Shore Residents To Pay More Tax has THE BARBIE EXAMINER SATURDAY ND Opening Nights DiamondStudded TORONTO CPI Canadas traditionally diamond studded and white tie Royal Agricultu ral Winter Fair followed lradL tion at the opening Friday night ll 51 The international equestrian trams highlighted thornhing program in series of tough jumps uhith earned first plane or the United States team Can sda was Second Mexico third and Argentina fourth The tedms will continue their competition for the remaining seven nights of the Royal and will aggregate the points earned nightly gt WINS AWARD LONDON Reuters The Times Friday won the award for the bestdesigncd newspaper of the year in the annual Brit ish newspaper design competi Women in evening dress with ermine wraps stood out in sharp contrast to some of the Iarmers who viewed the show dressed in their sweaters and nibber boots The Earl of Feversham offici ally opened the show with speech in which he urged Camr dian farmers to stay alert in what he called an everincreas ineg competitive world market MOST OF ASSESSMENT APPEALS TURNED DOWN By the time the Assessment Commissioner and the Court of Appeal had taken the best part of three days to visit most of the properties which the ownJ ers had taken to the court for adjustment of their assessmnt only few of the as properties received any consideration by the court which were the town ship council members These allowances were for amounts from $100 up to $300 in couple of cases in all others the assessors valuations were ac cepted as right The only appellant to have received any more ttran horns inal benefit on their appeal was the Lefroy Harbour Limited Although they had agreed through their solicitor to accept the mode of making the bus iness assessment on parts of their property reduction was agreed on the total amount of the business portion of this to total assessable nt$537000 on which the business part of their assessment will be added to the valuation of their pr0lt party This basis of business assessment has been reduced on some of the frontage nifect ing the boat slips oi the man ins Another appeal on which the assessment for the past year had been made on lot which was included on another pro perty had the 1961 taies re duced by $500 Fortyeight property owners who came to the court for an appeal against their valuations will receive notice that the sssessors valuations will be sustained When one stops to figure that two dollar additional assess ment has been added to the totsl frontage of waterfront over What do we get for this tax which is based at present at nearly to mills onlhe dollar assessment They are bound to complain louder and louder as the increased values are added to the costs of owner ship of shore property There is little doubt that the time has come to let the Township of Innlslil operate the rural por tion of the municipality and follow the example of Wasaga Beach by secession from the township of the whole shore area and tax it according to the requirements of the area it will take next year to see the same increase in land values show up in the assess ment when the farm Ilnds are revalued if these are upped on the same proportion of the shore property and the vacant lots it will certainly make farm land owhers pay higher tax than at present The rais ing of the total assessment in lnnlsfil moans higher county school rate and bigger share in all the costs most of which are not beneficial to the lake shore property owners in any way loan gamck HAIR STYLISTS Cox THE TEENAGERS KVERY WED FROM 21 PM HDBEILI student R112 appointment only PA 84561 38 Maple Avenue STARTS MON BIG HITS Adult Entertainment IMPERIAL TODAYONLY SATURDAY NIGHT AND SUNDAY momma RESTRICTED MEETING dcmonstrate against Mine Mill national president Ken Smith and his mutual assist rscuons DISRUPT UNION Rival factions in local 598 err at Sudbury Ont disrupt oi the International Union of union meeting Here Mine Mill and Smelter Work shouting clapping miners MAY STRYON MIDDLE 01 ROAD American Regime Defies Classification By CARMAN CUMMING Canadian Press Stall Writer ance pact with the Teamsters union Photo lIeiter Injures Creemore Woman CHEMORE SpeciallMrs Arthur Gownn Creemore had harrowing experience when she was attacked by pound heifer in field near her home west of the village limits The animal tamed her to the ground and trampled her She was brought to the office of Dr Stubbings In the current troubles lbarra left of centre will have to live pinned Communist label on with the some facts of life as in Latin American politics the convenient labels leftist pmAmerican or Castroite often become unstuck At tempts to interpret every event south of Texas in terms of Castro and American often follncious Nevertheless the so called struggle for the soul of Latin America between Washington and Havana is real one and the ouster of Ecuadors Presis dent Jose Maria Velasco lbarra is tied in with it at least in directly Ibarra himself 7Zyeatold veteran oi Latin American un certainties who haa been elected president four times and thrown out of office three times in aoyear period has defied class iiiention FIRED MINISTER5 When he took office last year he was described as an open sympathizer with the Hdcl Cas tro regime But in December his interior minister and close personal friend Manuel ArauJo Hidsign came back from Ha vana glowing about the regime and found himself out of job In May his foreign minister Jose Ricardo Chiriboga was quoted as calling the Castro re gime bloody dictatorship im posed on the Cuban people by outside imperialich interven tion His resignation was ac cepted short time later Starvation Eliori Gets Few Dollars KINGSTON CPA group of Queens University students ate their first meal in four days at noon Friday Approximately 247 students vowed not to consume anything but coiiee ten and water be ginning Tuesday By doing so they hoped to raise student in terest in current campus campaign for the worlds starv ing millions Stewart Euodings 70 of Port Hope president of the Alma Ma ter Society said as he tackled bowl of soup You really cant tell whether our Operation Star vation had any effect or not Goodings and David Hill 21 and Donald Fraser both of Ottawa were the leaders of the promotion stunt All the money saved on food waste be contributed to the World University Services Share campaign but only five or six dollars trickled into the special boaï¬es provided in the dining aid are his vicepresident and onetime ally Carlos Julio Amscmenn andthnd him arrested for al legedly trying to set up dic tatorship In typical Latin American upset of fortunes however Amlt scmcna walked out of jail Wed nesday and was sworn in as president Thursday Castro is reported delighted with the turnover while Wash ington is less than happy The new president in his first statement in office called for friendly relations with Cubaa statement that may cost the country dearly when Washing ton hands out aid SAME COUNTRY But Arnsemena whatever the degree of his deviation to the Disaster his predecessor chiefly he will have to live with the army which put up its own candidate after Ibarrn stepped down in the midst oi the crisis and accepted Arose men only after an attack from its air force colleagues Also he will have to live with the economic troubles that led ibarra to impose the austerity measures that resulted in strikes students riots and the eventual overthrow oi the re gime Considerations such as these undoubtedly are behind the new presidents decision toname cabinet balanced over the politi cal spectrum They may also keep him somewhere near the middle of the roadii as Can find it Reveals Humorous Side By BOB THOMAS HOLLYWOOD APComedy was mixed with tragedy in this weeks big storythe fire that raced through the heart of the movie colony The flames destroyed the homes of film stars Burt Lan caster Joe Brown Zsa Zsa Gabor Cliff Robertson La verne Andrews Walter Wanger For scores of others the tire brought hours of frantic effort and concern for their homes As in all such tense situations there were moments of humor What do people snatch up when they are faced with total loss The Van Heflins took load of paintings to her mothers house then returned to operate kind of Noahs ark for burned out neighbors Their corral wasfilled withps horses an assortment oi cats and dogs and other pets SAVED JEWELS Mrs Richard Boone left her Mandcville canyon home hur riedly took along only her furs and jewels suit for her hus band and one for their son She must have thought we were going to party says Boone He was able to get up to the house and keep thepgrounds wet while the fire swept through the canyon dontthink could stand losing two houses in two years he says His Pacific Palisades house was robbed and set nfire two years ago while he was in New York Marlon Brando loaded car of belongings but an aide didnt want to specify what they were hes been robbed so many times The aid did mention pictures of his chil den The Brando Oscar re mained in the safe the actors father WATERED ROOFS James to get keeping of spent the night the roots at his Highbors houses while others burned to the ground The neighbor was so grateful she said yien we build our bomb shelter well let you and your iamin in Colleen Gty bad crane to take two carioadsoi belongi ings out before flames closed in on her huse What did she Small things of mon etary value and big things of sentimental value Among ughter guitar layer house pr tures expensive books and lay ers of clothing between paint ings done by the family kept hinkin so hI back and 51y go trading stain did ted friends in the village on urance baby mc who administered to her injur ies which included fractured right hand and leg abrasions and bad case oi shattered nerves Mr and Mrs Douglas Me Lellnn have announced the birth of son James Franklin at the Gand Hospital Coll ingwood Stan Nixon has been hunting in the North for the past week with party from Stayner Boyd Wood of Don Mills visi the weekend This community was sadden ed by the death of Jack Rain bird Tuesday Mr Rainhird was driver with the Depart ment of National Defence at Camp Borden and had picked up an army officer at Trenton and was on his way home when the accident toccurred It is understh ho was killed in stantly and the army otiicer was severely injured as were two occupants of the other car involved in the accident near Pickering on Highway land from one end of lnnisfil to the other plus half to development lmate of million dollars ad dltiuual to the townships as year will likely be realiza tlon ties have been asking over and nuble on all lots remaining on plan the est essment roll for the coming Owners at these proper Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 82414 iNSURANCE QUALITY WITH ECONOMY PROTECTION IS OUR PRODUCT SERVICE IS OUR BUSINESS BENTLEY C0 PA H583 Ll Collier St Suite 802 SM In St Pete theres an adventure waiting for you evarywh si tseei boat moansio done do bgutillrl mesall vat of youYSt to doslways way to eoloy nothing to do Its just that way In St Pete Write for complete Mama many in your WIII immodia tron let us send your kit for Fsrni chambor of Commerce St Petsmburp and what kind of swommodstions vnu will need We Swimming fishl golï¬n gong lalAlal horseman an ots adventure Always somrthing know when you are coming how ly Adventurr 11 Davenport Florian STARTS MONDAY MATINEE WED pm FEATURE AT 720 930 This is the man from The Mutual Life Erskine lions lillle Acre Galowells most mlshenavin female the Child woman IIIBYIEIIEII among IIIIIGI IIIIIIDS snunsus ls mammals BROS DllNEMcBllNlRlHUR KENNEDY lllll lllllCtllNi WNSRNCE lflRDGliUDE Milli TODAY ONLY FANNY Color At 55 930 DANCING ODD ELLOWS HALL COLLIER ST EVERY FRIDAY SATURDAY FRIDAY rs SATURDAY CLAIR ANDREWS and His CombmAirs ADMISION 75 REFRESHMENT BDOTH NO SLACKS JEANS PERMITTED Old Tyme and Modern Dancing Often he bowls 220 whichcompares favourably With the rest of the team He looks forward to this weekly recreation baoauae he enjoys being with people At work helping people to plan for future of financial senurityis his primeconcem Hes an 9W lt insurance counsellor valued friend The Mutual L1fe ASSURANCE éOMPANY OF CANADA The companywith the outstanding dividend record ADU Isuuumwm Representatives Arthur Johnston 15 Shirley Avenue Phone PA 82308 Ron Chantler 223 Wellington St Phone PA li7500