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH TIIE NEW CHURCH WITH THE OLD STORY Ross and Toronto Streets new coco pension on MR 11 IRELAND nMr Organist and chairman tl00 AM REMEMBRANCE SERVICE REV DAVID REEVE how world of nations passed through troubled waters at Erect cost What do th stones meon First of all they are tribute They are tribute to the noble giving of young life in our day we are aware as nev er before of the futility of wars and of mass spending and moss killing Yet in our close re membrance great conflicts have come upon us No man in all civilization is entirely free of guilt that conditions grew in the world so that only bloody war could resolve the mess The call to arms came in time when there was no tum ing back To that call thous ands and thousands of young men and women answered At the least it was the doing of duty job that had to be done At the must it was laying down of life for friends for home and the chance for day when Gods Word and His will could be worked out in nation and community What do these stories mean They are tribute Yes and they are landmark too Our stones of remembrance Tnark out for us the way we have come They remind us of THE DREAM LIVES 0N Reading of the Roll Oi Honour Infant and Toddler Nurseries SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL 945 om years and over 1100 am up to years 730 pm YOUNG PEOPLES MEETING NEW RESIDENTS AND VISITORS WELCOME EMMANUEL Rev Nuflmcyei time and place Like the burnt out foundation of BURTONAVE UNITED CHURCH Rev Dnvid Reeve BA BD Minister Mr George Jarriteson Organist 1100 am GRANT US COURAGE Sunday School 030 am Jr and Sr Departmeoto 1100 ain Nursery and Primary Departments 700 pan Film TIME AND ETERNITY Harmony Fellowship In charge of KY Wed Nov 15th 800 p111 Bible Study Fellowship WILLOWDALE UNITED CHURCH Stool Street Public School Mr Allan Tamiius ori Minister 1000 am Morning Worship and Sunday School barter Membership Roll Now Open For New Members gt CHURCH SERVING NEW DISTRICT EVERYONE WELCOME FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev Gordon Walker Clapperton at Wmley Miss Elsie Ciflugbiey Director of Mull Sunday Church School at 10 to 10 11 am THE CHRISTIANS ARMOUR TODAY house where there has been tragedy they become land mark that we would like to hurry by and forget the awe full days of the past War monuments always carry with them that uneasy dread we have that there might cornl again another massive bloodlet ting soother sight of mans in humanity to man They remind us not only of heroism but raw lonely years in prison camps bombs from the air in the night death marches North At luntic convoys and ice and death separation and anxious waitinssnd loneliness War is the blot on the land scape iii the history of man It can leave only blackened ruin The best it can teach us Is the solemn vow We shall not pass this way agairl God help us What do these stones meant They are tribute and land mark But they are also sign posta signpost points the way it directs our attention to the road we must take it is of no use If we look at it and then tum aside into another path Will you make no pur pose nf this sacrifice cry out the stones We need to remember that the best way we can honor mans life is to respect the things he lived and died for and do our level best to see that with our lives we do all we can to forward that same cause When Joshua set up the pile of stones they pointed out the fact God is able to iorward the cause of man When Japan sur rendered General Douglas hic Arthur said We have had our last chance If we do not now devise some greater more equit able system Armageddon will be at our door The problem is basically theological and involv es aspiritual resurgence it must be of the spirit it we are to say the flesh The signposts point to Godf If we are to retain the values the culture the hopes of our Christian civilization we must seek and find Gods will for our lives and for our world UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP OF BARRIE 1100 Im School of Religion 1100 am Sunday School 1100 Im Sunday Evening at Oriliin YMCA 20 Peter North Subject Belief Ili Man YMYWCA 26 Owen St For Further Information Call PA 06282 Everyone Welcome Roman Catholic ST MARYS CHURCH IS MULCASTER ST PA 52935 SUNDAY MASSES am nun 1015 am 1130 am EVENING DEVOTIONS Sunday pm Wednesday at 780 Our Mother of Perpetual Help Novena FIRST FRIDAYS MASSES 730 and 1115 In 600 mm LUTHERAN CHURCH or THE GOOD SHEPHERD Steal St 0H HWY II VACANCY PASTOR BEVEREND JOHN oanos box 423 Brntliord Prospect 53412 Sunday School 145 pm WORSHIP pm The Church of IVI Thil Is The Life PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SERVICE lo JOHNSON ST SCHOOL STUDENT MINISTER 930 am MORNING woosnn 930 tun SUNDAY SCHOOL EVERYONE WELCOME 60 Collier Street The Salvation Army Citadel PASTOR NULLMEYERS FAREWELL SERVICES Ii amFEAR NOT LITTLE FLOCK antGOD FORBID THAT SHOULD GLORY 945 amFAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL pm LEAVING YOUR FIRST LOVE From the Letters to Seven Churches 315 pmFtreslde Fellowship Time The Friendly Church with the Worm Welcome ALL CHURCH NOTICES MUST BE iN EXAMINER BY i2 NOON THURS GILLESPE Corps Ofï¬cers SUNDAY sermons Sunday School 945 am Holiness Meeting 1045 lot Evangelistic Service 700 pm Temporarily held In the Odd Fellows Hall on Collier Stre 0110 Post Ofï¬ce WELCOME AWAITS YOU i3